bool audio; string musiclicense; string musfname[landtypes]; int musicvolume = 60, effvolume = 60; eLand getCurrentLandForMusic() { eLand id = cwt.c->land; if(isHaunted(id)) id = laHaunted; if(id == laWarpSea) id = laWarpCoast; return id; } void playSeenSound(cell *c) { if(!c->monst) return; bool nearme = c->cpdist <= 7; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->cpdist <= 7) nearme = true; if(!nearme) return; if(c->monst == moEagle) playSound(c, "seen-eagle"); else if(c->monst == moEarthElemental) playSound(c, "seen-earth"); else if(c->monst == moAirElemental) playSound(c, "seen-air"); else if(c->monst == moWaterElemental) playSound(c, "seen-water"); else if(c->monst == moFireElemental) playSound(c, "fire"); else if(c->monst == moDragonHead) playSound(c, "seen-dragon"); else if(c->monst == moWorm) playSound(c, "seen-sandworm"); else if(c->monst == moSkeleton && c->land != laDungeon) playSound(c, "seen-skeleton"); else if(c->monst == moHexSnake) playSound(c, "seen-snake"); else if(c->monst == moWolf || c->monst == moRedFox) playSound(c, "seen-woof"); else if(isTroll(c->monst)) playSound(c, "seen-troll"); else if(c->monst == moNecromancer) playSound(c, "seen-necromancer"); else if(c->monst == moGhost) playSound(c, "seen-ghost"); else if(c->monst == moRoseBeauty) playSound(c, princessgender() ? "seen-rosebeauty" : "seen-gardener"); else if(c->monst == moVizier) playSound(c, "seen-vizier"); else if(c->monst == moFireFairy) playSound(c, "seen-fairy"); else if(c->monst == moCultist) playSound(c, "seen-cultist"); else if(c->monst == moPyroCultist) playSound(c, "seen-cultistfire"); else if(c->monst == moCultistLeader) playSound(c, "seen-cultistleader"); } #if CAP_SDLAUDIO bool loaded[landtypes]; Mix_Music* music[landtypes]; int musicpos[landtypes]; int musstart; int musfadeval = 2000; eLand cid = laNone; hookset *hooks_music; void handlemusic() { DEBB(DF_GRAPH, (debugfile,"handle music\n")); if(audio && musicvolume) { eLand id = getCurrentLandForMusic(); if(callhandlers(false, hooks_music, id)) return; if(outoffocus) id = eLand(0); if(musfname[id] == "LAST") id = cid; if(!loaded[id]) { loaded[id] = true; // printf("loading (%d)> %s\n", id, musfname[id].c_str()); if(musfname[id] != "") { music[id] = Mix_LoadMUS(musfname[id].c_str()); if(!music[id]) { printf("Mix_LoadMUS: %s\n", Mix_GetError()); } } } if(cid != id && !musfadeval) { musicpos[cid] = SDL_GetTicks() - musstart; musfadeval = musicpos[id] ? 500 : 2000; Mix_FadeOutMusic(musfadeval); // printf("fadeout %d, pos %d\n", musfadeval, musicpos[cid]); } if(music[id] && !Mix_PlayingMusic()) { cid = id; Mix_VolumeMusic(musicvolume); Mix_FadeInMusicPos(music[id], -1, musfadeval, musicpos[id] / 1000.0); // printf("fadein %d, pos %d\n", musfadeval, musicpos[cid]); musstart = SDL_GetTicks() - musicpos[id]; musicpos[id] = 0; musfadeval = 0; } } } void resetmusic() { if(audio && musicvolume) { Mix_FadeOutMusic(3000); cid = laNone; for(int i=0; i 0) { for(int i=0; buf[i]; i++) if(buf[i] == 10 || buf[i] == 13) buf[i] = 0; if(buf[0] == '[' && buf[3] == ']') { int id = (buf[1] - '0') * 10 + buf[2] - '0'; if(id >= 0 && id < landtypes) { if(buf[5] == '*' && buf[6] == '/') musfname[id] = dir2 + (buf+7); else musfname[id] = buf+5; } else { fprintf(stderr, "warning: bad soundtrack id, use the following format:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "[##] */filename\n"); fprintf(stderr, "where ## are two digits, and */ is optional and replaced by path to the music\n"); fprintf(stderr, "alternatively LAST = reuse the last track instead of having a special one"); } // printf("[%2d] %s\n", id, buf); } else if(buf[0] == '#') { } else { musiclicense += buf; musiclicense += "\n"; } } fclose(f); return true; } return false; } bool loadMusicInfo() { return loadMusicInfo(musicfile) || loadMusicInfo(HYPERPATH "hyperrogue-music.txt") || loadMusicInfo("./hyperrogue-music.txt") || loadMusicInfo("music/hyperrogue-music.txt") // Destination set by ./configure (in the GitHub repository) #ifdef MUSICDESTDIR || loadMusicInfo(MUSICDESTDIR) #endif #ifdef FHS || loadMusicInfo("/usr/share/hyperrogue/hyperrogue-music.txt") || loadMusicInfo(s0 + getenv("HOME") + "/.hyperrogue-music.txt") #endif ; } void initAudio() { audio = loadMusicInfo(); if(audio) { if(Mix_OpenAudio(MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize audio: %s\n", Mix_GetError()); audio = false; } else { audio = true; Mix_AllocateChannels(16); } } } map chunks; #ifdef SOUNDDESTDIR string wheresounds = SOUNDDESTDIR; #else string wheresounds = HYPERPATH "sounds/"; #endif void playSound(cell *c, const string& fname, int vol) { if(effvolume == 0) return; // printf("Play sound: %s\n", fname.c_str()); if(!chunks.count(fname)) { string s = wheresounds+fname+".ogg"; chunks[fname] = Mix_LoadWAV(s.c_str()); // printf("Loading, as %p\n", chunks[fname]); } Mix_Chunk *chunk = chunks[fname]; if(chunk) { Mix_VolumeChunk(chunk, effvolume * vol / 100); Mix_PlayChannel(-1, chunk, 0); } } #else void resetmusic() {} #endif