// Hyperbolic Rogue -- map editor and vector graphics editor // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file mapedit.cpp * \brief HyperRogue editors (map and vector graphics) */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { EX namespace mapeditor { /* changes when the map is changed */ EX int map_version; EX bool drawing_tool; EX bool intexture; EX bool snapping; EX bool building_mode = true; #if HDR enum eShapegroup { sgPlayer, sgMonster, sgItem, sgFloor, sgWall }; static constexpr int USERSHAPEGROUPS = 5; #endif EX color_t dtfill = 0; EX color_t dtcolor = 0xFF0000FF; EX ld dtwidth = .02; /* drawing_tool shapes */ struct dtshape { cell *where; color_t col, fill; ld lw; virtual void rotate(const transmatrix& T) = 0; virtual void save(hstream& hs) = 0; virtual dtshape* load(hstream& hs) = 0; virtual void draw(const shiftmatrix& V) = 0; virtual ld distance(hyperpoint h) = 0; virtual ~dtshape() {} }; struct dtline : dtshape { hyperpoint s, e; void rotate(const transmatrix& T) override { s = T * s; e = T * e; } void save(hstream& hs) override { hs.write(1); hs.write(s); hs.write(e); } dtshape *load(hstream& hs) override { hs.read(s); hs.read(e); return this; } void draw(const shiftmatrix& V) override { queueline(V*s, V*e, col, 2 + vid.linequality); } ld distance(hyperpoint h) override { return hdist(s, h) + hdist(e, h) - hdist(s, e); } }; struct dtcircle : dtshape { hyperpoint s; ld radius; void rotate(const transmatrix& T) override { s = T * s; } void save(hstream& hs) override { hs.write(2); hs.write(s); hs.write(radius); } dtshape *load(hstream& hs) override { hs.read(s); hs.read(radius); return this; } void draw(const shiftmatrix& V) override { ld len = sin_auto(radius); int ll = ceil(360 * len); shiftmatrix W = V * rgpushxto0(s); for(int i=0; i<=ll; i++) curvepoint(xspinpush0(TAU*i/ll, radius)); queuecurve(W, col, fill, PPR::LINE); } ld distance(hyperpoint h) override { return abs(hdist(s, h) - radius); } }; struct dttext : dtshape { hyperpoint where; ld size; string caption; void rotate(const transmatrix& T) override { where = T * where; } void save(hstream& hs) override { hs.write(4); hs.write(where); hs.write(size); hs.write(caption); } dtshape *load(hstream& hs) override { hs.read(where); hs.read(size); hs.read(caption); return this; } void draw(const shiftmatrix& V) override { queuestr(V * rgpushxto0(where), size, caption, col); } ld distance(hyperpoint h) override { return hdist(h, where); } }; struct dtfree : dtshape { vector lh; void rotate(const transmatrix& T) override { for(auto& h: lh) h = T * h; } void save(hstream& hs) override { hs.write(3); hs.write(lh); } dtshape *load(hstream& hs) override { hs.read(lh); return this; } void draw(const shiftmatrix& V) override { for(auto& p: lh) curvepoint(p); queuecurve(V, col, fill, PPR::LINE); } ld distance(hyperpoint h) override { ld mind = 99; for(auto h1: lh) mind = min(mind, hdist(h, h1)); return mind; } }; vector> dtshapes; EX void clear_dtshapes() { dtshapes.clear(); } /** cache the result of full_mouseh */ EX shiftpoint fmh; EX bool fmh_known; EX shiftpoint full_mouseh() { if(!fmh_known) { fmh_known = true; #if CAP_EDIT if(GDIM == 3) fmh = find_mouseh3(); else if(snapping) fmh = mouse_snap(); else #endif fmh = mouseh; } return fmh; } EX void draw_dtshapes() { fmh_known = false; #if CAP_EDIT for(auto& shp: dtshapes) { if(shp == nullptr) continue; auto& sh = *shp; cell*& c = sh.where; for(const shiftmatrix& V: current_display->all_drawn_copies[c]) { dynamicval lw(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth * sh.lw); sh.draw(V); } } if(drawing_tool && (cmode & sm::DRAW)) { shiftpoint moh = full_mouseh(); dynamicval lw(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth * dtwidth * 100); if(holdmouse && mousekey == 'c') { torus_rug_jump(moh, lstart); queue_hcircle(rgpushxto0(lstart), hdist(lstart, moh)); } else if(holdmouse && mousekey == 'l') { torus_rug_jump(moh, lstart); queueline(lstart, moh, dtcolor, 4 + vid.linequality, PPR::LINE); } else if(!holdmouse && !mouseout()) { shiftmatrix T = rgpushxto0(moh); queueline(T * xpush0(-.1), T * xpush0(.1), dtcolor); queueline(T * ypush0(-.1), T * ypush0(.1), dtcolor); } } #endif } /** dtshapes takes ownership of sh */ void dt_add(cell *where, dtshape *sh) { sh->where = where; sh->col = dtcolor; sh->fill = dtfill; sh->lw = dtwidth * 100; dtshapes.push_back(unique_ptr(sh)); } EX void dt_add_line(shiftpoint h1, shiftpoint h2, int maxl) { torus_rug_jump(h2, h1); if(hdist(h1, h2) > 1 && maxl > 0) { shiftpoint h3 = mid(h1, h2); dt_add_line(h1, h3, maxl-1); dt_add_line(h3, h2, maxl-1); return; } cell *b = centerover; shiftmatrix T = rgpushxto0(h1); auto T1 = inverse_shift(ggmatrix(b), T); virtualRebase(b, T1); hyperpoint xh1 = tC0(T1); auto l = new dtline; l->s = xh1; l->e = inverse_shift(T*inverse(T1), h2); dt_add(b, l); } EX void dt_add_circle(shiftpoint h1, shiftpoint h2) { cell *b = centerover; torus_rug_jump(h2, h1); auto d = hdist(h1, h2); auto xh1 = inverse_shift(ggmatrix(b), h1); virtualRebase(b, xh1); auto l = new dtcircle; l->s = xh1; l->radius = d; dt_add(b, l); } EX void dt_add_text(shiftpoint h, ld size, string cap) { cell *b = centerover; auto xh = inverse_shift(ggmatrix(b), h); virtualRebase(b, xh); auto l = new dttext; l->where = xh; l->size = size; l->caption = cap; dt_add(b, l); l->col >>= 8; } dtshape *load_shape(hstream& hs) { char type = hs.get(); switch(type) { case 1: return (new dtline)->load(hs); case 2: return (new dtcircle)->load(hs); case 3: return (new dtfree)->load(hs); case 4: return (new dttext)->load(hs); default: return nullptr; } } /** for 'draw' in the drawing tool, cfree is the free shape we are currently drawing */ dtfree *cfree; /** which cell does cfree belong to */ EX cell *cfree_at; /** essentially ggmatrix(cfree_at), but we need to know to work with tori */ EX shiftmatrix cfree_old; EX bool dt_in() { return cfree; } EX void dt_finish() { cfree = nullptr; cfree_at = nullptr; } EX void torus_rug_jump(shiftpoint& h, shiftpoint last) { if(!rug::rugged) return; again: auto C = ggmatrix(centerover); auto T1 = inverse_shift(C, rgpushxto0(h)); for(int a=0; a<2; a++) for(int s: {-1, 1}) { transmatrix T = eumove(s * euc::eu.optimal_axes[a]); shiftpoint h1 = C * T * tC0(T1); if(hdist(h1, last) < hdist(h, last) - 1e-6) { h = h1; goto again; } } } EX void dt_add_free(shiftpoint h) { if(cfree) torus_rug_jump(h, cfree_old * cfree->lh.back()); cell *b = centerover; shiftmatrix T = rgpushxto0(h); auto T1 = inverse_shift(ggmatrix(b), T); virtualRebase(b, T1); if(cfree) { cfree->lh.push_back(inverse_shift(cfree_old, tC0(T))); } if(b != cfree_at && !(dtfill && cfree_at)) { cfree = new dtfree; dt_add(b, cfree); cfree->lh.push_back(tC0(T1)); cfree_at = b; cfree_old = T * inverse(T1); } } EX void dt_erase(shiftpoint h) { ld nearest = 1; int nearest_id = -1; int id = -1; for(auto& shp: dtshapes) { id++; if(shp == nullptr) continue; auto& sh = *shp; cell*& c = sh.where; for(const shiftmatrix& V: current_display->all_drawn_copies[c]) { ld dist = sh.distance(inverse_shift(V, h)); if(dist < nearest) nearest = dist, nearest_id = id; } } if(nearest_id >= 0) dtshapes.erase(dtshapes.begin() + nearest_id); } EX shiftpoint lstart; EX hyperpoint lstart_rel; cell *lstartcell; ld front_edit = 0.5; enum class eFront { sphere_camera, sphere_center, equidistants, const_x, const_y }; eFront front_config; ld front_step = 0.1; #if HDR struct editwhat { double dist; int rotid, symid, pointid; bool side; cell *c; }; #endif EX editwhat ew, ewsearch; EX bool autochoose = ISMOBILE; EX void scaleall(ld z, bool keep_mouse) { if(keep_mouse) { ld mrx = (.0 + mousex - current_display->xcenter) / vpconf.scale; ld mry = (.0 + mousey - current_display->ycenter) / vpconf.scale; if(vid.xres > vid.yres) { vpconf.xposition += (vpconf.scale - vpconf.scale*z) * mrx / current_display->scrsize; vpconf.yposition += (vpconf.scale - vpconf.scale*z) * mry / current_display->scrsize; } } vpconf.scale *= z; // printf("scale = " LDF "\n", vpconf.scale); #if CAP_TEXTURE // display(texture::itt); texture::config.itt = xyscale(texture::config.itt, 1/z); if(false && texture::config.tstate) { calcparam(); texture::config.perform_mapping(); if(texture::config.tstate == texture::tsAdjusting) texture::config.finish_mapping(); } #endif } #if CAP_EDIT EX map modelcell; EX void applyModelcell(cell *c) { if(patterns::whichPattern == 'H') return; auto si = patterns::getpatterninfo0(c); cell *c2 = modelcell[si.id]; if(c2) { c->wall = c2->wall; c->land = c2->land; c->monst = c2->monst; c->item = c2->item; c->landparam = c2->landparam; c->wparam = c2->wparam; c->mondir = c2->mondir; c->stuntime = c2->stuntime; c->hitpoints = c2->hitpoints; if(c2->mondir != NODIR) { auto si2 = patterns::getpatterninfo0(c2); c->mondir = gmod(c2->mondir - si2.dir + si.dir, c->type); // todo reflect } } } #endif EX } #if HDR struct hstream; struct fhstream; #endif EX namespace mapstream { #if CAP_EDIT EX std::map cellids; EX vector cellbyid; EX vector relspin; void load_drawing_tool(hstream& hs) { using namespace mapeditor; if(hs.vernum < 0xA82A) return; int i = hs.get(); while(i--) { auto sh = load_shape(hs); if(!sh) continue; hs.read(sh->col); hs.read(sh->fill); hs.read(sh->lw); int id = hs.get(); sh->where = cellbyid[id]; sh->rotate(spin(currentmap->spin_angle(sh->where, relspin[id]) - currentmap->spin_angle(sh->where, 0))); dtshapes.push_back(unique_ptr(sh)); } } void save_drawing_tool(hstream& hs) { using namespace mapeditor; hs.write(isize(dtshapes)); for(auto& shp: dtshapes) { if(shp == nullptr) { hs.write(0); } else { auto& sh = *shp; sh.save(hs); hs.write(sh.col); hs.write(sh.fill); hs.write(sh.lw); hs.write(cellids[sh.where]); } } } void addToQueue(cell* c) { if(cellids.count(c)) return; int numcells = isize(cellbyid); cellbyid.push_back(c); cellids[c] = numcells; } EX int fixspin(int rspin, int dir, int t, int vernum) { if(vernum < 11018 && dir == 14) return NODIR; else if(vernum < 11018 && dir == 15) return NOBARRIERS; else if(dir >= 0 && dir < t) return (dir + rspin) % t; else return dir; } #endif EX void save_geometry(hstream& f) { f.write(geometry); char nbtype = char(variation); f.write(nbtype); #if CAP_GP if(GOLDBERG || INVERSE) { f.write(gp::param.first); f.write(gp::param.second); } #endif #if CAP_IRR if(IRREGULAR) irr::save_map_bin(f); #endif #if MAXMDIM >= 4 if(variation == eVariation::coxeter) { f.write(reg3::coxeter_param); } if(is_subcube_based(variation )) { f.write(reg3::subcube_count); } #endif #if CAP_FIELD if(geometry == gFieldQuotient) { using namespace fieldpattern; f.write(quotient_field_changed); if(quotient_field_changed) { decltype(current_extra) cex = WDIM == 3 ? -1 : current_extra; f.write(cex); if(cex == -1) { f.write(fieldpattern::underlying_geometry); hwrite_fpattern(f, currfp); } else { f.write(fgeomextras[current_extra].current_prime_id); } } } #endif #if CAP_CRYSTAL if(cryst) { f.write(ginf[gCrystal].sides); if(ginf[gCrystal].sides == 8) f.write(ginf[gCrystal].vertex); } #endif #if CAP_ARCM if(geometry == gArchimedean) f.write(arcm::current.symbol); #endif if(geometry == gArbitrary) { f.write(rulegen::known()); f.write(arb::convert::in()); if(arb::convert::in()) { dynamicval dg(geometry, arb::convert::base_geometry); dynamicval dv(variation, arb::convert::base_variation); save_geometry(f); } else f.write(arb::current.filename); } if(geometry == gNil) { f.write(S7); f.write(nilv::nilperiod); } #if CAP_SOLV if(geometry == gArnoldCat) { f.write(asonov::period_xy); f.write(asonov::period_z); } #endif if(mproduct) { f.write(hybrid::csteps); f.write(product::cspin); f.write(product::cmirror); f.write(vid.plevel_factor); } if(mtwisted) { f.write(hybrid::csteps); } if(mhybrid) { hybrid::in_underlying_geometry([&] { save_geometry(f); }); } if(fake::in()) { f.write(fake::around); fake::in_underlying_geometry([&] { save_geometry(f); }); } if(bt::in()) f.write(vid.binary_width); if(euc::in()) { f.write(euc::eu_input.user_axes); f.write(euc::eu_input.twisted); } f.write(mine_adjacency_rule); f.write(req_disksize); f.write(diskshape); } EX void load_geometry(hstream& f) { bool was_default = pmodel == default_model(); auto vernum = f.get_vernum(); f.read(geometry); char nbtype; f.read(nbtype); variation = eVariation(nbtype); #if CAP_GP if(GOLDBERG || INVERSE) { f.read(gp::param.first); f.read(gp::param.second); } #endif #if CAP_IRR if(IRREGULAR) { irr::load_map_full(f); stop_game(); } #endif #if MAXMDIM >= 4 if(variation == eVariation::coxeter && vernum >= 0xA908) { f.read(reg3::coxeter_param); } if(is_subcube_based(variation) && vernum >= 0xA908) { f.read(reg3::subcube_count); } #endif #if CAP_CRYSTAL if(cryst && vernum >= 10504) { int sides; f.read(sides); #if CAP_CRYSTAL crystal::set_crystal(sides); #endif if(sides == 8) { int vertices; eVariation v = variation; f.read(vertices); if(vertices == 3) { set_variation(eVariation::bitruncated); set_variation(v); } } } #endif #if CAP_FIELD if(geometry == gFieldQuotient) { using namespace fieldpattern; f.read(quotient_field_changed); if(quotient_field_changed) { auto cex = current_extra; f.read(current_extra); if(current_extra == -1) { current_extra = cex; f.read(geometry); check_cgi(); cgi.require_basics(); fieldpattern::field_from_current(); set_geometry(gFieldQuotient); hread_fpattern(f, currfp); } else { auto& ge = fgeomextras[current_extra]; auto& id = ge.current_prime_id; f.read(id); if(vernum < 0xA80C) switch(ge.base) { case gNormal: id++; break; case g45: id++; break; case g46: id+=2; break; case g47: id++; break; default: ; } enableFieldChange(); } } } #endif if(geometry == gArbitrary) { bool rk = vernum >= 0xA905 && f.get(); bool ac = vernum >= 0xA905 && f.get(); if(ac) { load_geometry(f); arb::convert::convert(); arb::convert::activate(); } else { string s; f.read(s); arb::run_raw(s); stop_game(); } if(rk) rulegen::prepare_rules(); } #if CAP_ARCM if(geometry == gArchimedean) { string& symbol = arcm::current.symbol; symbol = f.get(); arcm::current.parse(); if(arcm::current.errors > 0) { printf("Errors! %s\n", arcm::current.errormsg.c_str()); } } #endif if(geometry == gNil && vernum >= 0xA80C) { f.read(S7); f.read(nilv::nilperiod); nilv::set_flags(); } #if CAP_SOLV if(geometry == gArnoldCat && vernum >= 0xA80C) { f.read(asonov::period_xy); f.read(asonov::period_z); asonov::set_flags(); } #endif if(geometry == gProduct && vernum >= 0xA80C) { f.read(hybrid::csteps); if(vernum >= 0xA80D) f.read(product::cspin); if(vernum >= 0xA833) f.read(product::cmirror); if(vernum >= 0xA908) f.read(vid.plevel_factor); } if(geometry == gTwistedProduct && vernum >= 0xA833) { f.read(hybrid::csteps); } if(mhybrid && vernum >= 0xA80C) { auto g = geometry; load_geometry(f); set_geometry(g); } if(fake::in()) { ld ar; f.read(ar); fake::around = ar; load_geometry(f); fake::change_around(); } if(bt::in() && vernum >= 0xA80C) f.read(vid.binary_width); if(euc::in() && vernum >= 0xA80D) { f.read(euc::eu_input.user_axes); f.read(euc::eu_input.twisted); } if(vernum >= 0xA810) f.read(mine_adjacency_rule); if(vernum >= 0xA933) { f.read(req_disksize); f.read(diskshape); } geometry_settings(was_default); } EX hookset hooks_savemap, hooks_loadmap_old; EX hookset hooks_loadmap; EX cell *save_start() { return (closed_manifold || euclid || mproduct || arcm::in() || sol || INVERSE) ? currentmap->gamestart() : cwt.at->master->c7; } #if CAP_EDIT void save_only_map(hstream& f) { f.write(patterns::whichPattern); save_geometry(f); #if CAP_RACING if(racing::on) racing::restore_goals(); #endif // game settings f.write(safety); f.write(autocheat); f.write(gen_wandering); f.write(reptilecheat); f.write(timerghost); f.write(ccolor::plain.ctab[0]); f.write(patterns::whichShape); f.write(patterns::subpattern_flags); char wc = '*'; f.write(wc); f.write(ccolor::which->name); f.write(patterns::displaycodes); f.write(canvas_default_wall); f.write(mapeditor::drawplayer); if(ccolor::which == &ccolor::formula) f.write(ccolor::color_formula); f.write(canvasfloor); f.write(canvasdark); { int i = ittypes; f.write(i); for(int k=0; ktype; j++) if(c->move(j) && cellids.count(c->move(j)) && cellids[c->move(j)] < i) { int32_t i = cellids[c->move(j)]; f.write(i); f.write_char(c->c.spin(j)); f.write_char(j); ok = true; break; } if(!ok) { println(hlog, "parent not found for ", c, "!"); for(int j=0; jtype; j++) println(hlog, j, ": ", c->move(j), "; ", int(cellids.count(c->move(j)) ? cellids[c->move(j)] : -1)); throw hr_exception("parent not found"); } } f.write_char(c->land); f.write_char(c->mondir); f.write_char(c->monst); if(c->monst == moTortoise) f.write(tortoise::emap[c] = tortoise::getb(c)); f.write_char(c->wall); if(dice::on(c)) { auto& dat = dice::data[c]; f.write_char(dice::get_die_id(dat.which)); f.write_char(dat.val); f.write_char(dat.dir); f.write_char(dat.mirrored); } f.write_char(c->item); if(c->item == itBabyTortoise) f.write(tortoise::babymap[c]); f.write_char(c->mpdist); if(inmirrororwall(c)) { f.write_char(c->barleft); f.write_char(c->barright); f.write_char(c->bardir); } f.write(c->wparam); f.write(c->landparam); f.write_char(c->stuntime); f.write_char(c->hitpoints); bool blocked = false; #if CAP_PORTALS if(intra::in && isWall3(c) && !intra::need_to_save.count(c)) blocked = true; #endif if(!blocked) for(int j=0; jtype; j++) { cell *c2 = c->move(j); if(c2 && c2->land != laNone && c2->land != laMemory) addToQueue(c2); } } printf("cells saved = %d\n", isize(cellbyid)); int32_t n = -1; f.write(n); int32_t id = cellids.count(cwt.at) ? cellids[cwt.at] : -1; f.write(id); if(f.vernum >= 0xA90C) { vector v; for(auto c: walking::colors_of_floors) v.push_back(c); f.write(v); } save_drawing_tool(f); f.write(vid.always3); f.write(mutantphase); f.write(rosewave); f.write(rosephase); f.write(turncount); int rms = isize(rosemap); f.write(rms); for(auto p: rosemap) f.write(cellids[p.first]), f.write(p.second); f.write(multi::players); if(multi::players > 1) for(int i=0; i(1); f.write(i); f.write(cellids[p.cw1.at]); f.write(p.cw1.spin); } if(cellids.count(p.cw2.at)) { f.write(2); f.write(i); f.write(cellids[p.cw2.at]); f.write(p.cw2.spin); } } f.write(0); } #endif if(f.vernum >= 0xA912) { #if CAP_RACING f.write(racing::on); if(racing::on) { f.write(isize(racing::track)); for(auto& t: racing::track) f.write(cellids[t]); racing::save_ghosts(f); } #else bool on = false; f.write(on); #endif } callhooks(hooks_savemap, f); f.write(0); cellids.clear(); cellbyid.clear(); } void load_usershapes(hstream& f) { if(f.vernum >= 7400) while(true) { int i = f.get(); if(i == -1) break; #if CAP_POLY int j = f.get(), l = f.get(); if(i >= 4) i = 3; if(i<0 || i >= mapeditor::USERSHAPEGROUPS) break; if(l<0 || l >= USERLAYERS) break; initShape(i, j); usershapelayer& ds(usershapes[i][j]->d[l]); if(f.vernum >= 11008) f.read(ds.zlevel); f.read(ds.sym); f.read(ds.rots); f.read(ds.color); ds.list.clear(); int siz = f.get(); ds.shift = f.get(); ds.spin = f.get(); for(int i=0; i()); #else printf("cannot read shapes\n"); exit(1); #endif } } void load_only_map(hstream& f) { stop_game(); if(f.vernum >= 10420 && f.vernum < 10503) { int i; f.read(i); patterns::whichPattern = patterns::ePattern(i); } else if(f.vernum >= 7400) f.read(patterns::whichPattern); if(f.vernum >= 10203) load_geometry(f); check_cgi(); cgi.require_basics(); usershape_changes++; initcells(); if(shmup::on) shmup::init(); if(f.vernum >= 10505) { // game settings f.read(safety); bool b; f.read(b); if(b) autocheat = true; f.read(gen_wandering); f.read(reptilecheat); f.read(timerghost); f.read(ccolor::plain.ctab[0]); f.read(patterns::whichShape); f.read(patterns::subpattern_flags); char wc; f.read(wc); if(wc == '*') { string name; f.read(name); for(auto& p: ccolor::all) if(p->name == name) ccolor::which = p; } f.read(patterns::displaycodes); if(f.vernum >= 0xA816) f.read(canvas_default_wall); f.read(mapeditor::drawplayer); if(wc == 'f') f.read(ccolor::color_formula); if(f.vernum >= 0xA90D) { f.read(canvasfloor); f.read(canvasdark); } int i; f.read(i); if(i > ittypes || i < 0) throw hstream_exception(); for(int k=0; k motypes || i < 0) throw hstream_exception(); for(int k=0; kgamestart(); rspin = 0; } else { int32_t parent = f.get(); if(parent<0 || parent >= isize(cellbyid)) break; int dir = f.read_char(); cell *c2 = cellbyid[parent]; dir = fixspin(relspin[parent], dir, c2->type - sub, f.vernum); c = createMov(c2, dir); // printf("%p:%d,%d -> %p\n", c2, relspin[parent], dir, c); // spinval becomes xspinval rspin = gmod(c2->c.spin(dir) - f.read_char(), c->type - sub); if(GDIM == 3 && rspin && !mhybrid) { println(hlog, "rspin in 3D"); throw hstream_exception(); } } cellbyid.push_back(c); relspin.push_back(rspin); c->land = (eLand) f.read_char(); c->mondir = fixspin(rspin, f.read_char(), c->type - sub, f.vernum); c->monst = (eMonster) f.read_char(); if(c->monst == moTortoise && f.vernum >= 11001) f.read(tortoise::emap[c]); c->wall = (eWall) f.read_char(); if(dice::on(c)) { auto& dat = dice::data[c]; dat.which = dice::get_by_id(f.read_char()); dat.val = f.read_char(); dat.dir = fixspin(rspin, f.read_char(), c->type, f.vernum); if(f.vernum >= 0xA902) dat.mirrored = f.read_char(); } // c->barleft = (eLand) f.read_char(); // c->barright = (eLand) f.read_char(); c->item = (eItem) f.read_char(); if(c->item == itBabyTortoise && f.vernum >= 11001) f.read(tortoise::babymap[c]); c->mpdist = f.read_char(); c->bardir = NOBARRIERS; if(inmirrororwall(c) && f.vernum >= 0xA912) { c->barleft = (eLand) f.read_char(); c->barright = (eLand) f.read_char(); c->bardir = fixspin(rspin, f.read_char(), c->type, f.vernum); } // fixspin(rspin, f.read_char(), c->type); if(f.vernum < 7400) { short z; f.read(z); c->wparam = z; } else f.read(c->wparam); f.read(c->landparam); // backward compatibility if(f.vernum < 7400 && !isIcyLand(c->land)) c->landparam = HEAT(c); c->stuntime = f.read_char(); c->hitpoints = f.read_char(); if(patterns::whichPattern) mapeditor::modelcell[patterns::getpatterninfo0(c).id] = c; } int32_t whereami = f.get(); if(whereami >= 0 && whereami < isize(cellbyid)) cwt.at = cellbyid[whereami]; else cwt.at = currentmap->gamestart(); for(int i=0; ibardir != NODIR && c->bardir != NOBARRIERS) extendBarrier(c); } for(int d=BARLEV-1; d>=0; d--) for(int i=0; impdist <= d) for(int j=0; jtype; j++) { cell *c2 = createMov(c, j); setdist(c2, d+1, c); } } relspin.clear(); if(shmup::on) shmup::init(); timerstart = time(NULL); turncount = 0; sagephase = 0; hardcoreAt = 0; timerstopped = false; savecount = 0; savetime = 0; cheater = 1; if(f.vernum >= 0xA90C) { vector v; f.read(v); walking::colors_of_floors.clear(); for(auto c: v) walking::colors_of_floors.insert(c); } else walking::colors_of_floors.clear(); load_drawing_tool(f); dynamicval a3(vid.always3, vid.always3); if(f.vernum >= 0xA616) { f.read(vid.always3); geom3::apply_always3(); } if(f.vernum < 0xA61A) load_usershapes(f); if(f.vernum >= 11005) { f.read(mutantphase); f.read(rosewave); f.read(rosephase); f.read(turncount); int i; f.read(i); if(i) havewhat |= HF_ROSE; while(i--) { int cid; int val; f.read(cid); f.read(val); if(cid >= 0 && cid < isize(cellbyid)) rosemap[cellbyid[cid]] = val; } f.read(multi::players); if(multi::players > 1) for(int i=0; i(); if(whereami >= 0 && whereami < isize(cellbyid)) mp.at = cellbyid[whereami]; else mp.at = currentmap->gamestart(); mp.spin = 0, mp.mirrored = false; } } #if CAP_PORTALS if(intra::in) { while(true) { char k = f.get(); if(!k) break; int i = f.get(); int id = f.get(); int spin = f.get(); auto& p = intra::portals_to_save[i]; auto& cw = (k==1 ? p.cw1 : p.cw2); cw.at = cellbyid[id]; cw.spin = fixspin(relspin[id], spin, cw.at->type, f.vernum); } } #endif if(f.vernum >= 0xA912) { #if CAP_RACING f.read(racing::on); if(racing::on) { if(!shmup::on) { shmup::on = true; shmup::init(); } racing::track.resize(f.get()); for(auto& t: racing::track) t = cellbyid[f.get()]; racing::load_ghosts(f); racing::configure_track(false); } #else bool on; f.read(on); #endif } if(f.vernum >= 0xA848) { int i; f.read(i); while(i) { callhooks(hooks_loadmap, f, i); f.read(i); } } else callhooks(hooks_loadmap_old, f); cellbyid.clear(); restartGraph(); bfs(); game_active = true; } void save_usershapes(hstream& f) { int32_t n; #if CAP_POLY for(int i=0; id[l].list)) { usershapelayer& ds(us->d[l]); f.write(i); f.write(usp.first); f.write(l); f.write(ds.zlevel); f.write(ds.sym); f.write(ds.rots); f.write(ds.color); n = isize(ds.list); f.write(n); f.write(ds.shift); f.write(ds.spin); for(int i=0; i 10505 && f.vernum < 11000) f.vernum = 11005; auto ds = dual::state; if(f.vernum >= 0xA61A) f.read(ds); else ds = 0; if(ds == 1 && dual::state == 0) dual::enable(); if(ds == 0 && dual::state == 1) dual::disable(); int q = 0; if(f.vernum >= 0xA907) { f.read(q); } if(q) { int qp; f.read(qp); #if CAP_PORTALS intra::portals_to_save.resize(qp); for(auto& ps: intra::portals_to_save) { f.read(ps.spin); f.read(ps.mirrored); println(hlog, tie(ps.spin, ps.mirrored)); } for(int i=0; i= 0xA61A) load_usershapes(f); return true; } #endif EX } EX namespace mapeditor { EX bool drawplayer = true; EX cell *drawcell; #if CAP_EDIT int paintwhat = 0; int paintwhat_alt_wall = 0; int painttype = 0; int paintstatueid = 0; int radius = 0; string paintwhat_str = "clear monster"; cellwalker copysource; int whichpart; const char *mapeditorhelp = "This mode allows you to edit the map.