// Hyperbolic Rogue -- land generation // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file landgen.cpp * \brief generating various lands * * See also bigstuff.cpp (for larger structures) and complex.cpp (for more complex land generation) */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { // land generation routines EX int explore[10], exploreland[10][landtypes], landcount[landtypes]; EX bool safety = false; EX eLand lastland; EX int lastexplore; EX bool randomPatternsMode = false; EX int randompattern[landtypes]; EX int genrange_bonus = 0; EX bool chaosUnlocked = false; EX bool chaosAchieved = false; EX void doOvergenerate() { for(int i=0; i 1) return true; int v = items[i] - currentLocalTreasure; if(v <= 10) return true; if(v >= 20) return false; return v >= hrand(10) + 10; } EX bool notDippingForExtra(eItem i, eItem x) { if(peace::on) return false; if(chaosmode > 1) return true; int v = items[i] - min(items[x], currentLocalTreasure); if(v <= 10) return true; if(v >= 20) return false; return v >= hrand(10) + 10; } void buildRedWall(cell *c, int gemchance) { if(c->monst) return; int ki = PT(kills[moHexSnake] + kills[moRedTroll], 50); c->wall = waRed3; if(hrand(100+ki) < gemchance + ki) c->item = itRedGem; else if(gemchance) placeLocalSpecial(c, 8000, gemchance, gemchance); } #define RANDPATC(c) (randpattern(c,randompattern[c->land])) #define RANDPATCL(c, l) (randpattern(c,l)) #define RANDPAT (randpattern(c,randompattern[c->land])) #define RANDPAT3(i) (randpatternMajority(c,i,RANDITER)) #define RANDPATV(x) (randpattern(c,randompattern[x])) EX bool reptilecheat = false; bool blizzard_no_escape1(cell *c, manual_celllister &cl) { if(!cl.add(c)) return true; if(c->item == itOrbSafety) return false; forCellEx(c2, c) { if(c2->land == laBarrier) continue; if(c2->land != laBlizzard && passable(c2, NULL, 0)) return false; if(!againstWind(c2, c) && !blizzard_no_escape1(c2, cl)) return false; } return true; } bool blizzard_no_escape(cell *c) { manual_celllister cl; return blizzard_no_escape1(c, cl); } bool out_ruin(cell *c) { if(sphere) return getHemisphere(c, 0) > 0; else if(geometry_supports_cdata()) { int cd = getCdata(c, 3); cd &= 31; return cd >= 16; } #if CAP_FIELD else return windmap::at(c) >= 128; #else else return false; #endif } EX eMonster genRuinMonster(cell *c) { eMonster m = pick(moHexDemon, moHexDemon, moHexDemon, moAltDemon, moAltDemon, moMonk, moMonk, moSkeleton, moSkeleton, moCrusher); if(m == moHexDemon && pseudohept(c)) return genRuinMonster(c); if(m == moMonk) { if(c->item) return genRuinMonster(c); forCellCM(c2, c) if(c2->item) return genRuinMonster(c); } return m; } // the giant switch generating most of the lands... void gen_brownian(cell *c); EX void createArrowTrapAt(cell *c, eLand land) { cellwalker cw(c, hrand(c->type)); cell* cc[5]; cc[2] = c; cellwalker cw2 = cw; cw += wstep; cc[3] = cw.at; cw += revstep; cc[4] = cw.at; cw2 += revstep; cc[1] = cw2.at; cw2 += revstep; cc[0] = cw2.at; bool ok = true; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { if(cc[i]->land != laNone && cc[i]->land != land) ok = false; if(cc[i]->bardir != NODIR) ok = false; } for(int i=1; i<4; i++) { forCellEx(c2, cc[i]) if(!among(c2->wall, waNone, waStone)) ok = false; } if(ok) { if(!racing::on) for(int i=1; i<4; i++) cc[i]->wall = waArrowTrap, cc[i]->wparam = 0; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) cc[i]->bardir = NOBARRIERS; cc[0]->wall = waStone; cc[4]->wall = waStone; } } EX eMonster emerald_monster() { static eMonster emeraldmonsters[4] = { moHedge, moLancer, moFlailer, moMiner }; eMonster m = emeraldmonsters[hrand(4)]; if(m == moHedge && (S3 != 3 || (hybri && !prod))) m = moFlailer; return m; } EX void build_pool(cell *c, bool with_boat) { bool vacant = true; if(c->monst || !among(c->wall, waNone, waSea, waBoat)) vacant = false; forCellCM(c1, c) if(!among(c1->land, laNone, laVariant) || c1->monst || !among(c1->wall, waNone, waSea, waBoat)) vacant = false; if(vacant) { c->wall = waSea; forCellEx(c1, c) if(c1->wall != waBoat) c1->wall = waSea; if(with_boat) c->move(hrand(c->type))->wall = waBoat; } } EX void place_elemental_wall(cell *c) { if(c->land == laEFire) c->wall = waEternalFire; else if(c->land == laEWater) c->wall = waSea; else if(c->land == laEAir) c->wall = waChasm; else if(c->land == laEEarth) c->wall = waStone; } // automatically adjust monster generation for 3D geometries EX int hrand_monster(int x) { // dual geometry mode is much harder, so generate less monsters to balance it if(dual::state) x *= 3; // in 3D monster generation depends on the sight range if(WDIM == 3 && !sphere) { int t = isize(gmatrix); if(t > 500) x = ((long long)(x)) * t / 500; } return hrand(x); } EX void giantLandSwitch(cell *c, int d, cell *from) { bool fargen = d == min(BARLEV, 9); switch(c->land) { case laPrairie: // ------------------------------------------------------------- if(d == 7 && chaosmode) { if(hrand_monster(9000) < items[itGreenGrass] - (prairie::isriver(cwt.at) ? 40 : 0) && !safety) c->monst = moGadfly; if(hrand_monster(100) < 5) c->monst = moSleepBull; if(hrand(800) < 10) { c->item = itGreenGrass; } return; } #if CAP_FIELD if(d == 7) { if(prairie::isriver(c)) { if(shmup::on) prairie::beaststogen.push_back(c); else prairie::generateBeast(c); } else if(!prairie::nearriver(c) && c->LHU.fi.flowerdist > 7 && !safety) { if(hrand_monster(9000) < items[itGreenGrass] - (prairie::isriver(cwt.at) ? 40 : 0)) c->monst = moGadfly; else buildPrizeMirror(c, 1000); } prairie::generateTreasure(c); } #endif break; case laDungeon: // ------------------------------------------------------------- case laIvoryTower: dungeon::all(c, d); ONEMPTY { if(c->land == laIvoryTower) { if(hrand_monster(20000) < 20 + items[itIvory] + yendor::hardness()) { if(cellEdgeUnstable(c)) c->monst = moGargoyle; else c->monst = moFamiliar; } else if(c->landparam >= 14 && hrand(2000) < PT(50+kills[moGargoyle]+kills[moFamiliar], 150) && !cellEdgeUnstable(c) && !peace::on) { c->item = itIvory; } } if(c->land == laDungeon) { int lp = c->landparam * c->landparam; if(lp > 100) lp = 100; if(c->landparam >= 10 && hrand_monster(20000) < 5*lp + items[itSlime] + yendor::hardness() && !cellEdgeUnstable(c) && !peace::on) { c->monst = moSkeleton, c->hitpoints = 3; } else if(c->landparam >= 10 && hrand_monster(50000) < lp/2 + items[itSlime] + yendor::hardness()) { c->monst = moGhost; } else if(c->landparam >= 10 && hrand_monster(50000) < 3*(100-lp) + 80 + items[itSlime]/3 + yendor::hardness()) { c->monst = moBat; } else if(c->landparam >= 15 && hrand(800) < min(PT(150 + 2 * kills[moBat], 250), 250) && !cellEdgeUnstable(c) && c->wall != waOpenGate) { c->item = itSlime; } } } break; case laPalace: // ------------------------------------------------------------- if(nil) { if(fargen) { int i = hrand(100); if(c->master->zebraval % 4 == 2 || c->master->emeraldval % 4 == 2) { if(i < 85) c->wall = waPalace; else if(i < 95) c->wall = waClosedGate; else c->wall = waOpenGate; } else { if(i < 10) c->wall = waTrapdoor; else if(i < 15) c->wall = waClosePlate; else if(i < 20) c->wall = waOpenPlate; } } } else if(PIU(hyperbolic_not37 || (euclid&&bounded) || S7 < 5 || archimedean || WDIM == 3)) { if(fargen) { int i = hrand(100); if(i < 10) c->wall = waPalace; else if(i < 15) c->wall = waClosePlate; else if(i < 20) c->wall = waOpenPlate; else if(i < 25) c->wall = waTrapdoor; else if(i < 30) c->wall = waClosedGate; else if(i < 35) c->wall = waOpenGate; } } else { if(d == 9) { cell *c2 = NONSTDVAR ? c->master->c7 : c; if(cdist50(c2) == 3 && polarb50(c2)) c->wall = waPalace; } if(d == 8 && (sphere || in_s2xe())) { int gs = getHemisphere(c,0); if(NONSTDVAR) { int v = 1; forCellEx(c2, c) if(getHemisphere(c2, 0) != gs) v = 2; if(v == 2) c->wall = pick(waClosedGate, waOpenGate, waPalace); else if(hrand(100) < 10) c->wall = pick(waClosePlate, waOpenPlate, waTrapdoor); } else if(gs == 1) c->wall = waPalace; if(gs == 3) { if(hybri) { c->wall = pick(waClosedGate, waOpenGate); if(c->wall == waClosedGate) toggleGates(c, waClosePlate, 1); else toggleGates(c, waOpenPlate, 1); } else c->wall = PURE ? waOpenGate : waClosedGate; } if(gs == 4 && hrand(100) < 40 && !reptilecheat) c->wall = waClosePlate; if(gs == 6 && !reptilecheat) c->wall = waOpenPlate; if(gs == -3 && !reptilecheat) c->wall = pick(waClosePlate, waOpenPlate); if(gs == -6 && !reptilecheat) c->wall = waTrapdoor; if(hybri) { int l = hybrid::get_where(c).second; if(gs >= 3 && (l % 4) == 0) c->wall = waPalace; if(gs < 3 && (l % 4) == 2) c->wall = waPalace; } } else if(d == 8 && !sphere) { if(prod && polarb50(c) && (hybrid::get_where(c).second & 3) == 2) { c->wall = waPalace; break; } // note: Princess Challenge brings back the normal Palace generation bool lookingForPrincess = !euclid && c->master->alt && !princess::challenge; bool pgate = false; if(PURE || GOLDBERG) { int i = fiftyval049(c->master->c7); if(i >= 8 && i <= 14 && !polarb50(c->master->c7)) pgate = true; if(GOLDBERG) { bool good = false; forCellEx(c2, c) { int i2 = fiftyval049(c2->master->c7); if((i2 < 8) && polarb50(c2->master->c7)) good = true; } pgate = pgate && good; } } if(pgate) { switch(princess::generating ? 0 : hrand(2)) { case 0: c->wall = waClosedGate; toggleGates(c, waClosePlate, 1); break; case 1: c->wall = waOpenGate; toggleGates(c, waOpenPlate, 1); break; } } else if(cdist50(c) == 3 && polarb50(c) && !ishept(c)) { if(GOLDBERG) ; else { int q = 0, s = 0; if(!ishept(c)) for(int i=0; itype - (hybri ? 