// Hyperbolic Rogue -- multi-game features // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file multi.cpp * \brief running several games at once -- used in the Tutorial and Dual Geometry mode */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { #if HDR /** gamedata structure, for recording the game data in memory temporarily */ struct gamedata { /** important parameters should be visible */ eGeometry geo; eVariation var; eLand specland; bool active; /** other properties are recorded here */ vector record; int index, mode; void storegame(); void restoregame(); template void store(T& x) { int ssize = sizeof(x); if(ssize & 7) ssize = (ssize | 7) + 1; if(mode == 0) { record.resize(index+ssize); ::new (&record[index]) T(std::move(x)); } else { T& at = (T&) record[index]; x = std::move(at); at.~T(); } index += ssize; } template void store_ptr(T& x) { if(mode == 0) { T* copy = new T(std::move(x)); store(copy); } else { T* copy = nullptr; store(copy); x = std::move(*copy); delete copy; } } }; #endif void gamedata_all(gamedata& gd) { gd.index = 0; gd.store(firstland); gd.store(currentmap); gd.store(cwt); gd.store(allmaps); gd.store(shmup::on); gd.store(land_structure); gd.store(*current_display); gd.store(cgip); if(gd.mode == 0) cgip->use_count++; if(gd.mode != 0) cgip->use_count--; gd.store(hybrid::underlying); gd.store(hybrid::csteps); if(mhybrid && hybrid::underlying_cgip) { if(gd.mode == 0) hybrid::underlying_cgip->use_count++; if(gd.mode != 0) hybrid::underlying_cgip->use_count--; } gd.store(hybrid::underlying_cgip); gd.store_ptr(vid.projection_config); gd.store_ptr(vid.rug_config); gd.store(vid.yshift); gd.store(vid.plevel_factor); gd.store(vid.binary_width); gd.store(sightrange_bonus); gd.store(genrange_bonus); gd.store(gamerange_bonus); gd.store(targets); gd.store(ccolor::rwalls); if(GOLDBERG) gd.store(gp::param); callhooks(hooks_gamedata, &gd); } void gamedata::storegame() { geo = geometry; var = variation; specland = specialland; active = game_active; record.clear(); mode = 0; gamedata_all(*this); game_active = false; } void gamedata::restoregame() { geometry = geo; variation = var; specialland = specland; game_active = active; mode = 1; gamedata_all(*this); } EX hookset hooks_gamedata; EX namespace gamestack { vector gd; EX bool pushed() { return isize(gd); } EX void push() { gd.emplace_back(); gd.back().storegame(); } EX void pop() { if(!pushed()) return; if(game_active) stop_game(); gd.back().restoregame(); gd.pop_back(); } EX } EX namespace dual { /** 0 = dualmode off, 1 = in dualmode (no game chosen), 2 = in dualmode (working on one of subgames) */ EX int state; /** exactly one side is Euclidean -- it should not be synchronized with the other side */ EX bool one_euclidean; EX int currently_loaded; EX int main_side; EX bool affect_both; gamedata dgd[2]; EX transmatrix player_orientation[2]; hyperpoint which_dir; EX purehookset hooks_after_move; int remap_direction(int d, int cg) { if(WDIM == 2 || cg == currently_loaded) return d; hyperpoint h = sword::dir[0].T * which_dir; h = hpxy3(h[0]/10, h[1]/10, h[2]/10); ld b = HUGE_VAL; for(int i=0; irelative_matrix(cwt.at->cmove(i)->master, cwt.at->master, C0)); ld dist = hdist(checked, h); if(dist < b) { b = dist; d = i; } } d = gmod(d - cwt.spin, S7); return d; } EX transmatrix get_orientation() { if(WDIM == 2) return gpushxto0(tC0(cwtV.T)) * cwtV.T; else if(cwt.at) { transmatrix T = unshift(ggmatrix(cwt.at)); return gpushxto0(tC0(T)) * T * sword::dir[0].T; } else return Id; } EX void switch_to(int k) { if(k != currently_loaded) { // gamedata has shmup::on because tutorial needs changing it, but dual should keep it fixed dynamicval smon(shmup::on); player_orientation[currently_loaded] = get_orientation(); dgd[currently_loaded].storegame(); currently_loaded = k; dgd[currently_loaded].restoregame(); } } EX bool movepc(int d, int subdir, bool checkonly) { dynamicval dm(dual::state, 2); int cg = currently_loaded; auto orbusedbak = orbused; if(d < 0) { if(d == -2 && items[itGreenStone] < 2) { switch_to(cg); glance_message(); return false; } bool ok = true; for(int k=0; k<2; k++) { switch_to(k); ok = ok && movepcto(d, subdir, true); orbused = orbusedbak; } if(ok && checkonly) { switch_to(cg); return