// Hyperbolic Rogue // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details // Yendor Quest, together with the Yendor Challenge // also, the Pure Tactics Mode and the Peace Mode namespace hr { namespace peace { extern bool on; } int hiitemsMax(eItem it) { int mx = 0; for(auto& a: hiitems) if(a.second[it] > mx) mx = a.second[it]; return mx; } int modecode(); typedef vector > subscoreboard; void displayScore(subscoreboard& s, int x) { int vf = min((vid.yres-64) / 70, vid.xres/80); if(get_sync_status() == 1) { displayfr(x, 56, 1, vf, "(syncing)", 0xC0C0C0, 0); } else { sort(s.begin(), s.end()); for(int i=0; i> bestscore; eLand nexttostart; #define LAND_YENDOR_CHAOS 41 yendorlevel levels[YENDORLEVELS] = { {laNone, 0}, {laHell, YF_DEAD}, // FORCE BARRIERS? {laGraveyard, YF_DEAD5}, {laDesert, YF_NEAR_IVY}, // IVY OR TENTACLE? {laMinefield, YF_END}, // NOT WON, SEEMS OKAY {laEmerald, 0}, // WON FINE {laOvergrown, 0}, // WON, TOO EASY? {laMotion, YF_START_AL | YF_END}, // NOT WON, SEEMS OKAY {laAlchemist, 0}, // ALMOST WON {laIvoryTower,YF_START_CR | YF_NEAR_ELEM | YF_REPEAT}, // won cool {laMirrorOld, YF_NEAR_OVER}, // OK {laWhirlpool, 0}, // cool {laIce, YF_NEAR_ELEM}, // OK {laHive, YF_NEAR_RED}, // OK {laCaribbean, 0}, // seems OK {laOcean, YF_WALLS}, // well... stupid, add Caribbean/Fjord {laPalace, 0}, // more trapdoors! {laZebra, 0}, // TOO HARD? {laWineyard, 0}, // hard-ish {laStorms, 0}, // ? {laLivefjord, 0}, {laJungle, 0}, {laPower, YF_START_CR}, {laWildWest, 0}, {laWhirlwind, YF_NEAR_TENT}, {laHell, YF_CHAOS | YF_DEAD}, {laDragon, YF_DEAD}, {laReptile, 0}, {laTortoise, YF_RECALL}, {laCocytus, YF_NEAR_FJORD}, {laRuins, YF_DEAD}, {laCaves, YF_DEAD5} }; int tscorelast; void uploadScore() { int tscore = 0; for(int i=1; i tscorelast) { tscorelast = tscore; if(tscore >= 1000) achievement_gain("YENDC1", rg::global); if(tscore >= 5000) achievement_gain("YENDC2", rg::global); if(tscore >= 15000) achievement_gain("YENDC3", rg::global); } achievement_score(LB_YENDOR_CHALLENGE, tscore); } yendorlevel& clev() { return levels[challenge]; } eLand changeland(int i, eLand l) { if((clev().flags & YF_START_ANY) && i < 20 && l != clev().l) return clev().l; if((clev().flags & YF_END) && i > 80 && l == clev().l) return laIce; return laNone; } string name; eLand first, second, last; struct yendorinfo { cell *path[YDIST]; bool found; bool foundOrb; int howfar; cell* key() { return path[YDIST-1]; } cell* orb() { return path[0]; } }; vector yi; #define NOYENDOR 999999 int yii = NOYENDOR; int hardness() { if(peace::on) return 15; // just to generate monsters if(!yendor::generating && !yendor::path && !yendor::on) return 0; int thf = 0; for(int i=0; i 25) thf += (ye.howfar - 25); } thf -= 2 * (YDIST - 25); if(thf<0) thf = 0; return items[itOrbYendor] * 5 + (thf * 5) / (YDIST-25); } enum eState { ysUntouched, ysLocked, ysUnlocked }; eState state(cell *yendor) { for(int i=0; i= YDIST-1) { tot -= YDIST-1; nyi.path[i+1] = createMov(nyi.path[i], di); } else nyi.path[i+1] = createMov(nyi.path[i], dj); } } else { bool endorian_change = true; bool in_endorian = false; cellwalker lig(yendor, hrand(yendor->type)); for(int i=0; iland == laEndorian) in_endorian = true; else if(!isTechnicalLand(lig.c->land)) in_endorian = false; nyi.path[i] = lig.c; lig += wstep; if(inmirror(lig)) lig = mirror::reflect(lig); lig += 3; if(lig.c->type == 7) { if(in_endorian && endorian_change && i >= YDIST - 20) { // make the last leg a bit more difficult lig += (hrand(2)*3-1); endorian_change = false; } else lig += hrand(2); } } nyi.path[YDIST-1] = lig.c; } generating = true; for(int i=1; iland == laIvoryTower) continue; eLand ycl = changeland(i, c2->land); if(ishept(c2) && ycl) { int bd = 2 + hrand(2) * 3; // printf("barrier