// Hyperbolic Rogue -- screenshots and animations // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file screenshot.cpp * \brief screenshots, SVG format, animations, start animations */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { bool hide_hud = true; #if HDR namespace shot { void default_screenshot_content(); } #endif // svg renderer EX namespace svg { #if !CAP_SVG EX always_false in; #endif #if CAP_SVG #if ISWEB shstream f; #else fhstream f; #endif EX bool in = false; ld cta(color_t col) { // col >>= 24; col &= 0xFF; return col / 255.0; } bool invisible(color_t col) { return (col & 0xFF) == 0; } void fixgamma(unsigned int& color) { unsigned char *c = (unsigned char*) (&color); for(int i=1; i<4; i++) c[i] = 255 * pow(float(c[i] / 255.0), float(shot::gamma)); } int svgsize; EX int divby = 10; const char* coord(int val) { static char buf[10][20]; static int id; id++; id %= 10; if(divby == 1) { sprintf(buf[id], "%d", val); return buf[id]; } else if(divby <= 10) { sprintf(buf[id], "%.1f", val*1./divby); return buf[id]; } else { sprintf(buf[id], "%.2f", val*1./divby); return buf[id]; } } char* stylestr(color_t fill, color_t stroke, ld width=1) { fixgamma(fill); fixgamma(stroke); static char buf[600]; // printf("fill = %08X stroke = %08x\n", fill, stroke); if(stroke == 0xFF00FF && false) { stroke = 0x000000FF; if(fill == 0x332a22ff) fill = 0x000000FF; else if(fill == 0x686868FF) fill = 0x000000FF; else if(fill == 0xd0d0d0FF) fill = 0x000000FF; else fill = 0xFFFFFFFF; } sprintf(buf, "style=\"stroke:#%06x;stroke-opacity:%.3" PLDF ";stroke-width:%" PLDF "px;fill:#%06x;fill-opacity:%.3" PLDF "\"", (stroke>>8) & 0xFFFFFF, cta(stroke), width/divby, (fill>>8) & 0xFFFFFF, cta(fill) ); return buf; } EX void circle(int x, int y, int size, color_t col, color_t fillcol, double linewidth) { if(!invisible(col) || !invisible(fillcol)) { if(vid.stretch == 1) println(f, ""); else println(f, ""); } } EX string link; void startstring() { if(link != "") print(f, ""); } void stopstring() { if(link != "") print(f, ""); } string font = "Times"; ld text_width_multiplier = 1/40.; int min_text = 3; EX void text(int x, int y, int size, const string& str, bool frame, color_t col, int align) { if(size < min_text) return; double dfc = (x - current_display->xcenter) * (x - current_display->xcenter) + (y - current_display->ycenter) * (y - current_display->ycenter); dfc /= current_display->radius; dfc /= current_display->radius; // 0 = center, 1 = edge dfc = 1 - dfc; col = 0xFF + (col << 8); bool uselatex = font == "latex"; if(!invisible(col)) { startstring(); string str2 = ""; for(int i=0; i<(int) str.size(); i++) if(str[i] == '&') str2 += "&"; else if(str[i] == '<') str2 += "<"; else if(str[i] == '>') str2 += ">"; else if(uselatex && str[i] == '#') str2 += "\\#"; else str2 += str[i]; if(uselatex) str2 = string("\\myfont{")+coord(size)+"}{" + str2 + "}"; print(f, "", str2, ""); stopstring(); println(f); } } EX void polygon(int *polyx, int *polyy, int polyi, color_t col, color_t outline, double linewidth) { if(invisible(col) && invisible(outline)) return; if(polyi < 2) return; startstring(); for(int i=0; iradius : current_display->scrsize) * linewidth/256), "/>"); stopstring(); println(f); } EX void render(const string& fname, const function& what IS(shot::default_screenshot_content)) { dynamicval v2(in, true); dynamicval v3(vid.usingGL, false); #if ISWEB f.s = ""; #else f.f = fopen(fname.c_str(), "wt"); #endif println(f, ""); if(!shot::transparent) println(f, ""); what(); println(f, ""); #if ISWEB EM_ASM_({ var x=window.open(); x.document.open(); x.document.write(UTF8ToString($0)); x.document.close(); }, f.s.c_str()); #else fclose(f.f); f.f = NULL; #endif } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE && CAP_SHOT int read_args() { using namespace arg; if(argis("-svgsize")) { shift(); sscanf(argcs(), "%d/%d", &shot::shoty, &svg::divby); if(shot::shotformat == -1) shot::shotformat = 0; } else if(argis("-svgfont")) { shift(); svg::font = args(); // note: use '-svgfont latex' to produce text output as: \myfont{size}{text} // (this is helpful with Inkscape's PDF+TeX output feature; define \myfont yourself) } else if(argis("-svggamma")) { shift_arg_formula(shot::gamma); } else if(argis("-svgshot")) { PHASE(3); shift(); start_game(); printf("saving SVG screenshot