#if NILRIDER #define CUSTOM_CAPTION "Nil Rider 0.1" #define MAXMDIM 4 #define CAP_INV 0 #define CAP_COMPLEX2 0 #define CAP_EDIT 0 #define CAP_BT 0 #define CAP_SOLV 0 #define CAP_THREAD 0 #define CAP_RUG 0 #define CAP_SVG 0 #define CAP_TOUR 0 #define CAP_IRR 0 #define CAP_CRYSTAL 0 #define CAP_ARCM 0 #define CAP_HISTORY 0 #define CAP_STARTANIM 0 #define CAP_SAVE 0 #define CAP_TRANS 0 #ifdef BWEB #include "../../hyperweb.cpp" #else #include "../../hyper.cpp" #endif #include "../simple-impossible.cpp" #include "../rogueviz.cpp" #endif #include "nilrider.h" #include "statues.cpp" #include "timestamp.cpp" #include "levels.cpp" #include "level.cpp" #include "planning.cpp" #include "solver.cpp" #include "save.cpp" namespace nilrider { /** is the game paused? */ bool paused = false; bool planning_mode = false; bool view_replay = false; int simulation_start_tick; ld aimspeed_key_x = 1, aimspeed_key_y = 1, aimspeed_mouse_x = 1, aimspeed_mouse_y = 1; vector move_names = { "camera down", "move left", "camera up", "move right", "fine control", "pause", "reverse time", "view simulation", "menu" }; int reversals = 0; bool loaded_or_planned = false; void frame() { if(planning_mode && !view_replay) return; shiftmatrix V = ggmatrix(cwt.at); curlev->draw_level(V); curlev->current.draw_unilcycle(V); } bool crash_sound = true; bool turn(int delta) { if(planning_mode && !view_replay) return false; multi::get_actions(); auto& a = multi::actionspressed; auto& la = multi::lactionpressed; ld mul = 1; if(a[16+4]) mul /= 5; if(a[16+3] && !paused) curlev->current.heading_angle -= aimspeed_key_x * mul * delta / 1000.; if(a[16+1] && !paused) curlev->current.heading_angle += aimspeed_key_x * mul * delta / 1000.; if(a[16+2] && !paused) min_gfx_slope -= aimspeed_key_y * mul * delta / 1000.; if(a[16+0] && !paused) min_gfx_slope += aimspeed_key_y * mul * delta / 1000.; curlev->current.heading_angle -= aimspeed_mouse_x * mouseaim_x * mul; min_gfx_slope += aimspeed_mouse_y * mouseaim_y * mul; #if CAP_VR if(vrhr::active()) { curlev->current.heading_angle -= aimspeed_mouse_x * vrhr::vraim_x * mul * delta / 400; min_gfx_slope -= aimspeed_mouse_y * vrhr::vraim_y * mul * delta / 400; } #endif if(min_gfx_slope < -90*degree) min_gfx_slope = -90*degree; if(min_gfx_slope > +90*degree) min_gfx_slope = +90*degree; bool backing = false; if(a[16+6]) { if(!la[16+6]) reversals++; if(planning_mode) simulation_start_tick += 2*delta; else for(int i=0; ihistory) > 1) { backing = true; curlev->history.pop_back(); curlev->current = curlev->history.back(); crash_sound = true; } else { reversals = 0; loaded_or_planned = false; crash_sound = true; } } } if(!paused && !view_replay && !backing) { auto t = curlev->current.collected_triangles; bool fail = false; for(int i=0; ihistory.push_back(curlev->current); curlev->current.be_consistent(); bool b = curlev->current.tick(curlev); if(!b) { curlev->history.pop_back(); fail = true; break; } } if(t != curlev->current.collected_triangles) playSound(cwt.at, "pickup-gold"); if(fail && crash_sound) { char ch = curlev->mapchar(curlev->current.where); if(ch == 'r') { playSound(cwt.at, "closegate"); crash_sound = false; } if(ch == '!') { playSound(cwt.at, "seen-air"); crash_sound = false; } } } if(!paused) curlev->current.centerview(curlev); return false; } void main_menu(); #define PSEUDOKEY_PAUSE 2511 #define PSEUDOKEY_SIM 2512 void toggle_replay() { view_replay = !view_replay; paused = false; simulation_start_tick = ticks; if(!view_replay && !planning_mode) { paused = true; curlev->current = curlev->history.back(); } } void run() { cmode = sm::PANNING | sm::NORMAL; clearMessages(); dialog::init(); if(view_replay && !paused) { int ttick = gmod(ticks - simulation_start_tick, isize(curlev->history)); curlev->current = curlev->history[ttick]; curlev->current.centerview(curlev); } if(planning_mode && !view_replay) cmode |= sm::SHOWCURSOR; if(aimspeed_mouse_x == 0 && aimspeed_mouse_y == 0) cmode |= sm::SHOWCURSOR; gamescreen(0); if(planning_mode && !view_replay) { curlev->draw_planning_screen(); if(!holdmouse) { auto t0 = SDL_GetTicks(); while(SDL_GetTicks() < t0 + 100) { if(!curlev->simulate()) break; } } } curlev->current.draw_instruments(curlev); if(paused && !planning_mode) { displayButton(current_display->xcenter, current_display->ycenter, mousing ? XLAT("paused -- click to unpause") : XLAT("paused -- press p to continue"), 'p', 8); } int x = vid.fsize; auto show_button = [&] (int c, string s, color_t col = dialog::dialogcolor) { if(displayButtonS(x, vid.yres - vid.fsize, s, col, 0, vid.fsize)) getcstat = c; x += textwidth(vid.fsize, s) + vid.fsize; }; if(planning_mode && !view_replay) { for(auto& b: buttons) show_button(b.first, b.second, planmode == b.first ? 0xFFD500 : dialog::dialogcolor); show_button(PSEUDOKEY_SIM, "simulation"); } bool pause_av = view_replay || !planning_mode; if(pause_av) { show_button(PSEUDOKEY_SIM, planning_mode ? "return" : "replay", (view_replay && !planning_mode) ? 0xFF0000 : dialog::dialogcolor); show_button(PSEUDOKEY_PAUSE, "pause", paused ? 0xFF0000 : dialog::dialogcolor); } show_button(PSEUDOKEY_MENU, "menu"); dialog::add_key_action(PSEUDOKEY_MENU, [] { if(curlev->current.timer) paused = true; pushScreen(main_menu); }); if(pause_av) dialog::add_key_action(PSEUDOKEY_PAUSE, [] { paused = !paused; if(view_replay && !paused) simulation_start_tick = ticks - curlev->current.timer * tps; }); dialog::add_key_action('-', [] { paused = false; }); dialog::add_key_action(PSEUDOKEY_SIM, toggle_replay); dialog::display(); char* t = multi::scfg.keyaction; for(int i=1; i<512; i++) { auto& ka = dialog::key_actions; if(t[i] == 16+5) ka[i] = ka[PSEUDOKEY_PAUSE]; if(t[i] == 16+7) ka[i] = ka[PSEUDOKEY_SIM]; if(t[i] == 16+8) ka[i] = ka[PSEUDOKEY_MENU]; } keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { if(paused) handlePanning(sym, uni); if(planning_mode && !view_replay && curlev->handle_planning(sym, uni)) return; dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); }; } void clear_path(level *l) { l->history.clear(); l->current = l->start; l->history.push_back(l->start); paused = false; reversals = 0; loaded_or_planned = false; crash_sound = true; } void pick_level() { clearMessages(); dialog::init(XLAT("select the track"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); for(auto l: all_levels) { dialog::addItem(l->name, l->hotkey); dialog::add_action([l] { curlev = l; recompute_plan_transform = true; l->init(); clear_path(l); popScreen(); }); } dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void pick_game() { clearMessages(); dialog::init(); poly_outline = 0xFF; dialog::addBigItem(curlev->name, 't'); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addHelp(curlev->longdesc); int gid = 0; for(auto& g: curlev->goals) { dialog::addBreak(50); auto man = curlev->records[0][gid]; auto plan = curlev->records[1][gid]; if(man && plan) dialog::addInfo("manual: " + format_timer(man) + " planning: " + format_timer(plan), g.color); else if(man) dialog::addInfo("manual: " + format_timer(man), g.color); else if(plan) dialog::addInfo("planning: " + format_timer(plan), g.color); else dialog::addInfo("goal not obtained:", g.color); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addHelp(g.desc); gid++; } dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addItem("change the track", 't'); dialog::add_action_push(pick_level); dialog::addBreak(100); add_edit(planning_mode); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void nil_set_geodesic() { pmodel = mdGeodesic; nisot::geodesic_movement = true; popScreen(); } void nil_set_perspective() { pmodel = mdPerspective; nisot::geodesic_movement = false; pconf.rotational_nil = 0; } void nil_projection() { dialog::init(XLAT("projection of Nil"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); dialog::addBoolItem("geodesics", pmodel == mdGeodesic, 