// Hyperbolic Rogue -- expansion analyzer // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file expansion.cpp * \brief exponential growth of hyperbolic geometries * * Calculations related to this exponential growth. * Screens which display this exponential growth (e.g. 'size of the world' in geometry experiments) are also implemented here. */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { int subtype(cell *c) { return patterns::getpatterninfo(c, patterns::PAT_NONE, 0).id; } void canonicize(vector<int>& t) { for(int i=2; i<isize(t); i++) if((t[i] & 3) == 1 && (t[i-1] & 3) != 1) std::rotate(t.begin()+1, t.begin()+i, t.end()); } #if HDR struct expansion_analyzer { int sibling_limit; vector<int> gettype(cell *c); int N; vector<cell*> samples; map<vector<int>, int> codeid; vector<vector<int> > children; int rootid, diskid; int coefficients_known; #if CAP_GMP vector<mpq_class> coef; #else vector<int> coef; #endif int valid_from, tested_to; ld growth; int sample_id(cell *c); void preliminary_grouping(); void reduce_grouping(); vector<vector<bignum>> descendants; bignum& get_descendants(int level); bignum& get_descendants(int level, int type); void find_coefficients(); void reset(); expansion_analyzer() { reset(); } string approximate_descendants(int d, int max_length); void view_distances_dialog(); ld get_growth(); private: bool verify(int id); int valid(int v, int step); }; #endif vector<int> expansion_analyzer::gettype(cell *c) { vector<int> res; res.push_back(subtype(c) * 4 + 2); int d = celldist(c); for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c1 = c->cmove(i); int bonus = 0; if(bt::in()) bonus += 16 * (celldistAlt(c1) - celldistAlt(c)); res.push_back(bonus + subtype(c1) * 4 + celldist(c1) - d); } canonicize(res); return res; } int expansion_analyzer::sample_id(cell *c) { auto t = gettype(c); if(codeid.count(t)) return codeid[t]; auto &cit = codeid[t]; cit = isize(samples); samples.push_back(c); return cit; } template<class T, class U> vector<int> get_children_codes(cell *c, const T& distfun, const U& typefun) { vector<int> res; int d = distfun(c); cellwalker cw(c, 0); if(d > 0) { forCellCM(c2, c) if(celldist(cw.peek()) < d) break; else cw++; } for(int k=0; k<c->type; k++) { cell *c1 = cw.cpeek(); cw++; if(distfun(c1) != d+1) continue; cell *c2 = cw.cpeek(); if(distfun(c2) != d+1) continue; res.push_back(typefun(c1)); } return res; } void expansion_analyzer::preliminary_grouping() { samples.clear(); codeid.clear(); children.clear(); if(currentmap->strict_tree_rules()) { N = isize(rulegen::treestates); children.resize(N); rootid = rulegen::rule_root; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) for(int v: rulegen::treestates[i].rules) if(v >= 0) children[i].push_back(v); } else if(reg3::in_rule()) { #if MAXMDIM >= 4 rootid = reg3::rule_get_root(0); auto& chi = reg3::rule_get_children(); N = isize(chi) / S7; children.resize(N); int k = 0; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) for(int j=0; j<S7; j++) { int ck = chi[k]; if(ck < -1) ck += (1<<16); if(ck >= 0) children[i].push_back(ck); k++; } #endif } else { sample_id(currentmap->gamestart()); // queue for, do not change to range-based for for(int i=0; i<isize(samples); i++) children.push_back(get_children_codes(samples[i], celldist, [this] (cell *c) { return sample_id(c); })); N = isize(samples); rootid = 0; } diskid = N; children.push_back(children[rootid]); children[diskid].push_back(diskid); N++; } void expansion_analyzer::reduce_grouping() { if(reg3::in_rule()) return; if(currentmap->strict_tree_rules()) return; int old_N = N; vector<int> grouping; grouping.resize(N); int