// Hyperbolic Rogue -- patterns // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file pattern2.cpp * \brief various functions computing the standings of individual cells with respect to various patterns * * Patterns include simple ones (hexagon or heptagon, three-colorings, Chessboard) * as well as more complex ones (Emerald, Palace, Field Pattern) */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { #if HDR enum cpatterntype { cpFootball, cpThree, cpChess, cpSingle, cpSingleSym, cpOddEven, cpLarge, cpZebra, cpUnknown }; #endif EX void enable_canvas() { firstland = specialland = laCanvas; randomPatternsMode = false; land_structure = lsSingle; } EX int ctof(cell *c) { #if CAP_IRR if(IRREGULAR) return irr::ctof(c); #endif if(PURE) return 1; // if(meuclid) return 0; if(!c) return 1; if(bt::in()) return c->type == 7; return ishept(c) ? 1 : 0; // c->type == 6 ? 0 : 1; } EX int ctof012(cell *c) { return ishept(c)?1:ishex1(c)?0:2; } int gp_threecolor() { if(cgflags & qPORTALSPACE) return 0; if(!GOLDBERG) return 0; #if CAP_GP if(S3 == 3 && (gp::param.first - gp::param.second) % 3 == 0) return 2; #endif return 1; } int eupattern(cell *c) { if(cgflags & qPORTALSPACE) return 0; auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int x = co.first, y = co.second; if(a4) return ((x&1) + 2*(y&1)) % 3; else return gmod(y-x, 3); } int eupattern4(cell *c) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int x = co.first, y = co.second; return (x&1) + ((y&1)) * 2; } EX bool ishept(cell *c) { if(cgflags & qPORTALSPACE) return 0; // EUCLIDEAN if(euc::in() && PURE) return eupattern(c) == 0; else if(mhybrid) { cell *c1 = hybrid::get_where(c).first; return c1 == c1->master->c7; } else return c == c->master->c7; } EX bool ishex1(cell *c) { if(cgflags & qPORTALSPACE) return 0; // EUCLIDEAN if(euc::in() && PURE) return eupattern(c) == 1; #if CAP_GP else if(GOLDBERG) return c->master->c7 != c && !pseudohept(c->move(0)); #endif else return c->master->c7 != c; } bool ishex2(cell *c) { if(cgflags & qPORTALSPACE) return 0; // EUCLIDEAN if(euc::in() && PURE) return eupattern(c) == 1; #if CAP_GP else if(GOLDBERG) return c->master->c7 != c && gp::pseudohept_val(c) == 1; #endif else return c->master->c7 != c; } EX int chessvalue(cell *c) { if(cgflags & qPORTALSPACE) return 0; #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) return arcm::chessvalue(c); else #endif #if CAP_GP if(WARPED) return gp::untruncated_shift(c) == 2; else if(UNRECTIFIED && a4) { auto li = gp::get_local_info(c); bool odd_a = gp::param.first & 1; bool odd_b = gp::param.second & 1; // odd-odd if(odd_a && odd_b) return (li.relative.second & 1) ^ (li.last_dir & 1) ^ (c->master->dm4 & 1) ^ ((c->master->emeraldval & 1) ? 1 : 0); else if(odd_a || odd_b) { /* int swapped = 0; cellwalker cw(c, 0); while((li.relative.first ^ li.relative.second) & 1) { cw += wstep; cw += 2; swapped ^= 1; } */ if((li.relative.first ^ li.relative.second) & 1) return (li.relative.first & 1) ^ ((c->master->cmove(0)->emeraldval & 4) ? 1 : 0); else return (li.relative.first & 1) ^ ((c->master->emeraldval & 4) ? 1 : 0); } else return (li.relative.second & 1) ^ (li.last_dir & 1) ^ ((c->master->emeraldval & 1) ? 1 : 0); } else #endif return celldist(c) & 1; } EX int emeraldval(heptagon *h) { return h->emeraldval >> 3; } EX int emeraldval(cell *c) { if(meuclid) return eupattern(c); if(msphere) return 0; if(ctof(c)) return emeraldval(c->master); else { auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); return emerald_hexagon( emeraldval(ar[0]), emeraldval(ar[1]), emeraldval(ar[2]) ); } } // === FIFTYVALS === unsigned bitmajority(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned c) { return (a&b) | ((a^b)&c); } int eufifty(cell *c) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int x = co.first, y = co.second; int ix = x + 99999 + y; int iy = y + 99999; if(c->land == laWildWest) return (ix + iy * 26 + 28) % 37; else { ix += (iy/3) * 3; iy %= 3; ix %= 9; return iy * 9 + ix; } } int fiftyval(cell *c) { if(meuclid) return eufifty(c) * 32; if(msphere || S7>7 || S6>6) return 0; if(ctof(c)) return c->master->fiftyval; else { auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); return bitmajority( ar[0]->fiftyval, ar[1]->fiftyval, ar[2]->fiftyval) + 512; } } EX int cdist50(cell *c) { if(meuclid && S3 == 4) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int x = co.first, y = co.second; return abs(szgmod(x, 5)) + abs(zgmod(y, 5)); } if(msphere || S7>7 || S6>6) return 0; if(meuclid) { if(c->land == laWildWest) return "0123333332112332223322233211233333322"[eufifty(c)] - '0'; else return "012333321112322232222321123"[eufifty(c)] - '0'; } if(ctof(c)) return cdist50(c->master->fiftyval); auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); int a0 = cdist50(ar[0]->fiftyval); int a1 = cdist50(ar[1]->fiftyval); int a2 = cdist50(ar[2]->fiftyval); if(a0 == 0 || a1 == 0 || a2 == 0) return 1; return a0+a1+a2-5; } int land50(cell *c) { if(msphere || meuclid) return 0; else if(ctof(c)) return land50(fiftyval(c)); else { auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) if(cdist50(ar[i]->fiftyval) < 3) return land50(ar[i]->fiftyval); return 0; } } EX bool polara50(cell *c) { if(msphere || meuclid || S7>7 || S6>6) return false; else if(NONSTDVAR) return polara50(fiftyval(c->master->c7)); else if(ctof(c)) return polara50(fiftyval(c)); else { auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) if(cdist50(ar[i]->fiftyval) < 3) return polara50(ar[i]->fiftyval); return false; } } EX bool polarb50(cell *c) { if(meuclid) return true; if(msphere || meuclid || S7>7 || S6>6) return true; else if(NONSTDVAR) return polarb50(fiftyval(c->master->c7)); else if(ctof(c)) return polarb50(fiftyval(c)); else { auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) if(cdist50(ar[i]->fiftyval) < 3) return polarb50(ar[i]->fiftyval); return false; } } int elhextable[28][3] = { {0,1,2}, {1,2,9}, {1,9,-1}, {1,8,-1}, {1,-1,-1} }; EX int fiftyval049(heptagon *h) { int i = h->fiftyval / 32; if(i <= 7) return i; if(quotient) return 0; vector allcodes; for(int k=0; k<7; k++) { heptagon *h2 = createStep(h, k); if(polara50(h2->fiftyval) == polara50(h->fiftyval) && polarb50(h2->fiftyval) == polarb50(h->fiftyval)) allcodes.push_back(fiftyval049(h2)); } int d = allcodes[1] - allcodes[0]; if(d == -1 || d == 6) swap(allcodes[0], allcodes[1]); // printf("%d,%d: %d\n", allcodes[0], allcodes[1], allcodes[0] + 7); return allcodes[0] + 7; } EX int fiftyval049(cell *c) { if(meuclid) return fiftyval(c) / 32; else if(ctof(c)) return fiftyval049(c->master); else if(msphere) return 0; else { int a[3], qa=0; bool pa = polara50(c); bool pb = polarb50(c); auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) if(polara50(ar[i]->fiftyval) == pa && polarb50(ar[i]->fiftyval) == pb) a[qa++] = fiftyval049(ar[i]); // somehow sort(a, a+qa) produces a warning in gcc 12.1.0, so we sort manually if(qa == 1) return 43+a[0]-1; // sort the two elements if(a[0] > a[1]) swap(a[0], a[1]); if(qa == 2 && a[1] == a[0]+7) return 36+a[0]-1; if(qa == 2 && a[1] != a[0]+7) return 29+a[0]-1; // sort the three elements if(a[1] > a[2]) swap(a[1], a[2]); if(a[0] > a[1]) swap(a[0], a[1]); // 168: if(a[1] == 1 && a[2] == 7) return 15 + 6; // (polarb50(c) ? 0 : 6); if(a[2] >= 1 && a[2] <= 7) { return 15 + a[1] - 1; // (polarb50(c) ? a[1]%7 : a[1]-1); } if(a[0] == 1 && a[1] == 7 && a[2] == 8) return 22; if(a[0] == 1 && a[1] == 7 && a[2] == 14) return 22; if(a[1] <= 7 && a[2] >= 8) return 22 + a[1]-1; return 0; } } EX int fiftyval200(cell *c) { int i = fiftyval049(c); i *= 4; if(polara50(c)) i|=1; if(polarb50(c)) i|=2; return i; } /* {0,1,2} 15+0..15+6 {1,2,9},22+0..22+6 {1,9} 29+0..29+6 {1,8} 36+0..36+6 {1} 43+0..43+6 */ // zebraval int dir_bitrunc457(cell *c) { if(GOLDBERG_INV) return c->master->zebraval / 10; int wset = 0; int has1 = 0; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { int z = zebra40(createMov(c, i*2)); if(z&1) has1 = 1; if(z&2) wset |= (1<master->zebraval/10; else if(INVERSE) { cell *c1 = gp::get_mapped(c); return UIU(zebra40(c1)); } else if(a46) { int v = val46(c); if(v<4) return v; else return 4+(v-4)/2; } else if(ctof(c)) return (c->master->zebraval/10); else if(a4) { if(GOLDBERG) return zebra40(c->master->c7); int ws = dir_bitrunc457(c); if(ws < 0) return -ws; int tot = 0; array zebras; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { zebras[i] = zebra40(createMov(c, i*2)); tot += zebras[i]; } // break cycles int cod = 0; int mo = 0; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) if(zebras[i] < zebras[mo]) mo = i; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) for(int j=1; jmaster->zebraval / 10 + c->c.spin(0))%2) * 2; } else if(reg3::in()) return 0; else { int ii[3], z; auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); ii[0] = (ar[0]->zebraval/10); ii[1] = (ar[1]->zebraval/10); ii[2] = (ar[2]->zebraval/10); for(int r=0; r<2; r++) if(ii[1] < ii[0] || ii[2] < ii[0]) z = ii[0], ii[0] = ii[1], ii[1] = ii[2], ii[2] = z; for(int i=0; i<28; i++) if(zebratable6[i][0] == ii[0] && zebratable6[i][1] == ii[1] && zebratable6[i][2] == ii[2]) { int ans = 16+i; // if(ans >= 40) ans ^= 2; // if(ans >= 4 && ans < 16) ans ^= 2; return ans; } return 0; } } EX int zebra3(cell *c) { if(meuclid) return 0; else if(ctof(c)) return (c->master->zebraval/10)/4; else if(meuclid || msphere || S7>7 || S6>6) return 0; else { int ii[3]; auto ar = gp::get_masters(c); ii[0] = (ar[0]->zebraval/10)/4; ii[1] = (ar[1]->zebraval/10)/4; ii[2] = (ar[2]->zebraval/10)/4; if(ii[0] == ii[1]) return ii[0]; if(ii[1] == ii[2]) return ii[1]; if(ii[2] == ii[0]) return ii[2]; return 0; } } #if CAP_FIELD EX namespace fieldpattern { EX pair fieldval(cell *c) { if(WDIM == 3) return make_pair(currfp.inverses[int(c->master->fieldval) * currfp.local_group], false); else if(ctof(c)) return make_pair(int(c->master->fieldval), false); else return make_pair(btspin(c->master->fieldval, c->c.spin(0)), true); } EX int fieldval_uniq(cell *c) { return currentmap->pattern_value(c); } EX int fieldval_uniq_rand(cell *c, int randval) { if(mhybrid) { auto c1 = hybrid::get_where(c).first; return PIU ( fieldval_uniq_rand(c1, randval) ); } if(msphere || meuclid || NONSTDVAR) // we do not care in these cases return fieldval_uniq(c); if(ctof(c)) return currfp.gmul(c->master->fieldval, randval)/7; else { int z = 0; for(int u=0; u<6; u+=2) z = max(z, btspin(currfp.gmul(createMov(c, u)->master->fieldval, randval), c->c.spin(u))); return -1-z; } } pair subval(cell *c, int _subpathid = subpathid, int _subpathorder = subpathorder) { if(_subpathid == -1) _subpathid = currfp.matcode[currfp.strtomatrix("RRRPRRRRRPRRRP")]; if(_subpathorder == -1) _subpathorder = currfp.order(currfp.matrices[subpathid]); if(!ctof(c)) { auto m = subval(createMov(c, 0)); for(int u=2; u pbest, pcur; pcur.first = c->master->fieldval; pcur.second = 0; pbest = pcur; for(int i=0; i<_subpathorder; i++) { pcur.first = currfp.gmul(pcur.first, _subpathid); pcur.second++; if(pcur < pbest) pbest = pcur; } return