// Hyperbolic Rogue -- the 'experiments with geometry' menu // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file geom-exp.cpp * \brief The 'experiments with geometry' menu * * Implementation of this menu, and computation of the statistics shown there */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { int eupage = 0; int euperpage = 9; string euchelp = "If you want to know how much the gameplay is affected by the " "hyperbolic geometry in HyperRogue, this mode is for you!\n\n" "You can try many different geometries here. We start by gluing " "n-gons in such a way that k of them meet in every vertex. " "Depending on n and k, this either folds into a sphere, unfolds into a plane, " "or requires a hyperbolic space. The result may be then 'bitruncated' by " "replacing each vertex by a 2k-gon. Furthermore, you can play " "with quotient geometries. For example, the elliptic geometry is " "obtained from the sphere by making the antipodes be the same point, " "so you return to the same spot (but as a mirror image) after going there. " "Have fun experimenting! " "Achievements and leaderboards do not work in geometry experiments, " "except some specific ones.\n\n" "In standard geometry (bitruncated or not), you can play the full game, but in other geometries " "you select a particular land. Lands are unlocked by visiting them in this " "session, or permanently by collecting 25 treasure. Try Crossroads in Euclidean " "or chaos mode in non-standard non-quotient hyperbolic to visit many lands. " "Highlights:\n" "* Crystal World and Warped Coast can be understood as extra geometries.\n" "* Halloween is specially designed for spherical geometry.\n" "* To see the difference, try Hunting Grounds in Euclidean -- it is impossible.\n"; #if CAP_FIELD void showQuotientConfig() { using namespace fieldpattern; cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("field quotient")); fgeomextra& gxcur = fgeomextras[current_extra]; for(int i=0; i<isize(fgeomextras); i++) { auto& g = fgeomextras[i]; dialog::addBoolItem(ginf[g.base].tiling_name, g.base == gxcur.base, 'a'+i); dialog::add_action([i] { current_extra = i; }); } dialog::addBreak(100); nextPrimes(gxcur); string stars[3] = {"", "*", "**"}; for(int i=0; i<isize(gxcur.primes); i++) { auto& p = gxcur.primes[i]; int sides = ginf[gxcur.base].sides; bool sa = shapename_available(sides); string s = sa ? "order %1%2 (%3 %4s)" : "order %1%2 (%3 %4-gons)"; s = XLAT(s, its(p.p), p.squared ? "²" : "", its(p.cells), sa ? shapename(sides) : its(sides)); s += stars[gxcur.dualval[i]]; dialog::addBoolItem(s, i == gxcur.current_prime_id, 'A'+i); dialog::add_action([&gxcur, i] { gxcur.current_prime_id = i; }); } if(isize(gxcur.primes) <= 6) { dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addHelp( "This geometry is obtained by applying the same 'generators' which " "lead to creating the given basic hyperbolic geometry, " "but using a fixed finite field instead of the field of reals. " "It can be also interpreted as a quotient of the given basic geometry. " "Warning: field patterns based on large primes might generate for a long time." ); dialog::addBreak(100); } dialog::addItem("find the next prime", 'p'); dialog::add_action([&gxcur] { nextPrime(gxcur); }); dialog::addItem("activate", 'x'); dialog::add_action_confirmed([&gxcur] { set_geometry(gxcur.base); enableFieldChange(); set_geometry(gFieldQuotient); start_game(); }); dialog::addItem("find alternate manifolds", 'y'); dialog::add_action_confirmed([&gxcur] { set_geometry(gxcur.base); triplet_id = 0; enableFieldChange(); set_geometry(gFieldQuotient); start_game(); auto& cfp = currfp; auto triplets = cfp.find_triplets(); pushScreen([triplets] { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("alternate manifolds")); int id = 0; for(auto t: triplets) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("generators (%1,%2), size %3", its(t.i), its(t.j), its(t.size/S7)), 'a'+id); dialog::add_action([id] { stop_game(); triplet_id = id; fieldpattern::enableFieldChange(); start_game(); }); id++; } dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "This option finds alternate solutions. For example, there are three {7,3} manifolds with 156 heptagons each (\"first Hurwitz triplet\").") ); dialog::display(); }); }); dialog::addItem("default", 'z'); dialog::add_action_confirmed([] { set_geometry(gEuclid); fieldpattern::quotient_field_changed = false; set_geometry(gFieldQuotient); start_game(); }); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } #endif EX string bitruncnames[5] = {" (b)", " (n)", " (g)", " (i)", " (d)"}; void validity_info() { int vccolors[4] = {0xFF0000, 0xFF8000, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00}; auto lv = land_validity(specialland); if(lv.flags & lv::display_error_message) dialog::addInfo(XLAT(lv.msg), vccolors[lv.quality_level]); else dialog::addBreak(100); } EX bool showquotients; string validclasses[4] = {" (X)", " (½)", "", " (!)"