nogroups = 1; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) grouping[i] = 0; while(true) { vector< pair<vector<int>, int > > childgroups(N); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { childgroups[i].second = i; for(int j: children[i]) childgroups[i].first.push_back(grouping[j]); // sort(childgroups[i].first.begin(), childgroups[i].first.end()); } sort(childgroups.begin(), childgroups.end()); int newgroups = 0; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { if(i == 0 || childgroups[i].first != childgroups[i-1].first) newgroups++; grouping[childgroups[i].second] = newgroups - 1; } if(nogroups == newgroups) break; nogroups = newgroups; } vector<int> groupsample(nogroups, -1); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { int& g = groupsample[grouping[i]]; if(g == -1) g = i; } vector<int> reorder(nogroups); for(int i=0; i<nogroups; i++) reorder[i] = i; sort(reorder.begin(), reorder.end(), [&] (int i, int j) { return groupsample[i] < groupsample[j]; }); vector<int> inv_reorder(nogroups); for(int i=0; i<nogroups; i++) inv_reorder[reorder[i]] = i; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) grouping[i] = inv_reorder[grouping[i]]; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) groupsample[grouping[i]] = i; vector<vector<int>> newchildren(nogroups); for(int i=0; i<nogroups; i++) for(int j: children[groupsample[i]]) newchildren[i].push_back(grouping[j]); children = move(newchildren); for(auto& p: codeid) p.second = grouping[p.second]; N = nogroups; rootid = grouping[rootid]; diskid = grouping[diskid]; for(int g=0; g<old_N; g++) if(grouping[g] != g) descendants.clear(); } template<class T> int size_upto(vector<T>& v, int s) { int res = isize(v); if(res < s) v.resize(s); return res; } bignum& expansion_analyzer::get_descendants(int level) { if(!N) preliminary_grouping(), reduce_grouping(); return get_descendants(level, rootid); } bignum& expansion_analyzer::get_descendants(int level, int type) { if(!N) preliminary_grouping(), reduce_grouping(); auto& pd = descendants; size_upto(pd, level+1); for(int d=0; d<=level; d++) for(int i=size_upto(pd[d], N); i<N; i++) if(d == 0) pd[d][i].be(1); else for(int j: children[i]) pd[d][i] += pd[d-1][j]; return pd[level][type]; } bool expansion_analyzer::verify(int id) { if(id < isize(coef)) return false; #if CAP_GMP mpq_class res = 0; for(int t=0; t<isize(coef); t++) res += coef[t] * get_descendants(id-t-1).as_mpq(); return res == get_descendants(id).as_mpq(); #else long long res = 0; for(int t=0; t<isize(coef); t++) res += coef[t] * get_descendants(id-t-1).approx_ll(); return res == get_descendants(id).approx_ll(); #endif } int expansion_analyzer::valid(int v, int step) { if(step < 0) return 0; int more = reg3::in_rule() ? 1 : 5; #if CAP_GMP == 0 if(get_descendants(step+v+v+more).approx_int() >= bignum::BASE) return 0; typedef ld val; const val unit = 1; #else typedef mpq_class val; const val unit = 1; #endif val matrix[100][128]; for(int i=0; i<v; i++) for(int j=0; j<v+1; j++) #if CAP_GMP == 0 matrix[i][j] = get_descendants(step+i+j).approx_ll(); #else matrix[i][j] = get_descendants(step+i+j).as_mpq(); #endif for(int k=0; k<v; k++) { int nextrow = k; #if CAP_GMP == 0 while(nextrow < v && std::abs(matrix[nextrow][k]) < 1e-6) nextrow++; #else while(nextrow < v && matrix[nextrow][k] == 0) nextrow++; #endif if(nextrow == v) return 1; if(nextrow != k) { // printf("swap %d %d\n", k, nextrow); for(int l=0; l<=v; l++) swap(matrix[k][l], matrix[nextrow][l]); // display(); } val divv = unit / matrix[k][k]; for(int k1=k; k1<=v; k1++) matrix[k][k1] *= divv; // printf("divide %d\n", k); // display(); for(int