// Hyperbolic Rogue -- main header file // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file hyper.h * \brief The main header file of HyperRogue * * Contains general utility macros, various value macros, using clauses for standard library functions, * implementation of the basic connection_table, walker, cell and heptagon classes, * and general routines which did not fit elsewhere */ #ifndef _HYPER_H_ #define _HYPER_H_ // version numbers #define VER "11.2o" #define VERNUM_HEX 0xA80F #include "sysconfig.h" #include "classes.h" #include #include "hyper_function.h" namespace hr { struct always_false { operator bool() const { return false; }; bool operator = (bool b) const { return b; }; }; template void ignore(T&&) { // placate GCC's overzealous -Wunused-result } template bool among(T x, V y) { return x == y; } template bool among(T x, V y, U... u) { return x==y || among(x,u...); } // functions and types used from the standard library using std::vector; using std::map; using std::array; using std::unordered_map; using std::sort; using std::multimap; using std::set; using std::string; using std::pair; using std::tuple; using std::shared_ptr; using std::make_shared; using std::min; using std::max; using std::make_pair; using std::tie; using std::queue; using std::swap; using std::complex; using std::reverse; using std::real; using std::imag; using std::stable_sort; using std::out_of_range; using std::get; using std::move; using std::make_tuple; using std::unique_ptr; using std::abs; using std::isfinite; using std::isnan; using std::isinf; using std::log; using std::exp; using std::sin; using std::cos; using std::sinh; using std::asin; using std::acos; using std::tan; using std::atan; using std::atan2; using std::tanh; using std::sqrt; using std::pow; using std::floor; using std::ceil; #ifndef NO_STD_HYPOT using std::hypot; using std::asinh; using std::acosh; #endif struct hr_exception: std::exception { hr_exception() {} }; struct hr_shortest_path_exception: hr_exception { }; // genus (in grammar) #define GEN_M 0 #define GEN_F 1 #define GEN_N 2 #define GEN_O 3 // Add a message to the GUI. // If multiple messages appear with the same spamtype != 0, the older ones disappear quickly void addMessage(string s, char spamtype = 0); // geometry-dependent constants #define cginf ginf[geometry] #define ALPHA (M_PI*2/S7) #define S7 cginf.sides #define S3 cginf.vertex #define hyperbolic_37 (S7 == 7 && S3 == 3 && !binarytiling && !archimedean) #define hyperbolic_not37 ((S7 > 7 || S3 > 3 || binarytiling || archimedean) && hyperbolic) #define weirdhyperbolic ((S7 > 7 || S3 > 3 || !STDVAR || binarytiling || archimedean) && hyperbolic) #define stdhyperbolic (S7 == 7 && S3 == 3 && STDVAR && !binarytiling && !archimedean) #define cgflags cginf.flags #define binarytiling (cgflags & qBINARY) #define archimedean (cgflags & qARCHI) #define cryst (cgflags & qCRYSTAL) #define penrose (cgflags & qPENROSE) /** convenience flag for geometries with major aspects missing */ #define experimental (cgflags & qEXPERIMENTAL) // these geometries do not feature alternate structures for horocycles #define eubinary (euclid || binarytiling || cryst || nil) #define cgclass (cginf.cclass) #define euclid (cgclass == gcEuclid) #define sphere (cgclass == gcSphere) #define solnih (cgclass == gcSolNIH) #define sol (cgflags & qSOL) #define