2 : 0); i++) if(cdist50(c->move(i)) == 3 && polarb50(c->move(i)) && !ishept(c->move(i))) q++, s += i; if(q == 1 && c->move(s)->land == laPalace) { switch(princess::generating ? 0 : hrand(2)) { case 0: c->wall = waClosedGate; if(hybri) toggleGates(c, waClosePlate, 1); c->move(s)->wall = waClosedGate; break; case 1: c->wall = waOpenGate; if(hybri) toggleGates(c, waOpenPlate, 1); c->move(s)->wall = waOpenGate; break; } } } } else if(c->wall == waPalace) ; else if((hrand(100) < (lookingForPrincess ? (PURE ? 11 : 7) : 5) && cdist50(c)) || (cdist50(c) == 0 && polarb50(c) && hrand(100) < 60)) { c->wall = hrand(100) < (lookingForPrincess ? (PURE ? 25 : 30):50) ? waClosePlate : waOpenPlate; } else if(hrand(100) < (lookingForPrincess ? 3 : 5)) c->wall = waTrapdoor; if(cdist50(c) == 0 && yendor::path) { cell *c2 = c->move(hrand(c->type)); if(c2->wall == waNone) c2->wall = waTrapdoor; } if((c->wall == waClosePlate || c->wall == waTrapdoor) && peace::on) c->wall = waNone; } if(princess::generating) { // no Opening Plates nearby if(d <= 7 && c->wall == waOpenPlate && BITRUNCATED) c->wall = waNone; if(d <= 7 && c->wall == waClosePlate && PURE) c->wall = waOpenPlate; // no monsters nearby if(d>0) c->monst = moNone; // no Plates or Trapdoors in the Princess cell if(d < 3 && (c->wall == waClosePlate || c->wall == waOpenPlate || c->wall == waTrapdoor)) c->wall = waNone; if(d > 1) c->item = itNone; // the Princess herself if(d == 0) { c->monst = moPrincess; c->hitpoints = palaceHP(); c->wall = waGiantRug; cell *c2 = NULL; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cellwalker cw(c, i); cw = cw + wstep + 4 + wstep + 2 + wstep + 4 + wstep + (2 + hrand(3)) + wstep; if(!c2) c2 = cw.at; else if(celldist(cw.at) > celldist(c2)) c2 = cw.at; cw.at->monst = moMouse; } c2->wall = waOpenPlate; } } } ONEMPTY { bool lookingForPrincess0 = !euclid && c->master->alt; bool lookingForPrincess = lookingForPrincess0 && !princess::challenge; int hardness = lookingForPrincess ? 5 : items[itPalace] + yendor::hardness(); if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moPalace] + kills[moFatGuard] + kills[moVizier] + kills[moSkeleton]), 200) && notDippingFor(itPalace) && c->wall != waOpenGate && !lookingForPrincess0) c->item = itPalace; if(items[itPalace] >= treasureForLocal() && hrand(5000) < 16 && c->wall != waOpenGate && !inv::on && !peace::on) c->item = hrand(100) < 80 ? itOrbFrog : itOrbDiscord; if(hrand(5000) < 20*PRIZEMUL && c->wall != waOpenGate) placePrizeOrb(c); if(c->wall == waNone) buildPrizeMirror(c, 250); if(c->land == laPalace && (eubinary || c->master->alt) && celldistAlt(c) <= 150 && !(havewhat&HF_MOUSE) && !princess::generating && princess::getPrisonInfo(c) && (eubinary || (princess::getPrisonInfo(c)->bestdist < 6 && princess::getPrisonInfo(c)->princess))) { c->monst = moMouse; if(!princess::squeaked) { addMessage(XLAT("You hear a distant squeak!")); playSound(c, "mousesqueak"); drawBigFlash(c); princess::squeaked = true; } havewhat |= HF_MOUSE; } else if(hrand_monster(15000) < 10 + hardness) { c->monst = moPalace; c->hitpoints = palaceHP(); if(hrand(10 + items[itPalace] + yendor::hardness()) >= 14 && !lookingForPrincess) c->monst = moSkeleton; } else if(hrand_monster(20000) < hardness) { c->monst = moFatGuard; c->hitpoints = palaceHP(); } else if(hrand_monster(20000) < hardness - 7) { c->monst = moVizier; c->hitpoints = palaceHP(); } else if(princess::forceVizier && hrand(100) < 10 && canReachPlayer(c, moVizier)) { c->monst = moVizier; c->hitpoints = palaceHP(); princess::forceVizier = false; } } break; case laEmerald: // ------------------------------------------------------------- if(d==8) { if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT3(0) ? waCavewall : waCavefloor; else if(euclid && bounded) { c->wall = waCavefloor; } else if(nil) { int a = c->master->zebraval % 7; int b = c->master->emeraldval % 7; c->wall = (a-3.5) * (a-3.5) + (b-3.5) * (b-3.5) <= 12 ? waCavewall : waCavefloor; } else if(sol) c->wall = (c->master->zebraval % 7 >= 5 || c->master->emeraldval % 7 >= 5) ? waCavewall : waCavefloor; else if(WDIM == 3 && hyperbolic && !binarytiling) c->wall = (c->master->zebraval & 1) ? waCavewall : waCavefloor; #if MAXMDIM >= 4 else if(euclid && WDIM == 3) c->wall = euc::get_emerald(c) ? waCavewall : waCavefloor; #endif else if(euclid) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int y = co.second; if(((y-2)&7) < 4) c->wall = waCavewall; else c->wall = waCavefloor; } else if(sphere) { if(getHemisphere(c, 0) < 0) c->wall = waCavewall; else c->wall = waCavefloor; } else if(a4 || archimedean || cryst) c->wall = hrand(100) < 50 ? waCavefloor : waCavewall; else if(!BITRUNCATED) { if(polarb50(c)) c->wall = waCavewall; else c->wall = waCavefloor; } else { int v = emeraldval(c); if(v == 0) c->wall = waStone; else if((v&3) >= 2) c->wall = waCavewall; else c->wall = waCavefloor; } } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waCavewall && hrand_monster(GDIM == 2 ? 5000 : 40000) < items[itEmerald] + yendor::hardness() && !safety && !reptilecheat) c->monst = moSeep; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(PURE?400:1000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moMiner] + kills[moLancer] + kills[moFlailer]), 200) && notDippingFor(itEmerald)) { // do not destroy walls! bool ok = true; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i)->wall == waCavewall) ok = false; if(ok) c->item = itEmerald; } if(hrand_monster(8000) < 50 + 10 * (items[itEmerald] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = emerald_monster(); if(sphere && c->type != 6 && c->master->fiftyval == 5) { c->monst = moMiner; c->stuntime = 7; } } break; case laDryForest: if(fargen) { if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? waNone : RANDPATV(laHell) ? waBigTree : waSmallTree; else c->wall = (hrand(100) < 50) ? (hrand(100) < 50 ? waBigTree : waSmallTree) : waNone; } if(d == 8) c->landparam = 0; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moFireFairy]*2 + kills[moHedge]), 160) && notDippingFor(itFernFlower)) c->item = itFernFlower; if(hrand_monster(4000) < 40 + items[itFernFlower] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moHedge; else if(hrand_monster(8000) < 2 * items[itFernFlower] + yendor::hardness() && !peace::on) c->monst = moFireFairy; } break; case laPower: if(d==8) { int v; if(randomPatternsMode) v = RANDPAT ? 24 : 1; else if(sphere) { int gs = getHemisphere(c, 0); if(GOLDBERG) { v = 6; if(gs == 0) v = 24; forCellEx(c2, c) if(getHemisphere(c2, 0) * gs < 0) v = 24; } else if(gs == -3 || gs == -1 || gs == 1 || gs == 3) v = 24; else v = 6; } #if CAP_ARCM else if(archimedean && arcm::current.have_line) v = arcm::linespattern(c) ? 24 : 16; #endif else if((euclid&&bounded) || hyperbolic_not37 || quotient || archimedean) { v = hrand(100) < 25 ? 24 : 16; } else if(euclid) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int y = co.second; int y0 = gmod(y, 6); if(y0 == 3 || y0 == 4) v=24; else v=0; } else v = emeraldval(c); if(v == 0 && !euclid) c->wall = waStone; else { v &= ~3; c->landparam = (v == 24 || v == 32 || v == 56); if(c->landparam) c->wall = waEternalFire; else if(hrand(100) < 10) { c->wall = waGlass; eItem protectedItems[18] = { itPower, itPower, itPower, itPower, itPower, itPower, itOrbLightning, itOrbLightning, itOrbThorns, itOrbThorns, itOrbInvis, itOrbInvis, itOrbShield, itOrbTeleport, itOrbPsi, itOrbDragon, itOrbIllusion, itOrbTime }; c->item = protectedItems[hrand(18)]; } } } // seal entrances to the Land of Power. if(d == 7 && ctof(c)) { bool onwall = false; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->land == laBarrier) onwall = true; if(!onwall) for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(!c2) continue; cell *c3 = c2->modmove(c->c.spin(i) + 3); if(!c3) continue; if(c3->land != laPower && c3->land != laBarrier) if(c2->wall != waFire && c2->wall != waGlass) { if(isFire(c)) c->monst = moWitchWinter; else if(c->wall == waGlass) c->monst = moWitchGhost; else c->monst = moEvilGolem; } } } ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000+50*items[itPower]) < 1200) { eItem powerorbs[6] = { itOrbFlash, itOrbSpeed, itOrbFire, itOrbWinter, itOrbAether, itOrbLife}; c->item = powerorbs[hrand(6)]; } else if(hrand(5000) < 10 && mirror::build(c)) ; else if(hrand_monster(1000) < 10 + (items[itPower] ? 10:0) + (items[itPower] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = eMonster(moWitch + hrand(NUMWITCH)); } break; case laZebra: if(d==8) { if(euclid && bounded) ; #if CAP_ARCM else if(archimedean && arcm::current.have_line) c->wall = arcm::linespattern(c) ? waTrapdoor : waNone; #endif else if(euclid && !archimedean) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int y = co.second; if(y&1) c->wall = waTrapdoor; else c->wall = waNone; } #if CAP_ARCM else if(archimedean) c->wall = hrand(2) ? waTrapdoor : waNone; #endif else c->wall = (randomPatternsMode ? RANDPAT : (zebra40(c)&2)) ? waTrapdoor : waNone; } ONEMPTY { if(c->wall == waNone && hrand(2500) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moOrangeDog]), 300) && notDippingFor(itZebra)) c->item = itZebra; if(hrand_monster(10000) < 40 + 2*(items[itZebra] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = moOrangeDog; } break; case laWineyard: if(d==8) { if(euclid && bounded) ; #if CAP_ARCM else if(archimedean && arcm::current.have_line) c->wall = arcm::linespattern(c) ? waVinePlant : waNone; #endif else if(nil) { if((c->master->emeraldval & 1) == 1) c->wall = waVinePlant; } else if(sol) { if((c->master->distance & 1) == 1 && (c->master->emeraldval % 3)) c->wall = waVinePlant; } else if(euclid && !archimedean) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int y = co.second; int dy = gmod(y, 3); if(dy == 1) c->wall = waVinePlant; } else if(WDIM == 3 && hyperbolic && !binarytiling) c->wall = (c->master->zebraval & 2) ? waVinePlant : waNone; else if(a4 || sphere || archimedean) c->wall = hrand(100) < 50 ? waNone : waVinePlant; else { int v = emeraldval(c); if(v == 0) c->wall = waStone; else { int w = v / 4; if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? waVinePlant : waNone; else if(w == 9 || w == 10 || w == 7 || w == 8) { c->wall = waVinePlant; } else if(v == 24 || v == 58 || v == 26 || v == 56) c->wall = waVineHalfA; else if(v == 25 || v == 59 || v == 27 || v == 57) c->wall = waVineHalfB; else c->wall = waNone; if(hybri && cellHalfvine(c)) c->wall = waNone; if(NONSTDVAR && cellHalfvine(c)) { c->wall = waNone; forCellCM(c2, c) if(emeraldval(c2) == (v^1)) c->wall = waVinePlant; } } } } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waVinePlant && hrand(GDIM == 2 ? 