pbest; } } EX } #endif EX int getHemisphere(heptagon *h, int which) { int id = h->fiftyval; if(S7 == 5) { int hemitable[3][12] = { { 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,-6,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3}, { 6, 3, 6, 3, 0, 0,-6,-3,-6,-3, 0, 0}, {-3, 0, 3, 0,-6,-6, 3, 0,-3, 0, 6, 6} }; return hemitable[which][id]; } else if(S7 == 4 && which < 6) { int hemitable[3][6] = { { 2, 2, 2,-1,-1,-1}, { 2,-1, 2, 2,-1,-1}, { 2,-1,-1, 2, 2,-1}, }; return hemitable[which][id]; } else if(S7 == 3) { int hemitable[3][4] = { { 2, 2,-1,-1}, { 2,-1, 2,-1}, { 2,-1,-1, 2}, }; return hemitable[which][id]; } else return 0; } EX int getHemisphere(cell *c, int which) { if(meuclid && quotient) return 0; if(mhybrid) { auto d = hybrid::get_where(c); return PIU(getHemisphere(d.first, which)); } if(WDIM == 3 && !mhybrid) { hyperpoint p = tC0(calc_relative_matrix(c, currentmap->gamestart(), C0)); return int(p[which] * 6 + 10.5) - 10; } if(which == 0 && GOLDBERG && has_nice_dual()) { set visited; vector q; vector type; auto visit = [&] (cell *c, int t) { if(visited.count(c)) return; visited.insert(c); q.push_back(c); type.push_back(t); }; cellwalker cw(currentmap->gamestart(), 0); int ct = 1; visit(cw.at, ct); do { cw = cw + wstep; visit(cw.at, -ct); cw = cw + (2*ct) + wstep + ct; ct = -ct; } while(cw.at != currentmap->gamestart()); for(int i=0; imaster, which); else { int score = 0; if(0) ; #if CAP_GP else if(GOLDBERG) { auto li = gp::get_local_info(c); gp::be_in_triangle(li); auto corner = cgi.gpdata->corners * gp::loctoh_ort(li.relative); ld scored = corner[0] * getHemisphere(c->master->c7, which) + corner[1] * getHemisphere(c->master->move(li.last_dir)->c7, which) + corner[2] * getHemisphere(c->master->modmove(li.last_dir+1)->c7, which); int score = int(scored + 10.5) - 10; ld error = scored - score; if(score == 0 && error > .001) score++; if(score == 0 && error < -.001) score--; return score; } #endif #if CAP_IRR else if(IRREGULAR) { auto m = irr::get_masters(c); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) score += getHemisphere(m[i], which); return score / 3; } #endif else { for(int i=0; i<6; i+=2) score += getHemisphere(c->move(i), which) * (c->c.mirror(i) ? -1 : 1); return score/3; } } } /** \brief Various functions related to map patterns. */ EX namespace patterns { #if HDR enum ePattern : char { PAT_NONE = 0, PAT_TYPES = 'T', PAT_ZEBRA = 'z', PAT_EMERALD = 'f', PAT_PALACE = 'p', PAT_FIELD = 'F', PAT_DOWN = 'H', PAT_COLORING = 'C', PAT_SIBLING = 'S', PAT_CHESS = 'c', PAT_SINGLETYPE = 't' }; static constexpr int SPF_ROT = 1; static constexpr int SPF_SYM01 = 2; static constexpr int SPF_SYM02 = 4; static constexpr int SPF_SYM03 = 8; static constexpr int SPF_CHANGEROT = 16; static constexpr int SPF_TWOCOL = 32; static constexpr int SPF_EXTRASYM = 64; static constexpr int SPF_ALTERNATE = 128; static constexpr int SPF_FOOTBALL = 256; static constexpr int SPF_FULLSYM = 512; static constexpr int SPF_DOCKS = 1024; static constexpr int SPF_NO_SUBCODES = 2048; static constexpr int SPF_SYM0123 = SPF_SYM01 | SPF_SYM02 | SPF_SYM03; struct patterninfo { int id; int dir; bool reflect; /** 1 if all symmetries, c->type if no symmetries */ int symmetries; }; #endif void valSibling(cell *c, patterninfo& si, int sub, int pat) { if(ctof(c)) { int d = c->master->fieldval; si.id = (d < siblings[d]) ? 0 : 1; if(sub & SPF_ROT) si.id = 0; for(int i=0; imaster->move(i)->fieldval; if(di == siblings[d]) si.dir = i; } si.reflect = false; } else { int ids = 0, td = 0; for(int i=0; imove(2*i)->master->fieldval; ids |= (1<move(2*i)->master->fieldval; if(ids & (1<move(2*i)->master->fieldval; if(!(ids & (1<modmove(si.dir+2)->master->fieldval; if(d0 < siblings[d0]) si.id += 8; } */ si.reflect = false; } else { si.id = 8; si.dir = 0; // whatever patterninfo si2; valSibling(c->move(0), si2, sub, pat); int di = si2.dir - c->c.spin(0); di %= S7; if(di<0) di += S7; if(pat == PAT_SIBLING) si.reflect = di > S7/2; if(sub & SPF_ROT) si.symmetries = 2; } } } EX int downdir(cell *c, const cellfunction& cf) { return parent_id(c, 1, cf) + 1; } void applySym0123(int& i, int sub) { bool sym01 = sub & SPF_SYM01; bool sym02 = sub & SPF_SYM02; bool sym03 = sub & SPF_SYM03; if((sym01?1:0)+(sym02?1:0)+(sym03?1:0) >= 2) i &= ~3; if(sym01 && (i&1)) i ^= 1; if(sym02 && (i&2)) i ^= 2; if(sym03 && (i&2)) i ^= 3; } void applyAlt(patterninfo& si, int sub, int pat) { if(sub & SPF_ALTERNATE) { si.id += 4; si.id %= 12; } if(pat == PAT_COLORING && (sub & SPF_FOOTBALL)) { if(si.id == 4) si.dir++; si.id = !si.id; if(si.id && (sub & SPF_EXTRASYM)) si.symmetries = si.id ? 1 : 2; return; } } void val46(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub, int pat) { if(ctof(c)) { si.id = c->master->emeraldval >> 1; applySym0123(si.id, sub); if(sub & SPF_CHANGEROT) si.dir = (c->master->emeraldval&1); else si.dir = (c->master->emeraldval&1) ^ (c->master->emeraldval>>1); si.symmetries = 2; applyAlt(si, sub, pat); /* printf("[%3d] ", c->master->emeraldval); for(int i=0; i<6; i++) printf("%2d", val46(createMov(c, i))); printf("\n"); */ } else { si.id = ((c->master->emeraldval & 1) ^ ((c->master->emeraldval & 2)>>1) ^ (c->c.spin(0)&1)) ? 8 : 4; si.dir = ((c->move(0)->master->emeraldval + c->c.spin(0)) & 1) ? 2 : 0; if(createMov(c, si.dir)->master->emeraldval & 4) si.dir += 4; if((sub & SPF_TWOCOL) && (pat == PAT_COLORING)) si.id = 4; else if(pat == PAT_COLORING && si.id == 4) si.dir++; if(sub & SPF_SYM01) si.symmetries = 2; else if(sub & SPF_SYM03) si.symmetries = 2; else if(sub & SPF_SYM02) si.symmetries = 4; applyAlt(si, sub, pat); } } // if(a46) return patterndir46(c, w == PAT_ZEBRA ? 3 : w == PAT_PALACE ? 2 : 1); int inr(int a, int b, int c) { return a >= b && a < c; } void val457(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub) { si.id = zebra40(c); if(inr(si.id, 8, 12)) si.symmetries = 4; applySym0123(si.id, sub); if(sub & SPF_ROT) { if(si.id >= 4 && si.id < 7) si.id -= 4; if(si.id >= 20 && si.id < 23) si.id -= 4; } if(ctof(c)) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) if((zebra40(createStep(c->master, i + S7/2)->c7)&2) == (zebra40(createStep(c->master, i + 1 + S7/2)->c7)&2)) si.dir = i; } else { int d = dir_bitrunc457(c); if(d >= 0) si.dir = d; else si.dir = (zebra40(createMov(c, 0)) & 4) ? 2 : 0; } } EX void val38(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub, int pat) { bool symRotation = sub & SPF_ROT; if(ctof(c)) { if(!symRotation) si.id = (c->master->fiftyval >> 1) & 3; else si.id = 0; if(!BITRUNCATED && gp_threecolor() != 2) si.id *= 4; else si.id += 4; si.dir = (pat == PAT_COLORING && BITRUNCATED ? 1 : 0) + (c->master->fiftyval | (c->master->fiftyval & 8 ? 0 : 2)); si.symmetries = 2; si.id += 8; si.id %= 12; applyAlt(si, sub, pat); if((sub & SPF_DOCKS) && (c->master->fiftyval & 32)) si.id += 16, si.symmetries = 4; } else { int sp = c->c.spin(0); #if CAP_GP if(GOLDBERG) { sp = gp::last_dir(c); sp ^= int(ishex2(c)); } #endif if(geometry == gBolza2 && (!GOLDBERG || gp_threecolor() == 2)) { patterninfo si0; patterninfo si1; #if CAP_GP if(GOLDBERG) { auto li = gp::get_local_info(c); val38(c->master->c7, si0, 0, PAT_COLORING); val38(c->master->move(li.last_dir)->c7, si1, 0, PAT_COLORING); } else #endif { val38(c->move(0), si0, 0, PAT_COLORING); val38(c->move(2), si1, 0, PAT_COLORING); } if((si0.id+1) % 3 == (si1.id) % 3) si.id = 8; else si.id = 0; } else si.id = 8 * ((c->master->fiftyval & 1) ^ (sp & 1)); #if CAP_GP if(GOLDBERG && pseudohept(c)) si.id = 4; #endif bool dock = false; for(int i=0; itype; i+=2) { int fiv = createMov(c, i)->master->fiftyval; int fv = (fiv >> 1) & 3; if(fv == 0) { si.dir = (si.id == 8 && pat == PAT_COLORING ? 1 : 0) + i; if(fiv & 32) dock = true; } } if(symRotation) si.symmetries = 2; si.id += 8; si.id %= 12; #if CAP_GP if(GOLDBERG && pat == PAT_COLORING) for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); int id2 = 4; if(!pseudohept(c2)) { int sp2 = c2->c.spin(0); if(GOLDBERG) { sp2 = gp::last_dir(c2); sp2 ^= int(ishex2(c2)); } id2 = 8 * ((c2->master->fiftyval & 1) ^ (sp2 & 1)); } // printf("%p %2d : %d %d\n", c, si.id, i, id2); if((id2+4) % 12 == si.id) si.dir = i; } #endif applyAlt(si, sub, pat); if(dock && (sub & SPF_DOCKS)) si.id += 16; } } void valEuclid6(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub) { bool symRotation = sub & SPF_ROT; si.id = ishept(c) ? 4 : ishex1(c) ? 8 : 0; if(sub & SPF_CHANGEROT) { si.dir = (zebra40(c)*4) % 6; } if(symRotation) si.id = 1; if(euc::in(2,6) && (sub & SPF_FULLSYM)) si.symmetries = 1; } void valEuclid4(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub) { si.id = eupattern4(c); applySym0123(si.id, sub); if(sub & SPF_CHANGEROT) { int dirt[] = {0,1,3,2}; si.dir = dirt[si.id]; if(c->type == 8) si.dir *= 2; } if(sub & SPF_SYM03) { si.id *= 4; applyAlt(si, sub, PAT_COLORING); } else si.symmetries = (sub & SPF_EXTRASYM) ? c->type/4 : c->type; } void val_all(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub, int pat) { if(IRREGULAR || arcm::in() || bt::in() || arb::in() || WDIM == 3 || currentmap->strict_tree_rules()) si.symmetries = c->type; else if(a46) val46(c, si, sub, pat); else if(a38) val38(c, si, sub, pat); else if(S7 < 6 && S3 == 3 && !INVERSE && !aperiodic) valSibling(c, si, sub, pat); else if(euc::in(2,4)) valEuclid4(c, si, sub); else if(euc::in(2,6)) valEuclid6(c, si, sub); else if(a4) val457(c, si, sub); else si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2; } void val_warped(cell *c, patterninfo& si) { int u = ishept(c)?1:0; if(S3 != 3 || S7 != 7 || NONSTDVAR) { si.id = u; si.dir = 1; return; } int qhex = 0; for(int v=0; vtype; v++) if(c->move(v) && !isWarped(c->move(v))) { u += 2; if(!ishept(c->move(v))) qhex++; } if(u == 8 && qhex == 2) u = 12; else if(u == 2 && qhex == 1) u = 8; else if(u == 6 && qhex == 2) u = 10; si.id = u; if(u == 6) { for(int i=1; itype; i+=2) if(!isWarped(createMov(c,i))) si.dir = i; } else if(u == 2 || u == 3 || u == 8) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(!isWarped(createMov(c,i))) si.dir = i; } else if(u == 4 || u == 10) { for(int i=0; itype; i+=2) if(!isWarped(createMov(c,i))) si.dir = i; if(u == 4) si.reflect = !isWarped(createMov(c, (si.dir+1)%S6)); } else if(u == 6) { for(int i=1; itype; i+=2) if(!isWarped(createMov(c,i))) si.dir = i; } else if(u == 5) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(!isWarped(createMov(c,(i+S7/2)%S7)) && !isWarped(createMov(c,(i+(S7+1)/2)%S7))) si.dir = i; } else if(u == 9) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(!isWarped(createMov(c,(i+2)%S7)) && !isWarped(createMov(c,(i+S7-2)%S7))) si.dir = i; } else if(u == 11) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(isWarped(createMov(c,(i)%S7)) && isWarped(createMov(c,(i+1)%S7))) si.dir = i; } else if(u == 12) { for(int i=0; itype; i+=2) if(isWarped(createMov(c,i))) { si.dir = i; si.reflect = !isWarped(createMov(c, (i+1)%S6)); } } else if(u == 7) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(!isWarped(createMov(c,(i+1)%S7)) && !isWarped(createMov(c,(i+S7-1)%S7))) si.dir = i; } } void val_nopattern(cell *c, patterninfo& si, int sub) { // use val_all for nicer rotation val_all(c, si, 0, 0); // get id: if((GOLDBERG? (S3==3) : !weirdhyperbolic) && isWarped(c)) val_warped(c, si); else { si.id = pseudohept(c) ? 