#include "rogueviz.h" /* used for https://youtu.be/KxjnibOkuLs you need the models from https://renderpeople.com/free-3d-people/ (and convert them to the Wavefront OBJ format) -geo 120c -canvas 1 -noplayer camspd=.1 */ namespace hr { namespace backhead { int view_model_id = 0; int camera_model = 1; using namespace rogueviz::objmodels; map<int, model> models; tf_result person_tf(hyperpoint h) { return {0, direct_exp(h*5)}; } ld smoothen(ld x) { return x*x*(3-2*x); } ld cm = 0.08 / 160; bool use_camera; transmatrix eyematrix(int id) { transmatrix S = Id; int i = 0; if(id == 1) for(ld val: {-0.997647,0.00073308,-0.0685486,7.63928e-05,0.0147183,-0.971198,-0.224516,0.0784166,-0.0669523,-0.224937,0.972022,0.00970247,-0.000429702,0.0785862,0.00820562,0.996873}) S[0][i++] = val; if(id == 0) for(ld val: {-0.976869,0.119464,-0.17719,-0.00766071,-0.0534002,-0.935386,-0.339797,0.0820953,-0.207062,-0.322171,0.923596,0.0173391,0.000492418,0.0835894,0.0105615,0.996444}) S[0][i++] = val; return S; } ld back = 0; bool do_anim = false; int tf; vector<string> captions = { "as seen by another person", "changing the view...", "L/R", "downward", "upwards", "back" }; EX bool ourStats() { /* if(tf < 0 || tf >= 5) { println(hlog, "tf=", tf); tf = gmod(tf, 5); } println(hlog, "displaying tf = ", tf); displayfr(10, 10 + 7 * vid.fsize, 2, vid.fsize * 7, captions[tf], 0xFFFFFF, 0); nohelp = true; nomenukey = true; clearMessages(); glflush(); println(hlog, "done?"); */ return true; } void face_animation() { if(!do_anim) return; ld t = ticks / anims::period; t = t - floor(t); t *= 2; view_model_id = (t >= 1 ? 0 : 1); camera_model = 1 - view_model_id; if(t>=1) t -= 1; t *= 4.5; if(t < 1) { if(t < .7) t /= .7; else t = (t-.7) / .3 + 1; } else t++; // t *= 5; tf = t; t -= tf; View = Id; ld up = view_model_id == 0 ? 82 : 90; ld down = view_model_id == 1 ? 65 : 70; up -= 15; down -= 15; tie(up, down) = make_pair(-down, -up); if(tf == 0) { View = cspin(0, 2, 360 * degree * smoothen(t)) * View; View = zpush(-0.1) * View; View = cspin180(0, 2) * View; back = 0; } else if(tf == 1) { View = zpush(-0.1 * (1-smoothen(t))) * View; if(t > .9) back = -0.1 * smoothen(10*t-9); View = cspin180(0, 2) * View; } else if(tf == 2) { View = cspin(0, 2, 75._deg*sin(TAU*smoothen(t))) * View; } else if(tf == 3) { View = cspin(1, 2, up*degree*smoothen(t)) * View; } else if(tf == 4) { View = cspin(1, 2, degree*(up-(up+down)*smoothen(t))) * View; } else if(tf == 5) { View = cspin(1, 2, degree*-down*(1-smoothen(t*2))) * View; } use_camera = tf <= 1; sightranges[geometry] = use_camera ? 30 : 100; if(tf == 5) sightranges[geometry] = 100 - 70 * smoothen(t*2); anims::moved(); hide_hud = false; } bool draw_ply() { if(models.empty()) { models[0] = model("rogueviz/models/", "dennis.obj", person_tf); models[1] = model("rogueviz/models/", "mei.obj", person_tf); } shiftmatrix Zero = ggmatrix(currentmap->gamestart()); Zero = Zero * eyematrix(view_model_id); println(hlog, Zero); models[view_model_id].render(Zero); if(use_camera) models[camera_model].render(shiftless(eyematrix(camera_model) * zpush(back))); return false; } auto plyhook = addHook(hooks_frame, 100, draw_ply) + addHook(anims::hooks_anim, 100, face_animation) + addHook(hooks_args, 100, [] { using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-head-swap")) { swap(view_model_id, camera_model); } else if(argis("-head-anim")) { do_anim = !do_anim; } else return 1; return 0; }) + addHook(hooks_prestats, 100, ourStats) ; } }