#include "hyper.h" namespace hr { EX bool context_fog = true; EX ld camera_level; EX bool camera_sign; #if HDR enum eSkyMode { skyNone, skyAutomatic, skySkybox, skyAlways }; #endif EX eSkyMode draw_sky; EX bool auto_remove_roofs; EX bool camera_over(ld x) { if(!auto_remove_roofs) return false; if(camera_sign) return camera_level <= x; return camera_level >= x; } #if MAXMDIM >= 4 && CAP_GL EX int get_skybrightness(int mul IS(1)) { ld s = 1 - mul * (camera_level - cgi.WALL) / -2; if(s > 1) return 255; if(s < 0) return 0; return int(s * 255); } struct sky_item { cell *c; shiftmatrix T; color_t color; color_t skycolor; sky_item(cell *_c, const struct shiftmatrix _T, color_t _color, color_t _skycolor) : c(_c), T(_T), color(_color), skycolor(_skycolor) {} }; struct dqi_sky : drawqueueitem { vector sky; void draw() override; color_t outline_group() override { return 3; } // singleton explicit dqi_sky() { hr::sky = this; } ~dqi_sky() override { hr::sky = NULL; } }; EX struct dqi_sky *sky; EX bool do_draw_skybox() { if(no_wall_rendering) return false; if(!euclid) return false; if(draw_sky == skySkybox) return true; if(!embedded_plane) return false; if(draw_sky == skyAutomatic) return !cgi.emb->is_sph_in_low() && !cgi.emb->is_cylinder(); return false; } EX void prepare_sky() { sky = NULL; if(do_draw_skybox()) { shiftmatrix T = ggmatrix(currentmap->gamestart()); T.T = gpushxto0(tC0(T.T)) * T.T; queuepoly(T, cgi.shEuclideanSky, 0x0044e4FF); queuepolyat(T * zpush(cgi.STAR * 0.7) * xpush(cgi.STAR * 0.7), cgi.shSkyboxSun, 0xFFFF00FF, PPR::SKY); } else { sky = &queuea (euclid ? PPR::EUCLIDEAN_SKY : PPR::MISSILE); } } EX vector skyvertices; EX cell *sky_centerover; EX shiftmatrix sky_cview; EX void delete_sky() { sky_centerover = nullptr; skyvertices.clear(); } EX bool do_draw_sky() { if(!embedded_plane) return false; if(draw_sky == skyAlways) return true; if(draw_sky != skyAutomatic) return false; if(vid.wall_height < 0 && cgi.emb->is_euc_in_hyp()) return false; /* just looks bad, hollow horospheres should not have sky */ if(vid.wall_height < 0 && meuclid && geom3::ggclass() == gcNIH) return false; /* same */ if(among(geom3::ggclass(), gcSol, gcSolN)) return false; /* errors */ if(among(geom3::ggclass(), gcNil)) return false; /* errors sometimes too */ if(cgi.emb->is_hyp_in_solnih()) return false; if(cgi.emb->is_euc_in_product()) return false; if(cgi.emb->is_euc_in_sl2()) return false; if(cgi.emb->is_cylinder()) return false; return true; } EX bool do_draw_stars(bool rev) { if(!do_draw_sky()) return false; if(cgi.emb->is_sph_in_low()) { if(cgi.SKY < 0) return false; } if(cgi.emb->is_euc_in_hyp() && (rev ? cgi.SKY > 0 : cgi.SKY < 0)) return false; return true; } void compute_skyvertices(const vector& sky) { skyvertices.clear(); if(!do_draw_sky()) return; int sk = get_skybrightness(); std::map> colors; for(const sky_item& si: sky) colors[si.c] = make_pair(darkena(gradient(0, si.color, 0, sk, 255), 0, 0xFF), darkena(si.skycolor, 0, 0xFF) ); hyperpoint skypoint = cpush0(2, cgi.SKY); hyperpoint hellpoint = cpush0(2, cgi.HELL); vector this_poly; for(const sky_item& si: sky) { auto c = si.c; if(c->land == laMirrorWall) continue; bool inmir = false; forCellEx(c1, c) if(c1->land == laMirrorWall) inmir = true; if(inmir) continue; if(cgflags & qIDEAL) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { int j = (i+1) % c->type; transmatrix T1 = unshift(si.T); hyperpoint ci = kleinize(get_corner_position(c, i, 3)); hyperpoint cj = kleinize(get_corner_position(c, j, 3)); static const int prec = 8; ci = (ci - C0)/prec; cj = (cj - C0)/prec; glhr::colored_vertex vs[prec+1][prec+1], vh[prec+1][prec+1]; auto& co = colors[c]; for(int x=0; x<=prec; x++) for(int y=0; y<=prec-x; y++) { transmatrix h = T1 * rgpushxto0(normalize(C0+ci*min(x, prec - .01)+cj*min(y, prec-.01))); vs[y][x] = glhr::colored_vertex(h * skypoint, co.first); vh[y][x] = glhr::colored_vertex(h * hellpoint, co.second); } for(int