nih (cgflags & qNIH) #define nil (cgclass == gcNil) #define sl2 (cgclass == gcSL2) #define prod (cgclass == gcProduct) #define hybri (cgflags & qHYBRID) #define hyperbolic (cgclass == gcHyperbolic) #define nonisotropic (sol || nil || sl2 || nih) #define translatable (euclid || nonisotropic) #define nonorientable (cgflags & qNONORIENTABLE) #define elliptic (cgflags & qELLIPTIC) #define quotient (cgflags & qANYQ) #define smallbounded (cgflags & qSMALL) #define bounded (cgflags & qBOUNDED) // Dry Forest burning, heat transfer, etc. are performed on the whole universe #define doall (bounded) #define sphere_narcm (sphere && !archimedean) #define a4 (S3 == 4) #define a45 (S3 == 4 && S7 == 5) #define a46 (S3 == 4 && S7 == 6) #define a47 (S3 == 4 && S7 == 7) #define a457 (S3 == 4 && S7 != 6) #define a467 (S3 == 4 && S7 >= 6) #define a38 (S3 == 3 && S7 == 8) #define sphere4 (sphere && S7 == 4) #define stdeuc (geometry == gNormal || geometry == gEuclid || geometry == gEuclidSquare) #define smallsphere (sphere_narcm && S7 < 5) #define bigsphere (sphere_narcm && S7 == 5) #define euclid4 (euclid && WDIM == 2 && a4) #define euclid6 (euclid && WDIM == 2 && !a4) #define S6 (S3*2) #define MAX_S3 4 #define SG6 (S3==3?6:4) #define SG3 (S3==3?3:2) #define SG2 (S3==3?2:1) #define GOLDBERG (variation == eVariation::goldberg) #define IRREGULAR (variation == eVariation::irregular) #define PURE (variation == eVariation::pure) #define BITRUNCATED (variation == eVariation::bitruncated) #define DUAL (variation == eVariation::dual) #define DUALMUL (DUAL ? 2 : 1) #define CHANGED_VARIATION (variation != cginf.default_variation) #define STDVAR (PURE || BITRUNCATED) #define NONSTDVAR (!STDVAR) #if CAP_ARCM #define VALENCE (BITRUNCATED ? 3 : archimedean ? arcm::valence() : S3) #else #define VALENCE (BITRUNCATED ? 3 : S3) #endif #define NUMWITCH 7 // achievements #define LB_YENDOR_CHALLENGE 40 #define LB_PURE_TACTICS 41 #define NUMLEADER 82 #define LB_PURE_TACTICS_SHMUP 49 #define LB_PURE_TACTICS_COOP 50 #define LB_RACING 81 #if ISMOBILE || ISWEB || ISPANDORA || 1 typedef double ld; #define LDF "%lf" #define PLDF "lf" #else typedef long double ld; #define LDF "%Lf" #define PLDF "Lf" #endif typedef complex cld; struct charstyle { int charid; color_t skincolor, haircolor, dresscolor, swordcolor, dresscolor2, uicolor, eyecolor; bool lefthanded; }; enum eStereo { sOFF, sAnaglyph, sLR, sODS }; struct videopar { ld scale, alpha, sspeed, mspeed, yshift, camera_angle; ld ballangle, ballproj, euclid_to_sphere, twopoint_param, fisheye_param, stretch, binary_width, fixed_facing_dir; int mobilecompasssize; int radarsize; // radar for 3D geometries ld radarrange; int aurastr, aurasmoothen; bool fixed_facing; bool fixed_yz; bool use_wall_radar; int linequality; bool full; int graphglyph; // graphical glyphs bool darkhepta; int shifttarget; int xres, yres, framelimit; int xscr, yscr; ld xposition, yposition; bool grid; bool particles; int fsize; int flashtime; int wallmode, monmode, axes; bool axes3; bool revcontrol; int msgleft, msglimit; bool usingGL; int antialias; #define AA_NOGL 1 #define AA_VERSION 2 #define AA_LINES 4 #define AA_POLY 8 #define AA_LINEWIDTH 16 #define AA_FONT 32 #define AA_MULTI 64 #define AA_MULTI16 128 // not configurable ld linewidth; ld multiplier_grid, multiplier_ring; int joyvalue, joyvalue2, joypanthreshold; ld