// Hyperbolic Rogue -- main graphics file // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details // basic graphics: namespace hr { int inmirrorcount = 0; bool wmspatial, wmescher, wmplain, wmblack, wmascii; bool mmspatial, mmhigh, mmmon, mmitem; int detaillevel = 0; hookset *hooks_handleKey; hookset *hooks_drawcell; purehookset hooks_frame; #define WOLNIEJ 1 #define BTOFF 0x404040 #define BTON 0xC0C000 // #define PANDORA int colorbar; bool inHighQual; // taking high quality screenshot bool auraNOGL; // aura without GL // int axestate; int ticks; int frameid; bool camelotcheat; bool nomap; eItem orbToTarget; eMonster monsterToSummon; int sightrange_bonus = 0; string mouseovers; int darken = 0; struct fallanim { int t_mon, t_floor, pid; eWall walltype; eMonster m; fallanim() { t_floor = 0; t_mon = 0; pid = 0; walltype = waNone; } }; map fallanims; bool doHighlight() { return (hiliteclick && darken < 2) ? !mmhigh : mmhigh; } eModel pmodel = mdDisk; int dlit; ld spina(cell *c, int dir) { return 2 * M_PI * dir / c->type; } // cloak color int cloakcolor(int rtr) { rtr -= 28; rtr /= 2; rtr %= 10; if(rtr < 0) rtr += 10; // rtr = time(NULL) % 10; int cc[10] = { 0x8080FF, 0x80FFFF, 0x80FF80, 0xFF8080, 0xFF80FF, 0xFFFF80, 0xFFFFC0, 0xFFD500, 0x421C52, 0 }; return cc[rtr]; } int firegradient(double p) { return gradient(0xFFFF00, 0xFF0000, 0, p, 1); } int firecolor(int phase) { return gradient(0xFFFF00, 0xFF0000, -1, sin((phase + ticks)/100.0), 1); } int watercolor(int phase) { return 0x0080C0FF + 256 * int(63 * sin((ticks + phase) / 50.)); } int aircolor(int phase) { return 0x8080FF00 | int(32 + 32 * sin(ticks/200.0 + 2 * phase * M_PI / (S21+.0))); } int fghostcolor(int phase, cell *c) { phase += (int)(size_t)c; phase %= 4000; if(phase<0) phase+=4000; if(phase < 1000) return gradient(0xFFFF80, 0xA0C0FF, 0, phase, 1000); else if(phase < 2000) return gradient(0xA0C0FF, 0xFF80FF, 1000, phase, 2000); else if(phase < 3000) return gradient(0xFF80FF, 0xFF8080, 2000, phase, 3000); else if(phase < 4000) return gradient(0xFF8080, 0xFFFF80, 3000, phase, 4000); return 0xFFD500; } int weakfirecolor(int phase) { return gradient(0xFF8000, 0xFF0000, -1, sin((phase + ticks)/500.0), 1); } int fc(int ph, int col, int z) { if(items[itOrbFire]) col = darkena(firecolor(ph), 0, 0xFF); if(items[itOrbAether]) col = (col &~0XFF) | (col&0xFF) / 2; for(int i=0; iland == laHalloween && !wmblack && !wmascii) col = 0; double d = it == itOrbShield ? hexf : hexf - .1; int mt = sphere ? 7 : 5; for(ld a=0; a<=S84*mt+1e-6; a+=pow(.5, vid.linequality)) curvepoint(V*xspinpush0(a * M_PI/S42, d + sin(ds + M_PI*2*a/4/mt)*.1)); queuecurve(darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), 0x8080808, PPR_LINE); #endif } void drawSpeed(const transmatrix& V) { #if CAP_CURVE ld ds = ticks / 10.; int col = darkena(iinf[itOrbSpeed].color, 0, 0xFF); for(int b=0; btype == 7; return ishept(c) ? 1 : 0; // c->type == 6 ? 0 : 1; } int ctof012(cell *c) { return ishept(c)?1:ishex1(c)?0:2; } void drawSafety(const transmatrix& V, int ct) { #if CAP_QUEUE ld ds = ticks / 50.; int col = darkena(iinf[itOrbSafety].color, 0, 0xFF); for(int a=0; aS42) z = S84-z; if(z <= 10) d += (10-z) * (10-z) * (10-z) / 3000.; ld rad = hexf * (2.5 + .5 * sin(ds+u*.3)) * d; curvepoint(V*xspinpush0((S42+hdir+a-1) * M_PI/S42, rad)); } queuecurve(col, 0x8080808, PPR_LINE); } #endif } void drawWinter(const transmatrix& V, ld hdir) { #if CAP_QUEUE float ds = ticks / 300.; int col = darkena(iinf[itOrbWinter].color, 0, 0xFF); for(int u=0; u<20; u++) { ld rad = sin(ds+u * 2 * M_PI / 20) * M_PI / S7; queueline(V*xspinpush0(M_PI+hdir+rad, hexf*.5), V*xspinpush0(M_PI+hdir+rad, hexf*3), col, 2 + vid.linequality); } #endif } void drawLightning(const transmatrix& V) { #if CAP_QUEUE int col = darkena(iinf[itOrbLightning].color, 0, 0xFF); for(int u=0; u<20; u++) { ld leng = 0.5 / (0.1 + (rand() % 100) / 100.0); ld rad = rand() % 1000; queueline(V*xspinpush0(rad, hexf*0.3), V*xspinpush0(rad, hexf*leng), col, 2 + vid.linequality); } #endif } ld displayspin(cell *c, int d) { if(archimedean) { auto& t1 = arcm::current.get_triangle(c->master, d-1); return -(t1.first + M_PI / c->type); } else if(irr::on) { auto id = irr::cellindex[c]; auto& vs = irr::cells[id]; if(d < 0 || d >= c->type) return 0; auto& p = vs.jpoints[vs.neid[d]]; return -atan2(p[1], p[0]); } else if(binarytiling) { if(d == NODIR) return 0; if(d == c->type-1) d++; int dirs[8] = {0, 11, 21, 31, 42, 53, 63, 73}; return (-21-dirs[d]) * 42 / M_PI; } else if(masterless) return - d * 2 * M_PI / c->type; else return M_PI - d * 2 * M_PI / c->type; } double hexshiftat(cell *c) { if(binarytiling) return 0; if(ctof(c) && S7==6 && S3 == 4 && !nonbitrunc) return hexshift + 2*M_PI/S7; if(ctof(c) && (S7==8 || S7 == 4) && S3 == 3 && !nonbitrunc) return hexshift + 2*M_PI/S7; if(hexshift && ctof(c)) return hexshift; return 0; } transmatrix ddspin(cell *c, int d, ld bonus) { return spin(displayspin(c, d) + bonus - hexshiftat(c)); } transmatrix iddspin(cell *c, int d, ld bonus) { return spin(hexshiftat(c) - displayspin(c, d) + bonus); } void drawPlayerEffects(const transmatrix& V, cell *c, bool onplayer) { if(!onplayer && !items[itOrbEmpathy]) return; if(items[itOrbShield] > (shmup::on ? 0 : ORBBASE)) drawShield(V, itOrbShield); if(items[itOrbShell] > (shmup::on ? 0 : ORBBASE)) drawShield(V, itOrbShell); if(items[itOrbSpeed]) drawSpeed(V); if(onplayer && (items[itOrbSword] || items[itOrbSword2])) { using namespace sword; double esh = masterless ? M_PI - M_PI*3/S84 + 2.5 * M_PI/S42: 0; if(shmup::on) { #if CAP_POLY if(items[itOrbSword]) queuepoly(V*spin(esh+shmup::pc[multi::cpid]->swordangle), (peace::on ? shMagicShovel : shMagicSword), darkena(iinf[itOrbSword].color, 0, 0xC0 + 0x30 * sin(ticks / 200.0))); if(items[itOrbSword2]) queuepoly(V*spin(esh+shmup::pc[multi::cpid]->swordangle+M_PI), (peace::on ? shMagicShovel : shMagicSword), darkena(iinf[itOrbSword2].color, 0, 0xC0 + 0x30 * sin(ticks / 200.0))); #endif } else { int& ang = angle[multi::cpid]; ang %= S42; transmatrix Vnow = gmatrix[c] * rgpushxto0(inverse(gmatrix[c]) * tC0(V)) * (irr::on ? ddspin(c,0,M_PI) : spin(-hexshiftat(c))); #if CAP_QUEUE if(!masterless) for(int a=0; atype); if(onplayer && items[itOrbFlash]) drawFlash(V); if(onplayer && items[itOrbLove]) drawLove(V, 0); // displaydir(c, cwt.spin)); if(items[itOrbWinter]) drawWinter(V, 0); // displaydir(c, cwt.spin)); if(onplayer && items[itOrbLightning]) drawLightning(V); if(safetyat > 0) { int tim = ticks - safetyat; if(tim > 2500) safetyat = 0; for(int u=tim; u<=2500; u++) { if((u-tim)%250) continue; ld rad = hexf * u / 250; int col = darkena(iinf[itOrbSafety].color, 0, 0xFF); PRING(a) curvepoint(V*xspinpush0(a * M_PI / S42, rad)); queuecurve(col, 0, PPR_LINE); } } } void drawStunStars(const transmatrix& V, int t) { #if CAP_POLY for(int i=0; i<3*t; i++) { transmatrix V2 = V * spin(M_PI * 2 * i / (3*t) + M_PI * ticks/600.); queuepolyat(V2, shFlailBall, 0xFFFFFFFF, PPR_STUNSTARS); } #endif } namespace tortoise { // small is 0 or 2 void draw(const transmatrix& V, int bits, int small, int stuntime) { #if CAP_POLY int eyecolor = getBit(bits, tfEyeHue) ? 0xFF0000 : 0xC0C0C0; int shellcolor = getBit(bits, tfShellHue) ? 0x00C040 : 0xA06000; int scutecolor = getBit(bits, tfScuteHue) ? 0x00C040 : 0xA06000; int skincolor = getBit(bits, tfSkinHue) ? 0x00C040 : 0xA06000; if(getBit(bits, tfShellSat)) shellcolor = gradient(shellcolor, 0xB0B0B0, 0, .5, 1); if(getBit(bits, tfScuteSat)) scutecolor = gradient(scutecolor, 0xB0B0B0, 0, .5, 1); if(getBit(bits, tfSkinSat)) skincolor = gradient(skincolor, 0xB0B0B0, 0, .5, 1); if(getBit(bits, tfShellDark)) shellcolor = gradient(shellcolor, 0, 0, .5, 1); if(getBit(bits, tfSkinDark)) skincolor = gradient(skincolor, 0, 0, .5, 1); for(int i=0; i<12; i++) { int col = i == 0 ? shellcolor: i < 8 ? scutecolor : skincolor; int b = getBit(bits, i); int d = darkena(col, 0, 0xFF); if(i >= 1 && i <= 7) if(b) { d = darkena(col, 1, 0xFF); b = 0; } if(i >= 8 && i <= 11 && stuntime >= 3) continue; queuepoly(V, shTortoise[i][b+small], d); if((i >= 5 && i <= 7) || (i >= 9 && i <= 10)) queuepoly(V * Mirror, shTortoise[i][b+small], d); if(i == 8) { for(int k=0; k>= 1; } queuepoly(V, shTortoise[12][b+small], darkena(eyecolor, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V * Mirror, shTortoise[12][b+small], darkena(eyecolor, 0, 0xFF)); } } #endif } int getMatchColor(int bits) { int mcol = 1; double d = tortoise::getScent(bits); if(d > 0) mcol = 0xFFFFFF; else if(d < 0) mcol = 0; int dd = 0xFF * (atan(fabs(d)/2) / (M_PI/2)); return gradient(0x487830, mcol, 0, dd, 0xFF); } }; double footfun(double d) { d -= floor(d); return d < .25 ? d : d < .75 ? .5-d : d-1; } bool ivoryz; void animallegs(const transmatrix& V, eMonster mo, int col, double footphase) { #if CAP_POLY footphase /= SCALE; bool dog = mo == moRunDog; bool bug = mo == moBug0 || mo == moMetalBeast; if(bug) footphase *= 2.5; double rightfoot = footfun(footphase / .4 / 2) / 4 * 2; double leftfoot = footfun(footphase / .4 / 2 - (bug ? .5 : dog ? .1 : .25)) / 4 * 2; if(bug) rightfoot /= 2.5, leftfoot /= 2.5; if(!footphase) rightfoot = leftfoot = 0; transmatrix VAML = mmscale(V, 1.04); hpcshape* sh[6][4] = { {&shDogFrontPaw, &shDogRearPaw, &shDogFrontLeg, &shDogRearLeg}, {&shWolfFrontPaw, &shWolfRearPaw, &shWolfFrontLeg, &shWolfRearLeg}, {&shReptileFrontFoot, &shReptileRearFoot, &shReptileFrontLeg, &shReptileRearLeg}, {&shBugLeg, NULL, NULL, NULL}, {&shTrylobiteFrontClaw, &shTrylobiteRearClaw, &shTrylobiteFrontLeg, &shTrylobiteRearLeg}, {&shBullFrontHoof, &shBullRearHoof, &shBullFrontHoof, &shBullRearHoof}, }; hpcshape **x = sh[mo == moRagingBull ? 5 : mo == moBug0 ? 3 : mo == moMetalBeast ? 4 : mo == moRunDog ? 0 : mo == moReptile ? 2 : 1]; if(x[0]) queuepolyat(V * xpush(rightfoot), *x[0], col, PPR_MONSTER_FOOT); if(x[0]) queuepolyat(V * Mirror * xpush(leftfoot), *x[0], col, PPR_MONSTER_FOOT); if(x[1]) queuepolyat(V * xpush(-rightfoot), *x[1], col, PPR_MONSTER_FOOT); if(x[1]) queuepolyat(V * Mirror * xpush(-leftfoot), *x[1], col, PPR_MONSTER_FOOT); if(x[2]) queuepolyat(VAML * xpush(rightfoot/2), *x[2], col, PPR_MONSTER_FOOT); if(x[2]) queuepolyat(VAML * Mirror * xpush(leftfoot/2), *x[2], col, PPR_MONSTER_FOOT); if(x[3]) queuepolyat(VAML * xpush(-rightfoot/2), *x[3], col, PPR_MONSTER_FOOT); if(x[3]) queuepolyat(VAML * Mirror * xpush(-leftfoot/2), *x[3], col, PPR_MONSTER_FOOT); #endif } bool noshadow; void ShadowV(const transmatrix& V, const hpcshape& bp, int prio) { #if CAP_POLY if(mmspatial) { if(pmodel == mdHyperboloid || pmodel == mdBall || pmodel == mdHemisphere || noshadow) return; // shadows break the depth testing dynamicval p(poly_outline, OUTLINE_TRANS); queuepolyat(V, bp, SHADOW_MON, prio); } #endif } void otherbodyparts(const transmatrix& V, int col, eMonster who, double footphase) { #if CAP_POLY #define VFOOT V #define VLEG mmscale(V, geom3::LEG) #define VGROIN mmscale(V, geom3::GROIN) #define VBODY mmscale(V, geom3::BODY) #define VNECK mmscale(V, geom3::NECK) #define VHEAD mmscale(V, geom3::HEAD) #define VALEGS V #define VABODY mmscale(V, geom3::ABODY) #define VAHEAD mmscale(V, geom3::AHEAD) #define VFISH V #define VBIRD mmscale(V, geom3::BIRD + .05 * sin((int) (size_t(where)) + ticks / 1000.)) #define VGHOST mmscale(V, geom3::GHOST) #define VSLIMEEYE mscale(V, geom3::FLATEYE) // if(!mmspatial && !footphase && who != moSkeleton) return; footphase /= SCALE; double rightfoot = footfun(footphase / .4 / 2.5) / 4 * 2.5; // todo if(detaillevel >= 2) { transmatrix VL = mmscale(V, geom3::LEG1); queuepoly(VL * xpush(rightfoot*3/4), shHumanLeg, col); queuepoly(VL * Mirror * xpush(-rightfoot*3/4), shHumanLeg, col); } if(true) { transmatrix VL = mmscale(V, geom3::LEG); queuepoly(VL * xpush(rightfoot/2), shHumanLeg, col); queuepoly(VL * Mirror * xpush(-rightfoot/2), shHumanLeg, col); } if(detaillevel >= 2) { transmatrix VL = mmscale(V, geom3::LEG3); queuepoly(VL * xpush(rightfoot/4), shHumanLeg, col); queuepoly(VL * Mirror * xpush(-rightfoot/4), shHumanLeg, col); } if(who == moWaterElemental) { double fishtail = footfun(footphase / .4) / 4 * 1.5; queuepoly(VFOOT * xpush(fishtail), shFishTail, watercolor(100)); } else if(who == moSkeleton) { queuepoly(VFOOT * xpush(rightfoot), shSkeletalFoot, col); queuepoly(VFOOT * Mirror * xpush(-rightfoot), shSkeletalFoot, col); return; } else if(isTroll(who) || who == moMonkey || who == moYeti || who == moRatling || who == moRatlingAvenger || who == moGoblin) { queuepoly(VFOOT * xpush(rightfoot), shYetiFoot, col); queuepoly(VFOOT * Mirror * xpush(-rightfoot), shYetiFoot, col); } else { queuepoly(VFOOT * xpush(rightfoot), shHumanFoot, col); queuepoly(VFOOT * Mirror * xpush(-rightfoot), shHumanFoot, col); } if(!mmspatial) return; if(detaillevel >= 2 && who != moZombie) queuepoly(mmscale(V, geom3::NECK1), shHumanNeck, col); if(detaillevel >= 1) { queuepoly(VGROIN, shHumanGroin, col); if(who != moZombie) queuepoly(VNECK, shHumanNeck, col); } if(detaillevel >= 2) { queuepoly(mmscale(V, geom3::GROIN1), shHumanGroin, col); if(who != moZombie) queuepoly(mmscale(V, geom3::NECK3), shHumanNeck, col); } #endif } bool drawstar(cell *c) { for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t) && c->move(t)->wall != waSulphur && c->move(t)->wall != waSulphurC && c->move(t)->wall != waBarrier) return false; return true; } bool drawItemType(eItem it, cell *c, const transmatrix& V, int icol, int ticks, bool hidden) { char xch = iinf[it].glyph; #if !CAP_POLY return it; #else int ct6 = c ? ctof(c) : 1; hpcshape *xsh = (it == itPirate || it == itKraken) ? &shPirateX : (it == itBuggy || it == itBuggy2) ? &shPirateX : it == itHolyGrail ? &shGrail : isElementalShard(it) ? &shElementalShard : (it == itBombEgg || it == itTrollEgg) ? &shEgg : it == itHunting ? &shTriangle : it == itDodeca ? &shDodeca : xch == '*' ? &shGem[ct6] : xch == '(' ? &shKnife : it == itShard ? &shMFloor.b[0] : it == itTreat ? &shTreat : it == itSlime ? &shEgg : xch == '%' ? &shDaisy : xch == '$' ? &shStar : xch == ';' ? &shTriangle : xch == '!' ? &shTriangle : it == itBone ? &shNecro : it == itStatue ? &shStatue : it == itIvory ? &shFigurine : xch == '?' ? &shBookCover : it == itKey ? &shKey : it == itRevolver ? &shGun : NULL; if(c && doHighlight()) { int k = itemclass(it); if(k == IC_TREASURE) poly_outline = OUTLINE_TREASURE; else if(k == IC_ORB) poly_outline = OUTLINE_ORB; else poly_outline = OUTLINE_OTHER; } if(c && conformal::includeHistory && conformal::infindhistory.count(c)) poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEAD; if(!mmitem && it) return true; else if(it == itSavedPrincess) { drawMonsterType(moPrincess, c, V, icol, 0); return false; } else if(it == itStrongWind) { queuepoly(V * spin(ticks / 750.), shFan, darkena(icol, 0, 255)); } else if(it == itWarning) { queuepoly(V * spin(ticks / 750.), shTriangle, darkena(icol, 0, 255)); } else if(it == itBabyTortoise) { int bits = c ? tortoise::babymap[c] : tortoise::last; int over = c && c->monst == moTortoise; tortoise::draw(V * spin(ticks / 5000.) * ypush(crossf*.15), bits, over ? 4 : 2, 0); // queuepoly(V, shHeptaMarker, darkena(tortoise::getMatchColor(bits), 0, 0xC0)); } else if(it == itCompass) { cell *c1 = c ? findcompass(c) : NULL; transmatrix V2; if(c1) { transmatrix P = ggmatrix(c1); hyperpoint P1 = tC0(P); if(isPlayerOn(c)) { queuechr(P1, 2*vid.fsize, 'X', 0x10100 * int(128 + 100 * sin(ticks / 150.))); // queuestr(V, 1, its(compassDist(c)), 0x10101 * int(128 - 100 * sin(ticks / 150.)), 1); queuestr(P1, vid.fsize, its(-compassDist(c)), 0x10101 * int(128 - 100 * sin(ticks / 150.))); addauraspecial(P1, 0x0000FF, 0); } V2 = V * rspintox(inverse(V) * P1); } else V2 = V; V2 = V2 * spin(M_PI * sin(ticks/100.) / 30); queuepoly(V2, shCompass1, 0xFF8080FF); queuepoly(V2, shCompass2, 0xFFFFFFFF); queuepoly(V2, shCompass3, 0xFF0000FF); queuepoly(V2 * pispin, shCompass3, 0x000000FF); xsh = NULL; } else if(it == itPalace) { transmatrix V2 = V * spin(ticks / 1500.); draw_floorshape(c, V2, shMFloor3, 0xFFD500FF); draw_floorshape(c, V2, shMFloor4, darkena(icol, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V2, shGem[ct6], 0xFFD500FF); xsh = NULL; } else if(mapeditor::drawUserShape(V, 2, it, darkena(icol, 0, 0xFF), c)) ; else if(it == itRose) { for(int u=0; u<4; u++) queuepoly(V * spin(ticks / 1500.) * spin(2*M_PI / 3 / 4 * u), shRose, darkena(icol, 0, hidden ? 0x30 : 0xA0)); } else if(it == itBarrow && c) { for(int i = 0; ilandparam; i++) queuepolyat(V * spin(2 * M_PI * i / c->landparam) * xpush(.15) * spin(ticks / 1500.), *xsh, darkena(icol, 0, hidden ? 0x40 : (highwall(c) && wmspatial) ? 0x60 : 0xFF), PPR_HIDDEN); // queuepoly(V*spin(M_PI+(1-2*ang)*2*M_PI/S84), shMagicSword, darkena(0xC00000, 0, 0x80 + 0x70 * sin(ticks / 200.0))); } else if(xsh) { if(it == itFireShard) icol = firecolor(100); if(it == itWaterShard) icol = watercolor(100) >> 8; if(it == itZebra) icol = 0xFFFFFF; if(it == itLotus) icol = 0x101010; if(it == itSwitch) icol = minf[active_switch()].color; transmatrix V2 = V * spin(ticks / 1500.); if(xsh == &shBookCover && mmitem) queuepoly(V2, shBook, 0x805020FF); int pr = PPR_ITEM; int alpha = hidden ? (it == itKraken ? 0xC0 : 0x40) : 0xF0; if(c && c->wall == waIcewall) pr = PPR_HIDDEN, alpha = 0x80; queuepolyat(V2, *xsh, darkena(icol, 0, alpha), pr); if(it == itZebra) queuepolyat(V * spin(ticks / 1500. + M_PI/(ct6+6)), *xsh, darkena(0x202020, 0, hidden ? 0x40 : 0xF0), PPR_ITEMb); /* if(it == itSwitch) queuepolyat(V * spin(ticks / 1500. + M_PI/S3), *xsh, darkena(minf[active_switch()].color, 0, hidden ? 0x40 : 0xF0), PPR_ITEMb); */ } else if(xch == 'o' || it == itInventory) { if(it == itOrbFire) icol = firecolor(100); int pr = PPR_ITEM; bool inice = c && c->wall == waIcewall; if(inice) pr = PPR_HIDDEN; int icol1 = icol; if(it == itOrbFire) icol = firecolor(200); if(it == itOrbFriend || it == itOrbDiscord) icol = 0xC0C0C0; if(it == itOrbFrog) icol = 0xFF0000; if(it == itOrbDash) icol = 0xFF0000; if(it == itOrbFreedom) icol = 0xC0FF00; if(it == itOrbAir) icol = 0xFFFFFF; if(it == itOrbUndeath) icol = minf[moFriendlyGhost].color; if(it == itOrbRecall) icol = 0x101010; if(it == itOrbSlaying) icol = 0xFF0000; int col = darkena(icol, 0, int(0x80 + 0x70 * sin(ticks / 300.))); if(it == itOrbFish) queuepolyat(V * spin(ticks / 1500.), shFishTail, col, PPR_ITEM_BELOW); queuepolyat(V, shDisk, darkena(icol1, 0, inice ? 0x80 : hidden ? 0x20 : 0xC0), pr); hpcshape& sh = it == itOrbLove ? shLoveRing : isRangedOrb(it) ? shTargetRing : isOffensiveOrb(it) ? shSawRing : isFriendOrb(it) ? shPeaceRing : isUtilityOrb(it) ? shGearRing : isDirectionalOrb(it) ? shSpearRing : it == itOrb37 ? shHeptaRing : shRing; queuepolyat(V * spin(ticks / 1500.), sh, col, pr); } else if(it) return true; return false; #endif } void drawTerraWarrior(const transmatrix& V, int t, int hp, double footphase) { #if CAP_POLY ShadowV(V, shPBody); int col = linf[laTerracotta].color; int bcol = darkena(false ? 0xC0B23E : col, 0, 0xFF); otherbodyparts(V, bcol, moDesertman, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, bcol); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY * Mirror, shPSword, darkena(0xC0C0C0, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shTerraArmor1, darkena(t > 0 ? 0x4040FF : col, 0, 0xFF)); if(hp >= 4) queuepoly(VBODY, shTerraArmor2, darkena(t > 1 ? 0xC00000 : col, 0, 0xFF)); if(hp >= 2) queuepoly(VBODY, shTerraArmor3, darkena(t > 2 ? 