// find the value of D(G) algorithmically (see the paper) namespace dhrg { // c2-c1 int cycle_minus(cell *c2, cell *c1) { int acc = 0; while(c1 != c2) c1 = ts::right_of(c1, celldist), acc++; return acc; } // c2 to the right from c1 int unlimited_distance(cell *c2, cell *c1) { int at_least = cycle_minus(c2, c1); int steps = 0; while(true) { steps += 2; if(steps >= at_least) return at_least; c1 = ts::right_parent(c1, celldist); c2 = ts::left_parent(c2, celldist); int ndist = steps + cycle_minus(c2, c1); if(ndist < at_least) at_least = ndist; } } int gettypeof(cell *c) { return type_in_reduced(*(cgi.expansion), c, celldist); } vector<bool> grow_forever; set<vector<int>> checked; bool err = false; int my_sibling_limit; void find_sibling_limit(cell *c2, cell *c1) { if(err) return; if(celldist(c2) != celldist(c1)) { printf("not the same ring %d/%d\n", celldist(c1), celldist(c2)); c1->item = itSilver; c2->item = itGold; err = true; return; } vector<int> signature; cell *cx = c1; cell *cy = c1; bool gf = false; while(cx != c2) { int t = gettypeof(cx); if(cx != c1 && grow_forever[t]) gf = true; signature.push_back(t); cy = cx; cx = ts::right_of(cx, celldist); } signature.push_back(gettypeof(cx)); signature.push_back(unlimited_distance(cy, c1) - unlimited_distance(c2, c1)); if(checked.count(signature)) return; checked.insert(signature); // for(int v: signature) printf("%d ", v); int cm = cycle_minus(c2, c1); int ud = c1 == c2 ? -1 : 2 + unlimited_distance(ts::left_parent(c2, celldist), ts::right_parent(c1, celldist)); // printf(": %d/%d {%p/%p} [%d]\n", cm, ud, c1, c2, my_sibling_limit); if(cm < ud && cm > my_sibling_limit) { my_sibling_limit = cm; } if(gf) return; int t1 = gettypeof(c1); int t2 = gettypeof(c2); for(int i1=0; i1<isize(cgi.expansion->children[t1]); i1++) for(int i2=0; i2<isize(cgi.expansion->children[t2]); i2++) if(c1 != c2 || i1 <= i2+1) find_sibling_limit(ts::child_number(c2, i2+1, celldist), ts::child_number(c1, i1, celldist)); } void correct_sibling_limit() { my_sibling_limit = 0; if(S3 < 4) { grow_forever.clear(); grow_forever.resize(cgi.expansion->N, true); while(true) { bool changed = false; for(int i=0; i<cgi.expansion->N; i++) if(grow_forever[i]) { grow_forever[i] = false; if(isize(cgi.expansion->children[i]) == 0) throw hr_exception("Error: our algorithm does not work if some vertices have no tree children"); if(isize(cgi.expansion->children[i]) > 1) for(int c: cgi.expansion->children[i]) if(grow_forever[c] || c == i) grow_forever[i] = true; if(!grow_forever[i]) changed = true; } if(!changed) break; } print(hlog, "The following grow forever:"); for(int i=0; i<cgi.expansion->N; i++) if(grow_forever[i]) print(hlog, " ", i); println(hlog); cell *root = currentmap->gamestart(); my_sibling_limit = 0; forCellCM(c1, root) forCellCM(c2, root) find_sibling_limit(c2, c1); } println(hlog, "The correct value of sibling_limit is ", my_sibling_limit); cgi.expansion->sibling_limit = my_sibling_limit; } void regular_info() { indenter_finish im("regular_info"); cgi.expansion->get_descendants(0); println(hlog, "growth = ", cgi.expansion->get_growth()); // int typecount = expansion.N; correct_sibling_limit(); } }