100 : 5000) < (randomPatternsMode ? 2 : 10) && !peace::on && !reptilecheat) c->monst = moVineSpirit; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moVineBeast] + kills[moVineSpirit]), 200) && notDippingFor(itWine) && !reptilecheat) c->item = itWine; if(hrand_monster(8000) < 12 * (items[itWine] + yendor::hardness()) && !reptilecheat && !safety) c->monst = moVineBeast; } break; case laReptile: if(fargen) { if(randomPatternsMode) { int ch = hrand(200); if(RANDPAT) c->wall = waChasm; else c->wall = ch < (50 + items[itDodeca] + yendor::hardness()) ? waReptile : waNone; c->wparam = 1 + hrand(reptilemax()); if(c->wall == waNone && hrand(5000) < 25) c->item = itDodeca; } else { int i = archimedean ? hrand(50) : zebra40(c); if(i < 40) { int cd = geometry_supports_cdata() ? getCdata(c, 3) : hrand(16); cd &= 15; if(cd >= 4 && cd < 12) c->wall = waChasm; else { int ch = hrand(200); c->wall = ch < (50 + items[itDodeca] + yendor::hardness()) ? waReptile : waNone; } c->wparam = 1 + hrand(reptilemax()); } if(reptilecheat) { c->wall = waReptile; c->wparam = 100; } } } if(d == 7 && c->wall != waChasm) { bool nonchasm = false; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall != waChasm) nonchasm = true; if(!nonchasm) c->item = itDodeca; } break; case laBurial: if(fargen) { if(hrand(5000) < 25 && celldist(c) >= 5 && !safety) { bool goodland = true; cell *c2 = createMov(c, hrand(c->type)); for(auto cx: {c, c2}) forCellCM(c3,cx) { if(c3->land != laNone && c3->land != laBurial) goodland = false; if(c3->bardir != NODIR && c3->bardir != NOBARRIERS) goodland = false; } if(goodland) { c->item = itBarrow; c->landparam = 2 + hrand(2); c->wall = waBarrowDig; forCellCM(c3, c) c3->wall = waBarrowWall, c3->item = itNone, c3->bardir = NOBARRIERS; c2->wall = waBarrowDig; forCellCM(c3, c2) { if(c3 == c || isNeighbor(c3, c)) continue; c3->bardir = NOBARRIERS; bool adj = false; forCellEx(c4, c) if(c4 != c2 && isNeighborCM(c3, c4)) adj = true; if(adj) c3->wall = waBarrowDig; else c3->wall = waBarrowWall, c3->item = itNone; } } } } ONEMPTY if(!peace::on) { if(hrand_monster(15000) < 5 + 3 * items[itBarrow] + 4 * yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moDraugr; else if(hrand(5000) < 20 + (quickfind(laBurial) ? 40 : 0)) c->item = itOrbSword; } break; case laTrollheim: if(fargen) { if(hrand(50000) < (chaosmode==1?1000:chaosmode?50:5) && c->wall != waBarrier && celldist(c) >= 7 && !safety && !peace::on) { bool okay = true; forCellCM(c2, c) forCellCM(c3, c2) forCellCM(c4, c3) forCellCM(c5, c4) { cell *cx = chaosmode ? c3 : c5; if(cx->land != laTrollheim && cx->land != laNone) okay = false; if(cx->bardir != NODIR) okay = false; } if(okay) { forCellCM(c2, c) forCellCM(c3, c2) forCellCM(c4, c3) forCellCM(c5, c4) { cell *cx = chaosmode ? c3 : c5; cx->bardir = NOBARRIERS; setland(cx, laTrollheim); } c->item = itTrollEgg; forCellCM(c2, c) forCellCM(c3, c2) { c3->monst = pickTroll(c); c2->item = itTrollEgg; } } } } if(d == 7 && !c->monst && !c->item && celldist(c) >= 3) { int cd = getCdata(c, 3); cd %= 16; if(cd<0) cd += 16; if(cd >= 4 && cd < 10 && hrand(100) < 40) dieTroll(c, pickTroll(c)); } ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(8000) < items[itTrollEgg] + hardness_empty()) c->monst = pickTroll(c); } break; case laIce: if(d == 9) { if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? waIcewall : waNone; else if(hrand(100) < 5 && c->wall != waBarrier && (WDIM == 3 || !reptilecheat)) { c->wall = waIcewall; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(hrand(100) < 50) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); setdist(c2, d+1, c); if(c2->wall == waBarrier || c2->land != laIce) continue; c2->wall = waIcewall; for(int j=0; jtype; j++) if(hrand(100) < 20) { cell *c3 = createMov(c2, j); setdist(c->move(i), d+2, c); if(c3->wall == waBarrier || c3->land != laIce) continue; c3->wall = waIcewall; } } } if(c->wall == waIcewall && items[itDiamond] >= 5 && hrand(200) == 1) c->wall = waBonfireOff; } if(d == 8 && BARLEV == 8) { if(hrand(100) < 10 && c->wall != waBarrier) { c->wall = waIcewall; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(hrand(100) < 50) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); if(c2->wall == waBarrier || c2->land != laIce) continue; c2->wall = waIcewall; } } } if(d == 8) c->landparam = 0; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moYeti] + kills[moWolf]), 200) && notDippingFor(itDiamond)) c->item = itDiamond; if(hrand_monster(8000) < 2 * (items[itDiamond] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = hrand(2) ? moYeti : moWolf; } break; case laSwitch: ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moSwitch1] + kills[moSwitch2]), 200) && notDippingFor(itSwitch)) c->item = itSwitch; if(hrand_monster(8000) < 40 + 5 * (items[itSwitch] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = hrand(2) ? moSwitch1 : moSwitch2; } break; case laDragon: if(fargen) { if(randomPatternsMode) { if(RANDPAT) c->wall = waChasm; } else { int cd = getCdata(c, 3); cd &= 31; if(cd >= 6 && cd<12) c->wall = waChasm; else if(hrand(1000) == 0) c->wall = waEternalFire; } } ONEMPTY { // 40 is the usual rate of dragon generation int dchance = 40; // but it grows to 400 if no Dragons in sight, to make it faster if(cwt.at->land == laDragon && !(havewhat&HF_DRAGON)) dchance = 400; // also, don't generate additional Dragons for newbies else if((havewhat&HF_DRAGON) && items[itDragon] < 10) dchance = 5; if(hrand_monster(150000) < dchance && !c->monst && (!c->wall || c->wall == waChasm) && !peace::on) { havewhat |= HF_DRAGON; // printf("dragon generated with dchance = %d\n", dchance); vector possi; for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t)->mpdist > c->mpdist) possi.push_back(t); if(isize(possi)) { int i = possi[hrand(isize(possi))]; int dragonlength = 6 + items[itDragon] / 2; c->monst = moDragonHead; c->hitpoints = 1; preventbarriers(c); cell *c2 = c; int len = dragonlength; vector dragon; while(--len) { dragon.push_back(c2); preventbarriers(c2); c2->mondir = i; createMov(c2, i); int j = c2->c.spin(i); cell *c3 = c2->move(i); if(c3->monst || c3->bardir != NODIR || c3->wall || c3->mpdist <= 7) break; c2 = c3; c2->monst = moDragonTail; c2->hitpoints = 1; i = j + (c2->type <= 3 ? 1 : 2 + hrand(c2->type-3)); i %= c2->type; } if(isize(dragon) < 5 || isize(dragon) < dragonlength / 2) { for(int i=0; imonst = moNone; } else c2->mondir = NODIR; } } if(!c->monst && !tactic::on && !racing::on && !yendor::on && !randomPatternsMode && !peace::on && !euclid && hrand(4000) < 10 && !safety) { c->item = itBabyTortoise; tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ tortoise::getRandomBits(); } } break; case laCaves: if(fargen) c->wall = (randomPatternsMode ? RANDPAT3(1) : hrand(100) < 55) ? waCavewall : waCavefloor; if(d == 7 && c->wall == waCavewall && hrand(GDIM == 2 ? 5000 : 40000) < items[itGold] + yendor::hardness() && !safety && !reptilecheat) c->monst = moSeep; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * min(kills[moTroll] + kills[moGoblin], 150), 200) && notDippingFor(itGold)) c->item = itGold; if(hrand_monster(8000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itGold] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = hrand(2) ? moTroll : moGoblin; } break; case laCA: if(fargen) c->wall = (hrand(1000000) < ca::prob * 1000000) ? ca::wlive : waNone; break; case laLivefjord: if(fargen) { int die = (randomPatternsMode ? (RANDPAT3(2)?100:0) : hrand(100)); if(die < 50) c->wall = waSea; else c->wall = waNone; } if(d == 7) { if(c->wall == waSea && hrand_monster(5000) < 15 + items[itFjord] + yendor::hardness() && !safety) { if(items[itFjord] >= 5 && hrand(100) < 20 && !peace::on) c->monst = moWaterElemental; else { c->monst = moViking; c->wall = waBoat; } } else if(yendor::path && c->wall == waSea && hrand_monster(5000) < 20) { c->monst = moViking; c->wall = waBoat; } if(hrand(2000) < PT(50 + kills[moViking], 100) && notDippingFor(itFjord) && !safety) { c->item = itFjord; } placeLocalSpecial(c, 1000); buildPrizeMirror(c, 1000); } ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(16000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itFjord] + yendor::hardness()) + (yendor::path ? 90:0)) c->monst = moFjordTroll; } break; case laDeadCaves: if(fargen) { int die = (randomPatternsMode ? (RANDPAT?100:0) : hrand(100)); if(die<50) c->wall = waDeadwall; else if(die<55) c->wall = waDeadfloor2; else c->wall = waDeadfloor; } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waDeadwall && hrand_monster(GDIM == 2 ? 