/* underlying/spacetime views, and also replaying */ namespace hr { namespace ads_game { hrmap *map_hyp; void switch_pause() { paused = !paused; if(paused) { current_ship = current; vctr_ship = vctr; vctrV_ship = vctrV; view_pt = 0; } else { current = current_ship; vctr = new_vctr = vctr_ship; vctrV = new_vctrV = vctrV_ship; } } bool hv_klein = false; int use_duality = 2; transmatrix Duality; void switch_spacetime_to(bool b) { if(in_spacetime() != b) switch_spacetime(); } bool in_spacetime() { return main_rock ? hyperbolic : rotspace; } void switch_spacetime() { clearMessages(); if(main_rock) { if(sphere) { cgi.use_count++; geometry = gSpace435; variation = eVariation::pure; swap(currentmap, map_hyp); pmodel = hv_klein ? mdDisk : mdPerspective; if(hv_klein) pconf.alpha = 0; check_cgi(); cgi.require_basics(); cgi.use_count++; initcells(); initgame(); models::desitter_projections = true; } else if(hyperbolic) { geometry = gSphere; variation = eVariation::bitruncated; swap(currentmap, map_hyp); pmodel = mdDisk; check_cgi(); } } else { check_cgi(); cgi.use_count++; if(hyperbolic) { hybrid::switch_to_actual(); pmodel = mdRelPerspective; hyperpoint res; nonisotropic_weird_transforms = true; NLP = Id; Duality = Id; for(int a=0; a<4; a++) for(int b=0; b<4; b++) Duality[a][b] = (a^2) == b; } else if(hybri) { hybrid::switch_to_underlying(); pmodel = mdDisk; } cgi.use_count++; } View = Id; cwt = centerover = currentmap->gamestart(); } bool ads_draw_cell(cell *c, const shiftmatrix& V) { auto cur_w = hybrid::get_where(c); auto& ci = ci_at[cur_w.first]; if(ci.type) { c->wall = waWaxWall; c->landparam = ci.type == wtSolid ? 0x603000 : ci.type == wtDestructible ? 0x301800 : 0x080828; } else { c->wall = waNone; } return false; } void replay_animation() { nomap = main_rock ? (!hyperbolic || among(pmodel, mdRelPerspective, mdRelOrthogonal)) : !sl2; if(in_replay) { view_pt = (ticks / 1000.) * DS_(simspeed); ld maxt = history.back().start + 0.001; view_pt -= maxt * floor(view_pt / maxt); for(auto& ss: history) if(ss.start + ss.duration > view_pt) { current = ss.current; if(main_rock) { dynamicval g(geometry, gSpace435); current.T = inverse(ss.at.T * spin(-(ss.ang)*degree)); current.T = lorentz(3, 2, view_pt - ss.start) * current.T; } else PIA({ vctr = new_vctr = ss.vctr; vctrV = new_vctrV = ss.vctrV; current.T = cspin(3, 2, view_pt - ss.start) * current.T; if(auto_rotate) current.T = cspin(1, 0, view_pt - ss.start) * current.T; }); break; } } if(main_rock && hyperbolic) { View = Id; centerover = currentmap->gamestart(); ld s = current.shift; while(s > +1) { View = lorentz(2, 3, -1) * View; optimizeview(); s--; } while(s < -1) { View = lorentz(2, 3, 1) * View; optimizeview(); s++; } View = current.T * lorentz(2, 3, -s) * View; optimizeview(); centerover->wall = waNone; } if(!main_rock && rotspace) { check_cgi(); ads_matrix CV = current * vctrV; centerover = hybrid::get_at(vctr, 0); View = Id; // chg_shift(CV.shift) * CV.T auto sub_optimizeview = [&] { /* the important difference from optimizeview() is that we do not try to fix */ transmatrix iView = inverse(View); virtualRebase(centerover, iView); View = inverse(iView); }; ld s = CV.shift; View = CV.T * View; optimizeview(); while(s > 1) { View = chg_shift(1) * View; sub_optimizeview(); s--; } while(s < -1) { View = chg_shift(-1) * View; sub_optimizeview(); s++; } View = chg_shift(s) * View; sub_optimizeview(); centerover->wall = waNone; } } void switch_replay() { in_replay = !in_replay; if(in_replay) { paused = true; anims::period = 1000. * history.back().start / DS_(simspeed); anims::noframes = anims::period * 60 / 1000; } } auto view_hooks = + arg::add3("-ds-recenter", [] { current = Id; }) + arg::add3("-ds-record", switch_replay) + arg::add3("-ads-duality", [] { arg::shift(); use_duality = arg::argi(); }) + arg::add3("-ds-switchu", switch_spacetime); }}