// Hyperbolic Rogue // Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details // Hyperbolic geometry is a good tool to visualize data, // especially trees and scale-free networks. This file // uses HyperRogue to browse such vizualizations. // Since it is not of use for general HyperRogue players, // it is disabled by default -- compile with the ROGUEVIZ flag to enable this. // How to use: // hyper -embed -- visualize a social network // embedded into hyperbolic plane, see: // https://bitbucket.org/HaiZhung/hyperbolic-embedder/overview // (it uses the same format) // hyper -tess -- visualize a horocyclic tesselation, #include "rogueviz.h" namespace rogueviz { string weight_label; ld fat_edges = 0; ld ggamma = 1; using namespace hr; edgetype default_edgetype = { .1, .1, .1, DEFAULT_COLOR, 0xFF0000FF, "default" }; bool showlabels = false; bool specialmark = false; bool edge_legend = false; bool rog3 = false; int vertex_shape = 1; string edgename; string fname; // const char *fname; // const char *cfname; vector> edgetypes; edgetype *add_edgetype(const string& name) { auto e = make_shared (default_edgetype); e->name = name; edgetypes.push_back(e); return &*e; } map > next_hue; color_t parse1(const string& s) { // color can be given as RRGGBB // or as 'Rmax,min,alpha,step,start', for rainbow Collatz if(s[0] == 'R') { color_t mh = 192, minh = 0, alpha = 255; int step = 50, start = 0; sscanf(s.c_str(), "R%x,%x,%x,%d,%d", &mh, &minh, &alpha, &step, &start); vector hues; color_t difh = mh - minh; color_t base = alpha + minh * 0x1010100; for(unsigned y=0; y(); auto& i = *cp.img; i.tdata.twidth = 1024; if(!(i.tdata.readtexture(fname) && i.tdata.loadTextureGL())) { println(hlog, "failed to load: ", fname); cp.img = NULL; return cp; } println(hlog, "loaded texture: ", fname); for(int x=0; x<16; x++) for(int y=0; y<16; y++) { auto addv = [&] (ld x, ld y) { x -= 8; y -= 8; x /= 16.; y /= 16.; ld r = max(abs(x), abs(y)) / hypot(x, y); if(x || y) { x *= r; y *= r; } i.tinf.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(x + .5, y + .5, 0)); i.vertices.push_back(hpxy(x * .4, y * .4)); }; addv(x, y); addv(x, y+1); addv(x+1, y); addv(x, y+1); addv(x+1, y); addv(x+1, y+1); } i.tinf.texture_id = i.tdata.textureid; #endif } auto pos = s.find(":"); if(pos != string::npos) { cp.color1 = parse1(s.substr(0, pos)); cp.shade = s[pos+1]; cp.color2 = parse1(s.substr(pos+2)); } else { cp.shade = 0; cp.color2 = 0; cp.color1 = parse1(s); } return cp; } vector vdata; map labeler; bool id_known(const string& s) { return labeler.count(s); } int getid(const string& s) { if(labeler.count(s)) return labeler[s]; else { int id = isize(vdata); vdata.resize(isize(vdata) + 1); vdata[id].name = s; return labeler[s] = id; } } int getnewid(string s) { while(labeler.count(s)) s += "'"; return getid(s); } void addedge0(int i, int j, edgeinfo *ei) { vdata[i].edges.push_back(make_pair(j, ei)); vdata[j].edges.push_back(make_pair(i, ei)); } void createViz(int id, cell *c, transmatrix at) { vertexdata& vd(vdata[id]); vd.m = new shmup::monster; vd.m->pid = id; vd.m->type = moRogueviz; vd.m->base = c; vd.m->at = at; vd.m->isVirtual = false; } void notimpl() { printf("Not implemented\n"); exit(1); } hyperpoint where(int i, cell *base) { auto m = vdata[i].m; if(m->base == base) return tC0(m->at); else if(confusingGeometry()) { return