1000 : 10000) < items[itSilver] + yendor::hardness() && !safety && !reptilecheat) c->monst = moSeep; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moDarkTroll] + kills[moEarthElemental]), 200) && notDippingFor(itSilver)) c->item = itSilver; if(hrand_monster(16000) < (items[itSilver] + yendor::hardness())) { c->monst = moEarthElemental; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); earthFloor(c2); } for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i)->mpdist < c->mpdist) c->mondir = i; chasmifyEarth(c); c->wall = waDeadfloor2; } else if(hrand_monster(8000) < 60 + 8 * (items[itSilver] + yendor::hardness())) { if(hrand(100) < 25) { } else c->monst = hrand(2) ? moDarkTroll : moGoblin; } } break; case laAlchemist: if(fargen) c->wall = (randomPatternsMode ? RANDPAT : hrand(2)) ? waFloorA : waFloorB; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(25 + min(kills[moSlime], 200), 100) && notDippingFor(itElixir)) c->item = itElixir; else if(hrand_monster(3500) < 10 + items[itElixir] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moSlime; } break; case laVolcano: #if CAP_FIELD if(fargen) { c->wall = waNone; if(hrand_monster(20000) < (items[itLavaLily] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = moSalamander, c->hitpoints = 3; if(hrand(8000) < PT(100 + 2 * kills[moLavaWolf], 200) && notDippingFor(itLavaLily)) c->item = itLavaLily; else placeLocalSpecial(c, 1000, 2, 10); // prize orbs get a bonus, because most of them are not allowed anyway } ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(8000) < (items[itLavaLily] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = moLavaWolf; } #endif break; case laBlizzard: #if CAP_FIELD if(fargen) { bool windless = true; int w = windmap::at(c); forCellCM(c2, c) { int w2 = windmap::at(c2); if(((w2-w) & 255) >= windmap::NOWINDBELOW) if(((w-w2) & 255) >= windmap::NOWINDBELOW) windless = false; } if(windless) { c->wall = waIcewall; if(hrand(500) < PT(100 + 2 * kills[moVoidBeast] + 2 * kills[moIceGolem], 200) && notDippingFor(itBlizzard)) c->item = itBlizzard; else placeLocalSpecial(c, 100); } } if(d == 8) c->landparam = 0; ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(8000) < 10 + (items[itBlizzard] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = pick(moVoidBeast, moIceGolem); } if((d == 7 || d == 6) && blizzard_no_escape(c)) c->item = itOrbSafety, c->monst = moNone; #endif break; case laTerracotta: if(fargen) { if(hrand(500) < 15) createArrowTrapAt(c, laTerracotta); if(pseudohept(c) && hrand(100) < 40 && c->wall == waNone && !racing::on) { c->wall = waTerraWarrior; c->landparam = terracotta::randterra ? 0 : 3 + hrand(3); if(hrand(100) < items[itTerra]-10) c->landparam--; if(hrand(100) < items[itTerra]-10) c->landparam--; } } if(d == 7) { int nearriver = 0; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall == waMercury && pseudohept(c2)) nearriver++; if(nearriver == 2) c->land = laMercuryRiver; } ONEMPTY { bool nearwarrior = false; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall == waTerraWarrior) nearwarrior = true; if(nearwarrior && hrand(5000) < PT(130 + 2 * kills[moJiangshi], 260) && notDippingFor(itTerra)) c->item = itTerra; int t = 2 * (items[itTerra] + yendor::hardness()); if(t < 60) t += (60-t) * (60 - t) / 120; if(hrand_monster(20000) < t) c->monst = moJiangshi; } break; case laOvergrown: if(fargen) { // 0: 60% // 10: 50% if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? waNone : RANDPATV(laWineyard) ? waBigTree : waSmallTree; else c->wall = (hrand(50+items[itMutant]/2+yendor::hardness()) < 30) ? (hrand(100) < 50 ? waBigTree : waSmallTree) : waNone; } if(d == 8) { bool ok = c->landparam == 0; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->landparam) ok = false; if(ok && hrand(doCross ?450:15000) < 20 + (2 * items[itMutant] + yendor::hardness()) && !safety) { if(!peace::on) c->item = itMutant; c->landparam = items[itMutant] + 5 + hrand(11); c->wall = waNone; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && (c->move(i)->wall == waBigTree || c->move(i)->wall == waSmallTree)) c->move(i)->wall = waNone; } else if(hrand_monster(15000) < 20 + (2 * items[itMutant] + yendor::hardness()) && ok && !safety) { // for the Yendor Challenge, use only Mutants if(!(yendor::on && yendor::clev().l == laMirror)) { c->monst = moForestTroll; c->wall = waNone; } } } if(d == 7 && c->item == itMutant) { if(c->monst != moMutant && isMultitile(c->monst)) c->item = itNone; else { c->stuntime = mutantphase; c->monst = moMutant; c->mondir = NODIR; } } break; case laHalloween: if(fargen) { if(GOLDBERG) { int fv = c->master->fiftyval; if(fv == 1 || fv == 4 || fv == 10) c->wall = waChasm; if(c == c->master->c7 && fv == 3) c->item = itTreat; } else if(!BITRUNCATED && !euclid) { int fv = c->master->fiftyval; if(fv == 1 || fv == 4 || fv == 2) c->wall = waChasm; if(fv == 3) c->item = itTreat; } else { if(c->type == 5) { int fv = c->master->fiftyval; if(fv == 3 || fv == 4 || fv == 2 || fv == 5) c->wall = waChasm; if(fv == 2) halloween::dragoncells[0] = c; if(fv == 5) halloween::dragoncells[3] = c; if(fv == 1) c->item = itTreat; } if(c->type == 6 && !euclid) { int fvset = 0; for(int i=0; i<6; i+=2) fvset |= 1 << createMov(c, i)->master->fiftyval; if(fvset == 35 || fvset == 7) c->wall = waChasm; if(fvset == 7) halloween::dragoncells[1] = c; if(fvset == 35) halloween::dragoncells[2] = c; } } if(quotient && zebra40(c) == 7) { c->item = itTreat; halloween::dragoncells[0] = NULL; } if(quotient && zebra40(c) == 5) { c->wall = waChasm; } if(euclid && bounded) { int i = hrand(100); if(i == 0) c->item = itTreat; else if(i < 5) c->wall = waChasm; } } break; case laWildWest: if(fargen) { if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? waNone : waSaloon; else if(hyperbolic_37 ? cdist50(c) <= 2 : hrand(100) < 20) c->wall = waSaloon; } ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(25000) < 2 + (2 * items[itBounty] + yendor::hardness()) + (items[itRevolver] ? 150:0)) c->monst = moOutlaw; if(hrand(1000) < PT(20 + kills[moOutlaw], 40)) c->item = itRevolver; } break; case laWestWall: #if CAP_COMPLEX2 if(fargen) westwall::switchTreasure(c); ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(6000) < 5 + items[itWest] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = hrand(100) < 20 ? moWestHawk : moFallingDog; } #endif break; case laWhirlwind: if(fargen) { if(S7 == 5) c->wall = (pseudohept(c) && (c->master->fiftyval == 0 || c->master->fiftyval == 6)) ? waFan : waNone; else if(sphere) { if(whirlwind::fzebra3(c) == 0) c->wall = waFan; if(S7 == 4 && celldistance(c, currentmap->gamestart()) == 2 && ctof(c)) c->wall = waChasm; } else if(archimedean) ; else if(!euclid && zebra3(c) == 0) c->wall = waFan; else if(pseudohept(c) && hrand(2000) < 150 && !reptilecheat) c->wall = waChasm; else if(c->type == 6 && buildPrizeMirror(c, 1000)) {} else whirlwind::switchTreasure(c); } ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(4500) < items[itWindstone] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moWindCrow; if(hrand_monster(doCross?3000:30000) < items[itWindstone] + yendor::hardness() - 5) c->monst = moAirElemental; } break; case laStorms: { bool randstorm = PIU(hyperbolic_not37 || NONSTDVAR || (quotient && geometry != gZebraQuotient && !(euclid && !archimedean && !penrose && WDIM == 2))); if(fargen) { if(euclid && smallbounded && WDIM == 2) { auto s = euc::sdxy(); gp::loc st {s.first/3, s.second/3}; if(c == euc::at(st)) c->wall = waCharged; if(c == euc::at(s-st)) c->wall = waGrounded; } else if(euclid && WDIM == 2) { auto co = euc2_coordinates(c); int x = co.first, y = co.second; if((x+1)%3 == 0 && y%3 == 0) { if(hrand(100) < 50) c->wall = hrand(2) ? waCharged : waGrounded; } else if(ishept(c)) { bool sand = false; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { createMov(c, i); auto co = euc2_coordinates(c->move(i)); int x = co.first, y = co.second; if((x+1)%3 == 0 && (y)%3 == 0) sand = true; } if(sand && hrand(100) < 20) c->wall = waSandstone; } } else if(sphere) { if(S7 == 5) { if(ctof(c)) { int id = c->master->fiftyval; if(id == 1) c->wall = waCharged; if(id == (elliptic && BITRUNCATED ? 