1 : 0; if(euc::in()) { si.dir = ishex1(c) ? 0 : 3; if(ctof(c)) si.symmetries = 3; if(subpattern_flags & SPF_EXTRASYM) si.symmetries /= 3; if(subpattern_flags & SPF_FULLSYM) si.symmetries = 1; } if(msphere && BITRUNCATED && !(S7 == 3)) si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2; if(msphere && (sub & SPF_EXTRASYM)) { si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2; } if(a38) si.symmetries = (ctof(c) && BITRUNCATED) ? 1 : 2; if(a457) { si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2; if(!ctof(c)) si.dir = 0; } if(a46) { si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2; } } if(GOLDBERG && has_nice_dual() && !ishept(c) && ishex1(c)) si.dir = gmod(si.dir+3, S6); } EX ePattern whichPattern = PAT_NONE; EX int subpattern_flags; void val_threecolors(cell *c, patterninfo& si, int sub) { int pcol = pattern_threecolor(c); si.id = pcol * 4; pcol = (pcol+1) % 3; si.dir = -1; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(pattern_threecolor(createMov(c, i)) == pcol) { if(si.dir == -1) si.dir = i; else { si.symmetries = i - si.dir; break; } } if(euc::in(2,6) && (sub & SPF_CHANGEROT)) { if(GOLDBERG) { auto li = gp::get_local_info(c); if(li.first_dir >= 0) si.dir = gmod(zebra40(c)*4 - li.total_dir - li.last_dir, 6); else si.dir = gmod(zebra40(c)*4, 6); } else if(c == c->master->c7) si.dir = (zebra40(c)*4) % 6; else si.dir = (zebra40(c)*4 + 9 - c->c.spin(0)) % 6; } if(sub & SPF_ROT) si.id = 1; if(euc::in(2,6) && !(sub & SPF_EXTRASYM)) { si.symmetries = 6; } if(euc::in(2,6) && (sub & SPF_FULLSYM)) si.symmetries = 1; applyAlt(si, sub, PAT_COLORING); } EX patterninfo getpatterninfo(cell *c, ePattern pat, int sub) { if(fake::in()) return FPIU(getpatterninfo(c, pat, sub)); if(!(sub & SPF_NO_SUBCODES)) { auto si = getpatterninfo(c, pat, sub | SPF_NO_SUBCODES); if(1) ; #if CAP_IRR else if(IRREGULAR) si.id += irr::cellindex[c] << 8; #endif #if CAP_ARCM else if(arcm::in()) si.id += (arcm::id_of(c->master) << 8) + (arcm::parent_index_of(c->master) << 16); #endif #if CAP_GP else if(GOLDBERG) { if(c == c->master->c7) si.id += (c->c.fix(si.dir) << 8); else si.id += (get_code(gp::get_local_info(c)) << 16) | (c->c.fix(si.dir) << 8); } #endif return si; } bool symRotation = sub & SPF_ROT; // bool sym0 = sub & (SPF_SYM01 | SPF_SYM02 | SPF_SYM03); patterninfo si; si.dir = 0; si.reflect = false; si.id = ctof(c); si.symmetries = c->type; if(bt::in()) { if(pat == PAT_SINGLETYPE) si.id = 0; else si.id = c->type & 1; si.dir = 2; return si; } if(pat == PAT_SINGLETYPE) { si.id = 0; si.symmetries = 1; if(sub & SPF_TWOCOL) si.id = c->type & 1; if(sub & SPF_EXTRASYM) si.reflect = true; return si; } if(currentmap->strict_tree_rules()) return si; if(arb::in()) { si.id = arb::id_of(c->master); si.dir = 0; si.symmetries = c->type / arb::current.shapes[si.id].repeat_value; si.reflect = false; return si; } #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in() && pat == 0) { if(sub & SPF_FOOTBALL) { val_threecolors(c, si, sub); return si; } int id = arcm::id_of(c->master); auto& ca = arcm::current; si.id = ca.tilegroup[id]; si.symmetries = ca.periods[si.id]; si.dir = ca.groupoffset[id]; if((sub & SPF_EXTRASYM) && ca.have_symmetry && ca.tilegroup[id^1] < ca.tilegroup[id]) si.id = ca.tilegroup[id^1], si.reflect = true; return si; } #endif if(pat == PAT_ZEBRA && stdhyperbolic) { si.id = zebra40(c); // 4 to 43 int t4 = si.id>>2, tcdir = 0; if(PURE) tcdir = si.id^1; else if(t4 == 10) tcdir = si.id-20; else if(t4 >= 4 && t4 < 7) tcdir = 40 + (si.id&3); else if(t4 >= 1 && t4 < 4) tcdir = si.id+12; else if(t4 >= 7 && t4 < 10) tcdir = si.id-24; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && zebra40(c->move(i)) == tcdir) si.dir = i; applySym0123(si.id, sub); if(symRotation) { if(si.id >= 8 && si.id < 12) si.id -= 4; if(si.id >= 12 && si.id < 16) si.id -= 8; if(si.id >= 20 && si.id < 24) si.id -= 4; if(si.id >= 24 && si.id < 28) si.id -= 8; if(si.id >= 32 && si.id < 36) si.id -= 4; if(si.id >= 36 && si.id < 40) si.id -= 8; } if(si.id >= 40 && si.id < 44 && symRotation) si.symmetries = 2; if(si.id >= 40 && si.id < 44 && (sub & (SPF_SYM02 | SPF_SYM03))) si.symmetries = 2; } else if(pat == PAT_EMERALD && (stdhyperbolic || a38)) { si.id = emeraldval(c); // 44 to 99 if(!meuclid) { int tcdir = 0, tbest = (si.id&3); for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(c2) { int t2 = emeraldval(c2); if((si.id&3) == (t2&3) && t2 > tbest) tbest = t2, tcdir = i; } } si.dir = tcdir; } applySym0123(si.id, sub); if(si.id >= 44 && si.id < 48) si.symmetries = 2; } else if(pat == PAT_PALACE && stdhyperbolic) { si.id = fiftyval200(c); si.reflect = polara50(c); int look_for = -1; int shft = 0; if(inr(si.id, 0, 4)) { look_for = si.id + (PURE ? 4 : 60); if(symRotation) si.symmetries = 1; } else if(inr(si.id, 4, 32)) look_for = si.id + (PURE ? 28 : 168); else if(inr(si.id, 32, 60)) look_for = si.id + (PURE ? -28 : 112); else if(inr(si.id, 60, 88)) look_for = si.id - 56, shft = si.reflect ? 1 : 5; else if(inr(si.id, 88, 116)) look_for = si.id - 84, shft = 3; else if(inr(si.id, 116, 144)) look_for = si.id + 56; else if(inr(si.id, 144, 172)) look_for = si.id + 28; else if(inr(si.id, 172, 200)) look_for = si.id - 28; si.dir = -1; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); if(fiftyval200(c2) == look_for) si.dir = (i + shft) % c->type; } if(si.dir == -1) { si.dir = 0; if(c->cpdist <= 1) printf("Not found for ID = %d (lf=%d)\n", si.id, look_for); c->item = itBuggy; } applySym0123(si.id, sub); if(symRotation && si.id >= 4) si.id -= ((si.id/4-1) % 7) * 4; } else if(pat == PAT_PALACE && meuclid) { si.id = fiftyval049(c); si.symmetries = 6; } else if(pat == PAT_PALACE) { val_nopattern(c, si, sub); si.id = c->master->fiftyval; } else if(pat == PAT_DOWN) { si.id = towerval(c, coastvalEdge); si.dir = downdir(c, coastvalEdge); } #if CAP_FIELD else if(pat == PAT_FIELD) { if(meuclid) // use the torus ID si.id = fieldpattern::fieldval_uniq(c); else if(PURE && standard_tiling()) // use the actual field codes si.id = fieldpattern::fieldval(c).first; else // use the small numbers from windmap si.id = windmap::getId(c); // todo dir } #endif else if(msphere && pat == PAT_SIBLING) { val_all(c, si, sub, pat); } else if(a457 && pat == PAT_ZEBRA) { val_all(c, si, sub, pat); } else if(GOLDBERG) { bool football = (pat == PAT_COLORING && (sub & SPF_FOOTBALL)) || pat == 0; if(football) val_nopattern(c, si, sub); else val_threecolors(c, si, sub); } else if(pat == PAT_COLORING && (S7 == 4 || meuclid || (a38 && gp_threecolor() == 1) || arcm::in())) { val_threecolors(c, si, sub); } else if(pat == PAT_COLORING && (a46 || a38)) { val_all(c, si, sub, pat); } else if(pat == PAT_CHESS) { val_nopattern(c, si, sub); si.id = chessvalue(c); } else val_nopattern(c, si, sub); return si; } #if HDR inline patterninfo getpatterninfo0(cell *c) { return getpatterninfo(c, whichPattern, subpattern_flags); } #endif EX } EX bool geosupport_chessboard() { return #if CAP_ARCM (arcm::in() && PURE) ? arcm::current.support_chessboard() : (arcm::in() && DUAL) ? arcm::current.support_threecolor_bitruncated() : #endif WARPED ? true : INVERSE ? false : (bt::in() || aperiodic) ? 0 : (S3 >= OINF) ? true : (valence() % 2 == 0); } EX int geosupport_threecolor() { if(IRREGULAR) return 0; if(aperiodic || bt::in()) return 0; #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in() && PURE) return arcm::current.support_threecolor(); if(arcm::in() && BITRUNCATED) return arcm::current.support_threecolor_bitruncated(); if(arcm::in() && DUAL) return 0; // it sometimes does support threecolor, but it can be obtained in other ways then #endif if(INVERSE) return 0; if(BITRUNCATED && S3 == 3) { if(S7 % 2) return 1; return 2; } if(S3 >= OINF) return 0; if((S7 % 2 == 0) && (S3 == 3)) return 2; if(a46 && PURE) return 1; return 0; } EX int geosupport_football() { // always works in bitrunc geometries if(BITRUNCATED) return 2; if(INVERSE) return 0; if(bt::in() || aperiodic) return 0; #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in() && DUAL) return false; // it sometimes does support football, but it can be obtained in other ways then if(arcm::in() /* PURE */) return arcm::current.support_football(); #endif if(arb::in()) return arb::current.have_ph; #if CAP_IRR if(IRREGULAR) return irr::bitruncations_performed ? 2 : 1; #endif // always works in patterns supporting three-color int tc = max(geosupport_threecolor(), gp_threecolor()); if(tc) return tc; if(S3 == 3 && S7 == 7) return 1; // nice chessboard pattern, but not the actual Graveyard if(S3 == 4 && !(S7&1)) return 1; if(S3 == 4 && GOLDBERG) return 1; return 0; } EX int pattern_threecolor(cell *c) { #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) { if(PURE) return arcm::threecolor(c); else /* if(BITRUNCATED) */ return c->master->rval1; } #endif if(arb::in()) return arb::id_of(c->master) % 3; if(IRREGULAR || bt::in()) return !pseudohept(c); #if CAP_GP if(S3 == 3 && !(S7&1) && gp_threecolor() == 1 && c->master->c7 != c) { auto li = gp::get_local_info(c); int rel = gmod(li.relative.first - li.relative.second, 3); int par = gmod(gp::param.first - gp::param.second, 3); if(rel == 0) return pattern_threecolor(c->master->c7); else if(rel == par) return pattern_threecolor(c->master->cmove(li.last_dir)->c7); else return pattern_threecolor(c->master->cmodmove(li.last_dir+1)->c7); } #endif if(a38) { // if(GOLDBERG && gp_threecolor() == 2 && gp::pseudohept_val(c) == 0) return 0; patterns::patterninfo si; patterns::val38(c, si, !BITRUNCATED ? 0 : patterns::SPF_ROT, patterns::PAT_COLORING); return si.id >> 2; } if(euc::in(2,6) && gp_threecolor() == 2) { auto li = gp::get_local_info(c); int rel = gmod(li.relative.first - li.relative.second, 3); if(rel && (li.last_dir&1)) rel = 3 - rel; return rel; } #if CAP_GP if(a4 && GOLDBERG) { patterns::patterninfo si; auto li = gp::get_local_info(c); if(S7 & 1) return (li.relative.first&1) + (li.relative.second&1)*2; patterns::val46(c->master->c7, si, 0, patterns::PAT_COLORING); int i = si.id; if(i&2) i ^= 1; patterns::val46(createStep(c->master, li.last_dir)->c7, si, 0, patterns::PAT_COLORING); if(si.id&2) si.id ^= 1; int i2 = i ^ si.id; int i3 = 3 - i2; if(gp::param.first % 2 == 0 && gp::param.second % 2 == 0) i = 0; if(li.relative.first & 1) i ^= i3; if(li.relative.second & 1) i ^= i2; return i; } #endif if(a46 && BITRUNCATED) { patterns::patterninfo si; patterns::val46(c, si, 0, patterns::PAT_COLORING); int i = si.id; return i >> 2; } if(meuclid) { if(a4 && PURE) return eupattern4(c); if(euc::in(2,6) && !BITRUNCATED) return eupattern(c) % 3; return c == c->master->c7 ? 0 : (c->c.spin(0)&1) ? 