\n\n" "NOTE: Use at your own risk. Combinations which never " "appear in the real game may work in an undefined way " "(do not work, look strangely, give strange messages, or crash the game).\n\n" "To get the most of this editor, " "some knowledge of inner workings of HyperRogue is required. " "Each cell has four main fields: land type, wall type, monster type, item type. " "The same wall type (especially \"none\", \"sea\", or \"bonfire\") may look or " "work a bit differently, based on the land it is in. Sometimes an object may " "appear twice on the list due to subtle differences (for example, Demons could " "move next turn or not).\n\n" "Press w, i, l, or m to choose which aspect of cells to change, " "then just click on the cells and they will change. Press 'c' while " "hovering over a cell to copy that cell, this copies all information about it. " "When copying large areas or placing multi-tile monsters, it might be important where " "on the cell you are clicking.\n\n" "You can also press 0-9 to apply your changes to a greater radius. " "This also affects the copy/paste feature, allowing to copy a larger area.\n\n" "Press F2 to save the current map (and F3 to load it). If you try this after " "a long game of HyperRogue (without using Orbs of Safety), the filesize will " "be very large! " "Note however that large structures, such as " "Great Walls, large circles and horocycles, are destroyed by this.\n\n" "Press 'b' to mark cells as boundaries. Such cells, and cells beyond " "them, are not copied by the copy/paste feature, nor saved by the " "save feature.\n\n"; const char* patthelp = "Press 'r' to choose a regular pattern. When a pattern is on, " "editing a cell automatically edits all cells which are " "equivalent according to this pattern. You can choose from " "several patterns, and choose which symmetries matter " "for equivalence. Also, you can press Space to switch between " "the map and graphics editor quickly -- note that editing floors " "with the graphics editor also adheres to the pattern."; string mehelptext() { return XLAT(mapeditorhelp) + XLAT(patthelp); } struct undo_info { cell *c; eWall w; eItem i; eMonster m; eLand l; char wparam; int32_t lparam; char dir; }; vector undo; bool checkEq(undo_info& u) { return u.w == u.c->wall && u.i == u.c->item && u.m == u.c->monst && u.l == u.c->land && u.dir == u.c->mondir && u.lparam == u.c->landparam && u.wparam == u.c->wparam; } void saveUndo(cell *c) { undo_info u; u.c=c; u.w = c->wall; u.i = c->item; u.m = c->monst; u.l = c->land; u.dir = c->mondir; u.wparam = c->wparam; u.lparam = c->landparam; undo.push_back(u); } undo_info& lastUndo() { return undo[isize(undo)-1]; } void undoLock() { if(!isize(undo) || lastUndo().c) { undo_info i; i.c = NULL; undo.push_back(i); } } void applyUndo() { while(isize(undo) && !lastUndo().c) undo.pop_back(); while(isize(undo)) { undo_info& i(lastUndo()); if(!i.c) break; i.c->wall = i.w; i.c->item = i.i; i.c->monst = i.m; i.c->land = i.l; i.c->mondir = i.dir; i.c->wparam = i.wparam; i.c->landparam = i.lparam; undo.pop_back(); } } void checkUndo() { if(checkEq(undo[isize(undo)-1])) undo.pop_back(); } int itc(int k) { if(k == 0) return 0; if(k == 1) return 0x40; if(k == 2) return 0x80; if(k == 3) return 0xFF; return 0x20; } bool choosefile = false; int editor_fsize() { return min(vid.fsize + 5, (vid.yres - 16) /32 ); } void displayFunctionKeys() { int fs = editor_fsize(); displayButton(8, vid.yres-8-fs*2, XLAT("ESC = menu"), SDLK_ESCAPE, 0); } EX void map_editor_menu() { dialog::add_key_action('-', [] { if(!holdmouse) undoLock(); if(mouseover) { allInPattern(mouseover_cw(false)); if(!(GDIM == 3 && building_mode)) holdmouse = true; } }); if(anyshiftclick) { dialog::addInfo( (painttype == 6 && (GDIM == 3)) ? "wall" : painttype == 3 ? XLATN(winf[paintwhat_alt_wall].name) : "clear"); } else dialog::addInfo(paintwhat_str); dialog::addInfo(XLAT("use at your own risk!"), 0x800000); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("radius"), its(radius), '='); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(radius, 0, 9, 1, 1, XLAT("radius"), ""); }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("boundary"), painttype == 5, 'b'); dialog::add_action([] { painttype = 5, paintwhat_str = XLAT("boundary"); }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("monsters"), painttype == 0, 'm'); dialog::add_action([] { pushScreen(showList), painttype = 0, dialog::infix = ""; }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("items"), painttype == 1, 'i'); dialog::add_action([] { pushScreen(showList), painttype = 1, dialog::infix = ""; }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("lands"), painttype == 2, 'l'); dialog::add_action([] { pushScreen(showList), painttype = 2, dialog::infix = ""; }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("walls"), painttype == 3, 'w'); dialog::add_action([] { pushScreen(showList), painttype = 3, dialog::infix = ""; }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("paint"), painttype == 6, 'w'); dialog::add_action([] { painttype = 6; paintwhat_str = "paint"; dialog::openColorDialog((unsigned&)(paintwhat = (painttype ==6 ? paintwhat : 0x808080))); }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("copy"), painttype == 4, 'c'); dialog::add_action([] { if(mouseover) { copysource = mouseover_cw(true); painttype = 4; paintwhat_str = XLAT("copying"); } else { painttype = 7; paintwhat_str = XLAT("select area to copy"); } }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("teleport player"), painttype == 8, 't'); dialog::add_action([] { if(mouseover) { playermoved = true; cwt = mouseover_cw(true); } else { painttype = 8; paintwhat_str = XLAT("teleport where"); } }); if(painttype == 4) { dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("flip"), copysource.mirrored, 'f'); } else if(painttype == 3) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("set Shift+click"), 'z'); dialog::add_action([] { paintwhat_alt_wall = paintwhat; }); } else dialog::addInfo(XLAT("press Shift to clear")); dialog::addItem(XLAT("undo"), 'u'); dialog::add_action(applyUndo); if(WDIM == 3) dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("build on walls"), building_mode, 'B'); else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBreak(800); for(int r=0; r<10; r++) if(!dialog::key_actions.count(r)) dialog::add_key_action('0' + r, [r] { radius = r; }); } void editor_menu(int i) { cmode |= sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X; /** the user probably wants to always see the keys */ mousing = false; if(i == 1) dialog::init(XLAT("map editor")); if(i == 2) dialog::init(XLAT("shape editor")); if(i == 3) dialog::init(intexture ? XLAT("texture editor") : XLAT("drawing tool")); if(i == 1) map_editor_menu(); else draw_editor_menu(); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem("switch the editor mode", ' '); dialog::add_action([i] { if(i == 2 && !