}; EX void ge_land_selection() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); if(cheater) for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++) landvisited[i] = true; for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++) if(hiitemsMax(treasureType(eLand(i))) >= 25) landvisited[i] = true; landvisited[laCrossroads] = true; landvisited[laCrossroads4] = true; landvisited[laIce] = true; landvisited[laHunting] = true; landvisited[laMirrorOld] = true; landvisited[laPrincessQuest] = cheater || princess::everSaved; landvisited[laWildWest] = true; landvisited[laHalloween] = true; landvisited[laWarpCoast] = true; landvisited[laGraveyard] = true; landvisited[laDual] = true; landvisited[laDocks] |= landvisited[laWarpCoast]; landvisited[laSnakeNest] |= landvisited[laRedRock]; landvisited[laCamelot] |= hiitemsMax(treasureType(laCamelot)) >= 1; landvisited[laCA] = true; landvisited[laAsteroids] = true; dialog::init(XLAT("select the starting land")); if(dialog::infix != "") mouseovers = dialog::infix; generateLandList([] (eLand l) { if(dialog::infix != "" && !dialog::hasInfix(linf[l].name)) return false; return !!(land_validity(l).flags & lv::appears_in_geom_exp); }); stable_sort(landlist.begin(), landlist.end(), [] (eLand l1, eLand l2) { return land_validity(l1).quality_level > land_validity(l2).quality_level; }); dialog::start_list(900, 900, '1'); for(auto& l: landlist) { string s = XLAT1(linf[l].name); if(landvisited[l]) { dialog::addBoolItem(s, l == specialland, dialog::list_fake_key++); } else { dialog::addSelItem(s, XLAT("(locked)"), dialog::list_fake_key++); } dialog::lastItem().color = linf[l].color; dialog::lastItem().value += validclasses[land_validity(l).quality_level]; dialog::add_action([l] { if(landvisited[l]) dialog::do_if_confirmed(dual::mayboth([l] { stop_game_and_switch_mode(tactic::on ? rg::tactic : rg::nothing); firstland = specialland = l; if(l == laCanvas || l == laAsteroids || (land_validity(l).flags & lv::switch_to_single)) land_structure = lsSingle; else if(among(l, laCrossroads, laCrossroads2)) land_structure = lsNiceWalls; else if(among(l, laCrossroads4)) land_structure = lsNoWalls; start_game(); popScreen(); })); }); } dialog::end_list(); dialog::addBreak(25); validity_info(); dialog::addBreak(25); dialog::addInfo(XLAT("press letters to search")); dual::add_choice(); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); if(dialog::editInfix(uni)) dialog::list_skip = 0; else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen(); }; } EX void activate_ge_land_selection() { dialog::infix = ""; eupage = 0; pushScreen(ge_land_selection); } #if HDR struct geometry_filter { string name; int hotkey; /** test if the current geometry matches the filter */ function<bool()> test; }; #endif EX geometry_filter *current_filter; bool forced_quotient() { return quotient && !(cgflags & qOPTQ); } EX geometry_filter gf_hyperbolic = {"hyperbolic", 'h', [] { return (arcm::in() || arb::in() || hyperbolic) && !forced_quotient(); }}; EX geometry_filter gf_spherical = {"spherical", 's', [] { return (arcm::in() || arb::in() || sphere) && !forced_quotient(); }}; EX geometry_filter gf_euclidean = {"Euclidean", 'e', [] { return (arcm::in() || arb::in() || euclid) && !forced_quotient(); }}; EX geometry_filter gf_other = {"non-isotropic", 'n', [] { return mproduct || nonisotropic; }}; EX geometry_filter gf_regular_2d = {"regular 2D tesselations", 'r', [] { return standard_tiling() && WDIM == 2 && !forced_quotient(); }}; EX geometry_filter gf_regular_3d = {"regular 3D honeycombs", '3', [] { if(euclid) return geometry == gCubeTiling; return !bt::in() && !kite::in() && WDIM == 3 && !forced_quotient() && !nonisotropic && !mproduct; }}; EX geometry_filter gf_quotient = {"interesting quotient spaces", 'q', [] { return forced_quotient() && !elliptic; }}; EX geometry_filter gf_tes_file = {"load from file", 'f', [] { return arb::in(); }}; EX geometry_filter gf_no_filters = {"no filters", '-', [] { return true; }}; EX vector<geometry_filter*> available_filters = { &gf_hyperbolic, &gf_spherical, &gf_euclidean, &gf_other, &gf_regular_2d, &gf_regular_3d, &gf_quotient, &gf_tes_file, &gf_no_filters }; void ge_select_filter() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("geometries")); for(auto f: available_filters) { if(current_filter) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT(f->name), f == current_filter, f->hotkey); else dialog::addItem(XLAT(f->name), f->hotkey); dialog::add_action([f] { current_filter = f; popScreen(); }); } dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void set_default_filter() { current_filter = hyperbolic ? &gf_hyperbolic : euclid ? &gf_euclidean : sphere ? &gf_spherical : &gf_other; for(auto f: available_filters) if(f->test()) current_filter = f; } void set_or_configure_geometry(eGeometry g) { if(0) ; #if CAP_CRYSTAL else if(g == gCrystal) pushScreen(crystal::show); #endif #if CAP_ARCM else if(g == gArchimedean) pushScreen(arcm::show); #endif else if(g == gArbitrary) arb::choose(); else { if(among(g, gProduct, gRotSpace)) { if(WDIM == 3 || (g == gRotSpace && euclid)) { addMessage( g == gRotSpace ? XLAT("Only works with 2D non-Euclidean geometries") : XLAT("Only works with 2D geometries") ); return; } if(g == gRotSpace) { bool ok = true; if(arcm::in()) ok = PURE; else if(bt::in() || aperiodic) ok = false; else ok = PURE || BITRUNCATED; if(!ok) { addMessage(XLAT("Only works with (semi-)regular tilings")); return; } #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) { int steps, single_step; if(!arcm::current.get_step_values(steps, single_step)) { addMessage(XLAT("That would have %1/%2 levels", its(steps), its(single_step))); return; } } #endif } } dual::may_split_or_do([g] { set_geometry(g); }); start_game(); } } /** is g2 the same tiling as the current geometry (geometry)? */ bool same_tiling(eGeometry g2) { /* no quotients for fractals */ if(cgflags & qFRACTAL) return g2 == geometry; if(g2 == gCrystal) return S3 == 4; if(g2 == gFieldQuotient && (hyperbolic || (geometry == gCubeTiling && reg3::cubes_reg3)) && standard_tiling()) return true; if(g2 == gFieldQuotient && geometry != gFieldQuotient) { int ce = 0; for(auto& ge: fieldpattern::fgeomextras) { if(ginf[ge.base].tiling_name == ginf[geometry].tiling_name) { fieldpattern::current_extra = ce; return true; } ce++; } } return ginf[g2].tiling_name == ginf[geometry].tiling_name; } void ge_select_tiling() { if(current_filter == &gf_tes_file) { popScreen(); set_or_configure_geometry(gArbitrary); } cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); if(!current_filter) { popScreen(); return; } dialog::init(); dialog::addItem(XLAT(current_filter->name), 'x'); dialog::add_action_push(ge_select_filter); vector<eGeometry> geometries; dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::start_list(500, 1500, 'a'); for(int i=0; i<isize(ginf); i++) { eGeometry g = eGeometry(i); if(among(g, gProduct, gRotSpace)) hybrid::configure(g); bool orig_el = elliptic; bool on = geometry == g; bool in_2d = WDIM == 2; dynamicval<eGeometry> cg(geometry, g); if(cgflags & qDEPRECATED) continue; if(arcm::in() && !CAP_ARCM) continue; if(cryst && !CAP_CRYSTAL) continue; if(sol && !CAP_SOLV) continue; if(arb::in() && (ISMOBILE || ISWEB)) continue; if(WDIM == 3 && MAXMDIM == 3) continue; if(geometry == gFieldQuotient && !CAP_FIELD) continue; if(geometry == gFake) continue; if(!current_filter->test()) continue; if(orig_el) { for(int j=0; j<isize(ginf); j++) if(ginf[j].tiling_name == ginf[i].tiling_name) geometry = g = eGeometry(j); } bool is_product = (geometry == gProduct && in_2d); bool is_rotspace = (geometry == gRotSpace && in_2d); dialog::addBoolItem( is_product ? XLAT("current geometry x E") : is_rotspace ? XLAT("space of rotations in current geometry") : XLAT(ginf[g].menu_displayed_name), on, dialog::list_fake_key++); dialog::lastItem().value += validclasses[land_validity(specialland).quality_level]; dialog::add_action([g] { set_or_configure_geometry(g); }); } dialog::end_list(); dialog::addBreak(100); dual::add_choice(); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } EX string current_proj_name() { bool h = hyperbolic || sn::in(); if(vpconf.model == mdPanini && vpconf.alpha == 1) return XLAT("stereographic Panini"); else if(vpconf.model != mdDisk) return models::get_model_name(vpconf.model); else if(h && vpconf.alpha == 1) return XLAT("Poincaré model"); else if(h && vpconf.alpha == 0) return XLAT("Klein-Beltrami model"); else if(h && vpconf.alpha == -1) return XLAT("inverted Poincaré model"); else if(sphere && vpconf.alpha == 1) return XLAT("stereographic projection"); else if(sphere && vpconf.alpha == 0) return XLAT("gnomonic projection"); else if(sphere && vpconf.alpha >= 999) return XLAT("orthographic projection"); else if(h && vpconf.alpha >= 999) return XLAT("Gans model"); else return XLAT("general perspective"); } EX string dim_name() { return " (" + its(WDIM) + "D)"; } #if CAP_THREAD && MAXMDIM >= 4 EX void showQuotientConfig3() { using namespace fieldpattern; cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("field quotient")); auto& ds = discoveries[cginf.tiling_name]; if(!ds.discoverer) { dialog::addItem("start discovery", 's'); dialog::add_action([&ds] { ds.activate(); }); } else