// newconformist explorable explanation // example commandline: -noplayer -rugtsize 4096 -smart 1 -canvas B -ncee // set CAP_NCONF (and change the path) if you have access to newconformist #include "rogueviz.h" #if CAP_NCONF #ifndef CAP_DRAW #define CAP_DRAW 0 #endif #define main nconf_main #undef self #include "nconf.cpp" #undef main #endif namespace hr { namespace nconf2 { string rfname; enum class ptype : char { outside, inside, inside_left_up, inside_left_down, top, bottom, left_inf, right_inf, marked }; dqi_line& queueline1(const hyperpoint& H1, const hyperpoint& H2, color_t col, int prf = 0, PPR prio = PPR::LINE) { return queueline(shiftless(H1), shiftless(H2), col, prf, prio); } void add_border(vector<string>& v, int cy) { int Y = isize(v), X = isize(v[0]); char nx = '6'; for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) for(int x=0; x<X; x++) if(v[y][x] != '1') if((y && v[y-1][x] == '1') || (y<Y-1 && v[y+1][x] == '1') || (x && v[y][x-1] == '1') || (x<X-1 && v[y][x+1] == '1')) v[y][x] = y < cy ? '4' : y > cy ? '5' : (nx++); } vector<string> gensquare(int X, int Y) { vector<string> res(Y+4, string (X+4, '0')); for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) for(int x=0; x<X; x++) res[y+2][x+2] = '1'; add_border(res, 2+Y/2); return res; } vector<string> genellipse(int D, ld alpha) { vector<string> res(D+4, string (D+4, '0')); ld R = (D-1.) / 2; for(int y=0; y<D; y++) for(int x=0; x<D; x++) { ld ax = (x-R); ld ay = (y-R); ld bx = ax * cos(alpha) - ay * sin(alpha); ld by = ay * cos(alpha) + ax * sin(alpha); bx /= R; by /= R; res[y+2][x+2] = bx*bx+by*by*2 < 1 ? '1' : '0'; } add_border(res, 2+R); return res; } vector<string> gent(int X, int Y) { vector<string> res(Y+X+4, string (Y+X+X+4, '0')); for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) for(int x=0; x<X+X+Y; x++) res[y+2][x+2] = '1'; for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) for(int x=0; x<X; x++) res[x+2+Y][y+2+X] = '1'; add_border(res, 2+Y/2); return res; } vector<string> fmap = gensquare(13, 13); vector<string> snake = { "00000000000000000000000000000000000", "00444444444444444444444444444444400", "04111111111111111111111111111111140", "04111111111111111111111111111111140", "06111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "00555555555555555555555555511111140", "00000000000000000000000000051111140", "00555555555555555555555555511111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111444444444444444444444444400", "05111114000000000000000000000000000", "05111111444444444444444444444444400", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111140", "05111111111111111111111111111111170", "05111111111111111111111111111111150", "05111111111111111111111111111111150", "00555555555555555555555555555555500", "00000000000000000000000000000000000" }; struct coord { int x, y; coord operator + (int d) { coord res = *this; d &= 3; if(d == 0) res.x++; if(d == 1) res.y++; if(d == 2) res.x--; if(d == 3) res.y--; return res; } }; char out = '-'; char& fmap_at(coord c) { return c.x >= 0 && c.x < isize(fmap[0]) && c.y >= 0 && c.y < isize(fmap) ? fmap[c.y][c.x] : out; } ld vx[256][256], vy[256][256]; void reset_vxy() { for(int y=0; y<256; y++) for(int x=0; x<256; x++) vy[y][x] = vx[y][x] = 0; } ld cscale; bool pretty = true; void iterate() { int