0x612600 : col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shTerraHead, darkena(t > 4 ? 0x202020 : t > 3 ? 0x504040 : col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, bcol); #endif } bool drawMonsterType(eMonster m, cell *where, const transmatrix& V, int col, double footphase) { char xch = minf[m].glyph; #if CAP_POLY if(m == moTortoise && where && where->stuntime >= 3) drawStunStars(V, where->stuntime-2); else if (m == moTortoise || m == moPlayer || (where && !where->stuntime)) ; else if(where && !(isMetalBeast(m) && where->stuntime == 1)) drawStunStars(V, where->stuntime); if(m == moTortoise) { int bits = where ? tortoise::getb(where) : tortoise::last; tortoise::draw(V, bits, 0, where ? where->stuntime : 0); if(tortoise::seek() && !tortoise::diff(bits) && where) queuepoly(V, shRing, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0x80 + 0x70 * sin(ticks / 200.0))); } else if(m == moPlayer) { charstyle& cs = getcs(); bool havus = mapeditor::drawUserShape(V, 0, cs.charid, cs.skincolor, where); if(mapeditor::drawplayer && !havus) { if(cs.charid >= 8) { if(!mmspatial && !footphase) queuepoly(VALEGS, shWolfLegs, fc(150, cs.dresscolor, 4)); else { ShadowV(V, shWolfBody); animallegs(VALEGS, moWolf, fc(500, cs.dresscolor, 4), footphase); } queuepoly(VABODY, shWolfBody, fc(0, cs.skincolor, 0)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shFamiliarHead, fc(500, cs.haircolor, 2)); if(!shmup::on || shmup::curtime >= shmup::getPlayer()->nextshot) { int col = items[itOrbDiscord] ? watercolor(0) : fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shFamiliarEye, col); queuepoly(VAHEAD * Mirror, shFamiliarEye, col); } } else if(cs.charid >= 6) { if(!mmspatial && !footphase) queuepoly(VABODY, shDogBody, fc(0, cs.skincolor, 0)); else { ShadowV(V, shDogTorso); animallegs(VALEGS, moRunDog, fc(500, cs.dresscolor, 4), footphase); queuepoly(VABODY, shDogTorso, fc(0, cs.skincolor, 0)); } queuepoly(VAHEAD, shDogHead, fc(150, cs.haircolor, 2)); if(!shmup::on || shmup::curtime >= shmup::getPlayer()->nextshot) { int col = items[itOrbDiscord] ? watercolor(0) : fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf1, col); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf2, col); } int colnose = items[itOrbDiscord] ? watercolor(0) : fc(314, 0xFF, 3); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf3, colnose); } else if(cs.charid >= 4) { if(!mmspatial && !footphase) queuepoly(VALEGS, shCatLegs, fc(500, cs.dresscolor, 4)); else { ShadowV(V, shCatBody); animallegs(VALEGS, moRunDog, fc(500, cs.dresscolor, 4), footphase); } queuepoly(VABODY, shCatBody, fc(0, cs.skincolor, 0)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shCatHead, fc(150, cs.haircolor, 2)); if(!shmup::on || shmup::curtime >= shmup::getPlayer()->nextshot) { int col = items[itOrbDiscord] ? watercolor(0) : fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3); queuepoly(VAHEAD * xpush(.04), shWolf1, col); queuepoly(VAHEAD * xpush(.04), shWolf2, col); } } else { otherbodyparts(V, fc(0, cs.skincolor, 0), items[itOrbFish] ? moWaterElemental : moPlayer, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, (cs.charid&1) ? shFemaleBody : shPBody, fc(0, cs.skincolor, 0)); ShadowV(V, (cs.charid&1) ? shFemaleBody : shPBody); if(cs.charid&1) queuepoly(VBODY, shFemaleDress, fc(500, cs.dresscolor, 4)); if(cs.charid == 2) queuepoly(VBODY, shPrinceDress, fc(400, cs.dresscolor, 5)); if(cs.charid == 3) queuepoly(VBODY, shPrincessDress, fc(400, cs.dresscolor2, 5)); if(items[itOrbSide3]) queuepoly(VBODY, (cs.charid&1) ? shFerocityF : shFerocityM, fc(0, cs.skincolor, 0)); if(items[itOrbHorns]) { queuepoly(VBODY, shBullHead, items[itOrbDiscord] ? watercolor(0) : 0xFF000030); queuepoly(VBODY, shBullHorn, items[itOrbDiscord] ? watercolor(0) : 0xFF000040); queuepoly(VBODY * Mirror, shBullHorn, items[itOrbDiscord] ? watercolor(0) : 0xFF000040); } if(items[itOrbSide1] && !shmup::on) queuepoly(VBODY * spin(-M_PI/24), cs.charid >= 2 ? shSabre : shPSword, fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3)); // 3 not colored if(peace::on) ; else if(items[itOrbThorns]) queuepoly(VBODY, shHedgehogBladePlayer, items[itOrbDiscord] ? watercolor(0) : 0x00FF00FF); else if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbDiscord]) queuepoly(VBODY, cs.charid >= 2 ? shSabre : shPSword, watercolor(0)); else if(items[itRevolver]) queuepoly(VBODY, shGunInHand, fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3)); // 3 not colored else if(items[itOrbSlaying]) { queuepoly(VBODY, shFlailTrunk, fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3)); queuepoly(VBODY, shHammerHead, fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3)); } else if(!shmup::on) queuepoly(VBODY, cs.charid >= 2 ? shSabre : shPSword, fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3)); // 3 not colored else if(shmup::curtime >= shmup::getPlayer()->nextshot) queuepoly(VBODY, shPKnife, fc(314, cs.swordcolor, 3)); // 3 not colored if(items[itOrbBeauty]) { if(cs.charid&1) queuepoly(VHEAD, shFlowerHair, darkena(iinf[itOrbBeauty].color, 0, 0xFF)); else queuepoly(VBODY, shFlowerHand, darkena(iinf[itOrbBeauty].color, 0, 0xFF)); } if(where && where->land == laWildWest) { queuepoly(VHEAD, shWestHat1, darkena(cs.swordcolor, 1, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shWestHat2, darkena(cs.swordcolor, 0, 0XFF)); } if(cheater && !autocheat) { queuepoly(VHEAD, (cs.charid&1) ? shGoatHead : shDemon, darkena(0xFFFF00, 0, 0xFF)); // queuepoly(V, shHood, darkena(0xFF00, 1, 0xFF)); } else { queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, fc(500, cs.skincolor, 1)); queuepoly(VHEAD, (cs.charid&1) ? shFemaleHair : shPHead, fc(150, cs.haircolor, 2)); } } if(knighted) queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightCloak, darkena(cloakcolor(knighted), 1, 0xFF)); if(tortoise::seek()) tortoise::draw(VBODY * ypush(-crossf*.25), tortoise::seekbits, 4, 0); } } else if(mapeditor::drawUserShape(V, 1, m, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), where)) return false; else if(isMimic(m) || m == moShadow || m == moIllusion) { charstyle& cs = getcs(); if(mapeditor::drawUserShape(V, 0, (cs.charid&1)?1:0, darkena(col, 0, 0x80), where)) return false; if(cs.charid >= 8) { queuepoly(VABODY, shWolfBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); ShadowV(V, shWolfBody); if(mmspatial || footphase) animallegs(VALEGS, moWolf, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), footphase); else queuepoly(VABODY, shWolfLegs, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VABODY, shFamiliarHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shFamiliarEye, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VAHEAD * Mirror, shFamiliarEye, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); } else if(cs.charid >= 6) { ShadowV(V, shDogBody); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shDogHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); if(mmspatial || footphase) { animallegs(VALEGS, moRunDog, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), footphase); queuepoly(VABODY, shDogTorso, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); } else queuepoly(VABODY, shDogBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VABODY, shWolf1, darkena(col, 1, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VABODY, shWolf2, darkena(col, 1, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VABODY, shWolf3, darkena(col, 1, 0xC0)); } else if(cs.charid >= 4) { ShadowV(V, shCatBody); queuepoly(VABODY, shCatBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shCatHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); if(mmspatial || footphase) animallegs(VALEGS, moRunDog, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), footphase); else queuepoly(VALEGS, shCatLegs, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VAHEAD * xpush(.04), shWolf1, darkena(col, 1, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VAHEAD * xpush(.04), shWolf2, darkena(col, 1, 0xC0)); } else { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0x40), m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, (cs.charid&1) ? shFemaleBody : shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0X80)); if(!shmup::on) { bool emp = items[itOrbEmpathy] && m != moShadow; if(items[itOrbThorns] && emp) queuepoly(VBODY, shHedgehogBladePlayer, darkena(col, 0, 0x40)); if(items[itOrbSide1] && !shmup::on) queuepoly(VBODY * spin(-M_PI/24), cs.charid >= 2 ? shSabre : shPSword, darkena(col, 0, 0x40)); if(items[itOrbSide3] && emp) queuepoly(VBODY, (cs.charid&1) ? shFerocityF : shFerocityM, darkena(col, 0, 0x40)); queuepoly(VBODY, (cs.charid >= 2 ? shSabre : shPSword), darkena(col, 0, 0XC0)); } else if(!where || shmup::curtime >= shmup::getPlayer()->nextshot) queuepoly(VBODY, shPKnife, darkena(col, 0, 0XC0)); if(knighted) queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightCloak, darkena(col, 1, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, (cs.charid&1) ? shFemaleHair : shPHead, darkena(col, 1, 0XC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(col, 0, 0XC0)); if(cs.charid&1) queuepoly(VBODY, shFemaleDress, darkena(col, 1, 0XC0)); if(cs.charid == 2) queuepoly(VBODY, shPrinceDress, darkena(col, 1, 0XC0)); if(cs.charid == 3) queuepoly(VBODY, shPrincessDress, darkena(col, 1, 0XC0)); } } else if(m == moBullet) { ShadowV(V, shKnife); queuepoly(VBODY * spin(-M_PI/4), shKnife, getcs().swordcolor); } else if(m == moKnight || m == moKnightMoved) { ShadowV(V, shPBody); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(0xC0C0A0, 0, 0xC0), m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(0xC0C0A0, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VBODY, shPSword, darkena(0xFFFF00, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightArmor, darkena(0xD0D0D0, 1, 0xFF)); int col; if(!eubinary && where && where->master->alt) col = cloakcolor(roundTableRadius(where)); else col = cloakcolor(newRoundTableRadius()); queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightCloak, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, darkena(0x703800, 1, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(0xC0C0A0, 0, 0XFF)); return false; } else if(m == moGolem || m == moGolemMoved) { ShadowV(V, shPBody); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0XC0), m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0XC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shGolemhead, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); } else if(isPrincess(m) || m == moFalsePrincess || m == moRoseLady || m == moRoseBeauty) { bool girl = princessgender() == GEN_F; bool evil = !isPrincess(m); int facecolor = evil ? 0xC0B090FF : 0xD0C080FF; ShadowV(V, girl ? shFemaleBody : shPBody); otherbodyparts(V, facecolor, m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, girl ? shFemaleBody : shPBody, facecolor); if(m == moPrincessArmed) queuepoly(VBODY, vid.cs.charid < 2 ? shSabre : shPSword, 0xFFFFFFFF); if((m == moFalsePrincess || m == moRoseBeauty) && where && where->cpdist == 1) queuepoly(VBODY, shPKnife, 0xFFFFFFFF); if(m == moRoseLady) { queuepoly(VBODY, shPKnife, 0xFFFFFFFF); queuepoly(VBODY * Mirror, shPKnife, 0xFFFFFFFF); } if(girl) { queuepoly(VBODY, shFemaleDress, evil ? 0xC000C0FF : 0x00C000FF); if(vid.cs.charid < 2) queuepoly(VBODY, shPrincessDress, evil ? 0xC040C0C0 : 0x8080FFC0); } else { if(vid.cs.charid < 2) queuepoly(VBODY, shPrinceDress, evil ? 0x802080FF : 0x404040FF); } if(m == moRoseLady) { // queuepoly(V, girl ? shGoatHead : shDemon, 0x800000FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, girl ? shFemaleHair : shPHead, evil ? 0x500050FF : 0x332A22FF); } else if(m == moRoseBeauty) { if(girl) { queuepoly(VHEAD, shBeautyHair, 0xF0A0D0FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shFlowerHair, 0xC00000FF); } else { queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, 0xF0A0D0FF); queuepoly(VBODY, shFlowerHand, 0xC00000FF); queuepoly(VBODY, shSuspenders, 0xC00000FF); } } else { queuepoly(VHEAD, girl ? shFemaleHair : shPHead, evil ? 0xC00000FF : 0x332A22FF); } queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, facecolor); } else if(m == moWolf || m == moRedFox || m == moWolfMoved || m == moLavaWolf) { ShadowV(V, shWolfBody); if(mmspatial || footphase) animallegs(VALEGS, moWolf, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), footphase); else queuepoly(VALEGS, shWolfLegs, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VABODY, shWolfBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); if(m == moRedFox) { queuepoly(VABODY, shFoxTail1, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VABODY, shFoxTail2, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); } queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolfHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolfEyes, darkena(col, 3, 0xFF)); } else if(isBull(m)) { ShadowV(V, shBullBody); int hoofcol = darkena(gradient(0, col, 0, .65, 1), 0, 0xFF); if(mmspatial || footphase) animallegs(VALEGS, moRagingBull, hoofcol, footphase); queuepoly(VABODY, shBullBody, darkena(gradient(0, col, 0, .80, 1), 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shBullHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shBullHorn, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD * Mirror, shBullHorn, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moReptile) { ShadowV(V, shReptileBody); animallegs(VALEGS, moReptile, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), footphase); queuepoly(VABODY, shReptileBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shReptileHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shReptileEye, darkena(col, 3, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD * Mirror, shReptileEye, darkena(col, 3, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VABODY, shReptileTail, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moSalamander) { ShadowV(V, shReptileBody); animallegs(VALEGS, moReptile, darkena(0xD00000, 1, 0xFF), footphase); queuepoly(VABODY, shReptileBody, darkena(0xD00000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shReptileHead, darkena(0xD00000, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shReptileEye, darkena(0xD00000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD * Mirror, shReptileEye, darkena(0xD00000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VABODY, shReptileTail, darkena(0xD08000, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moVineBeast) { ShadowV(V, shWolfBody); if(mmspatial || footphase) animallegs(VALEGS, moWolf, 0x00FF00FF, footphase); else queuepoly(VALEGS, shWolfLegs, 0x00FF00FF); queuepoly(VABODY, shWolfBody, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolfHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolfEyes, 0xFF0000FF); } else if(m == moMouse || m == moMouseMoved) { queuepoly(VALEGS, shMouse, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VALEGS, shMouseLegs, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VALEGS, shMouseEyes, 0xFF); } else if(isBug(m)) { ShadowV(V, shBugBody); if(!mmspatial && !footphase) queuepoly(VABODY, shBugBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); else { animallegs(VALEGS, moBug0, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), footphase); queuepoly(VABODY, shBugAntenna, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); } queuepoly(VABODY, shBugArmor, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moRunDog || m == moHunterDog || m == moHunterGuard || m == moHunterChanging) { if(!mmspatial && !footphase) queuepoly(VABODY, shDogBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); else { ShadowV(V, shDogTorso); queuepoly(VABODY, shDogTorso, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); animallegs(VALEGS, moRunDog, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), footphase); } queuepoly(VAHEAD, shDogHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); { dynamicval dp(poly_outline); int eyecolor = 0x202020; bool redeyes = false; if(m == moHunterDog) eyecolor = 0xFF0000, redeyes = true; if(m == moHunterGuard) eyecolor = 0xFF6000, redeyes = true; if(m == moHunterChanging) eyecolor = 0xFFFF00, redeyes = true; int eyes = darkena(eyecolor, 0, 0xFF); if(redeyes) poly_outline = eyes; queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf1, eyes); if(redeyes) lastptd().u.poly.flags |= POLY_FORCEWIDE; queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf2, eyes); if(redeyes) lastptd().u.poly.flags |= POLY_FORCEWIDE; } queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf3, darkena(m == moRunDog ? 0x202020 : 0x000000, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moOrangeDog) { if(!mmspatial && !footphase) queuepoly(VABODY, shDogBody, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); else { ShadowV(V, shDogTorso); queuepoly(VABODY, shDogTorso, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); animallegs(VALEGS, moRunDog, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF), footphase); } queuepoly(VAHEAD, shDogHead, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VABODY, shDogStripes, darkena(0x303030, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf1, darkena(0x202020, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf2, darkena(0x202020, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shWolf3, darkena(0x202020, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moShark || m == moGreaterShark || m == moCShark) queuepoly(VFISH, shShark, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); else if(m == moEagle || m == moParrot || m == moBomberbird || m == moAlbatross || m == moTameBomberbird || m == moWindCrow || m == moTameBomberbirdMoved || m == moSandBird) { ShadowV(V, shEagle); queuepoly(VBIRD, shEagle, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moSparrowhawk) { ShadowV(V, shHawk); queuepoly(VBIRD, shHawk, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moButterfly) { transmatrix Vwing = Id; Vwing[1][1] = .85 + .15 * sin(ticks / 100.0); ShadowV(V * Vwing, shButterflyWing); queuepoly(VBIRD * Vwing, shButterflyWing, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBIRD, shButterflyBody, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moGadfly) { transmatrix Vwing = Id; Vwing[1][1] = .85 + .15 * sin(ticks / 100.0); ShadowV(V * Vwing, shGadflyWing); queuepoly(VBIRD * Vwing, shGadflyWing, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBIRD, shGadflyBody, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBIRD, shGadflyEye, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBIRD * Mirror, shGadflyEye, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moVampire || m == moBat) { // vampires have no shadow and no mirror images if(m == moBat) ShadowV(V, shBatWings); if(m == moBat || !inmirrorcount) { queuepoly(VBIRD, shBatWings, darkena(0x303030, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBIRD, shBatBody, darkena(0x606060, 0, 0xFF)); } /* queuepoly(V, shBatMouth, darkena(0xC00000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V, shBatFang, darkena(0xFFC0C0, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V*Mirror, shBatFang, darkena(0xFFC0C0, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V, shBatEye, darkena(00000000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V*Mirror, shBatEye, darkena(00000000, 0, 0xFF)); */ } else if(m == moGargoyle) { ShadowV(V, shGargoyleWings); queuepoly(VBIRD, shGargoyleWings, darkena(col, 0, 0xD0)); queuepoly(VBIRD, shGargoyleBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moZombie) { int c = darkena(col, where && where->land == laHalloween ? 