// compile with: // ./mymake -O3 inner-maps // used in: https://twitter.com/zenorogue/status/1212408644941295619 // run with: // ./hyper -noscr -canvas r -canvas i -wsh 0 -smart 4 -shott 0 -alpha 1 -inner-map #include "rogueviz.h" namespace hr { namespace inner { bool out = true; EX struct renderbuffer *buf1, *buf2; map lti; ld mdist; bool for_klein = false; ld alpha = -.7; cell *rendercenter; shiftmatrix rendercenterV; bool auto_move = false; bool full_disk = false; ld alpha_channel = 1; ld texture_alpha = 1; ld inner_alpha = 1; /** 0 = not every heptagon, 1 = every heptagon, 2 = every cell */ int dense = 0; // should do 30x -- temporarily disabled ld iterations = 1; ld iterations_bank; void gentexture() { if(!out) return; iterations_bank += iterations; println(hlog, tie(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, current_display->xtop, current_display->ytop, current_display->xsize, current_display->ysize)); while(iterations_bank >= 1) { iterations_bank -= 1; println(hlog, "# = ", isize(lti)); dynamicval b(out, false); dynamicval va(pconf.alpha, texture_alpha); dynamicval vb(pconf.scale, 1); if(!buf1) { buf1 = new renderbuffer(rug::texturesize, rug::texturesize, true); buf2 = new renderbuffer(rug::texturesize, rug::texturesize, true); } resetbuffer rb; rug::calcparam_rug(); models::configure(); buf1->enable(); buf1->clear(0); buf2->use_as_texture(); draw_boundary(0); draw_boundary(1); draw_model_elements(); drawthemap(); drawqueue(); calcparam(); rb.reset(); swap(buf1, buf2); rendercenter = centerover; rendercenterV = gmatrix[centerover]; } calcparam(); println(hlog, tie(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, current_display->xtop, current_display->ytop, current_display->xsize, current_display->ysize)); current_display->set_viewport(0); reset_projection(); } void frame() { gentexture(); if(auto_move) { color_t col = minf[moReptile].color; drawMonsterType(moReptile, NULL, shiftless(spin(alpha)), col, mdist, col); mapeditor::drawplayer = false; } } bool done; // should be .5 for dense ld crad = 1.82; ld ceps = .02; bool auto_crad = false; void need_redo() { done = false; } struct shapes { hpcshape edgeshape, circ; ld crad_p; }; struct inner_ext: gi_extension { map sh; }; shapes& get_shapes(ld crad) { if(!cgi.ext["innermaps"]) cgi.ext["innermaps"] = std::make_unique(); auto& ie = (inner_ext&) *cgi.ext["innermaps"]; int rad = int(crad * 100000 + .5); bool done = ie.sh.count(rad); auto& sh = ie.sh[rad]; if(done) return sh; done = true; cgi.bshape(sh.circ, PPR::WALL); sh.circ.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES; int k = for_klein ? 1 : 2; int maxz = for_klein ? 120 : 30; for(int z=0; z gs; bool render(cell *c, const shiftmatrix& V) { if(!buf1 || !buf2 || !rendercenter) return false; if(auto_crad) { crad = hdist0(mid(get_corner_position(c, 0), get_corner_position(c, 1))) - ceps; } auto& sh = get_shapes(crad); if(false && !gs.count(c)) { gs.insert(c); c->mondir = hrand(c->type); dont_face_pc = true; switch(hrand(100)) { case 0: c->monst = moOrangeDog; break; case 1: c->item = itHell; break; case 2: c->monst = moSalamander; break; case 3: c->monst = moButterfly; break; case 4: c->monst = moSparrowhawk; break; } } if(dense == 2 ? true : dense == 1 ? pseudohept(c) : cdist50(c) == 0) { dynamicval po(poly_outline, 0x000000FF); auto& p = lti[c]; p.texture_id = buf2->renderedTexture; p.tvertices.clear(); /*inner_alpha = anyshiftclick ? 