to %s\n", argcs()); shot::make_svg = true; shot::take(argcs()); } else if(argis("-svgtwm")) { shift_arg_formula(svg::text_width_multiplier); } else if(argis("-svgmt")) { shift(); svg::min_text = argi(); } else return 1; return 0; } auto ah = addHook(hooks_args, 0, read_args); #endif #endif EX } #if CAP_PNG void IMAGESAVE(SDL_Surface *s, const char *fname) { SDL_Surface *s2 = SDL_PNGFormatAlpha(s); SDL_SavePNG(s2, fname); SDL_FreeSurface(s2); } #endif #if CAP_SHOT EX namespace shot { purehookset hooks_hqshot; EX int shotx = 2000; EX int shoty = 2000; EX bool make_svg = false; EX bool transparent = true; EX ld gamma = 1; EX int shotformat = -1; EX string caption; EX ld fade = 1; void set_shotx() { if(shotformat == -1) return; shotx = shoty; if(shotformat == 1) shotx = shotx * 4/3; if(shotformat == 2) shotx = shotx * 16/9; if(shotformat == 3) { shotx = shotx * 22/16; while(shotx & 15) shotx++; } } #if CAP_SDL EX int shot_aa = 1; #endif EX void default_screenshot_content() { #if CAP_RUG if(rug::rugged) { if(rug::in_crystal()) rug::physics(); rug::drawRugScene(); } else #endif drawfullmap(); if(caption != "") displayfr(vid.xres/2, vid.fsize+vid.fsize/4, 3, vid.fsize*2, caption, forecolor, 8); callhooks(hooks_hqshot); drawStats(); } #if CAP_PNG void postprocess(string fname, SDL_Surface *sdark, SDL_Surface *sbright) { if(gamma == 1 && shot_aa == 1 && sdark == sbright) { IMAGESAVE(sdark, fname.c_str()); return; } SDL_Surface *sout = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,shotx,shoty,32,0xFF<<16,0xFF<<8,0xFF, (sdark == sbright) ? 0 : (0xFF<<24)); for(int y=0; y 255) v = 255; part(pix, p) = v; } } IMAGESAVE(sout, fname.c_str()); SDL_FreeSurface(sout); } #endif EX purehookset hooks_take; EX void take(string fname, const function& what IS(default_screenshot_content)) { if(cheater) doOvergenerate(); #if CAP_SVG int multiplier = make_svg ? svg::divby : shot_aa; #else int multiplier = shot_aa; #endif dynamicval v(vid, vid); dynamicval v2(inHighQual, true); dynamicval v6(auraNOGL, true); dynamicval vn(nohud, nohud || hide_hud); vid.smart_range_detail *= multiplier; darken = 0; set_shotx(); vid.xres = shotx * multiplier; vid.yres = shoty * multiplier; calcparam(); models::configure(); callhooks(hooks_take); if(make_svg) { #if CAP_SVG svg::render(fname, what); #endif } else { #if CAP_PNG resetbuffer rb; renderbuffer glbuf(vid.xres, vid.yres, vid.usingGL); glbuf.enable(); current_display->set_viewport(0); dynamicval v8(backcolor, transparent ? 0xFF000000 : backcolor); #if CAP_RUG if(rug::rugged && !rug::renderonce) rug::prepareTexture(); #endif glbuf.clear(backcolor); what(); SDL_Surface *sdark = glbuf.render(); if(transparent) { renderbuffer glbuf1(vid.xres, vid.yres, vid.usingGL); backcolor = 0xFFFFFFFF; #if CAP_RUG if(rug::rugged && !rug::renderonce) rug::prepareTexture(); #endif glbuf1.enable(); glbuf1.clear(backcolor); current_display->set_viewport(0); what(); postprocess(fname, sdark, glbuf1.render()); } else postprocess(fname, sdark, sdark); #endif } } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE int png_read_args() { using namespace arg; if(argis("-pngshot")) { PHASE(3); shift(); start_game(); printf("saving PNG screenshot to %s\n", argcs()); make_svg = false; shot::take(argcs()); } else if(argis("-pngsize")) { shift(); shoty = argi(); if(shotformat == -1) shotformat = 0; } else if(argis("-pngformat")) { shift(); shotformat = argi(); } else if(argis("-shotxy")) { shift(); shotformat = -1; shotx = argi(); shift(); shoty = argi(); } else if(argis("-shott")) { shift(); shot::transparent = argi(); } else if(argis("-shotaa")) { shift(); shot_aa = argi(); } else return 1; return 0; } auto ah_png = addHook(hooks_args, 0, png_read_args); #endif EX void menu() { cmode = sm::SIDE; gamescreen(0); if(!CAP_SVG) make_svg = false; if(!CAP_PNG) make_svg = true; dialog::init(XLAT("screenshots"), iinf[itPalace].color, 150, 100); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("format"), make_svg ? "SVG" : "PNG", 'f'); dialog::add_action([] { make_svg = !make_svg; }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("pixels (X)"), its(shotx), 'x'); dialog::add_action([] { shotformat = -1; dialog::editNumber(shotx, 500, 8000, 100, 2000, XLAT("pixels (X)"), ""); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("pixels (Y)"), its(shoty), 