// Hyperbolic Rogue -- spherical spaces // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details namespace hr { // --- spherical geometry --- int spherecells() { if(S7 == 5) return (elliptic?6:12); if(S7 == 4) return (elliptic?3:6); if(S7 == 3 && S3 == 4) return (elliptic?4:8); if(S7 == 3) return 4; if(S7 == 2) return (elliptic?1:2); if(S7 == 1) return 1; return 12; } vector siblings; struct hrmap_spherical : hrmap { heptagon *dodecahedron[12]; eVariation mvar; hrmap_spherical() { mvar = variation; for(int i=0; i (S7)); h.s = hsOrigin; h.emeraldval = i; h.zebraval = i; h.fiftyval = i; h.rval0 = h.rval1 = 0; h.alt = NULL; h.cdata = NULL; h.c.fullclear(); h.fieldval = i; if(!IRREGULAR) h.c7 = newCell(S7, &h); } if(S7 == 5) siblings = {1, 0, 10, 4, 3, 8, 9, 11, 5, 6, 2, 7}; else siblings = {1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4}; if(S7 == 3 && S3 == 4) { for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { dodecahedron[i]->move(0) = dodecahedron[i^1]; dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(0, 0, false); dodecahedron[i]->move(1) = dodecahedron[i^2]; dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(1, 1, false); dodecahedron[i]->move(2) = dodecahedron[i^4]; dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(2, 2, false); } for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { int s = (i&1)+((i&2)>>1)+((i&4)>>2); if((s&1) == 1) { swap(dodecahedron[i]->move(1), dodecahedron[i]->move(2)); int a = dodecahedron[i]->c.spin(1); int b = dodecahedron[i]->c.spin(2); dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(1, b, false); dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(2, a, false); dodecahedron[i]->move(1)->c.setspin(b, 1, false); dodecahedron[i]->move(2)->c.setspin(a, 2, false); } } for(int i=0; i<8; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) if(dodecahedron[i]->move(j)->move(dodecahedron[i]->c.spin(j)) != dodecahedron[i]) println(hlog, "8"); } else if(S7 == 4 && elliptic) { for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { int i1 = (i+1)%3; int i2 = (i+2)%3; dodecahedron[i]->move(0) = dodecahedron[i1]; dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(0, 1, false); dodecahedron[i]->move(1) = dodecahedron[i2]; dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(1, 0, false); dodecahedron[i]->move(2) = dodecahedron[i1]; dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(2, 3, true); dodecahedron[i]->move(3) = dodecahedron[i2]; dodecahedron[i]->c.setspin(3, 2, true); } } else for(int i=0; imove(i) = dodecahedron[i+1]; dodecahedron[0]->c.setspin(i, 0, false); dodecahedron[i+1]->move(0) = dodecahedron[0]; dodecahedron[i+1]->c.setspin(0, i, false); dodecahedron[i+1]->move(1) = dodecahedron[(i+S7-1)%S7+1]; dodecahedron[i+1]->c.setspin(1, S7-1, false); dodecahedron[i+1]->move(S7-1) = dodecahedron[(i+1)%S7+1]; dodecahedron[i+1]->c.setspin(S7-1, 1, false); if(S7 == 5 && elliptic) { dodecahedron[i+1]->move(2) = dodecahedron[(i+2)%S7+1]; dodecahedron[i+1]->c.setspin(2, 3, true); dodecahedron[i+1]->move(3) = dodecahedron[(i+3)%S7+1]; dodecahedron[i+1]->c.setspin(3, 2, true); } else if(S7 == 5) { dodecahedron[6]->move(i) = dodecahedron[7+i]; dodecahedron[6]->c.setspin(i, 0, false); dodecahedron[7+i]->move(0) = dodecahedron[6]; dodecahedron[7+i]->c.setspin(0, i, false); dodecahedron[i+7]->move(1) = dodecahedron[(i+4)%5+7]; dodecahedron[i+7]->c.setspin(1, 4, false); dodecahedron[i+7]->move(4) = dodecahedron[(i+1)%5+7]; dodecahedron[i+7]->c.setspin(4, 1, false); dodecahedron[i+1]->move(2) = dodecahedron[7+(10-i)%5]; dodecahedron[i+1]->c.setspin(2, 2, false); dodecahedron[7+(10-i)%5]->move(2) = dodecahedron[1+i]; dodecahedron[7+(10-i)%5]->c.setspin(2, 2, false); dodecahedron[i+1]->move(3) = dodecahedron[7+(9-i)%5]; dodecahedron[i+1]->c.setspin(3, 3, false); dodecahedron[7+(9-i)%5]->move(3) = dodecahedron[i+1]; dodecahedron[7+(9-i)%5]->c.setspin(3, 3, false); } if(S7 == 4) { dodecahedron[5]->move(3-i) = dodecahedron[i+1]; dodecahedron[5]->c.setspin(3-i, 2, false); dodecahedron[i+1]->move(2) = dodecahedron[5]; dodecahedron[i+1]->c.setspin(2, 3-i, false); } } #if CAP_IRR if(IRREGULAR) { irr::link_start(dodecahedron[0]); for(int i=0; i ph(variation, mvar); for(int i=0; i (currentmap); if(!s) return