1 : 2; } if(S3 >= OINF) return c->master->distance % 3; if(S7 == 4 && S3 == 3) { int codesN[6] = {0,1,2,1,2,0}; #if CAP_GP if(gp_threecolor() == 2) { auto li = gp::get_local_info(c); int sp = gmod(li.relative.first + 2 * li.relative.second, 3); if(sp != 0) { if(li.last_dir & 1) sp = 3 - sp; if(among(c->master->fiftyval, 1, 3, 5)) sp = 3 - sp; } return sp; } #endif if(PURE) return codesN[c->master->fiftyval]; if(ctof(c)) return 0; else for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(c2->master->fiftyval == 0) return 1 + (c->c.spin(i)&1); if(c2->master->fiftyval == 5) return 2 - (c->c.spin(i)&1); } } if(stdhyperbolic && PURE) { int z = zebra40(c); if(z == 5 || z == 8 || z == 15) return 0; if(c->land == laSnakeNest) { if(z == 10 || z == 12 || z == 7) return 2; if(z == 6 || z == 9) return 3; if(z == 14 || z == 11) return 4; } return 1; } if(a46 && !BITRUNCATED) { patterns::patterninfo si; patterns::val46(c, si, 0, patterns::PAT_COLORING); return si.id; } if(S7 == 5 && PURE && S3 == 3) { const int codes[12] = {1, 2, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3}; return codes[c->master->fiftyval]; } if(S7 == 3 && PURE) return c->master->fiftyval; #if CAP_GP if(gp_threecolor() && (S7&1)) return gp::pseudohept_val(c) > 0; #endif return !ishept(c); } // returns ishept in the normal tiling; // in the 'pure heptagonal' tiling, returns true for a set of cells // which roughly corresponds to the heptagons in the normal tiling EX bool pseudohept(cell *c) { #if CAP_IRR if(IRREGULAR) return irr::pseudohept(c); #endif if(mhybrid) { auto d = hybrid::get_where(c); return ((!mproduct) || (d.second & 1)) && PIU(pseudohept(d.first)); } #if CAP_BT if(nil) return c->master->zebraval & c->master->emeraldval & c->master->fieldval & 1; if(sol) return (c->master->emeraldval % 3 == 2) && (c->master->zebraval % 3 == 2) && (c->master->distance % 2); if(nih) return c->master->zebraval % 3 == 2 && c->master->emeraldval % 2 == 1 && (c->master->distance % 2); if(kite::in()) return kite::getshape(c->master) == kite::pDart; if(hat::in()) return hat::pseudohept(c); if(bt::in()) return bt::pseudohept(c); #endif if(S3 >= OINF) return c->master->distance % 3 == 1; #if MAXMDIM == 4 if(WDIM == 3) { if(geometry == gField435) return false; else if(euc::in()) return euc::pseudohept(c); else return reg3::pseudohept(c); } #endif #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) return arcm::pseudohept(c); #endif if(arb::in()) return arb::pseudohept(c); #if CAP_GP if(INVERSE) return gp::inverse_pseudohept(c); if(GOLDBERG && gp_threecolor() == 2) return gp::pseudohept_val(c) == 0; if(GOLDBERG && gp_threecolor() == 1 && (S7&1) && (S3 == 3)) return gp::pseudohept_val(c) == 0; #endif return pattern_threecolor(c) == 0; } /** like pseudohept, but return randomly if no pseudohept is available */ EX bool pseudohept_r(cell *c) { if(UNTRUNCATED || UNRECTIFIED) return hrand(100) < 20; return pseudohept(c); } // while Krakens movement is usually restricted to non-pseudohept cells, // there is one special case when this does not work (because non-pseudohept cells have varying degrees) EX bool kraken_pseudohept(cell *c) { if(0); #if CAP_GP else if(!meuclid && S3 == 4 && GOLDBERG && (gp::param.first % 2 || gp::param.second % 2 || S7 % 2)) return ishept(c); #endif #if CAP_IRR else if(IRREGULAR) return c->type != 6; #endif #if CAP_ARCM else if(arcm::in() && PURE) return c->type != isize(arcm::current.triangles[0]); else if(arcm::in() && BITRUNCATED) return pseudohept(c); else if(arcm::in() && DUAL) return false; #endif else if(!meuclid && S3 == 3 && !(S7&1) && gp_threecolor() == 1) return ishept(c); else return pseudohept(c); } EX bool warptype(cell *c) { if(geosupport_chessboard()) return chessvalue(c); else if(NONSTDVAR) return pseudohept(c); else return pattern_threecolor(c) == 0; } EX namespace ccolor { #if HDR struct data; using color_function = std::function; struct data { string name; bool_reaction_t available; color_function f; colortable ctab; data(string name, bool_reaction_t av, color_function f, const colortable& ctab) : name(name), available(av), f(f), ctab(ctab) {} color_t operator () (cell *c) { return f(c, *this); } }; #endif EX color_t apeirogonal_color = 0xFFFFFFFF; EX ld rwalls = 50; EX bool live_canvas; EX void edit_rwalls() { dialog::editNumber(rwalls, 0, 100, 10, 50, XLAT("probability of a wall (%)"), ""); dialog::get_di().extra_options = [] { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("no walls"), "0", 'N'); dialog::add_action([] { rwalls = 0; stop_game(); start_game(); popScreen(); }); }; dialog::get_di().reaction = [] { stop_game(); start_game(); }; } EX hookset hooks_generate_canvas; EX int generateCanvas(cell *c) { int i = callhandlers(-1, hooks_generate_canvas, c); if(i != -1) return i; if(arb::apeirogon_consistent_coloring && arb::is_apeirogonal(c)) { for(cell *c1: {c->move(c->type-1), c->move(c->type-2), c->cmove(c->type-1)->move(c->type-1), c->cmove(c->type-2)->move(c->type-2)}) if(c1 && c1->mpdist <= BARLEV) return c1->landparam; } return (*which)(c); } EX bool always_available() { return true; } #define CCO [] (cell *c, data& cco) -> color_t bool is_mirrored(cell *c) { if(arcm::in()) { int id = arcm::id_of(c->master); int tid = arcm::current.tilegroup[id]; int tid2 = arcm::current.tilegroup[id^1]; return (id&1) && (tid != tid2); } if(arb::in()) { int id = shvid(c); auto& sh = arb::current.shapes[id]; return c->master->emeraldval || sh.is_mirrored; } return false; } EX data shape = data("shape", always_available, CCO { #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) { return cco.ctab[arcm::get_graphical_id(c)]; } #endif if(arb::in()) { int id = shvid(c); auto& sh = arb::current.shapes[id]; int oid = sh.orig_id; return cco.ctab[oid]; } return cco.ctab[shvid(c)]; }, { 0xF04040, 0x40F040, 0x4040F0, 0xD0D000, 0xD000D0, 0x00D0D0, 0xC0C0C0, 0x404040, 0x808080, 0xF08040, 0xF04080, 0x40F080, 0x4080F0, 0x8040F0, 0x80F040, 0xFFD500 } ); EX data shape_mirror = data("shape (mirror)", [] { return arcm::in() || arb::in(); }, CCO { return shape.f(c, is_mirrored(c) ? cco : shape); }, { 0xF04080, 0x40F080, 0x3030D0, 0xA0A060, 0xA000F0, 0x00A060, 0xC0C0F0, 0x404070, 0x8080C0, 0xF08080, 0xF040C0, 0x40F0C0, 0x3060D0, 0x6030D0, 0x80F080, 0xFFD580 }); EX data sides = data("sides", always_available, CCO { if(arb::is_apeirogonal(c)) return apeirogonal_color; return cco.ctab[c->type]; }, { // trying to get colors as in Wikipedia [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_tilings_by_convex_regular_polygons#k-uniform_tilings ] 0, 0x40C040, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF0000, 0xC000C0 /* unknown5 */, 0x00FF00, 0x00C0C0 /* unknown7 */, 0xFF8000, 0xFFFF80, 0xC040C0, 0xFFD500, 0x000080, 0x404040, 0x606060, 0x808080 }); EX map> percentages; auto pct_hook = addHook(hooks_clearmemory, 40, [] { percentages = {}; }); EX data plain = data("single color", always_available, CCO { if(!percentages.count(c)) { percentages[c].first = hrand(1000000); percentages[c].second = c == cwt.at ? 100 : hrand(10000) / 100.; } auto& p = percentages[c]; color_t r = cco.ctab[gmod(p.first, cco.ctab.size())]; if(p.second < rwalls) r |= 0x1000000; return r; }, {linf[laCanvas].color >> 2}); EX ld random_bright = 0; EX data random = data("random", always_available, CCO { color_t r = hrand(0xFFFFFF + 1); if(hrand(100) < rwalls) r |= 0x1000000; if(random_bright) r = gradient(r, 0xFFFFFF, 0, random_bright, 1); if(c == cwt.at && rwalls <= 100) r &= 0xFFFFFF; return r; }, {0, 0xFFFFFF}); EX string color_formula = "rgb(to01(x),to01(y),to01(z))"; EX data formula = data("formula", always_available, CCO { color_t col = patterns::compute_map_function(c, color_formula); bool wall = (col & 0xFF); col >>= 8; if(wall) col |= 0x1000000; return col; }, {}); EX data threecolor = data("threecolor", [] { return geosupport_threecolor(); }, CCO { return cco.ctab[pattern_threecolor(c)]; }, { 0x7C0000, 0x007C00, 0x00007C, 0x404040, 0x700070, 0x007070, 0x707000, 0x606060 }); EX data football = data("football", [] { return geosupport_football(); }, CCO { return cco.ctab[pseudohept(c)]; }, {0xC0C0C0, 0x202020}); EX data chessboard = data("chessboard", [] { return geosupport_chessboard(); }, CCO { return cco.ctab[chessvalue(c)]; }, {0x202020, 0xC0C0C0}); EX data landscape = data("rainbow landscape", [] { return geometry_supports_cdata(); }, CCO { return random_landscape(c, 3, 1, 17, 0x808080); }, {}); EX data landscape_dark = data("dark landscape", [] { return geometry_supports_cdata(); }, CCO { return random_landscape(c, 6, 8, 2, 0x101010); }, {}); EX data seven = data("seven-coloring", [] { return euc::in(2, 6); }, CCO { return cco.ctab[patterns::sevenval(c)]; }, {0xC00000, 0xC08000, 0xC0C000, 0x00C000, 0xC0C0, 0x00C0, 0xC000C0}); EX data crystal_colors = data("Crystal coordinates", [] { return cryst; }, CCO { return crystal::colorize(c, 'K'); }, {}); EX data crystal_cage = data("Crystal cage", [] { return cryst; }, CCO { return crystal::colorize(c, '#'); }, {}); EX data crystal_hyperplanes = data("Crystal hyperplanes", [] { return cryst; }, CCO { return crystal::colorize(c, '='); }, {}); EX data crystal_honeycomb = data("Crystal honeycomb", [] { return cryst; }, CCO { return crystal::colorize(c, 'O'); }, {}); EX data crystal_diagonal = data("Crystal diagonal", [] { return cryst; }, CCO { return crystal::colorize(c, '/'); }, {}); EX data nil_penrose = data("Nil staircase", [] { return nil; }, CCO { return nilv::colorize(c, '/'); }, {}); EX data distance = data("distance from origin", always_available, CCO { int d = celldist(c); color_t res = gradient(cco.ctab[0], cco.ctab[1], 0, min(1.8/(1+d), 1.), 1); if(d > 3) res |= 0x1000000; return res; }, {0, 0xFFFFFF} ); EX data randbw = data("random black-and-white", always_available, CCO { return cco.ctab[randpattern(c, patterns::subcanvas) ? 