k1=k+1; k1<v; k1++) if(matrix[k1][k] != 0) { val coef = -matrix[k1][k]; for(int k2=k; k2<=v; k2++) matrix[k1][k2] += matrix[k][k2] * coef; } // printf("zeros below %d\n", k); // display(); } for(int k=v-1; k>=0; k--) for(int l=k-1; l>=0; l--) if(matrix[l][k]) matrix[l][v] -= matrix[l][k] * matrix[k][v]; coef.resize(v); #if CAP_GMP for(int i=0; i<v; i++) coef[i] = matrix[v-1-i][v]; #else for(int i=0; i<v; i++) coef[i] = int(floor(matrix[v-1-i][v] + .5)); #endif for(int t=step+v; t<step+v+v+more; t++) if(!verify(t)) return 2; tested_to = step+v+v+more; while(tested_to < step+v+v+100) { #if !CAP_GMP if(get_descendants(tested_to).approx_ll() >= bignum::BASE2) break; #endif if(!verify(tested_to)) return 2; tested_to++; } valid_from = step+v; return 3; } void expansion_analyzer::find_coefficients() { if(coefficients_known) return; if(!N) preliminary_grouping(), reduce_grouping(); for(int v=1; v<25; v++) for(int step=0; step<3 * v; step++) { int val = valid(v, step); if(val == 0) break; if(val == 3) { coefficients_known = 2; return; } } coefficients_known = 1; } ld growth; ld expansion_analyzer::get_growth() { if(growth >= 1) return growth; if(!N) preliminary_grouping(), reduce_grouping(); vector<ld> eigen(N, 1); ld total; for(int iter=0; iter<100000; iter++) { total = 0; vector<ld> neweigen(N, 0); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { for(int j: children[i]) neweigen[i] += eigen[j]; total += neweigen[i]; } for(int i=0; i<N; i++) eigen[i] = .1 * eigen[i] + .9 * neweigen[i] / total; } return growth = total; } void expansion_analyzer::reset() { N = 0; growth = 0; coefficients_known = 0; samples.clear(); codeid.clear(); children.clear(); coef.clear(); descendants.clear(); } EX int type_in(expansion_analyzer& ea, cell *c, const cellfunction& f) { if(!ea.N) ea.preliminary_grouping(), ea.reduce_grouping(); vector<int> res; res.push_back(subtype(c) * 4 + 2); int d = f(c); for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c1 = c->cmove(i); int bonus = 0; if(bt::in()) bonus += 16 * (celldistAlt(c1) - celldistAlt(c)); res.push_back(bonus + subtype(c1) * 4 + f(c1) - d); } canonicize(res); if(ea.codeid.count(res)) return ea.codeid[res]; int ret = ea.N++; ea.codeid[res] = ret; ea.children.emplace_back(); ea.children[ret] = get_children_codes(c, f, [&ea, &f] (cell *c1) { return type_in(ea, c1, f); }); return ret; } int type_in_quick(expansion_analyzer& ea, cell *c, const cellfunction& f) { vector<int> res; res.push_back(subtype(c) * 4 + 2); int d = f(c); for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c1 = c->cmove(i); int dd = f(c1) - d; if(dd < -1 || dd > 1) return -1; res.push_back(subtype(c1) * 4 + dd); } canonicize(res); if(ea.codeid.count(res)) return ea.codeid[res]; return -1; } EX bool sizes_known() { if(reg3::in_rule()) return true; if(closed_manifold) return false; // Castle Anthrax is infinite if(bt::in()) return false; // not implemented if(arcm::in()) return false; if(kite::in()) return false; if(currentmap->strict_tree_rules()) return true; if(arb::in()) return false; return true; } EX bool trees_known() { return sizes_known() && !