// Hyperbolic Rogue // implementation of various simple flags for lands, items, monsters, and walls // Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details bool isIcyLand(eLand l) { return l == laIce || l == laCocytus || l == laBlizzard; } bool isIcyLand(cell *c) { return isIcyLand(c->land); } bool isGravityLand(eLand l) { return l == laIvoryTower || l == laEndorian || l == laMountain || l == laDungeon; } // watery bool isWatery(cell *c) { return c->wall == waCamelotMoat || c->wall == waSea || c->wall == waLake; } bool isChasmy(cell *c) { return c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waSulphur || c->wall == waSulphurC || c->wall == waBubble || c->wall == waMercury; } bool isWateryOrBoat(cell *c) { return isWatery(c) || c->wall == waBoat; } bool isNoFlight(cell *c) { return c->wall == waBoat || c->wall == waVineHalfA || c->wall == waVineHalfB || c->wall == waStrandedBoat || c->wall == waTrunk || c->wall == waBigBush || c->wall == waSmallBush; } bool boatStrandable(cell *c) { return c->wall == waNone && (c->land == laLivefjord || c->land == laOcean); } // monster/wall types bool isFire(cell *w) { return w->wall == waFire || w->wall == waPartialFire || w->wall == waEternalFire; } bool isFireOrMagma(cell *w) { return isFire(w) || w->wall == waMagma; } bool isThumper(eWall w) { return w == waThumperOff || w == waThumperOn; } bool isThumper(cell *c) { return isThumper(c->wall); } bool isActivable(cell *c) { return c->wall == waThumperOff || c->wall == waBonfireOff; } bool hasTimeout(cell *c) { return c->wall == waThumperOn || c->wall == waFire || c->wall == waPartialFire || c->wall == waTempWall || c->wall == waTempFloor || c->wall == waTempBridge || c->wall == waTempBridgeBlocked; } bool isMimic(eMonster m) { return m == moMimic; } int mirrorcolor(bool mirrored) { return mirrored ? 0x8080FF : 0xFF80C0; } bool isMimic(cell *c) { return isMimic(c->monst); } bool isPrincess(eMonster m) { return m == moPrincess || m == moPrincessMoved || m == moPrincessArmed || m == moPrincessArmedMoved; } bool isGolemOrKnight(eMonster m) { return m == moGolem || m == moGolemMoved || m == moKnight || m == moKnightMoved || m == moTameBomberbird || m == moTameBomberbirdMoved || m == moMouse || m == moMouseMoved || m == moFriendlyGhost || isPrincess(m); } bool isGolemOrKnight(cell *c) { return isGolemOrKnight(c->monst); } bool isNonliving(eMonster m) { return m == moMimic || m == moGolem || m == moGolemMoved || m == moZombie || m == moGhost || m == moShadow || m == moSkeleton || m == moEvilGolem || m == moIllusion || m == moEarthElemental || m == moWaterElemental || m == moDraugr || m == moTerraWarrior || m == moIceGolem || m == moVoidBeast || m == moJiangshi; } bool isMetalBeast(eMonster m) { return m == moMetalBeast || m == moMetalBeast2; } bool isStunnable(eMonster m) { return m == moPalace || m == moFatGuard || m == moSkeleton || isPrincess(m) || isMetalBeast(m) || m == moTortoise || isDragon(m) || m == moReptile || m == moTerraWarrior || m == moSalamander; } bool hasHitpoints(eMonster m) { return m == moPalace || m == moFatGuard || m == moVizier || isPrincess(m) || m == moTerraWarrior; } bool isMountable(eMonster m) { return isWorm(m) && m != moTentacleGhost; } bool isFriendly(eMonster m) { return isMimic(m) || isGolemOrKnight(m) || m == moIllusion || m == moFriendlyIvy; } bool isFriendlyOrPlayer(eMonster m) { return isFriendly(m) || m == moPlayer; } bool isFriendly(cell *c) { if(items[itOrbDomination] && c->monst && c->monst != moTentacleGhost) { for(int i=0; imonst); } bool isBug(eMonster m) { return m >= moBug0 && m < moBug0+BUGCOLORS; } bool isBug(cell *c) { return isBug(c->monst); } bool isFriendlyOrBug(cell *c) { // or killable discord! // do not attack the stunned Princess if(isPrincess(c->monst) && c->stuntime) return false; return isFriendly(c) || isBug(c) || (c->monst && markOrb(itOrbDiscord) && !c->stuntime); } bool isIvy(eMonster m) { return m == moIvyRoot || m == moIvyHead || m == moIvyBranch || m == moIvyWait || m == moIvyNext || m == moIvyDead; } bool isIvy(cell *c) { return isIvy(c->monst); } bool isMonsterPart(eMonster m) { return m == moMutant || (isIvy(m) && m != moIvyRoot) || m == moDragonTail || m == moKrakenT; } bool isMutantIvy(eMonster m) { return m == moMutant; } bool isAnyIvy(eMonster m) { return isIvy(m) || isMutantIvy(m) || m == moFriendlyIvy; } bool isBulletType(eMonster m) { return m == moBullet || m == moFlailBullet || m == moFireball || m == moTongue || m == moAirball || m == moArrowTrap; } bool isMutantIvy(cell *c) { return isMutantIvy(c->monst); } bool isDemon(eMonster m) { return m == moLesser || m == moLesserM || m == moGreater || m == moGreaterM; } bool isDemon(cell *c) { return isDemon(c->monst); } bool isWormHead(eMonster m) { return m == moWorm || m == moTentacle || m == moHexSnake || m == moDragonHead; } bool isWorm(eMonster m) { return m == moWorm || m == moWormtail || m == moWormwait || m == moTentacle || m == moTentacletail || m == moTentaclewait || m == moTentacleEscaping || m == moTentacleGhost || m == moHexSnake || m == moHexSnakeTail || m == moDragonHead || m == moDragonTail; } bool isWorm(cell *c) { return isWorm(c->monst); } bool isWitch(eMonster m) { // evil golems don't count return m >= moWitch && m < moWitch+NUMWITCH-1; } bool isOnCIsland(cell *c) { return (c->wall == waCIsland || c->wall == waCTree || c->wall == waCIsland2); } bool isGhostable(eMonster m) { return m && !isFriendly(m) && !isIvy(m) && !isMultitile(m) && !isMutantIvy(m); } bool cellUnstable(cell *c) { return (c->land == laMotion && c->wall == waNone) || c->wall == waTrapdoor; } bool cellUnstableOrChasm(cell *c) { return (c->land == laMotion && c->wall == waNone) || c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waTrapdoor; } bool cellHalfvine(cell *c) { return c->wall == waVineHalfA || c->wall == waVineHalfB; } bool isWarped(eLand l) { return l == laWarpCoast || l == laWarpSea; } bool isElementalShard(eItem i) { return i == itFireShard || i == itAirShard || i == itEarthShard || i == itWaterShard; } eMonster elementalOf(eLand l) { if(l == laEFire) return moFireElemental; if(l == laEWater) return moWaterElemental; if(l == laEAir) return moAirElemental; if(l == laEEarth) return moEarthElemental; return moNone; } eItem localshardof(eLand l) { return eItem(itFireShard + (l - laEFire)); } int itemclass(eItem i) { if(i == 0) return -1; if(i < itKey || i == itFernFlower || i == itWine || i == itSilver || i == itEmerald || i == itRoyalJelly || i == itPower || i == itGrimoire || i == itPirate || i == itRedGem || i == itBombEgg || i == itCoast || i == itWhirlpool || i == itPalace || i == itFjord || i == itElemental || i == itZebra || i == itIvory || i == itBounty || i == itFulgurite || i == itMutant || i == itLotus || i == itMutant2 || i == itWindstone || i == itCoral || i == itRose || i == itBabyTortoise || i == itDragon || i == itApple || i == itKraken || i == itBarrow || i == itTrollEgg || i == itTreat || i == itSlime || i == itAmethyst || i == itDodeca || i == itGreenGrass || i == itBull || i == itLavaLily || i == itHunting || i == itBlizzard || i == itTerra ) return IC_TREASURE; if(i == itSavedPrincess || i == itStrongWind || i == itWarning) return IC_NAI; if(i == itKey || i == itOrbYendor || i == itGreenStone || i == itHolyGrail || i == itCompass || isElementalShard(i) || i == itRevolver || i == itInventory) return IC_OTHER; return IC_ORB; } bool isAlch(eWall w) { return w == waFloorA || w == waFloorB; } /* bool isAlch2(eWall w, bool bubbletoo) { return w == waSlime1 || w == waSlime2 || (bubbletoo && w == waBubble); } */ /* bool isAlch2(cell *c, bool bubbletoo) { return isAlch2(c->wall, bubbletoo); } */ bool isAlch(cell *c) { return isAlch(c->wall); } bool isAlchAny(eWall w) { return w == waFloorA || w == waFloorB; } bool isAlchAny(cell *c) { return isAlchAny(c->wall); } bool realred(eWall w) { return w == waRed1 || w == waRed2 || w == waRed3; } int snakelevel(eWall w) { if(w == waRed1 || w == waDeadfloor2 || w == waRubble || w == waGargoyleFloor || w == waGargoyleBridge || w == waTempFloor || w == waTempBridge || w == waRoundTable || w == waPetrifiedBridge || w == waMagma) return 1; if(w == waRed2) return 2; if(w == waRed3) return 3; if(w == waTower) return 3; return 0; } int snakelevel(cell *c) { return snakelevel(c->wall); } bool isWall(cell *w) { if(w->wall == waNone || isAlchAny(w) || w->wall == waCavefloor || w->wall == waFrozenLake || w->wall == waVineHalfA || w->wall == waVineHalfB || w->wall == waDeadfloor || w->wall == waDeadfloor2 || w->wall == waRubble || w->wall == waGargoyleFloor || w->wall == waGargoyleBridge || w->wall == waTempFloor || w->wall == waTempBridge || w->wall == waPetrifiedBridge || w->wall == waBoat || w->wall == waCIsland || w->wall == waCIsland2 || w->wall == waRed1 || w->wall == waRed2 || w->wall == waRed3 || w->wall == waMineUnknown || w->wall == waMineMine || w->wall == waMineOpen || w->wall == waStrandedBoat || w->wall == waOpenGate || w->wall == waClosePlate || w->wall == waOpenPlate || w->wall == waTrapdoor || w->wall == waGiantRug || w->wall == waLadder || w->wall == waTrunk || w->wall == waSolidBranch || w->wall == waWeakBranch || w->wall == waCanopy || w->wall == waTower || w->wall == waSmallBush || w->wall == waBigBush || w->wall == waReptile || w->wall == waReptileBridge || w->wall == waInvisibleFloor || w->wall == waSlime1 || w->wall == waSlime2 || w->wall == waArrowTrap || w->wall == waMagma) return false; if(isWatery(w) || isChasmy(w) || isFire(w)) return false; return true; } bool isAngryBird(eMonster m) { return m == moEagle || m == moAlbatross || m == moBomberbird || m == moGargoyle || m == moWindCrow || m == moSparrowhawk || m == moVampire || m == moBat || m == moButterfly || m == moGadfly; } bool isBird(eMonster m) { return isAngryBird(m) || m == moTameBomberbird || m == moTameBomberbirdMoved; } bool slowMover(eMonster m) { return m == moLesser || m == moGreater || isMetalBeast(m) || m == moTortoise || m == moDraugr; } bool normalMover(eMonster m) { return m == moYeti || m == moRanger || m == moGoblin || m == moTroll || m == moDesertman || m == moMonkey || m == moZombie || m == moNecromancer || m == moCultist || m == moRunDog || m == moPyroCultist || m == moFireFairy || m == moCrystalSage || m == moHedge || m == moVineBeast || m == moLancer || m == moFlailer || m == moMiner || m == moDarkTroll || (playerInPower() && ( (isWitch(m) && m != moWitchGhost && m != moWitchWinter) || m == moEvilGolem )) || m == moRedTroll || m == moPalace || m == moFatGuard || m == moSkeleton || m == moVizier || m == moFjordTroll || m == moStormTroll || m == moForestTroll || m == moFamiliar || m == moFireElemental || m == moOrangeDog || m == moOutlaw || m == moRedFox || m == moFalsePrincess || m == moRoseLady || m == moRoseBeauty || m == moWolf || m == moResearcher || m == moRagingBull || m == moNarciss || m == moMirrorSpirit || m == moHunterDog || m == moTerraWarrior || m == moJiangshi || m == moLavaWolf || m == moSalamander || m == moHunterGuard || m == moHunterChanging || m == moIceGolem || slowMover(m); } // from-to bool isGhost(eMonster m) { return m == moGhost || m == moTentacleGhost || m == moFriendlyGhost; } bool isGhostMover(eMonster m) { return m == moGhost || m == moGreaterShark || m == moTentacleGhost || (playerInPower() && (m == moWitchGhost || m == moWitchWinter)); } bool isShark(eMonster m) { return m == moShark || m == moCShark || m == moGreaterShark; } bool isSlimeMover(eMonster m) { return m == moSlime || m == moSeep || m == moVineSpirit || m == moParrot; } bool isDragon(eMonster m) { return m == moDragonHead || m == moDragonTail; } bool isKraken(eMonster m) { return m == moKrakenH || m == moKrakenT; } bool isBlowableMonster(eMonster m) { return m && !( isWorm(m) || isIvy(m) || isMutantIvy(m) || isSlimeMover(m) || m == moGhost || m == moGreaterShark || m == moWaterElemental || m == moWitchGhost || isMimic(m) || isKraken(m) ); } bool isMultitile(eMonster m) { return isWorm(m) || isIvy(m) || isMutantIvy(m) || isKraken(m); } bool isSlimeMover(cell *c) { return isSlimeMover(c->monst); } int slimegroup(cell *c) { if(c->wall == waCavewall || c->wall == waDeadwall) return 1; if(isWatery(c)) return 2; if(c->wall == waFloorA) return 3; if(c->wall == waFloorB) return 4; if(c->wall == waVinePlant || cellHalfvine(c)) return 5; if(c->wall == waCTree) return 6; return 0; } bool isLeader(eMonster m) { return m == moPirate || m == moCultistLeader || m == moViking || m == moRatling || m == moRatlingAvenger; } bool isFlying(eMonster m) { return isBird(m) || isGhost(m) || m == moAirElemental || isDragon(m) || checkOrb(m, itOrbAether); } bool survivesChasm(eMonster m) { return isFlying(m); } bool ignoresPlates(eMonster m) { return m == moMouse || isFlying(m); } bool itemBurns(eItem it) { return it && it != itOrbDragon && it != itOrbFire && it != itDragon && it != itOrbWinter && it != itOrbLava && it != itTreat && it != itLavaLily; } bool attackThruVine(eMonster m) { return m == moGhost || m == moVineSpirit || m == moFriendlyGhost || m == moTentacleGhost; } bool attackNonAdjacent(eMonster m) { return m == moGhost || m == moFriendlyGhost || m == moTentacleGhost; } bool noHighlight(eMonster m) { return (m == moIvyWait || m == moIvyNext || m == moIvyDead); } bool isInactiveEnemy(cell *w, eMonster forwho) { if(w->monst == moWormtail || w->monst == moWormwait || w->monst == moTentacletail || w->monst == moTentaclewait || w->monst == moHexSnakeTail) return true; if(w->monst == moLesserM || w->monst == moGreaterM) return true; if(w->monst == moIvyRoot || w->monst == moIvyWait || w->monst == moIvyNext || w->monst == moIvyDead) return true; if(w->monst && ((forwho == moPlayer) ? realstuntime(w) : realstuntime(w) > 