// Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file gameutil.cpp * \brief routines related to attacking and killing */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { /** how many instances of each monster type has been killed */ EX array<int, motypes> kills; int* killtable[] = { &kills[moYeti], &kills[moWolf], & kills[moRanger], &kills[moTroll], &kills[moGoblin], & kills[moWorm], &kills[moDesertman], &kills[moIvyRoot], & kills[moMonkey], &kills[moEagle], &kills[moSlime], &kills[moSeep], & kills[moRunDog], & kills[moCultist], &kills[moTentacle], &kills[moPyroCultist], & kills[moLesser], &kills[moGreater], & kills[moZombie], &kills[moGhost], &kills[moNecromancer], & kills[moHedge], &kills[moFireFairy], & kills[moCrystalSage], &kills[moShark], &kills[moGreaterShark], & kills[moMiner], &kills[moFlailer], &kills[moLancer], & kills[moVineSpirit], &kills[moVineBeast], & kills[moBug0], &kills[moBug1], &kills[moBug2], & kills[moDarkTroll], &kills[moEarthElemental], & kills[moWitch], &kills[moEvilGolem], &kills[moWitchFlash], &kills[moWitchFire], & kills[moWitchWinter], &kills[moWitchSpeed], & kills[moCultistLeader], & kills[moPirate], &kills[moCShark], &kills[moParrot], & kills[moHexSnake], &kills[moRedTroll], & kills[moPalace], &kills[moSkeleton], &kills[moFatGuard], &kills[moVizier], & kills[moViking], &kills[moFjordTroll], &kills[moWaterElemental], & kills[moAlbatross], &kills[moBomberbird], & kills[moAirElemental], &kills[moFireElemental], & kills[moGargoyle], &kills[moFamiliar], &kills[moOrangeDog], & items[itMutant], &kills[moMetalBeast], &kills[moMetalBeast2], & kills[moOutlaw], &kills[moForestTroll], &kills[moStormTroll], & kills[moRedFox], &kills[moWindCrow], & kills[moFalsePrincess], &kills[moRoseLady], & kills[moRoseBeauty], & kills[moRatling], &kills[moRatlingAvenger], & kills[moDragonHead], & kills[moGadfly], &kills[moSparrowhawk], &kills[moResearcher], &kills[moKrakenH], &kills[moDraugr], &kills[moBat], &kills[moReptile], &kills[moHerdBull], &kills[moSleepBull], &kills[moRagingBull], &kills[moButterfly], &kills[moNarciss], &kills[moMirrorSpirit], &kills[moHunterDog], &kills[moIceGolem], &kills[moVoidBeast], &kills[moJiangshi], &kills[moTerraWarrior], &kills[moSalamander], &kills[moLavaWolf], &kills[moSwitch1], &kills[moSwitch2], &kills[moMonk], &kills[moCrusher], &kills[moHexDemon], &kills[moAltDemon], &kills[moPair], &kills[moBrownBug], &kills[moAcidBird], &kills[moFallingDog], &kills[moVariantWarrior], &kills[moWestHawk], &kills[moPike], &kills[moRusalka], &kills[moFrog], &kills[moPhaser], &kills[moVaulter], &kills[moHexer], &kills[moAnimatedDie], &kills[moAngryDie], NULL }; EX int tkills() { int res = 0; for(int i=0; killtable[i]; i++) res += killtable[i][0]; return res; } EX int killtypes() { int res = 0; for(int i=0; killtable[i]; i++) if(killtable[i][0]) res++; return res; } EX bool arrow_stuns(eMonster m) { return among(m, moCrusher, moMonk, moAltDemon, moHexDemon, moGreater, moGreaterM, moHedge); } EX bool canAttack(cell *c1, eMonster m1, cell *c2, eMonster m2, flagtype flags) { // cannot eat worms if((flags & AF_EAT) && isWorm(m2)) return false; if(m1 == passive_switch || m2 == passive_switch) return false; if((flags & AF_GETPLAYER) && isPlayerOn(c2)) m2 = moPlayer; if(!m2) return false; if(m2 == moPlayer && peace::on) return false; if((flags & AF_WEAK) && isIvy(c2)) return false; if((flags & AF_MUSTKILL) && attackJustStuns(c2, flags, m1)) return false; if((flags & AF_ONLY_FRIEND) && m2 != moPlayer && !isFriendly(c2)) return false; if((flags & AF_ONLY_FBUG) && m2 != moPlayer && !isFriendlyOrBug(c2)) return false; if((flags & AF_ONLY_ENEMY) && (m2 == moPlayer || isFriendlyOrBug(c2))) return false; if(isFriendly(c2) && markOrb(itOrbEmpathy) && (flags & (AF_STAB | AF_MAGIC | AF_HORNS | AF_SWORD | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_SIDE | AF_PLAGUE))) return false; if(m1 == moArrowTrap && arrow_stuns(m2)) return true; if(isDie(m2) && !(flags & (AF_MAGIC | AF_CRUSH))) return false; if(among(m2, moAltDemon, moHexDemon, moPair, moCrusher, moNorthPole, moSouthPole, moMonk) && !(flags & (AF_EAT | AF_MAGIC | AF_BULL | AF_CRUSH))) return false; if(m2 == moHedge && !(flags & (AF_STAB | AF_TOUGH | AF_EAT | AF_MAGIC | AF_LANCE | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_HORNS | AF_BULL | AF_CRUSH))) if(!checkOrb(m1, itOrbThorns)) return false; // krakens do not try to fight even with Discord if((m1 == moKrakenT || m1 == moKrakenH) && (m2 == moKrakenT || m2 == moKrakenH)) return false; if(m2 == moDraugr && !(flags & (AF_SWORD | AF_MAGIC | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_HORNS | AF_CRUSH))) return false; // if(m2 == moHerdBull && !(flags & AF_MAGIC)) return false; if(isBull(m2) && !(flags & (AF_MAGIC | AF_HORNS | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_CRUSH))) return false; if(m2 == moButterfly && !(flags & (AF_MAGIC | AF_BULL | AF_HORNS | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_CRUSH))) return false; if(!