1 : 0]; }, {0x303030, 0x1C0C0C0}); auto non_sphere = [] { return !msphere; }; #if CAP_FIELD EX data field_c = data("field pattern C", non_sphere, CCO { if(!hyperbolic) return plain(c); using namespace fieldpattern; int z = currfp.getdist(fieldval(c), make_pair(0,false)); if(z < currfp.circrad) return 0x00C000; int z2 = currfp.getdist(fieldval(c), make_pair(currfp.otherpole,false)); if(z2 < currfp.disthep[currfp.otherpole] - currfp.circrad) return 0x3000; return 0x6000; }, {}); EX data field_d = data("field pattern D", non_sphere, CCO { if(!hyperbolic) return plain(c); using namespace fieldpattern; int z = currfp.getdist(fieldval(c), make_pair(0,false)); return 255 * (currfp.maxdist+1-z) / currfp.maxdist; }, {}); EX data field_n = data("field pattern N", non_sphere, CCO { if(!hyperbolic) return plain(c); using namespace fieldpattern; int z = currfp.getdist(fieldval(c), make_pair(0,false)); int z2 = currfp.getdist(fieldval(c), make_pair(currfp.otherpole,false)); if(z < z2) return 0x00C000; if(z > z2) return 0xC00000; return 0xCCCC00; }, {}); EX data field_s = data("field pattern S", non_sphere, CCO { if(!hyperbolic) return plain(c); return 0x3F1F0F * fieldpattern::subval(c).second + 0x000080; }, {}); #endif EX data zebra_pattern = data("zebra", [] { return stdhyperbolic || a4; }, CCO { return cco.ctab[zebra40(c)]; }, {0x1C0C0C0, 0x1E0E0E0, 0x404040, 0x606060 }); EX data zebra_triangles = data("four triangles", [] { return stdhyperbolic; }, CCO { int fv = zebra40(c); if(fv/4 == 4 || fv/4 == 6 || fv/4 == 5 || fv/4 == 10) fv ^= 2; return cco.ctab[fv]; }, {0x804040, 0x1408040, 0x404080, 0x1808040 }); EX data zebra_stripes = data("three stripes", [] { return stdhyperbolic; }, CCO { return cco.ctab[zebra3(c)]; }, {0xC0C0C0, 0x1800000, 0x1008000, 0x000080 }); // e,b,a EX data emerald_pattern = data("emerald pattern", [] { return stdhyperbolic; }, CCO { return cco.ctab[emeraldval(c)]; }, {0x404040, 0x1800000, 0x1008000, 0x000080 }); EX data palace_elements = data("four elements", [] { return stdhyperbolic; }, CCO { return cco.ctab[polara50(c) + 2 * polarb50(c)]; }, {0x404040, 0x1800000, 0x1008000, 0x000080 }); EX data palace_domains = data("eight domains", [] { return stdhyperbolic; }, CCO { color_t col = cco.ctab[land50(c)]; if(polara50(c)) col += 0x181818; return col; }, {0x800000, 0x503000, 0x206000, 0x202020, 0x004040, 0x001070, 0x606060, 0x500030}); EX data masters = data("masters", always_available, CCO { return cco.ctab[c == c->master->c7]; }, {0xA0FFA0, 0x60C060}); EX data hat_in_cluster = data("hat in cluster", [] { return hat::in(); }, CCO { if(!cco.available()) return plain(c); return hat::hatcolor(c, 6); }, {}); EX data hat_clusters = data("hat clusters", [] { return hat::in(); }, CCO { if(!cco.available()) return plain(c); return hat::hatcolor(c, 7); }, {}); EX data hat_superclusters = data("hat superclusters", [] { return hat::in(); }, CCO { if(!cco.available()) return plain(c); return hat::hatcolor(c, 8); }, {}); EX data manifold_nearer = data("nearer end", [] { return closed_manifold; }, CCO { return patterns::nearer_map(c); }, {}); EX data manifold_furthest = data("furthest from start", [] { return closed_manifold; }, CCO { return patterns::furthest_map(c, 0); // what about 1 and 2? }, {}); EX vector all = { &plain, &random, &sides, &formula, &shape, &shape_mirror, &threecolor, &football, &chessboard, &landscape, &landscape_dark, &seven, &randbw, &distance, &crystal_colors, &crystal_cage, &crystal_hyperplanes, &crystal_honeycomb, &crystal_diagonal, &nil_penrose, &zebra_pattern, &zebra_triangles, &zebra_stripes, &emerald_pattern, &palace_elements, &palace_domains, #if CAP_FIELD &field_c, &field_d, &field_n, &field_s, #endif &masters, &hat_in_cluster, &hat_clusters, &hat_superclusters, &manifold_furthest, &manifold_nearer, }; EX data *which = &plain; EX void set_plain(color_t col) { which = &plain; plain.ctab = {col}; } EX void set_plain_nowall(color_t col) { which = &plain; plain.ctab = {col}; if(GDIM == 2) rwalls = 0; } EX void set_random(int r) { which = &random; rwalls = r; } EX void set_formula(const string& s) { which = &formula; color_formula = s; } EX void set_colors(data& d, const colortable& tab) { which = &d; d.ctab = tab; } void config_plain(bool instant) { static unsigned c = (plain.ctab[0] << 8) | 0xFF; static unsigned canvasbacks[] = { 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x101010FF, 0x404040FF, 0x808080FF, 0x800000FF, unsigned(linf[laCanvas].color >> 2) << 8 }; dialog::openColorDialog(c, canvasbacks); dialog::get_di().reaction = [instant] () { if(instant) { stop_game(); set_plain(c >> 8); enable_canvas(); start_game(); } else { set_plain(c >> 8); } }; dialog::get_di().reaction_final = edit_rwalls; return; } EX void config_formula(bool instant) { string s = XLAT( "This lets you specify the color pattern as a function of the cell.\n"); s += XLAT("rgb(r,g,b)\n"); s += XLAT("indexed(f) (where f is a function of p, p=1 for red, 2 for green, 3 for blue)"); s += XLAT( "Available parameters:\n\n" "x, y, z (hyperboloid/sphere/plane coordinates in non-crystal geometries)\n" "ex, ey, ez (in Euclidean geometries)\n" "x0, x1, x2... (crystal geometry only)\n" ); if(MDIM == 4) s += XLAT( "w (fourth coordinate)\n" "wallif(condition, color)\n" ); s += XLAT("see compute_map_function in pattern2.cpp for more\n"); dialog::edit_string(ccolor::color_formula, "formula", s); dialog::get_di().extra_options = dialog::parser_help; dialog::get_di().reaction_final = [instant] () { if(instant) stop_game(); ccolor::which = &formula; if(instant) { enable_canvas(); start_game(); } }; } void list(bool instant) { dialog::start_list(900, 900, 'a'); for(auto p: ccolor::all) if(p->available()) { dialog::addBoolItem(p->name, p == which, dialog::list_fake_key++); dialog::add_action([instant, p] { if(p == &plain) { config_plain(instant); return; } if(p == &formula) { config_formula(instant); return; } if(p == &random) { ccolor::edit_rwalls(); } if(instant) stop_game(); ccolor::which = p; patterns::subcanvas = rand(); if(instant) { enable_canvas(); start_game(); } using namespace patterns; if(among(p, &zebra_pattern, &zebra_stripes, &zebra_triangles)) whichPattern = PAT_ZEBRA, subpattern_flags = SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_ROT; if(p == &zebra_pattern && a46) whichPattern = PAT_COLORING, subpattern_flags = SPF_CHANGEROT | SPF_SYM0123; if(p == &emerald_pattern) whichPattern = PAT_EMERALD, subpattern_flags = SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_ROT; if(p == &palace_domains) whichPattern = PAT_PALACE, subpattern_flags = SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_ROT; }); } dialog::end_list(); } #undef CCO EX } EX color_t random_landscape(cell *c, int mul, int div, int step, color_t base) { int col[4]; for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { col[j] = getCdata(c, j); col[j] *= mul; col[j] %= 240; if(col[j] > 120) col[j] = 240 - col[j]; if(col[j] < -120) col[j] = -240 - col[j]; } col[0] /= div; col[1] /= div; col[2] /= div; if(ISWEB) for(int a=0; a<3; a++) col[a] = (col[a] + step/2) / step * step; color_t res = base + col[0] + (col[1] << 8) + (col[2] << 16); if(WDIM == 3 && (getBits(c) & 1)) res |= 0x1000000; return res; } EX namespace patterns { EX int subcanvas; EX bool displaycodes; EX char whichShape = 0; EX bool innerwalls; EX int sevenval(cell *c) { if(!meuclid) return 0; auto p = euc2_coordinates(c); return gmod(p.first - p.second * 2, 7); } map computed_nearer_map; EX color_t nearer_map(cell *c) { if(computed_nearer_map.count(c)) return computed_nearer_map[c]; if(!closed_manifold) return 0; cell *sc = currentmap->gamestart(); auto ac = currentmap->allcells(); vector bydist(100, 0); vector bynei(FULL_EDGE+1, 0); int maxd = 0; for(cell *d: ac) { int di = celldistance(sc, d); if(di<100) bydist[di]++; maxd = max(maxd, di); } auto& cnm = computed_nearer_map; for(cell *d: ac) cnm[d] = 0x101010; for(cell *d: ac) if(celldistance(sc, d) == maxd) { for(cell *e: ac) if(celldistance(sc, e) > celldistance(d, e)) { cnm[e] = 0x1FF4040; int nei = 0; forCellEx(f, e) if(celldistance(sc, f) > celldistance(d, f)) nei++; bynei[nei]++; if(nei == 6) cnm[e] = 0x1FFFF80; if(nei == S7) cnm[e] = 0x404040; } if(0) for(cell *e: ac) if(celldistance(sc, e) == celldistance(d, e)) cnm[e] = 0x140FF40; break; } println(hlog, "bydist = ", bydist, " bynei = ", bynei); return cnm[c]; } map computed_furthest_map; EX color_t furthest_map(cell *c, int reduce) { auto& cfm = computed_furthest_map; if(cfm.count(c)) return cfm[c]; if(!closed_manifold) return 0; cell *sc = currentmap->gamestart(); auto ac = currentmap->allcells(); vector bydist(100, 0); vector bynei(FULL_EDGE+1, 0); int maxd = 0; for(cell *d: ac) { int di = celldistance(sc, d); if(di<100) bydist[di]++; maxd = max(maxd, di); } for(cell *d: ac) cfm[d] = 0x101010; for(cell *d: ac) if(celldistance(sc, d) == maxd - reduce) cfm[d] = 0x1FFFF80; println(hlog, "bydist = ", bydist); return cfm[c]; } EX color_t compute_map_function(cell *c, const string& formula) { exp_parser ep; hyperpoint h = calc_relative_matrix(c, currentmap->gamestart(), C0) * C0; ep.extra_params["x"] = h[0]; ep.extra_params["y"] = h[1]; ep.extra_params["z"] = h[2]; #if MAXMDIM >= 4 ep.extra_params["w"] = h[3]; #endif ep.extra_params["z40"] = zebra40(c); ep.extra_params["z3"] = zebra3(c); ep.extra_params["ev"] = emeraldval(c); ep.extra_params["fv50"] = fiftyval(c); ep.extra_params["pa"] = polara50(c); ep.extra_params["pb"] = polarb50(c); ep.extra_params["pd"] = cdist50(c); ep.extra_params["fu"] = fieldpattern::fieldval_uniq(c); ep.extra_params["threecolor"] = pattern_threecolor(c); ep.extra_params["chess"] = chessvalue(c); ep.extra_params["ph"] = pseudohept(c); ep.extra_params["kph"] = kraken_pseudohept(c); ep.extra_params["windmap"] = windmap::at(c) / 256.; ep.extra_params["cdata0"] = getCdata(c, 0); ep.extra_params["cdata1"] = getCdata(c, 1); ep.extra_params["cdata2"] = getCdata(c, 2); ep.extra_params["cdata3"] = getCdata(c, 3); ep.extra_params["sides"] = c->type; ep.extra_params["shape"] = shvid(c); if(true) { ep.extra_params["md"] = c->master->distance; ep.extra_params["me"] = c->master->emeraldval; ep.extra_params["mf"] = c->master->fieldval; ep.extra_params["mz"] = c->master->zebraval; } if(msphere) { ep.extra_params["h0"] = getHemisphere(c, 0); ep.extra_params["h1"] = getHemisphere(c, 1); ep.extra_params["h2"] = getHemisphere(c, 2); } if(euclid) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int x = co.first, y = co.second; ep.extra_params["ex"] = x; ep.extra_params["ey"] = y; if(S7 == 6) ep.extra_params["ez"] = -x-y; } #if CAP_CRYSTAL if(cryst) { crystal::ldcoord co = crystal::get_ldcoord(c); for(int i=0; imaster); ep.extra_params["ax"] = szgmod(co[0], asonov::period_xy); ep.extra_params["ay"] = szgmod(co[1], asonov::period_xy); ep.extra_params["az"] = szgmod(co[2], asonov::period_z); } #endif if(nil) { auto co = nilv::get_coord(c->master); ep.extra_params["nx"] = szgmod(co[0], nilv::nilperiod[0]); ep.extra_params["ny"] = szgmod(co[1], nilv::nilperiod[1]); ep.extra_params["nz"] = szgmod(co[2], nilv::nilperiod[2]); } if(mhybrid) ep.extra_params["level"] = hybrid::get_where(c).second; if(geometry_supports_cdata()) { ep.extra_params["d0"] = getCdata(c, 0); ep.extra_params["d1"] = getCdata(c, 1); ep.extra_params["d2"] = getCdata(c, 2); ep.extra_params["d3"] = getCdata(c, 3); } ep.s = formula; try { return ep.parsecolor(); } catch(hr_parse_exception&) { return 0; } } void showPrePatternP(bool instant) { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init("predesigned patterns"); ccolor::list(instant); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("display the inner walls"), innerwalls, '1'); auto select_whichShape = [] (string s, char key) { dialog::addBoolItem(s, (whichShape == key), key); dialog::add_action([key] { if(whichShape == key) whichShape = 0; else whichShape = key; }); }; if(geosupport_threecolor() == 2) { select_whichShape(XLAT("display only hexagons"), '6'); select_whichShape(XLAT("display only heptagons"), '7'); select_whichShape(XLAT("display the triheptagonal grid"), '8'); } if(geosupport_chessboard()) { select_whichShape(XLAT("display only chessboard white"), '6'); select_whichShape(XLAT("display only chessboard black"), '7'); } select_whichShape(XLAT("display full floors"), '9'); select_whichShape(XLAT("display small