'y'); dialog::add_action([] { shotformat = -1; dialog::editNumber(shoty, 500, 8000, 100, 2000, XLAT("pixels (Y)"), ""); }); if(make_svg) { #if CAP_SVG using namespace svg; dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("precision"), "1/"+its(divby), 'p'); dialog::add_action([] { divby *= 10; if(divby > 1000000) divby = 1; }); #endif } else { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("supersampling"), its(shot_aa), 's'); dialog::add_action([] { shot_aa *= 2; if(shot_aa > 16) shot_aa = 1; }); } dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("transparent"), transparent, 't'); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("gamma"), fts(gamma), 'g'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(gamma, 0, 2, .1, .5, XLAT("gamma"), "higher value = darker"); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("brightness"), fts(fade), 'b'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(fade, 0, 2, .1, 1, XLAT("brightness"), "higher value = lighter"); }); dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("disable the HUD"), hide_hud, 'h'); dialog::addBoolItem_action_neg(XLAT("hide the player"), mapeditor::drawplayer, 'H'); if(WDIM == 2) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("centering"), 'x'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(vid.fixed_facing_dir, 0, 360, 15, 90, XLAT("centering"), XLAT("You can pick the angle. Note: the direction the PC is facing matters.")); dialog::reaction = fullcenter; dialog::extra_options = [] () { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("face"), centering == eCentering::face, 'F'); dialog::add_action([] { centering = eCentering::face; fullcenter(); }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("edge"), centering == eCentering::edge, 'E'); dialog::add_action([] { centering = eCentering::edge; fullcenter(); }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("vertex"), centering == eCentering::vertex, 'V'); dialog::add_action([] { centering = eCentering::vertex; fullcenter(); }); }; }); } dialog::addItem(XLAT("colors & aura"), 'c'); dialog::add_action_push(show_color_dialog); menuitem_sightrange('r'); dialog::addBreak(100); #if CAP_RUG if(make_svg && rug::rugged) dialog::addInfo("SVG screenshots do not work in this 3D mode", 0xFF0000); else #endif #if CAP_TEXTURE if(make_svg && texture::config.tstate == texture::tsActive) dialog::addInfo("SVG screenshots do not work with textures", 0xFF0000); else #endif dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addItem(XLAT("take screenshot"), 'z'); dialog::add_action([] () { #if ISWEB shot::take("new window"); #else static string pngfile = "hqshot.png"; static string svgfile = "svgshot.svg"; string& file = make_svg ? svgfile : pngfile; dialog::openFileDialog(file, XLAT("screenshot"), make_svg ? ".svg" : ".png", [&file] () { dynamicval cgl(vid.cells_generated_limit, 9999999); shot::take(file); return true; }); #endif }); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } EX } #endif #if CAP_ANIMATIONS EX namespace anims { #if HDR enum eMovementAnimation { maNone, maTranslation, maRotation, maCircle, maParabolic, maTranslationRotation }; #endif EX eMovementAnimation ma; EX ld shift_angle, movement_angle; EX ld normal_angle = 90; EX ld period = 10000; EX int noframes = 30; EX ld cycle_length = 2 * M_PI; EX ld parabolic_length = 1; EX ld skiprope_rotation; int lastticks, bak_turncount; EX ld rug_rotation1, rug_rotation2, ballangle_rotation, env_ocean, env_volcano; EX bool env_shmup; EX ld rug_angle; cell *rotation_center; transmatrix rotation_center_View; color_t circle_display_color = 0x00FF00FF; EX ld circle_radius = acosh(2.); EX ld circle_spins = 1; EX void moved() { optimizeview(); if(cheater || autocheat) { if(hyperbolic && memory_saving_mode && centerover && gmatrix.size() && cwt.at != centerover && !quotient) { if(isNeighbor(cwt.at, centerover)) { cwt.spin = neighborId(centerover, cwt.at); flipplayer = true; } animateMovement(match(cwt.at, centerover), LAYER_SMALL); cwt.at = centerover; save_memory(); return; } setdist(centerover, 7 - getDistLimit() - genrange_bonus, NULL); } playermoved = false; } struct animated_parameter { ld *value; ld last; string formula; reaction_t reaction; }; vector aps; EX void deanimate(ld &x) { for(int i=0; iland != cwt.at->land || memory_saving_mode) && among(centerover->land, laHaunted, laIvoryTower, laDungeon, laEndorian) && centerover->landparam >= 10 ) ) { if(memory_saving_mode) { activateSafety(laIce); return; } else { fullcenter(); View = spin(rand() % 1000) * View; } } shift_view( cspin(0, GDIM-1, movement_angle * degree) * spin(shift_angle * degree) * xtangent(cycle_length * t / period) ); moved(); if(clearup) { centerover->wall = waNone; forCellEx(c1, centerover) c1->wall = waNone; } } break; case maRotation: if(GDIM == 3) { rotate_view(spin(-movement_angle * degree)); rotate_view(cspin(1, 2, normal_angle * degree)); } rotate_view(spin(2 * M_PI * t / period)); if(GDIM == 3) { rotate_view(cspin(2, 1, normal_angle * degree)); rotate_view(spin(movement_angle * degree)); } break; case maTranslationRotation: shift_view( cspin(0, GDIM-1, movement_angle * degree) * spin(shift_angle * degree) * xtangent(cycle_length * t / period) ); moved(); rotate_view(cspin(0, GDIM-1, 2 * M_PI * t / period)); if(clearup) { centerover->wall = waNone; } break; #if CAP_BT case maParabolic: reflect_view(); View = ypush(-shift_angle * degree) * spin(-movement_angle * degree) * View; if(GDIM == 2) View = bt::parabolic(parabolic_length * t / period) * View; else View = bt::parabolic3(parabolic_length * t / period, 0) * View; View = spin(movement_angle * degree) * ypush(shift_angle * degree) * View; moved(); break; #endif case maCircle: { centerover = rotation_center; ld alpha = circle_spins * 2 * M_PI * ticks / period; View = spin(-cos_auto(circle_radius)*alpha) * xpush(circle_radius) * spin(alpha) * rotation_center_View; moved(); break; } default: break; } if(env_ocean) { turncount += env_ocean * ticks * tidalsize / period; calcTidalPhase(); for(auto& p: gmatrix) if(p.first->land == laOcean) checkTide(p.first); turncount -= ticks * tidalsize / period; } if(env_volcano) { bak_turncount = turncount; turncount += env_volcano * ticks * 64 / period; for(auto& p: gmatrix) if(p.first->land == laVolcano) checkTide(p.first); } #if CAP_RUG if(rug::rugged) { if(rug_rotation1) { rug::apply_rotation(cspin(1, 2, rug_angle * degree)); rug::apply_rotation(cspin(0, 2, rug_rotation1 * 2 * M_PI * t / period)); rug::apply_rotation(cspin(1, 2, -rug_angle * degree)); } if(rug_rotation2) { rug::apply_rotation(rug::currentrot * cspin(0, 1, rug_rotation2 * 2 * M_PI * t / period) * inverse(rug::currentrot)); } } #endif vid.skiprope += skiprope_rotation * t * 2 * M_PI / period; if(ballangle_rotation) { if(models::model_has_orientation()) models::model_orientation += ballangle_rotation * 360 * t / period; else vid.ballangle += ballangle_rotation * 360 * t / period; } if(joukowsky_anim) { ld t = ticks / period; t = t - floor(t); if(pmodel == mdBand) { models::model_transition = t * 4 - 1; } else { models::model_transition = t / 1.1; vid.scale = (1 - models::model_transition) / 2.; } } apply_animated_parameters(); calcparam(); } EX void rollback() { if(env_volcano) { turncount = bak_turncount; } } #if CAP_FILES && CAP_SHOT EX string animfile = "animation-%04d.png"; int min_frame = 0, max_frame = 999999; bool record_animation() { lastticks = 0; ticks = 0; for(int i=0; i max_frame) continue; printf("%d/%d\n", i, noframes); int newticks = i * period / noframes; cmode = (env_shmup ? sm::NORMAL : 0); while(ticks < newticks) shmup::turn(1), ticks++; ca::simulate(); if(playermoved) centerpc(INF), optimizeview(); dynamicval v2(inHighQual, true); apply(); models::configure(); if(history::on) { ld len = (isize(history::v)-1) + 2 * history::extra_line_steps; history::phase = len * i / (noframes-1); if(history::lvspeed < 0) history::phase = len - history::phase; history::phase -= history::extra_line_steps; history::movetophase(); } char buf[1000]; snprintf(buf, 1000, animfile.c_str(), i); shot::take(buf); rollback(); } lastticks = ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); return true; } #endif void display_animation() { if(ma == maCircle && (circle_display_color & 0xFF)) { for(int s=0; s<10; s++) { if(s == 0) curvepoint(ggmatrix(rotation_center) * xpush0(circle_radius - .1)); for(int z=0; z<100; z++) curvepoint(ggmatrix(rotation_center) * xspinpush0((z+s*100) * 2 * M_PI / 1000., circle_radius)); queuecurve(circle_display_color, 0, PPR::LINE); } if(sphere) for(int s=0; s<10; s++) { if(s == 0) curvepoint(centralsym * ggmatrix(rotation_center) * xpush0(circle_radius - .1)); for(int z=0; z<100; z++) curvepoint(centralsym * ggmatrix(rotation_center) * xspinpush0((z+s*100) * 2 * M_PI / 1000., circle_radius)); queuecurve(circle_display_color, 0, PPR::LINE); } } } void animator(string caption, ld& param, char key) { dialog::addBoolItem(caption, param, key); if(param) dialog::lastItem().value = fts(param); dialog::add_action([¶m, caption] () { if(param == 0) { param = 1; string s = XLAT( "The value of 1 means that the period of this animation equals the period set in the animation menu. " "Larger values correspond to faster animations."); dialog::editNumber(param, 0, 10, 1, 1, caption, s); } else param = 0; }); } EX ld a, b; void list_animated_parameters() { dialog::addHelp(XLAT( "Most parameters can be animated simply by using '..' in their editing dialog. " "For example, the value of a parameter set to 0..1 will grow linearly from 0 to 1. " "You can also use functions (e.g. cos(0..2*pi)) and refer to other parameters; " "parameters 'a' and 'b' exist for this purpose. " "See the list below for parameters which are currently animated (or changed).")); dialog::addBreak(50); for(auto& ap: aps) { string what = "?"; for(auto& p: params) if(&p.second == ap.value) what = p.first; dialog::addInfo(what + " = " + ap.formula); } dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addHelp(parser_help()); } ld animation_period; EX void show() { cmode = sm::SIDE; needs_highqual = false; animation_lcm = 1; gamescreen(0); animation_period = 2 * M_PI * animation_lcm / animation_factor; dialog::init(XLAT("animations"), iinf[itPalace].color, 150, 100); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("period"), fts(period)+ " ms", 'p'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(period, 0, 10000, 1000, 200, XLAT("period"), XLAT("This is the period of the whole animation, though in some settings the animation can have a different period or be aperiodic. " "Changing the value will make the whole animation slower or faster." )); }); if(animation_lcm > 1) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("game animation period"), fts(animation_period)+ " ms", 'G'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(animation_period, 0, 10000, 1000, 1000, XLAT("game animation period"), XLAT("Least common multiple of the animation periods of all the game objects on screen, such as rotating items.") ); dialog::reaction = [] () { animation_factor = 2 * M_PI * animation_lcm / animation_period; }; dialog::extra_options = [] () { dialog::addItem("default", 'D'); dialog::add_action([] () { animation_factor = 1; popScreen(); }); }; }); } dialog::addBoolItem_choice(XLAT("no movement animation"), ma, maNone, '0'); dialog::addBoolItem_choice(XLAT("translation"), ma, maTranslation, '1'); dialog::addBoolItem_choice(XLAT("rotation"), ma, maRotation, '2'); if(hyperbolic) { dialog::addBoolItem_choice(XLAT("parabolic"), ma, maParabolic, '3'); } if(among(pmodel, mdJoukowsky, mdJoukowskyInverted)) { dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("joukowsky_anim"), joukowsky_anim, 'j'); } if(among(pmodel, mdJoukowsky, mdJoukowskyInverted)) { animator(XLAT("Möbius transformations"), skiprope_rotation, 'S'); } if(!prod) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("circle"), ma == maCircle, '4'); dialog::add_action([] () { ma = maCircle; rotation_center = centerover; rotation_center_View = View; }); } dialog::addBoolItem_choice(XLAT("translation")+"+"+XLAT("rotation"), ma, maTranslationRotation, '5'); switch(ma) { case maCircle: { animator(XLAT("circle spins"), circle_spins, 'C'); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("circle radius"), fts(circle_radius), 'c'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(circle_radius, 0, 10, 0.1, acosh(1.), XLAT("circle radius"), ""); dialog::extra_options = [] () { if(hyperbolic) { // area = 2pi (cosh(r)-1) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("double spin"), fts(acosh(2.)), 'A'); dialog::add_action([] () { circle_radius = acosh(2.); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("triple spin"), fts(acosh(3.)), 'B'); dialog::add_action([] () { circle_radius = acosh(3.); }); } if(sphere) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("double spin"), fts(acos(1/2.)), 'A'); dialog::add_action([] () { circle_radius = acos(1/2.); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("triple spin"), fts(acos(1/3.)), 'B'); dialog::add_action([] () { circle_radius = acos(1/3.); }); } }; }); dialog::addColorItem(XLAT("draw the circle"), circle_display_color, 'd'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::openColorDialog(circle_display_color, NULL); }); dialog::addBreak(100); break; } case maTranslation: case maTranslationRotation: case maParabolic: { if(ma == maTranslation && history::on) dialog::addBreak(300); else if(ma == maTranslation) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("cycle length"), fts(cycle_length), 'c'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(cycle_length, 0, 10, 0.1, 2*M_PI, "shift", ""); dialog::extra_options = [] () { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("full circle"), fts(2 * M_PI), 'A'); dialog::add_action([] () { cycle_length = 2 * M_PI; }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("Zebra period"), fts(2.898149445355172), 'B'); dialog::add_action([] () { cycle_length = 2.898149445355172; }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("Bolza period"), fts(2 * 1.528571), 'C'); dialog::add_action([] () { cycle_length = 2 * 1.528571; }); }; }); } else { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("cells to go"), fts(parabolic_length), 'c'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(parabolic_length, 0, 10, 1, 1, "cells to go", ""); }); } dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("shift"), fts(shift_angle) + "°", 'C'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(shift_angle, 0, 90, 15, 0, XLAT("shift"), ""); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("movement angle"), fts(movement_angle) + "°", 'm'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(movement_angle, 0, 360, 15, 0, XLAT("movement angle"), ""); }); break; } case maRotation: if(GDIM == 3) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("angle to screen normal"), fts(normal_angle) + "°", 'C'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(normal_angle, 0, 360, 15, 0, XLAT("angle to screen normal"), ""); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("movement angle"), fts(movement_angle) + "°", 'm'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(movement_angle, 0, 360, 15, 0, XLAT("movement angle"), ""); }); dialog::addBreak(100); } else dialog::addBreak(300); break; default: { dialog::addBreak(300); } } animator(XLATN("Ocean"), env_ocean, 'o'); animator(XLATN("Volcanic Wasteland"), env_volcano, 'v'); if(shmup::on) dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("shmup action"), env_shmup, 'T'); #if CAP_RUG if(rug::rugged) { animator(XLAT("screen-relative rotation"), rug_rotation1, 'r'); if(rug_rotation1) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("angle"), fts(rug_angle) + "°", 'a'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(rug_angle, 0, 360, 15, 0, "Rug angle", ""); }); } else dialog::addBreak(100); animator(XLAT("model-relative rotation"), rug_rotation2, 'r'); animator(XLAT("automatic move speed"), rug::ruggo, 'M'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(rug::ruggo, 0, 10, 1, 1, XLAT("automatic move speed"), XLAT("Move automatically without pressing any keys.")); if(among(rug::gwhere, gSphere, gElliptic)) dialog::extra_options = [] () { dialog::addItem(XLAT("synchronize"), 'S'); dialog::add_action([] () { rug::ruggo = 2 * M_PI * 1000 / period; popScreen(); }); }; }); } #endif if(models::model_has_orientation()) animator(XLAT("model rotation"), ballangle_rotation, 'I'); else if(among(pmodel, mdHyperboloid, mdHemisphere, mdBall)) animator(XLAT("3D rotation"), ballangle_rotation, '3'); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("animate parameters"), fts(a), 'a'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(a, -100, 100, 1, 0, XLAT("animate parameters"), ""); dialog::extra_options = list_animated_parameters; }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("animate parameters"), fts(b), 'b'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(b, -100, 100, 1, 0, XLAT("animate parameters"), ""); dialog::extra_options = list_animated_parameters; }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("history mode"), (history::on || history::includeHistory), 