(flags & AF_NOSHIELD) && ((flags & AF_NEXTTURN) ? checkOrb2 : checkOrb)(m2, itOrbShield)) return false; if((flags & AF_STAB) && m2 != moHedge) if(!checkOrb(m1, itOrbThorns)) return false; if(flags & AF_BACK) { if(m2 == moFlailer && !c2->stuntime) flags |= AF_IGNORE_UNARMED; else if(m2 == moVizier && !isUnarmed(m1)) ; else return false; } if(flags & AF_APPROACH) { if(m2 == moLancer) ; else if((flags & AF_HORNS) && checkOrb(m1, itOrbHorns)) ; else return false; } if(!(flags & AF_IGNORE_UNARMED) && isUnarmed(m1)) return false; if(m2 == moGreater || m2 == moGreaterM) if(!(flags & (AF_MAGIC | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_HORNS | AF_CRUSH))) return false; if(!(flags & (AF_GUN | AF_SWORD | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_MAGIC | AF_PLAGUE))) if(c1 != c2 && !logical_adjacent(c1, m1, c2)) return false; if(!(flags & (AF_LANCE | AF_STAB | AF_BACK | AF_APPROACH | AF_GUN | AF_MAGIC | AF_PLAGUE | AF_SIDE))) if(c1 && c2 && againstRose(c1, c2) && !ignoresSmell(m1)) return false; if(m2 == moShadow && !(flags & (AF_SWORD | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_CRUSH))) return false; if(isWorm(m2) && m2 != moTentacleGhost && !isDragon(m2)) return false; // dragon can't attack itself, or player who mounted it if(c1 && c2 && isWorm(c1->monst) && isWorm(c2->monst) && wormhead(c1) == wormhead(c2) && m1 != moTentacleGhost && m2 != moTentacleGhost) return false; // if(m2 == moTortoise && !(flags & AF_MAGIC)) return false; if(m2 == moRoseBeauty) if(!(flags & (AF_MAGIC | AF_LANCE | AF_GUN | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_BULL | AF_CRUSH))) if(!isMimic(m1)) if(!checkOrb(m1, itOrbBeauty) && !checkOrb(m1, itOrbAether) && !checkOrb(m1, itOrbShield)) if(!c1 || !c2 || !withRose(c1,c2)) return false; if(m2 == moFlailer && !c2->stuntime) if(!(flags & (AF_MAGIC | AF_TOUGH | AF_EAT | AF_HORNS | AF_LANCE | AF_BACK | AF_SWORD_INTO | AF_BULL | AF_CRUSH))) return false; return true; } EX bool petrify(cell *c, eWall walltype, eMonster m) { destroyHalfvine(c); destroyTrapsOn(c); playSound(c, "die-troll"); if(walltype == waIcewall && !isIcyLand(c->land)) return false; if(c->land == laWestWall) return false; if(isWateryOrBoat(c) && c->land == laWhirlpool) { c->wall = waSea; return false; } if(c->wall == waRoundTable) return false; if(walltype == waGargoyle && cellUnstableOrChasm(c)) walltype = waGargoyleFloor; else if(walltype == waGargoyle && isWatery(c)) walltype = waGargoyleBridge; else if(walltype == waPetrified && isWatery(c)) walltype = waPetrifiedBridge; else if((c->wall == waTempBridge || c->wall == waTempBridgeBlocked) && c->land == laWhirlpool) { c->wall = waTempBridgeBlocked; return true; } else if(!doesnotFall(c)) { fallingFloorAnimation(c, walltype, m); return true; } if(isReptile(c->wall)) kills[moReptile]++; destroyHalfvine(c); c->wall = walltype; c->wparam = m; c->item = itNone; return true; } EX void killIvy(cell *c, eMonster who) { if(c->monst == moIvyDead) return; changes.ccell(c); if(checkOrb(who, itOrbStone)) petrify(c, waPetrified, c->monst); c->monst = moIvyDead; // NEWYEARFIX for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->move(i)) if(isIvy(c->move(i)) && c->move(i)->mondir == c->c.spin(i)) killIvy(c->move(i), who), kills[moIvyDead]++; } struct spillinfo { eWall orig; int spill_a, spill_b; spillinfo() { spill_a = spill_b = 0; } }; map<cell*, spillinfo> spillinfos; EX void reset_spill() { spillinfos.clear(); } EX void record_spillinfo(cell *c, eWall t) { if(!isAlchAny(t)) return; auto& si = spillinfos[c]; if(si.spill_a == 0 && si.spill_b == 0) si.orig = c->wall; if(si.spill_a == 0 && si.spill_b == 0) si.orig = c->wall; if(t == waFloorA) si.spill_a++; if(t == waFloorB) si.spill_b++; } EX void prespill(cell* c, eWall t, int rad, cell *from) { if(againstWind(c, from)) return; changes.ccell(c); // these monsters block spilling if(c->monst == moSeep || c->monst == moVineSpirit || c->monst == moShark || c->monst == moGreaterShark || c->monst == moParrot || c->monst == moCShark) return; // turn statues into Slimes! if(among(c->wall, waBigStatue, waTerraWarrior) && t != waNone) { c->wall = waNone; c->monst = moSlimeNextTurn; } // slimedeath spill if((c->monst == moSlime || c->monst == moSlimeNextTurn) && t == waNone) { c->wall = waNone; attackMonster(c, 0, moNone); } if(c->wall == waClosedGate) { c->wall = waPalace; return; } // no slime in Whirlpool if(c->land == laWhirlpool) return; // these walls block spilling completely if(c->wall == waIcewall || c->wall == waBarrier || c->wall == waWarpGate || c->wall == waDeadTroll || c->wall == waDeadTroll2 || c->wall == waDune || c->wall == waAncientGrave || c->wall == waThumperOff || c->wall == waThumperOn || c->wall == waFreshGrave || c->wall == waColumn || c->wall == waPartialFire || c->wall == waDeadwall || c->wall == waWaxWall || c->wall == waCamelot || c->wall == waRoundTable || c->wall == waBigStatue || c->wall == waRed1 || c->wall == waRed2 || c->wall == waRed3 || c->wall == waTower || c->wall == waPalace || c->wall == waPlatform || c->wall == waStone || c->wall == waTempWall || c->wall == waTempFloor || c->wall == waTempBridge || c->wall == waPetrifiedBridge || c->wall == waTempBridgeBlocked || c->wall == waSandstone || c->wall == waCharged || c->wall == waGrounded || c->wall == waMetal || c->wall == waSaloon || c->wall == waFan || c->wall == waBarrowDig || c->wall == waBarrowWall || c->wall == waMirrorWall) return; if(c->wall == waFireTrap) { if(c->wparam == 0) c->wparam = 1; return; } if(c->wall == waExplosiveBarrel) explodeBarrel(c); destroyTrapsOn(c); // these walls block further spilling if(c->wall == waCavewall || cellUnstable(c) || c->wall == waSulphur || c->wall == waSulphurC || c->wall == waLake || c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waBigTree || c->wall == waSmallTree || c->wall == waTemporary || c->wall == waVinePlant || isFire(c) || c->wall == waBonfireOff || c->wall == waVineHalfA || c->wall == waVineHalfB || c->wall == waCamelotMoat || c->wall == waSea || c->wall == waCTree || c->wall == waRubble || c->wall == waGargoyleFloor || c->wall == waGargoyle || c->wall == waRose || c->wall == waPetrified || c->wall == waPetrifiedBridge || c->wall == waRuinWall || among(c->wall, waDeepWater, waShallow)) { record_spillinfo(c, t); t = waTemporary; } if(c->wall == waSulphur) { // remove the center as it would not look good for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->wall == waSulphurC) c->move(i)->wall = waSulphur; } if(isReptile(c->wall)) { if(c->monst || isPlayerOn(c)) kills[moReptile]++; else c->monst = moReptile, c->stuntime = 3, c->hitpoints = 3; } destroyHalfvine(c); if(c->wall == waTerraWarrior) kills[waTerraWarrior]++; record_spillinfo(c, t); c->wall = t; // destroy items... c->item = itNone; // block spill if(t == waTemporary) return; // cwt.at->item = itNone; if(rad) for(auto p: adj_minefield_cells_full(c)) { prespill(p.c, conditional_flip_slime(p.mirrored, t), rad-1, c); } } EX eWall conditional_flip_slime(bool flip, eWall t) { if(flip && t == waFloorA) return waFloorB; if(flip && t == waFloorB) return waFloorA; return t; } EX void spillfix(cell* c, eWall t, int rad) { if(c->wall == waTemporary) { changes.ccell(c); c->wall = t; } if(rad) for(auto p: adj_minefield_cells_full(c)) { spillfix(p.c, conditional_flip_slime(p.mirrored, t), rad-1); } } EX void spill(cell* c, eWall t, int rad) { if(isAlchAny(c) && (spillinfos[c].spill_a || spillinfos[c].spill_b) && isAlchAny(spillinfos[c].orig)) t = spillinfos[c].orig; prespill(c,t,rad, c); spillfix(c,t,rad); for(auto si: spillinfos) { if(si.second.spill_a && si.second.spill_b) si.first->wall = si.second.spill_a > si.second.spill_b ? waFloorA : si.second.spill_b > si.second.spill_a ? waFloorB : isAlchAny(si.second.orig) ? si.second.orig : waNone; } } EX void degradeDemons() { addMessage(XLAT("You feel more experienced in demon fighting!")); playSound(cwt.at, "levelup"); int dcs = isize(dcal); for(int i=0; i<dcs; i++) { cell *c = dcal[i]; if(c->monst == moGreaterM || c->monst == moGreater) { changes.ccell(c); achievement_gain_once("DEMONSLAYER"); if(c->monst == moGreaterM) c->monst = moLesserM; if(c->monst == moGreater) c->monst = moLesser; } } shmup::degradeDemons(); } EX void stunMonster(cell *c2, eMonster killer, flagtype flags) { int newtime = ( c2->monst == moFatGuard ? 2 : c2->monst == moSkeleton && c2->land != laPalace && c2->land != laHalloween ? 7 : c2->monst == moTerraWarrior ? min(int(c2->stuntime + 8 - c2->hitpoints), 7) : isMetalBeast(c2->monst) ? 7 : c2->monst == moTortoise ? 7 : c2->monst == moWorldTurtle ? 7 : c2->monst == moReptile ? 7 : isPrincess(c2->monst) ? 6 : // spear stunning isBull(c2->monst) ? 3 : (c2->monst == moGreater || c2->monst == moGreaterM) ? 5 : c2->monst == moButterfly ? 2 : c2->monst == moDraugr ? 1 : c2->monst == moVizier ? 0 : c2->monst == moHedge ? 1 : c2->monst == moFlailer ? 1 : c2->monst == moSalamander ? 6 : c2->monst == moBrownBug ? 3 : ((flags & AF_WEAK) && !attackJustStuns(c2, flags &~ AF_WEAK, killer)) ? min(5+c2->stuntime, 15) : 3); if(killer == moArrowTrap) newtime = min(newtime + 3, 7); if(!(flags & AF_WEAK) && !isMetalBeast(c2->monst) && !among(c2->monst, moSkeleton, moReptile, moSalamander, moTortoise, moWorldTurtle, moBrownBug)) { c2->hitpoints--; if(c2->monst == moPrincess) playSound(c2, princessgender() ? "hit-princess" : "hit-prince"); } if(c2->stuntime < newtime) c2->stuntime = newtime; if(isBull(c2->monst)) c2->mondir = NODIR; checkStunKill(c2); } EX bool attackJustStuns(cell *c2, flagtype f, eMonster attacker) { if(f & AF_WEAK) return true; if(f & AF_HORNS) return hornStuns(c2); else if(attacker == moArrowTrap && arrow_stuns(c2->monst)) return true; else if((f & AF_SWORD) && c2->monst == moSkeleton) return false; else if(f & (AF_CRUSH | AF_MAGIC | AF_FALL | AF_EAT | AF_GUN | AF_PSI)) return false; else return isStunnable(c2->monst) && c2->hitpoints > 1; } EX void minerEffect(cell *c) { changes.ccell(c); eWall ow = c->wall; if(c->wall == waOpenGate || c->wall == waFrozenLake || c->wall == waBoat || c->wall == waStrandedBoat || c->wall == waCIsland || c->wall == waCIsland2 || c->wall == waTrapdoor || c->wall == waGiantRug) ; else if(c->wall == waMineUnknown || c->wall == waMineMine || c->wall == waMineOpen) c->wall = waMineOpen; else if(c->wall == waRed2) c->wall = waRed1; else if(c->wall == waRed3) c->wall = waRed2; else if(isReptile(c->wall)) c->wparam = 1; // wake up next turn else if(c->wall == waTempFloor) c->wall = waChasm; else if(c->wall == waTempBridge || c->wall == waPetrifiedBridge || c->wall == waTempBridgeBlocked) placeWater(c, NULL); else if(doesFall(c)) ow = waNone; else c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall != ow && ow) drawParticles(c, winf[ow].color, 16); } EX void killMutantIvy(cell *c, eMonster who) { if(checkOrb(who, itOrbStone)) petrify(c, waPetrified, moMutant); changes.ccell(c); removeIvy(c); for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->mondir == c->c.spin(i) && (isMutantIvy(c->move(i)) || c->move(i)->monst == moFriendlyIvy)) kills[c->move(i)->monst]++, killMutantIvy(c->move(i), who); if(c->land == laClearing) clearing::imput(c); } EX bignum ivy_total() { return kills[moMutant] + kills[moFriendlyIvy] + kills[moIvyRoot] + kills[moIvyHead] + kills[moIvyBranch] + kills[moIvyWait] + kills[moIvyDead] + clearing::imputed; } EX void killMonster(cell *c, eMonster who, flagtype deathflags IS(0)) { eMonster m = c->monst; DEBBI(DF_TURN, ("killmonster ", dnameof(m))); if(!m) return; if(m == moKrakenH) return; if(m == moKrakenT) { if(c->hitpoints && m == moKrakenT) kills[moKrakenT]++; c->hitpoints = 0; c->stuntime = 1; cell *head = kraken::head(c); if(kraken::totalhp(head) == 0) { kraken::kill(head, who); playSound(head, "die-kraken"); } return; } if(isDragon(m)) { if(c->hitpoints && m != moDragonHead) kills[moDragonTail]++; c->hitpoints = 0; c->stuntime = 1; cell *head = dragon::findhead(c); if(dragon::totalhp(head) == 0) dragon::kill(head, who); return; } if(isWorm(c) && m != moTentacleGhost) return; bool fallanim = (deathflags & AF_FALL) && m != moMimic; int pcount = fallanim ? 0 : 16; if(m == moShadow) kill_shadow_at(c); #if CAP_HISTORY if(!isBug(m) && !isAnyIvy(m)) { history::killhistory.push_back(make_pair(c,m)); } #endif if(m == moGolemMoved) m = moGolem; if(m == moKnightMoved) m = moKnight; if(m == moSlimeNextTurn) m = moSlime; if(m == moLesserM) m = moLesser; if(m == moGreater) m = moLesser; if(m == moGreaterM) m = moLesser; if(isPrincess(m)) m = moPrincess; if(m == moTentacleGhost) m = moGhost; if(m == moHunterGuard) m = moHunterDog; if(m == moHunterChanging) m = moHunterDog; if(m == moWolfMoved) m = moWolf; if(!isBulletType(m) && m != moIvyDead) kills[m]++; if(saved_tortoise_on(c)) c->item = itNone; if(!c->item) if(m == moButterfly && (deathflags & AF_BULL)) c->item = itBull; if(isRatling(m) && c->wall == waBoat) { bool avenge = false; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(!isWarpedType(c->move(i)->land)) avenge = true; if(avenge) changes.value_add(avengers, 2); } if(m == moMirrorSpirit && who != moMimic && !(deathflags & (AF_MAGIC | AF_CRUSH))) { kills[m]--; changes.value_inc(mirrorspirits); } if(isMutantIvy(m) || m == moFriendlyIvy) { pcount = 0; if(isMutantIvy(m)) changes.at_commit([] { clearing::direct++; }); changes.value_keep(clearing::imputed); bignum s = ivy_total() - 1; killMutantIvy(c, who); s = ivy_total() - s; if(vid.bubbles_special && s > bignum(1)) drawBubble(c, 0xFFFF00, s.get_str(100), .5); if(isize(clearing::imputed.digits) > 11) achievement_gain_once("KILLMUTANT"); } if(m == moPrincess) { princess::info *i = princess::getPrincessInfo(c); if(i) { changes.value_keep(*i); i->princess = NULL; if(i->bestdist == OUT_OF_PALACE) { items[itSavedPrincess]--; if(items[itSavedPrincess] < 0) { printf("princess below 0\n"); items[itSavedPrincess] = 0; } if(items[itSavedPrincess] == 0 && !inv::on) { items[itOrbLove] = 0; changes.value_keep(princess::reviveAt); princess::reviveAt = gold(NO_LOVE) + 20; } } if(princess::challenge) changes.at_commit([] { showMissionScreen(); }); } } if(m == moGargoyle && c->wall != waMineMine) { bool connected = false; if(isGravityLand(c->land)) { for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(c2->wall == waPlatform || c2->wall == waGargoyle || c2->wall == waBarrier || c2->wall == waDeadTroll || c2->wall == waDeadTroll2 || c2->wall == waTrunk || c2->wall == waPetrified || isAlchAny(c2->wall)) connected = true; } } else { for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(!cellUnstableOrChasm(c2) && !isWatery(c2)) connected = true; } } if(connected) petrify(c, waGargoyle, m), pcount = 0; } if(m == moIceGolem) { if(petrify(c, waIcewall, m)) pcount = 0; heat::affect(c, -1); forCellEx(c2, c) { changes.ccell(c2); heat::affect(c2, -.5); } } if(m == moTroll) { petrify(c, waDeadTroll, m); pcount = 0; forCellEx(c1, c) { changes.ccell(c1); c1->item = itNone; if(c1->wall == waDeadwall) c1->wall = waCavewall; if(c1->wall == waDeadfloor2 && !c1->monst && !isPlayerOn(c1)) c1->wall = waCavewall; if(c1->wall == waDeadfloor) c1->wall = waCavefloor; } } if(m == moFjordTroll || m == moForestTroll || m == moStormTroll) { petrify(c, waDeadTroll2, m); } if(m == moMiner) { pcount = 32; playSound(c, "splash" + pick12()); destroyHalfvine(c); minerEffect(c); #if CAP_COMPLEX2 brownian::dissolve_brownian(c, 1); #endif forCellEx(c1, c) if(passable(c1, c, P_MONSTER | P_MIRROR | P_CLIMBUP | P_CLIMBDOWN)) { changes.ccell(c1); destroyHalfvine(c1); minerEffect(c1); #if CAP_COMPLEX2 brownian::dissolve_brownian(c1, 1); #endif if(c1->monst == moSlime || c1->monst == moSlimeNextTurn) killMonster(c1, who); } forCellEx(c2, c) { changes.ccell(c2); if(c2->wall == waPalace) c2->wall = waRubble; if(c2->wall == waDeadwall) c2->wall = waDeadfloor2; if(c2->wall == waExplosiveBarrel) explodeBarrel(c2); } } if(m == moOrangeDog) { if(pcount) for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { drawParticle(c, 0xFFFFFF); drawParticle(c, 0x202020); } pcount = 0; } if(m == moDraugr) { if(pcount) drawParticles(c, 0x804000, 8); pcount = 0; } if(m == moPalace) { if(pcount) { pcount = 4; for(int i=0; i<12; i++) drawParticle(c, 0x20C020); } } if(m == moPrincess) { playSound(c, princessgender() ? "die-princess" : "die-prince"); } if(m == moVineBeast) petrify(c, waVinePlant, m), pcount = 0; if(isBird(m)) moveEffect(movei(c, FALL), moDeadBird); if(m == moAcidBird) { playSound(c, "die-bomberbird"); pcount = 64; #if CAP_COMPLEX2 brownian::dissolve(c, 1); #endif } if(m == moBomberbird || m == moTameBomberbird) { pcount = 0; playSound(c, "die-bomberbird"); if(c->wall == waNone || c->wall == waMineUnknown || c->wall == waMineOpen || c->wall == waCavefloor || c->wall == waDeadfloor || c->wall == waDeadfloor2 || c->wall == waRubble || c->wall == waGargoyleFloor || c->wall == waCIsland || c->wall == waCIsland2 || c->wall == waStrandedBoat || c->wall == waRed1 || c->wall == waGiantRug) { c->wall = waMineMine; if(c->item) explodeMine(c); else if(c->land == laMinefield) c->landparam = 1; } else if(c->wall == waFrozenLake) c->wall = waLake; else if(c->wall == waGargoyleBridge) placeWater(c, c); else if(c->wall == waRed3 || c->wall == waRed2) { c->wall = waRed1; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(c->move(i)->wall == waRed3) c->move(i)->wall = waRed2; c->item = itNone; } eWall w = c->wall; if(isFire(c) || c->wall == waRose || isReptile(c->wall)) { c->wall = waMineMine; explodeMine(c); if(isReptile(w)) kills[moReptile]++; if(w == waReptile) c->wall = waChasm; if(w == waReptileBridge) placeWater(c, NULL); } } if(m == moVineSpirit) { pcount = 32; playSound(c, "die-vinespirit"); destroyHalfvine(c); if(!isFire(c)) c->wall = waNone; } if(m == moRedTroll) { playSound(c, "die-troll"); if(doesFall(c)) fallingFloorAnimation(c, waRed1, m), pcount = 0; else if(snakepile(c, m)) pcount = 0; } if(m == moBrownBug) { if(doesFall(c)) ; else if(snakepile(c, m)) pcount = 0; } if(m == moDarkTroll) { playSound(c, "die-troll"); if(doesFall(c)) fallingFloorAnimation(c, waDeadwall, m), pcount = 0; else if(c->wall == waRed1 || c->wall == waRed2 || c->wall == waRed3) c->wall = waDeadwall, pcount = 0; else if(snakepile(c, m)) pcount = 0; } if(isWitch(m) && (isFire(c) || passable(c, NULL, P_MONSTER)) && !c->item) { if(m == moWitchFire) c->item = itOrbFire; if(m == moWitchFlash) c->item = itOrbFlash; if(m == moWitchGhost) c->item = itOrbAether; if(m == moWitchWinter) c->item = itOrbWinter; if(m == moWitchSpeed) c->item = itOrbSpeed; if(isFire(c) && itemBurns(c->item)) c->item = itNone; } if(who == moPlayer || (isFriendly(who) && items[itOrbEmpathy])) { eItem o = frog_power(m); if(o && who != moPlayer) markOrb2(itOrbEmpathy); if(o) items[o] += 5; } if(checkOrb(who, itOrbStone)) petrify(c, waPetrified, m), pcount = 0; if(m == moFireFairy) { drawFireParticles(c, 16); pcount = 0; playSound(c, "die-fairy"); playSound(c, "fire"); makeflame(c, 50, false); } if(c->monst == moMetalBeast2 && !c->item && who == moLightningBolt && c->wall != waPetrified && c->wall != waChasm) c->item = itFulgurite; // this is actually redundant in many cases if(m == moPyroCultist && c->item == itNone && c->wall != waChasm && c->wall != waPetrified) { // a reward for killing him before he shoots! c->item = itOrbDragon; } if(m == moOutlaw && (c->item == itNone || c->item == itRevolver) && c->wall != waChasm) c->item = itBounty; // note: an Orb appears underwater! if(m == moWaterElemental && c->item == itNone) c->item = itOrbWater; if(m == moPirate && isOnCIsland(c) && c->item == itNone && ( eubinary || (c->master->alt && celldistAlt(c) <= 2-getDistLimit()) || isHaunted(c->land)) && !cryst) { bool toomany = false; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(c2 && c2->item == itCompass) toomany = true; if(c2 && BITRUNCATED) for(int j=0; j<c2->type; j++) if(c2->move(j) && c2->move(j)->item == itCompass) toomany = true; } if(!toomany) c->item = itCompass; } if(m == moSlime) { pcount = 0; drawParticles(c, winf[c->wall].color, 80, 200); playSound(c, "splash" + pick12()); c->monst = moNone; spill(c, c->wall, 2); } // if(c->monst == moShark) c->heat += 1; // if(c->monst == moGreaterShark) c->heat += 10; if(isIcyLand(c)) { if(m == moCultist) HEAT(c) += 3; if(m == moPyroCultist) HEAT(c) += 6; if(m == moLesser) HEAT(c) += 10; } if(m == moLesser && !