at %d\n", i); buildBarrier(c2, bd, ycl); if(c2->bardir != NODIR && c2->bardir != NOBARRIERS) extendBarrier(c2); } } } nyi.found = false; nyi.foundOrb = false; cell *key = nyi.path[YDIST-1]; generating = false; for(int b=10; b>=5; b--) setdist(key, b, nyi.path[YDIST-2]); for(int i=-1; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = i >= 0 ? key->mov[i] : key; checkTide(c2); c2->monst = moNone; c2->item = itNone; if(!passable(c2, NULL, P_MIRROR | P_MONSTER)) { if(c2->wall == waCavewall) c2->wall = waCavefloor; else if(c2->wall == waDeadwall) c2->wall = waDeadfloor2; else if(c2->wall == waLake) c2->wall = waFrozenLake; else if(c2->land == laCaribbean) c2->wall = waCIsland; else if(c2->land == laOcean) c2->wall = waCIsland; else if(c2->land == laRedRock) c2->wall = waRed3; else if(c2->land == laWhirlpool) c2->wall = waBoat, c2->monst = moPirate, c2->item = itOrbWater; else c2->wall = waNone; } if(c2->wall == waReptile) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waMineMine || c2->wall == waMineUnknown) c2->wall = waMineOpen; if(c2->wall == waTrapdoor && i == -1) c2->wall = waGargoyleFloor; if(c2->land == laLivefjord) { c2->wall = waSea; for(int i=0; itype; i++) c2->mov[i]->wall = waSea; } if(isGravityLand(c2->land) && key->land == c2->land && c2->landparam < key->landparam && c2->wall != waTrunk) c2->wall = waPlatform; if(c2->land == laReptile && i >= 0) c2->wall = waChasm; if(c2->land == laMirrorWall && i == -1) c2->wall = waNone; } key->item = itKey; yi.push_back(nyi); } addMessage(XLAT("You need to find the right Key to unlock this Orb of Yendor!")); if(yii != byi) { yii = byi; achievement_gain("YENDOR1"); playSound(yendor, "pickup-yendor"); return true; } return false; } void onpath() { path = false; if(yii < size(yi)) { for(int i=0; icpdist <= 7) { if(i > yi[yii].howfar) yi[yii].howfar = i; path = true; } } } void init(int phase) { if(!on) return; if(phase == 1) { won = false; if(!easy) items[itOrbYendor] = bestscore[modecode()][challenge]; chaosmode = (clev().flags & YF_CHAOS); specialland = clev().l; if(clev().flags & YF_START_AL) { specialland = laAlchemist; items[itElixir] = 50; items[itFeather] = 50; } if(specialland == laPower) items[itOrbSpeed] = 60, items[itOrbWinter] = 60; if(clev().flags & YF_START_CR) { specialland = laCrossroads; } if(specialland == laGraveyard) items[itBone] = 10; if(specialland == laEmerald) items[itEmerald] = 10; if(specialland == laCocytus) items[itFjord] = 10; if(!euclid) { if(clev().flags & YF_DEAD) items[itGreenStone] = 100; if(clev().flags & YF_DEAD5) items[itGreenStone] = 5; } if(clev().flags & YF_RECALL) { int yq = items[itOrbYendor]; items[itOrbRecall] = 60 - yq; items[itOrbTime] = 60 - yq; items[itOrbEnergy] = 60 - yq; items[itOrbTeleport] = 60 - yq; items[itOrbSpace] = 60 - yq; items[itOrbDash] = 60 - yq; items[itOrbFrog] = 60 - yq; } nexttostart = laNone; } if(phase == 2) { cell *c2 = cwt.c->mov[0]; c2->land = firstland; if(firstland == laRlyeh) c2->wall = waNone; yendor::check(c2); if(clev().flags & YF_NEAR_IVY) nexttostart = laJungle; if(clev().flags & YF_NEAR_FJORD) nexttostart = laLivefjord; if(clev().flags & YF_NEAR_TENT) nexttostart = laRlyeh; if(clev().flags & YF_NEAR_ELEM) { if(firstland == laIce) { nexttostart = laEWater; items[itWaterShard] = 10; } else nexttostart = laEAir; } if(clev().flags & YF_NEAR_OVER) nexttostart = laOvergrown; if(clev().flags & YF_NEAR_RED) { nexttostart = laRedRock; items[itRedGem] = 25; } if(clev().flags & YF_WALLS) { items[itPirate] += 25; items[itFjord] += 25; } if(clev().l == laWhirlpool) { items[itWhirlpool] += 10; items[itOrbWater] += 150; } } if(phase == 3) { cell *c2 = cwt.c->mov[0]; makeEmpty(c2); c2->item = itOrbYendor; nexttostart = laNone; if(clev().flags & YF_RECALL) recallCell = cwt.c; } } bool levelUnlocked(int i) { yendorlevel& ylev(levels[i]); eItem t = treasureType(ylev.l); if(ylev.l != laWildWest && hiitemsMax(t) < 10) return false; if((ylev.flags & YF_NEAR_ELEM) && hiitemsMax(itElemental) < 10) return false; if((ylev.flags & YF_NEAR_RED) && hiitemsMax(itRedGem) < 10) return false; if((ylev.flags & YF_NEAR_OVER) && hiitemsMax(itMutant) < 10) return false; if((ylev.flags & YF_NEAR_TENT) && hiitemsMax(itStatue) < 10) return false; if((ylev.flags & YF_NEAR_FJORD) && hiitemsMax(itFjord) < 10) return false; if((ylev.flags & YF_CHAOS) && !chaosUnlocked) return false; if((ylev.flags & (YF_DEAD|YF_DEAD5)) && hiitemsMax(itBone) < 10) return false; if((ylev.flags & YF_RECALL) && hiitemsMax(itSlime) < 10) return false; return true; } struct scoredata { string username; int scores[landtypes]; }; vector scoreboard; const char *chelp = "There are many possible solutions to the Yendor Quest. In the Yendor " "Challenge, you will try many of them!\n\n" "Each challenge takes part in a specific land, and you have to use what " "you have available.\n\n" "You need to obtain an Orb of Yendor in the normal game to activate " "this challenge, and (ever) collect 10 treasures in one or two lands " "to activate a specific level.\n\n" "After you complete each challenge, you can try it again, on a harder " "difficulty level.\n\n" "All the solutions showcased in the Yendor Challenge work in the normal " "play too. However, passages to other lands, and (sometimes) some land features " "are disabled in the Yendor " "Challenge, so that you have to use the expected method. Also, " "the generation rules are changed slightly for the Palace " "and Minefield while you are looking for the Orb of Yendor, " "to make the challenge more balanced " "(but these changes are also active during the normal Yendor Quest).\n\n" "You get 1000 points for each challenge won, and 1 extra point for " "each extra difficulty level."; int char_to_yendor(char c) { if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return c - 'a' + 1; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return c - 'A' + 1 + 26; return 0; } void showMenu() { set_priority_board(LB_YENDOR_CHALLENGE); int s = vid.fsize; vid.fsize = vid.fsize * 4/5; dialog::init(XLAT("Yendor Challenge"), iinf[itOrbYendor].color, 150, 100); for(int i=1; i 26 ? 'A' + i - 27 : 'a' + i-1); } dialog::addBreak(60); if (yendor::on) dialog::addItem(XLAT("Return to the normal game"), '0'); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT( easy ? "Challenges do not get harder" : "Each challenge gets harder after each victory"), " " + XLAT(easy ? "easy" : "challenge"), '1'); dialog::display(); int yc = char_to_yendor(getcstat); if(yc > 0 && yc < YENDORLEVELS) { subscoreboard scorehere; for(int i=0; i 0) scorehere.push_back( make_pair(-sc, scoreboard[i].username)); } displayScore(scorehere, vid.xres / 4); } yendor::uploadScore(); vid.fsize = s; keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); int new_challenge = char_to_yendor(uni); if(new_challenge && new_challenge < YENDORLEVELS) { if(levelUnlocked(new_challenge) || autocheat) { challenge = new_challenge; restart_game(yendor::on ? rg::nothing : rg::yendor); } else addMessage("Collect 10 treasures in various lands to unlock the challenges there"); } else if(uni == '0') { if(yendor::on) restart_game(rg::yendor); } else if(uni == '1') easy = !easy; else if(uni == '2' || sym == SDLK_F1) gotoHelp(chelp); else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen(); }; } void collected(cell* c2) { int pg = gold(); playSound(c2, "tada"); items[itOrbShield] += 31; for(int i=0; i