// Hyperbolic Rogue - passability // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file checkmove.cpp * \brief check whether monster/PC can move in the given direction */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { // === MOVEMENT FUNCTIONS === // w = from->move(d) EX bool againstCurrent(cell *w, cell *from) { if(from->land != laWhirlpool) return false; if(againstWind(from, w)) return false; // wind is stronger than current if(!eubinary && (!from->master->alt || !w->master->alt)) return false; int dfrom = celldistAlt(from); int dw = celldistAlt(w); if(dw < dfrom) return false; if(dfrom < dw) return true; for(int d=0; dtype; d++) if(from->move(d) == w) { cell *c3 = from->modmove(d-1); if(!c3) return false; return celldistAlt(c3) < dfrom; } return false; } EX bool boatGoesThrough(cell *c) { if(isGravityLand(c->land)) return false; return (c->wall == waNone && c->land != laMotion && c->land != laZebra && c->land != laReptile) || isAlchAny(c) || c->wall == waCavefloor || c->wall == waFrozenLake || isReptile(c->wall) || c->wall == waDeadfloor || c->wall == waCIsland || c->wall == waCIsland2 || c->wall == waMineUnknown || c->wall == waMineMine || c->wall == waMineOpen || c->wall == waBonfireOff || c->wall == waFire || c->wall == waPartialFire || c->wall == waArrowTrap || c->wall == waShallow; } EX void become_water(cell *c) { if(isIcyLand(c)) c->wall = waLake; else if(isCoastal(c) || isSealand(c)) c->wall = waSea; else c->wall = waDeepWater; } EX void placeWater(cell *c, cell *c2) { destroyTrapsOn(c); if(isWatery(c)) ; else if(c2 && isAlchAny(c2)) c->wall = c2->wall; else become_water(c); // destroy the ancient treasure! if(c->item == itBarrow) c->item = itNone; } EX int incline(cell *cfrom, cell *cto) { return snakelevel(cto) - snakelevel(cfrom); } #define F(x) checkflags(flags,x) EX bool checkflags(flagtype flags, flagtype x) { if(flags & x) return true; if(flags & P_ISPLAYER) { if((x & P_WINTER) && (markOrb(itOrbWinter) || markOrb(itCurseWater))) return true; if((x & P_IGNORE37) && markOrb(itOrb37)) return true; if((x & P_FISH) && markOrb(itOrbFish)) return true; if((x & P_MARKWATER) && markOrb(itOrbWater)) return true; if((x & P_AETHER) && markOrb2(itOrbAether) && !(flags&P_NOAETHER)) return true; if((x & P_WATERCURSE)&& markOrb2(itCurseWater)) return true; } if(flags & P_ISFRIEND) if(items[itOrbEmpathy]) if(checkflags(flags ^ P_ISPLAYER ^ P_ISFRIEND, x) && markOrb(itOrbEmpathy)) return true; return false; } EX bool strictlyAgainstGravity(cell *w, cell *from, bool revdir, flagtype flags) { return cellEdgeUnstable(w, flags) && cellEdgeUnstable(from, flags) && !(shmup::on && from == w) && gravityLevelDiff(from, w) != (revdir?-1:1) * gravity_zone_diff(from); } EX bool anti_alchemy(cell *w, cell *from) { if(!from) return false; if(!isAlchAny(w)) return false; if(!isAlchAny(from)) return false; if(w->item) return false; if(from->item) return false; if(!nonorientable) return w->wall != from->wall; forCellIdEx(c1, i, w) if(c1 == from && (w->c.mirror(i) ? w->wall != from->wall : w->wall == from->wall)) return false; return true; } #if HDR #define P_MONSTER Flag(0) // can move through monsters #define P_MIRROR Flag(1) // can move through mirrors // unused #define P_WIND Flag(3) // can move against the wind #define P_GRAVITY Flag(4) // can move against the gravity #define P_ISPLAYER Flag(5) // player-only moves (like the Round Table jump) #define P_ONPLAYER Flag(6) // always can step on the player #define P_FLYING Flag(7) // is flying #define P_BULLET Flag(8) // bullet can fly through more things #define P_MIRRORWALL