if(ds.is_suspended) { dialog::addItem("resume discovery", 's'); dialog::add_action([&ds] { ds.activate(); }); } else { dialog::addItem("suspend discovery", 's'); dialog::add_action([&ds] { ds.suspend(); }); } auto& e = ds.experiment; if(!e.Prime) dialog::addBreak(100); else { string s = its(e.Prime); if(e.wsquare) s += "²"; dialog::addInfo(s); } dialog::addBreak(100); if(1) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(ds.lock); auto&l = ds.hashes_found; for(auto& v: l) { char x = 'a'; string s = XLAT("#%1, cells: %2, p=%3", itsh(v.first), its(get<5>(v.second)), its(get<0>(v.second)) + (get<1>(v.second) ? "²" : "")); dialog::addItem(s, x++); dialog::add_action([&v] { stop_game(); int tmp; tie(currfp.Prime, currfp.wsquare, currfp.R, currfp.P, currfp.X, tmp) = v.second; currfp.Field = currfp.wsquare ? currfp.Prime * currfp.Prime : currfp.Prime; currfp.generate_all3(); currfp.analyze(); start_game(); }); } } dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } #endif EX string geometry_name(eGeometryClass gc) { switch(gc) { case gcHyperbolic: return XLAT("hyperbolic"); case gcEuclid: if(cgflags & qAFFINE) return XLAT("affine"); return XLAT("flat"); case gcSphere: return XLAT("spherical"); case gcSol: return XLAT("Sol"); case gcNIH: return XLAT("hyperbolic (3:2)"); case gcSolN: return XLAT("Sol (3:2)"); case gcNil: return XLAT("Nil"); case gcSL2: return XLAT("~SL(2,R)~"); case gcProduct: return XLAT("%1 x E", PIU(geometry_name())); } return "?"; } EX string geometry_name() { if(cgi.emb && cgi.emb->is_same_in_same()) return geometry_name(geom3::mgclass()); else if(embedded_plane && gproduct) return geometry_name(geom3::mgclass()) + " (x E)"; else if(embedded_plane) return geometry_name(geom3::mgclass()) + " @ " + geometry_name(geom3::ggclass()); else if(among(ginf[geometry].cclass, gcHyperbolic, gcEuclid, gcSphere)) return geometry_name(ginf[geometry].cclass) + dim_name(); else return geometry_name(ginf[geometry].cclass); } EX void select_quotient_screen() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("quotient spaces in ") + ginf[geometry].tiling_name); char key = 'a'; for(int i=0; i<isize(ginf); i++) { auto g = eGeometry(i); if(ginf[g].flags & qDEPRECATED) continue; if(same_tiling(g)) { dialog::addBoolItem( (ginf[g].flags & qANYQ) ? XLAT(ginf[g].menu_displayed_name) : "no quotient", g == geometry, key++); dialog::add_action([g] { if(g == gFieldQuotient && WDIM == 3) { if(geometry != gFieldQuotient) { stop_game(); fieldpattern::field_from_current(); set_geometry(gFieldQuotient); for(int p=2;; p++) { currfp.Prime = p; currfp.force_hash = 0; if(!currfp.solve()) break; } println(hlog, "set prime = ", currfp.Prime); start_game(); } #if CAP_THREAD && MAXMDIM >= 4 pushScreen(showQuotientConfig3); #endif } else if(g == gFieldQuotient) pushScreen(showQuotientConfig); #if CAP_CRYSTAL else if(g == gCrystal) pushScreen(crystal::show); #endif else { dual::may_split_or_do([g] { set_geometry(g); }); start_game(); } }); } } dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } EX void select_quotient() { if(meuclid && !aperiodic && !arcm::in() && !reg3::cubes_reg3 && !(cgflags & qFRACTAL)) { euc::prepare_torus3(); pushScreen(euc::show_torus3); } else if(nil) { nilv::prepare_niltorus3(), pushScreen(nilv::show_niltorus3); } #if CAP_SOLV else if(asonov::in()) { asonov::prepare_config(); pushScreen(asonov::show_config); } #endif else if(mproduct) pushScreen(product::show_config); else if(rotspace) hybrid::configure_period(); else { vector<eGeometry> choices; for(int i=0; i<isize(ginf); i++) if(same_tiling(eGeometry(i))) choices.push_back(eGeometry(i)); println(hlog, "choices = ", choices); if(isize(choices) > 1) pushScreen(select_quotient_screen); /* else if(isize(choices) > 1) { set_geometry(choices[choices[0] == geometry ? 1 : 0]); start_game(); } */ else addMessage("No quotient spaces available in the current tiling."); } } EX string full_geometry_name() { string qstring = ginf[geometry].quotient_name; bool variable = !(mproduct || mhybrid || bt::in() || (WDIM == 3 && !reg3::in()) || aperiodic || arb::in()); string fgname = XLAT(ginf[geometry].tiling_name); if(qstring != "none") fgname += " " + XLAT(qstring); #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) fgname = arcm::current.symbol; #endif if(variable) fgname = gp::operation_name() + " " + fgname; return fgname; } void action_change_variation() { if(0) ; #if CAP_ARCM else if(arcm::in()) arcm::next_variation(); #endif #if MAXMDIM >= 4 else if(reg3::in() || geometry == gCubeTiling) reg3::configure_variation(); #endif else if(euc::in(2,4) || !CAP_GP) dialog::do_if_confirmed([] { set_variation(PURE ? eVariation::bitruncated : eVariation::pure); start_game(); }); #if CAP_GP else // if(S3 == 3) gp::configure(); #endif } EX