(BITRUNCATED && a4 && S7 <= 5); } string expansion_analyzer::approximate_descendants(int d, int max_length) { auto t = SDL_GetTicks(); while(isize(descendants) <= d && SDL_GetTicks() < t + 100) get_descendants(isize(descendants)); if(isize(descendants) > d) return get_descendants(d).get_str(max_length); int v = isize(descendants) - 1; bignum& b = get_descendants(v); if(b.digits.empty()) return "0"; ld log_10 = log(b.digits.back()) / log(10) + 9 * (isize(b.digits) - 1) + (d - v) * log(get_growth()) / log(10); int more_digits = int(log_10); return XLAT("about ") + fts(pow(10, log_10 - more_digits)) + "E" + its(more_digits); } enum eDistanceFrom { dfPlayer, dfStart, dfWorld }; EX string dfnames[3] = { "player", "start", "land" }; eDistanceFrom distance_from = dfPlayer; #if HDR enum eNumberCoding { ncNone, ncDistance, ncType, ncDebug, ncError }; #endif EX string ncnames[5] = { "NO", "distance", "type", "debug", "error" }; EX eNumberCoding number_coding = ncDistance; bool mod_allowed() { return cheater || autocheat || arcm::in() || tour::on; } EX int curr_dist(cell *c) { switch(distance_from) { case dfPlayer: return c->cpdist < INFD ? c->cpdist : celldistance(cwt.at, c); case dfStart: return celldist(c); case dfWorld: if(!mod_allowed() && !among(c->land, laOcean, laIvoryTower, laEndorian, laDungeon, laTemple, laWhirlpool, laCanvas)) return 0; if((isCyclic(c->land) || among(c->land, laCanvas, laCaribbean, laStorms, laRlyeh))) { if(eubinary || c->master->alt) return celldistAlt(c); return UNKNOWN; } return inmirror(c) ? (c->landparam & 255) : c->landparam; } return 0; } int position; EX int type_in_reduced(expansion_analyzer& ea, cell *c, const cellfunction& f) { int a = ea.N; int t = type_in(ea, c, f); auto& expansion = get_expansion(); if(expansion.N != a) { expansion.reduce_grouping(); t = type_in(ea, c, f); } return t; } // which=1 => right, which=-1 => left EX int parent_id(cell *c, int which, const cellfunction& cf) { int d = cf(c)-1; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { if(cf(c->cmove(i)) == d) { int steps = 0; again: if(!which || steps == c->type) return i; int i2 = c->c.fix(i+which); if(cf(c->cmove(i2)) == d) { i = i2; steps++; goto again; } else return i; } } return -1; } // set which=1,bonus=1 to get right neighbor on level EX void generate_around(cell *c) { forCellCM(c2, c) if(c2->mpdist > BARLEV) setdist(c2, BARLEV, c); } EX namespace ts { EX cell *verified_add(cell *c, int which, int bonus, const cellfunction& cf) { int id = parent_id(c, which, cf); if(id == -1) return NULL; return c->cmodmove(id + bonus); } EX cell *verified_add_gen(cell *c, int which, int bonus, const cellfunction& cf) { return verified_add(c, which, bonus, cf); } EX cell *add(cell *c, int which, int bonus, const cellfunction& cf) { int pid = parent_id(c, which, cf); if(pid == -1) pid = 0; return c->cmodmove(pid + bonus); } EX cell *left_of(cell *c, const cellfunction& cf) { int pid = parent_id(c, 1, cf); if(pid == -1) return c; if(valence() == 3) return c->cmodmove(pid+1); else return (cellwalker(c, pid) + wstep - 1).cpeek(); } EX cell *right_of(cell *c, const cellfunction& cf) { int pid = parent_id(c, -1, cf); if(pid == -1) return c; if(valence() == 3) return c->cmodmove(pid-1); else return (cellwalker(c, pid) + wstep + 1).cpeek(); } EX cell *child_number(cell *c, int id, const cellfunction& cf) { int pid = parent_id(c, 1, cf); if(pid == -1) return c->cmove(id); return c->cmodmove(pid + (valence() == 3 ? 2 : 1) + id); } #if HDR inline cell *left_parent(cell *c, const cellfunction& cf) { return verified_add(c, 1, 0, cf); } inline cell *right_parent(cell *c, const cellfunction& cf) { return verified_add(c, -1, 0, cf); } #endif EX } EX bool viewdists = false; EX bool use_color_codes = true; EX bool use_analyzer = true; EX bool show_distance_lists = true; int first_distance = 0, scrolltime = 0; bool scrolling_distances = false; EX map<int, color_t> expcolors; color_t distribute_color(int id) { if(expcolors.count(id)) return expcolors[id]; color_t v = forecolor; // 0xFFFFFF; for(int z=0; z<24; z++) if(id & (1<<z)) part(v, (z%3)) ^= (1<<(7-(z/3))); return v; } EX bool