// Hyperbolic Rogue -- Orb Strategy Mode // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file inventory.cpp * \brief Orb Strategy Mode */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { /** \brief Implementation of the Orb Strategy Mode. * * The most important functions called outside is hr::inv::show(). */ EX namespace inv { #if CAP_INV /** \brief is the Orb Strategy Mode active? */ EX bool on; /** \brief the number of Orbs used up in each type */ EX array usedup; /** \brief the number of Orbs remaining in each type -- it is recalculated based on your treasure and hr::inv::usedup after every move */ EX array remaining; /** \brief extra orbs can be added to OSM using -IX commandline option */ EX array extra_orbs; /** \brief random seed used for hr::inv::invr */ EX int rseed; /** \brief have we used any 'forbidden' orbs? */ EX bool usedForbidden; /** \brief initialize the OSM data for a new game */ EX void init() { rseed = hrandpos(); usedForbidden = false; for(int i=0; i lateextraorbs = { {itPower, itOrbFlash}, {itPower, itOrbSpeed}, {itPower, itOrbAether}, {itPower, itOrbWinter}, {itTrollEgg, itOrbFish}, {itTrollEgg, itOrbStunning}, {itTrollEgg, itOrbLuck}, {itTrollEgg, itOrbLife}, {itTrollEgg, itOrbDigging}, {itTrollEgg, itOrbSpace}, {itFulgurite, itOrbLightning}, {itWindstone, itOrbSpeed}, {itDragon, itOrbDragon}, {itSlime, itOrbFlash}, {itDodeca, itOrbShield}, {itGreenGrass, itOrbHorns}, {itGreenGrass, itOrbShield}, {itGreenGrass, itOrbThorns} }; /** \brief how many orbs can we get from Orb-of-Mirroring orb */ int mirrorqty0(eItem orb) { if(shmup::on && isShmupLifeOrb(orb)) return 3; if(orb == itOrbWater) return 10; if(orb == itOrbSummon) return 9; if(orb == itOrbEmpathy) return 9; if(orb == itOrbMatter) return 9; if(orb == itOrbIntensity) return 8; if(orb == itOrbLuck) return 8; if(orb == itOrbSpace) return 7; if(orb == itOrbWinter) return 6; if(orb == itOrbLife) return 6; if(orb == itOrbLove) return 6; if(orb == itOrbRecall) return 6; if(orb == itOrbDigging) return 6; if(orb == itOrbGravity) return 6; if(orb == itOrbImpact) return 6; if(orb == itOrbTime) return 5; if(orb == itOrbAir) return 5; if(orb == itOrbFish) return 5; if(orb == itOrbStunning) return 5; if(orb == itOrbUndeath) return 5; if(orb == itOrb37) return 5; if(orb == itOrbDomination) return 5; if(orb == itOrbBull) return 5; if(orb == itOrbHorns) return 5; if(orb == itOrbAether) return 4; if(orb == itOrbInvis) return 4; if(orb == itOrbFire) return 4; if(orb == itOrbDragon) return 4; if(orb == itOrbIllusion) return 4; if(orb == itOrbDiscord) return 4; if(orb == itOrbBeauty) return 4; if(orb == itOrbMirror) return 1; return 3; } int mirrorqty(eItem orb) { if(orb == itOrbMirror) return 1; return int(mirrorqty0(orb) * sqrt(1.000001+items[itPower]/20.)); } /** \brief PRNG used for calculating how many Orbs you get for your collected treasure */ std::mt19937 invr; /** \brief initialize hr::inv::invr */ void sirand(int i) { invr.seed(i); } /** \brief get the next random value from hr::inv::invr */ int irand(int i) { return invr() % i; } EX eItem whichorbinfo; EX string orbinfoline, extra; string extraline(eItem it, string s) { return " "+XLAT1(iinf[it].name) + " ("+s+")"; } void gainOrbs(eItem it, eItem o) { int qty = items[it]; if(it == itHolyGrail) { remaining[itOrbIllusion] += qty; if(it == itOrbIllusion) { orbinfoline += XLAT("Unlocked by: %1 in %2", it, landof(it)); orbinfoline += XLAT(" (next at %1)", its(qty+1)); } } else { bool nextfound = false; int fst = (chaosmode ? 