namespace reps { constexpr int test_dim = 3; constexpr bool in_hyperbolic = true; int edges, valence; void prepare_tests() { hr::start_game(); if(MDIM != test_dim) throw hr::hr_exception("fix your dimension"); if(!(in_hyperbolic ? hyperbolic : sphere)) throw hr::hr_exception("fix your geometry"); if(hr::variation != hr::eVariation::pure) throw hr::hr_exception("fix your variation"); if(quotient) throw hr::hr_exception("fix your quotient"); if(test_dim == 4) { if(cginf.tiling_name != "{4,3,5}") throw hr::hr_exception("only {4,3,5} implemented in 3D"); edges = 4; valence = 5; } else { edges =>type; bool ok; valence = hr::get_valence(, 1, ok); } } struct data { using Number = hr::ld; static constexpr int Dim = test_dim; static constexpr int Flipped = in_hyperbolic ? test_dim-1 : -1; }; struct countdata { using Number = countfloat; static constexpr int Dim = data::Dim; static constexpr int Flipped = data::Flipped; }; struct bigdata { using Number = big; static constexpr int Dim = data::Dim; static constexpr int Flipped = data::Flipped; }; using good = rep_linear_nn; int debug; // 0 -- never, 1 -- only errors, 2 -- always vector randomwalk(std::mt19937& gen, cell *from, int dist) { vector res = { from }; while(celldistance(from, res.back()) < dist) { int i = gen() % res.back()->type; res.push_back(res.back()->cmove(i)); } return res; } template N rand01(std::mt19937& gen) { return N(((gen() & HRANDMAX) | 1) / (HRANDMAX+1.)); } vector random_return(std::mt19937& gen, cell *from, cell *to, ld peq, ld pbad) { vector res = { from }; ld d = celldistance(to, from); while(to != res.back()) { int i = gen() % res.back()->type; cell *r1 = res.back()->cmove(i); ld d1 = celldistance(to, r1); bool ok = d1 < d ? true : d1 == d ? rand01(gen) < peq : rand01(gen) < pbad; if(ok) { res.push_back(r1); d = d1; } } return res; } vector vrev(vector a) { reverse(a.begin(), a.end()); return a; } vector vcon(vector a, vector b) { for(auto bi: b) a.push_back(bi); return a; } template N edge_of_triangle_with_angles(N alpha, N beta, N gamma) { N of = (cos(alpha) + cos(beta) * cos(gamma)) / (sin(beta) * sin(gamma)); if(hyperbolic) return acosh(of); return acos(of); } template N get_edgelen() { N beta = get_deg(360)/valence; return edge_of_triangle_with_angles (beta, get_deg(180)/edges, get_deg(180)/edges); } template typename T::isometry cpush(int c, typename T::data::Number distance) { return T::lorentz(c, T::data::Dim-1, distance); } template struct cube_rotation_data_t { std::vector> mapping; }; template cube_rotation_data_t cube_rotation_data; template cube_rotation_data_t& build_cube_rotation() { auto& crd = cube_rotation_data; auto& crdm = crd.mapping; // using N = typename T::data::Number; if(crdm.empty()) { crdm.emplace_back(hr::Id, T::id()); for(int i=0; i(90)))); if(is_new) crdm.emplace_back(U, T::apply(crdm[i].second, T::cspin90(j, k))); } if(isize(crdm) != 24) { println(hlog, "the number of rotations found: ", isize(crdm)); throw hr::hr_exception("wrong number of rotations"); } } return crd; } template U apply_move(cell *a, cell *b, U to) { if(a == b) return to; using N = typename T::data::Number; if constexpr(test_dim == 4) { auto& crdm = build_cube_rotation().mapping; int ida = neighborId(a, b); auto M = hr::currentmap->adj(a, ida); for(int i0=0; i0(0, get_edgelen()), to); to = T::apply(crdm[i0].second, to); return to; } println(hlog, "tessf = ", hr::cgip->tessf); println(hlog, "len = ", get_edgelen()); throw hr::hr_exception("rotation not found"); } int ida = neighborId(a, b); int idb = neighborId(b, a); auto P1 = T::cspin(0, 1, idb * get_deg(360) / edges); to = T::apply(P1, to); auto P2 = cpush(0, get_edgelen()); to = T::apply(P2, to); auto P3 = T::cspin(1, 0, get_deg(180) + ida * get_deg(360) / edges); to = T::apply(P3, to); return to; } template U apply_path(vector path, U to) { for(int i=hr::isize(path)-2; i>=0; i--) to = apply_move (path[i], path[i+1], to); return to; } template