#include "rogueviz.h" /** \brief Non-Euclidean reverb (and also Doppler effect) * * Compile with HyperRogue, run with -geo [geometry] -reverb sounds/seen-eagle.ogg (e.g. -geo 534h -reverb) * * you can also supply filename.raw in raw audio format (signed 16 bit, two channels; frequency set by -rev-freq). * * Press oo to configure the physical parameters. * * This https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1265297322369581057 has been created with: * ./hyper -debf g -geo 534h -ray-do -ray-reflect .5 -sight3 6 -smartlimit 200000 -genlimit 200000 -reverb sounds/seen-eagle.ogg -rev-abs 0.2 -shott 0 -shotxy 500 500 -animperiod 20000 -rev-anim -animvideo 1200 caw.mp4 -exit ffmpeg -i caw.mp4 -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i raw-audio.raw -c:v copy caw-hyperbolic.mp4 ./hyper -debf g -geo beti -ray-do -ray-reflect .5 -smartlimit 200000 -genlimit 200000 -reverb sounds/seen-eagle.ogg -rev-abs 0.2 -shott 0 -shotxy 500 500 -animperiod 20000 -rev-anim -animvideo 1200 caw.mp4 -exit ffmpeg -i caw.mp4 -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i raw-audio.raw -c:v copy caw-euclidean.mp4 ./hyper -debf g -geo 16c -ray-do -ray-reflect .5 -smartlimit 200000 -genlimit 200000 -reverb sounds/seen-eagle.ogg -rev-abs 0.2 -shott 0 -shotxy 500 500 -animperiod 20000 -rev-anim -animvideo 1200 caw.mp4 -exit ffmpeg -i caw.mp4 -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i raw-audio.raw -c:v copy caw-spherical.mp4 ./hyper -debf g -geo 344h -ray-do -ray-reflect .6 -sight3 6 -smartlimit 200000 -genlimit 200000 -reverb sounds/seen-eagle.ogg -rev-abs 0.2 -shott 0 -shotxy 500 500 -animperiod 20000 -rev-anim -animvideo 1200 caw.mp4 -exit ffmpeg -i caw.mp4 -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i raw-audio.raw -c:v copy caw-hyperbolic-ideal.mp4 ./hyper -debf g -geo 534h -ray-do -ray-reflect .5 -sight3 6 -smartlimit 200000 -genlimit 200000 -reverb sounds/seen-eagle.ogg -rev-abs 0.2 -rev-ss 4 -shott 0 -shotxy 500 500 -animperiod 40000 -rev-anim -animvideo 2400 caw.mp4 -exit ffmpeg -i caw.mp4 -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i raw-audio.raw -c:v copy caw-hyperbolic-doppler.mp4 * **/ namespace rogueviz { namespace embed { int freq = 44100; bool auto_anim = false; bool in = false; bool started = false; struct sample { Sint16 left, right; Sint16& operator [] (int i) { return (&left) [i]; } }; /** @brief original audio data */ vector<sample> orig; /** @brief original size of orig */ int orig_size; int current_sample = 0, prevt = 0, curt = 0; std::mutex lock; /** @brief controls the volume */ ld maxsnd = 1; /** @brief 0 = no absorption on walls, 1 = full absorption */ ld absorption = .1; /** @brief how much time does it take to go 1 absolute unit, in seconds */ ld speed_of_sound = .25; /** @brief inter-aural distance */ ld iad = .05; vector<sample> to_play; void myAudio(void *userdata, Uint8* stream, int len) { if(isize(to_play) < current_sample + len) return; if(inHighQual) return; sample* samples = (sample*) stream; len /= sizeof(sample); lock.lock(); for(int i=0; i<len; i++) { samples[i] = to_play[current_sample++]; } lock.unlock(); } void start_audio() { SDL_AudioSpec spec; spec.freq = freq; spec.