dist_label_colored = true; EX color_t dist_label_color = 0; void celldrawer::do_viewdist() { if(behindsphere(V)) return; int cd = (use_color_codes || number_coding == ncDistance || number_coding == ncDebug) ? curr_dist(c) : 0; if(use_color_codes) { int dc = distcolors[cd]; wcol = gradient(wcol, dc, 0, .4, 1); fcol = gradient(fcol, dc, 0, .4, 1); } string label = ""; int dc = 0xFFD500; switch(number_coding) { case ncDistance: { label = cd == UNKNOWN ? "?" : its(cd); dc = distcolors[cd]; break; } case ncType: { int t = -1; if(reg3::in_rule()) switch(distance_from) { case dfPlayer: t = -1; break; case dfStart: t = c->master->fiftyval; break; case dfWorld: if(c->master->alt) t = c->master->alt->fiftyval; break; } else if(currentmap->strict_tree_rules()) switch(distance_from) { case dfPlayer: t = -1; break; case dfStart: t = c->master->fieldval; break; case dfWorld: if(c->master->alt) t = c->master->alt->fieldval; break; } else t = type_in_reduced(get_expansion(), c, curr_dist); if(t >= 0) label = its(t), dc = distribute_color(t); break; } case ncDebug: { int d = distance_from == dfStart && cwt.at == currentmap->gamestart() && c->cpdist < INFD ? c->cpdist : celldistance(c, distance_from == dfPlayer ? cwt.at : currentmap->gamestart()); dc = (d != cd) ? 0xFF0000 : 0x00FF00; label = its(d); } case ncError: { if(pointer_indices.count(c)) label = index_pointer(c); } case ncNone: ; } if(!dist_label_colored) dc = dist_label_color; // string label = its(fieldpattern::getriverdistleft(c)) + its(fieldpattern::getriverdistright(c)); /* queuepolyat(V, shFloor[ct6], darkena(gradient(0, distcolors[cd&7], 0, .25, 1), fd, 0xC0), PPR::TEXT); */ if(label != "") queuestr(V, (isize(label) > 1 ? .6 : 1), label, 0xFF000000 + dc, 1); } EX void viewdist_configure_dialog() { dialog::init(""); cmode |= sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK | sm::EXPANSION; gamescreen(); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("which distance"), XLAT(dfnames[distance_from]), 'c'); dialog::add_action([] () { distance_from = mod_allowed() ? eDistanceFrom((distance_from + 1) % 3) : eDistanceFrom(2 - distance_from); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("number codes"), XLAT(ncnames[number_coding]), 'n'); dialog::add_action([] () { number_coding = eNumberCoding((number_coding + 1) % (mod_allowed() ? 4 : 2)); }); dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("color codes"), use_color_codes, 'u'); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("display distances from"), its(first_distance), 'd'); dialog::add_action([] () { scrolling_distances = false; dialog::editNumber(first_distance, 0, 3000, 1, 0, XLAT("display distances from"), ""); dialog::bound_low(0); }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("strict tree maps"), currentmap->strict_tree_rules(), 's'); dialog::add_action_push(rulegen::show); int id = 0; using namespace linepatterns; for(auto& lp: {&patTriTree, &patTriRings, &patTriOther}) { dialog::addColorItem(XLAT(lp->lpname), lp->color, '1'+(id++)); dialog::add_action([&lp] () { dialog::openColorDialog(lp->color, NULL); dialog::dialogflags |= sm::MAYDARK | sm::SIDE | sm::EXPANSION; }); } if(!mod_allowed()) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("enable the cheat mode for additional options"), 'C'); dialog::add_action(enable_cheat); } else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addItem(XLAT("disable"), 'x'); dialog::add_action([] () { viewdists = false; popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem(XLAT("move the player"), 'm'); dialog::add_action([] () { show_distance_lists = false; popScreenAll(); }); dialog::addItem(distance_from ? XLAT("show number of descendants by distance") : XLAT("show number of cells by distance"), 'l'); dialog::add_action([] () { show_distance_lists = true; popScreenAll(); }); dialog::display(); } bool is_descendant(cell *c) { if(c == cwt.at) return true; if(curr_dist(c) < curr_dist(cwt.at)) return false; return is_descendant(ts::right_parent(c, curr_dist)); } const int scrollspeed = 100; bool not_only_descendants = false; #if CAP_GMP string produce_coef_formula(vector<mpq_class> coef) { #else string produce_coef_formula(vector<int> coef) { #endif string fmt = "a(d+" + its(isize(coef)) + ") = "; bool first = true; for(int i=0; i<isize(coef); i++) if(coef[i]) { if(first && coef[i] == 1) ; else if(first) fmt += its(coef[i]); else if(coef[i] == 1) fmt += " + "; else if(coef[i] == -1) fmt += " - "; else if(coef[i] > 1) fmt += " + " + its(coef[i]); else if(coef[i] < -1) fmt += " - " + its(-coef[i]); fmt += "a(d"; if(i != isize(coef) - 1) fmt += "+" + its(isize(coef) - 1 - i); fmt += ")"; first = false; } return fmt; } void expansion_analyzer::view_distances_dialog() { static int lastticks; if(scrolling_distances && !closed_manifold) { scrolltime += SDL_GetTicks() - lastticks; first_distance += scrolltime / scrollspeed; scrolltime %= scrollspeed; } lastticks = SDL_GetTicks(); if(first_distance < 0) first_distance = 0; dynamicval<color_t> dv(distcolors[0], forecolor); dialog::init(""); cmode |= sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X | sm::EXPANSION; int maxlen = closed_manifold ? 128 : 16 + first_distance; vector<bignum> qty(maxlen); auto& expansion = get_expansion(); bool really_use_analyzer = use_analyzer && sizes_known(); if(really_use_analyzer) { int t; if(reg3::in_rule() || currentmap->strict_tree_rules()) { if(!N) preliminary_grouping(); t = rootid; } else t = type_in_reduced(expansion, cwt.at, curr_dist); for(int r=0; r<maxlen; r++) qty[r] = expansion.get_descendants(r, t); } else { if(distance_from == dfPlayer) { celllister cl(cwt.at, closed_manifold ? maxlen-1 : gamerange(), 100000, NULL); for(int d: cl.dists) if(d >= 0 && d < maxlen) qty[d]++; } else { celllister cl(cwt.at, closed_manifold ? maxlen-1 : gamerange(), 100000, NULL); for(cell *c: cl.lst) if((not_only_descendants || is_descendant(c)) && curr_dist(c) < maxlen) qty[curr_dist(c)]++; } #if !CAP_GMP if(sizes_known() && !not_only_descendants) { find_coefficients(); if(gamerange()+1 >= valid_from && coefficients_known == 2) { for(int i=gamerange()+1; i<maxlen; i++) for(int j=0; j<isize(coef); j++) { qty[i].addmul(qty[i-1-j], coef[j]); } } } #endif } dialog::addBreak(100 - 100 * scrolltime / scrollspeed); for(int i=first_distance; i<maxlen; i++) if(!qty[i].digits.empty()) dialog::addInfo(its(i) + ": " + qty[i].get_str(100), distcolors[i]); dialog::addBreak(100 * scrolltime / scrollspeed); if(sizes_known() || bt::in()) { if(euclid && !arb::in()) { dialog::addBreak(200); dialog::addInfo("a(d) = " + its(get_descendants(10).approx_int() - get_descendants(9).approx_int()) + "d", forecolor); } else { dialog::addBreak(100); find_coefficients(); if(coefficients_known == 2) { string fmt = produce_coef_formula(coef); fmt += " (d>" + its(valid_from-1) + ")"; dialog::addHelp(fmt); } else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addInfo("Θ(" + fts(get_growth(), 8) + "...