(cheater || autocheat)) { dialog::cheat_if_confirmed([] { cheater++; }); return; } if(i == 1) { popScreen(); pushScreen(showDrawEditor); initdraw(mouseover ? mouseover : cwt.at); drawing_tool = false; } if(i == 2) drawing_tool = true; if(i == 3) { popScreen(); pushScreen(showMapEditor); } }); dialog::addItem("help", SDLK_F1); dialog::add_action([i] { gotoHelp(i == 1 ? mehelptext() : drawhelptext()); }); if(i == 2) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("save only the shapes"), SDLK_F2); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::openFileDialog(picfile, XLAT("pics to save:"), ".pic", [] () { return savePicFile(picfile); }); }); dialog::addItem(XLAT("load only the shapes"), SDLK_F3); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::openFileDialog(picfile, XLAT("pics to load:"), ".pic", [] () { return loadPicFile(picfile); }); }); } else { dialog::addItem(XLAT("save the map"), SDLK_F2); dialog::add_action(save_level); dialog::addItem(XLAT("load the map"), SDLK_F3); dialog::add_action(load_level); } if(!show_menu) displayFunctionKeys(); dialog::addItem(XLAT("reset"), SDLK_F5); dialog::add_action([i] { if(i == 1) dialog::push_confirm_dialog([] { restart_game(); }, XLAT("Are you sure you want to clear the map?")); if(i == 3) dialog::push_confirm_dialog([] { stop_game(); enable_canvas(); canvas_default_wall = waInvisibleFloor; ccolor::set_plain_nowall(0xFFFFFF); dtcolor = (forecolor << 8) | 255; drawplayer = false; vid.use_smart_range = 2; start_game(); }, XLAT("Are you sure you want to restart? This will let you draw on a blank screen.") ); if(i == 2) dialog::push_confirm_dialog([] { for(int i=0; i affected; EX set affected_id; EX void showMapEditor() { cmode = sm::MAP | sm::PANNING; if(show_menu) cmode |= sm::DIALOG_OFFMAP; if(building_mode) { if(anyshiftclick) cmode |= sm::EDIT_INSIDE_WALLS; else cmode |= sm::EDIT_BEFORE_WALLS; } gamescreen(); int fs = editor_fsize(); affected.clear(); affected_id.clear(); if(lmouseover) { celllister cl(lmouseover, radius, 10000, nullptr); for(cell *c: cl.lst) affected.insert(c), affected_id.insert(patterns::getpatterninfo0(c).id); } getcstat = '-'; if(!show_menu) { if(anyshiftclick) { displayfr(8, 8 + fs, 2, vid.fsize, (painttype == 6 && (GDIM == 3)) ? "wall" : painttype == 3 ? XLATN(winf[paintwhat_alt_wall].name) : "clear", forecolor, 0); } else displayfr(8, 8 + fs, 2, vid.fsize, paintwhat_str, forecolor, 0); } editor_menu(1); if(mouseover) forCellCM(c, mouseover) {} } int spillinc() { if(radius>=2) return 0; if(anyshiftclick) return -1; return 1; } EX eShapegroup drawcellShapeGroup() { if(drawcell == cwt.at && drawplayer) return sgPlayer; if(drawcell->wall == waEditStatue) return sgWall; if(drawcell->monst) return sgMonster; if(drawcell->item) return sgItem; return sgFloor; } EX int drawcellShapeID() { if(drawcell == cwt.at && drawplayer) return vid.cs.charid; if(drawcell->wall == waEditStatue) return drawcell->wparam; if(drawcell->monst) return drawcell->monst; if(drawcell->item) return drawcell->item; auto si = patterns::getpatterninfo0(drawcell); return si.id; } bool editingShape(eShapegroup group, int id) { if(group != mapeditor::drawcellShapeGroup()) return false; return id == drawcellShapeID(); } void editCell(const pair& where) { cell *c = where.first.at; int cdir = where.first.spin; saveUndo(c); switch(painttype) { case 0: { if(anyshiftclick) { c->monst = moNone; mirror::destroyKilled(); break; } eMonster last = c->monst; c->monst = eMonster(paintwhat); c->hitpoints = 3; c->stuntime = 0; c->mondir = cdir; if((isWorm(c) || isIvy(c) || isMutantIvy(c)) && c->move(cdir) && !isWorm(c->move(cdir)) && !isIvy(c->move(cdir))) c->mondir = NODIR; if(c->monst == moMimic) { c->monst = moNone; mirror::createMirror(cellwalker(c, cdir, true), 0); c->monst = moMimic; } if(c->monst ==moTortoise && last == moTortoise) { cell *c1 = c; for(int i=0; i<100; i++) c1 = c1->cmove(hrand(c1->type)); tortoise::emap[c] = tortoise::getRandomBits(); } if(isDie(c->monst)) { if(!dice::generate_random(c)) c->monst = moNone; } mirror::destroyKilled(); break; } case 1: { if(anyshiftclick) { c->item = itNone; break; } eItem last = c->item; c->item = eItem(paintwhat); if(c->item == itBabyTortoise) tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ (last == itBabyTortoise ? tortoise::getRandomBits() : 0); break; } case 2: { if(anyshiftclick) { c->land = laNone; c->wall = waNone; map_version++; break; } eLand last = c->land; c->land = eLand(paintwhat); if(isIcyLand(c) && isIcyLand(last)) HEAT(c) += spillinc() / 100.; else if(last == laDryForest && c->land == laDryForest) c->landparam += spillinc(); else if(last == laOcean && c->land == laOcean) c->landparam += spillinc(); else if(last == laHive && c->land == laHive) c->landparam += spillinc(); else c->landparam = 0; break; } case 3: { eWall last = c->wall; c->wall = eWall(anyshiftclick ? paintwhat_alt_wall : paintwhat); map_version++; if(last != c->wall) { if(hasTimeout(c)) c->wparam = 10; else if(c->wall == waWaxWall) c->landparam = hrand(0xFFFFFF + 1); } else if(hasTimeout(c)) c->wparam += spillinc(); if(c->wall == waEditStatue) { c->wparam = paintstatueid; c->mondir = cdir; } if(isDie(c->wall)) { if(!dice::generate_random(c)) c->wall = waNone; } break; } case 5: map_version++; c->land = laNone; c->wall = waNone; c->item = itNone; c->monst = moNone; c->landparam = 0; // c->tmp = -1; break; case 6: map_version++; c->land = laCanvas; c->wall = ((GDIM == 3) ^ anyshiftclick) ? waWaxWall : waNone; c->landparam = paintwhat >> 8; break; case 4: { map_version++; cell *copywhat = where.second.at; c->wall = copywhat->wall; c->item = copywhat->item; c->land = copywhat->land; c->monst = copywhat->monst; c->landparam = copywhat->landparam; c->wparam = copywhat->wparam; c->hitpoints = copywhat->hitpoints; c->stuntime = copywhat->stuntime; if(dice::on(c)) dice::data[c] = dice::data[copywhat]; if(copywhat->mondir == NODIR) c->mondir = NODIR; else c->mondir = gmod((where.first.mirrored == where.second.mirrored ? 1 : -1) * (copywhat->mondir - where.second.spin) + cdir, c->type); break; } case 7: if(c) { copysource = c; painttype = 4; paintwhat_str = XLAT("copying"); } break; case 8: playermoved = true; cwt = c; break; } checkUndo(); } vector > spill_list; void list_spill(cellwalker tgt, cellwalker src, manual_celllister& cl) { spill_list.clear(); spill_list.emplace_back(tgt, src); if(painttype == 7) return; int crad = 0, nextstepat = 0; for(int i=0; i radius) break; } auto sd = spill_list[i]; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { auto sd2 = sd; sd2.first = sd2.first + i + wstep; if(!cl.add(sd2.first.at)) continue; if(sd2.second.at) { sd2.second = sd2.second + i + wstep; if(sd2.second.at->land == laNone) continue; } spill_list.push_back(sd2); } } } void editAt(cellwalker where, manual_celllister& cl) { if(painttype == 4 && radius) { if(where.at->type != copysource.at->type) return; if(where.spin<0) where.spin=0; if(BITRUNCATED && !ctof(mouseover) && ((where.spin&1) != (copysource.spin&1))) where += 1; } if(painttype != 4) copysource.at = NULL; list_spill(where, copysource, cl); for(auto& st: spill_list) editCell(st); } EX void allInPattern(cellwalker where) { manual_celllister cl; bool call_editAt = !patterns::whichPattern; #if CAP_TEXTURE call_editAt |= (texture::config.tstate == texture::tsActive); #endif if (call_editAt) { editAt(where, cl); return; } cl.add(where.at); int at = 0; while(at < isize(cl.lst)) { cell *c2 = cl.lst[at]; at++; forCellEx(c3, c2) cl.add(c3); } auto si = patterns::getpatterninfo0(where.at); int cdir = where.spin; if(cdir >= 0) cdir = cdir - si.dir; for(cell* c2: cl.lst) { auto si2 = patterns::getpatterninfo0(c2); if(si2.id == si.id) { editAt(cellwalker(c2, cdir>=0 ? cdir + si2.dir : -1), cl); modelcell[si2.id] = c2; } } } EX cellwalker mouseover_cw(bool fix) { int d = neighborId(mouseover, mouseover2); if(d == -1 && fix) d = hrand(mouseover->type); return cellwalker(mouseover, d); } EX void save_level() { #if ISWEB mapstream::saveMap("web.lev"); offer_download("web.lev", "mime/type"); #else dialog::openFileDialog(levelfile, XLAT("level to save:"), ".lev", [] () { if(mapstream::saveMap(levelfile.c_str())) { addMessage(XLAT("Map saved to %1", levelfile)); return true; } else { addMessage(XLAT("Failed to save map to %1", levelfile)); return false; } }); #endif } EX void load_level() { #if ISWEB offer_choose_file([] { mapstream::loadMap("data.txt"); }); #else dialog::openFileDialog(levelfile, XLAT("level to load:"), ".lev", [] () { if(mapstream::loadMap(levelfile.c_str())) { addMessage(XLAT("Map loaded from %1", levelfile)); return true; } else { addMessage(XLAT("Failed to load map from %1", levelfile)); return false; } }); #endif } EX void showList() { string caption; dialog::v.clear(); if(painttype == 4) painttype = 0; switch(painttype) { case 0: caption = "monsters"; for(int i=0; id[layer]; dsCur->list.clear(); dsCur->sym = d==2; for(int i=sh.s; i < sh.s + (sh.e-sh.s)/d; i++) dsCur->list.push_back(cgi.hpc[i]); } #endif EX void drawGhosts(cell *c, const shiftmatrix& V, int ct) { if(!