floors"), '5'); add_edit(global_boundary_ratio); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("floor type"), XLATN(winf[canvas_default_wall].name), 'i'); dialog::add_action([instant] { if(instant) stop_game(); vector choices = {waNone, waInvisibleFloor, waChasm, waEternalFire, waStone, waSea, waBarrier, waCavewall}; for(int i=0; i dc(displaycodes, whichPattern); gamescreen(); } dialog::init(); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("cell types"), (whichPattern == PAT_TYPES), PAT_TYPES); if(stdhyperbolic || a4) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Zebra Pattern"), (whichPattern == PAT_ZEBRA), PAT_ZEBRA); if(stdhyperbolic) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Emerald Pattern"), (whichPattern == PAT_EMERALD), PAT_EMERALD); else if(a38) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("broken Emerald Pattern"), (whichPattern == PAT_EMERALD), PAT_EMERALD); if(stdhyperbolic || meuclid) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Palace Pattern"), (whichPattern == PAT_PALACE), PAT_PALACE); if(geosupport_chessboard()) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("chessboard"), (whichPattern == PAT_CHESS), PAT_CHESS); if(geosupport_threecolor() == 2) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("coloring"), (whichPattern == PAT_COLORING), PAT_COLORING); if(sphere_narcm) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("siblings"), (whichPattern == PAT_SIBLING), PAT_SIBLING); if(meuclid) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("torus"), (whichPattern == PAT_FIELD), PAT_FIELD); else if(msphere) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("single cells"), (whichPattern == PAT_FIELD), PAT_FIELD); else dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("field pattern"), (whichPattern == PAT_FIELD), PAT_FIELD); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("single type"), (whichPattern == PAT_SINGLETYPE), PAT_SINGLETYPE); dialog::addBreak(50); if( (whichPattern == PAT_EMERALD && (stdhyperbolic || a38)) || (whichPattern == PAT_PALACE && stdhyperbolic) || (whichPattern == PAT_ZEBRA && stdhyperbolic) || (whichPattern == PAT_SIBLING && msphere) || (whichPattern == PAT_ZEBRA && a457)) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("rotational symmetry"), subpattern_flags & SPF_ROT, '0'); } if((meuclid && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) || (a38 && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) || (a4 && !BITRUNCATED && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING && !a46)) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("edit all three colors"), subpattern_flags & SPF_ROT, '0'); if(meuclid && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("rotate the color groups"), subpattern_flags & SPF_CHANGEROT, '4'); if(a46 && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("rotate the color groups"), subpattern_flags & SPF_CHANGEROT, '4'); if(a46 && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING && BITRUNCATED) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("edit both bitrunc colors"), subpattern_flags & SPF_TWOCOL, '5'); if( (whichPattern == PAT_EMERALD && (stdhyperbolic || a38)) || (whichPattern == PAT_PALACE && stdhyperbolic) || (whichPattern == PAT_ZEBRA && stdhyperbolic) || (whichPattern == PAT_COLORING && a46) || (whichPattern == PAT_ZEBRA && a457) ) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("symmetry 0-1"), subpattern_flags & SPF_SYM01, '1'); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("symmetry 0-2"), subpattern_flags & SPF_SYM02, '2'); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("symmetry 0-3"), subpattern_flags & SPF_SYM03, '3'); } if(meuclid && among(whichPattern, PAT_COLORING, PAT_TYPES) && !arcm::in()) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("extra symmetries"), subpattern_flags & SPF_EXTRASYM, '='); #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in() && arcm::current.have_symmetry && whichPattern == PAT_TYPES) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("extra symmetries"), subpattern_flags & SPF_EXTRASYM, '='); #endif if(whichPattern == PAT_SINGLETYPE) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("odd/even"), subpattern_flags & SPF_TWOCOL, '5'); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("extra symmetries"), subpattern_flags & SPF_EXTRASYM, '='); } if(meuclid && among(whichPattern, PAT_COLORING, 0)) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("full symmetry"), subpattern_flags & SPF_FULLSYM, '!'); if(a38 && PURE && whichPattern == PAT_TYPES) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("extra symmetries"), subpattern_flags & SPF_EXTRASYM, '='); } if(a46 && PURE && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("extra symmetries"), subpattern_flags & SPF_EXTRASYM, '='); } if((whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) || (whichPattern == PAT_TYPES && arcm::in())) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("alternate coloring"), subpattern_flags & SPF_ALTERNATE, '\''); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("football"), subpattern_flags & SPF_FOOTBALL, '*'); } if(a38 && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Docks pattern"), subpattern_flags & SPF_DOCKS, '@'); if(whichPattern && (IRREGULAR || GOLDBERG || arcm::in())) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("remove complete classification"), subpattern_flags & SPF_NO_SUBCODES, '#'); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("display pattern codes (full)"), displaycodes, 'd'); if(!needConfirmation()) dialog::addItem(XLAT("predesigned patterns"), 'r'); else dialog::addInfo("start a new game to use predesigned patterns"); dialog::display(); keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); if(among(uni, PAT_EMERALD, PAT_PALACE, PAT_ZEBRA, PAT_DOWN, PAT_FIELD, PAT_COLORING, PAT_SIBLING, PAT_CHESS, PAT_SINGLETYPE, PAT_TYPES)) { if(whichPattern == uni) whichPattern = PAT_NONE; else whichPattern = ePattern(uni); #if CAP_EDIT mapeditor::modelcell.clear(); #endif REMAP_TEXTURE; } else if(uni >= '0' && uni <= '5') { subpattern_flags ^= (1 << (uni - '0')); REMAP_TEXTURE; } else if(uni == '=') { subpattern_flags ^= SPF_EXTRASYM; REMAP_TEXTURE; } else if(uni == '\'') { subpattern_flags ^= SPF_ALTERNATE; // subpattern_flags &= ~SPF_FOOTBALL; REMAP_TEXTURE; } else if(uni == '*') { subpattern_flags ^= SPF_FOOTBALL; // subpattern_flags &= ~SPF_ALTERNATE; REMAP_TEXTURE; } else if(uni == '!') { subpattern_flags ^= SPF_FULLSYM; REMAP_TEXTURE; } else if(uni == '@') { subpattern_flags ^= SPF_DOCKS; REMAP_TEXTURE; } else if(uni == '#') { subpattern_flags ^= SPF_NO_SUBCODES; REMAP_TEXTURE; } else if(uni == 'd') displaycodes = !displaycodes; else if(uni == 'r' && !needConfirmation()) pushScreen(showPrePattern); else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen(); }; } EX bool compatible(cpatterntype oldp, cpatterntype newp) { // larges are not incompatible between themselves if(newp == cpLarge || newp == cpZebra) return false; // other cps are compatible with themselves if(newp == oldp) return true; // Single can be upgraded to everything if(oldp == cpSingle) return true; // Football can be upgraded to Three colors if(oldp == cpFootball) return newp == cpThree; // incompatible otherwise return false; } struct changeable_pattern_geometry { eGeometry geo; eVariation var; ePattern whichPattern; int subpattern_flags; }; struct changeable_pattern { string name; vector geometries; }; vector cpatterns = { {"football", { {gNormal, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, 0}, {gSphere, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, 0}, {gEuclid, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gOctagon, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, 0}, {gOctagon, eVariation::pure, PAT_COLORING, SPF_FOOTBALL | SPF_EXTRASYM}, {g45, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, 0}, {g46, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {g47, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, 0}, {gSmallSphere, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, 0}, {gSmallSphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_COLORING, SPF_FOOTBALL | SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gTinySphere, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gEuclidSquare, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_TYPES, SPF_EXTRASYM}, }}, {"three colors", { {gEuclid, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gSmallSphere, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, 0}, {gSmallSphere, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, SPF_ALTERNATE}, {gSmallSphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_COLORING, 0}, {gOctagon, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, SPF_ROT | SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gOctagon, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, SPF_ROT | SPF_EXTRASYM | SPF_ALTERNATE}, {gOctagon, eVariation::pure, PAT_COLORING, 0}, {gEuclidSquare, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, SPF_SYM03 | SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gEuclidSquare, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, SPF_SYM03 | SPF_EXTRASYM | SPF_ALTERNATE}, {g46, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, SPF_SYM0123}, {g46, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_COLORING, SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_EXTRASYM | SPF_ALTERNATE} }}, {"chessboard", { {gEuclidSquare, eVariation::pure, PAT_CHESS, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {g45, eVariation::pure, PAT_CHESS, 0}, {g46, eVariation::pure, PAT_CHESS, 0}, {g47, eVariation::pure, PAT_CHESS, 0} }}, {"single type", { {gNormal, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {gSphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {gEuclid, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {gOctagon, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {g45, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {g46, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {g47, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {gSmallSphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {gTinySphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, {gEuclidSquare, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, 0}, }}, {"single type+symmetry", { {gNormal, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gSphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gEuclid, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gOctagon, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {g45, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {g46, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {g47, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gSmallSphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gTinySphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, {gEuclidSquare, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_EXTRASYM}, }}, {"odd/even", { {gNormal, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_TWOCOL}, {gSphere, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_TWOCOL}, {g45, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_TWOCOL}, {g47, eVariation::pure, PAT_SINGLETYPE, SPF_TWOCOL} }}, {"large