// Hyperbolic Rogue -- the mission screen // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file quit.cpp * \brief the mission screen, and routines related to it */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { EX bool quitsaves() { return (items[itOrbSafety] && CAP_SAVE && !arcm::in()); } EX bool needConfirmationEvenIfSaved() { return canmove && (gold() >= 30 || tkills() >= 50) && !cheater; } EX bool needConfirmation() { return needConfirmationEvenIfSaved() && !quitsaves(); } EX int getgametime() { return (int) (savetime + (timerstopped ? 0 : (time(NULL) - timerstart))); } EX string getgametime_s(int timespent IS(getgametime())) { char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, "%d:%02d", timespent/60, timespent % 60); return buf; } string timeline() { return shmup::on ? XLAT("%1 knives (%2)", its(turncount), getgametime_s()) : XLAT("%1 turns (%2)", its(turncount), getgametime_s()); } EX void noaction() {} EX function<void()> cancel = noaction; #if HDR struct hint { time_t last; function<bool()> usable; function<void()> display; function<void()> action; }; #endif EX hint hints[] = { { 0, []() { return !inv::on && geometry == gNormal && items[localTreasureType()] >= 18; }, []() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "If you collect too many treasures in a given land, it will become " "extremely dangerous. Try other lands once you have enough!")); }, noaction}, { 0, []() { return !ISMOBILE; }, []() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "Remember that you can right click almost anything for more information.")); #if ISMAC dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "(You can also use right Shift)\n\n")); #endif }, noaction}, { 0, []() { return !canmove; }, []() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Guided Tour!" )); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem(XLAT("guided tour"), 'z'); }, []() { #if CAP_TOUR tour::start(); #else addMessage("Not in this version"); #endif }}, { 0, []() { return !inv::on; }, []() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "Collecting 25 treasures in a given land may be dangerous, " "but allows magical Orbs of this land to appear in other places!" )); }, noaction}, { 0, []() { return !canmove; }, []() { dialog::addInfo(XLAT( "Press ESC to view this screen during the game." )); }, noaction }, { 0, []() { return true; }, []() { dialog::addInfo(XLAT( #if ISMOBILE==1 "The 'world overview' shows all the lands in HyperRogue." #else "Press 'o' to see all the lands in HyperRogue." #endif )); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem(XLAT("world overview"), 'z'); }, []() { pushScreen(showOverview); }}, { 0, []() { return !canmove; }, []() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "Want another type of game? Want more challenge?\n" "HyperRogue has many special modes and challenges that " "significantly change the gameplay. Try them!" )); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem(XLAT("special game modes"), 'z'); }, []() { pushScreen(showChangeMode); }}, { 0, []() { return true; }, []() { dialog::addInfo(XLAT( "Hyperbolic geometry can be shown in many ways." )); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem(XLAT("special display modes"), 'z'); }, []() { pushScreen(models::model_menu); }}, { 0, []() { return !canmove && !inv::on; }, []() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "You do not want to lose the game from a single mistake?\n" "Do you want to use the Orbs strategically?\n" "Try the Orb Strategy mode!") ); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem(XLAT("Orb Strategy mode"), 'z'); }, []() { #if CAP_INV restart_game(rg::inv); #endif } }, { 0, []() { return CAP_RUG && geometry == gNormal; }, []() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "Do you think you are playing on a ball? " "This is far from the truth!\n" )); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem(XLAT("hypersian rug mode"), 'z'); }, [] () { #if CAP_RUG popScreen(); int wm, mm; rug::init(); wm = vid.wallmode; mm = vid.monmode; vid.wallmode = 3; vid.monmode = 2; cancel = [wm, mm] () { rug::close(); vid.wallmode = wm; vid.monmode = mm; }; #endif } }, { 0, []() { return !canmove && geometry == gNormal && celldist(cwt.at) >= 50; }, []() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "Did you know that the path you take during the game " "is usually very close to a straight line?