'h'); dialog::add_action_push(history::history_menu); #if CAP_FILES && CAP_SHOT dialog::addItem(XLAT("shot settings"), 's'); dialog::add_action_push(shot::menu); if(needs_highqual) dialog::addInfo(XLAT("some parameters will only change in recorded animation")); else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("frames to record"), its(noframes), 'n'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(noframes, 0, 300, 30, 5, XLAT("frames to record"), ""); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("record to a file"), animfile, 'R'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::openFileDialog(animfile, XLAT("record to a file"), shot::make_svg ? ".svg" : ".png", record_animation); }); #endif dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE int readArgs() { using namespace arg; if(0) ; #if CAP_ANIMATIONS else if(argis("-animmenu")) { PHASE(3); showstartmenu = false; pushScreen(show); } else if(argis("-animperiod")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift_arg_formula(period); } #if CAP_SHOT else if(argis("-animrecordf")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); noframes = argi(); shift(); animfile = args(); } else if(argis("-animrecord") || argis("-animrec")) { PHASE(3); shift(); noframes = argi(); shift(); animfile = args(); record_animation(); } else if(argis("-record-only")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); min_frame = argi(); shift(); max_frame = argi(); } #endif else if(argis("-animcircle")) { PHASE(3); start_game(); ma = maCircle; rotation_center = centerover; rotation_center_View = View; shift_arg_formula(circle_spins); shift_arg_formula(circle_radius); shift(); circle_display_color = arghex(); } else if(argis("-animmove")) { ma = maTranslation; shift_arg_formula(cycle_length); shift_arg_formula(shift_angle); shift_arg_formula(movement_angle); } else if(argis("-animmoverot")) { ma = maTranslationRotation; shift_arg_formula(cycle_length); shift_arg_formula(shift_angle); shift_arg_formula(movement_angle); } else if(argis("-wallopt")) { wallopt = true; } else if(argis("-animpar")) { ma = maParabolic; shift_arg_formula(parabolic_length); shift_arg_formula(shift_angle); shift_arg_formula(movement_angle); } else if(argis("-animclear")) { clearup = true; } else if(argis("-animrot")) { ma = maRotation; if(GDIM == 3) { shift_arg_formula(movement_angle); shift_arg_formula(normal_angle); } } else if(argis("-animrug")) { shift_arg_formula(rug_rotation1); shift_arg_formula(rug_angle); shift_arg_formula(rug_rotation2); } else if(argis("-animenv")) { shift_arg_formula(env_ocean); shift_arg_formula(env_volcano); } else if(argis("-animball")) { shift_arg_formula(ballangle_rotation); } else if(argis("-animj")) { shift(); joukowsky_anim = true; } #endif else return 1; return 0; } #endif auto animhook = addHook(hooks_frame, 100, display_animation) #if CAP_COMMANDLINE + addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs) #endif ; EX bool any_animation() { if(history::on) return true; if(ma) return true; if(ballangle_rotation || rug_rotation1 || rug_rotation2) return true; if(ap_changes) return true; return false; } EX bool any_on() { return any_animation() || history::includeHistory; } EX bool center_music() { return among(ma, maParabolic, maTranslation); } EX } #endif EX namespace startanims { int ticks_start = 0; #if HDR struct startanim { string name; reaction_t init; reaction_t render; }; const int EXPLORE_START_ANIMATION = 2003; #endif reaction_t exploration; void explorable(reaction_t ee) { if(displayButtonS(4, vid.yres - 4 - vid.fsize/2, XLAT("explore this animation"), 0x202020, 0, vid.fsize/2)) getcstat = EXPLORE_START_ANIMATION; exploration = ee; } void no_init() { } startanim null_animation { "", no_init, [] { gamescreen(2); }}; startanim joukowsky { "Joukowsky transform", no_init, [] { dynamicval dm(pmodel, mdJoukowskyInverted); dynamicval dt(models::model_orientation, ticks / 25.); dynamicval dv(vid.use_smart_range, 2); dynamicval ds(vid.scale, 1/4.); models::configure(); dynamicval dc(ringcolor, 0); gamescreen(2); explorable([] { pmodel = mdJoukowskyInverted; pushScreen(models::model_menu); }); }}; startanim bandspin { "spinning in the band model", no_init, [] { dynamicval dm(pmodel, mdBand); dynamicval dt(models::model_orientation, ticks / 25.); dynamicval dv(vid.use_smart_range, 