c(chaosmode, false); yendor::bestscore[modecode()][yendor::challenge] = max(yendor::bestscore[modecode()][yendor::challenge], items[itOrbYendor]); yendor::uploadScore(); } } addMessage(XLAT("CONGRATULATIONS!")); achievement_collection(itOrbYendor, pg, gold()); achievement_victory(false); } auto hooks = addHook(clearmemory, 0, [] () { yendor::yii = NOYENDOR; yendor::yi.clear(); }) + addHook(hooks_removecells, 0, [] () { eliminate_if(yendor::yi, [] (yendorinfo& i) { for(int j=0; j> recordsum; map, landtypes> > lsc; eLand lasttactic; struct scoredata { string username; int scores[landtypes]; }; map> scoreboard; int chances(eLand l) { if(modecode() != 0 && l != laCamelot) return 3; for(auto& ti: land_tac) if(ti.l == l) return ti.tries; return 0; } int tacmultiplier(eLand l) { if(modecode() != 0 && l != laCamelot) return 1; if(modecode() != 0 && l == laCamelot) return 3; for(auto& ti: land_tac) if(ti.l == l) return ti.multiplier; return 0; } bool tacticUnlocked(eLand l) { if(autocheat) return true; if(l == laWildWest || l == laDual) return true; return hiitemsMax(treasureType(l)) * landMultiplier(l) >= 20; } void record(eLand land, int score, int xc = modecode()) { if(land >=0 && land < landtypes) { for(int i=MAXTAC-1; i; i--) lsc[xc][land][i] = lsc[xc][land][i-1]; tactic::lsc[xc][land][0] = score; } int t = chances(land); int csum = 0; for(int i=0; i 0) csum += lsc[xc][land][i]; if(csum > recordsum[xc][land]) recordsum[xc][land] = csum; } void record() { record(lasttactic, items[treasureType(lasttactic)]); } void unrecord(eLand land, int xc = modecode()) { if(land >=0 && land < landtypes) { for(int i=0; i tscorelast) { tscorelast = tscore; if(tscore >= 1000) achievement_gain("PTM1", 'x'); if(tscore >= 5000) achievement_gain("PTM2", 'x'); if(tscore >= 15000) achievement_gain("PTM3", 'x'); } achievement_score(lb, tscore); } void uploadScore() { uploadScoreCode(0, LB_PURE_TACTICS); uploadScoreCode(2, LB_PURE_TACTICS_SHMUP); uploadScoreCode(4, LB_PURE_TACTICS_COOP); } void showMenu() { int xc = modecode(); if(xc == 0) set_priority_board(LB_PURE_TACTICS); if(xc == 2) set_priority_board(LB_PURE_TACTICS_SHMUP); if(xc == 4) set_priority_board(LB_PURE_TACTICS_COOP); cmode = sm::ZOOMABLE; mouseovers = XLAT("pure tactics mode") + " - " + mouseovers; { dynamicval t(tactic::on, true); generateLandList([] (eLand l) { return land_validity(l).flags & lv::appears_in_ptm; }); } int nl = size(landlist); int nlm; int ofs = dialog::handlePage(nl, nlm, (nl+1)/2); int vf = min((vid.yres-64-vid.fsize) / nlm, vid.xres/40); int xr = vid.xres / 64; if(on) record(specialland, items[treasureType(specialland)]); getcstat = SDLK_ESCAPE; for(int i=0; i 0 ? its(lsc[xc][l][ii]) : "-", col, 16)) getcstat = 1000 + i1; if(displayfrZ(xr*(24+2*10), i0, 1, (vf-4)*4/5, its(recordsum[xc][l]) + " x" + its(tacmultiplier(l)), col, 0)) getcstat = 1000 + i1; } else { int m = landMultiplier(l); displayfrZ(xr*26, i0, 1, (vf-4)*4/5, XLAT("Collect %1x %2 to unlock", its((20+m-1)/m), treasureType(l)), col, 0); } } dialog::displayPageButtons(3, true); uploadScore(); if(on) unrecord(specialland); if(getcstat >= 1000 && getcstat < 1000 + size(landlist)) { int ld = landlist[getcstat-1000]; subscoreboard scorehere; for(int i=0; i 0) scorehere.push_back( make_pair(-sc, scoreboard[xc][i].username)); } displayScore(scorehere, xr * 50); } keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { if(uni >= 1000 && uni < 1000 + size(landlist)) { specialland = landlist[uni - 1000]; restart_game(tactic::on ? rg::nothing : rg::tactic); } else if(uni == '0') { firstland = laIce; if(tactic::on) restart_game(rg::tactic); else popScreen(); } else if(sym == SDLK_F1) gotoHelp( "In the pure tactics mode, you concentrate on a specific land. " "Your goal to obtain as high score as possible, without using " "features of the other lands. You can then compare your score " "with your friends!