(kills[m] % 10)) degradeDemons(); if(m == moLesser) { if(kills[m] % 10) { if(vid.bubbles_special) drawBubble(c, 0xFF0000, its(kills[m]%10), 1); } else { if(vid.bubbles_special) drawBubble(c, 0xFF8000, "+1 XP", .8); degradeDemons(); } } if(isIvy(c)) { pcount = 0; eMonster m = c->monst; bignum s = ivy_total() - 1; /*if((m == moIvyBranch || m == moIvyHead) && c->move(c->mondir)->monst == moIvyRoot) ivynext(c, moIvyNext); */ killIvy(c, who); s = ivy_total() - s; if(s > bignum(1) && vid.bubbles_special) drawBubble(c, 0xFFFF00, s.get_str(100), .5); if(m == moIvyBranch || m == moIvyHead || m == moIvyNext) { int qty = 0; cell *c2 = proper(c, c->mondir) ? c->move(c->mondir) : nullptr; if(!c2) c2 = c; /* should not happen */ for(int i=0; i<c2->type; i++) if(c2->move(i)->monst == moIvyWait && c2->move(i)->mondir == c2->c.spin(i)) qty++; if(c2->monst == moIvyRoot || qty) { c->monst = moIvyNext; /* c->monst = moIvyHead; ivynext(c); if(c->monst == moIvyHead) c->monst = moIvyNext; else c->monst = moNone; */ } else { changes.ccell(c2); c2->monst = moIvyHead; } } } else if(c->monst == moTentacleGhost) c->monst = moTentacletail; else c->monst = moNone; if(m == moPair && c->move(c->mondir)->monst == moPair) { changes.ccell(c->move(c->mondir)); killMonster(c->move(c->mondir), who, deathflags); } if(isMagneticPole(m) && c->move(c->mondir)->monst == otherpole(m)) { changes.ccell(c->move(c->mondir)); killMonster(c->move(c->mondir), who, deathflags); } if(m == moEarthElemental) earthWall(c); if(m == moAlbatross && items[itOrbLuck]) useupOrb(itOrbLuck, items[itOrbLuck] / 2); if(m == moAirElemental) { changes.value_keep(airmap); airmap.clear(); for(int i=0; i<isize(dcal); i++) if(dcal[i]->monst == moAirElemental) airmap.push_back(make_pair(dcal[i],0)); buildAirmap(); } if(m == moMimic) { for(auto& m: mirror::mirrors) if(c == m.second.at) { drawParticles(c, mirrorcolor(m.second.mirrored), pcount); if(c->wall == waMirrorWall) drawParticles(c, mirrorcolor(!m.second.mirrored), pcount); } pcount = 0; } drawParticles(c, minf[m].color, pcount); if(fallanim) { fallingMonsterAnimation(c, m); } } EX void fightmessage(eMonster victim, eMonster attacker, bool stun, flagtype flags) { if(isBird(attacker)) { playSound(NULL, "hit-axe"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 claws %the2!", attacker, victim)); } else if(isGhost(attacker)) addMessage(XLAT("%The1 scares %the2!", attacker, victim)); else if(isSlimeMover(attacker) && !stun) { playSound(NULL, "hit-crush"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 eats %the2!", attacker, victim)); } else if(flags & AF_EAT) { playSound(NULL, "hit-crush"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 eats %the2!", attacker, victim)); } else if(attacker == moLancer) { playSound(NULL, "hit-rose"); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 pierces %the2!", attacker, victim)); } else if(attacker == moEarthElemental) { playSound(NULL, "hit-crush"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 punches %the2!", attacker, victim)); } else if(attacker == moPlayer) { if(flags & (AF_SWORD | AF_SWORD_INTO)) { playSound(NULL, "hit-axe"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("You slash %the1.", victim)); if(victim == moGoblin) achievement_gain_once("GOBLINSWORD"); } else if(victim == moKrakenT || victim == moDragonTail || victim == moDragonHead) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("You hit %the1.", victim)); // normal } else if(stun && victim == moVizier) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("You hit %the1.", victim)); // normal } else if(stun) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("You stun %the1.", victim)); // normal } else if(isNonliving(victim)) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("You destroy %the1.", victim)); // normal } else if(flags & AF_STAB) { playSound(NULL, "hit-axe"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("You stab %the1.", victim)); // normal } else if(flags & AF_APPROACH) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); if(victim == moLancer) addMessage(XLAT("You trick %the1.", victim)); // normal else addMessage(XLAT("You pierce %the1.", victim)); // normal } else if(!peace::on) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("You kill %the1.", victim)); // normal } } else { if(victim == moKrakenT || victim == moDragonTail || victim == moDragonHead) { playSound(NULL, "hit-crush"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 hits %the2.", attacker, victim)); // normal } else if(stun && victim == moVizier) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 hits %the2.", attacker, victim)); // normal } else if(stun) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 attacks %the2!", attacker, victim)); // normal } else if(isNonliving(victim)) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 destroys %the2!", attacker, victim)); // normal } else if(flags & AF_STAB) { playSound(NULL, "hit-axe"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 stabs %the2.", attacker, victim)); } else if(flags & AF_APPROACH) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 tricks %the2.", attacker, victim)); } else { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 kills %the2!", attacker, victim)); } } } EX bool notthateasy(eMonster m) { return isMultitile(m) || isStunnable(m) || m == moDraugr; } EX bool attackMonster(cell *c, flagtype flags, eMonster killer) { if((flags & AF_GETPLAYER) && isPlayerOn(c)) { killThePlayerAt(killer, c, flags); return true; } eMonster m = c->monst; int tk = tkills(); int tkt = killtypes(); bool dostun = attackJustStuns(c, flags, killer); if((flags & AF_BULL) && c->monst == moVizier && c->hitpoints > 1) { dostun = true; c->stuntime = 2; } bool eu = landUnlocked(laElementalWall); bool tu = landUnlocked(laTrollheim); if(flags & AF_MSG) fightmessage(m, killer, dostun, flags); if(dostun) stunMonster(c, killer, flags); else killMonster(c, killer, flags); if(peace::on) return false; int ntk = tkills(); int ntkt = killtypes(); if(tkt < R20 && ntkt >= R20 && in_full_game()) { addMessage(XLAT("You hear a distant roar!")); playSound(NULL, "message-roar"); } if(tk == 0 && ntk > 0 && in_full_game() && !cheater) { if(notthateasy(m)) addMessage(XLAT("Quite tough, for your first fight.")); else { bool more = false; forCellEx(c2, cwt.at) forCellEx(c3, c2) if(c3->monst) more = true; if(!more) addMessage(XLAT("That was easy, but groups could be dangerous.")); } } if(tk < 10 && ntk >= 10 && in_full_game() && !big_unlock) addMessage(XLAT("Good to know that your fighting skills serve you well in this strange world.")); if(tk < R100/2 && ntk >= R100/2 && in_full_game()) addMessage(XLAT("You wonder where all these monsters go, after their death...")); if(tk < R100 && ntk >= R100 && in_full_game()) addMessage(XLAT("You feel that the souls of slain enemies pull you to the Graveyard...")); if(!tu && landUnlocked(laTrollheim) && in_full_game()) { playSound(c, "message-troll"); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 says, \"I die, but my clan in Trollheim will avenge me!\"", m)); } if(!eu && landUnlocked(laElementalWall) && in_full_game()) addMessage(XLAT("After killing %the1, you feel able to reach the Elemental Planes!", m)); if(m == moVizier && c->monst != moVizier && kills[moVizier] == 1 && in_full_game()) { addMessage(XLAT("Hmm, he has been training in the Emerald Mine. Interesting...")); princess::forceMouse = true; } if(m == moIvyRoot && ntk>tk) achievement_gain_once("IVYSLAYER"); return ntk > tk; } EX void pushMonster(const movei& mi) { if(mi.s->monst == moPair || isMagneticPole(mi.s)) { cell *other = mi.s->move(mi.s->mondir); int id = neighborId(mi.t, other); if(id == -1) { killMonster(mi.s, moPlayer); killMonster(other, moPlayer); return; } else { moveMonster(mi); if(mi.t->monst) { mi.t->mondir = id; other->mondir = mi.t->c.spin(id); } } } else moveMonster(mi); auto& cf = mi.s; auto& ct = mi.t; if(ct->monst == moBrownBug) { int t = snakelevel(ct) - snakelevel(cf); if(t > 0) ct->stuntime = min(ct->stuntime + 2 * t, 7); } if(isBull(ct->monst)) ct->monst = moRagingBull; } EX void killFriendlyIvy() { forCellEx(c2, cwt.at) if(c2->monst == moFriendlyIvy) killMonster(c2, moPlayer, 0); } EX bool monsterPushable(cell *c2) { if(markOrb(itCurseWeakness) && (c2->stuntime < 2 || attackJustStuns(c2, 0, moPlayer))) return false; if(isMultitile(c2->monst)) return false; return (c2->monst != moFatGuard && !(isMetalBeast(c2->monst) && c2->stuntime < 2) && c2->monst != moTortoise && c2->monst != moTerraWarrior && c2->monst != moVizier && c2->monst != moWorldTurtle); } EX bool should_switchplace(cell *c1, cell *c2) { if(isPrincess(c2->monst) || among(c2->monst, moGolem, moIllusion, moMouse, moFriendlyGhost)) return true; if(peace::on) return c2->monst; return false; } EX bool switchplace_prevent(cell *c1, cell *c2, struct pcmove& m) { if(!should_switchplace(c1, c2)) return false; if(peace::on && (isMultitile(c2->monst) || saved_tortoise_on(c2) || isDie(c2->monst))) { if(m.vmsg(miRESTRICTED)) addMessage(XLAT("Cannot switch places with %the1!", c2->monst)); return true; } if(c1->monst && c1->monst != moFriendlyIvy) { if(m.vmsg(miRESTRICTED)) addMessage(XLAT("There is no room for %the1!", c2->monst)); return true; } if(passable(c1, c2, P_ISFRIEND | (c2->monst == moTameBomberbird ? P_FLYING : 0))) return false; if(warningprotection_hit(c2->monst)) return true; return false; } EX void handle_switchplaces(cell *c1, cell *c2, bool& switchplaces) { if(should_switchplace(c1, c2)) { bool pswitch = false; if(c2->monst == moMouse) princess::mouseSqueak(c2); else if(isPrincess(c2->monst)) { princess::line(c2); princess::move(match(c2, c1)); } else pswitch = true; c1->hitpoints = c2->hitpoints; c1->stuntime = c2->stuntime; placeGolem(c1, c2, c2->monst); if(cwt.at->monst != moNone && pswitch) addMessage(XLAT("You switch places with %the1.", c2->monst)); c2->monst = moNone; switchplaces = true; } } EX bool flashWouldKill(cell *c, flagtype extra) { for(int t=0; t<c->type; t++) { cell *c2 = c->move(t); for(int u=0; u<c2->type; u++) { cell *c3 = c2->move(u); if(isWorm(c3)) continue; // immune to Flash if(isFriendly(c3)) continue; // player's allies and mounts don't count if(c3->monst == moEvilGolem) continue; // evil golems don't count if(c3 != c && (c3->monst || isPlayerOn(c3))) { bool b = canAttack(NULL, moWitchFlash, c3, c3->monst, AF_MAGIC | extra); if(b) return true; } } } return false; } EX vector<cell*> gun_targets(cell *c) { manual_celllister cl; vector<int> dists; cl.add(c); dists.push_back(0); for(int i=0; i<isize(dists); i++) { cell *c1 = cl.lst[i]; if(dists[i] <= 2) forCellEx(c2, c1) if(passable(c2, c1, P_BULLET | P_FLYING | P_MONSTER)) if(cl.add(c2)) dists.push_back(dists[i] + 1); } return cl.lst; } EX void fallMonster(cell *c, flagtype flags IS(0)) { attackMonster(c, flags, moNone); } EX void killHardcorePlayer(int