Flag(9) // mirror images go through mirror walls #define P_JUMP1 Flag(10) // first part of a jump #define P_JUMP2 Flag(11) // second part of a jump #define P_TELE Flag(12) // teleport onto #define P_BLOW Flag(13) // Orb of Air -- blow, or push #define P_AETHER Flag(14) // aethereal #define P_FISH Flag(15) // swimming #define P_WINTER Flag(16) // fire resistant #define P_USEBOAT Flag(17) // can use boat #define P_NOAETHER Flag(18) // disable AETHER #define P_FRIENDSWAP Flag(19) // can move on friends (to swap with tem) #define P_ISFRIEND Flag(20) // is a friend (can use Empathy + Winter/Aether/Fish combo) #define P_LEADER Flag(21) // can push statues and use boats #define P_MARKWATER Flag(22) // mark Orb of Water as used #define P_EARTHELEM Flag(23) // Earth Elemental #define P_WATERELEM Flag(24) // Water Elemental #define P_IGNORE37 Flag(25) // ignore the triheptagonal board #define P_CHAIN Flag(26) // for chaining moves with boats #define P_DEADLY Flag(27) // suicide moves allowed #define P_ROSE Flag(28) // rose smell #define P_CLIMBUP Flag(29) // allow climbing up #define P_CLIMBDOWN Flag(30) // allow climbing down #define P_REPTILE Flag(31) // is reptile #define P_VOID Flag(32) // void beast #define P_PHASE Flag(33) // phasing movement #define P_PULLMAGNET Flag(34) // pull the other part of the magnet #define P_WATERCURSE Flag(35) // Curse of Water #endif EX bool passable(cell *w, cell *from, flagtype flags) { bool vrevdir = bool(flags&P_VOID); if(from && from != w && nonAdjacent(from, w) && !F(P_IGNORE37 | P_BULLET)) return false; if((isWateryOrBoat(w) || w->wall == waShallow) && F(P_WATERCURSE)) return false; for(cell *pp: player_positions()) { if(w == pp && F(P_ONPLAYER)) return true; if(from && !((flags & P_ISPLAYER) && pp->monst)) { int i = vrevdir ? incline(w, from) : incline(from, w); if(in_gravity_zone(w)) { if(gravity_state == gsLevitation) i = 0; if(gravity_state == gsAnti && i > 1) i = 1; } if(i < -1 && F(P_ROSE)) return false; if((i > 1) && !F(P_JUMP1 | P_JUMP2 | P_BULLET | P_FLYING | P_BLOW | P_CLIMBUP | P_AETHER | P_REPTILE)) return false; if((i < -2) && !F(P_DEADLY | P_JUMP1 | P_JUMP2 | P_BULLET | P_FLYING | P_BLOW | P_CLIMBDOWN | P_AETHER | P_REPTILE)) return false; } } if(F(P_ROSE)) { if(airdist(w) < 3) return false; if(againstWind(w,from)) return false; if(isGravityLand(w)) return false; if(w->wall == waChasm && w->land == laDual) return false; } if(from && strictlyAgainstGravity(w, from, vrevdir, flags) && !((flags & P_ISPLAYER) && shmup::on) && !F(P_GRAVITY | P_BLOW | P_JUMP1 | P_JUMP2 | P_FLYING | P_BULLET | P_AETHER) ) return false; if(from && (vrevdir ? againstWind(from,w) : againstWind(w, from)) && !F(P_WIND | P_BLOW | P_JUMP1 | P_JUMP2 | P_BULLET | P_AETHER)) return false; if(!shmup::on && sword::at(w, flags & P_ISPLAYER) && !F(P_DEADLY | P_BULLET | P_ROSE)) return false; bool alch1 = anti_alchemy(w, from); if(alch1) { bool alchok = (in_gravity_zone(w) || in_gravity_zone(from)); alchok = alchok || (F(P_JUMP1 | P_JUMP2 | P_FLYING | P_TELE | P_BLOW | P_AETHER | P_BULLET) && !F(P_ROSE)); if(!alchok) return false; } if(from && thruVine(from, w) && !F(P_AETHER)) return false; if(w->monst == moMouse && F(P_JUMP1)) ; else if(w->monst && isFriendly(w) && F(P_FRIENDSWAP)) ; else if(w->monst && !F(P_MONSTER)) return false; if(w->wall == waMirror || w->wall == waCloud) return F(P_MIRROR | P_AETHER); if(w->wall == waMirrorWall) return F(P_MIRRORWALL); if(F(P_BULLET)) { if(isFire(w) || w->wall == waBonfireOff || cellHalfvine(w) || w->wall == waMagma || isNonblock(w->wall)) return true; } if(F(P_LEADER)) { if(from && from->wall == waBoat && isWatery(w) && from->item == itOrbYendor) return false; if(from && from->wall == waBoat && isWateryOrBoat(w) && !againstCurrent(w, from)) return true; if(from && isWatery(from) && w->wall == waBoat && F(P_CHAIN)) return true; if(from && isWatery(from) && isWatery(w) && F(P_CHAIN) && !againstCurrent(w, from)) return true; if(w->wall == waBigStatue && from && canPushStatueOn(from, flags)) return true; } if(F(P_EARTHELEM)) { // cannot go through Living Caves... if(w->wall == waCavefloor) return false; // but can dig through... if(w->wall == waDeadwall || w->wall == waDune || w->wall == waStone) return true; // and can swim through... if(w->wall == waSea && w->land == laLivefjord) return true; } if(F(P_WATERELEM)) { if(isWatery(w) || boatGoesThrough(w) || w->wall == waBoat || w->wall == waDeadTroll || w->wall == waDeadTroll2) return true; return false; } if(isThorny(w->wall) && F(P_BLOW | P_DEADLY)) return true; if(isFire(w) || w->wall == waMagma) { if(w->wall == waMagma && in_gravity_zone(w)) ; else if(!F(P_AETHER | P_WINTER | P_BLOW | P_JUMP1 | P_BULLET | P_DEADLY)) return false; } if(in_gravity_zone(w) && gravity_state == gsAnti && !isGravityLand(w->land) && (!from || !isGravityLand(from->land))) if(!F(P_AETHER | P_BLOW | P_JUMP1 | P_BULLET | P_FLYING)) { bool next_to_wall = false; forCellEx(c2, w) if(isJWall(c2)) next_to_wall = true; if(from) forCellEx(c2, from) if(isJWall(c2)) next_to_wall = true; if(!next_to_wall && (!from || incline(from, w) * (vrevdir?-1:1) <= 0)) return false; } if(isWatery(w)) { if((flags & P_ISPLAYER) && from && isWatery(from) && pickable_from_water(w->item)) ; else if(in_gravity_zone(w)) ; else if(from && from->wall == waBoat && F(P_USEBOAT) && (!againstCurrent(w, from) || F(P_MARKWATER)) && !(from->item == itOrbYendor)) ; else if(from && isWatery(from) && F(P_CHAIN) && F(P_USEBOAT) && !againstCurrent(w, from)) ; else if(!from && F(P_CHAIN) && F(P_USEBOAT)) ; else if(!F(P_AETHER | P_FISH | P_FLYING | P_BLOW | P_JUMP1 | P_BULLET | P_DEADLY | P_REPTILE)) return false; } if(isChasmy(w)) { if(in_gravity_zone(w)) ; else if(!F(P_AETHER | P_FLYING | P_BLOW | P_JUMP1 | P_BULLET | P_DEADLY | P_REPTILE)) return false; } if(w->wall == waRoundTable && from && from->wall != waRoundTable && (flags & P_ISPLAYER)) return true; if(isNoFlight(w) && F(P_FLYING | P_BLOW | P_JUMP1)) return false; if(isWall(w)) { // a special case: empathic aethereal beings cannot go through Round Table // (but truly aetheral beings can) if(w->wall == waRoundTable) { if(!(flags & P_AETHER)) return false; } else if(!F(P_AETHER)) return false; } return true; } EX vector > airmap; EX int airdist(cell *c) { if(!(havewhat & HF_AIR)) return 3; vector >::iterator it = lower_bound(airmap.begin(), airmap.end(), make_pair(c,0)); if(it != airmap.end() && it->first == c) return it->second; return 3; } EX ld calcAirdir(cell *c) { if(!c || c->monst == moAirElemental || !passable(c, NULL, P_BLOW)) return 0; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(c2 && c2->monst == moAirElemental) { return c->c.spin(i) * TAU / c2->type; } } for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(!c2) continue; if(!passable(c2, c, P_BLOW | P_MONSTER)) continue; if(!passable(c, c2, P_BLOW | P_MONSTER)) continue; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c3 = c2->move(i); if(c3 && c3->monst == moAirElemental) { return c2->c.spin(i) * TAU / c3->type; } } } return 0; } EX bool againstWind(cell *cto, cell *cfrom) { if(!cfrom || !cto) return false; int dcto = airdist(cto), dcfrom = airdist(cfrom); if(dcto < dcfrom) return true; #if