#include "../hyper.h" // Impossible Triangle visualization // used in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmFDd49WsrY // settings: // ./mymake -O3 rogueviz/triangle // ./hyper -geo Nil -canvas x -tstep 8 -nilperiod 3 3 3 // also used in: https://youtu.be/RPL4-Ydviug // ./hyper -geo Nil -nilwidth .9 -canvas x -tstep 1 -nilperiod 1 10 1 -triset 32 31 992 namespace hr { // each color group (i.e., each face direction) is a different hpcshape hpcshape ptriangle[6]; EX hyperpoint lerp(hyperpoint a0, hyperpoint a1, ld x) { return a0 + (a1-a0) * x; } hyperpoint operator+(hyperpoint x) { return x; } // do not change this int shape = 1; // how many cubes to subdivide edges to int how = 4; // how many cubes to draw (should be smaller than how because they are not really cubes and thus they get into each other) int how1 = how - 1; // precision: number of substeps to simulate (best if divisible by how and how1) int isteps = 4 * 1024; /* make the impossible triangle shape */ void make_shape() { static bool done = false; if(done) return; done = true; // four main axes of the regular tetrahedron, rotated so that ds[3] points to (0,0,1) ld rest = sqrt(8/9.); ld rex = sqrt(1 - 1/9. - pow(rest/2., 2)); hyperpoint ds[4]; ds[0] = point3(rex, -rest/2, -1/3.); ds[1] = point3(0, rest, -1/3.); ds[2] = point3(-rex, -rest/2, -1/3.); ds[3] = point3(0, 0, +1); hyperpoint start = point31(0, 0, 0); double lastz; double lasta; double ca; // compute how to scale this in Nil so that everything fits for(ld a = 1e-5;; a+=1e-5) { hyperpoint at = start; for(int d=0; d<3; d++) { for(int i=0; i 50000) break; } for(int s=0; s<8; s++) for(int t=0; t<3; t++) { if((s & (1<