1 : 0; hyperpoint ph = xspinpush0(0, crad); ph /= (inner_alpha+ph[2]); crad_p = ph[0]; */ if(full_disk) queuepoly(V, sh.edgeshape, darkena(c->landparam, 0, 0xFF)); for(int i=sh.circ.s; i b(pconf.alpha, anyshiftclick ? pconf.alpha : texture_alpha); // applymodel(h, scr); hyperpoint scr = h / (texture_alpha + h[2]); p.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(.5 + .5 * scr[0], .5 - .5 * scr[1], 0)); } auto& pe = queuepoly(V, sh.circ, 0xFFFFFFFF); pe.tinf = &p; part(pe.color, 0) = 255 * alpha_channel; if(!full_disk) queuepoly(V, sh.edgeshape, darkena(c->landparam, 0, 0xFF)); } return false; } void shift() { if(auto_move) { centerover = currentmap->gamestart(); mdist = (ticks % 10000) * 6 / 10000.; View = spin(alpha) * xpush(-mdist) * spin(-alpha); anims::moved(); centerover->monst = moNone; forCellEx(c1, centerover) c1->monst = moNone; } } void show() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("inner maps"), 0xFFFFFFFF, 150, 0); add_edit(texture_alpha); add_edit(inner_alpha); add_edit(dense); add_edit(crad); add_edit(ceps); add_edit(auto_move); add_edit(auto_crad); add_edit(iterations); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void enable() { using rogueviz::rv_hook; rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, frame); rv_hook(hooks_drawcell, 100, render); rv_hook(anims::hooks_anim, 100, shift); rv_hook(hooks_o_key, 80, [] (o_funcs& v) { v.push_back(named_dialog("inner maps", show)); }); } auto hook = arg::add3("-inner-map", enable) + addHook(hooks_configfile, 100, [] { param_f(texture_alpha, "inner_talpha") ->editable(0, 5, .1, "texture projection distance", "", 't'); param_f(inner_alpha, "inner_ialpha") ->editable(0, 5, .1, "inner projection distance", "", 'i') ->set_reaction(need_redo); param_i(dense, "inner_dense") ->editable(0, 2, 1, "densely packed maps", "0=palace pattern, 1=heptagons, 2=all", 'd'); param_b(auto_crad, "inner_auto_crad") ->editable("assign crad automatically to cell inradius", 'a'); param_f(crad, "inner_crad") ->editable(0, 10, .1, "radii of the inner maps", "", 'r') ->set_reaction(need_redo); param_f(ceps, "inner_ceps") ->editable(0, 0.1, .001, "map frame size", "", 'f') ->set_reaction(need_redo); param_b(auto_move, "auto_move") ->editable("animate", 'a'); param_b(full_disk, "inner_full_disk") ->editable("use full disk", 'F'); param_f(alpha_channel, "inner_alpha_channel") ->editable(0, .1, 1, "alpha channel to use in inner maps", "", 'C'); param_f(iterations, "inner_iterations") ->editable(0, 30, 0.2, "iterations per frame", "How many times per frame should we re-render the map", 'i') ->set_reaction(need_redo); }) + addHook_rvslides(52, [] (string s, vector& v) { if(s != "projections") return; using namespace tour; v.push_back(slide{ "projections/hyperbolic to hyperbolic", 10, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKGEO, "We can also project a hyperbolic plane to a hyperbolic plane of different curvature.\n\n" "Creatures living in the hyperbolic world may use the native Poincaré model to get conformal, circular, and totally useless maps of their whole world.\n\n" "Press 'o' to change the settings." , [] (presmode mode) { slide_url(mode, 't', "Twitter link (with description)", "https://twitter.com/zenorogue/status/1212408644941295619"); setCanvas(mode, &ccolor::random, [] { slide_backup(ccolor::rwalls, 0); }); if(mode == pmStart) { if(!shmup::on) restart_game(rg::shmup); slide_backup(mapeditor::drawplayer, true); enable(); start_game(); } }}); }); } }