joypanspeed; charstyle cs; bool samegender; // same gender for the Princess? int language; bool backeffects; // background particle effects int killreduction, itemreduction, portreduction; int steamscore; bool drawmousecircle; // draw the circle around the mouse bool skipstart; // skip the start menu bool quickmouse; // quick mouse on the map bool sloppy_3d; // make 3D faster but ugly int timeformat; // time format used in the message log int use_smart_range; // 0 = distance-based, 1 = model-based, 2 = model-based and generate ld smart_range_detail;// minimum visible cell for modes 1 and 2 ld smart_range_detail_3;// minimum visible cell in 3D (for mode 2, there is no mode 1) int cells_drawn_limit; int cells_generated_limit; // limit on cells generated per frame ld skiprope; eStereo stereo_mode; ld ipd; ld lr_eyewidth, anaglyph_eyewidth; ld fov; bool consider_shader_projection; int desaturate; int texture_step; bool always3; // always use the 3D engine ld depth; // world level below the plane ld camera; // camera level above the plane ld wall_height, creature_scale, height_width; eModel vpmodel; ld lake_top, lake_bottom; ld rock_wall_ratio; ld human_wall_ratio; int tc_alpha, tc_depth, tc_camera; ld highdetail, middetail; bool gp_autoscale_heights; ld eye; bool auto_eye; ld collignon_parameter; bool collignon_reflected; ld plevel_factor; bool bubbles_special, bubbles_threshold, bubbles_all; }; extern videopar vid; #define WDIM cginf.g.gameplay_dimension #define GDIM cginf.g.graphical_dimension #define MDIM cginf.g.homogeneous_dimension #define LDIM (MDIM-1) #define cclass g.kind #define self (*this) #define MODFIXER (2*10090080*17) #define BUGCOLORS 3 #define big_unlock (inv::on && !chaosmode) // land completion for shared unlocking #define U5 (big_unlock ? 10 : 5) // land completion for advanced unlocking #define U10 (big_unlock ? 25 : 10) // land completion #define R10 (big_unlock ? 50 : 10) // intermediate lands #define R30 (big_unlock ? 100 : 30) // advanced lands #define R60 (big_unlock ? 200 : 60) // advanced lands II #define R90 (big_unlock ? 300 : 90) // Crossroads IV #define R200 (big_unlock ? 800 : 200) // Crossroads V #define R300 (big_unlock ? 1200 : 300) // kill types for Dragon Chasms #define R20 (big_unlock ? 30 : 20) // kill count for Graveyard/Hive #define R100 (big_unlock ? 500 : 100) // size casted to int, to prevent warnings and actual errors caused by the unsignedness of x.size() template int isize(const T& x) {return x.size(); } // game forward declarations namespace anticheat { extern bool tampered; } #define HRANDMAX 0x7FFFFFFF struct movedir { int d; // non-negative numbers denote 'rotate +d steps and act in this direction // negative numbers have the following meanings (warning: not used consistently): #define MD_WAIT (-1) #define MD_DROP (-2) #define MD_UNDECIDED (-3) #define MD_USE_ORB (-4) int subdir; // for normal movement (0+): turn left or right struct cell *tgt; // for MD_USE_ORB: target cell }; // shmup template class hookset : public map> {}; typedef hookset *purehookset; static const int NOHINT = -1; typedef function reaction_t; typedef function bool_reaction_t; #define HELPFUN(x) (help_delegate = x, "HELPFUN") typedef function cellfunction; // passable flags #define SAGEMELT .1 #define TEMPLE_EACH (among(geometry, gHoroRec, gHoroHex, gKiteDart3) ? 