1 : 0, 0xFF); otherbodyparts(V, c, m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, c); } else if(m == moTerraWarrior) drawTerraWarrior(V, 7, (where ? where->hitpoints : 7), footphase); else if(m == moDesertman) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY, shPSword, 0xFFFF00FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shHood, 0xD0D000C0); } /* else if(isSwitch(m)) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY, shPSword, 0xFFFF00FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shHood, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } */ else if(m == moMonk) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shRaiderBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderShirt, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY, shPKnife, 0xFFC0C0C0); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderArmor, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepolyat(VBODY, shRatCape2, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF), PPR_MONSTER_ARMOR0); queuepoly(VHEAD, shRaiderHelmet, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(0xC0C0A0, 0, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moCrusher) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shRaiderBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderShirt, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderArmor, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shFlailTrunk, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shHammerHead, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shRaiderHelmet, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(0xC0C0A0, 0, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moPair) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shRaiderBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderShirt, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderArmor, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shPickAxe, darkena(0xA0A0A0, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shRaiderHelmet, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(0xC0C0A0, 0, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moAltDemon || m == moHexDemon) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shRaiderBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderShirt, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shRaiderArmor, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY, shPSword, 0xFFD0D0D0); queuepoly(VHEAD, shRaiderHelmet, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(0xC0C0A0, 0, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moPalace || m == moFatGuard || m == moVizier || m == moSkeleton) { queuepoly(VBODY, shSabre, 0xFFFFFFFF); if(m == moSkeleton) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF), moSkeleton, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shSkeletonBody, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shSkull, darkena(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shSkullEyes, darkena(0, 0, 0xFF)); ShadowV(V, shSkeletonBody); } else { ShadowV(V, shPBody); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(0xFFD500, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); if(m == moFatGuard) { queuepoly(VBODY, shFatBody, darkena(0xC06000, 0, 0xFF)); col = 0xFFFFFF; if(!where || where->hitpoints >= 3) queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightCloak, darkena(0xFFC0C0, 1, 0xFF)); } else { queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(0xFFD500, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightArmor, m == moVizier ? 0xC000C0FF : darkena(0x00C000, 1, 0xFF)); if(where && where->hitpoints >= 3) queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightCloak, m == moVizier ? 0x800080Ff : darkena(0x00FF00, 1, 0xFF)); } queuepoly(VHEAD, shTurban1, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); if(!where || where->hitpoints >= 2) queuepoly(VHEAD, shTurban2, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } drawStunStars(V, where ? where->stuntime : 0); } else if(m == moCrystalSage) { otherbodyparts(V, 0xFFFFFFFF, m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, 0xFFFFFFFF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, 0xFFFFFFFF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, 0xFFFFFFFF); } else if(m == moHedge) { ShadowV(V, shPBody); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shHedgehogBlade, 0xC0C0C0FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, 0x804000FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, 0xF09000FF); } else if(m == moYeti || m == moMonkey) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shYeti, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moResearcher) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(0xFFFF00, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shAztecHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shAztecCap, darkena(0xC000C0, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moFamiliar) { /* queuepoly(V, shFemaleBody, darkena(0xC0B070, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V, shPFace, darkena(0xC0B070, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(V, shWizardCape1, 0x601000FF); queuepoly(V, shWizardCape2, 0x781800FF); queuepoly(V, shWizardHat1, 0x902000FF); queuepoly(V, shWizardHat2, 0xA82800FF); */ // queuepoly(V, shCatBody, darkena(0x601000, 0, 0xFF)); // queuepoly(V, shGargoyleBody, darkena(0x903000, 0, 0xFF)); ShadowV(V, shWolfBody); queuepoly(VABODY, shWolfBody, darkena(0xA03000, 0, 0xFF)); if(mmspatial || footphase) animallegs(VALEGS, moWolf, darkena(0xC04000, 0, 0xFF), footphase); else queuepoly(VALEGS, shWolfLegs, darkena(0xC04000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD, shFamiliarHead, darkena(0xC04000, 0, 0xFF)); // queuepoly(V, shCatLegs, darkena(0x902000, 0, 0xFF)); if(true) { queuepoly(VAHEAD, shFamiliarEye, darkena(0xFFFF000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VAHEAD * Mirror, shFamiliarEye, darkena(0xFFFF000, 0, 0xFF)); } } else if(m == moRanger) { ShadowV(V, shPBody); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY, shPSword, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shArmor, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moNarciss) { ShadowV(V, shPBody); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shFlowerHand, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, 0xFFE080FF); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY, shPKnife, 0xC0C0C0FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, 0xFFE080FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, 0x806A00FF); } else if(m == moMirrorSpirit) { ShadowV(V, shPBody); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0x90), m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0x90)); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY * Mirror, shPSword, darkena(col, 0, 0xD0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, darkena(col, 1, 0x90)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(col, 1, 0x90)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shArmor, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); } else if(m == moJiangshi) { ShadowV(V, shJiangShi); auto z2 = geom3::lev_to_factor(abs(sin(footphase * M_PI * 2)) * geom3::human_height); auto V0 = V; auto V = mmscale(V0, z2); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, m == moJiangshi ? 0 : footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shJiangShi, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shJiangShiDress, darkena(0x202020, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shTerraHead, darkena(0x101010, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shJiangShiCap1, darkena(0x800000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shJiangShiCap2, darkena(0x400000, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moGhost || m == moSeep || m == moFriendlyGhost) { if(m == moFriendlyGhost) col = fghostcolor(ticks, where); queuepoly(VGHOST, shGhost, darkena(col, 0, m == moFriendlyGhost ? 0xC0 : 0x80)); queuepoly(VGHOST, shEyes, 0xFF); } else if(m == moVineSpirit) { queuepoly(VGHOST, shGhost, 0xD0D0D0C0); queuepoly(VGHOST, shEyes, 0xFF0000FF); } else if(m == moFireFairy) { col = firecolor(0); otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shFemaleBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shFemaleBody, darkena(col, 0, 0XC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shWitchHair, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moSlime) { queuepoly(VFISH, shSlime, darkena(col, 0, 0x80)); queuepoly(VSLIMEEYE, shEyes, 0xFF); } else if(isSwitch(m)) { queuepoly(VFISH, shJelly, darkena(col, 0, 0xD0)); queuepolyat(VBODY, shJelly, darkena(col, 0, 0xD0), PPR_MONSTER_BODY); queuepolyat(VHEAD, shJelly, darkena(col, 0, 0xD0), PPR_MONSTER_HEAD); queuepolyat(VHEAD, shEyes, 0xFF, PPR_MONSTER_HEAD); } else if(m == moKrakenH) { queuepoly(VFISH, shKrakenHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xD0)); queuepoly(VFISH, shKrakenEye, 0xFFFFFFC0); queuepoly(VFISH, shKrakenEye2, 0xC0); queuepoly(VFISH * Mirror, shKrakenEye, 0xFFFFFFC0); queuepoly(VFISH * Mirror, shKrakenEye2, 0xC0); } else if(m == moKrakenT) { queuepoly(VFISH, shSeaTentacle, darkena(col, 0, 0xD0)); } else if(m == moCultist || m == moPyroCultist || m == moCultistLeader) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY, shPSword, darkena(col, 2, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shHood, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moPirate) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(0x404040, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shPirateHook, darkena(0xD0D0D0, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(0xFFFF80, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shEyepatch, darkena(0, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPirateHood, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moRatling || m == moRatlingAvenger) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shYeti); queuepoly(VLEG, shRatTail, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shYeti, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shRatHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); float t = sin(ticks / 1000.0 + (where ? where->cpdist : 0)); int eyecol = t > 0.92 ? 0xFF0000 : 0; queuepoly(VHEAD, shWolf1, darkena(eyecol, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shWolf2, darkena(eyecol, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shWolf3, darkena(0x202020, 0, 0xFF)); if(m == moRatlingAvenger) { queuepoly(VBODY, shRatCape2, 0x484848FF); queuepoly(VHEAD, shRatCape1, 0x303030FF); } } else if(m == moViking) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(0xE00000, 0, 0xFF)); if(!peace::on) queuepoly(VBODY, shPSword, darkena(0xD0D0D0, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightCloak, darkena(0x404040, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shVikingHelmet, darkena(0xC0C0C0, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(0xFFFF80, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moOutlaw) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shKnightCloak, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shWestHat1, darkena(col, 2, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shWestHat2, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(0xFFFF80, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VBODY, shGunInHand, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moNecromancer) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, 0xC00000C0); queuepoly(VHEAD, shHood, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moDraugr) { otherbodyparts(V, 0x483828D0, m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, 0x483828D0); queuepoly(VBODY, shPSword, 0xFFFFD0A0); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, 0x483828D0); // queuepoly(V, shSkull, 0xC06020D0); //queuepoly(V, shSkullEyes, 0x000000D0); // queuepoly(V, shWightCloak, 0xC0A080A0); int b = where ? where->cpdist : 0; b--; if(b < 0) b = 0; if(b > 6) b = 6; queuepoly(VHEAD, shWightCloak, 0x605040A0 + 0x10101000 * b); } else if(m == moVoidBeast) { otherbodyparts(V, 0x080808D0, m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, 0x080808D0); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, 0x080808D0); queuepoly(VHEAD, shWightCloak, 0xFF0000A0); } else if(m == moGoblin) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shYeti); queuepoly(VBODY, shYeti, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shArmor, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moLancer || m == moFlailer || m == moMiner) { transmatrix V2 = V; if(m == moLancer) V2 = V * spin((where && where->type == 6) ? -M_PI/3 : -M_PI/2 ); transmatrix Vh = mmscale(V2, geom3::HEAD); transmatrix Vb = mmscale(V2, geom3::BODY); otherbodyparts(V2, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V2, shPBody); queuepoly(Vb, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(Vh, m == moFlailer ? shArmor : shHood, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); if(m == moMiner) queuepoly(Vb, shPickAxe, darkena(0xC0C0C0, 0, 0XFF)); if(m == moLancer) queuepoly(Vb, shPike, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); if(m == moFlailer) { queuepoly(Vb, shFlailBall, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(Vb, shFlailChain, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); queuepoly(Vb, shFlailTrunk, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); } } else if(m == moTroll) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shYeti); queuepoly(VBODY, shYeti, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(col, 2, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moFjordTroll || m == moForestTroll || m == moStormTroll) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shYeti); queuepoly(VBODY, shYeti, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(col, 2, 0XFF)); } else if(m == moDarkTroll) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shYeti); queuepoly(VBODY, shYeti, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, 0xFFFFFF80); } else if(m == moRedTroll) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shYeti); queuepoly(VBODY, shYeti, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPHead, darkena(0xFF8000, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, 0xFFFFFF80); } else if(m == moEarthElemental) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shWaterElemental); queuepoly(VBODY, shWaterElemental, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shFemaleHair, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, 0xF0000080); } else if(m == moWaterElemental) { otherbodyparts(V, watercolor(50), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shWaterElemental); queuepoly(VBODY, shWaterElemental, watercolor(0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shFemaleHair, watercolor(100)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, watercolor(200)); } else if(m == moFireElemental) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(firecolor(50), 0, 0xFF), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shWaterElemental); queuepoly(VBODY, shWaterElemental, darkena(firecolor(0), 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shFemaleHair, darkena(firecolor(100), 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(firecolor(200), 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moAirElemental) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0x40), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shWaterElemental); queuepoly(VBODY, shWaterElemental, darkena(col, 0, 0x80)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shFemaleHair, darkena(col, 0, 0x80)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(col, 0, 0x80)); } else if((xch == 'd' || xch == 'D') && m != moDragonHead && m != moDragonTail) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 0, 0xC0), m, footphase); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 1, 0xC0)); ShadowV(V, shPBody); int acol = col; if(xch == 'D') acol = 0xD0D0D0; queuepoly(VHEAD, shDemon, darkena(acol, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(isMagneticPole(m)) { if(m == moNorthPole) queuepolyat(VBODY * spin(M_PI), shTentacle, 0x000000C0, PPR_TENTACLE1); queuepolyat(VBODY, shDisk, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), PPR_MONSTER_BODY); } else if(isMetalBeast(m)) { ShadowV(V, shTrylobite); if(!mmspatial) queuepoly(VABODY, shTrylobite, darkena(col, 1, 0xC0)); else { queuepoly(VABODY, shTrylobiteBody, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF)); animallegs(VALEGS, moMetalBeast, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), footphase); } int acol = col; queuepoly(VAHEAD, shTrylobiteHead, darkena(acol, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moEvilGolem || m == moIceGolem) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 2, 0xC0), m, footphase); ShadowV(V, shPBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shPBody, darkena(col, 0, 0XC0)); queuepoly(VHEAD, shGolemhead, darkena(col, 1, 0XFF)); } else if(isWitch(m)) { otherbodyparts(V, darkena(col, 1, 0xFF), m, footphase); int cc = 0xFF; if(m == moWitchGhost) cc = 0x85 + 120 * sin(ticks / 160.0); if(m == moWitchWinter && where) drawWinter(V, 0); if(m == moWitchFlash && where) drawFlash(V); if(m == moWitchSpeed && where) drawSpeed(V); if(m == moWitchFire) col = firecolor(0); ShadowV(V, shFemaleBody); queuepoly(VBODY, shFemaleBody, darkena(col, 0, cc)); // queuepoly(cV2, ct, shPSword, darkena(col, 0, 0XFF)); // queuepoly(V, shHood, darkena(col, 0, 0XC0)); if(m == moWitchFire) col = firecolor(100); queuepoly(VHEAD, shWitchHair, darkena(col, 1, cc)); if(m == moWitchFire) col = firecolor(200); queuepoly(VHEAD, shPFace, darkena(col, 0, cc)); if(m == moWitchFire) col = firecolor(300); queuepoly(VBODY, shWitchDress, darkena(col, 1, 0XC0)); } // just for the HUD glyphs... else if(isIvy(m) || isMutantIvy(m) || m == moFriendlyIvy) { queuepoly(V, shILeaf[0], darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moWorm || m == moWormwait || m == moHexSnake) { queuepoly(V, shWormHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepolyat(V, shEyes, 0xFF, PPR_ONTENTACLE_EYES); } else if(m == moDragonHead) { queuepoly(V, shDragonHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepolyat(V, shEyes, 0xFF, PPR_ONTENTACLE_EYES); int noscolor = 0xFF0000FF; queuepoly(V, shDragonNostril, noscolor); queuepoly(V * Mirror, shDragonNostril, noscolor); } else if(m == moDragonTail) { queuepoly(V, shDragonSegment, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(m == moTentacle || m == moTentaclewait || m == moTentacleEscaping) { queuepoly(V, shTentHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); ShadowV(V, shTentHead, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); } else return true; return false; #else return true; #endif } bool drawMonsterTypeDH(eMonster m, cell *where, const transmatrix& V, int col, bool dh, ld footphase) { dynamicval p(poly_outline, poly_outline); if(dh) { poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEAD; darken++; } bool b = drawMonsterType(m,where,V,col, footphase); if(dh) { darken--; } return