5 : 10); if(qty >= fst) remaining[o]++; else { if(whichorbinfo == o) { if(it == itHyperstone) { extra += extraline(it, its(fst)); } else { orbinfoline += XLAT("Unlocked by: %1 in %2", it, landof(it)); orbinfoline += XLAT(" (next at %1)", its(10)); } } nextfound = true; } int last = fst; for(int k=0; k<30 || !nextfound; k++) { int maxstep = chaosmode ? 10 + 2 * k : 15 + 5 * k; if(o == itOrbMirror) maxstep += 5 * (k-1) * (k-2); else maxstep += (k-1) * (k-2); int xnext; if(k >= 30 || o == itOrbMirror) { xnext = last + maxstep/2; last = xnext-1; maxstep = 1; } else xnext = last + 1 + irand(maxstep); if(xnext > qty && !nextfound) { if(whichorbinfo == o) { if(it == itHyperstone) { extra += extraline(it, its(last+maxstep)); } else { orbinfoline += XLAT("Unlocked by: %1 in %2", it, landof(it)); if(maxstep == 1) orbinfoline += XLAT(" (next at %1)", its(last+1)); else orbinfoline += XLAT(" (next at %1 to %2)", its(last+1), its(last + maxstep)); } } nextfound = true; } if(xnext <= qty) remaining[o]++; last = xnext; } } } int nextp2(int i) { int z = 1; while(z <= i) z <<= 1; return z; } void gainMirrors(eItem forwhich) { int qtl = items[forwhich]; while(qtl > 0) qtl >>= 1, remaining[itOrbMirror]++; if(whichorbinfo == itOrbMirror) extra += extraline(forwhich, its(nextp2(items[forwhich]))); } vector offensiveOrbs = { itOrbFlash, itOrbLightning, itOrbPsi, itOrbThorns, itOrbFreedom, itOrbSword, itOrbSword2, itOrbHorns, itOrbDragon, itOrbStunning }; vector elementalOrbs = {itOrbFire, itOrbWater, itOrbDigging, itOrbAir}; vector demonicOrbs = {itOrbFire, itOrbHorns, itOrbSummon}; bool isIn(eItem o, vector& l) { for(auto it: l) if(it == o) return true; return false; } void gainRandomOrbs(vector orblist, eItem which, int each, int reduce) { const int qoff = isize(orblist); for(int i=1; i= nextat) { remaining[orblist[i%qoff]]++; } else { if(isIn(whichorbinfo, orblist)) extra += extraline(which, its(nextat) + "?"); break; } } } void gainGuestOrbs() { for(auto& oi: orbinfos) { if(oi.flags & orbgenflags::OSM_AT10) { eItem it = treasureType(oi.l); int fst = chaosmode ? 5 : 10; if(items[it] >= fst) { remaining[oi.orb]++; } if(whichorbinfo == oi.orb) extra += extraline(it, its(fst)); } } } void gainLove() { if(princess::reviveAt) { remaining[itOrbLove]++; int s = gold(NO_LOVE); int last = princess::reviveAt; for(int k=0;; k++) { int nextstep = 50 + 20 * k; last += nextstep; if(last > s) { if(whichorbinfo == itOrbLove) { orbinfoline += XLAT("Unlocked by: %1 in %2", itSavedPrincess, laPrincessQuest); orbinfoline += XLAT(" (next at %1)", its(last)); } break; } else { last += nextstep; remaining[itOrbLove]++; } } } } void gainLate(eItem tr, eItem orb) { int at = 10 + irand(41); int itr = items[tr]; if(itr >= at) remaining[orb]++; if(whichorbinfo == orb) extra += extraline(tr, itr >= at ? (its(at)+"!") : "10-50"); } /** \brief Compute how many orbs you get for your current