3 : sol ? 6 : (WDIM == 3 && binarytiling) ? 2 : geometry == gSpace435 ? 4 : (WDIM == 3 && hyperbolic) ? 3 : (S3 == OINF) ? 4 : 6) #define PT(x, y) ((tactic::on || quotient == 2 || daily::on) ? (y) : inv::on ? min(2*(y),x) : (x)) #define ROCKSNAKELENGTH 50 #define WORMLENGTH 15 #define PRIZEMUL 7 #define INF 9999 #define INFD 60 #define PINFD 125 #ifndef BARLEV #define BARLEV ((ISANDROID||ISIOS||ISFAKEMOBILE||getDistLimit()<7)?(getDistLimit()<4?8:9):10) #endif #define BUGLEV 15 // #define BARLEV 9 #define YDIST 101 #define MODECODES (1ll<<61) #define GUNRANGE 3 // loops #define fakecellloop(ct) for(cell *ct = (cell*)1; ct; ct=NULL) #define forCellIdAll(ct, i, cf) fakecellloop(ct) for(int i=0; i<(cf)->type && (ct=(cf)->move(i),true); i++) #define forCellIdCM(ct, i, cf) fakecellloop(ct) for(int i=0; i<(cf)->type && (ct=createMov((cf),i),true); i++) #define forCellIdEx(ct, i, cf) forCellIdAll(ct,i,cf) if(ct) #define forCellEx(ct, cf) forCellIdEx(ct,forCellEx ## __LINE__,cf) #define forCellCM(ct, cf) forCellIdCM(ct,forCellCM ## __LINE__,cf) #define forCellAll(ct, cf) forCellIdCM(ct,forCellAll ## __LINE__,cf) // canAttack/moveval flags #define AF_NORMAL 0 // nothing special about this attack #define AF_TOUGH Flag(0) // tough attacks: Hyperbugs #define AF_MAGIC Flag(1) // magical attacks: Flash #define AF_STAB Flag(2) // stabbing attacks (usually ignored except Hedgehogs) #define AF_LANCE Flag(3) // lance attacks (used by Lancers) #define AF_ONLY_ENEMY Flag(4) // only say YES if it is an enemy #define AF_ONLY_FRIEND Flag(5) // only say YES if it is a friend #define AF_ONLY_FBUG Flag(6) // only say YES if it is a bug_or friend #define AF_BACK Flag(7) // backward attacks (ignored except Viziers and Flailers) #define AF_APPROACH Flag(8) // approach attacks (ignored except Lancers) #define AF_IGNORE_UNARMED Flag(9) // ignore the UNARMED flag #define AF_NOSHIELD Flag(10) // ignore the shielded status #define AF_GETPLAYER Flag(11) // check for player (replace m2 with moPlayer for player position) #define AF_GUN Flag(12) // revolver attack #define AF_FAST Flag(13) // fast attack #define AF_EAT Flag(17) // eating attacks from Worm-likes #define MF_NOATTACKS Flag(14) // don't do any attacks #define MF_PATHDIST Flag(15) // consider pathdist for moveval #define MF_ONLYEAGLE Flag(16) // do this only for Eagles #define MF_MOUNT Flag(18) // don't do #define MF_NOFRIEND Flag(19) // don't do it for friends #define AF_SWORD Flag(20) // big sword #define AF_SWORD_INTO Flag(21) // moving into big sword #define AF_MSG Flag(22) // produce a message #define AF_MUSTKILL Flag(23) // when TRUE, stunning attacks are not accepted by canAttack #define AF_NEXTTURN Flag(24) // next turn -- don't count shield at power 1 #define AF_FALL Flag(25) // death by falling #define MF_STUNNED Flag(26) // edgeunstable: ignore ladders (as stunned monsters do) #define MF_IVY Flag(27) // edgeunstable: ignore ivy (ivy cannot climb ivy) #define AF_HORNS Flag(28) // spear attack (always has APPROACH too) #define AF_BULL Flag(29) // bull attack #define AF_SIDE Flag(30) // side attack #define AF_CRUSH Flag(31) // Crusher's delayed attack #if CAP_SDL #if CAP_PNG #include "savepng.h" #define IMAGEEXT ".png" void IMAGESAVE(SDL_Surface *s, const char *fname); #else #define IMAGEEXT ".bmp" #define IMAGESAVE SDL_SaveBMP #endif #endif // for some reason I need this to compile under OSX #if ISMAC extern "C" { void *_Unwind_Resume = 0; } #endif template struct dynamicval { T& where; T backup; dynamicval(T& wh, T val) : where(wh) { backup = wh; wh = val; } dynamicval(T& wh) : where(wh) { backup = wh; } ~dynamicval() { where = backup; } }; static const int MAXPLAYER = 7; #define DEFAULTCONTROL (multi::players == 1 && !shmup::on && !multi::alwaysuse && !