3 : 9)) c->wall = waGrounded; } } else if(S7 == 4) { if(ctof(c)) { int id = c->master->fiftyval; if(id == 1) c->wall = waCharged; if(id == 3) c->wall = waGrounded; } } else if(S7 == 3) { if(ctof(c)) { int id = c->master->fiftyval; if(id == 1) c->wall = waCharged; } else { c->wall = waGrounded; forCellEx(c2, c) if(ctof(c2) && c2->master->fiftyval == 1) c->wall = waNone; } } } else if(randstorm) ; else if(PURE) { int i = zebra40(c); if((i == 5 || i == 8) && hrand(100) < 20) c->wall = hrand(2) ? waCharged : waGrounded; else if(i == 15) c->wall = waSandstone; } else if(S3 > 3) { int z = zebra40(c); int i = z; int b = 0; while(i) { if(i&1) b++; i>>=1; } if(ctof(c) && (b&1) && hrand(100) < 20) c->wall = (z&2) ? waCharged : waGrounded; } else if(hybri) { cell *c1 = hybrid::get_where(c).first; if(among(c1->wall, waCharged, waGrounded)) c->wall = c1->wall; else if(hrand(100) < 15) c->wall = waSandstone; } else { int i = zebra40(c); if(c->wall); else if(i >= 40 && hrand(100) < 50) c->wall = hrand(2) ? waCharged : waGrounded; else if(ishept(c) && hrand(100) < 20) c->wall = waSandstone; } for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->land != laStorms && c->move(i)->land != laNone) c->wall = waNone; } if(d == BARLEV && randstorm) { c->landparam = hrand(1000000); } if(d == BARLEV-1 && randstorm) { /* static int stormlevel, stormgroup; if(!stormlevel) stormgroup = 0; stormlevel++; stormgroup++; */ forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->land == laStorms && c2->mpdist >= BARLEV && c2->landparam > c->landparam) { setdist(c2, BARLEV-1, c); } /* stormlevel--; if(stormlevel == 0) printf("stormgroup = %4d (cellcount = %6d hcount = %6d)\n", stormgroup, cellcount, heptacount); */ bool bad = false; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->land != laStorms) bad = true; if(!bad) { int wallsnow = 0; int slp = 0; forCellEx(c2, c) { if(c2->wall) wallsnow++; if(c2->landparam == 1) slp++; } if(wallsnow == 0) { if(hrand(100) < 10) c->wall = pick(waCharged, waGrounded, waSandstone, waSandstone); else c->landparam = 1; } else if(wallsnow == 1 && slp == 0) { c->wall = waSandstone; } else if(wallsnow) c->landparam = 1; } } ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(7500) < 25 + (items[itFulgurite] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = (hrand(5) ? moMetalBeast : moMetalBeast2), c->hitpoints = 3; if(hrand_monster(10000) < 20 + (items[itFulgurite] + yendor::hardness()) && !ishept(c)) { c->monst = moStormTroll; } } break; } case laGraveyard: if(fargen) { if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? ((RANDPATV(laCrossroads) || RANDPATV(laCrossroads2)) ? waAncientGrave : waFreshGrave) : waNone; else if(pseudohept(c)) c->wall = hrand(5) ? waAncientGrave : waFreshGrave; } ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(30 + 4*kills[moZombie] + 6*kills[moNecromancer], 120) && notDippingFor(itBone)) c->item = itBone; if(hrand_monster(20000) < 10 + items[itBone] + yendor::hardness()) { eMonster grm[6] = { moZombie, moZombie, moZombie, moGhost, moGhost, moNecromancer}; c->monst = grm[hrand(6)]; } } break; case laRlyeh: if(fargen) { if(randomPatternsMode) { c->wall = RANDPAT ? waColumn : waNone; } else { if(hrand(500) < 5) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); setdist(c2, d+1, c); if(c2 && c2->land == laRlyeh) c2->wall = waColumn; } for(int j=0; j<2; j++) { int i = hrand(c->type); if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->land == laRlyeh) c->move(i)->wall = waNone; } } if(pseudohept(c) && hrand(2)) c->wall = waColumn; } } ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(30 + 2 * (kills[moCultist] + kills[moTentacle] + kills[moPyroCultist]), 100) && notDippingFor(itStatue)) c->item = itStatue; if(hrand_monster(8000) < 5 + items[itStatue] + yendor::hardness() && !c->monst && !peace::on) c->monst = moTentacle, c->item = itStatue, c->mondir = NODIR; else if(hrand_monster(12000) < 5 + items[itStatue] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = hrand(3) ? ((hrand(40) < items[itStatue]-25) ? moCultistLeader : moCultist) : moPyroCultist; else if(hrand(8000) < 5 + items[itStatue] + yendor::hardness() && c->type == 6 && !(yendor::on && (yendor::clev().flags & YF_NEAR_TENT)) && celldist(c)>=3) { for(int t=0; ttype; t++) { if(c->move(t) && c->move(t)->monst == moNone && (c->wall == waNone || c->wall == waColumn)) c->move(t)->wall = ishept(c->move(t)) ? waColumn : waNone; if(c->move(t)->wall == waColumn) c->move(t)->item = itNone; } if(buildIvy(c, 0, 3) && !peace::on) c->item = itStatue; } } if(c->mpdist >= 7) { if(c->wall == waColumn) c->landparam = 1; else { int i = 0, j = 0; for(int k=0; ktype; k++) if(c->move(k) && c->move(k)->wall == waColumn) { i++; if(c->modmove(k+1) && c->modmove(k+1)->wall == waColumn) j++; if(c->modmove(k+2) && c->modmove(k+2)->wall == waColumn) j++; } if(i > 2 || (i == 2 && !j)) c->landparam = 1; else c->landparam = 2; } } break; case laTemple: ONEMPTY { // depth! int d = chaosmode ? -15 * items[itGrimoire]: (eubinary || c->master->alt) ? celldistAlt(c) : 10; // remember: d is negative if(chaosmode ? hrand(100) < 25 : d % TEMPLE_EACH == 0) { if(hrand_monster(5000) < 20 - 2*d && !c->monst && !peace::on) c->monst = moTentacle, c->mondir = NODIR; } else { // int d0 = d % TEMPLE_EACH; // if(d0<0) d0=-d0; if(hrand(100) < (peace::on ? 15 : 30) && WDIM == 2) c->wall = waBigStatue; else if(hrand_monster(20000) < -d) c->monst = hrand(3) ? moCultist : moPyroCultist; else if(hrand_monster(100000) < -d) c->monst = moCultistLeader; else if(hrand(5000) < 250 && !peace::on) c->item = itGrimoire; else if(hrand(5000) < 10 && (chaosmode ? items[itGrimoire] >= treasureForLocal() : -d > TEMPLE_EACH * 10) && !peace::on && !inv::on) c->item = itOrbDragon; } } break; case laHell: if(fargen) { if(hrand(1000) < (PURE ? 16 : 36) && celldist(c) >= 3) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); setdist(c2, d+1, c); if(c2 && c2->land == laHell) if(c2->wall != waSulphurC) c2->wall = waSulphur; } c->wall = waSulphurC; } } ONEMPTY { if(hrand(6000) < PT(120 + (kills[moLesser]), 240) && notDippingFor(itHell)) c->item = itHell; if(hrand_monster(8000) < 40 + items[itHell] * (chaosmode?4:1) + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moLesser; else if(hrand_monster(24000) < 40 + items[itHell] * (chaosmode?4:1) + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moGreater; } break; case laCocytus: if(fargen) { if(c->wall == waNone) c->wall = waFrozenLake; if(hrand(100) < 5 && !safety && celldist(c) >= 3) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); setdist(c2, d+1, c); if(c2 && c2->land == laCocytus) c2->wall = waLake; } c->wall = waLake; if(hrand_monster(500) < 100 + 2 * (items[itSapphire] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = moShark; } } if(d == 8) c->landparam = 0; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moShark] + kills[moGreaterShark] + kills[moCrystalSage]), 200) && notDippingFor(itSapphire)) c->item = itSapphire; if(hrand_monster(5000) < 2 * (items[itSapphire] + yendor::hardness())) { eMonster ms[3] = { moYeti, moGreaterShark, moCrystalSage }; c->monst = ms[hrand(3)]; if(c->monst == moGreaterShark) c->wall = waLake; } } break; case laHive: if(fargen) { if(hrand(2000) < (chaosmode==1 ? 1000 : (PURE && !chaosmode) ?200: chaosmode ? 10 : 2) && !safety) hive::createBugArmy(c); if(hrand(2000) < 100 && !c->wall && !c->item && !c->monst) { int nww = 0; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->wall == waWaxWall) nww++; if(nww == 0) { c->wall = waWaxWall; c->monst = moNone; c->landparam = hrand(0xFFFFFF + 1); } } } ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(6000) < (hive::hivehard() - 15)) c->monst = hive::randomHyperbug(); /* if(hrand(1500) < 30 + (kills[moBug0] + kills[moBug1] + kills[moBug2]) && notDippingFor(itRoyalJelly)) c->item = itRoyalJelly; */ /* if(hrand(2000) < 2) c->monst = eMonster(moBug0 + hrand(3)); */ } break; case laKraken: if(fargen) c->wall = waSea; if(d == 8 && c->land == laKraken && kraken_pseudohept(c) && hrand(1000) <= 2) { c->wall = waNone; forCellEx(c2, c) c2->wall = waNone; } if(d == 8 && !kraken_pseudohept(c) && hrand_monster(20000) < 10 + 3 * items[itKraken] + 2 * yendor::hardness() && c->wall == waSea && !c->item && !c->monst && !safety) { bool ok = true; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall != waSea || c2->item || c2->monst) ok = false; if(ok) { c->monst = moKrakenH; forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) { c2->monst = moKrakenT; c2->hitpoints = 1; c2->mondir = c->c.spin(i); } if(!peace::on) playSound(c, "seen-kraken"); } } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waSea && !c->item && !c->monst && !safety) { if(hrand_monster(2000) < 3) { c->wall = waBoat; c->item = itOrbFish; c->monst = moViking; } else if(hrand(2000) < 16) c->item = itOrbFish; else if(hrand(500) < kills[moKrakenH]) c->item = itKraken; else placeLocalOrbs(c); } break; case laCaribbean: if(fargen) { if(!eubinary) { if(c->master->alt && masterAlt(c) <= 2) { if(!eubinary) currentmap->generateAlts(c->master); preventbarriers(c); int d = celldistAlt(c); if(d <= 0) // c->wall = waChasm; generateTreasureIsland(c); else c->wall = waSea; } else c->wall = waSea; } else { int d = celldistAlt(c); if(d <= 0) generateTreasureIsland(c); else c->wall = waSea; } } if(d == 8 && !eubinary) { int mindist = 9; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(c2 && (eubinary || c2->master->alt) && celldistAlt(c2) < mindist) mindist = celldistAlt(c2); } if(mindist == 0) beCIsland(c); } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waSea) { bool coast = false; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(passable(c2, c, 0) && c2->wall != waBoat) coast = true; } if(coast && hrand(10) < 5) { c->wall = waBoat; placeLocalSpecial(c, 50); } } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waSea && hrand_monster(10000) < 20 + items[itPirate] + 2 * yendor::hardness() && !safety) c->monst = moCShark; if(d == 7 && c->wall == waCTree && hrand_monster(GDIM == 2 ? 5000 : 50000) < 100 + items[itPirate] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moParrot; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(1500) < 4 && celldistAlt(c) <= -5 && peace::on && !cryst) c->item = itCompass; if(hrand_monster(16000) < 40 + (items[itPirate] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = moPirate; } break; case laTortoise: if(fargen) { using namespace tortoise; int f = hrand(30); if(f < 21 && ((getBits(c)>>f) & 1)) { tflag tf = tflag(f); // long neck and saddleback shell help with big trees #define PSH(x,y) if(tf == x || tf == y) tf = pseudohept(c) ? x : y; PSH(tfLongNeck, tfShell) if(tf == tfLongNeck) c->wall = waBigTree; if(tf == tfShell) c->wall = waBigTree; // brown body elements help with (small) trees PSH(tfShellHue, tfScuteHue) if(tf == tfShellHue) c->wall = waSmallTree; if(tf == tfScuteHue) c->wall = waSmallTree; if(tf == tfSkinHue) c->wall = waSmallTree; // long legs help with rocks PSH(tfFront, tfRear) if(tf == tfFront) c->wall = waStone; if(tf == tfRear) c->wall = waStone; // broad tail and desaturated shell helps with water PSH(tfTail, tfShellSat) if(tf == tfTail) c->wall = waSea; if(tf == tfShellSat) c->wall = waSea; #undef PSH } } ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(4000) < (peace::on ? 