id, flagtype flags) { charstyle& cs = getcs(id); cell *c = playerpos(id); if(flags & AF_FALL) fallingMonsterAnimation(c, moPlayer); else for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { drawParticle(c, cs.skincolor >> 8, 100); drawParticle(c, cs.haircolor >> 8, 125); if(cs.charid) drawParticle(c, cs.dresscolor >> 8, 150); else drawParticle(c, cs.skincolor >> 8, 150); if(cs.charid == 3) drawParticle(c, cs.dresscolor2 >> 8, 175); else drawParticle(c, cs.skincolor >> 8, 150); drawParticle(c, cs.swordcolor >> 8, 200); } if(multi::players > 1 && multi::activePlayers() > 1) { multi::leaveGame(id); } else { canmove = false; achievement_final(true); } } EX bool suicidal; EX void killThePlayer(eMonster m, int id, flagtype flags) { if(markOrb(itOrbShield)) return; if(shmup::on) { multi::cpid = id; shmup::killThePlayer(m); } else if(items[itOrbDomination] && playerpos(id)->monst) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 tries to dismount you!", m)); attackMonster(playerpos(id), AF_NORMAL, m); useupOrb(itOrbDomination, items[itOrbDomination]/2); } else if(items[itOrbShell] && !(flags & AF_EAT)) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 attacks your shell!", m)); useupOrb(itOrbShell, 10); if(items[itOrbShell] < 1) items[itOrbShell] = 1, orbused[itOrbShell] = true; } else if(hardcore) { addMessage(XLAT("You are killed by %the1!", m)); killHardcorePlayer(id, flags); } else if(m == moLightningBolt && lastmovetype == lmAttack && isAlchAny(playerpos(id))) { addMessage(XLAT("You are killed by %the1!", m)); addMessage(XLAT("Don't play with slime and electricity next time, okay?")); kills[moPlayer]++; items[itOrbSafety] = 0; } else { // printf("confused!\n"); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is confused!", m)); changes.value_set(suicidal, true); } } EX void killThePlayerAt(eMonster m, cell *c, flagtype flags) { for(int i: player_indices()) if(playerpos(i) == c) killThePlayer(m, i, flags); } #if HDR template<class T> void do_swords(movei mi, eMonster who, const T& f) { for(int bb=0; bb<2; bb++) if(who == moPlayer && sword::orbcount(bb)) { cell *sf = sword::pos(mi.s, sword::dir[multi::cpid], bb); cell *st = sword::pos(mi.t, sword::shift(mi, sword::dir[multi::cpid]), bb); f(st, bb); if(sf != st && !isNeighbor(sf,st)) { // also attack the in-transit cell if(S3 == 3) { forCellEx(sb, sf) if(isNeighbor(sb, st) && sb != mi.s && sb != mi.t) f(sb, bb); } else { forCellEx(sb, mi.s) if(isNeighbor(sb, st) && sb != mi.t) f(sb, bb); forCellEx(sb, mi.t) if(isNeighbor(sb, sf) && sb != mi.s) f(sb, bb); } } } } #endif int lastdouble = -3; EX void stabbingAttack(movei mi, eMonster who, int bonuskill IS(0)) { int numsh = 0, numflail = 0, numlance = 0, numslash = 0, numbb[2]; numbb[0] = numbb[1] = 0; cell *mf = mi.s; cell *mt = mi.t; int backdir = mi.rev_dir_mirror(); do_swords(mi, who, [&] (cell *c, int bb) { if(swordAttack(mt, who, c, bb)) numbb[bb]++, numslash++; }); for(int bb=0; bb<2; bb++) achievement_count("SLASH", numbb[bb], 0); if(peace::on) return; for(int t=0; t<mf->type; t++) { cell *c = mf->move(t); if(!c) continue; bool stabthere = false, away = true; if(logical_adjacent(mt, who, c)) stabthere = true, away = false; if(inmirror(c)) c = mirror::reflect(c).at; if(stabthere && c->wall == waExplosiveBarrel && markOrb(itOrbThorns)) explodeBarrel(c); if(stabthere && canAttack(mt,who,c,c->monst,AF_STAB)) { changes.ccell(c); if(c->monst != moHedge) { markOrb(itOrbThorns); if(who != moPlayer) markOrb(itOrbEmpathy); } eMonster m = c->monst; int k = tkills(); if(attackMonster(c, AF_STAB | AF_MSG, who)) { spread_plague(mt, c, t, who); produceGhost(c, m, who); } if(tkills() > k) numsh++; } if(away && c != mt && canAttack(mf,who,c,c->monst,AF_BACK)) { changes.ccell(c); if(c->monst == moVizier && c->hitpoints > 1) { fightmessage(c->monst, who, true, AF_BACK); c->hitpoints--; // c->stuntime = 1; } else { eMonster m = c->monst; if(c->monst != moFlailer) { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); fightmessage(c->monst, who, false, AF_BACK); } else { playSound(NULL, "hit-sword"+pick123()); if(who != moPlayer) addMessage(XLAT("%The1 tricks %the2.", who, c->monst)); else addMessage(XLAT("You trick %the1.", c->monst)); } if(c->monst == moFlailer && isPrincess(who) && isUnarmed(who)) achievement_gain_once("PRINCESS_PACIFIST"); if(attackMonster(c, 0, who)) { numflail++; spread_plague(mf, c, t, who); produceGhost(c, m, who); } } } } if(!isUnarmed(who)) forCellIdEx(c, t, mt) { if(!logical_adjacent(mt, who, c)) continue; eMonster mm = c->monst; int flag = AF_APPROACH; if(proper(mt, backdir) && anglestraight(mt, backdir, t)) flag |= AF_HORNS; if(canAttack(mt,who,c,c->monst, flag)) { changes.ccell(c); if(attackMonster(c, flag | AF_MSG, who)) numlance++; spread_plague(mt, c, t, who); produceGhost(c, mm, who); } } if(who == moPlayer) { if(numsh) achievement_count("STAB", numsh, 0); if(numlance && numflail && numsh) achievement_gain_once("MELEE3"); if(numlance + numflail + numsh + numslash + bonuskill >= 5) achievement_gain_once("MELEE5"); if(numsh == 2) { if(lastdouble == turncount-1) achievement_count("STAB", 4, 0); changes.value_set(lastdouble, turncount); } } } }