b; } transmatrix playerV; bool applyAnimation(cell *c, transmatrix& V, double& footphase, int layer) { if(!animations[layer].count(c)) return false; animation& a = animations[layer][c]; int td = ticks - a.ltick; ld aspd = td / 1000.0 * exp(vid.mspeed); ld R; again: if(a.attacking == 1) R = hdist(tC0(a.attackat), tC0(a.wherenow)); else R = hdist0(tC0(a.wherenow)); aspd *= (1+R+(shmup::on?1:0)); if(R < aspd || std::isnan(R) || std::isnan(aspd) || R > 10) { if(a.attacking == 1) { a.attacking = 2; goto again; } animations[layer].erase(c); return false; } else { if(a.attacking == 1) a.wherenow = a.wherenow * rspintox(tC0(inverse(a.wherenow) * a.attackat)); else a.wherenow = a.wherenow * rspintox(tC0(inverse(a.wherenow))); a.wherenow = a.wherenow * xpush(aspd); fixmatrix(a.wherenow); a.footphase += a.attacking == 2 ? -aspd : aspd; footphase = a.footphase; V = V * a.wherenow; if(a.attacking == 2) V = V * pispin; a.ltick = ticks; return true; } } double chainAngle(cell *c, transmatrix& V, cell *c2, double dft, const transmatrix &Vwhere) { if(!gmatrix0.count(c2)) return dft; hyperpoint h = C0; if(animations[LAYER_BIG].count(c2)) h = animations[LAYER_BIG][c2].wherenow * h; if(inmirrorcount) h = inverse(V) * Vwhere * inverse(gmatrix0[c]) * gmatrix0[c2] * h; else h = inverse(V) * gmatrix0[c2] * h; return atan2(h[1], h[0]); } // equivalent to V = V * spin(-chainAngle(c,V,c2,dft)); bool chainAnimation(cell *c, transmatrix& V, cell *c2, int i, ld bonus, const transmatrix &Vwhere, ld& length) { if(!gmatrix0.count(c2)) { V = V * ddspin(c,i,bonus); length = cellgfxdist(c,i); return false; } hyperpoint h = C0; if(animations[LAYER_BIG].count(c2)) h = animations[LAYER_BIG][c2].wherenow * h; if(inmirrorcount) h = inverse(V) * Vwhere * inverse(gmatrix0[c]) * gmatrix0[c2] * h; else h = inverse(V) * gmatrix0[c2] * h; length = hdist0(h); V = V * rspintox(h); return true; } // push down the queue after q-th element, `down` absolute units down, // based on cell c and transmatrix V // do change the zoom factor? do change the priorities? int cellcolor(cell *c) { if(isPlayerOn(c) || isFriendly(c)) return OUTLINE_FRIEND; if(noHighlight(c->monst)) return OUTLINE_NONE; if(c->monst) return OUTLINE_ENEMY; if(c->wall == waMirror) return c->land == laMirror ? OUTLINE_TREASURE : OUTLINE_ORB; if(c->item) { int k = itemclass(c->item); if(k == IC_TREASURE) return OUTLINE_TREASURE; else if(k == IC_ORB) return OUTLINE_ORB; else return OUTLINE_OTHER; } return OUTLINE_NONE; } int taildist(cell *c) { int s = 0; while(s < 1000 && c->mondir != NODIR && isWorm(c->monst)) { s++; c = c->move(c->mondir); } return s; } int last_wormsegment = -1; vector > > wormsegments; void add_segment(int d, const std::function& s) { if(isize(wormsegments) <= d) wormsegments.resize(d+1); last_wormsegment = max(last_wormsegment, d); wormsegments[d].push_back(s); } void drawWormSegments() { for(int i=0; i<=last_wormsegment; i++) { for(auto& f: wormsegments[i]) f(); wormsegments[i].clear(); } last_wormsegment = -1; } bool dont_face_pc = false; bool drawMonster(const transmatrix& Vparam, int ct, cell *c, int col) { bool darkhistory = conformal::includeHistory && conformal::inkillhistory.count(c); if(doHighlight()) poly_outline = (isPlayerOn(c) || isFriendly(c)) ? OUTLINE_FRIEND : noHighlight(c->monst) ? OUTLINE_NONE : OUTLINE_ENEMY; bool nospins = false, nospinb = false; double footphaseb = 0, footphase = 0; transmatrix Vs = Vparam; nospins = applyAnimation(c, Vs, footphase, LAYER_SMALL); transmatrix Vb = Vparam; nospinb = applyAnimation(c, Vb, footphaseb, LAYER_BIG); // nospin = true; eMonster m = c->monst; if(isIvy(c) || isWorm(c) || isMutantIvy(c) || c->monst == moFriendlyIvy) { if((m == moHexSnake || m == moHexSnakeTail) && c->hitpoints == 2) { int d = c->mondir; if(d == NODIR) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(among(c2->monst, moHexSnakeTail, moHexSnake) && c2->mondir == c->c.spin(i)) d = i; if(d == NODIR) { d = hrand(c->type); createMov(c, d); } int c1 = nestcolors[pattern_threecolor(c)]; int c2 = nestcolors[pattern_threecolor(c->move(d))]; col = (c1 + c2); // sum works because they are dark and should be brightened } if(isDragon(c->monst) && c->stuntime == 0) col = 0xFF6000; transmatrix Vb0 = Vb; if(c->mondir != NODIR) { if(mmmon) { ld length; // cell *c2 = c->move(c->mondir); if(nospinb) chainAnimation(c, Vb, c->move(c->mondir), c->mondir, 0, Vparam, length); else { Vb = Vb * ddspin(c, c->mondir); length = cellgfxdist(c, c->mondir); } if(mapeditor::drawUserShape(Vb, 1, c->monst, (col << 8) + 0xFF, c)) return false; if(isIvy(c) || isMutantIvy(c) || c->monst == moFriendlyIvy) queuepoly(Vb, shIBranch, (col << 8) + 0xFF); /* else if(c->monst < moTentacle && wormstyle == 0) { ShadowV(Vb, shTentacleX, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); queuepoly(mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY), shTentacleX, 0xFF); queuepoly(mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY), shTentacle, (col << 8) + 0xFF); } */ // else if(c->monst < moTentacle) { // } else if(c->monst == moDragonHead || c->monst == moDragonTail) { char part = dragon::bodypart(c, dragon::findhead(c)); if(part != '2') { queuepoly(mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY), shDragonSegment, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); ShadowV(Vb, shDragonSegment, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); } } else { if(c->monst == moTentacleGhost) { hyperpoint V0 = conformal::on ? tC0(Vs) : inverse(cwtV) * tC0(Vs); hyperpoint V1 = spintox(V0) * V0; Vs = cwtV * rspintox(V0) * rpushxto0(V1) * pispin; drawMonsterType(moGhost, c, Vs, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF), footphase); col = minf[moTentacletail].color; } /* queuepoly(mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY), shTentacleX, 0xFFFFFFFF); queuepoly(mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY), shTentacle, (col << 8) + 0xFF); ShadowV(Vb, shTentacleX, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); */ bool hexsnake = c->monst == moHexSnake || c->monst == moHexSnakeTail; bool thead = c->monst == moTentacle || c->monst == moTentaclewait || c->monst == moTentacleEscaping; hpcshape& sh = hexsnake ? shWormSegment : shSmallWormSegment; ld wav = hexsnake ? 0 : c->monst < moTentacle ? 1/1.5 : 1; int col0 = col; if(c->monst == moWorm || c->monst == moWormwait) col0 = minf[moWormtail].color; else if(thead) col0 = minf[moTentacletail].color; add_segment(taildist(c), [=] () { for(int i=11; i>=0; i--) { if(i < 3 && (c->monst == moTentacle || c->monst == moTentaclewait)) continue; transmatrix Vbx = Vb * spin(sin(M_PI * i / 6.) * wav / (i+.1)) * xpush(length * (i) / 12.0); // transmatrix Vbx2 = Vnext * xpush(length2 * i / 6.0); // Vbx = Vbx * rspintox(inverse(Vbx) * Vbx2 * C0) * pispin; ShadowV(Vbx, sh, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); queuepoly(mmscale(Vbx, geom3::ABODY), sh, (col0 << 8) + 0xFF); } }); } } else { int hdir = displayspin(c, c->mondir); int col = darkena(0x606020, 0, 0xFF); for(int u=-1; u<=1; u++) queueline(Vparam*xspinpush0(hdir+M_PI/2, u*crossf/5), Vparam*xspinpush(hdir, crossf)*xspinpush0(hdir+M_PI/2, u*crossf/5), col, 2 + vid.linequality); } } if(mmmon) { if(isIvy(c) || isMutantIvy(c) || c->monst == moFriendlyIvy) { queuepoly(mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY), shILeaf[ctof(c)], darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); ShadowV(Vb, shILeaf[ctof(c)], PPR_GIANTSHADOW); } else if(m == moWorm || m == moWormwait || m == moHexSnake) { Vb = Vb * pispin; transmatrix Vbh = mmscale(Vb, geom3::AHEAD); queuepoly(Vbh, shWormHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); queuepolyat(Vbh, shEyes, 0xFF, PPR_ONTENTACLE_EYES); ShadowV(Vb, shWormHead, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); } else if(m == moDragonHead) { transmatrix Vbh = mmscale(Vb, geom3::AHEAD); ShadowV(Vb, shDragonHead, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); queuepoly(Vbh, shDragonHead, darkena(col, c->hitpoints?0:1, 0xFF)); queuepolyat(Vbh/* * pispin */, shEyes, 0xFF, PPR_ONTENTACLE_EYES); int noscolor = (c->hitpoints == 1 && c->stuntime ==1) ? 0xFF0000FF : 0xFF; queuepoly(Vbh, shDragonNostril, noscolor); queuepoly(Vbh * Mirror, shDragonNostril, noscolor); } else if(m == moTentacle || m == moTentaclewait || m == moTentacleEscaping) { Vb = Vb * pispin; transmatrix Vbh = mmscale(Vb, geom3::AHEAD); queuepoly(Vbh, shTentHead, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); ShadowV(Vb, shTentHead, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); } else if(m == moDragonTail) { cell *c2 = NULL; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && isDragon(c->move(i)->monst) && c->move(i)->mondir == c->c.spin(i)) c2 = c->move(i); int nd = neighborId(c, c2); char part = dragon::bodypart(c, dragon::findhead(c)); if(part == 't') { if(nospinb) { ld length; chainAnimation(c, Vb, c2, nd, 0, Vparam, length); Vb = Vb * pispin; } else { Vb = Vb0 * ddspin(c, nd, M_PI); } transmatrix Vbb = mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY); queuepoly(Vbb, shDragonTail, darkena(col, c->hitpoints?0:1, 0xFF)); ShadowV(Vb, shDragonTail, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); } else if(true) { if(nospinb) { ld length; chainAnimation(c, Vb, c2, nd, 0, Vparam, length); Vb = Vb * pispin; double ang = chainAngle(c, Vb, c->move(c->mondir), displayspin(c, c->mondir) - displayspin(c, nd), Vparam); ang /= 2; Vb = Vb * spin(M_PI-ang); } else { ld hdir0 = displayspin(c, nd) + M_PI; ld hdir1 = displayspin(c, c->mondir); while(hdir1 > hdir0 + M_PI) hdir1 -= 2*M_PI; while(hdir1 < hdir0 - M_PI) hdir1 += 2*M_PI; Vb = Vb0 * spin((hdir0 + hdir1)/2 + M_PI); } transmatrix Vbb = mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY); if(part == 'l' || part == '2') { queuepoly(Vbb, shDragonLegs, darkena(col, c->hitpoints?0:1, 0xFF)); } queuepoly(Vbb, shDragonWings, darkena(col, c->hitpoints?0:1, 0xFF)); } } else { if(c->monst == moTentacletail && c->mondir == NODIR) { queuepoly(Vb, shWormSegment, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(c->mondir == NODIR) { bool hexsnake = c->monst == moHexSnake || c->monst == moHexSnakeTail; cell *c2 = NULL; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && isWorm(c->move(i)->monst) && c->move(i)->mondir == c->c.spin(i)) c2 = c->move(i); int nd = neighborId(c, c2); if(nospinb) { ld length; chainAnimation(c, Vb, c2, nd, 0, Vparam, length); Vb = Vb * pispin; } else { Vb = Vb0 * ddspin(c, nd, M_PI); } transmatrix Vbb = mmscale(Vb, geom3::ABODY) * pispin; hpcshape& sh = hexsnake ? shWormTail : shSmallWormTail; queuepoly(Vbb, sh, darkena(col, 0, 0xFF)); ShadowV(Vb, sh, PPR_GIANTSHADOW); } } } if(!mmmon) return true; } else if(isMimic(c)) { int xdir = 0, copies = 1; if(c->wall == waMirrorWall) { xdir = mirror::mirrordir(c); copies = 2; if(xdir == -1) copies = 6, xdir = 0; } for(auto& m: mirror::mirrors) if(c == m.second.at) for(int d=0; d=2) cw += 2; if(d>=4) cw += 2; transmatrix Vs = Vparam; bool mirr = cw.mirrored; Vs = Vs * ddspin(c, cw.spin-cwt.spin, masterless ? 0 : S42); nospins = applyAnimation(cwt.at, Vs, footphase, LAYER_SMALL); if(!nospins) Vs = Vs * ddspin(c, cwt.spin); if(mirr) Vs = Vs * Mirror; if(inmirrorcount&1) mirr = !mirr; col = mirrorcolor(geometry == gElliptic ? det(Vs) < 0 : mirr); if(!nospins && flipplayer) Vs = Vs * pispin; if(mmmon) { drawMonsterType(moMimic, c, Vs, col, footphase); drawPlayerEffects(Vs, c, false); } if(!mouseout() && !nospins) { transmatrix invxy = Id; if(flipplayer) invxy[0][0] = invxy[1][1] = -1; hyperpoint P2 = Vs * inverse(cwtV) * invxy * mouseh; queuechr(P2, 10, 'x', 0xFF00); } } return !mmmon; } else if(c->monst && !mmmon) return true; // illusions face randomly else if(c->monst == moIllusion) { multi::cpid = 0; drawMonsterType(c->monst, c, Vs, col, footphase); drawPlayerEffects(Vs, c, false); } // wolves face the heat else if(c->monst == moWolf && c->cpdist > 1) { if(!nospins) { int d = 0; double bheat = -999; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && HEAT(c->move(i)) > bheat) { bheat = HEAT(c->move(i)); d = i; } Vs = Vs * ddspin(c, d); } return drawMonsterTypeDH(m, c, Vs, col, darkhistory, footphase); } else if(c->monst == moKrakenT) { if(c->hitpoints == 0) col = 0x404040; if(nospinb) { ld length; chainAnimation(c, Vb, c->move(c->mondir), c->mondir, 0, Vparam, length); Vb = Vb * pispin; Vb = Vb * xpush(tentacle_length - cellgfxdist(c, c->mondir)); } else if(gp::on || irr::on) { transmatrix T = calc_relative_matrix(c->move(c->mondir), c, c->mondir); Vb = Vb * T * rspintox(tC0(inverse(T))) * xpush(tentacle_length); } else { Vb = Vb * ddspin(c, c->mondir, M_PI); Vb = Vb * xpush(tentacle_length - cellgfxdist(c, c->mondir)); } // if(ctof(c) && !masterless) Vb = Vb * xpush(hexhexdist - hcrossf); // return nonbitrunc ? tessf * gp::scale : (c->type == 6 && (i&1)) ? hexhexdist : crossf; return drawMonsterTypeDH(m, c, Vb, col, darkhistory, footphase); } // golems, knights, and hyperbugs don't face the player (mondir-controlled) // also whatever in the lineview mode, and whatever in the quotient geometry else if(isFriendly(c) || isBug(c) || (c->monst && conformal::on) || c->monst == moKrakenH || (isBull(c->monst) && c->mondir != NODIR) || c->monst == moButterfly || isMagneticPole(c->monst) || isSwitch(c->monst) || c->monst == moPair || (c->monst && (quotient || torus || dont_face_pc))) { if(c->monst == moKrakenH) Vs = Vb, nospins = nospinb; if(!nospins) Vs = Vs * ddspin(c, c->mondir, M_PI); if(c->monst == moPair) Vs = Vs * xpush(-.12); if(isFriendly(c)) drawPlayerEffects(Vs, c, false); return drawMonsterTypeDH(m, c, Vs, col, darkhistory, footphase); } else if(c->monst) { // other monsters face the player if(!nospins) { hyperpoint V0 = inverse(cwtV) * tC0(Vs); hyperpoint V1 = spintox(V0) * V0; Vs = cwtV * rspintox(V0) * rpushxto0(V1) * pispin; if(c->monst == moHunterChanging) Vs = Vs * spin(M_PI); } if(c->monst == moShadow) multi::cpid = c->hitpoints; return drawMonsterTypeDH(m, c, Vs, col, darkhistory, footphase); } for(int i=0; i 1 ? multi::flipped[i] : flipplayer) Vs = Vs * pispin; } else { bool mirr = multi::players > 1 ? multi::player[i].mirrored : cwt.mirrored; if(mirr) Vs = Vs * Mirror; } shmup::cpid = i; drawPlayerEffects(Vs, c, true); if(!mmmon) return true; if(isWorm(m)) { ld depth = geom3::factor_to_lev(wormhead(c) == c ? geom3::AHEAD : geom3::ABODY); footphase = 0; int q = ptds.size(); drawMonsterType(moPlayer, c, Vs, col, footphase); pushdown(c, q, Vs, -depth, true, false); } else if(mmmon) drawMonsterType(moPlayer, c, Vs, col, footphase); } return false; } double downspin; cell *straightDownSeek; #define AURA 180 array,AURA+1> aurac; bool haveaura() { if(!(vid.aurastr>0 && !svg::in && (auraNOGL || vid.usingGL))) return false; if(sphere && mdAzimuthalEqui()) return true; return pmodel == mdDisk && (!sphere || vid.alpha > 10) && !euclid; } vector > auraspecials; int auramemo; void clearaura() { if(!haveaura()) return; for(int a=0; a>16)&255; aurac[r][1] += (col>>8)&255; aurac[r][2] += (col>>0)&255; } void sumaura(int v) { int auc[AURA]; for(int t=0; t AURA) vid.aurasmoothen = AURA; int SMO = vid.aurasmoothen; for(int t=0; t auravertices; void drawaura() { if(!haveaura()) return; if(stereo::mode) return; double rad = vid.radius; if(sphere && !mdAzimuthalEqui()) rad /= sqrt(vid.alpha*vid.alpha - 1); for(int v=0; v<4; v++) sumaura(v); for(auto& p: auraspecials) { int r = p.first; aurac[r][3] = auramemo; for(int k=0; k<3; k++) aurac[r][k] = (p.second >> (8*k)) & 255; } #if CAP_SDL || CAP_GL double bak[3]; bak[0] = ((backcolor>>16)&255)/255.; bak[1] = ((backcolor>>8)&255)/255.; bak[2] = ((backcolor>>0)&255)/255.; #endif #if CAP_SDL if(!vid.usingGL) { SDL_LockSurface(s); for(int y=0; y1) cmul=1; if(cmul<0) cmul=0; ld alpha = AURA * atan2(hx,hy) / (2 * M_PI); if(alpha<0) alpha += AURA; if(alpha >= AURA) alpha -= AURA; int rm = int(alpha); double fr = alpha-rm; if(rm<0 || rm >= AURA) continue; int& p = qpixel(s, x, y); for(int c=0; c<3; c++) { double c1 = aurac[rm][2-c] / (aurac[rm][3]+.1); double c2 = aurac[rm+1][2-c] / (aurac[rm+1][3]+.1); const ld one = 1; part(p, c) = int(255 * min(one, bak[2-c] + cmul * ((c1 + fr * (c2-c1) - bak[2-c])))); } } SDL_UnlockSurface(s); return; } #endif #if CAP_GL setcameraangle(true); float cx[AURA+1][11][5]; double facs[11] = {1, 1.01, 1.02, 1.04, 1.08, 1.70, 1.95, 1.5, 2, 6, 10}; double cmul[11] = {1, .8, .7, .6, .5, .16, .12, .08, .07, .06, 0}; double d2[11] = {0, 2, 4, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10}; for(int d=0; d<11; d++) { double dd = d2[d]; cmul[d] = (1- dd/10.); facs[d] = .99999 + .00001 * exp(dd); } facs[10] = 10; cmul[1] = cmul[0]; for(int r=0; r<=AURA; r++) for(int z=0; z<11; z++) { float rr = (M_PI * 2 * r) / AURA; float rad0 = vid.alpha > -1 ? rad * facs[z] : rad / facs[z]; int rm = r % AURA; cx[r][z][0] = rad0 * sin(rr); cx[r][z][1] = rad0 * cos(rr) * vid.stretch; for(int u=0; u<3; u++) cx[r][z][u+2] = bak[u] + (aurac[rm][u] / (aurac[rm][3]+.1) - bak[u]) * cmul[z]; } auravertices.clear(); for(int r=0; rtype; t++) if(c->move(t) && bugsNearby(c->move(t), dist-1)) return true; return false; } int minecolors[8] = { 0xFFFFFF, 0xF0, 0xF060, 0xF00000, 0x60, 0x600000, 0x00C0C0, 0x000000 }; int distcolors[8] = { 0xFFFFFF, 0xF0, 0xF060, 0xF00000, 0xA0A000, 0xA000A0, 0x00A0A0, 0xFFD500 }; const char* minetexts[8] = { "No mines next to you.", "A mine is next to you!", "Two mines next to you!", "Three mines next to you!", "Four mines next to you!", "Five mines next to you!", "Six mines next to you!", "Seven mines next to you!" }; int countMinesAround(cell *c) { int mines = 0; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->wall == waMineMine) mines++; return mines; } transmatrix applyPatterndir(cell *c, const patterns::patterninfo& si) { if(gp::on || irr::on || binarytiling) return Id; transmatrix V = ddspin(c, si.dir, M_PI); if(si.reflect) V = V * Mirror; return V * iddspin(c, 0, M_PI); } transmatrix applyDowndir(cell *c, cellfunction *cf) { return ddspin(c, patterns::downdir(c, cf), M_PI); } void set_towerfloor(cell *c, cellfunction *cf = coastvalEdge) { if(weirdhyperbolic || sphere) { set_floor(shFloor); return; } int j = -1; if(masterless) j = 10; else if((*cf)(c) > 1) { int i = towerval(c, cf); if(i == 4) j = 0; if(i == 5) j = 1; if(i == 6) j = 2; if(i == 8) j = 3; if(i == 9) j = 4; if(i == 10) j = 5; if(i == 13) j = 6; if(nonbitrunc) { if(i == 7) j = 7; if(i == 11) j = 8; if(i == 15) j = 9; } } if(j >= 0) set_floor(applyDowndir(c, cf), shTower[j]); else if(c->wall != waLadder) set_floor(shMFloor); } void set_zebrafloor(cell *c) { if(masterless) { set_floor(shTower[10]); return; } if(weirdhyperbolic) { set_floor(shFloor); return; } auto si = patterns::getpatterninfo(c, 'z', patterns::SPF_SYM0123); int j; if(nonbitrunc) j = 4; else if(si.id >=4 && si.id < 16) j = 2; else if(si.id >= 16 && si.id < 28) j = 1; else if(si.id >= 28 && si.id < 40) j = 3; else j = 0; set_floor(applyPatterndir(c, si), shZebra[j]); } void set_maywarp_floor(cell *c); void set_reptile_floor(cell *c, const transmatrix& V, int col, bool nodetails = false) { auto si = euclid6 ? patterns::getpatterninfo(c, patterns::PAT_COLORING, patterns::SPF_CHANGEROT) : patterns::getpatterninfo(c, patterns::PAT_ZEBRA, patterns::SPF_SYM0123); int j; if(!wmescher) j = 4; else if(nonbitrunc) j = 0; else if(si.id < 4) j = 0; else if(si.id >=4 && si.id < 16) j = 1; else if(si.id >= 16 && si.id < 28) j = 2; else if(si.id >= 28 && si.id < 40) j = 3; else j = 4; if(euclid6) j = 0; transmatrix D = applyPatterndir(c, si); if(wmescher) set_floor(D, shReptile[j][0]); else set_maywarp_floor(c); if(nodetails) return; int dcol = 0; int ecol = -1; if(isReptile(c->wall)) { unsigned char wp = c->wparam; if(wp == 1) ecol = 0xFFFF00; else if(wp <= 5) ecol = 0xFF0000; else ecol = 0; if(ecol) ecol = gradient(0, ecol, -1, sin(M_PI / 100 * ticks), 1); } if(ecol == -1 || ecol == 0) dcol = darkena(col, 1, 0xFF); else dcol = darkena(ecol, 0, 0x80); dynamicval p(poly_outline, doHighlight() && ecol != -1 && ecol != 0 ? OUTLINE_ENEMY : OUTLINE_DEFAULT); if(!chasmg) { if(wmescher) queuepoly(V*D, shReptile[j][1], dcol); else draw_floorshape(c, V, shMFloor, dcol); } if(ecol != -1) { queuepoly(V*D, shReptile[j][2], (ecol << 8) + 0xFF); queuepoly(V*D, shReptile[j][3], (ecol << 8) + 0xFF); } } void draw_reptile(cell *c, const transmatrix &V, int col) { auto qfib = qfi; set_reptile_floor(c, V, col, chasmg == 2); draw_qfi(c, V, col); qfi = qfib; } void set_emeraldfloor(cell *c) { if(!masterless && !nonbitrunc) { auto si = patterns::getpatterninfo(c, 'f', patterns::SPF_SYM0123); int j = -1; if(si.id == 8) j = 0; else if(si.id == 12) j = 1; else if(si.id == 16) j = 2; else if(si.id == 20) j = 3; else if(si.id == 28) j = 4; else if(si.id == 36) j = 5; if(j >= 0) { set_floor(applyPatterndir(c, si), shEmeraldFloor[j]); return; } } set_floor(shCaveFloor); } double fanframe; void viewBuggyCells(cell *c, transmatrix V) { for(int i=0; i> 1; poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; queuepoly(fixrot * spin(-d * M_PI/4), shArrow, col); if((c->type & 1) && (isStunnable(c->monst) || c->wall == waThumperOn)) { transmatrix Centered = rgpushxto0(tC0(cwtV)); int sd = md.subdir; queuepoly(inverse(Centered) * rgpushxto0(Centered * tC0(V)) * rspintox(Centered*tC0(V)) * spin(-sd * M_PI/S7) * xpush(0.2), shArrow, col); } else if(!confusingGeometry()) break; } } } int celldistAltPlus(cell *c) { return 1000000 + celldistAlt(c); } bool drawstaratvec(double dx, double dy) { return dx*dx+dy*dy > .05; } int reptilecolor(cell *c) { int i = zebra40(c); if(!masterless) { if(i >= 4 && i < 16) i = 0; else if(i >= 16 && i < 28) i = 1; else if(i >= 28 && i < 40) i = 2; else i = 3; } int fcoltab[4] = {0xe3bb97, 0xc2d1b0, 0xebe5cb, 0xA0A0A0}; return fcoltab[i]; } ld wavefun(ld x) { return sin(x); /* x /= (2*M_PI); x -= (int) x; if(x > .5) return (x-.5) * 2; else return 0; */ } const unsigned int nestcolors[8] = { 0x800000, 0x008000, 0x000080, 0x404040, 0x700070, 0x007070, 0x707000, 0x606060 }; void setcolors(cell *c, int& wcol, int &fcol) { wcol = fcol = winf[c->wall].color; // water colors if(isWateryOrBoat(c) || c->wall == waReptileBridge) { if(c->land == laOcean) fcol = (c->landparam > 25 && !chaosmode) ? ( 0x90 + 8 * sin(windmap::windcodes[windmap::getId(c)] * M_PI / 128 - ticks/1000.) ) : 0x1010C0 + int(32 * sin(ticks / 500. + (chaosmode ? c->CHAOSPARAM : c->landparam)*1.5)); else if(c->land == laOceanWall) fcol = 0x2020FF; else if(c->land == laKraken) { fcol = 0x0000A0; int mafcol = (kraken_pseudohept(c) ? 64 : 8); /* bool nearshore = false; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i)->wall != waSea && c->move(i)->wall != waBoat) nearshore = true; if(nearshore) mafcol += 30; */ fcol = fcol + mafcol * (4+sin(ticks / 500. + ((eubinary||c->master->alt) ? celldistAlt(c) : 0)*1.5))/5; } else if(c->land == laDocks) { fcol = 0x0000A0; } else if(c->land == laAlchemist) fcol = 0x900090; else if(c->land == laWhirlpool) fcol = 0x0000C0 + int(32 * sin(ticks / 200. + ((eubinary||c->master->alt) ? celldistAlt(c) : 0)*1.5)); else if(c->land == laLivefjord) fcol = 0x000080; else if(isWarped(c->land)) fcol = 0x0000C0 + int((warptype(c)?30:-30) * sin(ticks / 600.)); else fcol = wcol; } // floor colors for all the lands else switch(c->land) { case laBurial: case laTrollheim: case laBarrier: case laOceanWall: case laCrossroads2: case laCrossroads3: case laCrossroads4: case laCrossroads5: case laRose: case laPower: case laWildWest: case laHalloween: case laRedRock: case laDragon: case laStorms: case laTerracotta: case laMercuryRiver: fcol = linf[c->land].color; break; case laRuins: fcol = pseudohept(c) ? 0xC0E0C0 : 0x40A040; break; case laDual: fcol = linf[c->land].color; if(c->landparam == 2) fcol = 0x40FF00; if(c->landparam == 3) fcol = 0xC0FF00; break; case laDesert: fcol = 0xEDC9AF; break; case laKraken: fcol = 0x20A020; break; case laDocks: fcol = 0x202020; break; case laCA: fcol = 0x404040; break; case laMotion: fcol = 0xF0F000; break; case laGraveyard: fcol = 0x107010; break; case laWineyard: fcol = 0x006000; break; case laLivefjord: fcol = 0x306030; break; case laBrownian: fcol = wcol = gradient(0x002000, 0xFFFFFF, 0, c->landparam, 20); break; case laVolcano: { int id = lavatide(c, -1)/4; if(c->wall == waMagma) { if(id == 95/4-1) fcol = wcol = 0x200000; else if(id == 95/4) fcol = wcol = 0x100000; else if(id < 48/4) fcol = wcol = gradient(0xF0F000, 0xF00000, 0, id, 48/4); else if(id < 96/4) fcol = wcol = gradient(0xF00000, 0x400000, 48/4, id, 95/4-2); } else if(c->wall == waNone) { fcol = wcol = 0x404040; if(id == 255/4) fcol = 0xA0A040; if(id == 255/4-1) fcol = 0x606040; } /* { if(id/4 == 255/4) fd = 0; if(id/4 == 95/4-1 || id/4 == 255/4-1) fd = 1; } */ break; } case laMinefield: fcol = 0x80A080; if(c->wall == waMineMine && ((cmode & sm::MAP) || !canmove)) fcol = wcol = 0xFF4040; break; case laCaribbean: if(c->wall != waCIsland && c->wall != waCIsland2) fcol = 0x006000; break; case laAlchemist: fcol = 0x202020; break; case laReptile: fcol = reptilecolor(c); break; case laCrossroads: fcol = (stereo::in_anaglyph() ? 0xFF3030 : 0xFF0000); break; case laCaves: case laEmerald: case laDeadCaves: fcol = 0x202020; if(c->land == laEmerald) if(c->wall == waCavefloor || c->wall == waCavewall) { fcol = wcol = gradient(winf[waCavefloor].color, 0xFF00, 0, 0.5, 1); if(c->wall == waCavewall) wcol = 0xC0FFC0; } break; case laJungle: fcol = (stereo::in_anaglyph() ? 0x408040 : 0x008000); break; case laMirror: case laMirrorWall: case laMirrorOld: fcol = 0x808080; break; case laDryForest: fcol = gradient(0x008000, 0x800000, 0, c->landparam, 10); break; case laMountain: if(eubinary || sphere || c->master->alt) fcol = celldistAlt(c) & 1 ? 0x604020 : 0x302010; else fcol = 0; if(c->wall == waPlatform) wcol = 0xF0F0A0; break; case laRlyeh: fcol = (stereo::in_anaglyph() ? 0x4080C0 : 0x004080); break; case laHell: fcol = (stereo::in_anaglyph() ? 0xC03030 : 0xC00000); break; case laCanvas: fcol = c->landparam; break; case laPalace: fcol = 0x806020; if(c->wall == waClosedGate || c->wall == waOpenGate) fcol = wcol; break; case laElementalWall: fcol = (linf[c->barleft].color>>1) + (linf[c->barright].color>>1); break; case laZebra: fcol = 0xE0E0E0; if(c->wall == waTrapdoor) fcol = 0x808080; break; case laHive: fcol = linf[c->land].color; if(c->wall == waWaxWall) wcol = c->landparam; if(items[itOrbInvis] && c->wall == waNone && c->landparam) fcol = gradient(fcol, 0xFF0000, 0, c->landparam, 100); if(c->bardir == NOBARRIERS && c->barleft) fcol = minf[moBug0+c->barright].color; break; case laSwitch: fcol = minf[passive_switch].color; break; case laTortoise: fcol = tortoise::getMatchColor(getBits(c)); if(c->wall == waBigTree) wcol = 0x709000; else if(c->wall == waSmallTree) wcol = 0x905000; break; case laOvergrown: case laClearing: fcol = (c->land == laOvergrown/* || (celldistAlt(c)&1)*/) ? 0x00C020 : 0x60E080; if(c->wall == waSmallTree) wcol = 0x008060; else if(c->wall == waBigTree) wcol = 0x0080C0; break; case laTemple: { int d = showoff ? 0 : (eubinary||c->master->alt) ? celldistAlt(c) : 99; if(chaosmode) fcol = 0x405090; else if(d % TEMPLE_EACH == 0) fcol = gradient(0x304080, winf[waColumn].color, 0, 0.5, 1); // else if(c->type == 7) // wcol = 0x707070; else if(d% 2 == -1) fcol = 0x304080; else fcol = 0x405090; break; } case laWhirlwind: if(c->land == laWhirlwind) { int wcol[4] = {0x404040, 0x404080, 0x2050A0, 0x5050C0}; fcol = wcol[whirlwind::fzebra3(c)]; } break; case laHunting: // fcol = pseudohept(c) ? 0x205050 : 0x306060; fcol = 0x40E0D0; fcol /= 2; if(pseudohept(c)) fcol = fcol * 3/4; break; case laIvoryTower: fcol = 0x10101 * (32 + (c->landparam&1) * 32) - 0x000010; break; case laDungeon: { int lp = c->landparam % 5; // xcol = (c->landparam&1) ? 0xD00000 : 0x00D000; int lps[5] = { 0x402000, 0x302000, 0x202000, 0x282000, 0x382000 }; fcol = lps[lp]; if(c->wall == waClosedGate) fcol = wcol = 0xC0C0C0; if(c->wall == waOpenGate) fcol = wcol = 0x404040; if(c->wall == waPlatform) fcol = wcol = 0xDFB520; break; } case laEndorian: { int clev = pd_from->land == laEndorian ? edgeDepth(pd_from) : 0; // xcol = (c->landparam&1) ? 0xD00000 : 0x00D000; fcol = 0x10101 * (32 + (c->landparam&1) * 32) - 0x000010; int ed = edgeDepth(c); int sr = get_sightrange_ambush(); if(clev == UNKNOWN || ed == UNKNOWN) fcol = 0x0000D0; else { while(ed > clev + sr) ed -= 2; while(ed < clev - sr) ed += 2; fcol = gradient(fcol, 0x0000D0, clev-sr, edgeDepth(c), clev+sr); } if(c->wall == waTrunk) fcol = winf[waTrunk].color; if(c->wall == waCanopy || c->wall == waSolidBranch || c->wall == waWeakBranch) { fcol = winf[waCanopy].color; if(c->landparam & 1) fcol = gradient(0, fcol, 0, .75, 1); } break; } case laPrairie: if(prairie::isriver(c)) { fcol = ((c->LHU.fi.rval & 1) ? 0x402000: 0x503000); } else { fcol = 0x004000 + 0x001000 * c->LHU.fi.walldist; fcol += 0x10000 * (255 - 511 / (1 + max((int) c->LHU.fi.flowerdist, 1))); // fcol += 0x1 * (511 / (1 + max((int) c->LHU.fi.walldist2, 1))); } break; case laCamelot: { int d = showoff ? 0 : ((eubinary||c->master->alt) ? celldistAltRelative(c) : 0); #if CAP_TOUR if(!tour::on) camelotcheat = false; if(camelotcheat) fcol = (d&1) ? 0xC0C0C0 : 0x606060; else #endif if(d < 0) { fcol = 0xA0A0A0; } else { // a nice floor pattern int v = emeraldval(c); int v0 = (v&~3); bool sw = (v&1); if(v0 == 8 || v0 == 12 || v0 == 20 || v0 == 40 || v0 == 36 || v0 == 24) sw = !sw; if(sw) fcol = 0xC0C0C0; else fcol = 0xA0A0A0; } break; } case laIce: case laCocytus: case laBlizzard: if(isIcyWall(c)) { float h = HEAT(c); bool showcoc = c->land == laCocytus && chaosmode && !wmescher; int colorN04 = showcoc ? 0x4080FF : 0x4040FF; int colorN10 = 0x0000FF; int color0 = c->land == laBlizzard ? 0x5050C0 : showcoc ? 0x80C0FF : 0x8080FF; int color02 = 0xFFFFFF; int color06 = 0xFF0000; int color08 = 0xFFFF00; if(h < -1) wcol = colorN10; else if(h < -0.4) wcol = gradient(colorN04, colorN10 , -0.4, h, -1); else if(h < 0) wcol = gradient(color0, colorN04, 0, h, -0.4); else if(h < 0.2) wcol = gradient(color0, color02, 0, h, 0.2); // else if(h < 0.4) // wcol = gradient(0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFF00, 0.2, h, 0.4); else if(h < 0.6) wcol = gradient(color02, color06, 0.2, h, 0.6); else if(h < 0.8) wcol = gradient(color06, color08, 0.6, h, 0.8); else wcol = color08; if(c->wall == waFrozenLake) fcol = wcol; else fcol = (wcol & 0xFEFEFE) >> 1; if(c->wall == waLake) fcol = wcol = (wcol & 0xFCFCFC) >> 2; } break; case laOcean: if(chaosmode) fcol = gradient(0xD0A090, 0xD0D020, 0, c->CHAOSPARAM, 30); else fcol = gradient(0xD0D090, 0xD0D020, -1, sin((double) c->landparam), 1); break; case laSnakeNest: { int fv = pattern_threecolor(c); fcol = nestcolors[fv&7]; if(realred(c->wall)) wcol = fcol * (4 + snakelevel(c)) / 4; break; } default: if(isElemental(c->land)) fcol = linf[c->land].color; if(isWarped(c->land)) { fcol = warptype(c) ? 0x80C080 : 0xA06020; if(c->wall == waSmallTree) wcol = 0x608000; } if(isHaunted(c->land)) { int itcolor = 0; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->item) itcolor = 1; if(c->item) itcolor |= 2; fcol = 0x609F60 + 0x202020 * itcolor; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->monst == moFriendlyGhost) fcol = gradient(fcol, fghostcolor(ticks, c2), 0, .25, 1); if(c->monst == moFriendlyGhost) fcol = gradient(fcol, fghostcolor(ticks, c), 0, .5, 1); if(c->wall == waSmallTree) wcol = 0x004000; else if(c->wall == waBigTree) wcol = 0x008000; } } /* if(c->land == laCaribbean && (c->wall == waCIsland || c->wall == waCIsland2)) fcol = wcol = winf[c->wall].color; */ switch(c->wall) { case waSulphur: case waSulphurC: case waPlatform: case waMercury: case waDock: case waAncientGrave: case waFreshGrave: case waThumperOn: case waThumperOff: case waBonfireOff: case waRoundTable: // floors become fcol fcol = wcol; break; case waDeadTroll2: case waPetrifiedBridge: case waPetrified: { eMonster m = eMonster(c->wparam); if(c->wall == waPetrified || c->wall == waPetrifiedBridge) wcol = gradient(wcol, minf[m].color, 0, .2, 1); if(c->wall == waPetrified || isTroll(m)) if(!(m == moForestTroll && c->land == laOvergrown)) wcol = gradient(wcol, minf[m].color, 0, .4, 1); break; } case waFloorA: case waFloorB: // isAlch if(c->item && !(conformal::includeHistory && conformal::infindhistory.count(c))) fcol = wcol = iinf[c->item].color; else fcol = wcol; break; case waBoat: if(wmascii) wcol = 0xC06000; break; case waEternalFire: fcol = wcol = weakfirecolor(1500); break; case waFire: case waPartialFire: case waBurningDock: fcol = wcol = firecolor(100); break; case waDeadfloor: case waCavefloor: fcol = wcol; break; case waNone: if(c->land == laNone) wcol = fcol = 0x101010; if(c->land == laHive) wcol = fcol; break; case waMineUnknown: case waMineMine: if(mineMarkedSafe(c)) fcol = wcol = gradient(wcol, 0x40FF40, 0, 0.2, 1); else if(mineMarked(c)) fcol = wcol = gradient(wcol, 0xFF4040, -1, sin(ticks/100.0), 1); // fallthrough case waMineOpen: fcol = wcol; if(wmblack || wmascii) fcol >>= 1, wcol >>= 1; break; case waCavewall: if(c->land != laEmerald) fcol = winf[waCavefloor].color; break; default: break; } /* if(false && isAlch2(c, true)) { int id = lavatide(c, -1); if(id < 96) wcol = gradient(0x800000, 0xFF0000, 0, id, 96); else wcol = gradient(0x00FF00, 0xFFFF00, 96, id, 255); fcol = wcol; } */ int rd = rosedist(c); if(rd == 1) wcol = gradient(0x804060, wcol, 0,1,3), fcol = gradient(0x804060, fcol, 0,1,3); if(rd == 2) wcol = gradient(0x804060, wcol, 0,2,3), fcol = gradient(0x804060, fcol, 0,2,3); if(items[itRevolver] && !shmup::on) { bool inrange = c->mpdist <= GUNRANGE; if(inrange) { inrange = false; for(int i=0; iwall == waNone || isWatery(c))) wcol = fcol; if(!wmspatial && snakelevel(c) && !realred(c->wall)) fcol = wcol; if(c->wall == waGlass && !wmspatial) fcol = wcol; } bool noAdjacentChasms(cell *c) { forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall == waChasm) return false; return true; } // does the current geometry allow nice duals bool has_nice_dual() { if(irr::on) return irr::bitruncations_performed > 0; if(archimedean) return geosupport_football() >= 2; if(binarytiling) return false; if(!nonbitrunc) return true; if((S7 & 1) == 0) return true; if(!gp::on) return false; if(a4) return false; return (gp::param.first + gp::param.second * 2) % 3 == 0; } // does the current geometry allow nice duals bool is_nice_dual(cell *c) { return c->land == laDual && has_nice_dual(); } bool use_swapped_duals() { return (masterless && !a4) || gp::on; } void floorShadow(cell *c, const transmatrix& V, int col) { if(pmodel == mdHyperboloid || pmodel == mdBall || pmodel == mdHemisphere || noshadow) return; // shadows break the depth testing dynamicval p(poly_outline, OUTLINE_TRANS); if(qfi.shape) { queuepolyat(V * qfi.spin * shadowmulmatrix, *qfi.shape, col, PPR_WALLSHADOW); } else draw_shapevec(c, V, qfi.fshape->shadow, col, PPR_WALLSHADOW); } void set_maywarp_floor(cell *c) { bool warp = isWarped(c); if(warp && !shmup::on && geosupport_football() == 2) { if(!stdhyperbolic) { set_floor(shTriheptaFloor); return; } auto si = patterns::getpatterninfo(c, 0, 0); if(si.id == 0 || si.id == 1) set_floor(shTriheptaFloor); else if(si.id >= 14) set_floor(shFloor); else set_floor(applyPatterndir(c, si), shTriheptaSpecial[si.id]); } else if(is_nice_dual(c)) set_floor(shBigTriangle); else set_floor(shFloor); } int wavephase; void escherSidewall(cell *c, int sidepar, const transmatrix& V, int col) { if(sidepar >= SIDE_SLEV && sidepar <= SIDE_SLEV+2) { int sl = sidepar - SIDE_SLEV; for(int z=1; z<=4; z++) if(z == 1 || (z == 4 && detaillevel == 2)) draw_qfi(c, mscale(V, zgrad0(geom3::slev * sl, geom3::slev * (sl+1), z, 4)), col, PPR_REDWALL-4+z+4*sl); } else if(sidepar == SIDE_WALL) { const int layers = 2 << detaillevel; for(int z=1; zis_plain || !validsidepar[sidepar]) { escherSidewall(c, sidepar, V, col); return true; } if(qfi.fshape == &shBigTriangle && pseudohept(c->move(i))) return false; if(qfi.fshape == &shTriheptaFloor && !pseudohept(c) && !pseudohept(c->move(i))) return false; int prio; /* if(mirr) prio = PPR_GLASS - 2; else */ if(sidepar == SIDE_WALL) prio = PPR_WALL3 - 2; else if(sidepar == SIDE_WTS3) prio = PPR_WALL3 - 2; else if(sidepar == SIDE_LAKE) prio = PPR_LAKEWALL; else if(sidepar == SIDE_LTOB) prio = PPR_INLAKEWALL; else if(sidepar == SIDE_BTOI) prio = PPR_BELOWBOTTOM; else prio = PPR_REDWALL-2+4*(sidepar-SIDE_SLEV); transmatrix V2 = V * ddspin(c, i); if(gp::on || irr::on || binarytiling || archimedean) { draw_shapevec(c, V2, qfi.fshape->gpside[sidepar][i], col, prio); return false; } queuepolyat(V2, qfi.fshape->side[sidepar][pseudohept(c)], col, prio); return false; } bool openorsafe(cell *c) { return c->wall == waMineOpen || mineMarkedSafe(c); } #define Dark(x) darkena(x,0,0xFF) int gridcolor(cell *c1, cell *c2) { if(cmode & sm::DRAW) return Dark(forecolor); if(!c2) return 0x202020 >> darken; int rd1 = rosedist(c1), rd2 = rosedist(c2); if(rd1 != rd2) { int r = rd1+rd2; if(r == 1) return Dark(0x802020); if(r == 3) return Dark(0xC02020); if(r == 2) return Dark(0xF02020); } if(chasmgraph(c1) != chasmgraph(c2)) return Dark(0x808080); if(c1->land == laAlchemist && c2->land == laAlchemist && c1->wall != c2->wall && !c1->item && !c2->item) return Dark(0xC020C0); if((c1->land == laWhirlpool || c2->land == laWhirlpool) && (celldistAlt(c1) != celldistAlt(c2))) return Dark(0x2020A0); if(c1->land == laMinefield && c2->land == laMinefield && (openorsafe(c1) != openorsafe(c2))) return Dark(0xA0A0A0); return Dark(0x202020); } void pushdown(cell *c, int& q, const transmatrix &V, double down, bool rezoom, bool repriority) { // since we might be changing priorities, we have to make sure that we are sorting correctly if(down > 0 && repriority) { int qq = q+1; while(qq < isize(ptds)) if(qq > q && ptds[qq].prio < ptds[qq-1].prio) { swap(ptds[qq], ptds[qq-1]); qq--; } else qq++; } while(q < isize(ptds)) { polytodraw& ptd = ptds[q++]; if(ptd.kind == pkPoly) { double z2; double z = zlevel(tC0(ptd.u.poly.V)); double lev = geom3::factor_to_lev(z); double nlev = lev - down; double xyscale = rezoom ? geom3::scale_at_lev(lev) / geom3::scale_at_lev(nlev) : 1; z2 = geom3::lev_to_factor(nlev); double zscale = z2 / z; // xyscale = xyscale + (zscale-xyscale) * (1+sin(ticks / 1000.0)) / 2; ptd.u.poly.V = xyzscale( V, xyscale*zscale, zscale) * inverse(V) * ptd.u.poly.V; if(!repriority) ; else if(nlev < -geom3::lake_bottom-1e-3) { ptd.prio = PPR_BELOWBOTTOM_FALLANIM; if(c->wall != waChasm) ptd.col = 0; // disappear! } else if(nlev < -geom3::lake_top-1e-3) ptd.prio = PPR_INLAKEWALL_FALLANIM; else if(nlev < 0) ptd.prio = PPR_LAKEWALL_FALLANIM; } } } bool dodrawcell(cell *c) { // do not display out of range cells, unless on torus if(c->pathdist == PINFD && geometry != gTorus) return false; // do not display not fully generated cells, unless a cheater if(c->mpdist > 7 && !cheater && !autocheat) return false; // in the Yendor Challenge, scrolling back is forbidden if(c->cpdist > 7 && yendor::on && !cheater && !autocheat) return false; return true; } // 1 : (floor, water); 2 : (water, bottom); 4 : (bottom, inf) int shallow(cell *c) { if(cellUnstable(c)) return 0; else if( c->wall == waReptile) return 1; else if(c->wall == waReptileBridge || c->wall == waGargoyleFloor || c->wall == waGargoyleBridge || c->wall == waTempFloor || c->wall == waTempBridge || c->wall == waPetrifiedBridge || c->wall == waFrozenLake) return 5; return 7; } bool viewdists = false; bool allemptynear(cell *c) { if(c->wall) return false; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall) return false; return true; } static const int trapcol[4] = {0x904040, 0xA02020, 0xD00000, 0x303030}; static const int terracol[8] = {0xD000, 0xE25050, 0xD0D0D0, 0x606060, 0x303030, 0x181818, 0x0080, 0x8080}; bool bright; // how much to darken int getfd(cell *c) { if(bright) return 0; switch(c->land) { case laRedRock: case laReptile: case laCanvas: return 0; case laSnakeNest: return realred(c->wall) ? 