(rug::rugged && rug::renderonce)) #define DEFAULTNOR(sym) (DEFAULTCONTROL || multi::notremapped(sym)) #define CAP_MENUSCALING (ISPANDORA || ISMOBILE) #if CAP_MENUSCALING #define displayfrZ dialog::zoom::displayfr #define displayfrZH dialog::zoom::displayfr_highlight #else #define displayfrZ displayfr #define displayfrZH dialog::zoom::displayfr_highlight #endif // just in case if I change my mind about when Orbs lose their power #define ORBBASE 0 #define mmscale(V, x) (mmspatial ? (ivoryz ? mzscale(V,x) : mscale(V, x)) : (V)) #define SHADOW_WALL 0x60 #define SHADOW_SL 0x18 #define SHADOW_MON 0x30 // ranks: enum class PPR { ZERO, EUCLIDEAN_SKY, OUTCIRCLE, MOVESTAR, MINUSINF, BELOWBOTTOMm, BELOWBOTTOM, BELOWBOTTOMp, BELOWBOTTOM_FALLANIM, LAKEBOTTOM, HELLSPIKE, INLAKEWALLm, INLAKEWALL, INLAKEWALLp, INLAKEWALL_FALLANIM, SUBLAKELEV, LAKELEV, BOATLEV, BOATLEV2, BOATLEV3, LAKEWALLm, LAKEWALL, LAKEWALLp, LAKEWALL_FALLANIM, FLOOR_TOWER, FLOOR, FLOOR_DRAGON, FLOORa, FLOORb, FLOORc, FLOORd, LIZEYE, BFLOOR, GFLOORa, GFLOORb, GFLOORc, WALLSHADOW, STRUCT0, STRUCT1, STRUCT2, STRUCT3, THORNS, WALL, REDWALLm, REDWALLs, REDWALLp, REDWALL, REDWALLm2, REDWALLs2, REDWALLp2, REDWALLt2, REDWALLm3, REDWALLs3, REDWALLp3, REDWALLt3, HEPTAMARK, ITEM_BELOW, ITEM, ITEMa, ITEMb, BIGSTATUE, WALL3m, WALL3s, WALL3p, WALL3, WALL3A, // WALL3m, WALL3s, WALL3p, WALL3, WALL3A, HIDDEN, GIANTSHADOW, TENTACLE0, TENTACLE1, ONTENTACLE, ONTENTACLE_EYES, ONTENTACLE_EYES2, MONSTER_SHADOW, MONSTER_FOOT, MONSTER_LEG, MONSTER_GROIN, MONSTER_SUBWPN, MONSTER_WPN, MONSTER_BODY, MONSTER_ARMOR0, MONSTER_ARMOR1, MONSTER_CLOAK, MONSTER_NECK, MONSTER_HEAD, MONSTER_FACE, MONSTER_EYE0, MONSTER_EYE1, MONSTER_HAIR, MONSTER_HAT0, MONSTER_HAT1, MONSTER_HOODCLOAK1, MONSTER_HOODCLOAK2, STUNSTARS, CARRIED, CARRIEDa, CARRIEDb, PARTICLE, SWORDMARK, MAGICSWORD, MISSILE, SKY, MINEMARK, ARROW, MOBILE_ARROW, LINE, // in depth tested models transparent surfaces need to be depth sorted by HyperRogue // and set to PPR::TRANSPARENT_* to draw them after all the opaque ones TRANSPARENT_LAKE, TRANSPARENT_SHADOW, TRANSPARENT_WALL, // no depth testing for SUPERLINE and above SUPERLINE, TEXT, CIRCLE, MAX, DEFAULT = -1 }; inline PPR operator + (PPR x, int y) { return PPR(int(x) + y); } inline PPR operator - (PPR x, int y) { return PPR(int(x) - y); } inline int operator - (PPR x, PPR y) { return int(x) - int(y); } #define OUTLINE_NONE 0x000000FF #define OUTLINE_FRIEND 0x00FF00FF #define OUTLINE_ENEMY 0xFF0000FF #define OUTLINE_TREASURE 0xFFFF00FF #define OUTLINE_ORB 0xFF8000FF #define OUTLINE_OTHER 0xFFFFFFFF #define OUTLINE_DEAD 0x800000FF #define OUTLINE_TRANS 0 #define OUTLINE_DEFAULT ((bordcolor << 8) + 0xFF) #define OUTLINE_FORE ((forecolor << 8) + 0xFF) #define OUTLINE_BACK ((backcolor << 8) + 0xFF) enum orbAction { roMouse, roKeyboard, roCheck, roMouseForce, roMultiCheck, roMultiGo }; #define MODELCOUNT ((int) mdGUARD) #define pmodel (vid.vpmodel) color_t