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; spec.channels = 2; spec.samples = 4096; spec.callback = myAudio; SDL_CloseAudio(); if(SDL_OpenAudio(&spec, NULL) != 0) { println(hlog, "OpenAudio: ", SDL_GetError()); } else { println(hlog, "Initialized audio ", tie(spec.freq, spec.channels, spec.samples)); SDL_PauseAudio(0); } started = true; } int frameid = 10; struct cellinfo { int lastframe; int curframe; array<ld, 2> lastdist; array<ld, 2> curdist; }; map<cell*, cellinfo> infos; vector<array<double, 2> > sndbuffer; /** after each frame, write the simulated sound to sndbuffer and to_play */ void reverb_queue() { prevt = curt; int& used_ticks = inHighQual ? ticks : sc_ticks; curt = (used_ticks * (long long)(freq)) / 1000; if(prevt > curt) prevt = curt; if(curt - prevt > freq) return; sndbuffer.resize(curt, {0, 0}); for(auto& ps: infos) { auto& p = ps.second; if(p.curframe != frameid) continue; if(p.lastframe != p.curframe-1) p.lastdist = p.curdist; int dist = celldistance(ps.first, cwt.at); // if(ps.first == cwt.at) println(hlog, (p.curdist - p.lastdist) / (curt - prevt)); if(dist > (sphere?3:2) && !inHighQual) continue; for(int s=0; s<(sphere?10:1); s++) { ld dist1 = dist + 3 * s; ld base = pow(1-absorption, dist1); ld att0[2]; ld att1[2]; /* no need to add abs or pi*s to sin */ for(int ch=0; ch<2; ch++) { att0[ch] = base / sin_auto(p.lastdist[ch]); att1[ch] = base / sin_auto(p.curdist[ch]); if(att0[ch] > 5) println(hlog, att0[ch], "capped to 5"); if(att0[ch] > 5) att0[ch] = 5; if(att1[ch] > 5) att1[ch] = 5; } for(int ch: {0,1}) for(int i=prevt; i<curt; i++) { ld a = ilerp(prevt, curt, i); ld d = lerp(p.lastdist[ch], p.curdist[ch], a) + M_PI * s; int tim = (i - d * freq * speed_of_sound); tim %= isize(orig); if(tim < 0) tim += isize(orig); sndbuffer[i][ch] += orig[tim][ch] * lerp(att0[ch], att1[ch], a); } p.lastframe = p.curframe; p.lastdist = p.curdist; } } for(int i=prevt; i<curt; i++) for(int ch: {0,1}) if(sndbuffer[i][ch] > maxsnd) maxsnd = sndbuffer[i][ch]; frameid++; lock.lock(); to_play.resize(curt); for(int i=prevt; i<curt; i++) for(int ch: {0,1}) to_play[i][ch] = sndbuffer[i][ch] / maxsnd * 30000; lock.unlock(); } int maxvol = 1; /** draw bird, and also record the distance data about cell c */ bool draw_bird(cell *c, const transmatrix& V) { if(!in) return false; if(!started) start_audio(); if(c == cwt.at) { int& used_ticks = inHighQual ? ticks : sc_ticks; int nextt = (used_ticks * (long long)(freq)) / 1000; ld tot = 0; nextt %= isize(orig); int id = curt % isize(orig); while(id != nextt) { tot = max<int>(tot, max<int>(abs<int>(orig[id][0]), abs<int>(orig[id][1]))); id++; if(id == isize(orig)) id = 0; } id = tot * WINGS / maxvol / 2; queuepoly(rgpushxto0(tC0(V)) * cspin(0, 2, M_PI/2) * cspin(1, 2, 90 * degree) * cspin(0, 2, 45 * degree), GDIM == 3 ? cgi.shAnimatedTinyEagle[id] : cgi.shTinyBird, 0xFFFFFFFF ); } auto& ci = infos[c]; ci.curframe = frameid; ci.curdist[0] = hdist0(xpush(-iad) * tC0(V)); ci.curdist[1] = hdist0(xpush(+iad) * tC0(V)); return false; } static int isor; void show() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(0); dialog::init(XLAT("reverb"), 0xFFFFFFFF, 150, 0); dialog::addSelItem("speed of sound", "1/" + fts(speed_of_sound), 's'); dialog::add_action([]() { dialog::editNumber(speed_of_sound, 0, 1, .1, .01, "time to travel 1 absolute unit", ""); }); dialog::addSelItem("absorption", fts(absorption), 'a'); dialog::add_action([]() { dialog::editNumber(absorption, 0, 1, .1, .01, "absorption", ""); }); dialog::addSelItem("resynchronize", fts((current_sample - curt) * 1. / freq), 'r'); dialog::add_action([]() { current_sample = curt; }); dialog::addSelItem("inter-aural distance", fts(iad), 'i'); dialog::add_action([]() { dialog::editNumber(iad, 0, 1, .1, .01, "inter-aural distance", ""); }); dialog::addSelItem("adjust volume", fts(maxsnd), 'v'); dialog::add_action([]() { dialog::editNumber(maxsnd, 1, 1e6, .1, 1, "max volume", "large number -> more silent; will increase automatically if too loud"); }); isor = isize(orig); dialog::addSelItem("sample length", its(isize(orig)) + "/" + its(freq), 'l'); dialog::add_action([]() { dialog::editNumber(isor, orig_size, orig_size*2, orig_size / 10, orig_size, "sample length", "warning: sample is cut off if you shorten