namespace nilrider { hyperpoint get_spline(ld t); level *layer_edited; bool level::simulate() { loaded_or_planned = true; if(history.empty()) history.push_back(start); auto at = history.back(); if(at.t >= isize(plan) - 1.001) return false; ld goal_t; if(at.on_surface && isize(history) >= 2 && !history[isize(history)-2].on_surface) { int index = ceil(history[isize(history)-2].t)+1; if(index >= isize(plan)) { return false; } plan[index].at = at.where; history.back().t = at.t = index; if(index == isize(plan) - 1) return false; } if(at.on_surface) { int steps = 20; ld min_t, max_t; if(isize(history) == 1) { steps = 60; min_t = at.t; max_t = at.t + 0.5; } else { ld ldiff = history.back().t - history[history.size() - 2].t; min_t = at.t; max_t = min(at.t + ldiff + .1, isize(plan)-1); } auto f = [&] (ld t) { hyperpoint h = get_spline(t); auto copy = at; copy.heading_angle = atan2(h[1] - at.where[1], h[0] - at.where[0]); copy.tick(this); return sqhypot_d(2, copy.where-h); }; string seq = ""; for(int i=0; i > buttons = { {'p', "pan"}, {'a', "add"}, {'m', "move"}, {'i', "insert"}, {'d', "delete"}, {'l', "levels"} }; bool recompute_plan_transform = true; void level::compute_plan_transform() { dynamicval pm(pmodel, mdDisk); dynamicval g(geometry, gEuclid); dynamicval ga(vid.always3, false); dynamicval gi(ginf[gEuclid].g, giEuclid2); auto& cd = current_display; auto sId = shiftless(Id); ld pix = 1 / (2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf); ld scale_x = (vid.xres - 2 * vid.fsize) / abs(real_maxx-real_minx); ld scale_y = (vid.yres - 2 * vid.fsize) / abs(real_maxy-real_miny); ld scale = min(scale_x, scale_y); plan_transform = sId * atscreenpos(cd->xcenter, cd->ycenter, pix * scale) * eupush(-(real_minx+real_maxx)/2, (real_miny+real_maxy)/2) * MirrorY; } bool restored = false; int plan_precision = 50; void level::draw_planning_screen() { if(just_refreshing) return; restored = true; if(inHighQual) { new_levellines_for = mousept = current.where; } curlev->init_textures(); for(auto lay: gen_layer_list()) lay->init_textures(); dynamicval g(geometry, gEuclid); dynamicval pm(pmodel, mdDisk); dynamicval ga(vid.always3, false); dynamicval gi(ginf[gEuclid].g, giEuclid2); check_cgi(); cgi.require_shapes(); for(auto lay: gen_layer_list()) lay->init_shapes(); initquickqueue(); if(recompute_plan_transform) { compute_plan_transform(); recompute_plan_transform = false; } auto& T = plan_transform; auto scr_to_map = [&] (hyperpoint h) { transmatrix mousef = inverse(unshift(T)) * atscreenpos(h[0], h[1], 1); h = mousef * C0; h /= h[2]; return h; }; if(!inHighQual) mousept = scr_to_map(hpxy(mousex, mousey)); box = inHighQual ? scr_to_map(hpxy(10, 0))[0] - scr_to_map(hpxy(0,0))[0] : scr_to_map(hpxy(mousex + 5, mousey))[0] - mousept[0]; auto draw_layer = [&] (level *l, color_t col) { auto& p = queuepolyat(T, l->shPlanFloor, col, PPR::FLOOR); p.tinf = &l->uniltinf; l->uniltinf.texture_id = l->unil_texture_levels->textureid; }; bool layer_found = false; auto layers = gen_layer_list(); for(auto l: layers) { if(l == layer_edited) layer_found = true; else draw_layer(l, 0x808080FF); } if(!layer_found) layer_edited = this; draw_layer(layer_edited, 0xFFFFFFFF); auto draw_sq = [&] (hyperpoint h, color_t col, PPR prio) { curvepoint(hpxy(h[0]+box, h[1]+box)); curvepoint(hpxy(h[0]+box, h[1]-box)); curvepoint(hpxy(h[0]-box, h[1]-box)); curvepoint(hpxy(h[0]-box, h[1]+box)); curvepoint(hpxy(h[0]+box, h[1]+box)); queuecurve(T, 0xFF, col, prio); }; auto draw_line = [&] (hyperpoint h1, hyperpoint h2, color_t col, PPR prio) { curvepoint(hpxy(h1[0], h1[1])); curvepoint(hpxy(h2[0], h2[1])); queuecurve(T, col, 