\n\n" "You need to be somewhat proficient in the normal game to " "unlock the given land in this challenge " "(collect 20 treasure in the given land, or 2 in case of Camelot).\n\n" "Since getting high scores in some lands is somewhat luck dependent, " "you play each land N times, and your score is based on N consecutive " "plays. The value of N depends on how 'fast' the land is to play, and " "how random it is.\n\n" "In the Caribbean, you can access Orbs of Thorns, Aether, and " "Space if you have ever collected 25 treasure in their native lands.\n\n" "The rate of treasure spawn is static in this mode. It is not " "increased by killing monsters.\n\n" "Good luck, and have fun!" ); else if(dialog::handlePageButtons(uni)) ; else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen(); }; } }; int modecodetable[42][6] = { { 0, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42}, // softcore hyperbolic { 7, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47}, // hardcore hyperbolic { 2, 4, 9, 11, 48, 49}, // shmup hyperbolic { 13, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54}, // softcore heptagonal hyperbolic { 16, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59}, // hardcore heptagonal hyperbolic { 14, 15, 17, 18, 60, 61}, // shmup heptagonal hyperbolic { 1, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66}, // softcore euclidean { 8, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71}, // hardcore euclidean { 3, 5, 10, 12, 72, 73}, // shmup euclidean {110,111,112,113,114,115}, // softcore spherical {116,117,118,119,120,121}, // hardcore spherical {122,123,124,125,126,127}, // shmup spherical {128,129,130,131,132,133}, // softcore heptagonal spherical {134,135,136,137,138,139}, // hardcore heptagonal spherical {140,141,142,143,144,145}, // shmup heptagonal spherical {146,147,148,149,150,151}, // softcore elliptic {152,153,154,155,156,157}, // hardcore elliptic {158,159,160,161,162,163}, // shmup elliptic {164,165,166,167,168,169}, // softcore heptagonal elliptic {170,171,172,173,174,175}, // hardcore heptagonal elliptic {176,177,178,179,180,181}, // shmup heptagonal elliptic { 19, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78}, // softcore hyperbolic chaosmode { 26, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83}, // hardcore hyperbolic chaosmode { 21, 23, 28, 30, 84, 85}, // shmup hyperbolic chaosmode { 32, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90}, // softcore heptagonal hyperbolic chaosmode { 35, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95}, // hardcore heptagonal hyperbolic chaosmode { 33, 34, 36, 37, 96, 97}, // shmup heptagonal hyperbolic chaosmode { 20, 98, 99,100,101,102}, // softcore euclidean chaosmode { 27,103,104,105,106,107}, // hardcore euclidean chaosmode { 22, 24, 29, 31,108,109}, // shmup euclidean chaosmode {182,183,184,185,186,187}, // softcore spherical chaosmode {188,189,190,191,192,193}, // hardcore spherical chaosmode {194,195,196,197,198,199}, // shmup spherical chaosmode {200,201,202,203,204,205}, // softcore heptagonal spherical chaosmode {206,207,208,209,210,211}, // hardcore heptagonal spherical chaosmode {212,213,214,215,216,217}, // shmup heptagonal spherical chaosmode {218,219,220,221,222,223}, // softcore elliptic chaosmode {224,225,226,227,228,229}, // hardcore elliptic chaosmode {230,231,232,233,234,235}, // shmup elliptic chaosmode {236,237,238,239,240,241}, // softcore heptagonal elliptic chaosmode {242,243,244,245,246,247}, // hardcore heptagonal elliptic chaosmode {248,249,250,251,252,253}, // shmup heptagonal elliptic chaosmode }; // unused code: 25 int newmodecode = 255; int modecode() { #if CAP_SAVE if(anticheat::tampered || cheater) return 6; #endif int xcode = 0; if(shmup::on) xcode += 2; else if(pureHardcore()) xcode ++; if(euclid) xcode += 6; else if(nonbitrunc) xcode += 3; if(sphere) { xcode += 9; if(elliptic) xcode += 6; if(nonbitrunc) xcode += 3; } if(chaosmode) xcode += 21; int np = numplayers()-1; if(np<0 || np>5) np=5; int mct = modecodetable[xcode][np]; if(geometry == gTorus) mct += 512; if(geometry == gQuotient) mct += 1024; if(geometry == gQuotient2) mct += 1536; #if CAP_INV if(inv::on) mct += 2048; #endif if(peace::on) mct += 4096; #if CAP_TOUR if(tour::on) mct += 8192; #endif if(numplayers() == 7) mct += 16384; if(gp::on) { mct += 32768; mct += gp::param.first << 16; mct += gp::param.second << 21; } mct += ginf[geometry].xcode; return mct; } void buildmodetable() { bool codeused[600]; for(int q=0; q<600; q++) codeused[q] = 0; codeused[6] = true; // cheater printf("int modecodetable[42][6] = {\n"); for(int b=0; b<42; b++) { extern bool hardcore; hardcore = (b%3 == 1); shmup::on = (b%3 == 2); nonbitrunc = (b/3)%7 == 1 || (b/3)%7 == 4 || (b/3)%7 == 6; geometry = gNormal; if((b/3)%7 == 2) geometry = gEuclid; if((b/3)%7 >= 3) geometry = gSphere; if((b/3)%7 >= 5) geometry = gElliptic; chaosmode = b >= 21; printf(" {"); for(int p=0; p<6; p++) { multi::players = p+1; if(p) printf(","); int mc = modecode(); if(codeused[mc]) mc = newmodecode++; codeused[mc] = true; printf("%3d", mc); } printf("}, //"); if(hardcore) printf(" hardcore"); else if(shmup::on) printf(" shmup"); else printf(" softcore"); if(nonbitrunc) printf(" heptagonal"); if(euclid) printf(" euclidean"); else if(elliptic) printf(" elliptic"); else if(sphere) printf(" spherical"); else printf(" hyperbolic"); if(chaosmode) printf(" chaosmode"); printf("\n"); } printf(" }\n"); for(int i=0; i path; int tobuild; void build() { if(otherpuzzles || !on) return; while(size(path) < tobuild) { cell *cp = path[size(path)-1]; cell *cp2 = path[size(path)-2]; vector> clister; clister.emplace_back(cp, cp); int id = 0; sval++; while(id < size(clister)) { cell *c = clister[id].first; cell *fr = clister[id].second; setdist(c, 5, NULL); forCellEx(c2,c) if(!eq(c2->aitmp, sval) && passable(c2, c, 0) && (c2->land == specialland || c2->land == laTemple) && !c2->item) { if(!id) fr = c2; bool next; if(specialland == laRlyeh) next = c2->land == laTemple && (cp2->land == laRlyeh || celldistAlt(c2) < celldistAlt(cp2) - 8); else next = celldistance(c2, cp2) == 8; if(next) { path.push_back(fr); fr->item = itDodeca; goto again; } clister.emplace_back(c2, fr); c2->aitmp = sval; } id++; } printf("Path broken, searched = %d\n", id); for(auto t: clister) t.first->item = itPirate; return; again: ; } } void extend() { int i = 0; while(iitem != itDodeca) i++; if(tobuild == i+9) addMessage("You must collect all the dodecahedra on the path!"); tobuild = i + 9; build(); } void init() { tobuild = 0; if(!on) return; if(otherpuzzles) { items[itGreenStone] = 500; return; } cell *c2 = cwt.c->mov[0]; makeEmpty(c2); c2->item = itOrbYendor; path.clear(); path.push_back(cwt.c); path.push_back(c2); extend(); } void restore() { for(int i=1; iitem == itNone && items[itDodeca]) path[i]->item = itDodeca, items[itDodeca]--; } } void showMenu() { listLevels(); dialog::init(XLAT(otherpuzzles ? "puzzles and exploration" : "memory game"), 0x40A040, 150, 100); for(int i = 0; i= 'a' && uni < 'a' + qty) { specialland = levellist[uni - 'a']; restart_game(peace::on ? 0 : rg::peace); } else if(uni == '2') { hint = !hint; popScreen(); } else if(uni == '0') { firstland = laIce; if(peace::on) restart_game(rg::peace); } else if(uni == 'h' || sym == SDLK_F1) gotoHelp(chelp); else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen(); }; } auto aNext = addHook(hooks_nextland, 100, getNext); }; }