Y = isize(fmap); int X = isize(fmap[0]); for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) for(int x=0; x<X; x++) { if(fmap[y][x] == '6') vy[y][x] = 0, vx[y][x] = -1; else if(fmap[y][x] == '7') vy[y][x] = 0, vx[y][x] = +1; else if(fmap[y][x] == '4') vy[y][x] = -1; else if(fmap[y][x] == '5') vy[y][x] = +1; else if(fmap[y][x] == '1') vy[y][x] = (vy[y-1][x] + vy[y+1][x] + vy[y][x-1] + vy[y][x+1]) / 4; if(among(fmap[y][x], '1', '4', '5')) { int qty = 0; ld total = 0; auto in = [&] (char c) { return pretty ? c > '0' : among(c, '1', '6', '7'); }; if(y > 0 && in(fmap[y-1][x])) qty++, total += vx[y-1][x]; if(y < Y-1 && in(fmap[y+1][x])) qty++, total += vx[y+1][x]; if(x > 0 && in(fmap[y][x-1])) qty++, total += vx[y][x-1]; if(x < X-1 && in(fmap[y][x+1])) qty++, total += vx[y][x+1]; vx[y][x] = total / qty; } } vector<ld> xes; for(int y=0; y<Y-1; y++) for(int x=0; x<X-1; x++) if(fmap[y][x] == '1' && fmap[y+1][x] == '1' && fmap[y][x+1] == '1') { hyperpoint here = point2(vx[y][x], vy[y][x]); hyperpoint v0 = point2(vx[y][x+1], vy[y][x+1]) - here; hyperpoint v1 = point2(vx[y+1][x], vy[y+1][x]) - here; ld det = (v0 ^ v1)[2]; if(det == 0) continue; hyperpoint ba2 = point2(v1[1], -v0[1]) / det; hyperpoint ca2 = point2(-v1[0], v0[0]) / det; ld d = (ba2|ba2); if(d == 0) continue; ld good = (ca2^ba2)[2] / d; xes.push_back(good); } sort(xes.begin(), xes.end()); if(isize(xes)) cscale = -xes[isize(xes) / 2]; // println(hlog, "cscale = ", cscale); } #if CAP_NCONF void nconf_solve() { nconf::SY = isize(fmap); nconf::SX = isize(fmap[0]); nconf::resize_pt(); for(int y=0; y<nconf::SY; y++) for(int x=0; x<nconf::SX; x++) { auto& p = nconf::pts[y][x]; p.type = (nconf::ptype)(fmap[y][x] - '0'); p.side = 0; } nconf::pretty_borders = pretty; nconf::draw_progress = false; nconf::text_progress = false; nconf::computemap(nconf::pts); for(int y=0; y<nconf::SY; y++) for(int x=0; x<nconf::SX; x++) { if(fmap[y][x] == '1') vx[y][x] = nconf::pts[y][x].x[0] * 2 - 1, vy[y][x] = nconf::pts[y][x].x[1] * 2 - 1; if(pretty && (fmap[y][x] == '4' || fmap[y][x] == '5')) vx[y][x] = nconf::pts[y][x].x[0] * 2 - 1; } printf("nconf solved\n"); } #endif basic_textureinfo nctinf, nctinf2; vector<glvertex> vs; bool viewmap = true; void fix_border() { int Y = isize(fmap); int X = isize(fmap[0]); for(string& s: fmap) for(char& c: s) if(c == '5') c = '4'; coord cc; for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) for(int x=0; x<X; x++) if(fmap[y][x] == '6') cc = coord{x,y}; int dir = 0; while(fmap_at(cc+dir) != '1') dir++; cc = cc + dir; dir += 2; while(true) { if(fmap_at(cc+dir) == '1') cc = cc + dir, dir++; else { if(fmap_at(cc+dir) == '4') fmap_at(cc+dir) = '5'; if(fmap_at(cc+dir) == '7') break; dir--; } } } void doublemap() { for(string& s: fmap) { string res = ""; for(char c: s) res += c, res += c; s = res; } fmap.resize(isize(fmap) * 2); for(int y=isize(fmap)-1; y>=0; y--) fmap[y] = fmap[y/2]; int Y = isize(fmap); int X = isize(fmap[0]); for(int y=Y-1; y>=0; y--) for(int x=X-1; x>=0; x--) vx[y][x] = vx[y/2][x/2], vy[y][x] = vy[y/2][x/2]; for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) for(int x=0; x<X; x++) { coord cc{x,y}; auto& us = fmap[y][x]; if(us >= '4') { bool live = false; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) == '1') live = true; if(!live) us = '0'; } } bool found6 = false, found7 = false; for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) for(int x=0; x<X; x++) { if(fmap[y][x] == '6') { if(found6) fmap[y][x] = '4'; else found6 = true; } if(fmap[y][x] == '7') { if(found7) fmap[y][x] = '5'; else found7 = true; } fix_border(); } } int pointmode; bool show_mapping = true; bool show_mgrid = true; ld mapping_split = .75; char paintmode; void changepoint(int x, int y, bool can_add) { int Y = isize(fmap); int X = isize(fmap[0]); if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= X || y >= Y) return; if(pointmode) { if(fmap[y][x] < '4') return; for(string& s: fmap) for(char& c: s) if(c == pointmode) c = '4'; fmap[y][x] = pointmode; fix_border(); return; } if(y == 0) { paintmode = 0; fmap.emplace_back(); for(int i=Y-1; i>=0; i--) fmap[i+1] = fmap[i]; for(char& c: fmap[0]) c = '0'; } if(y == Y-1) { paintmode = 0; fmap.push_back(fmap[0]); for(char& c: fmap.back()) c = '0'; } if(x == 0) { paintmode = 0; for(string& s: fmap) s = '0' + s; } if(x == X-1) { paintmode = 0; for(string& s: fmap) s = s + '0'; } coord cc{x,y}; auto& us = fmap[y][x]; if(fmap[y][x] >= '4') { if(fmap[y][x] > '5') { int q = 0; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) == '0') q++; if(q != 1) return; } else { for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) == (us^ '1')) return; int q = 0; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) >= '4') q++; if(q > 2) return; } for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) != '1') if(fmap_at(cc+k+(k+1)) == '1') if(fmap_at(cc+(k+1)) != '1') return; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) != '1') if(fmap_at(cc+k+k) == '1') if(fmap_at(cc+k+(k+1)) != '1') if(fmap_at(cc+k+(k-1)) != '1') return; if(fmap[y-1][x] == '0') fmap[y-1][x] = us; if(fmap[y][x-1] == '0') fmap[y][x-1] = us; if(fmap[y+1][x] == '0') fmap[y+1][x] = us; if(fmap[y][x+1] == '0') fmap[y][x+1] = us; us = '1'; } else if(us == '1') { int q = 0; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) == '1') q++; if(q == 0) return; if(q == 4) return; if(q == 3) { for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) != '1') { int nei = 0; if(fmap_at(cc+k+(k+1)) == '1') nei++; if(fmap_at(cc+k+(k+3)) == '1') nei++; if(nei == 2) return; us = fmap_at(cc+k); if(nei == 0) fmap_at(cc+k) = '0'; } return; } if(q == 2 && fmap_at(cc+0) == '1' && fmap_at(cc+2) == '1') return; if(q == 2 && fmap_at(cc+1) == '1' && fmap_at(cc+3) == '1') return; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(fmap_at(cc+k) == '1' && fmap_at(cc+(k+1)) == '1' && fmap_at(cc+k+(k+1)) != '1') return; bool have4 = false, kill6 = false, kill7 = false, live[4]; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { char ch = fmap_at(cc+k); live[k] = false; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { for(int l=0; l<4; l++) if(k!