// Hyperbolic Rogue -- set compiler flags, and include all the required system headers // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details #ifdef MAC #define ISMAC 1 #endif #ifdef LINUX #define ISLINUX 1 #endif #ifdef WINDOWS #define ISWINDOWS 1 #endif // OS settings #ifndef ISMAC #define ISMAC 0 #endif #ifndef ISLINUX #define ISLINUX 0 #endif #ifndef ISWINDOWS #define ISWINDOWS 0 #endif #ifndef ISPANDORA #define ISPANDORA 0 #endif #ifndef ISIOS #define ISIOS 0 #endif #ifndef ISANDROID #define ISANDROID 0 #endif #ifndef ISSTEAM #define ISSTEAM 0 #endif #ifndef ISWEB #define ISWEB 0 #endif #ifndef ISFAKEMOBILE #define ISFAKEMOBILE 0 #endif #define ISMOBILE (ISIOS || ISANDROID || ISFAKEMOBILE) #define ISMOBWEB (ISMOBILE || ISWEB) #ifndef ISMINI #define ISMINI 0 #endif #ifndef CAP_XGD #define CAP_XGD (ISANDROID || ISFAKEMOBILE) #endif #define CAP_FRAMELIMIT (!ISMOBWEB) #if ISMOBILE #define EXTERNALFONT #endif #ifndef NOLICENSE #define NOLICENSE ISSTEAM #endif #ifndef CAP_SHADER #define CAP_SHADER CAP_GL #endif #ifndef CAP_ANIMATIONS #define CAP_ANIMATIONS (!CAP_MINI) #endif #ifndef CAP_FILES #define CAP_FILES 1 #endif #ifndef CAP_INV #define CAP_INV 1 #endif #ifndef CAP_ANDROIDSHARE #define CAP_ANDROIDSHARE (ISANDROID) #endif #ifndef CAP_SDL #define CAP_SDL (!ISMOBILE) #endif #ifndef CAP_COMPASS #define CAP_COMPASS ISMOBILE #endif #ifndef CAP_SDLGFX #define CAP_SDLGFX (CAP_SDL && !ISWEB) #endif #ifndef CAP_GL #define CAP_GL (ISMOBILE || CAP_SDL) #endif #ifndef CAP_AUDIO #define CAP_AUDIO ((ISMOBILE || CAP_SDL) && !ISWEB && !ISMINI) #endif #define CAP_GLORNOT (CAP_GL && !ISWEB && !ISIOS) #if ISSTEAM #define CAP_DAILY 1 #endif #ifndef CAP_DAILY #define CAP_DAILY 0 #endif #ifndef CAP_CERTIFY #define CAP_CERTIFY 0 #endif #ifndef CAP_RUG #define CAP_RUG (!ISMINI && CAP_GL) #endif #ifndef CAP_SURFACE #define CAP_SURFACE CAP_RUG #endif #ifndef CAP_EDIT #define CAP_EDIT (CAP_FILES && !ISWEB && !ISMINI) #endif #ifndef CAP_SHOT #define CAP_SHOT (CAP_FILES && (CAP_SVG || CAP_PNG)) #endif #ifndef CAP_ODS #define CAP_ODS 0 #endif #ifndef CAP_TEXTURE #define CAP_TEXTURE (CAP_GL && (CAP_PNG || CAP_SDL_IMG) && !ISMINI) #endif #ifndef CAP_MODEL #define CAP_MODEL (!ISMOBWEB && !ISMINI && CAP_SDLGFX) #endif #ifndef CAP_SAVE #define CAP_SAVE (CAP_FILES && !ISWEB && !ISMINI) #endif #ifndef CAP_CONFIG #define CAP_CONFIG (CAP_FILES && !ISWEB && !ISMINI) #endif #ifndef CAP_TRANS #define CAP_TRANS (!ISWEB && !ISMINI) #endif #ifndef CAP_TOUR #define CAP_TOUR (!ISWEB && !ISMINI) #endif #ifndef CAP_ROGUEVIZ #define CAP_ROGUEVIZ 0 #endif #ifndef CAP_PROFILING #define CAP_PROFILING 0 #endif #define PSEUDOKEY_WHEELDOWN 2501 #define PSEUDOKEY_WHEELUP 2502 #define PSEUDOKEY_RELEASE 2503 #ifndef CAP_PNG #define CAP_PNG (!ISMOBWEB) #endif #ifndef CAP_ORIENTATION #define CAP_ORIENTATION ISMOBILE #endif #ifndef CAP_COMMANDLINE #define CAP_COMMANDLINE (!ISMOBILE) #endif #define CAP_SDLAUDIO (CAP_SDL && CAP_AUDIO) #ifndef CAP_SVG #define CAP_SVG (!ISMOBILE) #endif #ifndef CAP_POLY #define CAP_POLY (CAP_SDLGFX || CAP_GL || CAP_SVG) #endif #define CAP_QUEUE CAP_POLY #define CAP_CURVE CAP_POLY #ifndef CAP_SDLJOY #define CAP_SDLJOY (CAP_SDL && !ISWEB) #endif #ifndef CAP_SDL_IMG #define CAP_SDL_IMG 0 #endif #ifndef CAP_SDLTTF #define CAP_SDLTTF (CAP_SDL && !ISMOBILE && !ISWEB) #endif #define CAP_GLFONT (CAP_GL && !ISMOBILE) #ifndef CAP_TABFONT #define CAP_TABFONT (ISWEB) #endif #ifndef CAP_CREATEFONT #define CAP_CREATEFONT 0 #endif #ifndef CAP_FIXEDSIZE #define CAP_FIXEDSIZE (CAP_CREATEFONT || CAP_TABFONT ? 