void menuitem_change_variation(char key) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("variations"), gp::operation_name(), key); dialog::add_action(action_change_variation); } EX void menuitem_change_geometry(char key) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("geometry/topology/tiling"), full_geometry_name(), key); dialog::add_action_push(current_filter ? ge_select_tiling : ge_select_filter); } EX void menuitem_projection(char key) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("projection"), current_proj_name(), key); dialog::add_action_push(models::model_menu); } EX void menuitem_binary_width(char key) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("binary tiling width"), fts(vid.binary_width), key); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(vid.binary_width, 0, 2, 0.1, 1, XLAT("binary tiling width"), ""); dialog::get_ne().reaction = [] () { #if CAP_TEXTURE texture::config.remap(); #endif #if CAP_SOLV if(asonov::in()) asonov::prepare(); #endif }; }); } EX void menuitem_nilwidth(char key) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("Nil width"), fts(nilv::nilwidth), key); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(nilv::nilwidth, 0.01, 2, 0.1, 1, XLAT("Nil width"), ""); dialog::get_ne().reaction = ray::reset_raycaster; dialog::bound_low(0.01); }); } EX void edit_stretch() { stretch::mstretch = false; ray::reset_raycaster(); dialog::editNumber(stretch::factor, -1, 9, 0.1, 0, XLAT("stretched geometry"), XLAT( "Stretch the metric along the fibers. This can currently be done in rotation spaces and in 8-cell, 24-cell and 120-cell. " "Value of 0 means not stretched, -1 means S2xE or H2xE (works only in the limit). (Must be > -1)" ) ); dialog::get_ne().reaction = [] { if(abs(stretch::factor+1) < 1e-3) stretch::factor = -.9; ray::reset_raycaster(); }; } #if HDR struct geometry_data { int ts, tv, nom, denom, euler, demigenus, worldsize; int area; string spf; string size_str; }; #endif EX geometry_data compute_geometry_data() { geometry_data gd; auto& ts = gd.ts; auto& tv = gd.tv; ts = ginf[geometry].sides; tv = ginf[geometry].vertex; gd.nom = (BITRUNCATED ? tv+ts : tv) * 4; gd.denom = (2*ts + 2*tv - ts * tv); #if CAP_GP if(GOLDBERG || INVERSE) { gd.area = PIU(cgi.gpdata->area); if(GOLDBERG || WARPED) { gd.nom = 2 * (2*tv + (S3-2) * ts * (gd.area-1)); } else if(UNRECTIFIED) { if((gp::param.first + gp::param.second) % 2 == 0) gd.nom = ts * 2 * gd.area; else gd.nom = (2*tv + (S3-2) * ts * (gd.area-1)); } else if(UNTRUNCATED) { if((gp::param.first - gp::param.second) % 3 == 0) { gd.nom = ts * 4 * gd.area; gd.denom *= 3; } else { gd.nom = 2 * (2*tv + (S3-2) * ts * (gd.area-1)); gd.denom *= 3; } } } else #endif gd.area = PURE ? 1 : 3; gd.euler = 0; if(meuclid) gd.euler = 0; else if(msphere && nonorientable) gd.euler = 1; else if(msphere) gd.euler = 2; else if(!closed_manifold) gd.euler = -2; else if(WDIM == 3) gd.euler = 0; else switch(geometry) { case gFieldQuotient: gd.worldsize = isize(currentmap->allcells()); gd.euler = 2 * gd.worldsize * gd.denom / gd.nom; break; case gMinimal: gd.euler = -1; break; case gZebraQuotient: case gBolza: gd.euler = -2; break; case gKleinQuartic: case gSchmutzM2: case gBolza2: gd.euler = -4; break; case gSchmutzM3: case gBring: gd.euler = -6; break; case gMacbeath: gd.euler = -12; break; default: gd.worldsize = isize(currentmap->allcells()); println(hlog, "warning: Euler characteristics unknown, worldsize = ", gd.worldsize); gd.euler = 2 * gd.worldsize * gd.denom / gd.nom; break; } gd.nom *= gd.euler; gd.denom *= 2; if(mhybrid) gd.nom *= hybrid::csteps, gd.denom *= cgi.single_step; int g = gcd(gd.nom, gd.denom); if(g) { gd.nom /= g; gd.denom /= g; } if(euclid && closed_manifold) { gd.worldsize = euc::eu.det; if(BITRUNCATED) gd.worldsize *= (a4 ? 2 : 3); if(GOLDBERG) gd.worldsize *= cgi.gpdata->area; #if CAP_IRR if(IRREGULAR) gd.worldsize *= isize(irr::cells) / isize(irr::cells_of_heptagon); #endif } else gd.worldsize = gd.denom ? gd.nom / gd.denom : 0; if(gd.euler < 0 && !closed_manifold) gd.worldsize = -gd.worldsize; string spf = its(ts); if(0) ; #if CAP_ARCM else if(arcm::in()) { spf = ""; for(int i: arcm::current.faces) { if(spf != "") spf += ","; spf += its(i); } if(BITRUNCATED) spf = "[" + spf + "]," + its(arcm::current.N * 2) + "," + its(arcm::current.N * 2); if(DUAL) spf = its(arcm::current.N) + "^[" + spf + "]"; } #endif #if CAP_BT else if(bt::in()) switch(geometry) { case gBinaryTiling: spf = "6,[6,7],7"; break; case gBinary4: spf = "5,5,5[,5]"; break; case gTernary: spf = "6,6,6[,6]"; break; default: spf = "?"; break; } #endif else if(BITRUNCATED) spf = spf + "," + its(S6) + "," + its(S6); #if CAP_IRR else if(IRREGULAR && irr::bitruncations_performed) spf = "[4..8],6,6"; else if(IRREGULAR) spf = "[4..8]^3"; #endif #if CAP_GP else if(UNRECTIFIED || UNTRUNCATED) { if(UNRECTIFIED && (gp::param.first-gp::param.second) % 2 != 0) spf = "(?)"; else if(UNTRUNCATED && (gp::param.first-gp::param.second) % 3 != 0) spf = "(?)"; else { string each = UNRECTIFIED ? "4" : "3"; int first = UNRECTIFIED ? 