=(l^2) && fmap_at(cc+k+l) == '1') live[k] = true; } switch(ch) { case '4': have4 = true; break; case '5': break; case '6': if(!live[k]) kill6 = true; break; case '7': if(!live[k]) kill7 = true; break; }; } if(kill6 && kill7) return; if(kill6) us = '6'; else if(kill7) us = '7'; else if(have4) us = '4'; else us = '5'; for(int k=0; k<4; k++) if(!live[k]) fmap_at(cc+k) = '0'; } } bool showmenu = true; void conf_shapes() { cmode = 0; dialog::init(XLAT("shapes")); dialog::addItem("square 11x11", 'a'); dialog::add_action([] { fmap = gensquare(13, 13); reset_vxy(); popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("rectangle 15x8", 'b'); dialog::add_action([] { fmap = gensquare(15, 8); reset_vxy(); popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("T-shape", 'c'); dialog::add_action([] { fmap = gent(19, 7); reset_vxy(); popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("snake", 'd'); dialog::add_action([] { fmap = snake; reset_vxy(); popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("ellipse 50", 'e'); dialog::add_action([] { fmap = genellipse(50, hrand(180)); reset_vxy(); popScreen(); }); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } int algo_speed = 10000; int algo_ticks = 0; bool in_visualization; int nconf_pos; ld steps_to_do; #define DELTA [] { static int oldticks = ticks; int res = ticks - oldticks; oldticks = ticks; return res; } auto nconf_delta = DELTA; #if CAP_NCONF void nconf_prepare(bool fast) { // pretend we are solving nconf_solve(); build_equations(nconf::pts, 1, fast); nconf_pos = 0; in_visualization = true; steps_to_do = 0; algo_ticks = 0; nconf_delta(); printf("points: %d\n", isize(nconf::allpoints)); } void nconf_run() { int d = nconf_delta(); algo_ticks += d; steps_to_do += d * algo_speed / 1000.; while(steps_to_do > 0) { if(nconf_pos == isize(nconf::allpoints)) { in_visualization = false; break; } auto co = nconf::allpoints[nconf_pos++]; auto &p = nconf::pts[co]; nconf::eliminate(nconf::pts, co); printf("point #%d has %d equations\n", nconf_pos-1, hr::isize(p.eqs)); steps_to_do -= pow(hr::isize(p.eqs), 2); } } void pick_algorithm() { cmode = 0; dialog::init(XLAT("solving")); dialog::addItem("iterative/reset", 'r'); dialog::add_action([] { reset_vxy(); algo_ticks = 0; popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("solve linear equations", 's'); dialog::add_action([] { nconf_solve(); algo_ticks = 0; popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("visualize (slow)", 'a'); dialog::add_action([] { nconf_prepare(false); popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("visualize (fast)", 'b'); dialog::add_action([] { nconf_prepare(true); popScreen(); }); dialog::addSelItem("visualization speed", its(algo_speed), 'v'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(algo_speed, 100, 1000000, 0.1, 10000, "", ""), dialog::scaleLog(), dialog::dialogflags = 0, dialog::numberdark = dialog::DONT_SHOW; }); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBoolItem_action("pretty corners", pretty, 'p'); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } #endif void ncee_work(); bool animated_pattern = false; int redraws; void redraw_texture() { View = Id; if(arcm::in()) View = View * spin(45 * degree); dynamicval<int> cgl(vid.cells_generated_limit, 9999999); dynamicval<int> cdl(vid.cells_drawn_limit, 9999999); dynamicval<bool> r(mousing, false); rug::rugged = true; rug::prepareTexture(); rug::rugged = false; } template<class T> void chg_pattern(const T& f) { tactic::on = true; autocheat = true; reptilecheat = true; stop_game(); set_geometry(gNormal); set_variation(eVariation::bitruncated); f(); start_game(); clearMessages(); redraws = 1; } void pick_pattern() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK | sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X; ncee_work(); dialog::init(XLAT("patterns")); dialog::addItem("green football", 'g'); dialog::add_action([] { chg_pattern([] { firstland = specialland = laCanvas; patterns::whichCanvas = 'B'; }); }); dialog::addItem("Goldberg football", 'G'); dialog::add_action([] { chg_pattern([] { gp::param.first = 9; gp::param.second = 0; set_variation(eVariation::goldberg); firstland = specialland = laCanvas; patterns::whichCanvas = 'F'; }); }); dialog::addItem("octagons", 'o'); dialog::add_action([] { chg_pattern([] { set_geometry(gOctagon); firstland = specialland = laCanvas; patterns::whichCanvas = 'T'; }); }); dialog::addItem("windy plains", 'w'); dialog::add_action([] { chg_pattern([] { firstland = specialland = laWhirlwind; }); vid.smart_range_detail = 2.5; }); dialog::addItem("reptiles", 'r'); dialog::add_action([] { chg_pattern([] { firstland = specialland = laReptile; }); }); dialog::addItem("zebra", 'z'); dialog::add_action([] { chg_pattern([] { firstland = specialland = laZebra; }); }); dialog::addItem("colored squares", 's'); dialog::add_action([] { chg_pattern([] { set_variation(eVariation::pure); arcm::current.parse("4^5"); set_geometry(gArchimedean); firstland = specialland = laCanvas; patterns::whichCanvas = 'A'; }); }); if(specialland == laWhirlwind) { dialog::addBoolItem_action("animated", animated_pattern, 'a'); } else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } namespace ncee_scr { int X, Y, xc, yc, x0, y0, siz; } void draw_ncee() { using namespace ncee_scr; auto cd = current_display; Y = isize(fmap); X = isize(fmap[0]); siz = min((cd->ysize / (show_mapping ? 2 : 1) - 5) / Y, showmenu ? (cd->xcenter -5 )*2/X : (cd->xsize - 5) / X); xc = 0; yc = vid.yres * (show_mapping ? mapping_split : 1) / 2 - cd->ycenter; x0 = - int(siz * X / 2); y0 = - int(siz * Y / 2); ld period; if(geometry == gNormal) { auto cw = heptspin(cwt.at->master, 0); cw = cw + wstep + 3 + wstep + 5 + wstep; period = hdist0(tC0(currentmap->relative_matrix(cwt.at, cw.at->c7, C0))); if(specialland == laWhirlwind) period *= 9; if(specialland == laZebra) period *= 6; if(specialland == laReptile) period *= 3; } else if(geometry == gOctagon) { period = 2 * hdist0(tC0(currentmap->adj(cwt.at->master, 0))); } else { period = 2 * hdist0(tC0(currentmap->adj(cwt.at, 0))); } period *= 2 / M_PI; dynamicval<eModel> pm(pmodel, mdPixel); dynamicval<eGeometry> pg(geometry, gEuclid); initquickqueue(); nctinf2.texture_id = rug::glbuf->renderedTexture; nctinf2.tvertices.clear(); ld map_ypos = vid.yres * (mapping_split + 1) / 2 - cd->ycenter; ld sca2 = (vid.yres * (1-mapping_split) / 2 - 10) / pconf.scale; if(show_mapping) { for(int iter=-10; iter<=10; iter++) { ld maxx = period * pconf.scale / 4; ld scax = sca2 * maxx / 0.5; ld xpos = scax * 2 * iter; curvepoint(hpxy(xpos-scax, map_ypos-sca2)); nctinf2.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(0.5-maxx, 0, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(xpos-scax, map_ypos+sca2)); nctinf2.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(0.5-maxx, 1, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(xpos+scax, map_ypos-sca2)); nctinf2.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(0.5+maxx, 0, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(xpos-scax, map_ypos+sca2)); nctinf2.