x=0; xmove(i))) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { static const int prec = 2; if(1) { cellwalker cw0(c, i); cellwalker cw2 = cw0; cw2--; cw2 += wstep; if(!colors.count(cw2.at)) { this_poly.clear(); transmatrix T1 = Id; transmatrix T2 = unshift(si.T); auto cw = cw0; auto co = at_or_null(colors, cw.at); while(co) { this_poly.emplace_back(T2 * T1 * skypoint, co->first); this_poly.emplace_back(T2 * T1 * hellpoint, co->second); auto cw1 = cw; cw += wstep; cw++; auto co1 = at_or_null(colors, cw.at); if(!co1) break; transmatrix A = currentmap->adj(cw1.at, cw1.spin); hyperpoint a = tC0(A); for(int i=1; ifirst, co1->first, 0, i, prec)); this_poly.emplace_back(T2 * orthogonal_move(h, -cgi.SKY), gradient(co->second, co1->second, 0, i, prec)); } T1 = T1 * A; co = co1; } int k = isize(this_poly); for(int j=2; j vertices; vector vcolors; transmatrix T1 = Id; do { vertices.push_back(T1 * tctr); vcolors.push_back(colors[cw.at].first); T1 = T1 * currentmap->adj(cw.at, cw.spin); cw += wstep; cw++; } while(cw != cw0); int k = isize(vertices); color_t ccolor; for(int i=0; inormalize_flat(p); for(auto& p: vertices) ctr = ctr + p; ctr = cgi.emb->normalize_flat(ctr); for(int j=0; jnormalize_flat(h); color_t co = gradient(ccolor, gradient(vcolors[j], vcolors[j1], 0, y, x+y), 0, x+y, prec); // co = (hrand(0x1000000) << 8) | 0xFF; // co = minecolors[(x+2*y) % 7] << 8 | 0xFF; h = unshift(si.T) * orthogonal_move(h, cgi.SKY); cv[y][x] = {h, co}; } for(int x=0; x<=prec; x++) for(int y=0; y<=prec; y++) if(x+y < prec) { skyvertices.emplace_back(cv[y][x]); skyvertices.emplace_back(cv[y+1][x]); skyvertices.emplace_back(cv[y][x+1]); if(true) if(x+y < prec-1) { skyvertices.emplace_back(cv[y+1][x+1]); skyvertices.emplace_back(cv[y][x+1]); skyvertices.emplace_back(cv[y+1][x]); } } } } next: ; } } for(auto& v: skyvertices) for(int i=0; i<3; i++) v.color[i] *= 2; } void dqi_sky::draw() { if(!vid.usingGL || sky.empty() || skyvertices.empty()) return; if(!do_draw_sky()) { delete_sky(); return; } #if CAP_VR transmatrix s = (vrhr::rendering() ? vrhr::master_cview : cview()).T * inverse(sky_cview.T); #else transmatrix s = cview().T * inverse(sky_cview.T); #endif be_euclidean_infinity(s); for(int ed = current_display->stereo_active() ? -1 : 0; ed<2; ed+=2) { if(global_projection && global_projection != ed) continue; current_display->next_shader_flags = GF_VARCOLOR; current_display->set_all(ed, 0); if(global_projection) { glhr::projection_multiply(glhr::tmtogl(xpush(-vid.ipd * global_projection/2))); glapplymatrix(xpush(vid.ipd * global_projection/2) * s); } else { glapplymatrix(s); } glhr::prepare(skyvertices); glhr::set_fogbase(1.0 + abs(cgi.SKY - cgi.LOWSKY) / sightranges[geometry]); glhr::set_depthtest(model_needs_depth() && prio < PPR::SUPERLINE); glhr::set_depthwrite(model_needs_depth() && prio != PPR::TRANSPARENT_SHADOW && prio != PPR::EUCLIDEAN_SKY); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, isize(skyvertices)); } } color_t skycolor(cell *c) { int cd = (euclid || stdhyperbolic) ? getCdata(c, 1) : 0; int z = (cd * 5) & 127; if(z >= 64) z = 127 - z; return gradient(0x4040FF, 0xFFFFFF, 0, z, 63); } EX bool use_euclidean_infinity = true; /** move an Euclidean matrix to V(C0) == C0 */ EX void be_euclidean_infinity(transmatrix& V) { if(euclid && msphere && use_euclidean_infinity) for(int i=0; i<3; i++) V[i][3] = 0; } void draw_star(const shiftmatrix& V, const hpcshape& sh, color_t col, ld rev = false) { if(!do_draw_stars(rev)) return; ld val = cgi.STAR; if(rev) val = -val; auto V1 = V; be_euclidean_infinity(V1.T); queuepolyat(V1 * zpush(val), sh, col, PPR::SKY); } void celldrawer::draw_ceiling() { if(!models::is_perspective(pmodel) || sphere) return; auto add_to_sky = [this] (color_t col, color_t col2) { if(sky) sky->sky.emplace_back(c, V, col, col2); }; switch(ceiling_category(c)) { /* ceilingless levels */ case 1: { if(fieldpattern::fieldval_uniq(c) % 3 == 0) draw_star(V, cgi.shNightStar, 