4 : 6; int second = S7; if(gp::param == gp::loc(1, 1)) first = second; else if(second < first) swap(first, second); spf = each; for(int z=1; z<first; z++) spf += "," + each; if(first != second) { spf += "["; for(int z=first; z<second; z++) spf += "," + each; spf += "]"; } } } else if(GOLDBERG && S3 == 4 && gp::param == gp::loc(1, 1)) spf = spf + ",4," + spf + ",4"; else if(GOLDBERG && S3 == 4 && gp::param == gp::loc(2, 0)) spf = spf + ",4,4,4"; else if(GOLDBERG && S3 == 4) spf = "[" + spf + ",4],4,4,4"; else if(WARPED && S3 == 3 && gp::param == gp::loc(1,1)) spf = spf + ",3,3"; else if(WARPED && S3 == 3) spf = "[" + spf + ",6],3,3"; else if(GOLDBERG && S3 == 3) spf = "[" + spf + ",6],6,6"; #endif else { string spf0 = spf; for(int z=1; z<S3; z++) spf = spf + "," + spf0; } gd.size_str = disksize ? its(isize(currentmap->allcells())) : #if CAP_BT bt::in() ? fts(1440._deg * sqrt(2) * log(2) / pow(vid.binary_width, WDIM-1), 4) + " exp(∞)" : #endif #if CAP_ARCM arcm::in() && (WDIM == 2) ? arcm::current.world_size() : (arcm::in() && sphere) ? its(isize(currentmap->allcells())) : #endif #if CAP_CRYSTAL cryst ? "∞^" + its(ts/2) : #endif WDIM == 3 && closed_manifold ? its(isize(currentmap->allcells())) : WDIM == 3 && euclid ? "∞" : gd.worldsize < 0 ? (gd.nom%gd.denom ? its(gd.nom)+"/"+its(gd.denom) : its(-gd.worldsize)) + " exp(∞)": (euclid && quotient && !closed_manifold) ? "∞" : gd.worldsize == 0 ? "∞²" : its(gd.worldsize); #if CAP_IRR if(hyperbolic && IRREGULAR) { gd.nom = isize(irr::cells); // both Klein Quartic and Bolza2 are double the Zebra quotiennt gd.denom = -2; if(!quotient) gd.worldsize = gd.nom / gd.denom; } #endif if(WDIM == 3) gd.euler = 0; gd.demigenus = 2 - gd.euler; return gd; } EX void showEuclideanMenu() { // for(int i=2; i<lt; i++) landvisited[i] = true; cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init(XLAT("experiment with geometry")); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("geometry"), geometry_name(), 'd'); dialog::add_action([] { pushScreen(ge_select_tiling); pushScreen(ge_select_filter); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("basic tiling"), XLAT(ginf[geometry].tiling_name), 't'); dialog::add_action([] { if(!current_filter || !current_filter->test()) set_default_filter(); pushScreen(ge_select_tiling); }); string qstring = ginf[geometry].quotient_name; if(meuclid && quotient) qstring = ONOFF(true); if(qstring == "none") dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("quotient space"), false, 'q'); else dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("quotient space"), XLAT(qstring), 'q'); dialog::add_action(select_quotient); #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("advanced parameters"), '4'); dialog::add_action_push(arcm::show); } #endif #if CAP_CRYSTAL if(cryst) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("advanced parameters"), '4'); dialog::add_action_push(crystal::show); } #endif if(fake::available()) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("fake curvature"), '4'); dialog::add_action([] { if(fake::in()) fake::configure(); else dialog::cheat_if_confirmed( fake::configure ); }); } if(arb::in() && !(arb::current.sliders.empty() && arb::current.intsliders.empty())) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("tessellation sliders"), '4'); dialog::add_action_push(arb::set_sliders); } if(arb::is_apeirogonal()) add_edit(arb::apeirogon_simplified_display); if(arb::in()) add_edit(debug_tiles); #if MAXMDIM >= 4 if(cgflags & qULTRA) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("truncate ultra-vertices with mirrors"), reg3::ultra_mirror_on, 'Z'); dialog::add_action([] { reg3::ultra_mirror_on = !reg3::ultra_mirror_on; ray::reset_raycaster(); }); } #endif if(mproduct) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("Z-level height factor"), fts(vid.plevel_factor), 'Z'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(vid.plevel_factor, 0, 2, 0.1, 0.7, XLAT("Z-level height factor"), ""); dialog::get_ne().reaction = ray::reset_raycaster; }); } else if(mhybrid) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("number of levels"), its(hybrid::csteps / cgi.single_step), 'L'); dialog::add_action(hybrid::configure_period); } else if(bt::in()) { menuitem_binary_width('v'); add_edit_wall_quality('W'); } else if(hat::in()) { add_edit(hat::hat_param); add_edit(hat::hat_param_imag); } else if(nil) { menuitem_nilwidth('v'); } else