750 : 50 + items[itBabyTortoise]*2 + yendor::hardness() * 6) && !safety) { c->monst = moTortoise; c->hitpoints = 3; } int chance = 50 + items[itBabyTortoise]*2; if(quickfind(laTortoise)) chance += 150; if((tactic::on || euclid || peace::on) && hrand(4000) < chance && !safety) { c->item = itBabyTortoise; tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ tortoise::getRandomBits(); } } break; case laDesert: if(fargen) { if(randomPatternsMode) c->wall = RANDPAT ? waDune : waNone; else { if(hrand(100) < 5) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, i); setdist(c2, d+1, c); if(c2 && c2->land == laDesert) c2->wall = waDune; } for(int j=0; j<2; j++) { int i = hrand(c->type); if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->land == laDesert) c->move(i)->wall = waNone; } } } if(hrand(300) == 1 && items[itSpice] >= 5) c->wall = waThumperOff; } ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moWorm] + kills[moDesertman]), 200) && notDippingFor(itSpice)) c->item = itSpice; if(hrand_monster(8000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itSpice] + yendor::hardness()) && !c->monst) c->monst = (hrand(2) && !peace::on) ? moWorm : moDesertman, c->mondir = NODIR; } break; case laRedRock: if(fargen) { if(randomPatternsMode) { c->wall = waNone; if(!ishept(c)) { if(RANDPAT) buildRedWall(c, 20); } else { int k = 0; for(int i=0; i<20; i++) if(RANDPATCL(createMov(c, i%7), laRedRock) && !RANDPATCL(createMov(c, (i+1)%7), laRedRock)) k++; if(k>=4) buildRedWall(c, 20); } } else if(ishept(c) && hrand(100) < (doCross?20:8) && !c->monst) { buildRedWall(c, 80); cellwalker cw(c, hrand(S7)); buildRedWall(cw.cpeek(), 33); if(hrand(2) == 0) buildRedWall((cw + wstep + (hrand(2)?2:4)).cpeek(), 20); cw += rev; if(hrand(6) < 4) buildRedWall(cw.cpeek(), 33); if(hrand(2) == 0) buildRedWall((cw + wstep + (hrand(2)?2:4)).cpeek(), 20); } } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waNone) buildPrizeMirror(c, 1000); ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster((doCross && celldist(c) <= 5) ?450:16000) < 30+items[itRedGem]+yendor::hardness() && !pseudohept(c) && !c->monst && !c->wall && !(!BITRUNCATED && S3==4)) { int i = -1; for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t)->mpdist > c->mpdist && !pseudohept(c->move(t))) i = t; if(i != -1 && !peace::on) generateSnake(c, i, 1); } else if(hrand_monster(16000) < 50+items[itRedGem]+yendor::hardness() && (PURE?hrand(10)<3:!ishept(c)) && !c->monst) c->monst = moRedTroll, c->mondir = NODIR; } break; case laSnakeNest: ONEMPTY { if(hrand_monster(30000) < 30+items[itSnake]+yendor::hardness() && !c->monst && !c->wall && !peace::on) { vector gooddir; for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t)->mpdist > c->mpdist) gooddir.push_back(t); if(isize(gooddir)) generateSnake(c, gooddir[hrand(isize(gooddir))], 2); } else if(hrand_monster(10000) < items[itSnake] - 10 + yendor::hardness() && !c->monst && !c->wall && !peace::on) { c->monst = pick(moRedTroll, moMiner, moSkeleton, moBomberbird); c->hitpoints = 3; } else if(hrand(16000) < sqrt(kills[moHexSnake] * 10000) && c->wall == waNone) { c->item = itSnake; if(hrand(30) >= items[itSnake] - 10) c->wall = waRed3; } } break; case laWarpSea: case laWarpCoast: if(fargen && randomPatternsMode) setland(c, RANDPAT ? laWarpCoast : laWarpSea); if(d == 8) { if(c->land == laWarpCoast) { if(hrand(1000) < 150 && celldist(c) >= 3 && !pseudohept(c)) c->wall = waSmallTree; int q = 0; if(BITRUNCATED && !chaosmode && !weirdhyperbolic) for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && !isWarpedType(c->move(i)->land) && c->move(i)->land != laCrossroads4) q++; if(q == 1) c->wall = waWarpGate; } if(c->land == laWarpSea) { c->wall = waSea; int q = 0; if(BITRUNCATED && !chaosmode) for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && !isWarpedType(c->move(i)->land)) q++; if(q == 1) c->wall = waWarpGate; } } if(d == 7 && c->land == laWarpSea && c->wall == waSea && !safety) { if(sphere && c->type != 6 && c->master->fiftyval == 6) { c->wall = waBoat; c->monst = moRatling; } if(hrand_monster(12000) < 30 + 2 * items[itCoral] + yendor::hardness()) { c->wall = waBoat; c->monst = moRatling; } else if(hrand(6000) < PT(120 + min(kills[moRatling], 250), 240) && notDippingFor(itCoral)) { c->wall = waBoat; c->item = itCoral; } } ONEMPTY if(c->land == laWarpCoast) { if(hrand_monster(12000) < 20 + 2 * items[itCoral] + yendor::hardness()) { c->monst = moRatling; c->stuntime = hrand(2); } } break; case laBull: if(d == 8 && !c->monst && !c->item && celldist(c) >= 3) { /* int cd = getCdata(c, 3); cd &= 15; int ce = getCdata(c, 2); ce &= 15; if(cd >= 8 && ce >= 8) */ if(randomPatternsMode) { int i = (RANDPAT ? 1 : 0) + (RANDPATV(laHell) ? 2 : 0); eWall w[4] = {waNone, waSmallTree, waBigTree, waStone}; c->wall = w[i]; } else if(hrand(100) < 25) c->wall = safety ? pick(waBigTree, waSmallTree) : pick(waStone, waBigTree, waSmallTree); } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waNone && !safety) { if(hrand(1000) < 20) c->monst = moSleepBull; else if(hrand_monster(2500) < items[itBull] + yendor::hardness() - 10) c->monst = moGadfly; else if(hrand(1000) < 50) { int nearwall = 0; int walls[8]; forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(c2->wall) walls[nearwall++] = i; if(nearwall && nearwall < c->type) { c->monst = moButterfly; c->mondir = walls[hrand(nearwall)]; } } } break; case laRose: if(d == 8 && c->land == laRose && hrand(2000) < 100 && !c->wall && !c->item && !c->monst) { int nww = 0; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(c2 && c2->wall == waRose) nww++; if(c2 && !chaosmode) for(int j=0; jtype; j++) { cell *c3 = c2->move(j); // note: c3->land is required for Android -- // not strictly equivalent since another land there might be not yet generated if(c3 && c3->land != laRose && c3->land) nww++; } }; if(nww == 0) { c->wall = waRose; c->monst = moNone; } } ONEMPTY { if(hrand(2000) < PT(25 + min(kills[moFalsePrincess] + kills[moRoseBeauty] + kills[moRoseLady], 200), 100) && notDippingFor(itRose)) { if(chaosmode == 3) c->item = itRose; else for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t) && c->move(t)->wall == waRose) c->item = itRose; } else { int p = hrand_monster(10000); if(p >= 10 + items[itRose] + yendor::hardness()) ; else if(p < 10) c->monst = moFalsePrincess; else if(p < 13) c->monst = moRoseBeauty; else if(p < 18) c->monst = moRoseLady; else if(p < 20) c->monst = moRoseBeauty; else if(p < 30) c->monst = moFalsePrincess; else if(p < 35) c->monst = moRoseLady; else if(p < 60) c->monst = moFalsePrincess; else if(p < 65) c->monst = moRoseBeauty; else c->monst = moFalsePrincess; } } break; case laHunting: if(d == 7 && c->land == laHunting && !racing::on && !safety) { if(hrand(1000) < 20) { if(openplains(c)) { if(hrand(2) == 0) { if(!items[itHunting]) { vector> next; int bonus = c->type - 4; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cellwalker ci(c, i); cellwalker cw0 = ci + wstep + revstep; cellwalker cw1 = ci + bonus + wstep + revstep; if(cw0.at->mpdist > 7) if(cw1.at->mpdist > 7) next.emplace_back(cw0.at, cw1.at); } if(isize(next)) { c->item = itHunting; auto& p = next[hrand(isize(next))]; p.first->monst = moHunterGuard; p.second->monst = moHunterGuard; } } else if(items[itHunting] < 10) { vector next; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->mpdist > 7 && (!BITRUNCATED || !ctof(c2))) next.push_back(c2); if(isize(next)) { c->item = itHunting; cell *c3 = next[hrand(isize(next))]; vector dogcells; forCellEx(c4, c3) if(c4->mpdist > 7 && !isNeighbor(c4, c)) dogcells.push_back(c4); if(items[itHunting] < 10 && isize(dogcells) >= 2) { for(int t=0;; t++) { if(t == 50) { c->item = itNone; break; } cell *dog1 = dogcells[hrand(isize(dogcells))]; cell *dog2 = dogcells[hrand(isize(dogcells))]; if(VALENCE != 3 || isNeighbor(dog1, dog2)) { dog1->monst = moHunterGuard; dog1->landparam = 0; dog2->monst = moHunterGuard; dog2->landparam = 1; break; } } } else if(isize(dogcells)) { c->item = itHunting; dogcells[hrand(isize(dogcells))]->monst = moHunterGuard; } } } else c->item = itHunting; } else placeLocalSpecial(c, 10); } } if(hrand_monster(5000) < items[itHunting]- 17 + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moHunterDog; } break; case laOcean: if(d >= 8) c->wall = waSea; if(d == 7 && !safety) { bool placecolumn = false; if(c->landparam % TEMPLE_EACH == 0 && c->landparam <= 24) { int q = 0; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->landparam % TEMPLE_EACH == 0 && !pseudohept(c2)) q++; placecolumn = q == 2; if(placecolumn && weirdhyperbolic && !BITRUNCATED && hrand(100) >= 50) placecolumn = false; if(placecolumn) { placecolumn = false; cell *c2 = c; seek: forCellEx(c3, c2) if(c3->landparam < c2->landparam) { c2 = c3; goto seek; } forCellEx(c3, c2) forCellEx(c4, c3) if(c4->barleft == laRlyeh || c4->barright == laRlyeh || c4->land == laRlyeh) placecolumn = true; } } if(placecolumn) c->wall = waColumn; else if((c->landparam >= 1 && c->landparam <= 25) || chaosmode) { if(hrand(1000) < 5) c->wall = waBoat; if(hrand(1000) < PT(50 + kills[moAlbatross]/2, 150) && !peace::on) c->item = itCoast; if(hrand_monster(15000) < 10 + 2 * items[itCoast] + 2 * yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moAlbatross; if(items[itCoast] >= treasureForLocal() && hrand(10000) < 5 && !peace::on && !inv::on) c->item = itOrbAir; else placeLocalSpecial(c, 10000, 6, 5); buildPrizeMirror(c, 2000); } else if(c->landparam > 25) { int amberbonus = items[itCoast] - 50; // 50 => 10 if(hrand_monster(15000) < 10 + amberbonus + 2 * yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moAlbatross; if(hrand_monster(30000) < 20 + 2 * yendor::hardness()) { c->wall = waBoat; c->monst = moPirate; // orbs are possible! placeOceanOrbs(c); } else if(hrand_monster(30000) < 10 + 2 * yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moCShark; } } break; case laMinefield: if(d == 7 && bounded) c->wall = waMineUnknown; else if(d == 7) { c->wall = waMineUnknown; // 250: rare mines // 1250: at 25 int minefreq = 0; int treas = items[itBombEgg]; // if(treas <= 10) minefreq = 250 + 30 * treas; if(treas <= 110) minefreq = 550 + 10 * (treas-10); else minefreq = 1550 + (treas - 110); // experimentation says that 600 is slightly too hard to find the Orb of Yendor if(yendor::generating || yendor::path) if(minefreq < 550) minefreq = 550; int tfreq = treas < 10 ? 