\n" )); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem(XLAT("Show me!"), 'z'); }, [] () { popScreen(); auto m = pmodel; pmodel = mdBand; int r = models::rotation; bool h = history::includeHistory; models::rotation = 0; history::includeHistory = true; history::create_playerpath(); cancel = [m,r,h] () { history::clear(); pmodel = m; models::rotation = r; history::includeHistory = h; fullcenter(); }; } }, { 0, []() { return !canmove && sizes_known() && celldist(cwt.at) >= 50; }, []() { int d = celldist(cwt.at); string s = expansion.approximate_descendants(d, 10000); dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "You are %1 cells away from the starting point, or " "the place where you used an Orb of Safety last time. " "There are %2 such cells.\n", its(d), s )); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem(XLAT("expansion"), 'z'); }, [] () { viewdists = !viewdists; popScreen(); cancel = [] () { viewdists = false; }; } }, { 0, []() { return !canmove && showHalloween(); }, []() { dialog::addItem(XLAT("Halloween mini-game"), 'z'); }, [] () { if(!sphere) { resetModes(); stop_game(); specialland = laHalloween; set_geometry(gSphere); start_game(); vid.alpha = 999; vid.scale = 998; } else { resetModes(); vid.alpha = 1; vid.scale = 1; } } }, {-1, []() { return false; }, noaction, noaction} }; EX int hinttoshow; string contstr() { return XLAT(canmove ? "continue" : "see how it ended"); } eLand nextHyperstone() { generateLandList(isLandIngame); for(eLand l: landlist) if(items[treasureType(l)] < R10 && !isCrossroads(l) && l != laPrincessQuest && l != laCamelot) return l; if(items[itHyperstone] >= 10) return laNone; return laCrossroads; } EX void showMission() { cmode = sm::DOTOUR | sm::MISSION | sm::CENTER; gamescreen(1); drawStats(); dialog::init( #if CAP_TOUR tour::on ? (canmove ? XLAT("guided tour") : XLAT("GAME OVER")) : #endif (cheater && !autocheat)? XLAT("It is a shame to cheat!") : racing::on ? "racing mode" : (canmove && princess::challenge) ? XLAT("%1 Challenge", moPrincess) : canmove ? XLAT("Quest status") : XLAT("GAME OVER"), 0xC00000, 200, 100 ); keyhandler = handleKeyQuit; if(!peace::on && !racing::on) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Your score: %1", its(gold()))); if(!peace::on && !racing::on) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Enemies killed: %1", its(tkills()))); #if CAP_TOUR if(tour::on) ; else #endif if(items[itOrbYendor]) { dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Orbs of Yendor found: %1", its(items[itOrbYendor])), iinf[itOrbYendor].color); dialog::addInfo(XLAT("CONGRATULATIONS!"), iinf[itOrbYendor].color); } else { if(0) ; #if CAP_TOUR else if(tour::on) ; #endif else if(racing::on) ; else if(princess::challenge) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Follow the Mouse and escape with %the1!", moPrincess)); else if(gold() < R30) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Collect %1 $$$ to access more worlds", its(R30))); else if(gold() < R60) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Collect %1 $$$ to access even more lands", its(R60))); else if(!landUnlocked(laHell)) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Collect at least %1 treasures in each of 9 types to access Hell", its(R10))); else if(items[itHell] < R10) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Collect at least %1 Demon Daisies to find the Orbs of Yendor", its(R10))); else if(isize(yendor::yi) == 0) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Look for the Orbs of Yendor in Hell or in the Crossroads!")); else dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Unlock the Orb of Yendor!")); } if(!timerstopped && !canmove) { savetime += time(NULL) - timerstart; timerstopped = true; } if(canmove && !timerstart) timerstart = time(NULL); if(princess::challenge) ; #if CAP_TOUR else if(tour::on) ; #endif else if(peace::on) ; else if(racing::on) ; else if(tkills() < R100) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Defeat %1 enemies to access the Graveyard", its(R100))); else if(kills[moVizier] == 0 && (items[itFernFlower] < U5 || items[itGold] < U5)) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Kill a Vizier in the Palace to access Emerald Mine")); else if(items[itEmerald] < U5) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Collect 5 Emeralds to access Camelot")); else if(landUnlocked(laHell) && !chaosmode) { eLand l = nextHyperstone(); if(l) dialog::addInfo( XLAT( l ? "Hyperstone Quest: collect at least %3 points in %the2" : "Hyperstone Quest: collect at least %3 %1 in %the2", treasureType(l), l, its(R10))); else dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Hyperstone Quest completed!"), iinf[itHyperstone].color); } else dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Some lands unlock at specific treasures or kills")); if(cheater && !autocheat) { dialog::addInfo(XLAT("you have cheated %1 times", its(cheater)), 0xFF2020); } else if(!racing::on) { dialog::addInfo(timeline(), dialog::dialogcolor); } dialog::addBreak(100); #if CAP_TOUR if(!tour::on) { hints[hinttoshow].display(); dialog::addBreak(100); } #endif bool intour = false; #if CAP_TOUR intour = tour::on; #endif if(intour) { #if CAP_TOUR if(canmove) { if(sphere) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("return to your game"), '1'); dialog::addItem(XLAT(vid.alpha < 2 ? "orthogonal projection" : "stereographic projection"), '3'); } else if(euclid) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("return to your game"), '2'); dialog::addBreak(100); } else { dialog::addItem(XLAT("spherical geometry"), '1'); dialog::addItem(XLAT("Euclidean geometry"), '2'); } // dialog::addItem(XLAT("more curved hyperbolic geometry"), '3'); } if(!items[itOrbTeleport]) dialog::addItem(XLAT("teleport away"), '4'); else if(!items[itOrbAether]) dialog::addItem(XLAT("move through walls"), '4'); else dialog::addItem(XLAT("flash"), '4'); if(canmove) { if(tour::slidecommand != "") dialog::addItem(tour::slidecommand, '5'); dialog::addItem(XLAT("static mode"), '6'); dialog::addItem(XLAT("enable/disable texts"), '7'); dialog::addItem(XLAT("next slide"), SDLK_RETURN); dialog::addItem(XLAT("previous slide"), SDLK_BACKSPACE); dialog::addItem(XLAT("list of slides"), '9'); dialog::addItem(XLAT("leave the tour mode"), '0'); } else dialog::addBreak(200); dialog::addItem(XLAT("main menu"), 'v'); dialog::addItem("continue", SDLK_ESCAPE); #endif } else { dialog::addItem(contstr(), SDLK_ESCAPE); dialog::addItem(XLAT("main menu"), 'v'); dialog::addItem(XLAT("restart"), SDLK_F5); if(inv::on && items[itInventory]) dialog::addItem(XLAT("inventory"), 'i'); if(racing::on) dialog::addItem(XLAT("racing menu"), 'o'); #if ISMOBILE==0 dialog::addItem(XLAT(quitsaves() ? "save" : "quit"), SDLK_F10); #endif #if CAP_ANDROIDSHARE dialog::addItem(XLAT("SHARE"), 's'-96); #endif } dialog::addItem(XLAT("message log"), 'l'); dialog::display(); } EX void handleKeyQuit(int sym, int uni) { dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); // ignore the camera movement keys #if CAP_RUG if(rug::rugged && (sym == SDLK_UP || sym == SDLK_DOWN || sym == SDLK_PAGEUP || sym == SDLK_PAGEDOWN || sym == SDLK_RIGHT || sym == SDLK_LEFT)) sym = 0; #endif if(sym == SDLK_RETURN || sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER || sym == SDLK_F10) { if(needConfirmation()) pushScreen([] { dialog::confirm_dialog( XLAT("This will exit HyperRogue without saving your current game. Are you sure?"), [] { quitmainloop = true; }); }); else quitmainloop = true; } else if(uni == 'r' || sym == SDLK_F5) dialog::do_if_confirmed([] { restart_game(rg::nothing); msgs.clear(); }); else if(uni == 'v') popScreenAll(), pushScreen(showMainMenu); else if(uni == 'l') popScreenAll(), pushScreen(showMessageLog), messagelogpos = isize(gamelog); else if(uni == 'z') hints[hinttoshow].action(); else if(sym == SDLK_F3 || (sym == ' ' || sym == SDLK_HOME)) fullcenter(); else if(uni == 'o') get_o_key().second(); #if CAP_INV else if(uni == 'i' && inv::on) pushScreen(inv::show); #endif #if CAP_SAVE else if(uni == 't') { msgs.clear(); scores::load(); } #endif else if(doexiton(sym, uni) && !didsomething) { popScreen(); msgs.clear(); if(!canmove) { addMessage(XLAT("GAME OVER")); addMessage(timeline()); } } } EX int counthints() { for(int h=0;; h++) if(hints[h].last < 0) return h; } EX void showMissionScreen() { cancel(); cancel = noaction; popScreenAll(); achievement_final(false); if(daily::on) { #if CAP_DAILY pushScreen(daily::showMenu); #endif } else pushScreen(showMission); #if CAP_TOUR if(!tour::on) #endif { int ch = counthints(); hinttoshow = ch; int h; for(h=0; h < ch; h++) { if(!hints[h].usable()) continue; if(hinttoshow == ch || hints[h].last < hints[hinttoshow].last) hinttoshow = h; } hints[hinttoshow].last = time(NULL); } dialog::highlight_text = contstr(); } }