treasure. This is called after every move, and should give consistent results */ EX void compute() { extra = ""; orbinfoline = ""; for(int i=0; i= TESTMIRRORED) { remaining[i] += MIRRORED; remaining[i] -= mirrorqty0(eItem(i)); remaining[i] += mirrorqty(eItem(i)); } sirand(rseed); gainGuestOrbs(); gainOrbs(itShard, itOrbMirror); gainOrbs(itHyperstone, itOrbMirror); gainOrbs(itDiamond, itOrbFlash); gainOrbs(itGold, itOrbLife); gainOrbs(itSpice, itOrbShield); gainOrbs(itRuby, itOrbLightning); gainOrbs(itElixir, itOrbSpeed); gainOrbs(itBone, itGreenStone); gainOrbs(itHell, itOrbYendor); gainOrbs(itStatue, itOrbTeleport); gainOrbs(itFeather, itOrbSafety); gainOrbs(itSapphire, itOrbMorph); gainOrbs(itFernFlower, itOrbThorns); gainOrbs(itWine, itOrbAether); gainOrbs(itSilver, itOrbDigging); gainOrbs(itRoyalJelly, itOrbInvis); gainOrbs(itEmerald, itOrbPsi); gainOrbs(itPower, itOrbFire); gainOrbs(itHolyGrail, itOrbIllusion); gainOrbs(itGrimoire, itOrbDragon); gainOrbs(itPirate, itOrbTime); gainOrbs(itRedGem, itOrbSpace); gainOrbs(itBombEgg, itOrbFriend); gainOrbs(itCoast, itOrbEmpathy); gainOrbs(itWhirlpool, itOrbWater); gainOrbs(itPalace, itOrbDiscord); gainOrbs(itFjord, itOrbFish); gainOrbs(itSavedPrincess, itOrbLove); gainOrbs(itIvory, itOrbMatter); gainOrbs(itZebra, itOrbFrog); gainOrbs(itElemental, itOrbSummon); gainOrbs(itFulgurite, itOrbStunning); gainOrbs(itMutant, itOrbLuck); gainOrbs(itMutant2, itOrbFreedom); gainOrbs(itLotus, itOrbUndeath); gainOrbs(itWindstone, itOrbAir); gainOrbs(itRose, itOrbBeauty); gainOrbs(itCoral, itOrb37); gainOrbs(itBabyTortoise, itOrbShell); gainOrbs(itApple, itOrbEnergy); gainOrbs(itDragon, itOrbDomination); gainOrbs(itKraken, itOrbSword); gainOrbs(itBarrow, itOrbSword2); gainOrbs(itTrollEgg, itOrbStone); gainOrbs(itSlime, itOrbRecall); gainOrbs(itAmethyst, itOrbNature); gainOrbs(itDodeca, itOrbDash); gainOrbs(itGreenGrass, itOrbBull); gainOrbs(itBull, itOrbHorns); if(items[itOrbYendor]) remaining[itOrbMirror]++; gainMirrors(itOrbYendor); gainMirrors(itHolyGrail); gainLove(); gainRandomOrbs(offensiveOrbs, itBone, 25, 0); gainRandomOrbs(elementalOrbs, itElemental, 12, 0); gainRandomOrbs(demonicOrbs, itHell, 20, 100); gainOrbs(itLavaLily, itOrbLava); gainOrbs(itHunting, itOrbSide3); gainOrbs(itBlizzard, itOrbWinter); gainOrbs(itTerra, itOrbSide1); for(auto& it: lateextraorbs) gainLate(it.treasure, it.orb); gainOrbs(itGlowCrystal, itOrbSide2); gainOrbs(itSwitch, itOrbPhasing); gainOrbs(itMagnet, itOrbMagnetism); gainOrbs(itRuins, itOrbSlaying); gainOrbs(itWest, itOrbGravity); gainOrbs(itVarTreasure, itOrbIntensity); gainOrbs(itBrownian, itOrbChoice); gainOrbs(itFrog, itOrbImpact); gainOrbs(itWet, itOrbPlague); gainOrbs(itEclectic, itOrbChaos); #if CAP_DAILY daily::gifts(); #endif if(items[itOrbLove] && !items[itSavedPrincess]) items[itSavedPrincess] = 1; int& r = remaining[itGreenStone]; if(items[itBone] >= 0) { for(int i=0; i= TESTMIRRORED) r -= (MIRRORED - mirrorqty0(eItem(i))); } } items[itGreenStone] += r; usedup[itGreenStone] += r; r = 0; if(shmup::on) for(int i=0; i orbmap; string orbkeys = "zfwplSetsTaMIYgCcPOWAFydLGRUkouE.,bVNxDjJZnrvhBm!23456789@#$%"; typedef pair pxy; vector orbcoord; int sq(pxy p) { int zz = (2*p.first+p.second)*(2*p.first+p.second) + 3*p.second*p.second; zz *= 20; zz += abs(p.second); zz *= 20; zz += abs(p.first); zz *= 4; zz += (p.first>0)*2+(p.second>0); return zz; } bool plain; eItem which; bool mirroring; EX const char* helptext = "You are playing in the Orb Strategy Mode. Collecting treasure " "gives you access to magical Orb powers. In this mode, " "unlocking requirements are generally higher, and " "several quests and lands " "give you extremely powerful Orbs of the Mirror.\n"; void evokeBeautyAt(cell *c) { forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->monst && !isFriendly(c2->monst) && !isIvy(c2->monst)) { c2->stuntime += 3; checkStunKill(c2); } } void evokeOrb(eItem it) { if(it == itOrbFreedom) for(int i=0; imonst)) evokeBeautyAt(c); } if(it == itOrbDigging) { forCellCM(c2, cwt.at) { earthFloor(c2); if(c2->wall == waCavewall && !c2->monst) c2->wall = waNone; } } if(it == itOrbSword || it == itOrbSword2) { for(int i=0; i= TESTMIRRORED) s += XLAT(" (mirrored)"), us = us - MIRRORED + mirrorqty0(orb); if(us) s += XLAT(" (used %1 times)", its(us)); return s; } EX bool activating; /** \brief show the OSM Orb screen */ EX void show() { multi::cpid = 0; /* just in case */ if(remaining[itOrbSword]) items[itOrbSword]++; if(remaining[itOrbSword2]) items[itOrbSword2]++; gamescreen(2); if(remaining[itOrbSword]) items[itOrbSword]--; if(remaining[itOrbSword2]) items[itOrbSword2]--; cmode = sm::CENTER; orbcoord.clear(); for(int y=-3; y<=3; y++) for(int x=-5; x<=5; x++) if(x+y<=5 && x+y >= -5 && (x||y)) orbcoord.emplace_back(x,y); sort(orbcoord.begin(), orbcoord.end(), [](pxy p1, pxy p2) { return sq(p1) < sq(p2); }); ld rad = min(vid.xres, vid.yres) / 20; ld rad3 = int(rad * sqrt(3)); compute(); orbmap.clear(); which = itNone; if(plain) dialog::init(XLAT(mirroring ? "mirror what?" : "inventory"), forecolor, 150, 100); int j = 0, oc = 6; if(1) { dynamicval pm(pmodel, flat_model()); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // dynamicval v(vid, vid); // pconf.alpha = vid.scale = 1; dynamicval va(pconf.alpha, 1); dynamicval vs(pconf.scale, 1); dynamicval vc(pconf.camera_angle, 0); calcparam(); for(int i=0; ixcenter + 2*rad*pos.first + rad*pos.second; ld py = current_display->ycenter + pos.second * rad3; int icol = iinf[o].color; if(!remaining[i]) icol = gradient(icol, 0, 0, .5, 1); bool gg = graphglyph(); if(!hiliteclick) { if(gg) { initquickqueue(); transmatrix V = atscreenpos(px, py, rad*2); drawItemType(o, NULL, V, icol, ticks/3 + i * 137, false); quickqueue(); } int tcol = remaining[i] ? darkenedby(icol, 1) : 0; if(remaining[i] != 1 || !gg) displaystr(px, py, 2, gg?rad:rad*3/2, remaining[i] <= 0 ? "X" : remaining[i] == 1 ? "o" : its(remaining[i]), tcol, 8); } bool b = hypot(mousex-px, mousey-py) < rad; if(b) { getcstat = c, which = o; } } } } } } if(plain) { dialog::addBreak(750); dialog::addItem(XLAT("help"), SDLK_F1); dialog::addItem(XLAT("return to the game"), 'i'); dialog::display(); which = orbmap[getcstat]; } else { if(which == itNone) { displaystr(vid.xres/2, vid.fsize*2, 2, vid.fsize*2, XLAT("Which orb to use?"), 0xC0C0C0, 8); } else { int icol = iinf[which].color; displaystr(vid.xres/2, vid.fsize*2, 