it and then lengthen it again"); dialog::reaction = [] { orig.resize(isor); }; }); dialog::addBoolItem_action("auto-loop", auto_anim, 'o'); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void o_key(o_funcs& v) { v.push_back(named_dialog("reverb", show)); } void save_raw_audio() { if(in) { /* save the output as raw audio file */ /* (it can be added to the video using ffmpeg */ FILE *f = fopen("raw-audio.raw", "wb"); for(int i=0; i<curt; i++) for(int ch: {0,1}) to_play[i][ch] = sndbuffer[i][ch] / maxsnd * 30000; fwrite(&to_play[0], 4, to_play.size(), f); fclose(f); } } auto hchook = addHook(hooks_drawcell, 100, draw_bird) + addHook(hooks_frame, 100, reverb_queue) + addHook(hooks_o_key, 80, o_key) + addHook(anims::hooks_after_video, 80, save_raw_audio) + addHook(anims::hooks_anim, 100, [] { if(!auto_anim) return; if(cgi.cellshape.empty()) return; hyperpoint h1 = cgi.cellshape[0]; hyperpoint h2 = normalize(cgi.cellshape[0] + cgi.cellshape[1]); hyperpoint wc = Hypc; for(int i=0; i<cgi.face; i++) wc += cgi.cellshape[i]; hyperpoint h3 = normalize(wc); if(cgflags & qIDEAL) { println(hlog, "h1 was: ", h1); h1 = rspintox(h1) * xpush0(hdist0(h2)*4); println(hlog, "h1 is: ", h1); } hyperpoint h4 = mid(h3, C0); println(hlog, "distances: ", make_tuple(hdist0(h1), hdist0(h2), hdist0(h3), hdist0(h4))); vector<hyperpoint> all = {h1, h2, h3, h4, h1, h1}; ld id = parseld("0../0..1../0..|1../0..2../0..|2../0..3../0..|3../0..4../0"); // println(hlog, "d = ", id); hyperpoint h = all[int(id)] * (1-id+int(id)) + all[int(id+1)] * (id-int(id)); h = normalize(h); centerover = currentmap->gamestart(); View = /* cspin(2, 0, M_PI/2) * rspintox(gpushxto0(h) * C0) * */ gpushxto0(h); View = spintox(View * C0) * View; View = cspin(2, 0, M_PI/2) * View; shift_view(point3(0, 0, -1e-2)); anims::moved(); }) + addHook(hooks_args, 100, [] { using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-rev-abs")) { shift_arg_formula(absorption); } else if(argis("-rev-ss")) { shift_arg_formula(speed_of_sound); } else if(argis("-rev-iad")) { shift_arg_formula(iad); } else if(argis("-rev-freq")) { shift(); freq = argi(); } else if(argis("-rev-anim")) { auto_anim = true; } else if(argis("-reverb")) { shift(); string fname = args(); if(fname.substr(isize(fname) - 4) == ".raw") { FILE *f = fopen(fname.c_str(), "rb"); if(!f) { printf("failed to load\n"); return 1; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); orig.resize(ftell(f)/sizeof(sample)); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&orig[0], 4, orig.size(), f); fclose(f); } else { Mix_CloseAudio(); Mix_OpenAudio(freq, AUDIO_S16LSB, 2, 4096); auto chunk = Mix_LoadWAV(fname.c_str()); if(!chunk) { printf("failed to load\n"); return 1; } orig.resize(chunk->alen / 4); memcpy(&orig[0], chunk->abuf, chunk->alen); Mix_FreeChunk(chunk); } orig_size = isize(orig); for(auto& o: orig) { maxvol = max(maxvol, abs<int>(o[0])); maxvol = max(maxvol, abs<int>(o[1])); } in = true; firstland = specialland = laCanvas; patterns::whichCanvas = 'r'; patterns::rwalls = 100; mapeditor::drawplayer = false; start_game(); if(!cgi.cellshape.empty()) println(hlog, "edge = ", hdist(cgi.cellshape[0], cgi.cellshape[1])); /* Doppler effect is weird if scrolling if not smooth */ smooth_scrolling = true; /* disable the frustum culling (we need sound from every direction) */ frustum_culling = false; } /* auto-sync sample length with animation period */ else if(argis("-rev-length-auto")) { int ap = anims::period / 1000. * freq; ld d = ap / isize(orig); println(hlog, "d = ", d); int di = d; if(di) { int size_to = ap / di; orig.resize(size_to); } } /* sample length in seconds */ else if(argis("-rev-length")) { shift(); orig.resize(argi() * freq); } else return 1; return 0; }); } }