ᵈ)", forecolor); } } dialog::addItem(XLAT("scroll"), 'S'); dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure"), 'C'); dialog::display(); } EX void enable_viewdists() { first_distance = 0; scrolltime = 0; viewdists = true; if(!mod_allowed()) { number_coding = ncDistance; distance_from = dfPlayer; } show_distance_lists = true; } bool expansion_handleKey(int sym, int uni) { if((cmode & sm::NORMAL) && viewdists) { if(uni == 'S' && (cmode & sm::EXPANSION)) scrolling_distances = !scrolling_distances; else if(uni == 'C') pushScreen(viewdist_configure_dialog); else if(uni == 'A' && (cmode & sm::EXPANSION)) use_analyzer = !use_analyzer; else if(sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) first_distance = 0, viewdists = false; else return false; return true; } return false; } int expansion_hook = addHook(hooks_handleKey, 0, expansion_handleKey); #if !ISMINI void compute_coefficients() { println(hlog, gp::operation_name(), " ", ginf[geometry].tiling_name); start_game(); auto& expansion = get_expansion(); printf(" sizes:"); for(int i=0; i<expansion.valid_from+10; i++) printf(" %d", expansion.get_descendants(i).approx_int()); printf(" N = %d\n", expansion.N); expansion.find_coefficients(); if(expansion.coefficients_known == 2) { println(hlog, " coefficients:"); for(auto& x: expansion.coef) println(hlog, " ", x); println(hlog, " (tested on %d to %d)\n", expansion.valid_from, expansion.tested_to); } } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE int expansion_readArgs() { using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-vap")) { PHASEFROM(2); start_game(); auto& expansion = get_expansion(); shift(); int radius = argi(); while(true) { string s = expansion.approximate_descendants(radius, 100); printf("s = %s\n", s.c_str()); if(isize(expansion.descendants) >= radius) break; } } else if(argis("-csizes")) { PHASEFROM(2); start_game(); auto& expansion = get_expansion(); expansion.get_growth(); shift(); for(int i=0; i<argi(); i++) printf("%s / %s\n", expansion.get_descendants(i).get_str(1000).c_str(), expansion.get_descendants(i, expansion.diskid).get_str(1000).c_str()); } else if(argis("-csolve")) { PHASEFROM(2); start_game(); auto& expansion = get_expansion(); printf("preliminary_grouping...\n"); expansion.preliminary_grouping(); printf("N = %d\n", expansion.N); for(int i=0; i<expansion.N; i++) { printf("%d:", i); for(int c: expansion.children[i]) printf(" %d", c); printf("\n"); } printf("reduce_grouping...\n"); expansion.reduce_grouping(); printf("N = %d\n", expansion.N); for(int i=0; i<expansion.N; i++) { printf("%d:", i); for(int c: expansion.children[i]) printf(" %d", c); printf("\n"); } println(hlog, "growth = ", expansion.get_growth()); expansion.find_coefficients(); if(expansion.coefficients_known == 2) { println(hlog, " sizes:"); for(int i=0; i<expansion.valid_from+10; i++) println(hlog, "[", i, "] = ", expansion.get_descendants(i).get_str(10000)); println(hlog, " disks:"); for(int i=0; i<expansion.valid_from+10; i++) println(hlog, "[", i, "] = ", expansion.get_descendants(i, expansion.diskid).get_str(10000)); vector<string> disks; for(int i=0; i<expansion.valid_from+10; i++) disks.push_back(expansion.get_descendants(i, expansion.diskid).get_str(10000)); println(hlog, "disks = ", disks); println(hlog, "coefficients: ", expansion.coef); println(hlog, "i.e. ", produce_coef_formula(expansion.coef)); println(hlog, "coefficients tested from ", expansion.valid_from, " to ", expansion.tested_to); } } #if CAP_GP else if(argis("-csolve_tab")) { for(eGeometry geo: {gNormal, gOctagon, g45, g46, g47}) { set_geometry(geo); set_variation(eVariation::pure); compute_coefficients(); set_variation(eVariation::bitruncated); compute_coefficients(); for(int x=1; x<9; x++) for(int y=0; y<=x; y++) { if(x == 1 && y == 0) continue; if(x == 1 && y == 1 && S3 == 3) continue; if(x+y > 10) continue; stop_game(); gp::param = gp::loc(x, y); set_variation(eVariation::goldberg); compute_coefficients(); } } } #endif else if(argis("-expansion")) { cheat(); viewdists = true; shift(); distance_from = (eDistanceFrom) argi(); shift(); number_coding = (eNumberCoding) argi(); shift(); use_color_codes = argi() & 1; use_analyzer = argi() & 2; show_distance_lists = argi() & 4; not_only_descendants = argi() & 8; } else if(argis("-expansion-labelcolor")) { dist_label_colored = false; shift(); dist_label_color = argcolor(24); } else if(argis("-expansion-off")) { viewdists = false; } else return 1; return 0; } auto ea_hook = addHook(hooks_args, 100, expansion_readArgs); #endif #endif EX expansion_analyzer& get_expansion() { if(!cgi.expansion) cgi.expansion = make_shared<expansion_analyzer> (); return *cgi.expansion; } EX void set_sibling_limit() { auto& sibling_limit = get_expansion().sibling_limit; if(0) ; #if CAP_IRR else if(IRREGULAR) sibling_limit = 3; #endif #if CAP_BT else if(bt::in()) sibling_limit = 3; #endif #if CAP_GP else { auto p = gp::univ_param(); sibling_limit = 2 * p.first + p.second; } #else else sibling_limit = PURE ? 2 : 3; #endif } int celldist0(cell *c) { if(bt::in()) return celldistAlt(c); else return celldist(c); } bool in_segment(cell *left, cell *mid, cell *right) { while(true) { if(mid == left) return true; if(left == right) return false; left = ts::right_of(left, celldist0); } } int sibling_distance(cell *a, cell *b, int limit) { int counting = 0; while(true) { if(a == b) return counting; if(limit == 0) return INF; counting++; limit--; a = ts::right_of(a, celldist0); } } /** An algorithm for computing distance between two cells. This algorithm runs correctly in O(d) assuming that: - distances from the origin are known - the set of cells in distance d from the origin forms a cycle - the map is Gromov hyperbolic (with sibling_limit computed correctly) and planar - all vertices have valence <= 4 - each vertex has at most two parents */ EX int hyperbolic_celldistance(cell *c1, cell *c2) { int found_distance = INF; int d = 0, d1 = celldist0(c1), d2 = celldist0(c2), sl_used = 0; auto& sibling_limit = get_expansion().sibling_limit; cell *cl1=c1, *cr1=c1, *cl2=c2, *cr2=c2; while(true) { if(a45 && BITRUNCATED) { // some cells in this tiling have three parents, // making the usual algorithm fail if(d2 == d1+1) { swap(d1, d2); swap(cl1, cl2); swap(c1, c2); swap(cr1, cr2); } auto short_distances = [cl1, cr1, d, &found_distance] (cell *c) { celllister cl(c, 4, 1000, cl1); if(cl.listed(cl1)) found_distance = min(found_distance, d + cl.getdist(cl1)); if(cl.listed(cr1)) found_distance = min(found_distance, d + cl.getdist(cr1)); }; if(d1 <= d2+1) { short_distances(cl2); if(cl2 != cr2) short_distances(cr2); } } if(d >= found_distance) { if(sl_used == sibling_limit && IRREGULAR) { printf("sibling_limit used: %d\n", sibling_limit); sibling_limit++; } return found_distance; } if(d1 == d2) { if(cl1 == c1 && in_segment(cl2, c1, cr2)) return d; if(cl2 == c2 && in_segment(cl1, c2, cr1)) return d; if(valence() == 3) { int dx = min(sibling_distance(cr1, cl2, sibling_limit), sibling_distance(cr2, cl1, sibling_limit)); if(d + dx <= found_distance) { found_distance = d + dx; sl_used = dx; } } else { if(cl1 == cr2 || cr1 == cl2) found_distance = d; } } if(d >= found_distance) { if(sl_used == sibling_limit && IRREGULAR) { printf("sibling_limit used: %d\n", sibling_limit); sibling_limit++; } return found_distance; } if(d1 >= d2) { cl1 = ts::left_parent(cl1, celldist0); cr1 = ts::right_parent(cr1, celldist0); d++; d1--; } if(d1 < d2) { cl2 = ts::left_parent(cl2, celldist0); cr2 = ts::right_parent(cr2, celldist0); d++; d2--; } } } }