0, prio); }; if(levellines_for[3]) draw_sq(levellines_for, 0xFFC0FFFF, PPR::ITEM); /* draw the plan */ for(auto& pp: plan) { draw_sq( - pp.vel, 0xFF8080FF, PPR::ITEM); draw_sq( + pp.vel, 0x80FF80FF, PPR::ITEM); draw_sq(, 0xFFFF00FF, PPR::ITEM); draw_line( - pp.vel, + pp.vel, 0x80, PPR::BFLOOR); } if(history.empty()) history.push_back(start); vid.linewidth *= 3; int ps = isize(plan); for(int t=0; t<=100*(ps-1); t++) { hyperpoint h = get_spline(t / 100.); curvepoint(hpxy(h[0], h[1])); } queuecurve(T, 0xFF8080C0, 0, PPR::LIZEYE); vid.linewidth /= 3; closest_t = history.back().t; ld closest_dist = box * 2; current = history.back(); vid.linewidth *= 3; level *current_surface = this; auto surface_color = [&] () -> color_t { if(current_surface == layer_edited) return 0xFFFFFFFF; if(current_surface) return 0x101010FF; return 0xFF00FFFF; }; for(int i=0; i g(geometry, gEuclid); plan_transform.T = atscreenpos(mousex, mousey, 1.2) * inverse(atscreenpos(mousex, mousey, 1)) * plan_transform.T; return true; } if(sym == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELDOWN || sym == SDLK_PAGEDOWN) { dynamicval g(geometry, gEuclid); plan_transform.T = atscreenpos(mousex, mousey, 1) * inverse(atscreenpos(mousex, mousey, 1.2)) * plan_transform.T; return true; } for(auto& b: buttons) if(uni == b.first) { if(uni == 'l' && planmode == 'l') new_levellines_for[3] = 0; planmode = uni; return true; } auto clean_history_to = [&] (int i) { while(history.size() > 1 && history.back().t > i) history.pop_back(); }; switch(planmode) { case 'p': if(uni == '-' && !holdmouse) { mousept_drag = mousept; holdmouse = true; return true; } else if(uni == '-' && holdmouse) { dynamicval g(geometry, gEuclid); if(restored) plan_transform.T = plan_transform.T * eupush(mousept-mousept_drag); restored = false; return true; } return false; case 'a': if(uni == '-' && !holdmouse) { plan.emplace_back(mousept, hpxy(0, 0)); holdmouse = true; return true; } else if(uni == '-' && holdmouse) { plan.back().vel = mousept - plan.back().at; return true; } return false; case 'm': case 'd': { if(!holdmouse) { ld len = box * 2; move_id = -1; auto check = [&] (hyperpoint h, int id, int dir) { ld d = sqhypot_d(2, h - mousept); if(d < len) { len = d; move_id = id; move_dir = dir; } }; int next_id = 0; for(auto p: plan) { check( + p.vel, next_id, 1); check( - p.vel, next_id, -1); check(, next_id, 0); next_id++; } } if(uni == '-' && planmode == 'd' && move_id > 0) { plan.erase(plan.begin() + move_id); clean_history_to(move_id - 1); return true; } else if(uni == '-' && planmode == 'm' && (move_id + move_dir * move_dir > 0) && !holdmouse) { holdmouse = true; println(hlog, "moving ", tie(move_id, move_dir)); return true; } else if(uni == '-' && planmode == 'm' && holdmouse) { println(hlog, "moving further ", tie(move_id, move_dir)); if(move_dir == 0) plan[move_id].at = mousept; else plan[move_id].vel = move_dir * (mousept - plan[move_id].at); println(hlog, "set to ", tie(plan[move_id].at, plan[move_id].vel)); clean_history_to(move_id - 1); return true; } return false; } case 'i': { if(uni == '-' && !holdmouse) { planpoint pt(C0, C0); = get_spline(closest_t); pt.vel = hpxy(0, 0); plan.insert(plan.begin() + int(ceil(closest_t)), pt); move_id = int(ceil(closest_t)); holdmouse = true; clean_history_to(int(closest_t)); return true; } else if(uni == '-' && holdmouse) { plan[move_id].vel = mousept - plan[move_id].at; clean_history_to(move_id - 1); } return false; } case 'l': { if(uni == '-') { new_levellines_for = mousept; new_levellines_for[2] = surface(new_levellines_for); holdmouse = true; return true; } return false; } default: return false; } } }