double test_sanity(int i) { hr::indenter in(2); ld d1 = 1.25, d2 = 1.5; typename good::point gp = good::center(); gp = good::apply(cpush(0, d1), gp); gp = good::apply(cpush(1, d2), gp); gp = good::apply(good::cspin(0, 1, get_deg(72)), gp); typename T::point p = T::center(); p = T::apply(cpush(0, d1), p); p = T::apply(cpush(1, d2), p); p = T::apply(T::cspin(0, 1, get_deg(72)), p); double res = 0; #define ADD(x, y) if(debug) println(hlog, "VS ", x, ",", y); res += pow( double(x-y), 2); #define ADDA(x, y) if(debug) println(hlog, "VS ", x, ",", y); res += pow( cyclefix_on(double(x-y)), 2); if(debug) println(hlog, "p=", T::print(p)); ADD(T::get_coord(p, 0), good::get_coord(gp, 0)); ADD(T::get_coord(p, 1), good::get_coord(gp, 1)); ADD(T::get_coord(p, 2), good::get_coord(gp, 2)); ADD(T::dist0(p), good::dist0(gp)); ADDA(T::angle(p), good::angle(gp)); return res; } template double test_consistency(int i) { double res = 0; using D = typename T::data; auto a = cpush(0, 1); auto b = cpush(1, 1); auto c = cpush(0, 1); auto s = T::apply(T::apply(a, b), c); auto sp = T::apply(s, T::center()); auto s1 = T::apply(a, T::apply(b, c)); auto sp1 = T::apply(s1, T::center()); auto sp2 = T::apply(a, T::apply(b, T::apply(c, T::center()))); ADD(T::dist0(sp), T::dist0(sp1)); ADD(T::dist0(sp), T::dist0(sp2)); for(int i=0; i double test_tba(int id) { std::mt19937 testr; testr.seed(id); for(int i=0; itype; i++) { vector p = {,>cmove(i),}; auto h = apply_path(p, T::center()); if(debug == 2) println(hlog, "i=", hr::lalign(3, i), " h = ", T::print(h), " distance =", T::dist0(h)); if(T::dist0(h) >= 0 && T::dist0(h) < 0.1) continue; exit(1); } return 999; } template double test_loop_point(int id) { std::mt19937 testr; testr.seed(id); for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { auto p1 = randomwalk(testr,, i); auto p2 = random_return(testr, p1.back(),, 1/16., 1/32.); auto p = vcon(p1, p2); if(debug == 2) println(hlog, "path = ", p); auto h = apply_path(vrev(p), T::center()); if(debug == 2) println(hlog, "i=", hr::lalign(3, i), " h = ", T::print(h), " distance =", T::dist0(h)); if(T::dist0(h) >= 0 && T::dist0(h) < 0.1) continue; return i; } return 999; } template double test_loop_iso(int id) { std::mt19937 testr; testr.seed(id); for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { auto p1 = randomwalk(testr,, i); auto p2 = random_return(testr, p1.back(),, 1/16., 1/32.); auto p = vcon(p1, p2); if(debug == 2) println(hlog, "path = ", p); auto h = apply_path(vrev(p), T::id()); auto hr = T::apply(h, T::center()); // println(hlog, "i=", hr::lalign(3, i), " h=", hr); if(debug == 2) println(hlog, "i=", hr::lalign(3, i), " hr = ", T::print(hr), " distance = ", T::dist0(hr)); if(T::dist0(hr) >= 0 && T::dist0(hr) < 0.1) continue; if(debug == 1) println(hlog, "i=", hr::lalign(3, i), " hr = ", T::print(hr), " distance = ", T::dist0(hr)); return i; } return 999; } template vector repeat_test(const F& f, int qty) { vector res; for(int i=0; i typename T::isometry random_rotation(std::mt19937& testr) { using D = typename T::data; using N = typename D::Number; if(D::Dim == 3) { auto alpha = rand01(testr) * get_deg(360); return T::cspin(0, 1, alpha); } auto x = T::id(); for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { int c0 = testr() % (D::Dim-1); int c1 = testr() % (D::Dim-1); if(c0 == c1) continue; auto len = rand01(testr) * get_deg(360); x = T::apply(T::cspin(c0, c1, len), x); } return x; } template typename T::isometry random_iso(std::mt19937& testr) { auto x = T::id(); using D = typename T::data; using N = typename D::Number; for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { int c0 = testr() % D::Dim; int c1 = testr() % D::Dim; if(c0 == c1) continue; if(c0 == D::Flipped) std::swap(c0, c1); N len = c1 < D::Flipped ? rand01(testr) * get_deg(360) : (rand01(testr)-N(0.5)) * N(0.25); if(c1 == D::Flipped) x = T::apply(T::lorentz(c0, c1, len), x); else x = T::apply(T::cspin(c0, c1, len), x); } return