0 : 1; case laTerracotta: case laMercuryRiver: return (c->wall == waMercury && wmspatial) ? 0 : 1; case laKraken: case laDocks: case laBurial: case laIvoryTower: case laDungeon: case laMountain: case laEndorian: case laCaribbean: case laWhirlwind: case laRose: case laWarpSea: case laTortoise: case laDragon: case laHalloween: case laHunting: case laOcean: case laLivefjord: case laWhirlpool: case laAlchemist: case laIce: case laGraveyard: case laBlizzard: case laRlyeh: case laTemple: case laWineyard: case laDeadCaves: case laPalace: case laCA: case laDual: return 1; case laTrollheim: default: return 2; } } int getSnakelevColor(cell *c, int i, int last, int fd, int wcol) { int col; if(c->wall == waTower) col = 0xD0D0D0-i*0x101010; else if(c->land == laSnakeNest) return darkena(nestcolors[pattern_threecolor(c)] * (5 + i) / 4, 0, 0xFF); else if(i == last-1) col = wcol; else col = winf[waRed1+i].color; return darkena(col, fd, 0xFF); } void draw_wall(cell *c, const transmatrix& V, int wcol, int& zcol, int ct6, int fd) { zcol = wcol; int wcol0 = wcol; int starcol = wcol; if(c->wall == waWarpGate) starcol = 0; if(c->wall == waVinePlant) starcol = 0x60C000; int wcol2 = gradient(0, wcol0, 0, .8, 1); if(c->wall == waClosedGate) { int hdir = 0; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->move(i)->wall == waClosedGate) hdir = i; transmatrix V2 = mscale(V, wmspatial?geom3::WALL:1) * ddspin(c, hdir, M_PI); queuepolyat(V2, shPalaceGate, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), wmspatial?PPR_WALL3A:PPR_WALL); starcol = 0; } hpcshape& shThisWall = isGrave(c->wall) ? shCross : shWall[ct6]; if(conegraph(c)) { const int layers = 2 << detaillevel; for(int z=1; zwall == waIcewall) alpha = 0xC0; if(starcol && !(wmescher && c->wall == waPlatform)) queuepolyat(Vdepth, shThisWall, darkena(starcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_WALL3A); draw_qfi(c, Vdepth, darkena(wcol0, fd, alpha), PPR_WALL3); floorShadow(c, V, SHADOW_WALL); if(c->wall == waCamelot) { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) { if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_SLEV, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, alpha))) break; } forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) { if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_SLEV+1, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, alpha))) break; } forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) { if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_SLEV+2, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, alpha))) break; } forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) { if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_WTS3, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, alpha))) break; } } else { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(!highwall(c2) || conegraph(c2)) { if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_WALL, V, darkena(wcol2, fd, alpha))) break; } } } } } bool just_gmatrix; void drawcell(cell *c, transmatrix V, int spinv, bool mirrored) { #if CAP_TEXTURE if(texture::saving) { texture::config.apply(c, V, 0xFFFFFFFF); draw_qfi(c, V, 0xFFFFFFFF); return; } #endif bool orig = false; if(!inmirrorcount) { transmatrix& gm = gmatrix[c]; orig = gm[2][2] == 0 ? true : torus ? hypot(gm[0][2], gm[1][2]) >= hypot(V[0][2], V[1][2]) : sphereflipped() ? fabs(gm[2][2]-1) <= fabs(V[2][2]-1) : fabs(gm[2][2]-1) >= fabs(V[2][2]-1) - 1e-8; if(orig) gm = V; } if(just_gmatrix) return; set_floor(shFloor); ivoryz = isGravityLand(c->land); // if(behindsphere(V)) return; if(callhandlers(false, hooks_drawcell, c, V)) return; ld dist0 = hdist0(tC0(V)) - 1e-6; if(dist0 < geom3::highdetail) detaillevel = 2; else if(dist0 < geom3::middetail) detaillevel = 1; else detaillevel = 0; #ifdef BUILDZEBRA if(c->type == 6 && c->tmp > 0) { int i = c->tmp; zebra(cellwalker(c, i&15), 1, i>>4, "", 0); } c->item = eItem(c->heat / 4); buildAutomatonRule(c); #endif viewBuggyCells(c,V); if(conformal::on || inHighQual || sightrange_bonus > gamerange_bonus) checkTide(c); // save the player's view center if(isPlayerOn(c) && !shmup::on) { playerfound = true; if(multi::players > 1) { for(int i=0; icpdist <= orbrange) if(multi::players > 1 || multi::alwaysuse) for(int i=0; i= 10) return; cellwalker cw(c, 0, mirrored); cw = mirror::reflect(cw); int cmc = (cw.mirrored == mirrored) ? 2 : 1; inmirrorcount += cmc; if(cw.mirrored != mirrored) V = V * Mirror; if(cw.spin) V = V * spin(2*M_PI*cw.spin/cw.at->type); drawcell(cw.at, V, 0, cw.mirrored); inmirrorcount -= cmc; return; } // int col = 0xFFFFFF - 0x20 * c->maxdist - 0x2000 * c->cpdist; if(!buggyGeneration && c->mpdist > 8 && !cheater && !autocheat) return; // not yet generated /* if(!buggyGeneration && c->mpdist > 7 && !cheater) { int cd = c->mpdist; string label = its(cd); int dc = distcolors[cd&7]; queuestr(V, (cd > 9 ? .6 : 1) * .2, label, 0xFF000000 + dc, 1); } */ if(c->land == laNone && (cmode & sm::MAP)) { queuepoly(V, shTriangle, 0xFF0000FF); } char ch = winf[c->wall].glyph; int wcol, fcol, asciicol; setcolors(c, wcol, fcol); if(inmirror(c)) { // for debugging if(c->land == laMirrored) fcol = 0x008000; if(c->land == laMirrorWall2) fcol = 0x800000; if(c->land == laMirrored2) fcol = 0x000080; } for(int k=0; kland != laTortoise) { int d = (c->land == laCamelot || (c->land == laCaribbean && celldistAlt(c) <= 0) || (c->land == laPalace && celldistAlt(c))) ? celldistAlt(c): celldist(c); int dc = 0x10101 * (127 + int(127 * sin(ticks / 200. + d*1.5))); wcol = gradient(wcol, dc, 0, .3, 1); fcol = gradient(fcol, dc, 0, .3, 1); } if(c->land == laMirrored || c->land == laMirrorWall2 || c->land == laMirrored2) { string label = its(c->landparam); queuestr(V, 1 * .2, label, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1); } if(viewdists && !behindsphere(V)) { int cd = (cwt.at == currentmap->gamestart() && numplayers() == 1) ? celldist(c) : celldistance(c, cwt.at); string label = its(cd); // string label = its(fieldpattern::getriverdistleft(c)) + its(fieldpattern::getriverdistright(c)); int dc = distcolors[cd&7]; wcol = gradient(wcol, dc, 0, .4, 1); fcol = gradient(fcol, dc, 0, .4, 1); /* queuepolyat(V, shFloor[ct6], darkena(gradient(0, distcolors[cd&7], 0, .25, 1), fd, 0xC0), PPR_TEXT); */ queuestr(V, (cd > 9 ? .6 : 1) * .2, label, 0xFF000000 + distcolors[cd&7], 1); } if(cmode & sm::TORUSCONFIG) { using namespace torusconfig; string label; bool small; if(tmflags() & TF_SINGLE) { int cd = torus_cx * dx + torus_cy * newdy; cd %= newqty; if(cd<0) cd += newqty; label = its(cd); small = cd; } else { small = true; label = its(torus_cx) + "," + its(torus_cy); } queuestr(V, small ? .2 : .6, label, small ? 0xFFFFFFD0 : 0xFFFF0040, 1); } asciicol = wcol; if(c->land == laNone && c->wall == waNone) queuepoly(V, shTriangle, 0xFFFF0000); if(c->wall == waThumperOn) { int ds = ticks; for(int u=0; u<5; u++) { ld rad = hexf * (.3 * u + (ds%1000) * .0003); int tcol = darkena(gradient(forecolor, backcolor, 0, rad, 1.5 * hexf), 0, 0xFF); PRING(a) curvepoint(V*xspinpush0(a * M_PI / S42, rad)); queuecurve(tcol, 0, PPR_LINE); } } // bool dothept = false; /* if(pseudohept(c) && vid.darkhepta) { col = gradient(0, col, 0, 0.75, 1); } */ eItem it = c->item; bool hidden = itemHidden(c); bool hiddens = itemHiddenFromSight(c); if(conformal::includeHistory && conformal::infindhistory.count(c)) { hidden = true; hiddens = false; } if(hiddens && !(cmode & sm::MAP)) it = itNone; int icol = 0, moncol = 0xFF00FF; if(it) ch = iinf[it].glyph, asciicol = icol = iinf[it].color; if(c->monst) { ch = minf[c->monst].glyph, moncol = minf[c->monst].color; if(c->monst == moMutant) { // root coloring if(c->stuntime != mutantphase) moncol = gradient(0xC00030, 0x008000, 0, (c->stuntime-mutantphase) & 15, 15); } if(isMetalBeast(c->monst) && c->stuntime) moncol >>= 1; if(c->monst == moSlime) { moncol = winf[c->wall].color; moncol |= (moncol>>1); } asciicol = moncol; if(isDragon(c->monst) || isKraken(c->monst)) if(!c->hitpoints) asciicol = 0x505050; if(c->monst == moTortoise) asciicol = tortoise::getMatchColor(tortoise::getb(c)); if(c->monst != moMutant) for(int k=0; kstuntime; k++) asciicol = ((asciicol & 0xFEFEFE) >> 1) + 0x101010; } if(c->cpdist == 0 && mapeditor::drawplayer) { ch = '@'; if(!mmitem) asciicol = moncol = cheater ? 0xFF3030 : 0xD0D0D0; } if(c->ligon) { int tim = ticks - lightat; if(tim > 1000) tim = 800; if(elec::havecharge && tim > 400) tim = 400; for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t) && c->move(t)->ligon) { ld hdir = displayspin(c, t); int lcol = darkena(gradient(iinf[itOrbLightning].color, 0, 0, tim, 1100), 0, 0xFF); queueline(V*xspinpush0(ticks * M_PI / S42, hexf/2), V*xspinpush0(hdir, crossf), lcol, 2 + vid.linequality); } } int ctype = c->type; int ct6 = ctof(c); bool error = false; chasmg = chasmgraph(c); int fd = getfd(c); if(c->wall == waMagma) fd = 0; poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; int sl = snakelevel(c); transmatrix Vd0, Vf0, Vboat0; const transmatrix *Vdp = (!wmspatial) ? &V : sl ? &(Vd0= mscale(V, geom3::SLEV[sl])) : highwall(c) ? &(Vd0= mscale(V, (1+geom3::WALL)/2)) : (chasmg==1) ? &(Vd0 = mscale(V, geom3::LAKE)) : &V; const transmatrix& Vf = (chasmg && wmspatial) ? (Vf0=mscale(V, geom3::BOTTOM)) : V; const transmatrix *Vboat = &(*Vdp); shmup::drawMonster(V, c, Vboat, Vboat0, Vdp); poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; if(!wmascii) { // floor #if CAP_EDIT auto si = patterns::getpatterninfo0(c); #endif bool eoh = euclid || nonbitrunc; if(c->wall == waChasm) { zcol = 0; int rd = rosedist(c); if(rd == 1) draw_floorshape(c, V, shRoseFloor, 0x80406020); if(rd == 2) draw_floorshape(c, V, shRoseFloor, 0x80406040); if(c->land == laZebra) fd++; if(c->land == laHalloween && !wmblack) { transmatrix Vdepth = wmspatial ? mscale(V, geom3::BOTTOM) : V; draw_floorshape(c, Vdepth, shFullFloor, darkena(firecolor(ticks / 10), 0, 0xDF), PPR_LAKEBOTTOM); } } #if CAP_EDIT else if(mapeditor::drawUserShape(V * applyPatterndir(c, si), 3, si.id, darkena(fcol, fd, (cmode & sm::DRAW) ? 0xC0 : 0xFF), c)); else if(patterns::whichShape == '7') set_floor(shBigHepta); else if(patterns::whichShape == '8') set_floor(shTriheptaFloor); else if(patterns::whichShape == '6') set_floor(shBigTriangle); else if(patterns::whichShape == '9') set_floor(shFullFloor); #endif #if CAP_TEXTURE else if(texture::config.apply(c, Vf, darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF))) ; #endif else if(c->land == laMirrorWall) { int d = mirror::mirrordir(c); bool onleft = c->type == 7; if(c->type == 7 && c->barleft == laMirror) onleft = !onleft; if(c->type == 6 && d != -1 && c->move(d)->barleft == laMirror) onleft = !onleft; if(nonbitrunc) onleft = !onleft; if(d == -1) { for(d=0; dtype; d++) if(c->move(d) && c->modmove(d+1) && c->move(d)->land == laMirrorWall && c->modmove(d+1)->land == laMirrorWall) break; qfi.spin = ddspin(c, d, 0); transmatrix V2 = V * qfi.spin; if(!wmblack) for(int d=0; dtype; d++) { inmirrorcount+=d; queuepolyat(V2 * spin(d*M_PI/S3), shHalfFloor[2], darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF), PPR_FLOORa); inmirrorcount-=d; } if(wmspatial) { const int layers = 2 << detaillevel; for(int z=1; zland == laWineyard && cellHalfvine(c)) { int i =-1; for(int t=0;t<6; t++) if(c->move(t) && c->move(t)->wall == c->wall) i = t; qfi.spin = ddspin(c, i, M_PI/S3); transmatrix V2 = V * qfi.spin; if(wmspatial && wmescher) { set_floor(shSemiFeatherFloor[0]); int dk = 1; int vcol = winf[waVinePlant].color; draw_qfi(c, mscale(V2, geom3::WALL), darkena(vcol, dk, 0xFF), PPR_WALL3A); escherSidewall(c, SIDE_WALL, V2, darkena(gradient(0, vcol, 0, .8, 1), dk, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V2, shSemiFeatherFloor[1], darkena(fcol, dk, 0xFF)); set_floor(shFeatherFloor); } else if(wmspatial) { floorshape& shar = *(wmplain ? (floorshape*)&shFloor : (floorshape*)&shFeatherFloor); set_floor(shar); int vcol = winf[waVinePlant].color; int vcol2 = gradient(0, vcol, 0, .8, 1); transmatrix Vdepth = mscale(V2, geom3::WALL); queuepolyat(Vdepth, shSemiFloor[0], darkena(vcol, fd, 0xFF), PPR_WALL3A); {dynamicval p(poly_outline, OUTLINE_TRANS); queuepolyat(V2 * spin(M_PI*2/3), shSemiFloorShadow, SHADOW_WALL, PPR_WALLSHADOW); } queuepolyat(V2, shSemiFloorSide[SIDE_WALL], darkena(vcol, fd, 0xFF), PPR_WALL3A-2+away(V2)); if(validsidepar[SIDE_WALL]) forCellIdEx(c2, j, c) { int dis = i-j; dis %= 6; if(dis<0) dis += 6; if(dis != 1 && dis != 5) continue; if(placeSidewall(c, j, SIDE_WALL, V, darkena(vcol2, fd, 0xFF))) break; } } else { hpcshape *shar = shSemiFeatherFloor; if(wmblack) shar = shSemiBFloor; if(wmplain) shar = shSemiFloor; queuepoly(V2, shar[0], darkena(winf[waVinePlant].color, fd, 0xFF)); set_floor(qfi.spin, shar[1]); } } else if(c->land == laReptile || c->wall == waReptile) set_reptile_floor(c, Vf, fcol); else if(wmblack == 1 && c->wall == waMineOpen && vid.grid) ; else if(wmblack) { set_floor(shBFloor[ct6]); int rd = rosedist(c); if(rd == 1) queuepoly(Vf, shHeptaMarker, darkena(fcol, 0, 0x80)); else if(rd == 2) queuepoly(Vf, shHeptaMarker, darkena(fcol, 0, 0x40)); } else if(isWarped(c) || is_nice_dual(c)) set_maywarp_floor(c); else if(wmplain) { set_floor(shFloor); } else if(randomPatternsMode && c->land != laBarrier && !isWarped(c->land)) { int j = (randompattern[c->land]/5) % 15; int k = randompattern[c->land] % RPV_MODULO; int k7 = randompattern[c->land] % 7; if(k == RPV_ZEBRA && k7 < 2) set_zebrafloor(c); else if(k == RPV_EMERALD && k7 == 0) set_emeraldfloor(c); else if(k == RPV_CYCLE && k7 < 4) set_towerfloor(c, celldist); else switch(j) { case 0: set_floor(shCloudFloor); break; case 1: set_floor(shFeatherFloor); break; case 2: set_floor(shStarFloor); break; case 3: set_floor(shTriFloor); break; case 4: set_floor(shSStarFloor); break; case 5: set_floor(shOverFloor); break; case 6: set_floor(shFeatherFloor); break; case 7: set_floor(shDemonFloor); break; case 8: set_floor(shCrossFloor); break; case 9: set_floor(shMFloor); break; case 10: set_floor(shCaveFloor); break; case 11: set_floor(shPowerFloor); break; case 12: set_floor(shDesertFloor); break; case 13: set_floor(shChargedFloor); break; case 14: set_floor(shLavaFloor); break; } } // else if(c->land == laPrairie && !eoh && allemptynear(c) && fieldpattern::getflowerdist(c) <= 1) // queuepoly(Vf, shLeafFloor[ct6], darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF)); /* else if(c->land == laPrairie && prairie::isriver(c)) set_towerfloor(Vf, c, darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF), prairie::isleft(c) ? river::towerleft : river::towerright); */ else switch(c->land) { case laPrairie: case laAlchemist: set_floor(shCloudFloor); break; case laJungle: case laWineyard: set_floor(shFeatherFloor); break; case laZebra: set_zebrafloor(c); break; case laMountain: set_towerfloor(c, euclid ? celldist : c->master->alt ? celldistAltPlus : celldist); break; case laEmerald: set_emeraldfloor(c); break; case laRlyeh: case laTemple: set_floor(shTriFloor); break; case laVolcano: set_floor(shLavaFloor); break; case laRose: set_floor(shRoseFloor); break; case laTortoise: set_floor(shTurtleFloor); break; case laBurial: case laRuins: set_floor(shBarrowFloor); break; case laTrollheim: set_floor(shTrollFloor); break; /*case laMountain: set_floor(FEATHERFLOOR); break; */ case laGraveyard: set_floor(shCrossFloor); break; case laMotion: set_floor(shMFloor); break; case laWhirlwind: case laEFire: case laEAir: case laEWater: case laEEarth: case laElementalWall: set_floor(shNewFloor); break; case laHell: set_floor(shDemonFloor); break; case laIce: case laBlizzard: set_floor(shStarFloor); break; case laSwitch: set_floor(shSwitchFloor); if(ctof(c) && !gp::on && !irr::on && !archimedean && !binarytiling) for(int i=0; itype; i++) queuepoly(Vf * ddspin(c, i, M_PI/S7) * xpush(rhexf), shSwitchDisk, darkena(minf[active_switch()].color, fd, 0xFF)); break; case laStorms: set_floor(shChargedFloor); break; case laWildWest: set_floor(shSStarFloor); break; case laPower: set_floor(shPowerFloor); break; case laCaves: case laLivefjord: case laDeadCaves: set_floor(shCaveFloor); break; case laDesert: case laDryForest: case laRedRock: case laSnakeNest: case laCocytus: set_floor(shDesertFloor); break; case laBull: set_floor(shButterflyFloor); break; case laCaribbean: case laOcean: case laOceanWall: case laWhirlpool: set_floor(shCloudFloor); break; case laKraken: case laDocks: set_floor(shFullFloor); break; case laPalace: case laTerracotta: set_floor(shPalaceFloor); break; case laDragon: set_floor(shDragonFloor); break; case laOvergrown: case laClearing: case laHauntedWall: case laHaunted: case laHauntedBorder: set_floor(shOverFloor); break; case laMercuryRiver: { if(eoh) set_floor(shFloor); else { int bridgedir = -1; if(c->type == 6) { for(int i=1; itype; i+=2) if(pseudohept(c->modmove(i-1)) && c->modmove(i-1)->land == laMercuryRiver) if(pseudohept(c->modmove(i+1)) && c->modmove(i+1)->land == laMercuryRiver) bridgedir = i; } if(bridgedir == -1) set_floor(shPalaceFloor); else { transmatrix bspin = ddspin(c, bridgedir); set_floor(bspin, shMercuryBridge[0]); // only needed in one direction if(c < c->move(bridgedir)) { bspin = Vf * bspin; queuepoly(bspin, shMercuryBridge[1], darkena(fcol, fd+1, 0xFF)); if(wmspatial) { queuepolyat(mscale(bspin, geom3::LAKE), shMercuryBridge[1], darkena(gradient(0, winf[waMercury].color, 0, 0.8,1), 0, 0x80), PPR_LAKELEV); queuepolyat(mscale(bspin, geom3::BOTTOM), shMercuryBridge[1], darkena(0x202020, 0, 0xFF), PPR_LAKEBOTTOM); } } } } break; } case laHive: if(c->wall != waFloorB && c->wall != waFloorA && c->wall != waMirror && c->wall != waCloud) { fd = 1; set_floor(shFloor); if(c->wall != waMirror && c->wall != waCloud) draw_floorshape(c, V, shMFloor, darkena(fcol, 2, 0xFF), PPR_FLOORa); if(c->wall != waMirror && c->wall != waCloud) draw_floorshape(c, V, shMFloor2, darkena(fcol, fcol==wcol ? 1 : 2, 0xFF), PPR_FLOORb); } else set_floor(shFloor); break; case laEndorian: if(c->wall == waTrunk) set_floor(shFloor); else if(c->wall == waCanopy || c->wall == waSolidBranch || c->wall == waWeakBranch) set_floor(shFeatherFloor); else set_towerfloor(c); break; case laIvoryTower: case laDungeon: set_towerfloor(c); break; default: set_floor(shFloor); } // actually draw the floor if(chasmg == 2) ; else if(chasmg && wmspatial) { if(detaillevel == 0) return; int col = c->land == laCocytus ? 