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(0.5-maxx, 1, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(xpos+scax, map_ypos-sca2)); nctinf2.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(0.5+maxx, 0, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(xpos+scax, map_ypos+sca2)); nctinf2.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(0.5+maxx, 1, 0)); } auto& q = queuecurve(shiftless(Id), 0, show_mgrid ? 0x404040FF : 0xFFFFFFFF, PPR::LINE); q.tinf = &nctinf2; q.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES; q.offset_texture = 0; } auto h = [&] (int x, int y) { return hpxy(x0 + x * siz + xc, y0 + y * siz + yc); }; auto hc = [&] (int x, int y) { return hpxy(x0 + x * siz + siz/2 + xc, y0 + y * siz + siz/2 + yc); }; color_t typecols[8] = { 0x101010FF, 0xD0D0D0FF, 0, 0, 0xF04040FF, 0x4040F0FF, 0xF0F040FF, 0x40F0F0FF }; for(int x=0; x<X; x++) for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) { curvepoint(h(x,y)); curvepoint(h(x+1,y)); curvepoint(h(x+1,y+1)); curvepoint(h(x,y+1)); #if CAP_NCONF bool ineq = in_visualization && fmap[y][x] == '1'; #endif queuecurve(shiftless(Id), 0, #if CAP_NCONF (ineq && nconf::pts[y][x].state == 1) ? 0xFF8000FF : (ineq && nconf::pts[y][x].state == 2) ? 0x00FF00FF : #endif (fmap[y][x] == '1' && show_mgrid && show_mapping) ? 0x404040FF : typecols[fmap[y][x] - '0'], PPR::LINE); } if(inHighQual) for(int x=0; x<X; x++) for(int y=0; y<Y; y++) { curvepoint(h(x,y)); curvepoint(h(x,y+1)); curvepoint(h(x+1,y+1)); curvepoint(h(x+1,y)); queuecurve(shiftless(Id), 0, typecols[fmap[y][x] - '0'], PPR::LINE); } quickqueue(); initquickqueue(); nctinf.texture_id = rug::glbuf->renderedTexture; nctinf.tvertices.clear(); static int z = 0; auto tri = [&] (const array<coord,3>& c) { int id = -1; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) if(fmap_at(c[i])) id = i; if(id == -1) return; ld delta = (int((vx[c[id].y][c[id].x]) / cscale / period + 1000.5) - 1000) * period; z = !z; for(int s=0; s<3; s++) { curvepoint(hc(c[s].x, c[s].y)); nctinf.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex((vx[c[s].y][c[s].x]/cscale-delta)*pconf.scale/2+.5, vy[c[s].y][c[s].x]*pconf.scale/2+.5, 0)); } }; if(viewmap && !in_visualization) for(int x=0; x<X-1; x++) for(int y=0; y<Y-1; y++) { if(fmap[y][x+1] > '0' && fmap[y+1][x] > '0') { if(fmap[y][x] > '0') tri(make_array(coord{x,y}, coord{x+1,y}, coord{x,y+1})); if(fmap[y+1][x+1] > '0') tri(make_array(coord{x+1,y+1}, coord{x+1,y}, coord{x,y+1})); } else if(fmap[y][x] > '0' && fmap[y+1][x+1] > '0') { if(fmap[y][x+1] > '0') tri(make_array(coord{x,y}, coord{x+1,y}, coord{x+1,y+1})); if(fmap[y+1][x] > '0') tri(make_array(coord{x,y}, coord{x,y+1}, coord{x+1,y+1})); } } auto& q = queuecurve(shiftless(Id), 0, (show_mgrid && show_mapping) ? 0x404040FF : 0xFFFFFFFF, PPR::LINE); q.tinf = &nctinf; q.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES; q.offset_texture = 0; hyperpoint vmap[256][256]; pair<int, int> mpt = {(mousex - xc - cd->xcenter - x0) / siz, (mousey - yc - cd->ycenter - y0) / siz}; queueline1(h(0,0), h(0,-1), 0x1010101); const color_t gridcol = 0xFFFFFFFF; if(inHighQual) ; else if(show_mapping && show_mgrid && !in_visualization) { for(int x=0; x<X-1; x++) for(int y=0; y<Y-1; y++) if(fmap[y][x] > '0') vmap[y][x] = hpxy(vx[y][x]/cscale * sca2 / 2, vy[y][x] * sca2 / 2+ map_ypos); for(int x=0; x<X-1; x++) for(int y=0; y<Y-1; y++) { if(y < Y-2 && fmap[y][x] > '0' && fmap[y+1][x] > '0') { color_t col = (make_pair(x,y) == mpt || make_pair(x,y+1) == mpt) ? 