(cmode & sm::MAP)) return; if(darken != 0) return; if(GDIM == 2 && mouseout()) return; if(patterns::whichPattern) { if(!affected_id.count(patterns::getpatterninfo0(c).id)) return; } else { if(!affected.count(c)) return; } queuecircleat1(c, V, .78, 0x00FFFFFF); } EX hyperpoint ccenter = C02; EX hyperpoint coldcenter = C02; EX unsigned gridcolor = 0xC0C0C040; shiftpoint in_front_dist(ld d) { ld ys = current_display->xsize/2; double mx = current_display->tanfov * (mousex - current_display->xcenter)/ys; double my = current_display->tanfov * (mousey - current_display->ycenter)/ys/pconf.stretch; hyperpoint tgt = point3(mx, my, 1); tgt *= d / hypot_d(3, tgt); return shiftless(direct_exp(lp_iapply(tgt))); /* todo direct_shift */ } EX shiftpoint find_mouseh3() { if(vrhr::active()) return mouseh; if(front_config == eFront::sphere_camera) return in_front_dist(front_edit); ld step = 0.01; ld cdist = 0; auto idt = z_inverse(unshift(drawtrans)); auto qu = [&] (ld d) { ld d1 = front_edit; shiftpoint h1 = in_front_dist(d); if(front_config == eFront::sphere_center) d1 = geo_dist(drawtrans * C0, h1); if(front_config == eFront::equidistants) { hyperpoint h = idt * unshift(in_front_dist(d)); d1 = asin_auto(h[2]); } if(front_config == eFront::const_x) { hyperpoint h = idt * unshift(in_front_dist(d)); d1 = asin_auto(h[0]); } if(front_config == eFront::const_y) { hyperpoint h = idt * unshift(in_front_dist(d)); d1 = asin_auto(h[1]); } return pow(d1 - front_edit, 2); }; ld bq = qu(cdist); while(abs(step) > 1e-10) { ld cq = qu(cdist + step); if(cq < bq) cdist += step, bq = cq; else step *= -.5; } return in_front_dist(cdist); } int parallels = 12, meridians = 6; ld equi_range = 1; EX void drawGrid() { if(!drawcell) drawcell = cwt.at; color_t lightgrid = gridcolor; lightgrid -= (lightgrid & 0xFF) / 2; shiftmatrix d2 = drawtrans * rgpushxto0(ccenter) * rspintox(gpushxto0(ccenter) * coldcenter); if(GDIM == 3) { queuecircleat(mapeditor::drawcell, 1, 0x80D080FF); color_t cols[4] = { 0x80D080FF, 0x80D080FF, 0xFFFFFF40, 0x00000040 }; if(true) { shiftmatrix t = rgpushxto0(find_mouseh3()); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) queueline(t * cpush0(i&1, 0.1), t * cpush0(i&1, -0.1), cols[i], -1, i < 2 ? PPR::LINE : PPR::SUPERLINE); } if(front_config == eFront::sphere_center) for(int i=0; i<4; i+=2) { auto pt = [&] (ld a, ld b) { return direct_exp(spin(a*degree) * cspin(0, 2, b*degree) * xtangent(front_edit)); }; for(int ai=0; aitype) != 0)], 0, i < 2 ? PPR::LINE : PPR::SUPERLINE); } } return; } for(int d=0; dtype) == 0) ? gridcolor : lightgrid; queueline(d2 * C0, d2 * xspinpush0(d*cgi.S_step, 1), col, 4 + vid.linequality); } for(int u=2; u<=20; u++) { PRING(d) { curvepoint(xspinpush0(d*cgi.S_step, u/20.)); } queuecurve(d2, (u%5==0) ? gridcolor : lightgrid, 0, PPR::LINE); } queueline(drawtrans*ccenter, drawtrans*coldcenter, gridcolor, 4 + vid.linequality); if(snapping && !mouseout()) queuestr(fmh, 10, "x", 0xC040C0); } static ld brush_sizes[10] = { 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1}; static unsigned texture_colors[] = { 11, 0x000000FF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFFFF00FF, 0x00FF00FF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x0000FFFF, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xC0C0C0FF, 0x808080FF, 0x404040FF, 0x804000FF }; EX bool area_in_pi = false; ld compute_area(hpcshape& sh) { ld area = 0; for(int i=sh.s; i H1 -> H2 -> C0 // at C0: (a1-a2) // at H1: (rh2 - a1 - M_PI) // at H2: (a2+M_PI - rh1) // total: rh2 - rh1 // ld z = degree; ld x = b2 - b1 + M_PI; cyclefix(x, 0); area += x; } } return area; } #define EDITING_TRIANGLES (GDIM == 3) EX shiftpoint mouse_snap() { ld xdist = HUGE_VAL; shiftpoint resh = mouseh; auto snap_to = [&] (shiftpoint h) { ld dist = hdist(h, mouseh); if(dist < xdist) xdist = dist, resh = h; }; auto snap_to_tile_matrix = [&] (cell *c, const shiftmatrix& T) { snap_to(T * C0); for(int i=0; itype; i++) { hyperpoint h1 = get_corner_position(c, i); hyperpoint h2 = get_corner_position(c, (i+1) % c->type); snap_to(T * h1); snap_to(T * mid(h1, h2)); } }; auto snap_to_tile = [&] (cell *c) { auto p = at_or_null(gmatrix, c); if(!p) return; snap_to_tile_matrix(c, *p); }; snap_to_tile(mouseover); return resh; } EX bool show_menu = true; EX void showDrawEditor() { #if CAP_POLY cmode = sm::DRAW | sm::PANNING; if(show_menu) cmode |= sm::SIDE; gamescreen(); drawGrid(); if(callhandlers(false, hooks_prestats)) return; if(!mouseout()) getcstat = '-'; bool freedraw = drawing_tool || intexture; if(freedraw && !show_menu) for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { int fs = editor_fsize(); if(8 + fs * (6+i) < vid.yres - 8 - fs * 7) displayColorButton(vid.xres-8, 8+fs*(6+i), "###", 1000 + i, 16, 1, dialog::displaycolor(texture_colors[i+1])); if(displayfr(vid.xres-8 - fs * 3, 8+fs*(6+i), 0, vid.fsize, its(i+1), dtwidth == brush_sizes[i] ? 0xFF8000 : 0xC0C0C0, 16)) getcstat = 2000+i; } editor_menu(drawing_tool ? 3 : 2); keyhandler = handle_key_draw; #else popScreen(); #endif } EX void draw_editor_menu() { #if CAP_TEXTURE if(texture::config.tstate != texture::tsActive && intexture) { intexture = false; drawing_tool = true; } #endif bool freedraw = drawing_tool || intexture; #if CAP_TEXTURE if(intexture) { texture::config.data.update(); freedraw = true; drawing_tool = false; } #endif int prec = snapping ? 15 : 4; if(!freedraw) { int sg = drawcellShapeGroup(); string line1, line2; switch(sg) { case sgPlayer: line1 = XLAT("character"); line2 = csname(vid.cs); break; case sgMonster: line1 = XLAT("monster"); line2 = XLAT1(minf[drawcell->monst].name); break; case sgItem: line1 = XLAT("item"); line2 = XLAT1(iinf[drawcell->item].name); break; case sgFloor: line1 = GDIM == 3 ? XLAT("pick something") : XLAT("floor"); line2 = "#" + its(drawcellShapeID()); break; case sgWall: line1 = XLAT("statue"); line2 = "#" + its(drawcellShapeID()); break; } usershape *us = usershapes[drawcellShapeGroup()][drawcellShapeID()]; dialog::addInfo(line1 + " : " + line2); string s = GDIM == 3 ? XLAT("color group") : XLAT("layers"); dialog::addSelItem(s, its(dslayer), 'l'); dialog::add_action([s] { dialog::editNumber(dslayer, 0, USERLAYERS-1, 1, 0, s, ""); dialog::bound_low(0); dialog::bound_up(USERLAYERS-1); }); dialog::addBoolItem_action("one layer only", onelayeronly, 'l'-96); dialog::add_key_action('-', [] { auto act = at_or_null(dialog::key_actions, mousekey); if(act) (*act)(); }); auto auto_to_shape = [] (string text, char ch) { dialog::addItem_mouse(text, ch); dialog::add_action([ch] { if(GDIM == 2 && !mouseover) { mousekey = ch; return; } shiftpoint mh = full_mouseh(); hyperpoint mh1 = inverse_shift(drawtrans, mh); dslayer %= USERLAYERS; applyToShape(drawcellShapeGroup(), drawcellShapeID(), ch, mh1); }); }; auto_to_shape(XLAT("start new shape"), 'n'); auto_to_shape(XLAT("load current"), 'u'); if(us && isize(us->d[dslayer].list)) { usershapelayer& ds(us->d[dslayer]); if(!EDITING_TRIANGLES) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("rotations"), its(ds.rots), '1'); dialog::add_action([&ds] { auto& ne = dialog::editNumber(ds.rots, 1, 100, 1, 1, XLAT("rotations"), ""); dialog::bound_low(1); dialog::bound_up(999); ne.reaction = [] { usershape_changes++; }; }); dialog::addBoolItem("symmetry", ds.sym, '0'); dialog::add_action([&ds] { ds.sym = !ds.sym; usershape_changes++; }); } else dialog::addBreak(200); dialog::addItem(XLAT("%1 vertices", its(isize(ds.list))), SDLK_F4); dialog::add_action(export_for_polygon); auto_to_shape(XLAT("add vertex"), 'a'); if(!EDITING_TRIANGLES) { auto_to_shape(XLAT("move vertex"), 'm'); // autochoose? auto_to_shape(XLAT("delete vertex"), 'd'); // autochoose? dialog::addItem_mouse(XLAT("choose"), 'c'); dialog::add_action([] { if(mouseover) { ew = ewsearch; autochoose = false; } else mousekey = 'c'; }); dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("switch auto"), autochoose, 'b'); } else { auto_to_shape(XLAT("reuse"), 'c'); // autochoose? auto_to_shape(XLAT("delete"), 'd'); // autochoose? dialog::addBreak(200); } if(GDIM == 2) { auto_to_shape(XLAT("shift"), 't'); auto_to_shape(XLAT("spin"), 'y'); auto_to_shape(XLAT("z-level"), 'z'); } else dialog::addBreak(300); cgi.require_usershapes(); auto& sh = cgi.ushr[&us->d[dslayer]]; if(sh.e >= sh.s + 3) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("area"), area_in_pi ? fts(compute_area(sh) / M_PI, 4) + "π" : fts(compute_area(sh), prec), 'w'); dialog::add_action([] { area_in_pi = !area_in_pi; }); } else { if(among(mousekey, 'a', 'c', 'd', 't', 'y')) mousekey = 'n'; dialog::addBreak(1100); } } else if(freedraw) { #if CAP_TEXTURE if(intexture) dialog::addBoolItem_action("symmetry", texture::texturesym, '0'); else dialog::addBreak(100); #endif if(drawing_tool) { if(!dtfill) dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("fill"), dtfill, 'f'); else dialog::addColorItem(XLAT("fill"), dtcolor, 'f'); } dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("brush size"), fts(dtwidth), 'b'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(dtwidth, 0, 0.1, 0.005, 0.02, XLAT("brush size"), XLAT("brush size")); }); #if CAP_TEXTURE if(intexture) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("undo"), 'u'); dialog::add_action([] { texture::config.data.undo(); }); } else dialog::addBreak(100); #endif dialog::addItem_mouse(XLAT("draw"), 'd'); dialog::add_action([] { mousekey = 'd'; }); dialog::addItem_mouse(XLAT("line"), 'l'); dialog::add_action([] { mousekey = 'l'; }); dialog::addItem_mouse(XLAT("circle"), 'c'); dialog::add_action([] { mousekey = 'c'; }); if(drawing_tool) dialog::addItem_mouse(XLAT("text"), 'T'); dialog::add_action([] { mousekey = 'T'; }); if(drawing_tool) dialog::addItem_mouse(XLAT("erase"), 'e'); dialog::add_action([] { mousekey = 'e'; }); #if CAP_TEXTURE int s = isize(texture::config.data.pixels_to_draw); if(s) dialog::addInfo(its(s)); else dialog::addBreak(100); #endif dialog::addBreak(CAP_TEXTURE ? 