#include "../rogueviz.h" namespace nilrider { using namespace rogueviz; struct level; struct timestamp { hyperpoint where; /**< the current position of the unicycle */ ld heading_angle; /**< the current heading angle */ ld vel; /**< the current velocity in units per second */ ld circpos; /**< controls the wheel graphics */ ld slope; /**< the current slope */ ld t; /**< planning spline parameter */ flagtype collected_triangles; /**< a bitset which shows which triangles are collected */ flagtype achievements; /**< a bitset which shows which achievements are complete */ flagtype achflags; /**< a bitset which marks failed conducts, etc. */ bool tick(level*);/**< one tick of the simulation -- returns false if the unicycle has stopped or crashed */ void centerview(level*); void draw_unilcycle(const shiftmatrix&); void draw_instruments(ld t); ld energy_in_squares(); bool collect(level*); }; struct planpoint { hyperpoint at; hyperpoint vel; planpoint(hyperpoint a, hyperpoint v): at(a), vel(v) {}; }; constexpr flagtype nrlPolar = Flag(1); struct statue { transmatrix T; hpcshape *shape; color_t color; }; struct triangledata { int x, y; hyperpoint where; array colors; }; struct level { string name; char hotkey; string longdesc; flagtype flags; ld minx, miny, maxx, maxy; vector map_tiles; ld startx, starty; ld scale; std::function surface; bool initialized; level(string name, char hotkey, flagtype flags, string longdesc, ld minx, ld miny, ld maxx, ld maxy, const vector& mt, ld sx, ld sy, const std::function& surf) : name(name), hotkey(hotkey), longdesc(longdesc), flags(flags), minx(minx), miny(miny), maxx(maxx), maxy(maxy), map_tiles(mt), startx(sx), starty(sy), surface(surf) { initialized = false; } ld real_minx, real_miny, real_maxx, real_maxy; /* data */ hpcshape shFloor; /**< the 3D model of floor */ hpcshape shPlanFloor; /**< the 3D model of floor for planning */ hpcshape shField; /**< the 3D model of the 'field' */ hpcshape shCastle; /**< the 3D model of the 'castle' */ vector statues; vector triangles; /** the texture data used for the ground */ texture::texture_data *unil_texture; /** the texture used for the ground */ basic_textureinfo uniltinf; /** the texture used for the ground */ basic_textureinfo castle_tinf; /** starting timestamp */ timestamp start; /** current timestamp */ timestamp current; /** initialize textures and start */ void init(); vector history; /** plan for the planning mode */ vector plan; void init_plan(); bool simulate(); void draw_planning_screen(); void draw_level(const shiftmatrix& V); shiftmatrix plan_transform; hyperpoint get_spline(ld t); hyperpoint mappt(ld x, ld y, int s); ld safe_alt(hyperpoint h, ld mul = 1, ld mulx = 1); void compute_plan_transform(); bool handle_planning(int sym, int uni); }; /** ticks per second */ inline const ld tps = 1000; /** wheel radius */ inline ld whrad = 0.05; /** epsilon used to measure slope */ inline ld slope_eps = 0.01; /** gravity acceleration constant, in units per second squared */ inline ld gravity = 1 / 16.; /** the distance of camera from the wheel */ inline ld whdist = 0.5; /** minimum slope for rendering */ inline ld min_gfx_slope = +M_PI/2; /** current slope for rendering */ inline ld gfx_slope = 0; /** the timer */ inline ld timer = 0; /** default block unit */ inline double dft_block = 1; extern map bcols; extern map > submaps; hyperpoint sym_to_heis(hyperpoint H); }