0xFFFFFFFF); add_to_sky(0x00000F, 0x00000F); if(c->land == laAsteroids) { if(fieldpattern::fieldval_uniq(c) % 9 < 3) draw_star(V, cgi.shNightStar, 0xFFFFFFFF, true); int sk = get_skybrightness(-1); auto sky = draw_shapevec(c, V * MirrorZ, cgi.shFullFloor.levels[SIDE_SKY], 0x000000FF + 0x100 * (sk/17), PPR::SKY); if(sky) sky->tinf = NULL, sky->flags |= POLY_INTENSE; } return; } case 2: { color_t col; color_t skycol; switch(c->land) { case laWineyard: col = 0x4040FF; skycol = 0x8080FF; if(emeraldval(c) / 4 == 11) draw_star(V, cgi.shSun, 0xFFFF00FF); break; case laDesert: col = 0x2020C0; skycol = 0x8080FF; if(emeraldval(c) / 4 == 11) draw_star(V, cgi.shSun, 0xFFFF00FF); break; case laFrog: col = 0x4040FF; skycol = 0x8080FF; if(zebra40(c) / 4 == 1) draw_star(V, cgi.shSun, 0xFFFF00FF); break; case laPower: skycol = col = c->landparam ? 0xFF2010 : 0x000020; break; /* case laDesert: col = 0x4040FF; skycol = (0xCDA98F & 0xFEFEFE) / 2; break; */ case laAlchemist: skycol = col = fcol; break; case laVariant: { #if CAP_COMPLEX2 int b = getBits(c); col = 0x404040; for(int a=0; a<21; a++) if((b >> a) & 1) col += variant::features[a].color_change; col = col & 0x00FF00; skycol = col; #endif break; } case laDragon: col = c->wall == waChasm ? 0xFFFFFF : 0x4040FF; skycol = 0; break; case laHell: { int a = 0; forCellEx(c1, c) if(among(c1->wall, waSulphur, waSulphurC)) a++; ld z = a * 1. / c->type; if(z < .5) col = gradient(0x400000, 0xFF0000, 0, z, .5); else col = gradient(0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00, .5, z, 1); skycol = col; break; } default: { col = skycolor(c); skycol = 0xA0A0FF; } } add_to_sky(col, skycol); return; } case 3: { add_to_sky(0, 0); if(camera_over(cgi.WALL)) return; if(c->land == laMercuryRiver) fcol = linf[laTerracotta].color, fd = 1; if(qfi.fshape) draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->levels[SIDE_WALL], darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF), PPR::WALL); forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(ceiling_category(c2) != 3) { color_t wcol2 = gradient(0, wcol, 0, .8, 1); placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH2, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_SKY, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); } return; } case 4: { add_to_sky(0x00000F, 0x00000F); if(camera_over(cgi.HIGH)) return; auto ispal = [&] (cell *c0) { return c0->land == laPalace && among(c0->wall, waPalace, waClosedGate, waOpenGate); }; color_t wcol2 = 0xFFD500; if(ispal(c)) { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(!ispal(c2)) placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); } else { bool window = false; forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(c2->wall == waPalace && ispal(c->cmodmove(i+1)) && ispal(c->cmodmove(i-1))) window = true; if(qfi.fshape && !window) draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->levels[SIDE_HIGH], darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF), PPR::WALL); if(window) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH2, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); } if(among(c->wall, waClosedGate, waOpenGate) && qfi.fshape) draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->levels[SIDE_WALL], 0x202020FF, PPR::WALL); draw_star(V, cgi.shNightStar, 0xFFFFFFFF); break; } case 6: { add_to_sky(skycolor(c), 0x4040C0); if(camera_over(cgi.HIGH2)) return; color_t wcol2 = winf[waRuinWall].color; if(c->landparam == 1) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(c2->landparam != 1) placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); if(c->landparam != 2) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(c2->landparam == 2) placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH2, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); /* if(c->landparam == 0) if(qfi.fshape) draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->levels[SIDE_HIGH], darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF), PPR::WALL); */ if(c->landparam == 1) if(qfi.fshape) draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->levels[SIDE_WALL], darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF), PPR::WALL); break; } case 7: { add_to_sky(0x00000F, 0x00000F); if(fieldpattern::fieldval_uniq(c) % 5 < 2) draw_star(V, cgi.shNightStar, 0xFFFFFFFF); if(camera_over(cgi.HIGH2)) return; color_t wcol2 = winf[waColumn].color; if(c->landparam == 1) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(c2->landparam != 1) placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); if(c->landparam != 2) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(c2->landparam == 2) placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH2, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF)); if(c->landparam == 0) if(qfi.fshape) draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->levels[SIDE_HIGH], darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF), PPR::WALL); if(c->landparam == 1) if(qfi.fshape) draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->levels[SIDE_WALL], darkena(wcol2, fd, 0xFF), PPR::WALL); break; } case 5: { add_to_sky(0x00000F, 0x00000F); if(camera_over(cgi.WALL)) return; if(pseudohept(c)) { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_HIGH, V, darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF)); } else if(qfi.fshape) draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->levels[SIDE_WALL], darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF), PPR::WALL); draw_star(V, cgi.shNightStar, 0xFFFFFFFF); break; } default: add_to_sky(0, 0); } } EX struct renderbuffer *airbuf; EX void swap_if_missing(bool missing) { if(!missing) return; arb::swap_vertices(); #if CAP_IRR irr::swap_vertices(); #endif } EX void make_air() { if(!sky) return; if(!embedded_plane) return; if(centerover != sky_centerover) { sky_centerover = centerover; sky_cview = cview(); compute_skyvertices(sky->sky); } if(!context_fog) return; if(vrhr::rendering()) return; const int AIR_TEXTURE = 512; if(!airbuf) { airbuf = new renderbuffer(AIR_TEXTURE, AIR_TEXTURE, true); if(!airbuf->valid) { delete airbuf; airbuf = nullptr; println(hlog, "unable to make airbuf"); return; } } #if CAP_VR dynamicval i(vrhr::state, 0); #endif bool missing = false; if(1) { //shot::take("airtest.png", drawqueue); dynamicval v(vid, vid); dynamicval vi(inHighQual, true); vid.xres = AIR_TEXTURE; vid.yres = AIR_TEXTURE; dynamicval g1(current_display->xmin, 0); dynamicval g2(current_display->ymin, 0); dynamicval g3(current_display->xmax, 1); dynamicval g4(current_display->ymax, 1); calcparam(); models::configure(); resetbuffer rb; airbuf->enable(); current_display->set_viewport(0); airbuf->clear(0xFFFF00FF); pconf.alpha = 1; pconf.scale = 1; pconf.camera_angle = 0; pconf.stretch = 1; pmodel = mdDisk; auto cgi1 = &cgi; vid.always3 = false; geom3::apply_always3(); check_cgi(); missing = !(cgi.state & 2); swap_if_missing(missing); cgi.require_shapes(); eGeometry orig = geometry; #if !ISIOS glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); #endif for(auto& g: sky->sky) { transmatrix S; if(1) { geometry = gSpace534; S = g.T.T; S = current_display->radar_transform * S; geometry = orig; S = cgi1->emb->actual_to_base(S); } auto& h = cgi.shFullFloor.b[shvid(g.c)]; dqi_poly p; p.V = shiftless(S); p.offset = h.s; p.cnt = h.e - h.s; p.tab = &cgi.ourshape; p.color = (g.skycolor << 8) | 0xFF; p.outline = 0; p.linewidth = 1; p.flags = POLY_FORCEWIDE; p.tinf = nullptr; p.draw(); } #if !ISIOS if(vid.antialias & AA_LINES) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); #endif #if CAP_SDL // if(anyshiftclick) IMAGESAVE(airbuf->render(), "air.png"); #endif rb.reset(); } GLERR("after draw"); geom3::apply_always3(); swap_if_missing(missing); check_cgi(); calcparam(); GLERR("after make_air"); current_display->set_viewport(0); current_display->set_all(0,0); } #endif }