#include "../hyper.h" // A tool to create smooth manually controlled movement animations in 3D geometries. // Press 'f' to start controlling // 'qweasdzxc' will move the camera and additionally rotate the view a bit (except 's') // 'b' goes back 1 frame, 'e' undoes 30 frames // 'r' starts recording // 1234 change movement speed (see console for details) // 67890 change rotation speed (see console for details) namespace hr { bool saving_positions; int next_pos_tick; vector > saved; bool trailer_turn(int delta) { if(saving_positions) View = cpush(2, -delta/8000.) * cspin(0, 2, (mousex - current_display->xcenter) * delta / -1000000.) * cspin(1, 2, (mousey - current_display->ycenter) * delta / -1000000.) * View; return true; } bool recording; void trailer_frame() { // if(saving_positions || !isize(saved)) if(!recording) queuechr(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, 0, 16, '+', 0xFFFFFFFF); if(saving_positions && ticks > next_pos_tick) { next_pos_tick += 66; saved.emplace_back(View, nisot::local_perspective, hybrid::current_view_level, viewctr); println(hlog, "frames = ", isize(saved)); } } bool keys_on = false; ld stepdist = 0.02; ld stepang = 0.01; bool move_camera(transmatrix T) { for(int it=0; it<5; it++) { saved.emplace_back(View, nisot::local_perspective, hybrid::current_view_level, viewctr); println(hlog, "frames = ", isize(saved)); shift_view(ztangent(-stepdist)); rotate_view(T); } playermoved = false; return true; } namespace solv { pair getcoord(heptagon *h); } bignum bdiff(heptagon *h1, heptagon *h2) { if(h1 == h2) return 0; auto p = bdiff(h1->move(3), h2->move(3)); int d = h1->c.spin(3) - h2->c.spin(3); println(hlog, "d=", d, " p = ", p.get_str(10000)); return p + p + bignum(d); } #define BASE 10 /* void o_addmul(bignum& b0, const bignum& b, int factor) { int K = isize(b.digits); if(K > isize(b0.digits)) b0.digits.resize(K); int carry = 0; for(int i=0; ; i++) { bool cnt = (i 0 && carry < -1) || (carry == -1 && i < isize(b0.digits))); println(hlog, "cnt = ", cnt, " carry = ", carry if(!cnt) break; println(hlog, "i=", i, " carry start=", carry); if(i >= isize(b0.digits)) b0.digits.push_back(0); long long l = b0.digits[i]; l += carry; if(i < K) l += b.digits[i] * factor; carry = 0; if(l >= BASE) carry = l / BASE; if(l < 0) carry = -(BASE-1-l) / BASE; l -= carry * BASE; b0.digits[i] = l; println(hlog, "carry=", carry); } println(hlog, "carry end=", carry); if(carry < 0) b0.digits.back() -= BASE; while(isize(b0.digits) && b0.digits.back() == 0) b0.digits.pop_back(); } */ void get_b4_distance() { heptagon *h1 = currentmap->gamestart()->master; heptagon *h2 = viewctr.at; if(h1->distance != h2->distance) println(hlog, "Z difference: ", h2->distance - h1->distance); else { auto c1 = solv::getcoord(h1); auto c2 = solv::getcoord(h2); println(hlog, "X difference: ", bdiff(c1.first, c2.first).get_str(10000)); println(hlog, "Y difference: ", bdiff(c1.second, c2.second).get_str(10000)); println(hlog, "X difference> ", bdiff(c2.first, c1.first).get_str(10000)); println(hlog, "Y difference> ", bdiff(c2.second, c1.second).get_str(10000)); } } bool trailer_handleKey(int sym, int uni) { if(sym == 'f') { keys_on = !keys_on; println(hlog, "keys_on = ", keys_on); return true; } // println(hlog, "cells_drawn = ", cells_drawn, " cells_generated = ", cells_generated); if(keys_on) { if(sym == 't') { if(!saved.empty()) { println(hlog, "frames = ", isize(saved)); saved.pop_back(); } if(!saved.empty()) { tie(View, nisot::local_perspective, hybrid::current_view_level, viewctr) = saved.back(); } return true; } /* if(sym == 'e') { dialog::editNumber(stepdist, 0, 1, 0.1, 0.1, "", ""); dialog::scaleLog(); } */ if(sym == 's') return move_camera(Id); if(sym == 'a') return move_camera(cspin(0, 2, stepang)); if(sym == 'd') return move_camera(cspin(0, 2, -stepang)); if(sym == 'q') return move_camera(cspin(0, 2, stepang) * cspin(1, 2, stepang)); if(sym == 'w') return move_camera(cspin(1, 2, stepang)); if(sym == 'e') return move_camera(cspin(0, 2, -stepang) * cspin(1, 2, stepang)); if(sym == 'z') return move_camera(cspin(0, 2, stepang) * cspin(1, 2, -stepang)); if(sym == 'x') return move_camera(cspin(1, 2, -stepang)); if(sym == 'c') return move_camera(cspin(0, 2, -stepang) * cspin(1, 2, -stepang)); if(sym == '1') { stepdist = 0; println(hlog, stepdist); return true; } if(sym == '2') { stepdist = 0.01; println(hlog, stepdist); return true; } if(sym == '3') { stepdist = 0.02; println(hlog, stepdist); return true; } if(sym == '4') { stepdist = 0.05; println(hlog, stepdist); return true; } if(sym == '6') { stepang = 0.001; println(hlog, stepang); return true; } if(sym == '7') { stepang = 0.003; println(hlog, stepang); return true; } if(sym == '8') { stepang = 0.01; println(hlog, stepang); return true; } if(sym == '9') { stepang = 0.03; println(hlog, stepang); return true; } if(sym == '0') { stepang = 0.1; println(hlog, stepang); return true; } if(sym == 'p') { get_b4_distance(); return true; } if(sym == SDLK_F4) { saving_positions = !saving_positions; next_pos_tick = ticks; println(hlog, "saving_positions = ", saving_positions); return true; } if(sym == 'b') { saved.pop_back(); tie(View, nisot::local_perspective, hybrid::current_view_level, viewctr) = saved.back(); return true; } if(sym == 'u' && isize(saved) > 40) { for(int i=0; i<30; i++) saved.pop_back(); tie(View, nisot::local_perspective, hybrid::current_view_level, viewctr) = saved.back(); return true; } if(sym == 'r') { recording = true; if(mouseaim_sensitivity) { mouseaim_sensitivity = 0; return true; } if(musicvolume) { musicvolume = 0; Mix_VolumeMusic(0); return true; } saving_positions = false; // vid.cells_drawn_limit = 1000000; int i = 0; shot::take("anim/start.png"); shot::transparent = false; // shot::shotx = 1920; // shot::shoty = 1080; shot::shot_aa = 2; solv::solrange_xy = 30; solv::solrange_z = 6; vid.cells_drawn_limit = 100000; vid.cells_generated_limit = 1000; // sightranges[geometry] = 4; static int lasti = 0; for(auto& p: saved) { // sightranges[geometry] = 4 + i * 2. / isize(saved); tie(View, nisot::local_perspective, hybrid::current_view_level, viewctr) = p; ticks = i * 1000 / 30; if(i < lasti) continue; system("mkdir addons/possaver/"); shot::take(format("extra/possaver/%05d.png", i)); println(hlog, "frame ", i); i++; } lasti = i; recording = false; } } return false; } auto hook = addHook(hooks_handleKey, 100, trailer_handleKey) + addHook(hooks_drawmap, 100, trailer_frame) + addHook(shmup::hooks_turn, 100, trailer_turn) + 0; }