if((WDIM == 3 || aperiodic || arb::in()) && !reg3::in() && geometry != gCubeTiling) dialog::addBreak(100); else if(cgclass & qFRACTAL) dialog::addBreak(100); else menuitem_change_variation('v'); if(in_s2xe()) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("precision of S2xE rings"), its(s2xe::qrings), '5'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(s2xe::qrings, 1, 256, 4, 32, XLAT("precision of S2xE rings"), XLAT( "In S2xE, objects at spherical distances which are multiples of π will look like " "rings, and objects close to these will look like crescents. " "This setting controls the quality of rendering these rings and crescents.") ); dialog::bound_low(1); dialog::bound_up(256); }); } #if MAXMDIM >= 4 if(mhybrid) { auto r = rots::underlying_scale; dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("view the underlying geometry"), r > 0 ? fts(r)+"x" : ONOFF(false), '6'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(rots::underlying_scale, 0, 1, 0.05, 0.25, XLAT("view the underlying geometry"), geometry == gRotSpace ? XLAT("The space you are currently in is the space of rotations of the underlying hyperbolic or spherical geometry. ") : XLAT("You are currently in a product space.") + XLAT( "This option lets you see the underlying space. Lands and some walls (e.g. in the Graveyard) are based on " "the respective features in the underlying world, but details such as monsters or items are ignored." ) ); dialog::bound_low(0); dialog::bound_up(1); dialog::get_di().extra_options = [] () { rots::draw_underlying(true); }; }); } #endif if(stretch::applicable()) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("stretched geometry"), fts(stretch::factor), 'S'); dialog::add_action(edit_stretch); } dialog::addBreak(100); menuitem_land_structure('l'); add_edit(req_disksize); if(specialland == laMinefield && closed_or_bounded) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("number of mines"), its(bounded_mine_quantity), 'm'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(bounded_mine_quantity, 0, bounded_mine_max, 1, (bounded_mine_max+5)/10, XLAT("number of mines"), ""); dialog::get_ne().reaction = [] { if(bounded_mine_quantity < 0) bounded_mine_quantity = 0; if(bounded_mine_quantity > bounded_mine_max) bounded_mine_quantity = bounded_mine_max; }; dialog::get_ne().reaction_final = [] { bounded_mine_percentage = bounded_mine_quantity * 1. / bounded_mine_max; stop_game(); start_game(); }; }); } if(geometry_has_alt_mine_rule()) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("adjacency rule"), mine_adjacency_rule ? XLAT("vertex") : WDIM == 3 ? XLAT("face") : XLAT("edge"), 'M'); dialog::add_action([] { stop_game(); mine_adjacency_rule = !mine_adjacency_rule; start_game(); addMessage(XLAT("Note: adjacency rule affects environmental effects, but not movement.")); }); } dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("pattern"), specialland == laCanvas, 'p'); if(specialland == laCanvas) dialog::lastItem().value = patterns::whichCanvas; dialog::add_action_push(patterns::showPrePattern); validity_info(); if(WDIM == 3) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("3D configuration"), '9'); dialog::add_action_push(show3D); } menuitem_projection('1'); if(lie_movement_available()) { add_edit(nisot::geodesic_movement); } #if CAP_CRYSTAL && MAXMDIM >= 4 crystal::add_crystal_transform('x'); #endif dialog::addBreak(50); #if CAP_SHOT dialog::addItem(XLAT("take screenshot"), 's'); dialog::add_action_push(shot::menu); #endif dialog::addHelp(); dialog::addBack(); dialog::addBreak(150); dialog::addTitle(XLAT("info about: %1", full_geometry_name()), 0xFFFFFF, 150); auto gd = compute_geometry_data(); if(WDIM == 2 && !arb::in() && !aperiodic) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("faces per vertex"), gd.spf, 0); if(arb::in() && arb::current.comment != "") { dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addHelp(arb::current.comment); } dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("size of the world"), gd.size_str, '3'); if(WDIM == 2 || reg3::exact_rules()) dialog::add_action([] { if(!viewdists) { enable_viewdists(); pushScreen(viewdist_configure_dialog); } else if(viewdists) viewdists = false; }); if(closed_manifold) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("Euler characteristics"), its(gd.euler), 0); if(WDIM == 3) ; else if(nonorientable) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("demigenus"), its(gd.demigenus), 0); else dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("genus"), its(gd.demigenus/2), 0); } else dialog::addBreak(200); dialog::display(); } EX void runGeometryExperiments() { if(!geometry && specialland == laIce) specialland = getLandForList(cwt.at); pushScreen(showEuclideanMenu); } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE EX eGeometry readGeo(const string& ss) { for(int i=0; i<isize(ginf); i++) if(ginf[i].shortname == ss) return eGeometry(i); bool numeric = true; for(char c: ss) if(c < '0' || c > '9') numeric = false; if(numeric) return eGeometry(atoi(ss.c_str())); for(int i=0; i<isize(ginf); i++) if(appears(ginf[i].menu_displayed_name, ss)) { return eGeometry(i); break; } return gNormal; } EX void field_quotient_3d(int p, unsigned hash) { check_cgi(); cgi.require_basics(); stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::nothing); fieldpattern::field_from_current(); set_geometry(gFieldQuotient); for(;; p++) { println(hlog, "trying p = ", p); currfp.Prime = p; currfp.force_hash = hash; if(!currfp.solve()) break; } println(hlog, "set prime = ", currfp.Prime); } EX void field_quotient_2d(int group, int id, int triplet) { using namespace fieldpattern; current_extra = group; auto& gxcur = fgeomextras[current_extra]; while(id >= isize(gxcur.primes)) nextPrime(gxcur); fgeomextras[current_extra].current_prime_id = id; if(triplet != -1) triplet_id = triplet; enableFieldChange(); set_geometry(gFieldQuotient); } int read_geom_args() { using namespace arg; if(0) ; #if CAP_FIELD else if(argis("-qpar")) { int p; shift(); sscanf(argcs(), "%d,%d,%d", &p, "ientspace::rvadd, "ientspace::rvdir ); autocheat = true; currfp.init(p); } else if(argis("-qpar2")) { stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::nothing); int a, b; shift(); sscanf(argcs(), "%d,%d", &a, &b); field_quotient_2d(a, b, -1); } else if(argis("-triplet")) { stop_game(); shift(); fieldpattern::triplet_id = argi(); fieldpattern::enableFieldChange(); } else if(argis("-to-fq")) { int p = 2; shift(); if(args() == "p") { shift(); p = argi(); shift(); } unsigned hash = arghex(); field_quotient_3d(p, hash); } else if(argis("-cs")) { shift(); cheat(); fieldpattern::matrix M = currfp.strtomatrix(args()); fieldpattern::subpathid = currfp.matcode[M]; fieldpattern::subpathorder = currfp.order(M); } else if(argis("-fwrite")) { shstream hs; hwrite_fpattern(hs, currfp); println(hlog, "current fieldpattern hash: ", currfp.hashv); println(hlog, "current fieldpattern: ", as_cstring(hs.s)); } else if(argis("-csp")) { cheat(); currfp.findsubpath(); } #endif else if(argis("-mineadj")) { shift(); mine_adjacency_rule = argi(); } TOGGLE('7', PURE, set_variation(PURE ? eVariation::bitruncated : eVariation::pure)) else if(argis("-geo")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); set_geometry(readGeo(args())); } #if CAP_GP else if(argis("-gp")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); gp::param.first = argi(); shift(); gp::param.second = argi(); set_variation(eVariation::goldberg); } else if(argis("-gph")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); int x = argi(); shift(); int y = argi(); gp::whirl_set({x, y}); } else if(argis("-unrectified")) { PHASEFROM(2); set_variation(eVariation::unrectified); } else if(argis("-untruncated")) { PHASEFROM(2); set_variation(eVariation::untruncated); } else if(argis("-warped")) { PHASEFROM(2); set_variation(eVariation::warped); } #if MAXMDIM >= 4 else if(argis("-subcubes")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); set_variation(eVariation::subcubes); shift(); reg3::subcube_count = argi(); } else if(argis("-dual-subcubes")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); set_variation(eVariation::dual_subcubes); shift(); reg3::subcube_count = argi(); } else if(argis("-bch-subcubes")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); set_variation(eVariation::bch); shift(); reg3::subcube_count = argi(); } else if(argis("-bch-oct")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); set_variation(eVariation::bch_oct); shift(); reg3::subcube_count = argi(); } else if(argis("-coxeter")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); set_variation(eVariation::coxeter); shift(); reg3::coxeter_param = argi(); } #endif #endif #if CAP_FIELD else if(argis("-fi")) { fieldpattern::info(); exit(0); } else if(argis("-fi-at")) { geometry = gNormal; shift(); dynamicval<int> s7(S7, argi()); shift(); dynamicval<int> s3(S3, argi()); fieldpattern::info(); exit(0); } else if(argis("-fi-geo")) { fieldpattern::info(); exit(0); } else if(argis("-qs")) { cheat(); shift(); currfp.qpaths.push_back(args()); } #if MAXMDIM >= 4 else if(argis("-truncate-ultra")) { shift(); reg3::ultra_mirror_on = argi(); } #endif else if(argis("-d:quotient")) launch_dialog(showQuotientConfig); else if(argis("-uqf")) fieldpattern::use_quotient_fp = true; #endif else if(argis("-d:geom")) launch_dialog(showEuclideanMenu); else return 1; return 0; } auto ah_geom = addHook(hooks_args, 0, read_geom_args); #endif }