x; } template std::string test_count(int id) { std::mt19937 testr; testr.seed(id); hr::shstream out; auto A = random_iso(testr); auto B = random_iso(testr); auto C = random_iso(testr); auto P = T::apply(C, T::center()); for(int i=0; i<9; i++) { counts.clear(); for(auto& i: cbc) i = 0; std::string s; switch(i) { case 0: s = "spin"; T::cspin(0, 1, countfloat(.5)); break; case 1: s = "L0"; T::lorentz(0, T::data::Dim-1, countfloat(.5)); break; case 2: s = "L1"; T::lorentz(1, T::data::Dim-1, countfloat(.5)); break; case 3: s = "ip"; T::apply(A, P); break; case 4: s = "ii"; T::apply(A, B); break; case 5: s = "d0"; T::dist0(P); break; case 6: s = "angle"; T::angle(P); break; case 7: s = "inverse"; T::inverse(A); break; case 8: s = "push"; T::push(P); break; } if(i) print(out, " "); if(1) { print(out, s, "("); bool nsp = false; for(int i=1; i<5; i++) if(cbc[i]) { if(nsp) print(out, " "); print(out, cbc[i], hr::s0+".AMDF"[i]); nsp = true; } print(out, ")"); } } return out.s; } template bool closeto(A a, B b) { return abs(a-b) < 0.1; } template bool closeto_angle(A a, B b) { return abs(cyclefix_on(double(a-b))) < 0.1; } template double test_angledist(int id) { std::mt19937 testr; testr.seed(id); for(int i=1; i<1000; i += (1 + i/5)) { auto p = randomwalk(testr,, i); auto h = apply_path(vrev(p), T::center()); auto gh = apply_path(vrev(p), good::center()); if(debug == 2) { println(hlog, "good: ", good::print(gh), " dist = ", good::dist0(gh), " angle = ", good::angle(gh)); println(hlog, "test: ", T::print(h), " dist = ", T::dist0(h), " angle = ", T::angle(h), " [i=", i, "]"); } if(closeto(good::dist0(gh), T::dist0(h)) && closeto_angle(good::angle(gh), T::angle(h))) continue; if(debug == 1) { println(hlog, "good: ", good::print(gh), " dist = ", good::dist0(gh), " angle = ", good::angle(gh)); println(hlog, "test: ", T::print(h), " dist = ", T::dist0(h), " angle = ", T::angle(h), " [i=", i, "]"); } return i; } return 999; } #define TEST_VARIANTS(x,D,q,t,rn, r) \ nm = nmInvariant; println(hlog, rn, "invariant: ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ nm = nmForced; println(hlog, rn, "forced : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ nm = nmWeak; println(hlog, rn, "weak : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ nm = nmFlatten; println(hlog, rn, "flatten : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ nm = nmCareless; println(hlog, rn, "careless : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ nm = nmBinary; println(hlog, rn, "binary : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); /* #define TEST_ALL(x,D,q,t) \ println(hlog, "HyperRogue: ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ polar_mod = polar_choose = false; println(hlog, "high polar: ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ if(test_dim == 3) { polar_mod = polar_choose = false; println(hlog, "low polar : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); } */ // println(hlog, "HyperRogue : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); #define TEST_ALL(x,D,q,t) \ fix_matrices = true; TEST_VARIANTS(x,D,q,t,"linear+F ", rep_linear) \ fix_matrices = false; TEST_VARIANTS(x,D,q,t,"linear-F ", rep_linear) \ TEST_VARIANTS(x,D,q,t,"mixed ", rep_mixed) \ TEST_VARIANTS(x,D,q,t,"Clifford ", rep_clifford) \ nm = nmFlatten; println(hlog, "Clifford gyro : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ nm = nmInvariant; println(hlog, "halfplane invariant: ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ polar_choose = false; println(hlog, "polar basic : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ polar_choose = true; println(hlog, "polar improved : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ if(test_dim == 3) { \ polar_mod = false; polar_choose = false; println(hlog, "polar F/F : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ polar_mod = false; polar_choose = true; println(hlog, "polar F/T : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ polar_mod = true; polar_choose = false; println(hlog, "polar T/F : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ polar_mod = true; polar_choose = true; println(hlog, "polar T/T : ", repeat_test(x>, q)); \ } template double test_distances(int id, int a) { std::mt19937 testr; testr.seed(id); using N = typename T::data::Number; for(int i=1; i<1000; i ++) { auto R = random_rotation(testr); auto dif = exp(N(-1) * i) + get_deg(a); auto p1 = T::apply(T::apply(R, cpush(0, N(i))), T::center()); auto p2 = T::apply(T::apply(R, T::apply(T::cspin(0, 1, dif), cpush(0, N(i)))), T::center()); auto pd = T::apply(T::inverse(T::push(p1)), p2); auto d = T::dist0(pd); // for good we do not need R actually auto gp1 = good::apply(cpush(0, N(i)), good::center()); auto gp2 = good::apply(good::apply(good::cspin(0, 1, dif), cpush(0, N(i))), good::center()); auto gd = good::dist0(good::apply(good::inverse(good::push(gp1)), gp2)); if(debug == 2) println(hlog, T::print(p1), " ... ", T::print(p2), " = ", T::print(pd), " d=", d, " [i=", i, " dif=", dif, "]"); if(closeto(d, gd)) continue; return i; } return 999; } template double test_similarity(int id) { return test_distances(id, 0); } template double test_dissimilarity(int id) { return test_distances(id, 180); } template double test_other(int id) { return test_distances(id, 1); } template double test_walk(int id) { std::mt19937 testr; testr.seed(id); ld step = 1/16.; // mover-relative to cell-relative auto R0 = random_rotation(testr); cell *c0 =; auto R1 = T::apply(R0, cpush(0, step/2)); cell *c1 =; int i = 0; int lastchange = 0; while(i< lastchange + 1000 && i < 10000 && celldistance(c0, c1) < 3) { // println(hlog, "iteration ", i, " in ", c0, " vs ", c1); auto rebase = [&] (typename T::isometry& R, cell*& c, int id) { ld d = T::dist0(T::apply(R, T::center())); for(int dir=0; dirtype; dir++) { cell *altc = c->cmove(dir); auto altR = apply_move(altc, c, R); ld altd = T::dist0(T::apply(altR, T::center())); if(altd < d + 1/256.) { R = altR; c = altc; lastchange = i; return; } } }; R0 = T::apply(R0, cpush(0, step)); rebase(R0, c0, 0); R1 = T::apply(R1, cpush(0, step)); rebase(R1, c1, 1); i++; } return i; } template double test_close(int id) { std::mt19937 testr; testr.seed(id); cell *c =; int phase = 0; auto p0 = T::apply(cpush(0, 1/8.), T::center()); auto p = p0; int steps = 0; const int maxdist = id + 1; int errors = 0; while(steps < 10000) { int d = testr() % c->type; cell *c1 = c->cmove(d); bool do_move = false; switch(phase) { case 0: /* always move */ do_move = true; if(celldistance(c1, == maxdist) phase = 1; break; case 1: /* move only towards the center */ int d0 = celldistance(c,; int d1 = celldistance(c1,; do_move = d1 < d0; if(d1 == 0) phase = 0; break; } if(do_move) { p = apply_move(c1, c, p); c = c1; steps++; if(debug == 2) println(hlog, "dist = ", celldistance(c,, " dist = ", T::dist0(p)); if(c == { auto d = T::dist0(p); auto a = T::angle(p); if(!closeto(d, 1/8.) || !closeto_angle(a, 0)) { errors++; phase = 0; c =; p = p0; } } } } return errors; } void run_all_tests() { prepare_tests(); // println(hlog, "test_sanity"); TEST_ALL(test_sanity, data, 1, ld); // println(hlog, "test_consistency"); TEST_ALL(test_consistency, data, 1, ld); println(hlog, "test_loop_iso"); TEST_ALL(test_loop_iso, data, 20, int); println(hlog, "test_loop_point"); TEST_ALL(test_loop_point, data, 20, int); println(hlog, "test_angledist"); TEST_ALL(test_angledist, data, 3, int); println(hlog, "test_similarity"); TEST_ALL(test_similarity, data, 20, int); println(hlog, "test_dissimilarity"); TEST_ALL(test_dissimilarity, data, 20, int); println(hlog, "test_other"); TEST_ALL(test_other, data, 20, int); println(hlog, "test_walk"); TEST_ALL(test_walk, data, 20, int); println(hlog, "test_close"); TEST_ALL(test_close, data, 20, int); println(hlog, "test_count"); TEST_ALL(test_count, countdata, 1, std::string); } }