2); models::configure(); gamescreen(2); explorable([] { pmodel = mdJoukowskyInverted; pushScreen(models::model_menu); }); }}; startanim perspective { "projection distance", no_init, [] { ld x = sin(ticks / 1500.); x += 1; x /= 2; x *= 1.5; x = tan(x); dynamicval da(vid.alpha, x); dynamicval ds(vid.scale, (1+x)/2); calcparam(); gamescreen(2); explorable(projectionDialog); }}; startanim rug { "Hypersian Rug", [] { if(!CAP_RUG) { pick(); return; } rug::init(), rug::rugged = false; }, [] { dynamicval b(rug::rugged, true); rug::physics(); rug::apply_rotation(cspin(1, 2, ticks / 3000.)); gamescreen(2); rug::apply_rotation(cspin(1, 2, -ticks / 3000.)); if(!rug::rugged) current = &null_animation; explorable([] { rug::rugged = true; pushScreen(rug::show); }); }}; startanim spin_around { "spinning around", no_init, [] { dynamicval da(vid.alpha, 999); dynamicval ds(vid.scale, 500); ld alpha = 2 * M_PI * ticks / 10000.; ld circle_radius = acosh(2.); dynamicval dv(View, spin(-cos_auto(circle_radius)*alpha) * xpush(circle_radius) * spin(alpha) * View); gamescreen(2); }}; reaction_t add_to_frame; #if CAP_STARTANIM void draw_ghost(const transmatrix V, int id) { if(id % 13 == 0) { queuepoly(V, cgi.shMiniGhost, 0xFFFF00C0); queuepoly(V, cgi.shMiniEyes, 0xFF); } else { queuepoly(V, cgi.shMiniGhost, 0xFFFFFFC0); queuepoly(V, cgi.shMiniEyes, 0xFF); } } startanim row_of_ghosts { "row of ghosts", no_init, [] { dynamicval r(add_to_frame, [] { int t = ticks/400; ld mod = (ticks-t*400)/400.; for(int x=-25; x<=25; x++) for(int y=-25; y<=25; y++) { ld ay = (y + mod)/5.; draw_ghost(xpush(x/5.) * spin(M_PI/2) * xpush(ay), int(y-t)); } }); dynamicval rd(mapeditor::drawplayer, false); gamescreen(2); }}; startanim army_of_ghosts { "army of ghosts", no_init, [] { dynamicval rd(mapeditor::drawplayer, false); dynamicval r(add_to_frame, [] { int tt = ticks - ticks_start + 1200; int t = tt/400; ld mod = (tt-t*400)/400.; for(int x=-12; x<=12; x++) { ld ax = x/4.; transmatrix T = spin(-M_PI/2) * xpush(ax) * spin(M_PI/2); for(int y=0;; y++) { ld ay = (mod - y)/4.; transmatrix U = spin(M_PI/2) * xpush(ay / cosh(ax)) * T; if(!in_smart_range(U)) break; draw_ghost(U, (-y - t)); if(y) { ay = (mod + y)/4.; transmatrix U = spin(M_PI/2) * xpush(ay / cosh(ax)) * T; draw_ghost(U, (y - t)); } } } }); gamescreen(2); }}; startanim ghost_spiral { "ghost spiral", no_init, [] { dynamicval r(add_to_frame, [] { ld t = (ticks - ticks_start - 2000) / 150000.; for(ld i=3; i<=40; i++) { draw_ghost(spin(t * i * 2 * M_PI) * xpush(asinh(15. / i)) * spin(M_PI/2), 1); } }); gamescreen(2); }}; startanim fib_ghosts { "Fibonacci ghosts", no_init, [] { dynamicval rd(mapeditor::drawplayer, false); dynamicval r(add_to_frame, [] { ld phase = (ticks - ticks_start - 2000) / 1000.; for(int i=0; i<=500; i++) { ld step = M_PI * (3 - sqrt(5)); ld density = 0.01; ld area = 1 + (i+.5) * density; ld r = acosh(area); ld length = sinh(r); transmatrix T = spin(i * step + phase / length) * xpush(r) * spin(M_PI/2); draw_ghost(T, i); } }); gamescreen(2); }}; startanim fpp { "first-person perspective", no_init, [] { if(MAXMDIM == 3) { current = &null_animation; return; } geom3::switch_fpp(); View = cspin(0, 2, ticks / 5000.) * View; gamescreen(2); View = cspin(0, 2, -ticks / 5000.) * View; geom3::switch_fpp(); }}; // more start animations: // - fly a ghost around center, in Gans model // - triangle edges? EX startanim *current = &null_animation; EX void pick() { if(((gold() > 0 || tkills() > 0) && canmove) || geometry != gNormal || ISWEB || ISMOBILE || vid.always3 || pmodel || rug::rugged || vid.wallmode < 2 || vid.monmode < 2 || glhr::noshaders || !vid.usingGL) { current = &null_animation; return; } vector known = { &null_animation, &perspective, &joukowsky, &bandspin, &rug, &spin_around, &row_of_ghosts, &ghost_spiral, &army_of_ghosts, &fib_ghosts, &fpp }; int id = rand() % 11; current = known[id]; ticks_start = ticks; current->init(); } auto sanimhook = addHook(hooks_frame, 100, []() { if(add_to_frame) add_to_frame(); }); EX void display() { current->render(); int z = vid.fsize/2 + 2; if(displayButtonS(4, vid.yres - 4 - z*3, VER, 0x202020, 0, vid.fsize/2)) getcstat = SDLK_F5; if(displayButtonS(4, vid.yres - 4 - z*2, XLAT(current->name), 0x202020, 0, vid.fsize/2)) getcstat = SDLK_F5; } EX void explore() { exploration(); } #endif EX } }