50 + 5 * treas : treas < 25 ? 100 + (treas-10) * 2: treas < 50 ? 150 + (treas-25) : 175; if(hrand(5000) < minefreq) c->wall = waMineMine; else if(hrand(5000) < tfreq && !safety && !peace::on) { c->item = itBombEgg; c->landparam = items[itBombEgg] + 5 + hrand(11); } else if(hrand_monster(5000) < treas - 20 + yendor::hardness() && !safety) c->monst = moBomberbird; else placeLocalSpecial(c, 500); } if(d == 3 && safety && (c->wall == waMineMine || c->wall == waMineUnknown) && !bounded) c->wall = waMineOpen; break; case laWhirlpool: if(d == 7) whirlpool::generate(c); break; case laMountain: if(d == 7) { if(hrand_monster(50000) < 100) buildIvy(c, 0, 3); else if(hrand_monster(125000) < 100 - celldistAlt(c)) c->monst = moMonkey; else if(hrand_monster(200000) < min(100, -10*celldistAlt(c)) - celldistAlt(c)) c->monst = moEagle; else if(hrand(100) < 5) c->wall = waPlatform; else if(hrand(100) < 20) c->wall = waBigBush; else if(hrand(100) < 12) c->wall = waSmallBush; else if(hrand(500) < -celldistAlt(c) / 5 - items[itAmethyst]) c->item = itAmethyst; } break; case laEndorian: ONEMPTY { if(c->wall == waNone && coastval(c, laEndorian) >= 10 && hrand_monster(5000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itApple] + yendor::hardness()) && (WDIM == 2 || hrand(100) < 25)) c->monst = moSparrowhawk; else if(c->wall != waNone && hrand_monster(WDIM == 3 ? 25000 : 5000) < 10 + 2 * (items[itApple] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = moResearcher; else if(c->wall == waCanopy && !checkInTree(c, 3) && hrand(5000) < PT(300 + 5 * (kills[moSparrowhawk] + kills[moResearcher]), 750)) c->item = itApple; } break; case laJungle: ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(25 + 2 * (kills[moIvyRoot] + kills[moMonkey]), 40) && notDippingFor(itRuby)) c->item = itRuby; if(hrand_monster(15000) < 5 + 1 * (items[itRuby] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = moMonkey; else if(hrand_monster(80000) < 5 + items[itRuby] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moEagle; else if(pseudohept(c) && c != currentmap->gamestart() && hrand_monster(4000) < 300 + items[itRuby] && !c->monst) { int hardchance = items[itRuby] + yendor::hardness(); if(hardchance > 25) hardchance = 25; bool hardivy = hrand(100) < hardchance; if((hardivy ? buildIvy(c, 1, 9) : buildIvy(c, 0, c->type)) && !peace::on) c->item = itRuby; } } break; case laMirrorOld: ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < 120 && (peace::on || notDippingFor(itShard)) && mirror::build(c)); else if(ishept(c) && hrand(5000) < 10 * PRIZEMUL) placePrizeOrb(c); else if(hrand_monster(12000) < 8 + items[itShard] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moRanger; else if(hrand_monster(60000) < 8 + items[itShard] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = moEagle; } break; case laMirror: ONEMPTY { if(hrand(1250) < 120 && (peace::on || notDippingFor(itShard)) && mirror::build(c)) ; else if(ishept(c) && hrand(5000) < 10 * PRIZEMUL) placePrizeOrb(c); else if(hrand_monster(cwt.at->land == laMirror ? 600 : 2400) < 8 + items[itShard] + yendor::hardness()) { if(items[itShard] >= 5 && hrand(120) <= 20) c->monst = moMirrorSpirit; else c->monst = moNarciss; } } break; case laClearing: if(d == 7) { clearing::generate(c); if(pseudohept(c)) { int d = -celldistAlt(c); if(hrand_monster(2500) < items[itMutant2] + yendor::hardness() - 10) c->monst = moRedFox; else if(hrand(100 + d) < d) c->item = itMutant2; } } break; case laMotion: ONEMPTY { if(hrand(1500) < PT(30 + kills[moRunDog], 100) && notDippingFor(itFeather)) c->item = itFeather; if(hrand_monster(20000) < 25 + items[itFeather] + yendor::hardness()) { c->monst = moRunDog; // preset the movement direction // this will make the dog go in the direction of the center, // if the player is unreachable/invisible for(int d=0; dtype; d++) if(c->move(d) == from) { c->mondir = (d+3) % c->type; } chasmify(c); c->wall = shmup::on ? waNone : waChasm; } int cmf[5] = {0, 1, 3, 5, 10}; if(inv::on && chaosmode && items[itFeather] && hrand(1000) < cmf[chaosmode] && !c->item && !c->monst) c->item = itOrbSafety; } break; case laMagnetic: if(d == 8) { if(hrand(10000) < 30 && !c->monst && !c->wall) { cell *c1 = c; cell *c2 = createMov(c1, hrand(c1->type)); if(c2->monst || c2->wall) return; if(hrand(2)) swap(c1, c2); forCellEx(c3, c1) if(c3->monst == moNorthPole) return; forCellEx(c3, c2) if(c3->monst == moSouthPole) return; c1->monst = moNorthPole; c2->monst = moSouthPole; c1->mondir = neighborId(c1, c2); c2->mondir = neighborId(c2, c1); } } break; case laRuins: { int kf = 10 + items[itRuins] + yendor::hardness(); if(d == 8) { if(randomPatternsMode) { c->wall = RANDPAT ? waRuinWall : waNone; } else { c->landparam = 2; if(out_ruin(c)) { c->landparam = 0; if(hrand(100) < 3) c->wall = waRuinWall; } else if(hrand(100) < 75) { forCellEx(c2, c) if(out_ruin(c2)) c->wall = waRuinWall, c->landparam = 1; } } if(hrand_monster(40000) < kf && !c->monst && !c->wall && !shmup::on) { cell *c1 = c; cell *c2 = createMov(c1, hrand(c1->type)); if(c2->monst || c2->wall) return; c1->monst = moPair; c2->monst = moPair; c1->mondir = neighborId(c1, c2); c2->mondir = neighborId(c2, c1); } } if(d == 7 && c->landparam == 2) forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->land == laRuins && out_ruin(c2)) c->landparam = 1; ONEMPTY { if(hrand(1500) < PT(30 + kills[moHexDemon] + kills[moSkeleton] + kills[moMonk] + kills[moPair], 100) && notDippingFor(itRuins)) { c->item = itRuins; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->monst == moMonk) c->item = itNone; } if(hrand_monster(7000) < kf && !c->monst) { c->monst = genRuinMonster(c); c->hitpoints = 3; } } break; } case laDocks: { if(d == 8) { if(randomPatternsMode) { c->wall = RANDPAT ? waDock : waSea; if(c->wall == waSea && RANDPATV(laEAir)) c->wall = waBoat; } else { patterns::patterninfo si; if(a38) patterns::val38(c, si, patterns::SPF_DOCKS, patterns::PAT_COLORING); else si.id = archimedean ? (hrand(6)*4) : (zebra40(c)&2) ? 0 : zebra40(c) == 4 ? 8 : 1; c->wall = waSea; if(among(si.id, 0, 4, 16, PURE ? -1 : 24)) c->wall = waDock; if(si.id == 8 && hrand(100) < 75) { c->wall = waBoat; if(a38) for(int i=0; itype; i++) { patterns::val38(createMov(c, i), si, patterns::SPF_DOCKS, patterns::PAT_COLORING); if(si.id == 0) c->mondir = i; } } } } if(d == 7 && !safety) { if(randomPatternsMode) { if(hrand(2000) < PT(30 + kills[moRatling] + kills[moCShark] + kills[moAlbatross] + kills[moPirate] + kills[moFireFairy], 100)) c->item = itDock; } else { patterns::patterninfo si; if(a38) patterns::val38(c, si, patterns::SPF_DOCKS, patterns::PAT_COLORING); else si.id = hrand(20); if(si.id == 16 && hrand(250) < PT(30 + kills[moRatling] + kills[moCShark] + kills[moAlbatross] + kills[moPirate] + kills[moFireFairy], 100)) c->item = itDock; } if(c->wall == waDock && hrand_monster(6000) < 25 + items[itDock] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = pick(moPirate, moRatling, moFireFairy); if(c->wall == waSea && hrand_monster(6000) < 25 + items[itDock] + yendor::hardness()) c->monst = pick(moCShark, moAlbatross); } break; } case laEAir: case laEWater: case laEEarth: case laEFire: // but not case laElementalWall: if(d==8) { if(hrand(c->land == laEAir ? 