darkena(color_t c, int lev, int a); static const int DISTANCE_UNKNOWN = 127; #include template int addHook(hookset*& m, int prio, const U& hook) { if(!m) m = new hookset (); while(m->count(prio)) { prio++; } (*m)[prio] = hook; return 0; } template void callhooks(hookset *h, U... args) { if(h) for(auto& p: *h) p.second(args...); } template V callhandlers(V zero, hookset *h, U&... args) { if(h) for(auto& p: *h) { auto z = p.second(args...); if(z != zero) return z; } return zero; } string XLAT(string); #define GLERR(call) glError(call, __FILE__, __LINE__) struct colortable: vector { color_t& operator [] (int i) { i %= size(); if(i<0) i += size(); return ((vector&)(*this)) [i]; } const color_t& operator [] (int i) const { i %= size(); if(i<0) i += size(); return ((vector&)(*this)) [i]; } colortable(std::initializer_list v) : vector(v) {} colortable() : vector({0}) {} }; #define SHMUPTITLE "shoot'em up mode" // check for a plain number key #define NUMBERKEY (interpret_as_direction(sym, uni) ? 0 : uni) #define DKEY (get_direction_key(sym, uni)) #define DIRECTIONKEY (interpret_as_direction(sym, uni) ? uni : 0) namespace scores { void load(); } #if ISMOBILE==1 namespace leader { void showMenu(); void handleKey(int sym, int uni); } #endif struct hint { time_t last; function usable; function display; function action; }; extern hint hints[]; int counthints(); int textwidth(int siz, const string &str); #if CAP_GL int gl_width(int size, const char *s); #endif #ifdef ISMOBILE extern int andmode; extern bool longclick; extern bool useRangedOrb; #endif static inline bool orbProtection(eItem it) { return false; } // not implemented #ifndef GL typedef float GLfloat; #endif typedef array glvec2; typedef array glvec3; typedef array glvec4; #if MAXMDIM == 4 #define SHDIM 4 typedef glvec4 glvertex; #else #define SHDIM 3 typedef glvec3 glvertex; #endif extern int emeraldtable[100][7]; // extern cell *cwpeek(cellwalker cw, int dir); const eLand NOWALLSEP = laNone; const eLand NOWALLSEP_USED = laWhirlpool; #define HAUNTED_RADIUS getDistLimit() #define UNKNOWN 65535 #define GRAIL_FOUND 0x4000 #define GRAIL_RADIUS_MASK 0x3FFF extern vector dcal; // z to close to this limit => do not draw #define BEHIND_LIMIT 1e-6 template void eliminate_if(vector& data, U pred) { for(int i=0; i array make_array(T a, T b, T c, T d) { array x; x[0] = a; x[1] = b; x[2] = c; x[3] = d; return x; } template array make_array(T a, T b, T c) { array x; x[0] = a; x[1] = b; x[2] = c; return x; } template array make_array(T a, T b) { array x; x[0] = a; x[1] = b; return x; } namespace daily { extern bool on; extern int daily_id; void setup(); void split(); void gifts(); void turnoff(); void showMenu(); int find_daily_lbid(int id); bool prevent_spawn_treasure_on(cell *c); void handleQuit(int sev); void uploadscore(bool really_final); } #define RING(i) for(double i=0; i<=cgi.S84+1e-6; i+=SD3 * pow(.5, vid.linequality)) #define REVRING(i) for(double i=cgi.S84; i>=-1e-6; i-=SD3 * pow(.5, vid.linequality)) #define PRING(i) for(double i=0; i<=cgi.S84+1e-6; i+= pow(.5, vid.linequality)) #define REVPRING(i) for(double i=cgi.S84; i>=-1e-6; i-=pow(.5, vid.linequality)) #define ONEMPTY if(d == 7 && passable(c, NULL, 0) && !safety && !reptilecheat) template void texture_order(const T& f) { const int STEP = vid.texture_step; const ld STEP2 = STEP; for(int y=0; y