0x080808FF : 0x101010FF; if(qfi.fshape == &shCloudFloor) set_floor(shCloudSeabed); else if(qfi.fshape == &shFloor) set_floor(shFullFloor); else if(qfi.fshape == &shCaveFloor) set_floor(shCaveSeabed); draw_qfi(c, mscale(V, geom3::BOTTOM), col, PPR_LAKEBOTTOM); int fd0 = fd ? fd-1 : 0; draw_qfi(c, (*Vdp), darkena(fcol, fd0, 0x80), PPR_LAKELEV); } else { draw_qfi(c, V, darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF)); } // walls #if CAP_EDIT if(patterns::displaycodes) { auto si = patterns::getpatterninfo0(c); for(int i=(si.dir + MODFIXER) % si.symmetries; itype; i += si.symmetries) { queuepoly(V * ddspin(c, i) * (si.reflect?Mirror:Id), shAsymmetric, darkena(0x000000, 0, 0xC0)); si.dir += si.symmetries; } string label = its(si.id); queuestr(V, .5, label, 0xFF000000 + forecolor); } #endif if((cmode & sm::NUMBER) && (dialog::editingDetail())) { int col = dist0 < geom3::highdetail ? 0xFF80FF80 : dist0 >= geom3::middetail ? 0xFFFF8080 : 0XFFFFFF80; #if 1 queuepoly(V, shHeptaMarker, darkena(col & 0xFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF)); #else char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%3.1f", float(dist0)); queuestr(V, .6, buf, col); #endif } if(realred(c->wall) && !wmspatial) { int s = snakelevel(c); if(s >= 1) draw_floorshape(c, V, shRedRockFloor[0], getSnakelevColor(c, 0, 7, fd, wcol)); if(s >= 2) draw_floorshape(c, V, shRedRockFloor[1], getSnakelevColor(c, 1, 7, fd, wcol)); if(s >= 3) draw_floorshape(c, V, shRedRockFloor[2], getSnakelevColor(c, 2, 7, fd, wcol)); } if(c->wall == waTower && !wmspatial) { fcol = 0xE8E8E8; set_floor(shMFloor); } if(pseudohept(c) && ( c->land == laRedRock || vid.darkhepta || (c->land == laClearing && nonbitrunc))) { queuepoly((*Vdp), shHeptaMarker, wmblack ? 0x80808080 : 0x00000080); } if(conformal::includeHistory && conformal::inmovehistory.count(c)) queuepoly((*Vdp), shHeptaMarker, 0x000000C0); char xch = winf[c->wall].glyph; switch(c->wall) { case waBigBush: if(detaillevel >= 2) queuepolyat(mmscale(V, zgrad0(0, geom3::slev, 1, 2)), shHeptaMarker, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_REDWALL); if(detaillevel >= 1) queuepolyat(mmscale(V, geom3::SLEV[1]) * pispin, shWeakBranch, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_REDWALL+1); if(detaillevel >= 2) queuepolyat(mmscale(V, zgrad0(0, geom3::slev, 3, 2)), shHeptaMarker, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_REDWALL+2); queuepolyat(mmscale(V, geom3::SLEV[2]), shSolidBranch, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_REDWALL+3); break; case waSmallBush: if(detaillevel >= 2) queuepolyat(mmscale(V, zgrad0(0, geom3::slev, 1, 2)), shHeptaMarker, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_REDWALL); if(detaillevel >= 1) queuepolyat(mmscale(V, geom3::SLEV[1]) * pispin, shWeakBranch, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_REDWALL+1); if(detaillevel >= 2) queuepolyat(mmscale(V, zgrad0(0, geom3::slev, 3, 2)), shHeptaMarker, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_REDWALL+2); queuepolyat(mmscale(V, geom3::SLEV[2]), shWeakBranch, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF), PPR_REDWALL+3); break; case waSolidBranch: queuepoly(V, shSolidBranch, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF)); break; case waWeakBranch: queuepoly(V, shWeakBranch, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF)); break; case waLadder: if(euclid) { draw_floorshape(c, V, shMFloor, 0x804000FF); draw_floorshape(c, V, shMFloor2, 0x000000FF); } else { draw_floorshape(c, V, shFloor, 0x804000FF, PPR_FLOOR+1); draw_floorshape(c, V, shMFloor, 0x000000FF, PPR_FLOOR+2); } break; case waReptileBridge: { Vboat = &(Vboat0 = V); dynamicval qfi2(qfi, qfi); int col = reptilecolor(c); chasmg = 0; set_reptile_floor(c, V, col); draw_qfi(c, V, col); forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(chasmgraph(c2)) if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_LAKE, V, darkena(gradient(0, col, 0, .8, 1), fd, 0xFF))) break; chasmg = 1; break; } case waTerraWarrior: drawTerraWarrior(V, randterra ? (c->landparam & 7) : (5 - (c->landparam & 7)), 7, 0); break; case waBoat: case waStrandedBoat: { double footphase; bool magical = items[itOrbWater] && (isPlayerOn(c) || (isFriendly(c) && items[itOrbEmpathy])); int outcol = magical ? watercolor(0) : 0xC06000FF; int incol = magical ? 0x0060C0FF : 0x804000FF; bool nospin = false; Vboat = &(Vboat0 = *Vboat); if(wmspatial && c->wall == waBoat) { nospin = c->wall == waBoat && applyAnimation(c, Vboat0, footphase, LAYER_BOAT); if(!nospin) Vboat0 = Vboat0 * ddspin(c, c->mondir, M_PI); queuepolyat(Vboat0, shBoatOuter, outcol, PPR_BOATLEV); Vboat = &(Vboat0 = V); } if(c->wall == waBoat) { nospin = applyAnimation(c, Vboat0, footphase, LAYER_BOAT); } if(!nospin) Vboat0 = Vboat0 * ddspin(c, c->mondir, M_PI); else { transmatrix Vx; if(applyAnimation(c, Vx, footphase, LAYER_SMALL)) animations[LAYER_SMALL][c].footphase = 0; } if(wmspatial) queuepolyat(mscale(Vboat0, (geom3::LAKE+1)/2), shBoatOuter, outcol, PPR_BOATLEV2); queuepoly(Vboat0, shBoatOuter, outcol); queuepoly(Vboat0, shBoatInner, incol); break; } case waBigStatue: { transmatrix V2 = V; double footphase; applyAnimation(c, V2, footphase, LAYER_BOAT); queuepolyat(V2, shStatue, darkena(winf[c->wall].color, 0, 0xFF), PPR_BIGSTATUE ); break; } case waSulphurC: { if(drawstar(c)) { zcol = wcol; if(wmspatial) queuepolyat(mscale(V, geom3::HELLSPIKE), shGiantStar[ct6], darkena(wcol, 0, 0x40), PPR_HELLSPIKE); else queuepoly(V, shGiantStar[ct6], darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF)); } break; } case waTrapdoor: if(c->land == laZebra) break; /* fallthrough */ case waClosePlate: case waOpenPlate: { transmatrix V2 = V; if(wmescher && geosupport_football() == 2 && pseudohept(c)) V2 = V * spin(M_PI / c->type); draw_floorshape(c, V2, shMFloor, darkena(winf[c->wall].color, 0, 0xFF)); draw_floorshape(c, V2, shMFloor2, (!wmblack) ? darkena(fcol, 1, 0xFF) : darkena(0,1,0xFF)); break; } case waFrozenLake: case waLake: case waCamelotMoat: case waSea: case waOpenGate: case waBubble: case waDock: case waNone: case waSulphur: case waMercury: break; case waRose: { zcol = wcol; wcol <<= 1; if(c->cpdist > 5) wcol = 0xC0C0C0; else if(rosephase == 7) wcol = 0xFF0000; else wcol = gradient(wcol, 0xC00000, 0, rosephase, 6); queuepoly(V, shThorns, 0xC080C0FF); for(int u=0; u<4; u+=2) queuepoly(V * spin(2*M_PI / 3 / 4 * u), shRose, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xC0)); break; } case waRoundTable: if(wmspatial) goto wa_default; break; case waMirrorWall: break; case waGlass: if(wmspatial) { int col = winf[waGlass].color; int dcol = darkena(col, 0, 0x80); transmatrix Vdepth = mscale((*Vdp), geom3::WALL); draw_floorshape(c, Vdepth, shMFloor, dcol, PPR_WALL); // GLASS dynamicval dq(qfi, qfi); set_floor(shMFloor); if(validsidepar[SIDE_WALL]) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_WALL, (*Vdp), dcol)) break; } break; case waFan: queuepoly(V * spin(M_PI/6 - fanframe * M_PI / 3), shFan, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xFF)); break; case waArrowTrap: if(c->wparam >= 1) queuepoly(V, shDisk, darkena(trapcol[c->wparam&3], 0, 0xFF)); if(isCentralTrap(c)) arrowtraps.push_back(c); break; case waGiantRug: queuepoly(V, shBigCarpet1, darkena(0xC09F00, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V, shBigCarpet2, darkena(0x600000, 0, 0xFF)); queuepoly(V, shBigCarpet3, darkena(0xC09F00, 0, 0xFF)); break; case waBarrier: if(c->land == laOceanWall && wmescher && wmspatial) { const int layers = 2 << detaillevel; dynamicval ds(qfi.shape, &shCircleFloor); dynamicval dss(qfi.spin, Id); for(int z=1; z= sl2) if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_SLEV+s, V, getSnakelevColor(c, s, sl, fd, wcol))) break; } } else if(highwall(c)) draw_wall(c, V, wcol, zcol, ct6, fd); else if(xch == '%') { if(doHighlight()) poly_outline = (c->land == laMirror) ? OUTLINE_TREASURE : OUTLINE_ORB; if(wmspatial) { int col = winf[c->wall].color; int dcol = darkena(col, 0, 0xC0); transmatrix Vdepth = mscale((*Vdp), geom3::WALL); draw_floorshape(c, Vdepth, shMFloor, dcol, PPR_WALL); // GLASS dynamicval dq(qfi, qfi); set_floor(shMFloor); if(validsidepar[SIDE_WALL]) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_WALL, (*Vdp), dcol)) break; } else { queuepoly(V, shMirror, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xC0)); } poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; } else if(isFire(c) || isThumper(c) || c->wall == waBonfireOff) { ld sp = 0; if(hasTimeout(c)) sp = ticks / (c->land == laPower ? 5000. : 500.); queuepoly(V * spin(sp), shStar, darkena(wcol, 0, 0xF0)); if(isFire(c) && rand() % 300 < ticks - lastt) drawParticle(c, wcol, 75); } else if(xch != '.' && xch != '+' && xch != '>' && xch != ':'&& xch != '-' && xch != ';' && xch != ',' && xch != '&') error = true; } } } else { if(c->wall == waArrowTrap) asciicol = trapcol[c->wparam & 3]; if(c->wall == waTerraWarrior) asciicol = terracol[c->landparam & 7]; if(c->wall == waMineOpen) { int mines = countMinesAround(c); if(ch == '.') { if(mines == 0) ch = ' '; else ch = '0' + mines, asciicol = minecolors[mines]; } else if(ch == '@') asciicol = minecolors[mines]; } if(!(it || c->monst || c->cpdist == 0)) error = true; } int sha = shallow(c); if(wmspatial && sha) { int col = (highwall(c) || c->wall == waTower) ? wcol : fcol; if(!chasmg) { #define D(v) darkena(gradient(0, col, 0, v * (sphere ? spherity(V * cellrelmatrix(c,i)) : 1), 1), fd, 0xFF) // #define D(v) darkena(col, fd, 0xFF) if(sha & 1) { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(chasmgraph(c2)) if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_LAKE, V, D(.8))) break; } if(sha & 2) { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(chasmgraph(c2)) if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_LTOB, V, D(.7))) break; } if(sha & 4) { bool dbot = true; forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(chasmgraph(c2) == 2) { if(dbot) dbot = false, draw_qfi(c, mscale(V, geom3::BOTTOM), 0x080808FF, PPR_LAKEBOTTOM); if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_BTOI, V, D(.6))) break; } #undef D } } // wall between lake and chasm -- no Escher here if(chasmg == 1) forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(chasmgraph(c2) == 2) { placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_LAKE, V, 0x202030FF); placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_LTOB, V, 0x181820FF); placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_BTOI, V, 0x101010FF); } } if(false) if(chasmg == 2 && wmspatial && sphere) { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(chasmgraph(c2) == 0) { transmatrix V2 = V * cellrelmatrix(c, i); // if(!behindsphere(V2)) continue; int wcol2, fcol2; setcolors(c2, wcol2, fcol2); int col = (highwall(c2) || c->wall == waTower) ? wcol2 : fcol2; col = gradient(0, col, 0, spherity(V), 1); int j = c->c.spin(i); if(ticks % 500 < -250) { V2 = V2 * ddspin(c2, j); j = 0; } placeSidewall(c2, j, SIDE_LAKE, V2, darkena(gradient(0, col, 0, .8, 1), fd, 0xFF)); placeSidewall(c2, j, SIDE_LTOB, V2, darkena(gradient(0, col, 0, .7, 1), fd, 0xFF)); placeSidewall(c2, j, SIDE_BTOI, V2, darkena(gradient(0, col, 0, .6, 1), fd, 0xFF)); } } if(chasmg) { int q = isize(ptds); int maxtime = euclid || sphere ? 20000 : 1500; if(fallanims.count(c)) { fallanim& fa = fallanims[c]; bool erase = true; if(fa.t_floor) { int t = (ticks - fa.t_floor); if(t <= maxtime) { erase = false; if(fa.walltype == waNone) draw_qfi(c, V, darkena(fcol, fd, 0xFF), PPR_FLOOR); else { int wcol2, fcol2; eWall w = c->wall; int p = c->wparam; c->wall = fa.walltype; c->wparam = fa.m; setcolors(c, wcol2, fcol2); int starcol = c->wall == waVinePlant ? 0x60C000 : wcol2; c->wall = w; c->wparam = p; draw_qfi(c, mscale(V, geom3::WALL), darkena(starcol, fd, 0xFF), PPR_WALL3); queuepolyat(mscale(V, geom3::WALL), shWall[ct6], darkena(wcol2, 0, 0xFF), PPR_WALL3A); forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(placeSidewall(c, i, SIDE_WALL, V, darkena(wcol2, 1, 0xFF))) break; } pushdown(c, q, V, t*t / 1000000. + t / 1000., true, true); } } if(fa.t_mon) { dynamicval d(multi::cpid, fa.pid); int t = (ticks - fa.t_mon); if(t <= maxtime) { erase = false; c->stuntime = 0; transmatrix V2 = V; double footphase = t / 200.0; applyAnimation(c, V2, footphase, LAYER_SMALL); drawMonsterType(fa.m, c, V2, minf[fa.m].color, footphase); pushdown(c, q, V2, t*t / 1000000. + t / 1000., true, true); } } if(erase) fallanims.erase(c); } } #if CAP_EDIT if(c == mapeditor::drawcell) { if(mapeditor::drawcellShapeGroup() == 2) { mapeditor::drawtrans = V; } qfi_dc = qfi; } #endif if(it) { if((c->land == laWhirlwind || c->item == itBabyTortoise) && c->wall != waBoat) { double footphase = 0; Vboat = &(Vboat0 = *Vboat); applyAnimation(c, Vboat0, footphase, LAYER_BOAT); } if(cellHalfvine(c)) { int i =-1; for(int t=0;t<6; t++) if(c->move(t) && c->move(t)->wall == c->wall) i = t; Vboat = &(Vboat0 = *Vboat * ddspin(c, i) * xpush(-.13)); } error |= drawItemType(it, c, *Vboat, icol, ticks, hidden); } if(true) { int q = ptds.size(); error |= drawMonster(V, ctype, c, moncol); if(Vboat != &V && Vboat != &Vboat0 && q != isize(ptds)) pushdown(c, q, V, -geom3::factor_to_lev(zlevel(tC0((*Vboat)))), !isMultitile(c->monst), false); } if(!shmup::on && sword::at(c)) { queuepolyat(V, shDisk, 0xC0404040, PPR_SWORDMARK); } #if CAP_TEXTURE if(!texture::using_aura()) #endif addaura(tC0(V), zcol, fd); int ad = airdist(c); if(ad == 1 || ad == 2) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(airdist(c2) < airdist(c)) { calcAirdir(c2); // printf("airdir = %d\n", airdir); transmatrix V0 = ddspin(c, i, M_PI); double ph = ticks / (nonbitrunc?150:75.0) + airdir * M_PI / (S21+.0); int aircol = 0x8080FF00 | int(32 + 32 * -cos(ph)); double ph0 = ph/2; ph0 -= floor(ph0/M_PI)*M_PI; poly_outline = OUTLINE_TRANS; queuepoly((*Vdp)*V0*xpush(hexf*-cos(ph0)), shDisk, aircol); poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; } } } if(c->land == laBlizzard) { if(vid.backeffects) { if(c->cpdist <= getDistLimit()) set_blizzard_frame(c, frameid); } else { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(againstWind(c, c2)) queuepoly(V * ddspin(c, i) * xpush(cellgfxdist(c, i)/2), shWindArrow, 0x8080FF80); } } if(c->land == laWhirlwind) { whirlwind::calcdirs(c); for(int i=0; i= hdir0+M_PI) hdir1 -= 2 * M_PI; int hdir = (hdir1*ph1+hdir0*(1-ph1)); transmatrix V0 = spin(hdir); double ldist = nonbitrunc ? crossf : c->type == 6 ? .2840 : 0.3399; poly_outline = OUTLINE_TRANS; queuepoly((*Vdp)*V0*xpush(ldist*(2*ph1-1)), shDisk, aircol); poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; } } if(error) { queuechr(V, 1, ch, darkenedby(asciicol, darken), 2); } if(vid.grid) { dynamicval lw(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth); if(gp::on) vid.linewidth *= gp::scale * 2; // sphere: 0.3948 // sphere heptagonal: 0.5739 // sphere trihepta: 0.3467 // hyper trihepta: 0.2849 // hyper heptagonal: 0.6150 // hyper: 0.3798 int prec = sphere ? 3 : 1; prec += vid.linequality; if(binarytiling) { ld yx = log(2) / 2; ld yy = yx; ld xx = 1 / sqrt(2)/2; queueline(V * get_horopoint(-yy, xx), V * get_horopoint(yy, 2*xx), gridcolor(c, c->move(binary::bd_right)), prec); auto horizontal = [&] (ld y, ld x1, ld x2, int steps, int dir) { if(vid.linequality > 0) steps <<= vid.linequality; if(vid.linequality < 0) steps >>= -vid.linequality; for(int i=0; i<=steps; i++) curvepoint(V * get_horopoint(y, x1 + (x2-x1) * i / steps)); queuecurve(gridcolor(c, c->move(dir)), 0, PPR_LINE); lastptd().u.poly.linewidth = linewidthat(V * get_horopoint(y, (x1+x2)/2), vid.linewidth, 0); }; horizontal(yy, 2*xx, xx, 4, binary::bd_up_right); horizontal(yy, xx, -xx, 8, binary::bd_up); horizontal(yy, -xx, -2*xx, 4, binary::bd_up_left); } else if(isWarped(c) && has_nice_dual()) { if(pseudohept(c)) for(int t=0; ttype; t++) queueline(V * get_warp_corner(c, t%c->type), V * get_warp_corner(c, (t+1)%c->type), gridcolor(c, c->move(t)), prec); } else { for(int t=0; ttype; t++) if(c->move(t) && c->move(t) < c) queueline(V * get_corner_position(c, (t+c->type-1)%c->type), V * get_corner_position(c, t%c->type), gridcolor(c, c->move(t)), prec); } } if(!euclid) { bool usethis = false; double spd = 1; bool rev = false; if(binarytiling && conformal::do_rotate >= 2) { if(!straightDownSeek || c->master->distance < straightDownSeek->master->distance) { usethis = true; spd = 1; } } else if(isGravityLand(cwt.at->land)) { if(cwt.at->land == laDungeon) rev = true; if(conformal::do_rotate >= 1) if(!straightDownSeek || edgeDepth(c) < edgeDepth(straightDownSeek)) { usethis = true; spd = cwt.at->landparam / 10.; } } else if(c->master->alt && cwt.at->master->alt && (cwt.at->land == laMountain || (conformal::do_rotate >= 2 && (cwt.at->land == laTemple || cwt.at->land == laWhirlpool || (cheater && (cwt.at->land == laClearing || cwt.at->land == laCaribbean || cwt.at->land == laCamelot || cwt.at->land == laPalace))) )) && c->land == cwt.at->land && c->master->alt->alt == cwt.at->master->alt->alt) { if(!straightDownSeek || !straightDownSeek->master->alt || celldistAlt(c) < celldistAlt(straightDownSeek)) { usethis = true; spd = .5; if(cwt.at->land == laMountain) rev = true; } } else if(conformal::do_rotate >= 2 && cwt.at->land == laOcean && cwt.at->landparam < 25) { if(!straightDownSeek || coastval(c, laOcean) < coastval(straightDownSeek, laOcean)) { usethis = true; spd = cwt.at->landparam / 10; } } if(usethis) { straightDownSeek = c; downspin = atan2(VC0[1], VC0[0]); downspin -= M_PI/2; if(rev) downspin += M_PI; downspin += M_PI/180 * conformal::rotation; while(downspin < -M_PI) downspin += 2*M_PI; while(downspin > +M_PI) downspin -= 2*M_PI; downspin = downspin * min(spd, (double)1); } } if(!inHighQual) { #if CAP_EDIT if((cmode & sm::MAP) && lmouseover && darken == 0 && !mouseout() && (patterns::whichPattern ? patterns::getpatterninfo0(c).id == patterns::getpatterninfo0(lmouseover).id : c == lmouseover)) { queuecircle(V, .78, 0x00FFFFFF); } mapeditor::drawGhosts(c, V, ctype); #endif } if(vid.grid && c->bardir != NODIR && c->bardir != NOBARRIERS && c->land != laHauntedWall && c->barleft != NOWALLSEP_USED) { int col = darkena(0x505050, 0, 0xFF); queueline(tC0(V), V*tC0(heptmove[c->bardir]), col, 2 + vid.linequality); queueline(tC0(V), V*tC0(hexmove[c->bardir]), col, 2 + vid.linequality); } #if CAP_MODEL netgen::buildVertexInfo(c, V); #endif } } struct flashdata { int t; int size; cell *where; double angle; int spd; // 0 for flashes, >0 for particles int color; flashdata(int _t, int _s, cell *_w, int col, int sped) { t=_t; size=_s; where=_w; color = col; angle = rand() % 1000; spd = sped; } }; vector flashes; void drawFlash(cell *c) { flashes.push_back(flashdata(ticks, 1000, c, iinf[itOrbFlash].color, 0)); } void drawBigFlash(cell *c) { flashes.push_back(flashdata(ticks, 2000, c, 0xC0FF00, 0)); } void drawParticle(cell *c, int col, int maxspeed) { if(vid.particles && !confusingGeometry()) flashes.push_back(flashdata(ticks, rand() % 16, c, col, 1+rand() % maxspeed)); } void drawParticles(cell *c, int col, int qty, int maxspeed) { if(vid.particles) while(qty--) drawParticle(c,col, maxspeed); } void drawFireParticles(cell *c, int qty, int maxspeed) { if(vid.particles) for(int i=0; iland].color, 1), 4, 50); } void fallingMonsterAnimation(cell *c, eMonster m, int id) { if(!mmspatial) return; fallanim& fa = fallanims[c]; fa.t_mon = ticks; fa.m = m; fa.pid = id; // drawParticles(c, darkenedby(linf[c->land].color, 1), 4, 50); } void queuecircleat(cell *c, double rad, int col) { if(!c) return; if(!gmatrix.count(c)) return; if(stereo::mode || sphere) { dynamicval p(poly_outline, col); queuepolyat(gmatrix[c] * spin(ticks / 100.), shGem[1], 0, PPR_LINE); return; } queuecircle(gmatrix[c], rad, col); if(!wmspatial) return; if(highwall(c)) queuecircle(mscale(gmatrix[c], geom3::WALL), rad, col); int sl; if((sl = snakelevel(c))) { queuecircle(mscale(gmatrix[c], geom3::SLEV[sl]), rad, col); } if(chasmgraph(c)) queuecircle(mscale(gmatrix[c], geom3::LAKE), rad, col); } #define G(x) x && gmatrix.count(x) #define IG(x) if(G(x)) #define Gm(x) gmatrix[x] #define Gm0(x) tC0(gmatrix[x]) #if ISMOBILE==1 #define MOBON (clicked) #else #define MOBON true #endif void drawMarkers() { if(!