CAP_FIELD if(cfrom->land == laBlizzard && !shmup::on && cto->land == laBlizzard && dcto == 3 && dcfrom == 3) { char vfrom = windmap::at(cfrom); char vto = windmap::at(cto); int z = (vfrom-vto) & 255; if(z >= windmap::NOWINDBELOW && z < windmap::NOWINDFROM) return true; } #endif whirlwind::calcdirs(cfrom); int d = neighborId(cfrom, cto); if(whirlwind::winddir(d) == -1) return true; return false; } EX bool ghostmove(eMonster m, cell* to, cell* from, flagtype extra) { if(!isGhost(m) && nonAdjacent(to, from)) return false; if(sword::at(to, 0)) return false; if(!shmup::on && isPlayerOn(to)) return false; if(to->monst && !(to->monst == moTentacletail && isGhost(m) && m != moFriendlyGhost) && !(to->monst == moTortoise && isGhost(m) && m != moFriendlyGhost) && !(extra & P_MONSTER)) return false; if((m == moWitchGhost || m == moWitchWinter) && to->land != laPower) return false; if(isGhost(m)) for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(to->move(i)) { if(inmirror(to->move(i))) return false; if(to->move(i) && to->move(i) != from && isGhost(to->move(i)->monst) && (to->move(i)->monst == moFriendlyGhost) == (m== moFriendlyGhost)) return false; } if(isGhost(m) || m == moWitchGhost) return true; if(m == moGreaterShark) return isWatery(to); if(m == moWitchWinter) return passable(to, from, P_WINTER | P_ONPLAYER); return false; } bool slimepassable(cell *w, cell *c) { if(w == c || !c) return true; int u = neighborId(c, w); if(nonAdjacent(w,c)) return false; if(isPlayerOn(w)) return true; int group = slimegroup(c); if(!group) return false; int ogroup = slimegroup(w); if(!ogroup) return false; bool hv = (group == ogroup); if(nonorientable && isAlchAny(c) && isAlchAny(w)) hv = !anti_alchemy(c, w); if(sword::at(w, 0)) return false; if(w->item) return false; // only travel to halfvines correctly if(cellHalfvine(c)) { int i=0; for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t) && c->move(t)->wall == c->wall) i=t; int z = i-u; if(z<0) z=-z; z%=6; if(z>1) return false; hv=(group == ogroup); } // only travel from halfvines correctly if(cellHalfvine(w)) { int i=0; for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(w->move(t) && w->move(t)->wall == w->wall) i=t; int z = i-c->c.spin(u); if(z<0) z=-z; z%=6; if(z>1) return false; hv=(group == ogroup); } if(!hv) return false; return true; } bool sharkpassable(cell *w, cell *c) { if(w == c || !c) return true; if(nonAdjacent(w,c)) return false; if(isPlayerOn(w)) return true; if(!isWatery(w) && w->wall != waShallow) return false; if(sword::at(w, 0)) return false; // don't go against the current if(isWateryOrBoat(w) && isWateryOrBoat(c)) return !againstCurrent(w, c); return true; } EX bool canPushStatueOn(cell *c, flagtype flags) { return passable(c, NULL, P_MONSTER | flags) && !snakelevel(c) && !isWorm(c->monst) && !isReptile(c->wall) && !peace::on && !cellHalfvine(c) && !isDie(c->wall) && !among(c->wall, waBoat, waFireTrap, waArrowTrap); } EX void moveBoat(const movei& mi) { changes.ccell(mi.t); changes.ccell(mi.s); eWall x = mi.t->wall; mi.t->wall = mi.s->wall; mi.s->wall = x; mi.t->mondir = mi.rev_dir_or(NODIR); changes.map_value(rosemap, mi.t); rosemap.erase(mi.t); moveItem(mi.s, mi.t, false); animateMovement(mi, LAYER_BOAT); } EX void moveBoatIfUsingOne(const movei& mi) { if(mi.s->wall == waBoat && isWatery(mi.t)) moveBoat(mi); else if(mi.s->wall == waBoat && boatGoesThrough(mi.t) && isFriendly(mi.t) && markEmpathy(itOrbWater)) { placeWater(mi.t, mi.s); moveBoat(mi); } } bool againstMagnet(cell *c1, cell *c2, eMonster m) { // (from, to) if(false) forCellEx(c3, c2) { if(c3 == c1) continue; if(c3->monst == m) return true; /* if(c3->monst == otherpole(m) && c3->move(c3->mondir) != c1) { int i = 0; forCellEx(c4, c3) if(c4->monst == m) i++; if(i == 2) return true; } */ } if(c1->monst == m && !isNeighbor(c2, c1->move(c1->mondir))) return true; forCellEx(c3, c1) if(c3->monst != m && isMagneticPole(c3->monst)) if(!isNeighbor(c3, c2)) return true; return false; } EX bool againstPair(cell *c1, cell *c2, eMonster m) { // (from, to) if(c1->monst == m && !isNeighbor(c2, c1->move(c1->mondir))) return true; return false; } EX bool notNearItem(cell *c) { forCellCM(c2, c) if(c2->item) return false; return true; } EX bool isNeighbor1(cell *f, cell *w) { return !f || f == w || isNeighbor(f, w); } EX bool passable_for(eMonster m, cell *w, cell *from, flagtype extra) { jumpdata jdummy; if(w->monst && !(extra & P_MONSTER) && !isPlayerOn(w)) return false; if(m == moWolf) { return (isIcyLand(w) || w->land == laVolcano) && (isPlayerOn(w) || passable(w, from, extra)); } if(isMagneticPole(m)) return !(w && from && againstMagnet(from, w, m)) && passable(w, from, extra); if(m == moPair) return !(w && from && againstPair(from, w, m)) && passable(w, from, extra); if(m == passive_switch) return false; if(minf[m].mgroup == moYeti || isBug(m) || isDemon(m) || m == moHerdBull || m == moMimic || m == moAsteroid) { if((isWitch(m) || m == moEvilGolem) && w->land != laPower && w->land != laHalloween) return false; return passable(w, from, extra); } if(m == moDragonHead && prairie::isriver(w)) return false; if(isShark(m)) return sharkpassable(w, from); if(isSlimeMover(m)) return slimepassable(w, from); if(m == moKrakenH) { if(extra & P_ONPLAYER) { if(isPlayerOn(w)) return true; } if((extra & P_ONPLAYER) && isPlayerOn(w)) return true; if(kraken_pseudohept(w) || kraken_pseudohept(from)) return false; if(w->wall != waBoat && !slimepassable(w, from)) return false; forCellEx(w2, w) if(w2->wall != waBoat && !passable(w2, w, P_FISH | P_MONSTER)) return false; return true; } if(m == moEarthElemental) return passable(w, from, extra | P_EARTHELEM); if(m == moWaterElemental) return passable(w, from, extra | P_WATERELEM); if(m == moGreaterShark) return isWatery(w) || w->wall == waBoat || w->wall == waFrozenLake; if(isGhostMover(m) || m == moFriendlyGhost) return ghostmove(m, w, from, extra); // for the purpose of Shmup this is correct if(m == moTameBomberbird) return passable(w, from, extra | P_FLYING | P_ISFRIEND); if(m == moHexSnake) return !pseudohept(w) && passable(w, from, extra|P_WIND|P_FISH); if(isBird(m)) { if(bird_disruption(w) && (!from || bird_disruption(from)) && markOrb(itOrbGravity)) return passable(w, from, extra); else return passable(w, from, extra | P_FLYING); } if(m == moReptile) return passable(w, from, extra | P_REPTILE); if(isDragon(m)) return passable(w, from, extra | P_FLYING | P_WINTER); if(m == moAirElemental) return passable(w, from, extra | P_FLYING | P_WIND); if(isLeader(m)) { if(from && from->wall == waBoat && from->item == itCoral && !from->monst) return false; // don't move Corals! return passable(w, from, extra | P_LEADER); } if(isPrincess(m)) return passable(w, from, extra | P_ISFRIEND | P_USEBOAT); if(isGolemOrKnight(m)) return passable(w, from, extra | P_ISFRIEND); if(isWorm(m)) return passable(w, from, extra) && !cellUnstable(w) && ((m != moWorm && m != moTentacle) || !cellEdgeUnstable(w)); if(m == moVoidBeast) return passable(w, from, extra | P_VOID); if(m == moHexDemon) { if(extra & P_ONPLAYER) { if(isPlayerOn(w)) return true; } return !pseudohept(w) && passable(w, from, extra); } #if CAP_COMPLEX2 if(m == moAnimatedDie) { if(extra & P_ONPLAYER) { if(isPlayerOn(w)) return true; } if(from && isDie(from->monst)) { bool ok = false; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { if(from->move(i) != w) continue; if(dice::can_roll(movei(from, i))) ok = true; } if(!ok) return false; } if(from && !dice::die_possible(from)) return false; else if(!dice::die_possible(w)) return false; else return passable(w, from, extra); } #endif if(m == moFrog) { return isNeighbor1(from, w) ? passable(w, from, extra) : check_jump(from, w, extra, jdummy) == 3; } if(m == moPhaser) return isNeighbor1(from, w) ? passable(w, from, extra) : check_phase(from, w, extra, jdummy) == 3; if(m == moVaulter) return isNeighbor1(from, w) ? passable(w, from, extra) : check_vault(from, w, extra, jdummy) == 6; if(m == moAltDemon) { if(extra & P_ONPLAYER) { if(isPlayerOn(w)) return true; } return (!w || !from || w==from || pseudohept(w) || pseudohept(from)) && passable(w, from, extra); } if(m == moMonk) { if(extra & P_ONPLAYER) { if(isPlayerOn(w)) return true; } return notNearItem(w) && passable(w, from, extra); } return false; } EX eMonster movegroup(eMonster m) { return minf[m].mgroup; } EX bool logical_adjacent(cell *c1, eMonster m1, cell *c2) { if(!c1 || !c2) return true; // cannot really check eMonster m2 = c2->monst; if(!isNeighbor(c1, c2)) return false; if(thruVine(c1, c2) && !attackThruVine(m1) && !attackThruVine(m2) && !checkOrb(m1, itOrbAether) && !checkOrb(m2, itOrbAether)) return false; if(nonAdjacent(c1, c2) && !attackNonAdjacent(m1) && !attackNonAdjacent(m2) && !checkOrb(m1, itOrb37) && !checkOrb(m1, itOrbAether) && !checkOrb(m2, itOrbAether)) return false; return true; } EX void buildAirmap() { for(int k=0; ktype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(!c2) continue; if(!passable(c2, c, P_BLOW | P_MONSTER)) continue; if(!passable(c, c2, P_BLOW | P_MONSTER)) continue; airmap.push_back(make_pair(c2, d+1)); } } sort(airmap.begin(), airmap.end()); } EX int rosewave, rosephase; /** current state of the rose scent * rosemap[c] &3 can be: * 0 - wave not reached * 1 - wave expanding * 2 - wave phase 1 * 3 - wave phase 2 */ EX map rosemap; EX int rosedist(cell *c) { if(!(havewhat&HF_ROSE)) return 0; int&r (rosemap[c]); if((r&7) == 7) return 0; if(r&3) return (r&3)-1; return 0; } EX bool againstRose(cell *cfrom, cell *cto) { if(rosedist(cfrom) != 1) return false; if(cto && rosedist(cto) == 2) return false; return true; } EX bool withRose(cell *cfrom, cell *cto) { if(rosedist(cfrom) != 1) return false; if(rosedist(cto) != 2) return false; return true; } EX void buildRosemap() { rosephase++; rosephase &= 7; if((havewhat&HF_ROSE) && !rosephase) { rosewave++; for(int k=0; kwall == waRose && c->cpdist <= gamerange() - 2) rosemap[c] = rosewave * 8 + 2; } } for(map::iterator it = rosemap.begin(); it != rosemap.end(); it++) { cell *c = it->first; int r = it->second; if(r < (rosewave) * 8) continue; if((r&7) == 2) if(c->wall == waRose || !isWall(c)) for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(!c2) continue; // if(snakelevel(c2) <= snakelevel(c) - 2) continue; if(!passable(c2, c, P_BLOW | P_MONSTER | P_ROSE)) continue; int& r2 = rosemap[c2]; if(r2 < r) r2 = r-1; } } for(map::iterator it = rosemap.begin(); it != rosemap.end(); it++) { int& r = it->second; if((r&7) == 1 || (r&7) == 2 || (r&7) == 3) r++; if(airdist(it->first) < 3 || whirlwind::cat(it->first)) r |= 7; if(it->first->land == laBlizzard) r |= 7; forCellEx(c2, it->first) if(airdist(c2) < 3) r |= 7; } } EX bool scentResistant() { return markOrb(itOrbBeauty) || markOrb(itOrbAether) || markOrb(itOrbShield); } }