36 : 0) #endif #ifndef CAP_SHMUP #define CAP_SHMUP 1 #endif #ifndef CAP_BITFIELD #define CAP_BITFIELD (!ISWEB) #endif #ifndef CAP_ACHIEVE #define CAP_ACHIEVE ISSTEAM #endif #ifndef CAP_SHMUP_GOOD #define CAP_SHMUP_GOOD (!ISMOBWEB) #endif #ifndef CAP_BONUS #define CAP_BONUS 0 #endif #ifndef CAP_COMPLEX2 #define CAP_COMPLEX2 CAP_BONUS #endif #ifndef CAP_RACING #define CAP_RACING CAP_BONUS #endif #if ISMOBILE #define EXTRALICENSE "\n\nHyperRogue soundtrack by Shawn Parrotte (http://www.shawnparrotte.com), under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" #undef XEXTRALICENSE #endif #ifndef HYPERPATH #define HYPERPATH "" #endif #if ISWINDOWS #define hyper fake_hyper // avoid "hyper" typedef in <_mingw.h> #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // avoid "rad1" macro in #define NOMINMAX // avoid "min" and "max" macros in #endif #include #if CAP_SDL #include #if !ISMAC #undef main #endif #if CAP_SDLAUDIO #include #endif #if CAP_SDLTTF #include #endif #if CAP_SDLGFX #include #endif #elif !ISFAKEMOBILE #define SDLK_F1 (123001) #define SDLK_F2 (123002) #define SDLK_F3 (123003) #define SDLK_F4 (123004) #define SDLK_F5 (123005) #define SDLK_F6 (123006) #define SDLK_F7 (123007) #define SDLK_F8 (123008) #define SDLK_F9 (123009) #define SDLK_F10 (123010) #define SDLK_ESCAPE (123099) #define SDLK_F12 (123012) #define SDLK_HOME (123013) #define SDLK_LEFT (123014) #define SDLK_RIGHT (123015) #define SDLK_END (123016) #define MIX_MAX_VOLUME 128 #define SDLK_UP (123021) #define SDLK_DOWN (123022) #define SDLK_PAGEUP (123023) #define SDLK_PAGEDOWN (123024) #define SDLK_RETURN (123025) #define SDLK_KP1 (123031) #define SDLK_KP2 (123032) #define SDLK_KP3 (123033) #define SDLK_KP4 (123034) #define SDLK_KP5 (123035) #define SDLK_KP6 (123036) #define SDLK_KP7 (123037) #define SDLK_KP8 (123038) #define SDLK_KP9 (123039) #define SDLK_KP_PERIOD (123051) #define SDLK_KP_MINUS (123053) #define SDLK_DELETE (123052) #define SDLK_DELETE (123052) #define SDLK_KP_ENTER (123054) #define SDLK_BACKSPACE (123055) #define FAKE_SDL typedef int SDL_Event; typedef unsigned int Uint32; #endif #if ISWEB extern "C" { Uint8 *SDL_GetKeyState(void*); } // inline Uint8 *SDL_GetKeyState(void *v) { static Uint8 tab[1024]; return tab; } #endif #ifndef CAP_GLEW #define CAP_GLEW (CAP_GL && !ISMOBILE && !ISMAC && !ISLINUX && !ISWEB) #endif #if CAP_GL #if CAP_GLEW #include #else #define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES 1 #if ISMAC #include #include #include #elif ISIOS // already included #elif ISANDROID #include #include #include #include #define GLES_ONLY #else #include #include #include #endif #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_UNORDERED_MAP #include #else #define unordered_map map #endif #include #if ISWINDOWS #include "direntx.h" #else #include #endif #if CAP_TEXTURE #if CAP_SDL_IMG #include #elif CAP_PNG #include #endif #endif #if CAP_SAVE #include #include #include #endif #if CAP_TIMEOFDAY #include #endif #ifdef BACKTRACE #include #endif #if CAP_SDL union SDL_Event; #endif #if ISWINDOWS #undef hyper // avoid "hyper" typedef in <_mingw.h> #endif #ifndef MINIMIZE_GL_CALLS #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN #define MINIMIZE_GL_CALLS 1 #else #define MINIMIZE_GL_CALLS 0 #endif #endif