0xFFFF00FF : gridcol; dynamicval<ld> lw(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth * (col == 0xFFFF00FF ? 4 : 1)); queueline1(hc(x, y), hc(x, y+1), col, 0, PPR::CIRCLE); queueline1(vmap[y][x], vmap[y+1][x], col, 0, PPR::CIRCLE); } if(x < X-2 && fmap[y][x] > '0' && fmap[y][x+1] > '0') { color_t col = (make_pair(x,y) == mpt || make_pair(x+1,y) == mpt) ? 0xFFFF00FF : gridcol; dynamicval<ld> lw(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth * (col == 0xFFFF00FF ? 4 : 1)); queueline1(hc(x, y), hc(x+1, y), col, 0, PPR::CIRCLE); queueline1(vmap[y][x], vmap[y][x+1], col, 0, PPR::CIRCLE); } } } else { int x = mpt.first; int y = mpt.second; vid.linewidth *= 3; color_t col = 0; if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < X && y < Y) { if(pointmode != 0) col = 0x00FF00FF; else if(mousepressed) col = paintmode == '1' ? 0xFF0000FF : 0xFFFF00FF; else if(fmap[y][x] == '1') col = 0xFF0000FF; else if(fmap[y][x] == '4' || fmap[y][x] == '5') col = 0xFFFF00FF; } queueline1(h(x,y), h(x,y+1), col); queueline1(h(x,y), h(x+1,y), col); queueline1(h(x+1,y), h(x+1,y+1), col); queueline1(h(x,y+1), h(x+1,y+1), col); vid.linewidth /= 3; } for(int x=0; x<=X; x++) queueline1(h(x,0), h(x,Y), 0x80808080); for(int y=0; y<=Y; y++) queueline1(h(0,y), h(X,y), 0x80808080); queueline1(h(0,0), h(0,-1), 0x1010101); quickqueue(); glflush(); } int ncee_map_prepared; void prepare_ncee_map() { ncee_map_prepared = 5; pmodel = mdBand; dynamicval<int> cgl(vid.cells_generated_limit, 9999999); dynamicval<bool> r(rug::display_warning, false); // vid.consider_shader_projection = false; pconf.scale = 0.5; rug::init(); rug::prepareTexture(); rug::rugged = false; } void ncee_work() { if(specialland != laWhirlwind) animated_pattern = false; if(redraws > 0) { redraws--; vid.consider_shader_projection = false; redraw_texture(); } if(animated_pattern) { vid.consider_shader_projection = true; redraw_texture(); } calcparam(); if(ncee_map_prepared < 5) { cmode = sm::NORMAL; ncee_map_prepared++; if(ncee_map_prepared == 5) prepare_ncee_map(); gamescreen(2); return; } #if CAP_NCONF if(in_visualization) nconf_run(); else #endif iterate(); draw_ncee(); } void ncee() { cmode = showmenu ? (sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK | sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X) : 0; ncee_work(); using namespace ncee_scr; auto cd = current_display; getcstat = '-'; if(paintmode && mousepressed) { int x = (mousex - cd->xcenter - xc - x0) / siz; int y = (mousey - cd->ycenter - yc - y0) / siz; if(fmap[y][x] == paintmode) changepoint(x, y, false); } if(showmenu) { dialog::init(XLAT("newconformist")); dialog::addBoolItem("edit shape", pointmode == 0, 'e'); dialog::addBoolItem("set left end", pointmode == '6', 'a'); dialog::addBoolItem("set right end", pointmode == '7', 'b'); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBoolItem("show the end result", viewmap, 'm'); dialog::addBoolItem("display the band model", show_mapping, 's'); if(show_mapping) dialog::addBoolItem("display the grid on model", show_mgrid, 