picture", { {gNormal, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_PALACE, SPF_SYM0123}, {gNormal, eVariation::pure, PAT_PALACE, SPF_SYM0123}, {gSphere, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_FIELD, 0}, {gSphere, eVariation::pure, PAT_FIELD, 0}, {gElliptic, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_FIELD, 0}, {gElliptic, eVariation::pure, PAT_FIELD, 0}, {gEuclid, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_PALACE, 0} }}, {"periodic patterns", { {gNormal, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_ZEBRA, SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_ROT}, {gNormal, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_PALACE, SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_ROT}, {gNormal, eVariation::bitruncated, PAT_EMERALD, SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_ROT}, {g46, eVariation::pure, PAT_COLORING, SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_CHANGEROT}, {g45, eVariation::pure, PAT_ZEBRA, SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_ROT}, {g47, eVariation::pure, PAT_ZEBRA, SPF_SYM0123 | SPF_ROT}, {gOctagon, eVariation::pure, PAT_COLORING, SPF_DOCKS}, }} }; EX cpatterntype cgroup, old_cgroup; void showChangeablePatterns() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; { dynamicval dc(displaycodes, true); gamescreen(); } dialog::init(); for(int i=0; i= '0' && uni < '0' + isize(cpatterns)) cgroup = cpatterntype(uni - '0'); else if(cgroup != cpUnknown && uni >= 'a' && uni < 'a' + isize(cpatterns[cgroup].geometries)) { auto &g = cpatterns[cgroup].geometries[uni - 'a']; if(g.geo != geometry) set_geometry(g.geo); if(g.var != variation) set_variation(g.var); whichPattern = g.whichPattern; subpattern_flags = g.subpattern_flags; bool not_restarted = game_active; start_game(); if(not_restarted) REMAP_TEXTURE; } #if CAP_GP else if(uni == 'G' && (have_goldberg || have_variations)) gp::configure(); #endif else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen(); }; } EX void computeCgroup() { if(fake::in()) { FPIU(computeCgroup()); return; } cgroup = cpUnknown; if(whichPattern == PAT_SINGLETYPE) { cgroup = cpSingle; return; } if(arcm::in()) { if(whichPattern == PAT_COLORING && geosupport_threecolor()) { if(subpattern_flags & SPF_FOOTBALL) cgroup = cpFootball; else cgroup = cpThree; } else if(whichPattern == PAT_CHESS && geosupport_chessboard()) cgroup = cpChess; else if(whichPattern == PAT_TYPES && (subpattern_flags & SPF_FOOTBALL) && geosupport_football()) cgroup = cpFootball; return; } for(int i=0; imaster->c7 == c; } EX namespace linepatterns { #if HDR struct linepattern { string lpname; color_t color; ld multiplier; function is_available; function renderer; linepattern(string _lpname, color_t _color, function _av, function _rend) : lpname(_lpname), color(_color), multiplier(1), is_available(_av), renderer(_rend) {} }; #endif bool always_available() { return true; } bool stdhyp_only() { return stdhyperbolic; } bool needs_valence_3() { return valence() == 3 && geosupport_football(); } bool horo_only() { return horo_ok() && mod_allowed(); } bool if_pseudohept() { return geosupport_football(); } color_t lessalpha(color_t col, int m) { part(col, 0) /= m; return col; } color_t lessalphaif(color_t col, bool b) { return b?lessalpha(col, 4):col; } color_t lessalphaif(color_t col, bool b1, bool b2) { if(b1) col = lessalpha(col, 2); if(b2) col = lessalpha(col, 2); return col; } void gridlinef(const shiftmatrix& V1, const hyperpoint& h1, const shiftmatrix& V2, const hyperpoint& h2, color_t col, int par) { if(!elliptic) gridline(V1, h1, V2, h2, col, par); else { hyperpoint vh1 = V1.T * h1; hyperpoint vh2 = unshift(V2, V1.shift) * h2; ld cros = vh1[0]*vh2[0] + vh1[1]*vh2[1] + vh1[2]*vh2[2]; if(cros > 0) gridline(V1, h1, V2, h2, col, par), gridline(V1, -1*h1, V2, -1*h2, col, par); else gridline(V1, h1, V2, -1*h2, col, par), gridline(V1, -1*h1, V2, h2, col, par); } } void gridlinef(const shiftmatrix& V, const hyperpoint& h1, const hyperpoint& h2, color_t col, int par) { gridlinef(V, h1, V, h2, col, par); } #define ALLCELLS(R) \ [] (linepattern *lp) { auto& col = lp->color; for(auto& p: current_display->all_drawn_copies) for(auto& V: p.second) { cell *c = p.first; R } } #define ATCENTER(T) \ [] (linepattern *lp) { auto& col = lp->color; shiftmatrix V = gmatrix[cwt.at]; T} /** for functions drawing edges, ensure that the edge is drawn only in one direction */ template bool way(T*c, int i) { T* c2 = c->move(i); if(c == c2) return i <= c->c.spin(i); return c2 > c; } EX ld dual_length = 0; EX trans23 dual_angle; hyperpoint dualpoint(cell *c) { if(!aperiodic) return tile_center(); if(dual_length && c->master->c7 == c) return MirrorX * dual_angle.get() * xpush0(dual_length); if(dual_length) return dual_angle.get() * xpush0(dual_length); return tile_center(); } linepattern patDual("dual grid", 0xFFFFFF00, always_available, ALLCELLS( forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(way(c,i)) { if((patTriTree.color & 0xFF) || (PURE && (patTree.color & 0xFF))) { cell *parent = ts::right_parent(c, curr_dist); if(c2 == parent) continue; cell *parent2 = ts::right_parent(c2, curr_dist); if(c == parent2) continue; } if((patTriRings.color & 0xFF)) { if(curr_dist(c2) == curr_dist(c)) continue; } gridlinef(V, dualpoint(c), V * currentmap->adj(c, i), dualpoint(c->cmove(i)), col, 2 + vid.linequality); } ) ); linepattern patHepta("Gray Raider moves", 0xC0C0C000, if_pseudohept, ALLCELLS( forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(way(c,i)) if(pseudohept(c) == pseudohept(c2)) gridlinef(V, C0, V * currentmap->adj(c, i), C0, col, 2 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patRhomb("Green Raider moves", 0x00FF0000, if_pseudohept, ALLCELLS( forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(way(c,i)) if(pseudohept(c) != pseudohept(c2)) gridlinef(V, C0, V * currentmap->adj(c, i), C0, col, 2 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patTrihepta("triheptagonal tessellation", 0x0000C000, needs_valence_3, ALLCELLS( if(pseudohept(c)) for(int t=0; ttype; t++) gridline(V, get_warp_corner(c, t%c->type), get_warp_corner(c, (t+1)%c->type), col, 1 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patNormal("normal tessellation", 0x0000C000, always_available, ALLCELLS( for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t) && way(c,t)) gridline(V, get_corner_position(c, t), get_corner_position(c, (t+1)%c->type), col, 1 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patBigTriangles("big triangular grid", 0x00606000, always_available, ALLCELLS( if(c->master->c7 == c) for(int i=0; imaster->move(i) && c->master->move(i) < c->master) { gridlinef(V, C0, V, currentmap->master_relative(c, true) * currentmap->adj(c->master, i) * C0, col, 2 + vid.linequality); } ) ); linepattern patBigRings("big triangles: rings", 0x00606000, [] { return standard_tiling() && S3 == 3 && mod_allowed(); }, ALLCELLS( if(is_master(c) && !meuclid) for(int i=0; imaster->move(i) && way(c->master, i) && c->master->move(i)->dm4 == c->master->dm4) gridlinef(V, C0, xspinpush0(-TAU*i/S7 - master_to_c7_angle(), cgi.tessf), col, 2 + vid.linequality); ) ); EX ld tree_starter = 0.25; EX linepattern patTree = linepattern("underlying tree", 0x00d0d000, [] { return trees_known() && mod_allowed(); }, ALLCELLS( if(is_master(c)) { int dir = updir(c->master); if(dir == -1) continue; hyperpoint end = currentmap->master_relative(c, true) * currentmap->adj(c->master, dir) * C0; hyperpoint start = normalize(C0 + tree_starter * (end - C0)); gridlinef(V, start, V, end, col, 2 + vid.linequality); } ) ); linepattern patAltTree("circle/horocycle tree", 0xd000d000, horo_only, ALLCELLS( if(is_master(c)) { int dir = updir_alt(c->master); if(dir == -1) continue; hyperpoint end = currentmap->master_relative(c, true) * currentmap->adj(c->master, dir) * C0; hyperpoint start = normalize(C0 + tree_starter * (end - C0)); gridlinef(V, start, V, end, col, 2 + vid.linequality); } ) ); linepattern patHeawood("seven-colorable torus", 0x40FF4000, [] { return euc::in(2, 6); }, ALLCELLS( if(c != c->master->c7 || patterns::sevenval(c)) break; gridline(V, C0, tC0(euc::eumove(gp::loc(-1, +3))), col, 3 + vid.linequality); gridline(V, C0, tC0(euc::eumove(gp::loc(-3, +2))), col, 3 + vid.linequality); gridline(V, C0, tC0(euc::eumove(gp::loc(-2, -1))), col, 3 + vid.linequality); gridline(V, C0, tC0(euc::eumove(gp::loc(+1, -3))), col, 3 + vid.linequality); gridline(V, C0, tC0(euc::eumove(gp::loc(+3, -2))), col, 3 + vid.linequality); gridline(V, C0, tC0(euc::eumove(gp::loc(+2, +1))), col, 3 + vid.linequality); ) ); EX linepattern patZebraTriangles = linepattern("zebra triangles", 0x40FF4000, stdhyp_only, ALLCELLS( if(zebra40(c) / 4 == 10) { bool all = true; shiftmatrix tri[3]; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) tri[i] = V * currentmap->adj(c, i*2); if(all) for(int i=0; i<3; i++) gridline(tri[i], C0, tri[(i+1)%3], C0, col, 3 + vid.linequality); } ) ); EX linepattern patZebraLines = linepattern("zebra lines", 0xFF000000, stdhyp_only, ALLCELLS( if(!pseudohept(c)) for(int i=0; itype; i+=2) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); int fv1 = zebra40(c); if(fv1/4 == 4 || fv1/4 == 6 || fv1/4 == 5 || fv1/4 == 10) fv1 ^= 2; int fv2 = zebra40(c2); if(fv2/4 == 4 || fv2/4 == 6 || fv2/4 == 5 || fv2/4 == 10) fv2 ^= 2; if((fv1&1) == (fv2&1)) continue; double x = cgi.hexhexdist / 2; // msphere?.3651:meuclid?.2611:.2849; gridlinef(V, ddspin(c,i,-M_PI/S3) * xpush0(x), ddspin(c,i,M_PI/S3) * xpush0(x), col, 1 + vid.linequality); } ) ); linepattern patGoldbergTree("Goldberg tree", 0x8438A400, [] { return GOLDBERG || INVERSE; }, ALLCELLS( if(c->master->c7 != c) gridlinef(V, C0, V*currentmap->adj(c,0), C0, darkena(backcolor ^ 0xFFFFFF, 0, col), 2 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patIrregularMaster("irregular master", 0x8438A400, [] { return IRREGULAR; }, ALLCELLS( if(c->master->c7 != c) if(gmatrix.count(c->master->c7)) gridlinef(V, C0, V*currentmap->master_relative(c, true), C0, darkena(backcolor ^ 0xFFFFFF, 0, col), 2 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patVine("vineyard pattern", 0x8438A400, stdhyp_only, ALLCELLS( int p = emeraldval(c); double hdist = hdist0(cgi.heptmove[0] * cgi.heptmove[2] * C0); if(pseudohept(c) && (p/4 == 10 || p/4 == 8)) for(int i=0; imove(i) && emeraldval(c->move(i)) == p-4) { gridlinef(V, C0, tC0(cgi.heptmove[i]), col, 2 + vid.linequality); gridlinef(V, C0, xspinpush0(-i * TAU / S7, -hdist/2), col, 2 + vid.linequality); } ) ); linepattern patPalacelike("firewall lines", 0xFF400000, stdhyp_only, ALLCELLS( if(pseudohept(c)) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) gridlinef(V, ddspin(c,i,A_PI*5/7) * xpush0(cgi.tessf/2), ddspin(c,i,A_PI*9/7) * xpush0(cgi.tessf/2), col, 