6 : 25) == 0) place_elemental_wall(c); } ONEMPTY { eItem localshard = localshardof(c->land); int danger = 5 * items[localshard] * items[localshard]; eMonster elof = elementalOf(c->land); int elkills = PT(kills[elof], 25); if(hrand_monster(8000) < 12 + (items[itElemental] + danger + yendor::hardness())) { c->monst = elof; if(c->land != laEAir) chasmifyElemental(c); c->wall = waNone; if(c->land == laEWater) c->wall = waSea; } else if(hrand(5000) < 100 + elkills*3 && notDippingFor(itElemental)) c->item = localshard; else placeLocalSpecial(c, 500); } break; case laBrownian: brownian::build(c, d); break; case laMirrored: case laMirrorWall: case laMirrorWall2: case laMirrored2: c->wall = waMirrorWall; break; case laCrossroads: case laCrossroads2: case laCrossroads3: case laCrossroads4: case laCrossroads5: if(c->wall == waTower) c->land = laCamelot; ONEMPTY { if(!BITRUNCATED && c->land == laCrossroads5 && hrand(100) < 60) c->wall = waBarrier; else if(!inv::on && items[itShard] >= 10 && hrand(8000) < 120*orbcrossfun(items[itShard]) && mirror::build(c)) ; else if(hyperstonesUnlocked() && hrand(8000) < 100 && mirror::build(c)) ; else if(tactic::on && isCrossroads(specialland) && hrand(8000) < 120 && mirror::build(c)) ; else if(c->land == laCrossroads4 && hrand(24000) < 10 && tactic::on) c->wall = waRose; else { if(hyperstonesUnlocked() && hrand(25000) < min(PT(tkills(), 2000), 5000) && notDippingFor(itHyperstone)) c->item = itHyperstone; if(hrand_monster(4000) < items[itHyperstone] && !c->monst) { // only interesting monsters here! eMonster cm = crossroadsMonster(); if(cm == moIvyRoot) buildIvy(c, 0, c->type); else c->monst = cm; if(cm == moWorm || cm == moTentacle) c->mondir = NODIR; c->hitpoints = palaceHP(); } } } break; case laHaunted: case laHauntedBorder: case laHauntedWall: if(d == 7) { c->wall = waNone; c->item = itNone; c->monst = moNone; if(hrand(100) < 25) c->wall = hrand(2) ? waBigTree : waSmallTree; else if(hrand(500) < 2 && ishept(c)) c->wall = hrand(10) < 3 ? waFreshGrave : waAncientGrave; else { if(hrand(5000) < 30) c->item = itGreenStone; if(hrand_monster(4000) < 10 + items[itLotus] + yendor::hardness() && !safety) c->monst = moGhost; int depth = getHauntedDepth(c); if(hrand(500 + depth) < depth - items[itLotus] && !safety && !peace::on) c->item = itLotus; } } break; case laCamelot: // generated mostly in moreBigStuff if(tactic::on && d == 0) { int r = roundTableRadius(c); if(r > 28 + 3 * items[itHolyGrail]) items[itHolyGrail]++; } break; case laVariant: { #if CAP_COMPLEX2 int b = getBits(c); if(fargen) { int treasure_rate = 2; for(int i=0; i<21; i++) if((b>>i) & 1) { treasure_rate += variant::features[i].rate_change; variant::features[i].build(c); } if(hrand(2000 - PT(kills[moVariantWarrior] * 5, 250)) < treasure_rate && !c->wall && !c->monst) c->item = itVarTreasure; } if(d == 7 && c->wall == waTrapdoor) { forCellEx(c1, c) if(among(c1->wall, waSea, waBoat)) c->wall = waNone; } break; #endif } case laNone: case laBarrier: case laOceanWall: case laElementalWall: case laCanvas: case laPrincessQuest: case laMercuryRiver: // do nothing! break; case laDual: if(d == 7) { if(pseudohept(c)) c->wall = waChasm; else { c->landparam = 1; if(S7%2 == 0) { c->landparam = 2; forCellCM(c2, c) { if(c2->landparam == 2) c->landparam = 3; if(!pseudohept(c2)) forCellCM(c3, c2) if(c3->landparam == 3) c->landparam = 3; } } int hr = hrand(100) / 5; if(hr == 0) c->wall = waTrapdoor; else if(hr == 1) c->wall = waSmallTree; else if(hr == 2) c->wall = waStone; } } ONEMPTY { if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * kills[moRatling], 200) && notDippingFor(itGlowCrystal)) c->item = itGlowCrystal; if(hrand_monster(2000) < 2 * (items[itGlowCrystal] + yendor::hardness())) c->monst = moRatling; } break; case laMemory: c->wall = waChasm; if(d == 7 && !c->monst && hrand(2000) < 4) #if CAP_RACING if(!racing::on) #endif c->monst = moGhost; break; case laAsteroids: if(d >= 7) c->wall = waInvisibleFloor; break; case landtypes: break; } } // repair the buggy walls flowing in from another land, like ice walls flowing into the Caves EX void repairLandgen(cell *c) { if(c->land == laCaves && c->wall != waCavewall && c->wall != waCavefloor) c->wall = waCavefloor; if(c->land == laDeadCaves && c->wall != waDeadwall && c->wall != waDeadfloor && c->wall != waDeadfloor2 && c->wall != waEarthD) c->wall = waDeadfloor2; if(c->land == laCocytus && c->wall != waFrozenLake && c->wall != waLake && c->wall != waIcewall) c->wall = waFrozenLake; if(c->land == laAlchemist && c->wall != waFloorA && c->wall != waFloorB) c->wall = waFloorA; if(c->wall == waIcewall && c->land != laIce && c->land != laCocytus && c->land != laBlizzard) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waRed3 && c->land != laRedRock && c->land != laSnakeNest && c->land != laBrownian) c->wall = waNone; if(c->item == itRedGem && c->land != laRedRock) c->item = itNone; if(c->item == itRose && c->land != laRose) c->item = itNone; if(c->wall == waChasmD) { chasmify(c); } if(c->wall == waEarthD) { chasmifyEarth(c); } if(c->wall == waElementalD) { chasmifyElemental(c); } if(passable(c, NULL, 0)) { if(c->land == laBarrier && WDIM != 3) c->wall = waBarrier; if(c->land == laOceanWall) c->wall = c->type == 7 ? waBarrier : waSea; } if(cellHalfvine(c)) { int i = -1; for(int k=0; ktype; k++) if(c->move(k) && c->move(k)->wall == c->wall) i = 0; if(i == -1) c->wall = waNone; } } EX void setland_randomwalk(cell *c) { if(c->land) return; if(hrand(10) == 0) setland(c, currentlands[hrand(isize(currentlands))]); else { cell *c2 = c->cmove(hrand(c->type)); setland_randomwalk(c2); c->land = c2->land; } } EX void setdist(cell *c, int d, cell *from) { if(c->mpdist <= d) return; if(c->mpdist > d+1 && d < BARLEV) setdist(c, d+1, from); c->mpdist = d; // printf("setdist %p %d [%p]\n", c, d, from); // this fixes the following problem: // http://steamcommunity.com/app/342610/discussions/0/1470840994970724215/ if(!generatingEquidistant && from && d >= 7 && c->land && !binarytiling && !archimedean && !cryst && WDIM == 2 && hyperbolic) { int cdi = celldist(c); if(celldist(from) > cdi) { forCellCM(c2, c) if(celldist(c2) < cdi) { setdist(c2, d, c); from = c2; break; } } } if(d <= 10 - getDistLimit()) lastexplore = shmup::on ? shmup::curtime : turncount; if(hybri) { auto wc = hybrid::get_where(c).first; auto wf = from ? hybrid::get_where(from).first : NULL; if(c->land && !wc->land) wc->land = c->land; PIU ( setdist(wc, d, wf) ); } if(buggyGeneration) { if(d < BARLEV) for(int i=0; itype; i++) { setdist(createMov(c, i), d+1, c); } if(d >= BARLEV) c->item = itBuggy2; return; } if(d >= BARLEV) { if(binarytiling && WDIM == 3 && !c->land && !solnih) { ld z = vid.binary_width; cell *cseek = c; int step = 0; if(geometry == gHoroHex) z *= 2; ld scale = binary::expansion(); while(z < 3.999 && step < 10) cseek = cseek->cmove(binary::updir()), z *= scale; if(cseek->master->emeraldval) setland(c, eLand(cseek->master->emeraldval)); } if(!c->land && from && (WDIM == 3 || !among(from->land, laBarrier, laElementalWall, laHauntedWall, laOceanWall)) && !quotient && !(chaosmode > 1)) { if(!hasbardir(c)) setland(c, from->land); } if(c->land == laTemple && !tactic::on && !chaosmode) setland(c, laRlyeh); if(c->land == laMountain && !tactic::on && !chaosmode) setland(c, laJungle); if(c->land == laClearing && !tactic::on) setland(c, laOvergrown); if(c->land == laWhirlpool && !tactic::on && !yendor::on) setland(c, laOcean); if(c->land == laCamelot && !tactic::on) setland(c, laCrossroads); if(c->land == laBrownian && !chaosmode) setland(c, laOcean); if(chaosmode && !c->land && isize(currentlands)) { if(chaosmode == 3) setland(c, currentlands[hrand(isize(currentlands))]); if(chaosmode == 2) { if(stdeuc) { cell *c2 = c; while(true) { forCellCM(c3, c2) if(cdist50(c3) < cdist50(c2)) { c2 = c3; goto again; } break; again: ; } if(!c2->land) setland(c2, currentlands[hrand(isize(currentlands))]); c->land = c2->land; } else chaosmode = 4; } if(chaosmode == 4) setland_randomwalk(c); } #if CAP_DAILY if(!daily::on) { #else if(true) { #endif if(0); else if(chaosmode > 1) ; #if CAP_CRYSTAL else if(cryst) crystal::set_land(c); #endif #if MAXMDIM == 4 else if(euclid && WDIM == 3) euc::set_land(c); #endif else if(hybri) setLandHybrid(c); else if(sphere || (euclid && bounded)) setLandSphere(c); else if(euclid) setLandEuclid(c); else if(quotient) { setland(c, specialland); setLandQuotient(c); } else if(sol) setLandSol(c); else if(nil) setLandNil(c); else if(weirdhyperbolic) setLandWeird(c); } // if(chaosmode) setland(c, getCLand(c)); } if(d == BARLEV && c->land == laCanvas) { color_t col = patterns::generateCanvas(c); c->landparam = col; if(canvas_invisible) c->wall = waInvisibleFloor; if(WDIM == 3 && (col & 0x1000000)) c->wall = waWaxWall; } #if CAP_FIELD if(d >= BARLEV-1 && c->land == laPrairie && !chaosmode) prairie::spread(c, from); #endif if(d < BARLEV && c->land == laPrairie && !c->landparam && !chaosmode) { printf("d=%d/%d\n", d, BARLEV); raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "No landparam set"); return; } if(d == BARLEV && !euclid && c != cwt.at) buildBigStuff(c, from); if(buggyGeneration) return; if(d < 10) { if(d >= 0) { explore[d]++; exploreland[d][c->land]++; } if(d < BARLEV) for(int i=0; itype; i++) { setdist(createMov(c, i), d+1, c); if(buggyGeneration) return; } int eqlevel = max(BARLEV-2, 7); if(d == eqlevel && c->land == laOcean) buildEquidistant(c); if(d == eqlevel && inmirror(c)) buildEquidistant(c); if(d == eqlevel && (c->land == laGraveyard || c->land == laHauntedBorder || c->land == laHaunted) && !tactic::on) buildEquidistant(c); } if(d <= 7 && (c->land == laGraveyard || c->land == laHauntedBorder) && !in_s2xe()) { c->land = (c->landparam >= 1 && c->landparam <= HAUNTED_RADIUS) ? laHauntedBorder : laGraveyard; } if(d == 8 && isGravityLand(c->land)) { buildEquidistant(c); } #if CAP_COMPLEX2 if(d < BARLEV) brownian::apply_futures(c); #endif giantLandSwitch(c, d, from); if(d == min(BARLEV, 9)) moreBigStuff(c); if(d == 7) repairLandgen(c); ONEMPTY if(!c->item) { if(isCrossroads(c->land)) placeCrossroadOrbs(c); else placeLocalOrbs(c); #if CAP_CRYSTAL if(cryst && c->land != laMinefield) crystal::may_place_compass(c); #endif } if(PURE && c->wall == waMirrorWall && c->land == laMirror) c->land = laMirrorWall; // , c->item = itPirate; // not really a proper bugfix if(d == 7) playSeenSound(c); #if CAP_EDIT if(d >= 7 && patterns::whichPattern) mapeditor::applyModelcell(c); #endif } }