(cmode & sm::NORMAL)) return; viewmat(); for(cell *c1: crush_now) queuecircleat(c1, .8, darkena(minf[moCrusher].color, 0, 0xFF)); if(!inHighQual) { bool ok = !ISPANDORA || mousepressed; if(G(dragon::target) && haveMount()) { queuechr(Gm0(dragon::target), 2*vid.fsize, 'X', gradient(0, iinf[itOrbDomination].color, -1, sin(ticks/(dragon::whichturn == turncount ? 75. : 150.)), 1)); } /* for(int i=0; i<12; i++) if(c->type == 5 && c->master == &dodecahedron[i]) queuechr(xc, yc, sc, 4*vid.fsize, 'A'+i, iinf[itOrbDomination].color); */ { using namespace yendor; if(yii < isize(yi) && !yi[yii].found) { cell *keycell = NULL; int i; for(i=0; icpdist <= get_sightrange_ambush()) { keycell = yi[yii].path[i]; break; } if(keycell) { for(; icpdist > 1 ? 0x00FFFF : 0xFF0000, 0, 0xFF)); } if(global_pushto && vid.drawmousecircle && ok && DEFAULTCONTROL && MOBON) { queuecircleat(global_pushto, .6, darkena(0xFFD500, 0, 0xFF)); } #if CAP_SDLJOY if(joydir.d >= 0) queuecircleat(cwt.at->modmove(joydir.d+cwt.spin), .78 - .02 * sin(ticks/199.0), darkena(0x00FF00, 0, 0xFF)); #endif bool m = true; #if CAP_MODEL m = netgen::mode == 0; #endif if(centerover.at && !playermoved && m && !conformal::on) queuecircleat(centerover.at, .70 - .06 * sin(ticks/200.0), darkena(int(175 + 25 * sin(ticks / 200.0)), 0, 0xFF)); if(multi::players > 1 || multi::alwaysuse) for(int i=0; i 1) for(int p=0; p ttm(cwtV, multi::whereis[p]); dynamicval tcw(cwt, multi::player[p]); drawMovementArrows(c2, confusingGeometry() ? Gm(cwt.at) * calc_relative_matrix(c2, cwt.at, d) : Gm(c2)); } } } } monsterToSummon = moNone; orbToTarget = itNone; if(mouseover && targetclick) { shmup::cpid = 0; orbToTarget = targetRangedOrb(mouseover, roCheck); if(orbToTarget == itOrbSummon) { monsterToSummon = summonedAt(mouseover); queuechr(mousex, mousey, 0, vid.fsize, minf[monsterToSummon].glyph, minf[monsterToSummon].color); queuecircleat(mouseover, 0.6, darkena(minf[monsterToSummon].color, 0, 0xFF)); } else if(orbToTarget) { queuechr(mousex, mousey, 0, vid.fsize, '@', iinf[orbToTarget].color); queuecircleat(mouseover, 0.6, darkena(iinf[orbToTarget].color, 0, 0xFF)); } if(orbToTarget && rand() % 200 < ticks - lastt) { if(orbToTarget == itOrbDragon) drawFireParticles(mouseover, 2); else if(orbToTarget == itOrbSummon) { drawParticles(mouseover, iinf[orbToTarget].color, 1); drawParticles(mouseover, minf[monsterToSummon].color, 1); } else { drawParticles(mouseover, iinf[orbToTarget].color, 2); } } } } void drawFlashes() { for(int k=0; k f.size; if(f.spd) { kill = tim > 300; int partcol = darkena(f.color, 0, max(255 - tim*255/300, 0)); poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; ld gps = gp::on ? gp::scale * 1.6 : 1; queuepoly(V * spin(f.angle) * xpush(f.spd * tim * gps / 50000.), shParticle[f.size], partcol); } else if(f.size == 1000) { for(int u=0; u<=tim; u++) { if((u-tim)%50) continue; if(u < tim-150) continue; ld rad = u * 3 / 1000.; rad = rad * (5-rad) / 2; rad *= hexf; int flashcol = f.color; if(u > 500) flashcol = gradient(flashcol, 0, 500, u, 1100); flashcol = darkena(flashcol, 0, 0xFF); PRING(a) curvepoint(V*xspinpush0(a * M_PI / S42, rad)); queuecurve(flashcol, 0x8080808, PPR_LINE); } } else if(f.size == 2000) { for(int u=0; u<=tim; u++) { if((u-tim)%50) continue; if(u < tim-250) continue; ld rad = u * 3 / 2000.; rad = rad * (5-rad) * 1.25; rad *= hexf; int flashcol = f.color; if(u > 1000) flashcol = gradient(flashcol, 0, 1000, u, 2200); flashcol = darkena(flashcol, 0, 0xFF); PRING(a) curvepoint(V*xspinpush0(a * M_PI / S42, rad)); queuecurve(flashcol, 0x8080808, PPR_LINE); } } if(kill) { f = flashes[isize(flashes)-1]; flashes.pop_back(); k--; } } } bool allowIncreasedSight() { if(cheater || autocheat) return true; if(peace::on) return true; #if CAP_TOUR if(tour::on) return true; #endif if(randomPatternsMode) return true; if(quotient || !hyperbolic) return true; return false; } bool allowChangeRange() { if(cheater || peace::on || randomPatternsMode) return true; #if CAP_TOUR if(tour::on) return true; #endif if(sightrange_bonus >= 0) return true; return false; } purehookset hooks_drawmap; transmatrix cview() { sphereflip = Id; if(sphereflipped()) sphereflip[2][2] = -1; return ypush(vid.yshift) * sphereflip * View; } void precise_mouseover() { if(!mouseover) return; cell *omouseover = mouseover; for(int loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++) { bool found = false; if(!gmatrix.count(mouseover)) return; hyperpoint r_mouseh = inverse(gmatrix[mouseover]) * mouseh; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { hyperpoint h1 = get_corner_position(mouseover, (i+mouseover->type-1) % mouseover->type); hyperpoint h2 = get_corner_position(mouseover, i); using namespace hyperpoint_vec; hyperpoint hx = r_mouseh - h1; h2 = h2 - h1; ld z = h2[1] * hx[0] - h2[0] * hx[1]; ld z0 = h2[1] * h1[0] - h2[0] * h1[1]; if(z * z0 > 0) { mouseover2 = mouseover; mouseover = mouseover->move(i); found = true; break; } } if(!found) return; } // probably some error... just return the original mouseover = omouseover; } void drawthemap() { callhooks(hooks_drawmap); frameid++; wavephase = (-(ticks / 100)) & 7; if(sightrange_bonus > 0 && !allowIncreasedSight()) sightrange_bonus = 0; profile_frame(); profile_start(0); swap(gmatrix0, gmatrix); gmatrix.clear(); wmspatial = vid.wallmode == 4 || vid.wallmode == 5; wmescher = vid.wallmode == 3 || vid.wallmode == 5; wmplain = vid.wallmode == 2 || vid.wallmode == 4; wmascii = vid.wallmode == 0; wmblack = vid.wallmode == 1; mmitem = vid.monmode >= 1; mmmon = vid.monmode >= 2; mmhigh = vid.monmode == 3 || vid.monmode == 5; mmspatial = vid.monmode == 4 || vid.monmode == 5; DEBB(DF_GRAPH, (debugfile,"draw the map\n")); fanframe = ticks / (nonbitrunc ? 1000. : 500. ); // (nonbitrunc ? 300 : 150.0) / M_PI; for(int m=0; m 1 && !shmup::on) { if(shmup::centerplayer != -1) cwtV = multi::whereis[shmup::centerplayer]; else { hyperpoint h; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) h[i] = 0; for(int p=0; ppat; else if(shmup::centerplayer != -1) cwtV = shmup::pc[shmup::centerplayer]->pat; else { hyperpoint h; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) h[i] = 0; for(int p=0; ppat); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) h[i] += h1[i]; } h = mid(h, h); cwtV = rgpushxto0(h); } } #if CAP_SDL Uint8 *keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); lmouseover = mouseover; bool useRangedOrb = (!(vid.shifttarget & 1) && haveRangedOrb() && lmouseover && lmouseover->cpdist > 1) || (keystate[SDLK_RSHIFT] | keystate[SDLK_LSHIFT]); if(!useRangedOrb && !(cmode & sm::MAP) && !(cmode & sm::DRAW) && DEFAULTCONTROL && !mouseout()) { void calcMousedest(); calcMousedest(); cellwalker cw = cwt; bool f = flipplayer; items[itWarning]+=2; bool recorduse[ittypes]; for(int i=0; i= 0 ? cwt.at->modmove(cwt.spin + mousedest.d) : cwt.at; } #endif profile_stop(0); } void drawmovestar(double dx, double dy) { if(viewdists) return; DEBB(DF_GRAPH, (debugfile,"draw movestar\n")); if(!playerfound) return; if(shmup::on) return; #if CAP_RUG if(rug::rugged && multi::players == 1 && !multi::alwaysuse) return; #endif hyperpoint H = tC0(cwtV); ld R = sqrt(H[0] * H[0] + H[1] * H[1]); transmatrix Centered = Id; if(masterless) Centered = eupush(H[0], H[1]); else if(R > 1e-9) Centered = rgpushxto0(H); Centered = Centered * rgpushxto0(hpxy(dx*5, dy*5)); if(multi::cpid >= 0) multi::crosscenter[multi::cpid] = Centered; int rax = vid.axes; if(rax == 1) rax = drawstaratvec(dx, dy) ? 2 : 0; if(rax == 0 || vid.axes == 4) return; int starcol = getcs().uicolor; #if CAP_POLY if(vid.axes == 3) queuepoly(Centered, shMovestar, starcol); #endif else for(int d=0; d<8; d++) { int col = starcol; #if ISPANDORA if(leftclick && (d == 2 || d == 6 || d == 1 || d == 7)) col &= 0xFFFFFF3F; if(rightclick && (d == 2 || d == 6 || d == 3 || d == 5)) col &= 0xFFFFFF3F; if(!leftclick && !rightclick && (d&1)) col &= 0xFFFFFF3F; #endif // EUCLIDEAN #if CAP_QUEUE queueline(tC0(Centered), Centered * xspinpush0(d * M_PI / 4, euclid ? 0.5 : d==0?.7:d==2?.5:.2), col, 3 + vid.linequality); #endif } } // old style joystick control bool sidescreen; bool dronemode; purehookset hooks_calcparam; void calcparam() { DEBB(DF_GRAPH, (debugfile,"calc param\n")); vid.xcenter = vid.xres / 2; vid.ycenter = vid.yres / 2; int realradius = min(vid.xcenter, vid.ycenter); vid.scrsize = realradius - (inHighQual ? 0 : ISANDROID ? 2 : ISIOS ? 40 : 40); sidescreen = false; if(vid.xres < vid.yres - 2 * vid.fsize && !inHighQual) { vid.ycenter = vid.yres - vid.scrsize - vid.fsize; } else { if(vid.xres >= vid.yres * 5/4-16 && (cmode & sm::SIDE)) sidescreen = true; #if CAP_TOUR if(tour::on && (tour::slides[tour::currentslide].flags & tour::SIDESCREEN)) sidescreen = true; #endif if(sidescreen) vid.xcenter = vid.yres/2; } vid.radius = vid.scale * vid.scrsize; realradius = min(realradius, vid.radius); if(dronemode) { vid.ycenter -= vid.radius; vid.ycenter += vid.fsize/2; vid.ycenter += vid.fsize/2; vid.radius *= 2; } vid.xcenter += vid.scrsize * vid.xposition; vid.ycenter += vid.scrsize * vid.yposition; stereo::tanfov = tan(stereo::fov * M_PI / 360); if(pmodel) stereo::scrdist = vid.xres / 2 / stereo::tanfov; else stereo::scrdist = vid.radius; stereo::scrdist_text = stereo::scrdist; callhooks(hooks_calcparam); } int ringcolor = darkena(0xFF, 0, 0xFF); function wrap_drawfullmap = drawfullmap; bool force_sphere_outline = false; void drawfullmap() { DEBB(DF_GRAPH, (debugfile,"draw full map\n")); ptds.clear(); if(pmodel == mdTwoPoint) { queuechr(xpush0(+vid.twopoint_param), vid.xres / 100, 'X', 0xFF0000); queuechr(xpush0(-vid.twopoint_param), vid.xres / 100, 'X', 0xFF0000); } /* if(conformal::on) { char ch = 'A'; for(auto& v: conformal::v) { queuepoly(ggmatrix(v->base) * v->at, shTriangle, 0x306090C0); queuechr(ggmatrix(v->base) * v->at * C0, 10, ch++, 0xFF0000); } } */ if(!twopoint_do_flips && !stereo::active() && sphere && pmodel == mdTwoPoint) { queuereset(vid.usingGL ? mdDisk : mdUnchanged, PPR_CIRCLE); for(int b=-1; b<=1; b+=2) for(ld a=-90; a<=90+1e-6; a+=pow(.5, vid.linequality)) { using namespace hyperpoint_vec; ld x = sin(a * vid.twopoint_param * b / 90); ld y = 0; ld z = -sqrt(1 - x*x); hyperpoint h1; applymodel(hpxyz(x,y,z), h1); h1[1] = abs(h1[1]) * b; curvepoint(h1 * vid.radius); } queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); queuereset(pmodel, PPR_CIRCLE); } if(!stereo::active() && sphere && pmodel == mdSinusoidal) { queuereset(vid.usingGL ? mdDisk : mdUnchanged, PPR_CIRCLE); for(ld a=-45; a<45+1e-6; a+=pow(.5, vid.linequality)) { curvepoint(hpxyz(cos(a * M_PI / 90) * vid.radius, a * vid.radius / 90, 0)); } for(ld a=45; a>=-45-1e-6; a-=pow(.5, vid.linequality)) { curvepoint(hpxyz(-cos(a * M_PI / 90) * vid.radius, a * vid.radius / 90, 0)); } queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); queuereset(pmodel, PPR_CIRCLE); } if(!stereo::active() && vid.grid) { ld rad = 0; if(pmodel == mdBand && hyperbolic) rad = vid.radius; if(pmodel == mdBandEquidistant && sphere) rad = vid.radius / 2; if(pmodel == mdBandEquiarea && sphere) rad = vid.radius / M_PI; if(rad) { queuereset(vid.usingGL ? mdDisk : mdUnchanged, PPR_CIRCLE); curvepoint(hpxyz(-vid.xcenter, -rad, 0)); curvepoint(hpxyz(vid.xres-vid.xcenter, -rad, 0)); queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); curvepoint(hpxyz(-vid.xcenter, rad, 0)); curvepoint(hpxyz(vid.xres-vid.xcenter, rad, 0)); queuecurve(ringcolor, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); queuereset(pmodel, PPR_CIRCLE); } } if(!stereo::active() && !euclid && (pmodel == mdDisk || pmodel == mdBall || (sphere && mdAzimuthalEqui()))) { double rad = vid.radius; bool isbnd = true; if(sphere) { if(mdAzimuthalEqui()) ; else if(!vid.grid && !elliptic && !force_sphere_outline) rad = 0; else if(vid.alpha <= 0) ; else if(vid.alpha <= 1 && (vid.grid || elliptic)) // mark the equator rad = rad * 1 / vid.alpha, isbnd = false; else if(vid.grid || force_sphere_outline) // mark the edge rad /= sqrt(vid.alpha*vid.alpha - 1); } if(rad && !haveaura()) { queuecircle(vid.xcenter, vid.ycenter, rad, ringcolor, vid.usingGL ? PPR_CIRCLE : PPR_OUTCIRCLE); if(isbnd) lastptd().u.cir.boundary = true; } if(pmodel == mdBall) ballgeometry(); } if(pmodel == mdHyperboloid) { #if CAP_QUEUE int col = darkena(0x80, 0, 0x80); queueline(hpxyz(0,0,1), hpxyz(0,0,-vid.alpha), col, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); queueline(xpush0(+4), hpxyz(0,0,0), col, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); queueline(xpush0(+4), hpxyz(0,0,-vid.alpha), col, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); queueline(xpush0(-4), hpxyz(0,0,0), col, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); queueline(xpush0(-4), hpxyz(0,0,-vid.alpha), col, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); queueline(hpxyz(-1,0,0), hpxyz(1,0,0), col, 0, PPR_CIRCLE); #endif } if(pmodel == mdPolygonal || pmodel == mdPolynomial) polygonal::drawBoundary(darkena(0xFF, 0, 0xFF)); /* if(vid.wallmode < 2 && !euclid && !patterns::whichShape) { int ls = isize(lines); if(ISMOBILE) ls /= 10; for(int t=0; t> (darken+1)); } */ clearaura(); if(!nomap) drawthemap(); if(!inHighQual) { if((cmode & sm::NORMAL) && !rug::rugged) { if(multi::players > 1) { transmatrix bcwtV = cwtV; for(int i=0; i > screens = { normalscreen }; int cmode; void drawscreen() { if(vid.xres == 0 || vid.yres == 0) return; DEBB(DF_GRAPH, (debugfile,"drawscreen\n")); calcparam(); // rug::setVidParam(); #if CAP_GL if(vid.usingGL) setGLProjection(); #endif #if CAP_SDL // SDL_LockSurface(s); // unsigned char *b = (unsigned char*) s->pixels; // int n = vid.xres * vid.yres * 4; // while(n) *b >>= 1, b++, n--; // memset(s->pixels, 0, vid.xres * vid.yres * 4); #if CAP_GL if(!vid.usingGL) #endif SDL_FillRect(s, NULL, backcolor); #endif // displaynum(vx,100, 0, 24, 0xc0c0c0, celldist(cwt.at), ":"); lgetcstat = getcstat; getcstat = 0; inslider = false; mouseovers = " "; cmode = 0; keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { return false; }; if(!isize(screens)) pushScreen(normalscreen); screens.back()(); #if !ISMOBILE int col = linf[cwt.at->land].color; if(cwt.at->land == laRedRock) col = 0xC00000; if(!nohelp) displayfr(vid.xres/2, vid.fsize, 2, vid.fsize, mouseovers, col, 8); #endif drawmessages(); bool normal = cmode & sm::NORMAL; if((havewhat&HF_BUG) && darken == 0 && normal) for(int k=0; k<3; k++) displayfr(vid.xres/2 + vid.fsize * 5 * (k-1), vid.fsize*2, 2, vid.fsize, its(hive::bugcount[k]), minf[moBug0+k].color, 8); bool minefieldNearby = false; int mines[4], tmines=0; for(int p=0; ptype; i++) if(c->move(i)) { if(c->move(i)->land == laMinefield) minefieldNearby = true; if(c->move(i)->wall == waMineMine) { bool ep = false; if(!ep) mines[p]++, tmines++; } } } if((minefieldNearby || tmines) && !items[itOrbAether] && darken == 0 && normal) { string s; if(tmines > 7) tmines = 7; int col = minecolors[tmines]; if(tmines == 7) seenSevenMines = true; for(int p=0; pland != laMinefield && cwt.peek()->land != laMinefield) { displayfr(vid.xres/2, vid.ycenter - vid.radius * 3/4 - vid.fsize*3/2, 2, vid.fsize, XLAT("WARNING: you are entering a minefield!"), col, 8); } } // SDL_UnlockSurface(s); DEBT("swapbuffers"); #if CAP_SDL #if CAP_GL if(vid.usingGL) SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); else #endif SDL_UpdateRect(s, 0, 0, vid.xres, vid.yres); #endif //printf("\ec"); } void restartGraph() { DEBB(DF_INIT, (debugfile,"restartGraph\n")); View = Id; if(!autocheat) linepatterns::clearAll(); if(currentmap) { if(masterless) { centerover = vec_to_cellwalker(0); } else { viewctr.at = currentmap->getOrigin(); viewctr.spin = 0; viewctr.mirrored = false; } if(sphere) View = spin(-M_PI/2); } } void clearAnimations() { for(int i=0; i animations[ANIMLAYERS]; unordered_map gmatrix, gmatrix0; int revhint(cell *c, int hint) { if(hint >= 0 && hint < c->type) return c->c.spin(hint); else return hint; } bool compute_relamatrix(cell *src, cell *tgt, int direction_hint, transmatrix& T) { if(confusingGeometry()) { T = calc_relative_matrix(src, tgt, revhint(src, direction_hint)); } else { if(gmatrix.count(src) && gmatrix.count(tgt)) T = inverse(gmatrix[tgt]) * gmatrix[src]; else return false; } return true; } void animateMovement(cell *src, cell *tgt, int layer, int direction_hint) { if(vid.mspeed >= 5) return; // no animations! transmatrix T; if(!compute_relamatrix(src, tgt, direction_hint, T)) return; animation& a = animations[layer][tgt]; if(animations[layer].count(src)) { a = animations[layer][src]; a.wherenow = T * a.wherenow; animations[layer].erase(src); a.attacking = 0; } else { a.ltick = ticks; a.wherenow = T; a.footphase = 0; } } void animateAttack(cell *src, cell *tgt, int layer, int direction_hint) { if(vid.mspeed >= 5) return; // no animations! transmatrix T; if(!compute_relamatrix(src, tgt, direction_hint, T)) return; bool newanim = !animations[layer].count(src); animation& a = animations[layer][src]; a.attacking = 1; a.attackat = rspintox(tC0(inverse(T))) * xpush(hdist0(T*C0) / 3); if(newanim) a.wherenow = Id, a.ltick = ticks, a.footphase = 0; } vector > animstack; void indAnimateMovement(cell *src, cell *tgt, int layer, int direction_hint) { if(vid.mspeed >= 5) return; // no animations! if(animations[layer].count(tgt)) { animation res = animations[layer][tgt]; animations[layer].erase(tgt); animateMovement(src, tgt, layer, direction_hint); if(animations[layer].count(tgt)) animstack.push_back(make_pair(tgt, animations[layer][tgt])); animations[layer][tgt] = res; } else { animateMovement(src, tgt, layer, direction_hint); if(animations[layer].count(tgt)) { animstack.push_back(make_pair(tgt, animations[layer][tgt])); animations[layer].erase(tgt); } } } void commitAnimations(int layer) { for(int i=0; i= 5) return; // no animations! static cell c1; gmatrix[&c1] = gmatrix[b]; if(animations[layer].count(b)) animations[layer][&c1] = animations[layer][b]; animateMovement(a, b, layer, direction_hinta); animateMovement(&c1, a, layer, direction_hintb); } void drawBug(const cellwalker& cw, int col) { #if CAP_POLY initquickqueue(); transmatrix V = ggmatrix(cw.at); if(cw.spin) V = V * ddspin(cw.at, cw.spin, M_PI); queuepoly(V, shBugBody, col); quickqueue(); #endif } cell *viewcenter() { if(masterless) return centerover.at; else return viewctr.at->c7; } bool inscreenrange(cell *c) { if(sphere) return true; if(euclid) return celldistance(viewcenter(), c) <= get_sightrange_ambush(); return heptdistance(viewcenter(), c) <= 8; } }