1 + vid.linequality); ) ); EX linepattern patPalace = linepattern("firewall lines: Palace", 0xFFD50000, stdhyp_only, ALLCELLS( bool a = polarb50(c); if(pseudohept(c)) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { cell *c1 = createMov(c, (i+3) % 7); cell *c2 = createMov(c, (i+4) % 7); if(polarb50(c1) != a && polarb50(c2) != a) gridlinef(V, ddspin(c,i,A_PI*5/7) * xpush0(cgi.tessf/2), ddspin(c,i,A_PI*9/7) * xpush0(cgi.tessf/2), col, 1 + vid.linequality); } ) ); linepattern patGoldbergSep("Goldberg", 0xFFFF0000, [] { return GOLDBERG || INVERSE; }, ALLCELLS( forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(c2->master != c->master && way(c, i)) gridlinef(V, C0, V*currentmap->adj(c, i), C0, col, 1 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patArcm("Archimedean", 0xFFFF0000, [] { return arcm::in(); }, ALLCELLS( if(!pseudohept(c)) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(way(c, i) && !pseudohept(c2)) gridlinef(V, C0, V*currentmap->adj(c, i), C0, col, 1 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patPower("firewall lines: Power", 0xFFFF0000, stdhyp_only, ALLCELLS( int a = emeraldval(c); if(pseudohept(c) && a/4 == 8) for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { heptagon *h1 = c->master->modmove(i+1); heptagon *h2 = c->master->modmove(i-1); if(!h1 || !h2) continue; if(emeraldval(h1->c7)/4 == 8 && emeraldval(h2->c7)/4 == 8) gridlinef(V, ddspin(c,i,A_PI*5/7) * xpush0(cgi.tessf/2), ddspin(c,i,A_PI*9/7) * xpush0(cgi.tessf/2), col, 1 + vid.linequality); } ) ); linepattern patHorocycles("horocycles", 0xd060d000, horo_only, ALLCELLS( if(c->master->alt) { int d = celldistAlt(c); forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(c2 > c && c2->master->alt && celldistAlt(c2) == d) gridlinef(V, C0, V * currentmap->adj(c, i), C0, darkena(backcolor ^ 0xFFFFFF, 0, col), 2 + vid.linequality); } ) ); bool trees_legal() { return (bt::in() || trees_known()) && distances_legal(nullptr); } EX linepattern patTriRings = linepattern("lines of equal distance", 0xFFFFFF00, trees_legal, ALLCELLS( if(valence() == 3) { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) { if(c2 > c) if(curr_dist(c) == curr_dist(c2)) gridlinef(V, C0, V * currentmap->adj(c, i), C0, col, 2 + vid.linequality); } } else { dynamicval dmar(mine_adjacency_rule, 1); int d = curr_dist(c); for(auto p: adj_minefield_cells_full(c)) if(p.c < c && d == curr_dist(p.c)) gridlinef(V, C0, V, tC0(p.T), col, 2 + vid.linequality); } ) ); EX linepattern patTriTree = linepattern("tessellation tree", 0xFFFFFF00, trees_legal, ALLCELLS( cell *parent = ts::right_parent(c, curr_dist); if(gmatrix.count(parent)) { hyperpoint end = tC0(currentmap->adj(c, neighborId(c, parent))); hyperpoint start = normalize(C0 + tree_starter * (end - C0)); gridlinef(V, start, V, end, col, 2 + vid.linequality); } ) ); EX linepattern patTriWalls = linepattern("tessellation walls", 0xFF000000, trees_legal, ALLCELLS( if(gmatrix.count(c)) { celldrawer cd; cd.c = c; cd.V = V; for(int t=0; ttype; t++) { cell *c1 = c->move(t); if(!c1) continue; if(c1 == ts::right_parent(c, curr_dist)) continue; if(c == ts::right_parent(c1, curr_dist)) continue; cd.draw_grid_edge(t, col, 2 + vid.linequality); } } ) ); linepattern patCircles("circles", 0xFFFFFF00, always_available, ATCENTER( for(int i=15; i<=180; i+=15) { for(int j=0; j<360; j+=15) { for(int k=0; k<=15; k++) curvepoint(xspinpush0((j+k) * degree, i * degree)); queuecurve(shiftless(Id), col, 0, PPR::LINE).V=V; } } ) ); linepattern patRadii("radii", 0xFFFFFF00, always_available, ATCENTER( for(int i=0; i<360; i+=15) { for(int j=0; j<180; j+=15) { for(int k=0; k<=15; k++) curvepoint(xspinpush0(i * degree, (j+k) * degree)); queuecurve(shiftless(Id), col, 0, PPR::LINE).V=V; } } ) ); EX ld mp_ori = 0; EX ld meridian_max = 180._deg; EX ld meridian_count = 12; EX ld meridian_length = 90._deg; EX ld meridian_prec = 12; EX ld meridian_prec2 = 15; EX linepattern patMeridians = linepattern("meridians", 0xFFFFFF00, always_available, ATCENTER( for(int j=0; jmaster); auto& sh = arb::current.shapes[i]; for(auto p: sh.sublines) gridlinef(V, sh.vertices[p.first], sh.vertices[p.second], col, 2 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patUltra("ultra-connection", 0xFFFF8000, [] { return cgflags & qULTRA; }, ALLCELLS( ignore(c); color_t col2 = col; if(col2 == 0xFF) col2 = darkena(c->landparam, 0, 0xFF); for(auto U: cgi.ultra_mirrors) gridlinef(V, C0, V, mid(C0, U*C0), col2, 2 + vid.linequality); ) ); linepattern patWallHighlight("Great Wall highlight", 0xFFFFFF00, always_available, ALLCELLS( if(c->bardir < 0 || c->bardir >= c->type) continue; if(c->land == laHauntedWall && !cheater) continue; if(GDIM != 2) continue; if(c->barleft == NOWALLSEP_USED) continue; hyperpoint ends[2]; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { cellwalker cw(c, c->bardir); if(i == 1 && (c->type & 1)) { cw += c->type/2; hyperpoint a = tC0(currentmap->adj(cw.at, cw.spin)); cw++; hyperpoint b = tC0(currentmap->adj(cw.at, cw.spin)); ends[i] = mid(a, b); break; } if(i == 1) cw += c->type/2; transmatrix T = currentmap->adj(cw.at, cw.spin); cw += wstep; if(cw.at->bardir == cw.spin) ends[i] = mid(C0, tC0(T)); else if(cw.at->type % 2 == 0) { cw += rev; transmatrix U = currentmap->adj(cw.at, cw.spin); ends[i] = T * mid(C0, tC0(U)); } } gridlinef(V, ends[0], V, ends[1], col, grid_prec()); ) ); #if HDR extern linepattern patTriTree, patTriRings, patTriWalls, patDual; #endif EX vector patterns = { &patDual, &patHepta, &patRhomb, &patTrihepta, &patNormal, &patBigTriangles, &patTree, &patAltTree, &patZebraTriangles, &patZebraLines, &patVine, &patPalacelike, &patPalace, &patPower, &patHorocycles, &patTriRings, &patTriTree, &patTriWalls, &patGoldbergTree, &patIrregularMaster, &patGoldbergSep, &patHeawood, &patArcm, &patCircles, &patRadii, &patMeridians, &patParallels, &patSublines, &patUltra, &patWallHighlight }; EX void clearAll() { for(auto& lp: patterns) lp->color &= ~255; } EX ld width = 1; EX void drawAll() { if(!width) return; vid.linewidth *= width; for(auto lp: patterns) if((lp->color & 255) && lp->multiplier && lp->is_available()) { vid.linewidth *= lp->multiplier; lp->renderer(lp); vid.linewidth /= lp->multiplier; } vid.linewidth /= width; } int numpat = 0; bool indiv; EX void showMenu() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("line patterns")); int id = 0; for(auto lp: patterns) { string name = XLAT(lp->lpname); if(lp->is_available()) { if(!indiv) { dialog::addColorItem(name, lp->color, 'a'+(id++)); dialog::add_action([lp] () { dialog::openColorDialog(lp->color, NULL); dialog::get_di().dialogflags |= sm::MAYDARK | sm::SIDE; }); } else { dialog::addSelItem(name, fts(lp->multiplier), 'a'+(id++)); dialog::add_action([lp] () { dialog::editNumber(lp->multiplier, 0.001, 10, 0.1, 1, XLAT("line width"), ""), dialog::scaleLog(); }); } } else { cheater++; if(lp->is_available()) { dialog::addSelItem(name, XLAT("cheat"), 'a'+(id++)); dialog::add_action(enable_cheat); } cheater--; } } dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBack(); dialog::addSelItem("line width", fts(width), 'W'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(width, 0, 10, 0.1, 1, XLAT("line width"), ""); }); add_edit(tree_starter); dialog::addBoolItem_action("edit widths individually", indiv, 'I'); if(GDIM == 3) dialog::addBoolItem_action("fat edges", fat_edges, 'F'); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addInfo("change the alpha parameter to show the lines"); dialog::display(); } } int val46(cell *c) { patterns::patterninfo si; patterns::val46(c, si, 0, 0); return si.id; } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE int read_pattern_args() { using namespace arg; if(argis("-pattern")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); const char *c = argcs(); using namespace patterns; subpattern_flags = 0; whichPattern = PAT_NONE; while(*c) { if(*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') subpattern_flags ^= 1 << (*c - '0'); else if(*c == '@') subpattern_flags ^= 1 << 10; else if(*c == '-') subpattern_flags ^= 1 << 11; else if(*c == '~') subpattern_flags ^= 1 << 12; else whichPattern = ePattern(*c); c++; } } else if(argis("-wsh")) { start_game(); shift(); patterns::whichShape = args()[0]; } else if(argis("-pal")) { PHASEFROM(2); cheat(); shift(); string ss = args(); shift(); for(auto& lp: linepatterns::patterns) if(appears(lp->lpname, ss)) lp->color |= argi(); } else if(argis("-palrgba")) { PHASEFROM(2); cheat(); shift(); string ss = args(); shift(); for(auto& lp: linepatterns::patterns) if(appears(lp->lpname, ss)) lp->color = argcolor(32); } else if(argis("-fat-edges")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); fat_edges = argi(); } else if(argis("-palw")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); string ss = args(); for(auto& lp: linepatterns::patterns) if(appears(lp->lpname, ss)) { shift_arg_formula(lp->multiplier); return 0; } println(hlog, "linepattern not found in -palw: ", ss); shift(); } else if(argis("-palgw")) shift_arg_formula(linepatterns::width); else if(argis("-noplayer")) mapeditor::drawplayer = false; else if(argis("-drawplayer")) { shift(); mapeditor::drawplayer = argi(); } else if(argis("-pcol")) { shift(); colortable *ct = &(ccolor::which->ctab); if(args()[0] > '9') { char c = args()[0]; if(c == 't') ct = &nestcolors; else if(c == 'd') ct = &distcolors; else if(c == 'm') ct = &minecolors; else if(c == 'E') { shift(); int d = argi(); shift(); expcolors[d] = argcolor(24); return 0; } else if(c == 'P') { shift(); int d = argi(); shift(); color_t h = argcolor(32); if(d >= 0 && d < 7) ((color_t*)(&vid.cs.skincolor)) [d] = h; return 0; } else throw hr_exception("cannot understand color pattern by character"); shift(); } int d = argi(); ct->allocate(d+1); shift(); (*ct)[d] = argcolor(24); } else if(argis("-canvas")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); enable_canvas(); shift(); if(args() == "i") canvas_default_wall = waInvisibleFloor; else { bool found = false; for(auto p: ccolor::all) if(appears(p->name, args())) { found = true; ccolor::which = p; break; } if(!found) { ccolor::set_plain_nowall(argcolor(24)); } } stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::nothing); } else if(argis("-canvas-random")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); enable_canvas(); shift(); ccolor::set_random(argi()); } else if(argis("-cformula")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); enable_canvas(); ccolor::which = &ccolor::formula; shift(); ccolor::set_formula(args()); } else if(argis("-d:line")) launch_dialog(linepatterns::showMenu); else if(argis("-d:reg")) launch_dialog(patterns::showPrePattern); else if(argis("-d:pattern")) launch_dialog(patterns::showPattern); else return 1; return 0; } auto ah_pattern = addHook(hooks_args, 0, read_pattern_args) + addHook(hooks_clearmemory, 100, [] { patterns::computed_nearer_map.clear(); patterns::computed_furthest_map.clear(); }); #endif }