true; } if(ok) for(int k=0; k<2; k++) { switch_to(k); movepcto(d, subdir, false); if(k == 0) turncount--; } if(!ok) { addMessage(XLAT("Impossible.")); } switch_to(cg); return ok; } which_dir = inverse(sword::dir[0].T) * tC0(currentmap->relative_matrix((cwt+d).cpeek()->master, cwt.at->master, C0)); bool lms[2][5]; eLastmovetype lmt[2][5]; for(int k=0; k<2; k++) { switch_to(k); for(eForcemovetype fm: { fmMove, fmAttack, fmInstant, fmActivate }) { forcedmovetype = fm; lms[k][fm] = movepcto(fm == fmMove ? remap_direction(d, cg) : 0, subdir, true); lmt[k][fm] = nextmovetype; forcedmovetype = fmSkip; for(int i=0; i xmax(current_display->xmax, 0.5 * (currently_loaded+1)); dynamicval xmin(current_display->xmin, 0.5 * (currently_loaded)); what(); } EX bool split(reaction_t what) { if(state != 1) return false; state = 2; for(int a=0; a<2; a++) { switch_to(currently_loaded ^ 1); what(); } state = 1; return true; } EX void enable() { if(dual::state) return; stop_game(); eGeometry b = geometry; eVariation v = variation; for(int s=0; s<2; s++) { // dynamicval pds(current_display, &subscreens::player_displays[s]); if(WDIM == 3) { variation = eVariation::pure; geometry = s == 0 ? gCubeTiling : gSpace435; } else if(shmup::on) { geometry = b; variation = v; // 'do what I mean' if(euclid) geometry = s == 0 ? b : (ginf[geometry].vertex == 3 ? gNormal : g45); else geometry = s == 0 ? (ginf[geometry].vertex == 3 ? gEuclid : gEuclidSquare) : b; if(geometry == gEuclid) variation = eVariation::bitruncated; } else { variation = eVariation::pure; #if CAP_ARCM geometry = s == 0 ? gEuclidSquare : gArchimedean; #else geometry = gEuclidSquare; #endif } firstland = specialland = laCrossroads4; #if CAP_ARCM if(geometry == gArchimedean) arcm::current.parse("4,4,4,4,4"); #endif check_cgi(); cgi.require_basics(); dgd[s].storegame(); } currently_loaded = 0; dgd[0].restoregame(); state = 1; } EX void disable() { if(!dual::state) return; stop_game(); state = 0; } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE int args() { using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-dual0")) { PHASEFROM(2); enable(); switch_to(0); } else if(argis("-dual1")) { PHASEFROM(2); enable(); switch_to(1); } else if(argis("-dualoff")) { PHASEFROM(2); disable(); } else return 1; return 0; } auto hook = addHook(hooks_args, 100, args); #endif vector landsides; EX bool check_side(eLand l) { return landsides[l] == currently_loaded || landsides[l] == 2; } EX void assign_landsides() { switch_to(!currently_loaded); one_euclidean = euclid; switch_to(!currently_loaded); one_euclidean ^= euclid; landsides.resize(landtypes); int which_hyperbolic = -1; if(ginf[dgd[0].geo].cclass == gcHyperbolic && ginf[dgd[1].geo].cclass != gcHyperbolic) which_hyperbolic = 0; else if(ginf[dgd[1].geo].cclass == gcHyperbolic && ginf[dgd[0].geo].cclass != gcHyperbolic) which_hyperbolic = 1; int nxt = 0; for(int i=0; i lv[1].quality_level) v = 0; else if(lv[1].quality_level > lv[0].quality_level) v = 1; else if(isEquidLand(l) && which_hyperbolic >= 0) v = which_hyperbolic; else if(among(l, laHunting, laMotion, laCaves, laAlchemist) && which_hyperbolic >= 0) v = which_hyperbolic; else if(among(l, laMirrorOld, laIce, laJungle, laDesert, laDryForest, laStorms) && which_hyperbolic >= 0) v = 1 - which_hyperbolic; else if(which_hyperbolic >= 0) v = which_hyperbolic; else { println(hlog, "equivalent"); v = nxt, nxt = 1 - nxt; } // println(hlog, dnameof(l), ": ", lv[0].msg, " vs ", lv[1].msg, " verdict = ", v); } } EX void add_choice() { if(!state) return; dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("subgame affected"), affect_both ? XLAT("both") : main_side == 0 ? XLAT("left") : XLAT("right"), '`'); dialog::add_action([] () { affect_both = !affect_both; if(!affect_both) { main_side = !main_side; switch_to(main_side); } }); } EX void split_or_do(reaction_t what) { if(split(what)) return; else what(); } EX bool may_split(reaction_t what) { if(state == 1 && affect_both) { split(what); return true; } return false; } EX void may_split_or_do(reaction_t what) { if(state == 1 && affect_both) { split(what); } else what(); } } #if HDR inline reaction_t mayboth(reaction_t what) { return [=] { may_split_or_do(what); }; } #endif }