1) && !isFriendly(w)) return true; return false; } // forpc = true (for PC), false (for golems) bool isActiveEnemy(cell *w, eMonster forwho) { if(((forwho == moPlayer) ? realstuntime(w) : realstuntime(w) > 1)) return false; if(w->monst == moNone) return false; if(isFriendly(w)) return false; if(isInactiveEnemy(w, forwho)) return false; return true; } bool isUnarmed(eMonster m) { return m == moMouse || m == moMouseMoved || m == moPrincess || m == moPrincessMoved || m == moCrystalSage || m == moVampire || m == moBat; } bool isArmedEnemy(cell *w, eMonster forwho) { return w->monst != moCrystalSage && isActiveEnemy(w, forwho); } bool isHive(eLand l) { return l == laHive; } bool isIcyWall(cell *c) { return c->wall == waNone || c->wall == waIcewall || c->wall == waFrozenLake || c->wall == waLake; } bool eternalFire(cell *c) { return c->land == laDryForest || c->land == laPower || c->land == laMinefield || c->land == laEFire || c->land == laElementalWall; } bool isCyclic(eLand l) { return l == laWhirlpool || l == laTemple || l == laCamelot || l == laClearing || l == laMountain; } bool haveRangedOrb() { return items[itOrbPsi] || items[itOrbDragon] || items[itOrbTeleport] || items[itOrbIllusion] || items[itOrbSpace] || items[itOrbAir] || items[itOrbFrog] || items[itOrbSummon] || items[itOrbMatter] || items[itRevolver] || items[itOrbStunning] || items[itStrongWind] || items[itOrbDomination] || items[itOrbNature] || items[itOrbDash] || items[itOrbMorph]; } bool isOffensiveOrb(eItem it) { return it == itOrbLightning || it == itOrbFlash || it == itOrbThorns || it == itOrbDragon || it == itOrbStunning || it == itOrbFreedom || it == itOrbPsi || it == itOrbSide1 || it == itOrbSide2 || it == itOrbSide3; } bool isRangedOrb(eItem i) { return i == itOrbPsi || i == itOrbDragon || i == itOrbTeleport || i == itOrbIllusion || i == itOrbSpace || i == itOrbAir || i == itOrbFrog || i == itOrbSummon || i == itOrbMatter || i == itRevolver || i == itOrbStunning || i == itOrbDomination || i == itOrbNature || i == itOrbDash || i == itOrbMorph; } bool isProtectionOrb(eItem i) { return i == itOrbWinter || i == itOrbShield || i == itOrbInvis || i == itOrbShell; } bool isEmpathyOrb(eItem i) { return i == itOrbFire || i == itOrbDigging || i == itOrbWinter || i == itOrbUndeath || i == itOrbSpeed || i == itOrbShield || i == itOrbAether || i == itOrbInvis || i == itOrbThorns || i == itOrbWater || i == itOrbStone || i == itOrbSide1 || i == itOrbSide2 || i == itOrbSide3; } bool isUtilityOrb(eItem i) { return i == itOrbSpeed || i == itOrbDigging || i == itOrbSafety || i == itOrbTeleport || i == itOrbAether || i == itOrbTime || i == itOrbSpace || i == itOrbSummon || i == itOrbLuck || i == itOrbEnergy || i == itOrbLava; } bool isDirectionalOrb(eItem i) { return i == itOrbHorns || i == itOrbBull || i == itOrbSword || i == itOrbSword2; } bool isRevivalOrb(eItem i) { return i == itOrbLife || i == itOrbFriend || i == itOrbUndeath; } bool isFriendOrb(eItem i) { return i == itOrbLife || i == itOrbFriend || i == itOrbDiscord || i == itOrbLove || i == itOrbEmpathy || i == itOrbUndeath; } bool isFriendlyGhost(eMonster m) { return m == moFriendlyGhost || (markEmpathy(itOrbAether) && isFriendly(m)); } bool survivesWater(eMonster m) { return m == moShark || m == moGreaterShark || m == moCShark || isGhost(m) || m == moWitchGhost || m == moShadow || isBird(m) || m == moWaterElemental || m == moAirElemental || isWorm(m) || isIvy(m) || isDragon(m) || isKraken(m) || m == moMutant || m == moFriendlyIvy || m == moTortoise; // Tortoises and Ivies survive, but don't go through water } // survives Mercury or Sulphur or Lava bool survivesPoison(eMonster m, eWall p) { return isGhost(m) || m == moWitchGhost || m == moShadow || isBird(m) || m == moAirElemental || isDragon(m) || isWorm(m); } // flying even if stunned bool isPermanentFlying(eMonster m) { return m == moAirElemental || isGhost(m); } bool survivesFire(eMonster m) { return isGhost(m) || m == moWitchWinter || m == moWitchGhost || m == moBomberbird || m == moTameBomberbird || m == moTameBomberbirdMoved || (isFriendly(m) && markOrb(itOrbWinter)) || m == moFireElemental || isDragon(m) || m == moShadow; } /* bool survivesMine(eMonster m) { return ignoresPlates(m) || isFlying(m); } */ bool survivesWall(eMonster m) { return isGhost(m); } bool survivesThorns(eMonster m) { return isGhost(m) || m == moSkeleton || m == moDraugr; } bool survivesFall(eMonster m) { return isBird(m) || m == moAirElemental || m == moSkeleton || isDragon(m) || m == moShadow || isGhost(m); } bool isThorny(eWall w) { return w == waRose; } bool checkOrb(eMonster m1, eItem orb) { if(m1 == moPlayer) return markOrb(orb); if(isFriendly(m1)) return markEmpathy(orb); return false; } bool checkOrb2(eMonster m1, eItem orb) { if(m1 == moPlayer) return markOrb2(orb); if(isFriendly(m1)) return markEmpathy2(orb); return false; } bool ignoresSmell(eMonster m) { return m == moHexSnake || isIvy(m) || isMutantIvy(m) || isGhostMover(m) || isSlimeMover(m) || m == moRoseLady || checkOrb(m, itOrbBeauty) || checkOrb(m, itOrbAether) || checkOrb(m, itOrbShield); } bool isTroll(eMonster m) { return m == moTroll || m == moRedTroll || m == moDarkTroll || m == moForestTroll || m == moStormTroll || m == moFjordTroll; } bool isGrave(eWall w) { return w == waFreshGrave || w == waAncientGrave; } bool isStandardTree(cell *c) { return c->wall == waBigTree || c->wall == waSmallTree; } bool highwall(cell *c) { if(c->wall == waGlass) return false; if(wmescher && wmspatial && c->wall == waBarrier && c->land == laOceanWall) return false; // if(wmspatial && isTree(c)) return false; if(isGrave(c->wall)) return true; if(c->wall == waMirrorWall) return false; return winf[c->wall].glyph == '#' || c->wall == waClosedGate; } int chasmgraph(cell *c) { if(c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waInvisibleFloor) return 2; if(isChasmy(c)) return 1; if(isWateryOrBoat(c)) return 1; if(wmescher && c->wall == waBarrier && c->land == laOceanWall) return 1; if(c->wall == waReptileBridge) return 1; return 0; } bool conegraph(cell *c) { return wmescher && wmspatial && (c->wall == waDune || c->wall == waBigTree || c->wall == waSmallTree || c->wall == waCTree || (c->wall == waBarrier && c->land == laOceanWall)); } bool isReptile(eWall w) { return w == waReptile || w == waReptileBridge; } bool isBull(eMonster m) { return m == moRagingBull || m == moHerdBull || m == moSleepBull; } bool hornStuns(cell *c) { eMonster m = c->monst; return m == moRagingBull || m == moSleepBull || m == moHerdBull || m == moButterfly || m == moGreater || m == moGreaterM || m == moDraugr || m == moHedge || m == moFlailer || m == moVizier || attackJustStuns(c); } // generate all the world first in the quotient geometry bool generateAll(eLand l) { return l == laIce || l == laDryForest || l == laCocytus || l == laLivefjord || l == laCaves || l == laCA; }