700 : 1000); } if(GDIM == 2) dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("snap"), snapping, 'S'); if(GDIM == 3) { if(front_config == eFront::sphere_camera) dialog::addItem(XLAT("camera"), 'z'); if(front_config == eFront::sphere_center) dialog::addItem(XLAT("spheres"), 'z'); if(nonisotropic && front_config == eFront::equidistants) dialog::addSelItem("Z =", fts(front_edit), 'z'); if(nonisotropic && front_config == eFront::const_x) dialog::addSelItem("X =", fts(front_edit), 'z'); if(nonisotropic && front_config == eFront::const_y) dialog::addSelItem("Y =", fts(front_edit), 'z'); dialog::add_action(launch_z_editor); } if(mousekey == 'g') { dialog::addColorItem(XLAT("grid color"), gridcolor, 'p'); dialog::add_action(edit_grid_color); } else { dialog::addColorItem(XLAT("color"), freedraw ? dtcolor : colortouse, 'p'); dialog::add_action([freedraw] { if(freedraw) { dialog::openColorDialog(dtcolor, texture_colors); return; } dialog::openColorDialog(colortouse); dialog::get_di().reaction = [] () { applyToShape(drawcellShapeGroup(), drawcellShapeID(), COLORKEY, C0); }; }); } if(GDIM == 2) { dialog::addItem_mouse(XLAT("grid"), 'g'); dialog::add_action([] { shiftpoint mh = full_mouseh(); hyperpoint mh1 = inverse_shift(drawtrans, mh); if(mouseover && hdist(ccenter, mh1) < 1e-6) edit_grid_color(); else if(mouseover) coldcenter = ccenter, ccenter = mh1; else mousekey = 'g'; }); } if(!freedraw) { dialog::addItem_mouse(XLAT("select shape to edit"), 'e'); dialog::add_action([] { if(mouseover) initdraw(mouseover); else mousekey = 'e'; }); } if(!mouseout()) { shiftpoint h1 = drawtrans * ccenter; shiftpoint h2 = drawtrans * coldcenter; transmatrix T = gpushxto0(unshift(h1)); T = spintox(T*unshift(h2)) * T; shiftpoint mh1 = full_mouseh(); hyperpoint mh = T * unshift(mh1); string coord; coord = XLAT("x: %1", fts(mh[0],prec)); coord += " " + XLAT("y: %1", fts(mh[1],prec)); coord += " " + XLAT("z: %1", fts(mh[2],prec)); if(MDIM == 4) coord += " " + XLAT("w: %1", fts(mh[3],prec)); dialog::addInfo(coord); mh = inverse_exp(shiftless(mh)); coord = XLAT("r: %1", fts(hypot_d(3, mh),prec)); if(GDIM == 3) { coord += " " + XLAT("ϕ: %1°", fts(-atan2(mh[2], hypot_d(2, mh)) / degree, prec)); coord += " " + XLAT("λ: %1°", fts(-atan2(mh[1], mh[0]) / degree,prec)); } else { coord += " " + XLAT("ϕ: %1°", fts(-atan2(mh[1], mh[0]) / degree,prec)); } dialog::addInfo(coord); } else dialog::addBreak(200); } EX void launch_z_editor() { dialog::editNumber(front_edit, 0, 5, 0.1, 0.5, XLAT("z-level"), ""); dialog::get_di().extra_options = [] () { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("The distance from the camera to added points."), front_config == eFront::sphere_camera, 'A'); dialog::add_action([] { front_config = eFront::sphere_camera; }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("place points at fixed radius"), front_config == eFront::sphere_center, 'B'); dialog::add_action([] { front_config = eFront::sphere_center; }); dialog::addBoolItem(nonisotropic ? XLAT("place points on surfaces of const Z") : XLAT("place points on equidistant surfaces"), front_config == eFront::equidistants, 'C'); dialog::add_action([] { front_config = eFront::equidistants; }); if(nonisotropic) { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("place points on surfaces of const X"), front_config == eFront::const_x, 'D'); dialog::add_action([] { front_config = eFront::const_x; }); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("place points on surfaces of const Y"), front_config == eFront::const_y, 'E'); dialog::add_action([] { front_config = eFront::const_y; }); } dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("mousewheel step"), fts(front_step), 'S'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(front_step, -10, 10, 0.1, 0.1, XLAT("mousewheel step"), "hint: shift for finer steps"); }); if(front_config == eFront::sphere_center) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("parallels to draw"), its(parallels), 'P'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(parallels, 0, 72, 1, 12, XLAT("parallels to draw"), ""); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("meridians to draw"), its(meridians), 'M'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(meridians, 0, 72, 1, 12, XLAT("meridians to draw"), ""); }); } else if(front_config != eFront::sphere_camera) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("range of grid to draw"), fts(equi_range), 'R'); dialog::add_action([] { dialog::editNumber(equi_range, 0, 5, 0.1, 1, XLAT("range of grid to draw"), ""); }); } }; } EX void edit_grid_color() { static unsigned grid_colors[] = { 8, 0x00000040, 0xFFFFFF40, 0xFF000040, 0x0000F040, 0x00000080, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFF000080, 0x0000F080, }; dialog::openColorDialog(gridcolor, grid_colors); } EX void export_for_polygon_to(hstream& hs) { for(int i=0; id[l].list)) { usershapelayer& ds(us->d[l]); println(hs, spaced("//", i, usp.first, l, "[", ds.color, double(ds.zlevel), "]")); print(hs, " ID, ", us->d[l].rots, ", ", us->d[l].sym?2:1, ", "); for(int i=0; id[l].list); i++) { for(int d=0; dd[l].list[i][d]), ", "); print(hs, " "); } println(hs); } } for(int i=0; id[l].list)) { usershapelayer& ds(us->d[l]); println(hs, spaced("//", i, usp.first, l, "[", ds.color, double(ds.zlevel), "]")); print(hs, "{"); for(int r=0; rd[l].rots; r++) { for(int i=0; id[l].list); i++) { hyperpoint h = us->d[l].list[i]; h = spin(TAU * r / us->d[l].rots) * h; for(int d=0; dd[l].sym) for(int i=isize(us->d[l].list)-1; i>=0; i--) { hyperpoint h = us->d[l].list[i]; h[1] = -h[1]; h = spin(TAU * r / us->d[l].rots) * h; for(int d=0; d ws(mmspatial, false); auto sId = shiftless(Id); if(sg == 0) { multi::cpid = id, drawMonsterType(moPlayer, drawcell, sId, 0xC0C0C0, 0, 0xC0C0C0); } else if(sg == 1) { drawMonsterType(eMonster(id), drawcell, sId, minf[id].color, 0, minf[id].color); } else if(sg == 2) { drawItemType(eItem(id), drawcell, sId, iinf[id].color, 0, false); } else { draw_qfi(drawcell, sId, 0, PPR::FLOOR); } sortquickqueue(); int layer = 0; initShape(sg, id); for(int i=0; ias_poly(); if(!pp) continue; auto& ptd = *pp; int cnt = ptd.cnt; usershapelayer *dsCur = &usershapes[sg][id]->d[layer]; dsCur->list.clear(); dsCur->color = ptd.color; dsCur->sym = false; dsCur->rots = 1; dsCur->zlevel = 0; for(auto& v: cgi.symmetriesAt) if(v[0] == ptd.offset) { dsCur->rots = v[1]; dsCur->sym = v[2] == 2; } int d = dsCur->rots * (dsCur->sym ? 