'g'); dialog::add_action([] { popScreen(); nil_set_geodesic(); }); dialog::addInfo("In this mode, the light is assumed to travel along the geodesics (the shortest paths in Nil)."); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBoolItem("constant direction", pmodel == mdPerspective, 'c'); dialog::add_action([] { popScreen(); nil_set_perspective(); }); dialog::addInfo("In this mode, the light is assumed to travel along the lines of constant direction."); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void settings() { dialog::init(XLAT("settings"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); add_edit(aimspeed_key_x); add_edit(aimspeed_key_y); add_edit(aimspeed_mouse_x); add_edit(aimspeed_mouse_y); add_edit(whrad); add_edit(whdist); add_edit(min_gfx_slope); add_edit(stepped_display); dialog::addItem("projection", 'P'); dialog::add_action_push(nil_projection); dialog::addItem("configure keys", 'k'); dialog::add_action_push(multi::get_key_configurer(1, move_names, "Nilrider keys")); vrhr::enable_button(); vrhr::reference_button(); dialog::addItem("RogueViz settings", 'r'); dialog::add_key_action('r', [] { pushScreen(showSettings); }); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } bool deleting = false; template void replays_of_type(vector& v, const U& loader) { int i = 0; for(auto& r: v) { dialog::addItem(r.name, 'a'); dialog::add_action([&v, i, loader] { if(deleting) { dialog::push_confirm_dialog( [&, i] { v.erase(v.begin() + i); save(); }, "Are you sure you want to delete '" + v[i].name + "'?" ); } else loader(v[i]); }); i++; } } void replays() { dialog::init(XLAT(planning_mode ? "saved plans" : "replays"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); if(!planning_mode) replays_of_type(curlev->manual_replays, [] (manual_replay& r) { view_replay = false; curlev->history.clear(); auto& current = curlev->current; current = curlev->start; loaded_or_planned = true; for(auto h: r.headings) { current.heading_angle = int_to_heading(h); curlev->history.push_back(current); if(!current.tick(curlev)) break; } toggle_replay(); popScreen(); }); if(planning_mode) replays_of_type(curlev->plan_replays, [] (plan_replay& r) { view_replay = false; curlev->history.clear(); curlev->plan = r.plan; popScreen(); }); dialog::addBoolItem_action("delete", deleting, 'X'); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void pop_and_push_replays() { deleting = false; popScreen(); pushScreen(replays); } reaction_t on_quit = [] { exit(0); }; void main_menu() { clearMessages(); poly_outline = 0xFF; dialog::init(XLAT("Nil Rider"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100); dialog::addItem("continue", 'c'); dialog::add_action(popScreen); if(!planning_mode) { dialog::addItem("restart", 'r'); dialog::add_action([] { clear_path(curlev); popScreen(); }); dialog::addItem("view the replay", 'v'); dialog::add_action(toggle_replay); dialog::addItem("save the replay", 's'); dialog::add_action([] { vector ang; for(auto& h: curlev->history) ang.push_back(heading_to_int(h.heading_angle)); curlev->manual_replays.emplace_back(manual_replay{new_replay_name(), std::move(ang)}); save(); }); dialog::addItem("load a replay", 'l'); dialog::add_action(pop_and_push_replays); } else { dialog::addItem("save this plan", 's'); dialog::add_action([] { curlev->plan_replays.emplace_back(plan_replay{new_replay_name(), curlev->plan}); save(); }); dialog::addItem("load a plan", 'l'); dialog::add_action(pop_and_push_replays); } dialog::addItem("track / mode / goals", 't'); dialog::add_action_push(pick_game); dialog::addItem("change settings", 'o'); dialog::add_action_push(settings); dialog::addItem("quit", 'q'); dialog::add_action([] { on_quit(); }); dialog::display(); } bool on; void change_default_key(int key, int val) { char* t = multi::scfg.keyaction; t[key] = val; set_saver_default(t[key]); } void nilrider_keys() { for(int i=0; i<512; i++) if(multi::scfg.keyaction[i] >= 16 && multi::scfg.keyaction[i] < 32) change_default_key(i, 