NULL; return s->dodecahedron[i]; } namespace sphere3 { vector vertices120; array vmatrix120; vector adj0; array, 120> js; array dodefaces; hyperpoint zero4; ld norm(hyperpoint a, hyperpoint b) { ld res = 0; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) res += pow(a[i]-b[i], 2); return res; } void gen600() { vertices120.clear(); /// coordinates taken from Wikipedia for(int a=0; a<16; a++) { hyperpoint v = zero4; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) v[i] = ((a >> i) & 1) ? .5 : -.5; vertices120.push_back(v); } for(int i=0; i<4; i++) for(int q: {-1, 1}) { hyperpoint v = zero4; v[i]=q; vertices120.push_back(v); } ld phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2; array coo = {1, phi, 1/phi, 0}; // all permutations array tab; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) tab[i] = i; do { // check the permutation's sign auto tabs = tab; int inv = 0; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) while(tabs[i] != i) { swap(tabs[i], tabs[tabs[i]]); inv++; } if(inv&1) goto again; // 8 vertices for each permutation for(int sg=0; sg<8; sg++) { hyperpoint v; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) v[i] = (((sg >> tab[i])&1) ? 1 : -1) * coo[tab[i]]/2; vertices120.push_back(v); } again: ; } while(std::next_permutation(tab.begin(), tab.end())); if(isize(vertices120) != 120) { printf("error: wrong number of vertices\n"); exit(1); } // we add edges between vertices which are close to each other // ((specifically in distance 1/phi/phi) bool inedge[120][120]; for(int i=0; i<120; i++) for(int j=0; j<120; j++) { ld d = hdist(vertices120[i], vertices120[j]); inedge[i][j] = (i != j) && d < sqrt(.4); } vector cellvertices; for(int i=0; i<120; i++) for(int j=0; j<120; j++) if(inedge[i][j]) for(int k=0; k<120; k++) if(inedge[i][k] && inedge[k][j]) for(int l=0; l<120; l++) if(inedge[i][l] && inedge[j][l] && inedge[k][l]) { array ijkl = {i, j, k, l}; transmatrix T; for(int z=0; z<4; z++) set_column(T, z, vertices120[ijkl[z]]); if(det(T) > 0) js[i] = ijkl; } /* transmatrix src; for(int z=0; z<4; z++) set_column(src, z, vertices120[js[0][z]]); */ for(int i=0; i<120; i++) for(int z=0; z<4; z++) set_column(vmatrix120[i], z, vertices120[js[i][z]]); for(int i=0; i<120; i++) println(hlog, i, ": ", js[i], " -> ", vmatrix120[i]); adj0.clear(); for(int i=0; i<120; i++) if(inedge[0][i]) adj0.push_back(i); using namespace hyperpoint_vec; int id = 0; for(int i=0; i<12; i++) { int ot = adj0[i]; vector pentagon; for(int j: adj0) if(inedge[ot][j]) pentagon.push_back(j); println(hlog, i, ": ", pentagon); int illegal = -1; int at = pentagon[0]; for(int d=0; d<5; d++) { for(int s: pentagon) if(inedge[at][s] && s != illegal) { hyperpoint m = vertices120[0] + vertices120[ot] + vertices120[at] + vertices120[s]; m = mid(m, m); println(hlog, id, ": ", m); dodefaces[id++] = m; illegal = at; at = s; break; } } } printf("id = %d\n", id); } struct hrmap_spherical3 : hrmap { heptagon* cells[120]; hrmap_spherical3() { gen600(); for(int i=0; i<120; i++) { cells[i] = tailored_alloc (12); heptagon& h = *(cells[i]); h.s = hsOrigin; h.emeraldval = i; h.zebraval = i; h.fiftyval = i; h.rval0 = h.rval1 = 0; h.alt = NULL; h.cdata = NULL; h.c.fullclear(); h.fieldval = i; h.c7 = newCell(12, &h); } for(int i=0; i<120; i++) { for(int k=0; k<12; k++) { hyperpoint which = vmatrix120[i] * inverse(vmatrix120[0]) * vertices120[adj0[k]]; for(int s=0; s<120; s++) if(hdist(which, vertices120[s]) < 1e-6) { cells[i]->move(k) = cells[s]; println(hlog, i,".",k, " -> ", s, " ; ", js[i]); } } } for(int i=0; i<120; i++) for(int k=0; k<12; k++) for(int l=0; l<12; l++) if(cells[i]->move(k)->move(l) == cells[i]) cells[i]->c.setspin(k, l, false); } heptagon *getOrigin() { return cells[0]; } ~hrmap_spherical3() { for(int i=0; i<120; i++) tailored_delete(cells[i]); } }; void draw() { auto m = (hrmap_spherical3*) currentmap; int old = viewctr.at->zebraval; for(int i=0; i<120; i++) drawcell(m->cells[i]->c7, View * vmatrix120[0] * inverse(vmatrix120[old]) * vmatrix120[i] * inverse(vmatrix120[0]), 0, false); } transmatrix relative_matrix(heptagon *h2, heptagon *h1) { return vmatrix120[0] * inverse(vmatrix120[h1->zebraval]) * vmatrix120[h2->zebraval] * inverse(vmatrix120[0]); } } }