2 : 1); for(int i=0; i < cnt/d; i++) dsCur->list.push_back(unshift(ptd.V) * glhr::gltopoint((*ptd.tab)[i+ptd.offset])); layer++; if(layer == USERLAYERS) break; } usershape_changes++; } EX void applyToShape(int sg, int id, int uni, hyperpoint mh) { bool haveshape = usershapes[sg][id]; bool xnew = false; if(uni == '-') uni = mousekey; if(!haveshape) { if(uni == 'n') initShape(sg, id); else if(uni == 'u') ; else if(uni == 'S') { snapping = !snapping; return; } else if(uni >= '0' && uni <= '9') { initShape(sg, id); xnew = true; } else return; } usershapelayer *dsCur = &usershapes[sg][id]->d[dslayer]; if(uni == 'n' || xnew) { dsCur->list.clear(); dsCur->list.push_back(mh); usershape_changes++; } if(uni == 'u') loadShapes(sg, id); if(uni == 'S') snapping = !snapping; if(uni == 'z' && haveshape && GDIM == 2) dialog::editNumber(dsCur->zlevel, -10, +10, 0.1, 0, XLAT("z-level"), XLAT("Changing the z-level will make this layer affected by the parallax effect.")); if(EDITING_TRIANGLES) { if(uni == 'a') { dsCur->list.push_back(mh); uni = 0; usershape_changes++; } else if(uni == 'c' || uni == 'd' || uni == 'm') { hyperpoint best = mh; hyperpoint onscr; applymodel(drawtrans * mh, onscr); println(hlog, "onscr = ", onscr); ld dist = HUGE_VAL; for(auto& layer: usershapes[sg][id]->d) for(const hyperpoint& h: layer.list) { hyperpoint h1; applymodel(drawtrans * h, h1); ld d = sqhypot_d(2, h1 - onscr); if(d < dist) dist = d, best = h; } if(uni == 'c') dsCur->list.push_back(best); else if(uni == 'd') { vector oldlist = std::move(dsCur->list); dsCur->list.clear(); int i; for(i=0; ilist.push_back(oldlist[i]), dsCur->list.push_back(oldlist[i+1]), dsCur->list.push_back(oldlist[i+2]); for(; ilist.push_back(oldlist[i]); } usershape_changes++; uni = 0; } else if(uni == COLORKEY) dsCur->color = colortouse; else if(uni != 'D') uni = 0; } if(uni == 'a' && haveshape) { mh = spin(TAU*-ew.rotid/dsCur->rots) * mh; if(ew.symid) mh = Mirror * mh; if(ew.pointid < 0 || ew.pointid >= isize(dsCur->list)) ew.pointid = isize(dsCur->list)-1, ew.side = 1; dsCur->list.insert(dsCur->list.begin()+ew.pointid+(ew.side?1:0), mh); if(ew.side) ew.pointid++; usershape_changes++; } if(uni == 'D') { delete usershapes[sg][id]; usershapes[sg][id] = NULL; } if(uni == 'm' || uni == 'd') { int i = ew.pointid; if(i < 0 || i >= isize(dsCur->list)) return; mh = spin(TAU*-ew.rotid/dsCur->rots) * mh; if(ew.symid) mh = Mirror * mh; if(uni == 'm' || uni == 'M') dsCur->list[i] = mh; if(uni == 'd' || uni == 'b') { dsCur->list.erase(dsCur->list.begin() + i); if(ew.side == 1 && ew.pointid >= i) ew.pointid--; if(ew.side == 0 && ew.pointid > i) ew.pointid--; } usershape_changes++; } if(uni == 'K') { if(vid.cs.charid >= 4) { loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shCatBody, 2, 0); loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shCatHead, 2, 1); } else { if(!(vid.cs.charid&1)) loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shPBody, 2, 0); else loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shFemaleBody, 2, 0); loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shPSword, 1, 1); if(vid.cs.charid&1) loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shFemaleDress, 2, 2); /* if(vid.cs.charid&1) loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shPrincessDress, 1, 3); else loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shPrinceDress, 2, 3); */ loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shRatCape2, 1, 3); if(vid.cs.charid&1) loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shFemaleHair, 2, 4); else loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shPHead, 2, 4); loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shPFace, 2, 5); } // loadShape(sg, id, cgi.shWolf, 2, dslayer); usershape_changes++; } if(uni == '+') dsCur->rots++; if(uni >= '1' && uni <= '9') { dsCur->rots = uni - '0'; if(dsCur->rots == 9) dsCur->rots = 21; usershape_changes++; } if(uni == '0') { dsCur->sym = !dsCur->sym; usershape_changes++; } if(uni == 't') { dsCur->shift = mh; usershape_changes++; } if(uni == 'y') { dsCur->spin = mh; usershape_changes++; } if(uni == COLORKEY) dsCur->color = colortouse; } void writeHyperpoint(hstream& f, hyperpoint h) { println(f, spaced_of(&h[0], MDIM)); } hyperpoint readHyperpoint(fhstream& f) { hyperpoint h; for(int i=0; i= 0xA0A0) { int tg, wp; int nt; scan(f, tg, nt, wp, patterns::subpattern_flags); patterns::whichPattern = patterns::ePattern(wp); set_geometry(eGeometry(tg)); set_variation(eVariation(nt)); start_game(); } while(true) { int i, j, l, sym, rots, siz; color_t color; if(!scan(f, i, j, l, sym, rots, color, siz)) break; if(i == -1) break; if(siz < 0 || siz > 1000) break; if(i >= 4) { if(i < 8) patterns::whichPattern = patterns::ePattern("xxxxfpzH"[i]); patterns::subpattern_flags = 0; i = 3; } initShape(i, j); println(hlog, "shape ", tie(i, j), " layer ", l); usershapelayer& ds(usershapes[i][j]->d[l]); if(f.vernum >= 0xA608) scan(f, ds.zlevel); ds.shift = readHyperpoint(f); ds.spin = readHyperpoint(f); ds.list.clear(); for(int i=0; i= 0xA0A0) println(f, spaced(geometry, int(variation), patterns::whichPattern, patterns::subpattern_flags)); for(int i=0; id[l].list)) { usershapelayer& ds(us->d[l]); println(f, spaced(i, usp.first, l, ds.sym, ds.rots, ds.color, int(isize(ds.list)))); print(f, spaced(ds.zlevel), " "); writeHyperpoint(f, ds.shift); writeHyperpoint(f, ds.spin); println(f); for(int i=0; i> 8) | ((dtcolor & 0xFF) << 24); hr::ignore(tcolor); if(uni == '-') { if(mousekey == 'g') { hyperpoint mh1 = inverse_shift(drawtrans, mh); if(hdist(ccenter, mh1) > 1e-6) coldcenter = ccenter, ccenter = mh1; holdmouse = true; } else if(mousekey == 'e') { dt_erase(mh); } else if(mousekey == 'l' || mousekey == 'c' || mousekey == 'T') { if(!holdmouse) lstart = mh, lstartcell = mouseover, lstart_rel = inverse_shift(ggmatrix(mouseover), lstart), holdmouse = true; } #if CAP_TEXTURE else if(intexture) { if(!holdmouse) texture::config.data.undoLock(); texture::drawPixel(mouseover, mh, tcolor); holdmouse = true; lstartcell = NULL; } #endif else { dt_add_free(mh); holdmouse = true; } } if(sym == PSEUDOKEY_RELEASE) { printf("release\n"); #if CAP_TEXTURE if(mousekey == 'l' && intexture) { texture::config.data.undoLock(); texture::where = mouseover; texture::drawPixel(mouseover, mh, tcolor); texture::drawLine(mh, lstart, tcolor); lstartcell = NULL; } else #endif if(mousekey == 'l') { dt_add_line(mh, lstart, 10); lstartcell = NULL; } #if CAP_TEXTURE else if(mousekey == 'c' && intexture) { texture::config.data.undoLock(); ld rad = hdist(lstart, mh); int circp = int(1 + 3 * (circlelength(rad) / dtwidth)); if(circp > 1000) circp = 1000; shiftmatrix T = rgpushxto0(lstart); texture::where = lstartcell; for(int i=0; i= 1000 && uni < 1010) dtcolor = texture_colors[uni - 1000 + 1]; if(uni >= 2000 && uni < 2010) dtwidth = brush_sizes[uni - 2000]; if(uni == 'f') { if(dtfill == dtcolor) dtfill = 0; else dtfill = dtcolor; } } } auto hooks = addHook(hooks_clearmemory, 0, [] () { if(mapeditor::painttype == 4) mapeditor::painttype = 0, mapeditor::paintwhat = 0, mapeditor::paintwhat_str = "clear monster"; mapeditor::copysource.at = NULL; mapeditor::undo.clear(); if(!cheater) patterns::displaycodes = false; if(!cheater) patterns::whichShape = 0; modelcell.clear(); mapeditor::dtshapes.clear(); dt_finish(); drawcell = nullptr; }) + addHook(hooks_removecells, 0, [] () { modelcell.clear(); set_if_removed(mapeditor::copysource.at, NULL); }); #endif EX void initdraw(cell *c) { #if CAP_EDIT mapeditor::drawcell = c; ew.c = c; ew.rotid = 0; ew.symid = 0; ew.pointid = -1; ew.side = 0; ewsearch = ew; ccenter = coldcenter = C0; #endif } transmatrix textrans; EX void queue_hcircle(shiftmatrix Ctr, ld radius) { vector pts; int circp = int(6 * pow(2, vid.linequality)); if(radius > 0.04) circp *= 2; if(radius > .1) circp *= 2; for(int j=0; jtype; i += sih.symmetries) { shiftmatrix M2 = V * applyPatterndir(c, sih) * spin(TAU * i / c->type); if(j) M2 = M2 * Mirror; switch(holdmouse ? mousekey : 'd') { case 'c': queue_hcircle(M2 * ml, hdist(lstart, mouseh)); break; case 'l': queueline(M2 * mh * C0, M2 * ml * C0, dtcolor, 4 + vid.linequality, PPR::LINE); break; default: queue_hcircle(M2 * mh, dtwidth); } } } } #endif #if CAP_POLY EX bool drawUserShape(const shiftmatrix& V, eShapegroup group, int id, color_t color, cell *c, PPR prio IS(PPR::DEFAULT)) { #if !CAP_EDIT return false; #else // floors handled separately if(c && c == drawcell && editingShape(group, id) && group != sgFloor) drawtrans = V; usershape *us = usershapes[group][id]; if(us) { cgi.require_usershapes(); for(int i=0; id[i]); hpcshape& sh(cgi.ushr[&ds]); if(sh.s != sh.e) { shiftmatrix V1 = GDIM == 3 ? V : orthogonal_move(V, ds.zlevel); auto& last = queuepolyat(V1, sh, ds.color ? ds.color : color, prio); if(GDIM == 3) { last.tinf = &user_triangles_texture; last.offset_texture = ds.texture_offset; } } } } if(cmode & sm::DRAW) { if(c == drawcell && EDITING_TRIANGLES && mapeditor::editingShape(group, id)) { if(!us) return false; usershapelayer &ds(us->d[mapeditor::dslayer]); for(int i=0; id[mapeditor::dslayer]); shiftpoint moh = full_mouseh(); hyperpoint mh = inverse_shift(mapeditor::drawtrans, moh); for(int a=0; a=0 && id