#include "rogueviz.h" // a quick generator for the map used here: https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1423663341944377345 // options used: // https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1423663341944377345 // -fix -ch -noplayer -smart 1 -symbol 3^7 -7 -canvas-random 0 -weirdmaze 2 -ray-reflect .1 -switch-fpp -shot-fhd -ray-do -ray-cells 16384 -gfake 6 depth=.25 wall_height=.5 -smoothcam // https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1423663397401501698 // -fix -ch -noplayer -smart 1 -symbol 3^7 -7 -canvas-random 0 -weirdmaze 2 -ray-reflect .1 -switch-fpp -shot-fhd -ray-do -ray-cells 16384 -gfake 6 depth=1 wall_height=1 -smoothcam -ray-dont -gfake 7 -smoothcam "fixed_YZ=0" "draw_sky=0" -tstep 16 -noshadow -shot-1000 -run wall_height=2 -run wall_height=1..2 -animvideo 600 animated-fpp.mp4 // https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1423663473377038341 // -fix -ch -noplayer -smart 1 -symbol 3^7 -7 -canvas-random 0 -weirdmaze 2 -ray-reflect .1 -switch-fpp -ray-do -ray-cells 16384 -gfake 6.9 depth=.25 wall_height=.5 -run -gfake 6.1 -run -gfake "7../0..6.01../0..|6.01../0..7../0" "depth=fake_edgelength" "wall_height=2*fake_edgelength" -shot-fhd -fov 110 -run -animvideo 600 animated-curvature.mp4 // most other scenes change the "weirdmaze" parameter (the number of filles tiles at every corner) // (includes manual movement) namespace rogueviz { namespace weirdmaze { int atleast = 1; set<cell*> visited; bool restrict(cell *c, const shiftmatrix& V) { if(atleast == -1) { c->wall = c->type == 3 ? waWaxWall : waNone; return false; } if(visited.count(c)) return false; visited.insert(c); for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cellwalker cw(c, i); cellwalker cw0 = cw; int q = 0; int walls = 0; vector<cellwalker> unknown; do { q++; cw += wstep; cw++; if(cw.at->wall == waWaxWall) walls++; if(!visited.count(cw.at)) unknown.push_back(cw); } while(cw != cw0); if(walls == 0 && isize(unknown) == atleast) { if(atleast == 2) { cw = unknown[0]; cw0 = cw; do { visited.insert(cw.at); cw.at->wall = waWaxWall; cw += wstep; cw--; } while(cw != cw0); } if(atleast > 2) { cw = unknown[0]; vector<cellwalker> lst; for(int i=0; i<200; i++) { lst.push_back(cw); if(gmod(i, atleast-1) == (atleast-2)) { cw += wstep; cw--; } else { cw += wstep; cw++; } } cw = unknown[0]; for(int i=-1; i>=-200; i--) { if(gmod(i, atleast-1) == (atleast-2)) { cw++; cw += wstep; } else { cw--; cw += wstep; } lst.push_back(cw); } int fil = 0; for(auto w: lst) if(visited.count(w.at)) fil++; if(fil == 0) { for(auto cw: lst) { visited.insert(cw.at); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) visited.insert((cw+i).cpeek()); cw.at->wall = waWaxWall; } } } if(atleast == 1) { unknown[0].at->wall = waWaxWall; println(hlog, "added at ", unknown[0].at, " from ", c); visited.insert(unknown[0].at); } } } return false; } void enable() { using namespace arg; shift(); atleast = argi(); visited.clear(); rv_hook(hooks_drawcell, 100, restrict); } auto plyhook = arg::add3("-weirdmaze", enable); } }