'g'); else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBreak(50); if(show_mapping) dialog::addSelItem("mapping split", fts(mapping_split), 'y'); else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addSelItem("double precision", its(isize(fmap[0])) + "x" + its(isize(fmap)), 'd'); #if CAP_NCONF dialog::addItem("solving method", 'l'); #endif dialog::addItem("shapes", 't'); dialog::addItem("patterns", 'p'); dialog::addItem("hide the menu", 'v'); dialog::addItem("stop", 'x'); dialog::display(); } else displayButton(vid.xres - 8, 8 + vid.fsize, XLAT("(v) menu"), 'v', 16); if(algo_ticks) displaystr(8, 8 + vid.fsize, 0, vid.fsize * 2, format("%d.%03d", algo_ticks/1000, algo_ticks%1000), 0xFFFFFF, 0); keyhandler = [=] (int sym, int uni) { // dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); if(uni == 'z') prepare_ncee_map(); if(uni == 'x') { popScreen(); // rug::rugged = true; rug::close(); } if(uni == 'e') pointmode = 0; if(uni == 'a') pointmode = '6'; if(uni == 'b') pointmode = '7'; #if CAP_NCONF if(uni == 'l') pushScreen(pick_algorithm); #endif if(uni == 'p') pushScreen(pick_pattern); // if(uni == 'w') edit_whatever('f', 0); if(uni == 'd') doublemap(); if(uni == 'm') viewmap = !viewmap; if(uni == 's') show_mapping = !show_mapping; if(uni == 'g') show_mgrid = !show_mgrid; if(uni == 't') pushScreen(conf_shapes); if(uni == 'y') dialog::editNumber(mapping_split, 0, 1, 0.05, 0.75, "", ""), dialog::dialogflags = 0, dialog::numberdark = dialog::DONT_SHOW; if(uni == '-') { int x = (mousex - cd->xcenter - xc - x0) / siz; int y = (mousey - cd->ycenter - yc - y0) / siz; if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= X || y >= Y) return; paintmode = fmap[y][x]; changepoint(x, y, true); } if(uni == 'v') showmenu = !showmenu; if(uni == 'X') { int D = 100; fmap = genellipse(D, -10 * degree), reset_vxy(); #if CAP_NCONF nconf_solve(); #endif iterate(); iterate(); iterate(); int slow = 2; for(int i=-100; i<180*slow; i++) { ticks = anims::period * i / 180 / slow; redraw_texture(); fmap = genellipse(D, i * degree / slow); println(hlog, "i = ", i); for(int a=0; a<10; a++) iterate(); if(i >= 0) shot::take(format(rfname.c_str(), i), draw_ncee); } } }; } extern "C" { void nconf_view(int i) { if(i == 1) show_mapping = false, viewmap = false; else if(i == 2) show_mapping = false, viewmap = true; else if(i == 3) show_mapping = true, viewmap = true, show_mgrid = true; else if(i == 4) showmenu = false; else if(i == 5) showmenu = true; else if(i == 6) reset_vxy(), algo_ticks = 0; #if CAP_NCONF else if(i == 7) nconf_solve(), algo_ticks = 0; else if(i == 8) nconf_prepare(false); else if(i == 9) nconf_prepare(true); #endif else if(i == 10) doublemap(); else if(i == 11) fmap = gensquare(13, 13), reset_vxy(); else if(i == 12) fmap = gensquare(15, 8), reset_vxy(); else if(i == 13) fmap = gensquare(19, 7), reset_vxy(); else if(i == 14) fmap = snake, reset_vxy(); else if(i == 15) pushScreen(pick_pattern); } } int niceArgs() { using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-ncee")) { PHASE(3); pushScreen(ncee); showstartmenu = false; clearMessages(); } else if(argis("-ncv")) { PHASE(3); shift(); nconf_view(argi()); } else if(argis("-ncvid")) { shift(); rfname = args(); } else return 1; return 0; } auto nhook = addHook(hooks_args, 100, niceArgs) + 0; } }