2, vid.fsize*2, XLAT1(iinf[which].name), icol, 8); if(mirroring) displaystr(vid.xres/2, vid.fsize*4, 2, vid.fsize, usedup[which] >= TESTMIRRORED ? XLAT("already mirrored") : XLAT("Uses to gain: %1", its(mirrorqty(which))), icol, 8); else { whichorbinfo = which; compute(); displaystr(vid.xres/2, vid.fsize*4, 2, vid.fsize, orbinfoline, icol, 8); if(extra != "") displaystr(vid.xres/2, vid.fsize*5, 2, vid.fsize, XLAT("Extras:")+extra, icol, 8); } if(remaining[which] != 1 || usedup[which]) { displaystr(vid.xres/2, vid.yres - vid.fsize*6, 2, vid.fsize, osminfo(which), icol, 8); } #if ISMOBILE==0 string hot = XLAT1("Hotkey: "); hot += getcstat; displaystr(vid.xres/2, vid.yres - vid.fsize*5, 2, vid.fsize, hot, icol, 8); #endif eLand pl = getPrizeLand(); eOrbLandRelation olr = getOLR(which, pl); color_t col = 0; const char *fmsg = NULL; if(olr == olrDangerous) col = 0xC00000, fmsg = "Using %the1 in %the2 sounds dangerous..."; else if(olr == olrUseless) col = 0xC00000, fmsg = "%The1 is mostly useless in %the2..."; else if(olr == olrForbidden) col = 0x804000, fmsg = "%The1 is forbidden in %the2 (disables some achievements)"; if(fmsg) displaystr(vid.xres/2, vid.yres - vid.fsize*4, 2, vid.fsize, XLAT(fmsg, which, pl), col, 8); } } dialog::displayPageButtons(3, 0); mouseovers = ""; keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { if(plain) dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); if(orbmap.count(uni)) { eItem orb = orbmap[uni]; if(remaining[orb] <= 0) ; else if(orb == itOrbMirror) { mirroring = !mirroring; // an amusing message if(remaining[itOrbMirror] >= 2 && !mirroring) addMessage(XLAT("You mirror %the1.", orb)); if(mirroring) { bool next = false; forCellEx(c2, cwt.at) if(c2->wall == waMirror || c2->wall == waCloud || c2->wall == waMirrorWall) next = true; if(!next) { addMessage(XLAT("You need to stand next to a magic mirror or cloud to use %the1.", itOrbMirror)); mirroring = false; } } } else if(mirroring) { if(usedup[orb] >= TESTMIRRORED) { addMessage(XLAT("Each orb type can be mirrored only once.")); mirroring = false; } else if(remaining[orb] > 0) { usedup[itOrbMirror]++; usedup[orb] += MIRRORED; usedup[orb] -= mirrorqty0(orb); addMessage(XLAT("You mirror %the1.", orb)); mirroring = false; } else mirroring = false; } else if((isHaunted(cwt.at->land) || cwt.at->land == laDungeon) && orb == itOrbSafety) { addMessage(XLAT("This would only move you deeper into the trap!")); } else { eItem it = cwt.at->item; cwt.at->item = orbmap[uni]; inv::activating = true; collectItem(cwt.at, true); inv::activating = false; addMessage(XLAT("You activate %the1.", orbmap[uni])); if(!cwt.at->item) usedup[orbmap[uni]]++; if(getOLR(it, getPrizeLand()) == olrForbidden) usedForbidden = true; cwt.at->item = it; evokeOrb(orbmap[uni]); checkmove(); popScreenAll(); } } else if(uni == '1') plain = !plain; else if(sym == SDLK_F1) gotoHelp(which ? generateHelpForItem(which) : XLAT(helptext)); else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) { if(mirroring) mirroring = false; popScreen(); } }; } #if CAP_SAVE EX void applyBox(eItem it) { scores::applyBoxNum(inv::usedup[it]); } #endif EX int incheck; EX void check(int delta) { incheck += delta; for(int i=0; i