0); change_default_key('s', 16 + 0); change_default_key('a', 16 + 1); change_default_key('w', 16 + 2); change_default_key('d', 16 + 3); change_default_key(SDLK_LCTRL, 16 + 4); change_default_key('p', 16 + 5); change_default_key('b', 16 + 6); change_default_key('r', 16 + 7); change_default_key('v', 16 + 8); } void initialize() { load(); nilrider_keys(); check_cgi(); cgi.prepare_shapes(); init_statues(); curlev->init(); param_enum(planning_mode, "nil_planning", "nil_planning", false) -> editable({{"manual", "control the unicycle manually"}, {"planning", "try to plan the optimal route!"}}, "game mode", 'p'); param_enum(stepped_display, "stepped_display", "stepped_display", false) -> editable({{"smooth", "ride on a smooth surface"}, {"blocky", "makes slopes more visible -- actual physics are not affected"}}, "game mode", 's'); rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, frame); rv_hook(shmup::hooks_turn, 100, turn); rv_hook(hooks_resetGL, 100, cleanup_textures); on = true; on_cleanup_or_next([] { on = false; }); pushScreen(run); } void initialize_all() { showstartmenu = false; stop_game(); geometry = gNil; variation = eVariation::pure; nil_set_geodesic(); enable_canvas(); patterns::canvasback = 0; vid.cells_drawn_limit = 1; smooth_scrolling = true; mapeditor::drawplayer = false; backcolor = 0xC0C0FFFF; logfog = 1; initialize(); poly_outline = 0xFF; pushScreen(pick_game); vrhr::hsm = vrhr::eHeadset::reference; vrhr::eyes = vrhr::eEyes::equidistant; vrhr::absolute_unit_in_meters = 6; } auto celldemo = arg::add3("-unilcycle", initialize) + arg::add3("-unilplan", [] { planning_mode = true; }) + arg::add3("-viewsim", [] { view_replay = true; }) + arg::add3("-oqc", [] { on_quit = popScreenAll; }) + arg::add3("-nilsolve-set", [] { arg::shift(); solver_unit = arg::argf(); arg::shift(); nospeed = arg::argi(); arg::shift(); goal_id = arg::argi(); curlev->solve(); }) + arg::add3("-nilsolve", [] { curlev->solve(); }) + arg::add3("-nilgeo", nil_set_geodesic) + arg::add3("-nilper", nil_set_perspective) + arg::add3("-nilrider", initialize_all) + addHook(hooks_configfile, 100, [] { param_f(aimspeed_key_x, "nilrider_key_x") ->editable(-5, 5, 0.1, "navigation sensitivity (keyboard)", "press Left/Right to navigate (lCtrl to fine-tune)", 'n'); param_f(aimspeed_key_y, "nilrider_key_y") ->editable(-5, 5, 0.1, "camera sensitivity (keyboard)", "press Up/Down to set the camera angle (lCtrl to fine-tune)", 'c'); param_f(aimspeed_mouse_x, "nilrider_mouse_x") ->editable(-5, 5, 0.1, "navigation sensitivity (mouse/vr)", "move mouse Left/Right to navigate (lCtrl to fine-tune)", 'N'); param_f(aimspeed_mouse_y, "nilrider_mouse_y") ->editable(-5, 5, 0.1, "camera sensitivity (mouse/vr)", "move mouse Up/Down to set the camera angle (lCtrl to fine-tune)", 'C'); param_f(whrad, "nilrider_radius") ->editable(0, 0.5, 0.01, "wheel radius", "note: this parameter is just visual, it does not affect the physics in any way", 'w'); param_f(whdist, "nilrider_dist") ->editable(0, 5, 0.05, "camera distance", "how far is the unicycle from the camera", 'd') ->set_reaction([] { curlev->current.centerview(curlev); }); param_f(min_gfx_slope, "min_gfx_slope") ->editable(-90*degree, 90*degree, degree, "min camera slope", "affected by up/down", 'm'); }) + arg::add3("-fullsim", [] { /* for animations */ popScreenAll(); rv_hook(anims::hooks_anim, 100, [] { int ttick = ticks % isize(curlev->history); curlev->current = curlev->history[ttick]; curlev->current.centerview(curlev); anims::moved(); }); }) + arg::add3("-unillevel", [] { arg::shift(); for(auto l: all_levels) if(appears(l->name, arg::args())) curlev = l; if(on) curlev->init(); }) + arg::add3("-simplemodel", [] { nisot::geodesic_movement = false; pmodel = mdPerspective; pconf.rotational_nil = 0; }); #ifdef NILRIDER auto hook1= addHook(hooks_config, 100, [] { if(arg::curphase == 1) conffile = "nilrider.ini"; if(arg::curphase == 2) initialize_all(); }); #endif }