calc_relative_matrix(m->base, base, C0) * tC0(m->at); } else { // notimpl(); // actually probably that's a buug return inverse_shift(ggmatrix(currentmap->gamestart()), ggmatrix(m->base) * tC0(m->at)); } } void addedge(int i, int j, edgeinfo *ei) { cell *base = confusingGeometry() ? vdata[i].m->base : currentmap->gamestart(); hyperpoint hi = where(i, base); hyperpoint hj = where(j, base); double d = hdist(hi, hj); if(d >= 4) { hyperpoint h = mid(hi, hj); int id = isize(vdata); vdata.resize(id+1); vertexdata& vd(vdata[id]); vd.cp = colorpair(0x400000FF); vd.virt = ei; createViz(id, base, rgpushxto0(h)); vd.m->no_targetting = true; addedge(i, id, ei); addedge(id, j, ei); virtualRebase(vdata[i].m); } else addedge0(i, j, ei); } vector edgeinfos; void addedge(int i, int j, double wei, bool subdiv, edgetype *t) { edgeinfo *ei = new edgeinfo(t); edgeinfos.push_back(ei); ei->i = i; ei->j = j; ei->weight = wei; if(subdiv) addedge(i, j, ei); else addedge0(i, j, ei); } void storeall(int from) { for(int i=from; istore(); } colorpair dftcolor = 0x282828FF; int readLabel(fhstream& f) { string s = scan(f); if(s == "") return -1; return getid(s); } namespace anygraph { double R, alpha, T; vector > coords; edgetype *any; int N; void fixedges() { for(int i=N; idead = true; for(int i=0; iorig = NULL; addedge(e->i, e->j, e); } } void tst() {} void read(string fn, bool subdiv, bool doRebase, bool doStore) { init(RV_GRAPH); any = add_edgetype("embedded edges"); fname = fn; fhstream f(fn + "-coordinates.txt", "rt"); if(!f.f) { printf("Missing file: %s-coordinates.txt\n", fname.c_str()); exit(1); } printf("Reading coordinates...\n"); string ignore; if(!scan(f, ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore, N, anygraph::R, anygraph::alpha, anygraph::T)) { printf("Error: incorrect format of the first line\n"); exit(1); } vdata.reserve(N); while(true) { string s = scan(f); println(hlog, "s: ", s.c_str()); if(s == "D11.11") tst(); if(s == "" || s == "#ROGUEVIZ_ENDOFDATA") break; int id = getid(s); vertexdata& vd(vdata[id]); vd.name = s; vd.cp = colorpair(dftcolor); double r, alpha; if(!scan(f, r, alpha)) { printf("Error: incorrect format of r/alpha\n"); exit(1); } coords.push_back(make_pair(r, alpha)); transmatrix h = spin(alpha * degree) * xpush(r); createViz(id, currentmap->gamestart(), h); } fhstream g(fn + "-links.txt", "rt"); if(!g.f) { println(hlog, "Missing file: ", fname, "-links.txt"); exit(1); } println(hlog, "Reading links..."); int qlink = 0; while(true) { int i = readLabel(g), j = readLabel(g); if(i == -1 || j == -1) break; addedge(i, j, 1, subdiv, any); qlink++; } if(doRebase) { printf("Rebasing...\n"); for(int i=0; iweight > e2->weight; } bool which_weight = false; void rogueviz_help(int id, int pagenumber) { vertexdata& vd = vdata[id]; int noedges = isize(vd.edges); help = helptitle(vd.name, vd.cp.color1 >> 8); if(vd.info) { #if CAP_URL help_extension hex; hex.key = 'L'; hex.text = "open link"; hex.subtext = *vd.info; hex.action = [&vd] () { open_url(*vd.info); }; help_extensions.push_back(hex); #else help += "\n\nlink: " + *vd.info; #endif } vector alledges; for(int j=0; jweight < ei->type->visible_from_help) continue; int k = ei->i ^ ei->j ^ id; hex.text = vdata[k].name; hex.color = vdata[k].cp.color1 >> 8; if(vizflags & RV_WHICHWEIGHT) { if(which_weight) hex.subtext = fts(ei->weight2); else hex.subtext = fts(ei->weight); } hex.action = [k] () { help_extensions.clear(); rogueviz_help(k, 0); }; help_extensions.push_back(hex); } if(noedges > pagenumber + 10) { help_extension hex; hex.key = 'z'; hex.text = "next page"; hex.subtext = its(pagenumber+10) + "/" + its(noedges) + " edges"; hex.action = [id, pagenumber] () { help_extensions.clear(); rogueviz_help(id, pagenumber + 10); }; help_extensions.push_back(hex); } if((vizflags & RV_WHICHWEIGHT) && noedges) { help_extension hex; hex.key = 'w'; hex.text = "displayed weight"; hex.subtext = which_weight ? "attraction force" : "weight from the data"; hex.action = [id, pagenumber] () { which_weight = !which_weight; help_extensions.clear(); rogueviz_help(id, pagenumber); }; help_extensions.push_back(hex); } } bool describe_monster(shmup::monster *m, string& out) { if(m->type != moRogueviz) return false; int i = m->pid; vertexdata& vd = vdata[i]; string o = vd.name + ", "+its(isize(vd.edges))+" edges"; /* if(isize(vd.edges) < 10) { for(int i=0; isnakeid)); } */ help = bygen([i] () { rogueviz_help(i, 0); }); if(out == XLATN("Canvas")) out = o; else out = out + ", " + o; return true; } bool activate(shmup::monster *m) { if(m->type != moRogueviz) return false; int i = m->pid; vertexdata& vd = vdata[i]; vd.cp = colorpair(rand() & 0xFFFFFFFF); for(int i=0; iorig = NULL; return true; /* if(ealpha == 1) ealpha = 8; else if(ealpha == 8) ealpha = 32; else if(ealpha == 32) ealpha = 255; else ealpha = 1; */ } void storevertex(vector& tab, const hyperpoint& h) { tab.push_back(glhr::pointtogl(h)); } double min_line_step = .1; double min_line_splits = 0; void storelineto(vector& tab, const hyperpoint& h1, const hyperpoint& h2, int s) { if(intval(h1, h2) < min_line_step && s >= min_line_splits) storevertex(tab, h2); else { hyperpoint h3 = mid(h1, h2); storelineto(tab, h1, h3, s+1); storelineto(tab, h3, h2, s+1); } } void storeline(vector& tab, const hyperpoint& h1, const hyperpoint& h2) { storevertex(tab, h1); storelineto(tab, h1, h2, 0); } color_t darken_a(color_t c) { for(int p=0; p<3; p++) for(int i=0; i> 1; return c; } #if CAP_SVG #define SVG_LINK(x) svg::link = (x) #else #define SVG_LINK(x) #endif void queuedisk(const shiftmatrix& V, const colorpair& cp, bool legend, const string* info, int i) { if(legend && (int) cp.color1 == (int) 0x000000FF && backcolor == 0) poly_outline = 0x606060FF; else poly_outline = (bordcolor << 8) | 0xFF; #if CAP_TEXTURE if(cp.img) { for(hyperpoint h: cp.img->vertices) curvepoint(h); auto& qc = queuecurve(V, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, PPR::MONSTER_HEAD); qc.tinf = &cp.img->tinf; qc.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES; return; } #endif shiftmatrix V1; auto& sh = vertex_shape == 2 ? cgi.shHeptaMarker : vertex_shape == 3 ? cgi.shSnowball : cgi.shDisk; if(vertex_shape == 0) ; else if(GDIM == 3 && among(cp.shade, 'b', 'f', 'g', 'B', 'F', 'G')) { V1 = V; } else if(GDIM == 3) { V1 = face_the_player(V); if(info) queueaction(PPR::MONSTER_HEAD, [info] () { SVG_LINK(*info); }); queuepolyat(V1, sh, darken_a(cp.color1), PPR::MONSTER_HEAD); if(info) queueaction(PPR::MONSTER_HEAD, [] () { SVG_LINK(""); }); V1 = V; } else if(rog3) { int p = poly_outline; poly_outline = OUTLINE_TRANS; queuepolyat(V, sh, 0x80, PPR::MONSTER_SHADOW); poly_outline = p; if(info) queueaction(PPR::MONSTER_HEAD, [info] () { SVG_LINK(*info); }); queuepolyat(V1 = mscale(V, cgi.BODY), sh, darken_a(cp.color1), PPR::MONSTER_HEAD); if(info) queueaction(PPR::MONSTER_HEAD, [] () { SVG_LINK(""); }); } else { if(info) queueaction(PPR::MONSTER_HEAD, [info] () { SVG_LINK(*info); }); queuepoly(V1 = V, sh, darken_a(cp.color1)); if(info) queueaction(PPR::MONSTER_HEAD, [] () { SVG_LINK(""); }); } switch(cp.shade) { case 't': queuepoly(V1, cgi.shDiskT, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 's': queuepoly(V1, cgi.shDiskS, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 'q': queuepoly(V1, cgi.shDiskSq, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 'm': queuepoly(V1, cgi.shDiskM, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 'b': queuepoly(V1, GDIM == 3 ? cgi.shAnimatedTinyEagle[wingphase(200)] : cgi.shTinyBird, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 'f': queuepoly(V1, cgi.shTinyShark, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 'g': queuepoly(V1, cgi.shMiniGhost, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 'B': queuepoly(V1, GDIM == 3 ? cgi.shAnimatedEagle[wingphase(100)] : cgi.shEagle, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 'F': queuepoly(V1, cgi.shShark, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; case 'G': queuepoly(V1, cgi.shGhost, darken_a(cp.color2)); return; } } map, int> drawn_edges; map, transmatrix> relmatrices; transmatrix& memo_relative_matrix(cell *c1, cell *c2) { auto& p = relmatrices[make_pair(c1, c2)]; if(p[2][2] == 0) { forCellIdEx(c3, i, c2) if(c3 == c1) return p = currentmap->adj(c2, i); p = calc_relative_matrix(c1, c2, C0); } return p; } void queue_prec(const shiftmatrix& V, edgeinfo*& ei, color_t col) { if(!fat_edges) queuetable(V, ei->prec, isize(ei->prec), col, 0, PPR::STRUCT0); #if MAXMDIM >= 4 && CAP_TEXTURE else { auto& t = queuetable(V, ei->prec, isize(ei->prec), 0, col | 0x000000FF, PPR::STRUCT0); t.flags |= (1<<22), // poly triangles t.offset_texture = 0, t.tinf = &ei->tinf; t.tinf->texture_id = floor_textures->renderedTexture; } #endif } int brm_limit = 1000; ld labelshift = .2; ld labelscale = .2; // .28 in SVG ld edgewidth = 1; bool drawVertex(const shiftmatrix &V, cell *c, shmup::monster *m) { if(m->dead) return true; if(m->type != moRogueviz) return false; int i = m->pid; vertexdata& vd = vdata[i]; // bool ghilite = false; // if(vd.special && specialmark) ghilite = true; if(!gmatrix.count(m->base)) printf("base not in gmatrix\n"); int lid = shmup::lmousetarget ? shmup::lmousetarget->pid : -2; bool multidraw = quotient; bool use_brm = bounded && isize(currentmap->allcells()) <= brm_limit; if(!lshiftclick) for(int j=0; ji != i) continue; vertexdata& vd1 = vdata[ei->i]; vertexdata& vd2 = vdata[ei->j]; int oi = ei->i, oj = ei->j; bool hilite = false; if(vdata[oi].special && vdata[oj].special && specialmark) hilite = true; else if(svg::in || inHighQual) hilite = false; else if(vd1.m == shmup::mousetarget) hilite = true; else if(vd2.m == shmup::mousetarget) hilite = true; else if(oi == lid || oj == lid) hilite = true; if(ei->weight < (hilite ? ei->type->visible_from_hi : ei->type->visible_from)) continue; // if(hilite) ghilite = true; if(ei->lastdraw < frameid || multidraw) { ei->lastdraw = frameid; dynamicval w(vid.linewidth, vid.linewidth * edgewidth); color_t col = (hilite ? ei->type->color_hi : ei->type->color); auto& alpha = part(col, 0); if(vizflags & RV_AUTO_MAXWEIGHT) { if(ei->weight2 > maxweight) maxweight = ei->weight2; alpha *= pow(ei->weight2 / maxweight, ggamma); } // if(hilite || hiliteclick) alpha = (alpha + 256) / 2; if(svg::in && alpha < 16) continue; if(ISWEB) { if(alpha >= 128) alpha |= 15; else if(alpha >= 64) alpha |= 7; else if(alpha >= 32) alpha |= 3; else if(alpha >= 16) alpha |= 1; } alpha >>= darken; shiftmatrix gm1, gm2; if(use_brm) { gm1 = V * memo_relative_matrix(vd1.m->base, c); gm2 = gm1 * brm_get(vd1.m->base, tC0(vd1.m->at), vd2.m->base, tC0(vd2.m->at)); } else if(multidraw || elliptic) { gm1 = V * memo_relative_matrix(vd1.m->base, c); gm2 = V * memo_relative_matrix(vd2.m->base, c); } else { gm1 = ggmatrix(vd1.m->base); gm2 = ggmatrix(vd2.m->base); } shiftpoint h1 = gm1 * vd1.m->at * C0; shiftpoint h2 = gm2 * vd2.m->at * C0; if(elliptic && hdist(h1, h2) > hdist(h1.h, centralsym * h2.h)) h2.h = centralsym * h2.h; if(multidraw) { int code = int(h1[0]) + int(h1[1]) * 12789117 + int(h2[0]) * 126081253 + int(h2[1]) * 126891531; int& lastdraw = drawn_edges[make_pair(ei, code)]; if(lastdraw == frameid) continue; lastdraw = frameid; } /* if(hdist0(h1) < .001 || hdist0(h2) < .001) { printf("h1 = %s\n", display(h1)); printf("h2 = %s\n", display(h2)); display(m->at); display(vd2.m->at); display(V); display(gmatrix[vd2.m->base]); display(shmup::calc_gmatrix(vd2.m->base)); } */ if((col >> 8) == (DEFAULT_COLOR >> 8)) { col &= 0xFF; col |= (forecolor << 8); } if(callhandlers(false, hooks_alt_edges, ei, false)) ; else if(pmodel && !fat_edges) { queueline(h1, h2, col, 2 + vid.linequality).prio = PPR::STRUCT0; } else { cell *center = multidraw ? c : centerover; if(!multidraw && ei->orig && ei->orig != center && celldistance(ei->orig, center) > 3) ei->orig = NULL; if(!ei->orig) { ei->orig = center; // cwt.at; ei->prec.clear(); const shiftmatrix& T = multidraw ? V : ggmatrix(ei->orig); if(callhandlers(false, hooks_alt_edges, ei, true)) ; else if(fat_edges) { ei->tinf.tvertices.clear(); shiftmatrix T1 = gm1 * vd1.m->at; hyperpoint goal = inverse_shift(T1, h2); transmatrix S = inverse_shift(T, gm1) * vd1.m->at * rspintox(goal); ld d = hdist0(goal); for(int a=0; a<360; a+=30) { auto store = [&] (ld a, ld b) { storevertex(ei->prec, S * cpush(0, b) * hr::cspin(1, 2, a * degree) * cpush(1, fat_edges) * C0); ei->tinf.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(0,(3+cos(a * degree))/4,0)); }; store(a, 0); store(a+30, 0); store(a, d); store(a+30, 0); store(a, d); store(a+30, d); } } else storeline(ei->prec, inverse_shift(T, h1), inverse_shift(T, h2)); } const shiftmatrix& T = multidraw ? V : ggmatrix(ei->orig); queue_prec(T, ei, col); if(elliptic) queue_prec(ggmatrix(ei->orig) * centralsym, ei, col); } } /* */ } if(!vd.virt) { queuedisk(V * m->at, vd.cp, false, vd.info, i); } if(showlabels) { bool doshow = true; if((vizflags & RV_COMPRESS_LABELS) && i > 0 && !vd.virt) { vertexdata& vdp = vdata[vd.data]; shiftpoint h2 = ggmatrix(vdp.m->base) * vdp.m->at * C0; if(hdist(h2, V * m->at * C0) < 0.1) doshow = false; } shiftpoint h = tC0(V * m->at); shiftmatrix V2 = GDIM == 3 ? V * m->at : rgpushxto0(h) * ypush(cgi.scalefactor * labelshift); // todo-variation if(doshow && !behindsphere(V2)) { auto info = vd.info; if(info) queueaction(PPR::MONSTER_HEAD, [info] () { SVG_LINK(*info); }); queuestr(V2, labelscale, vd.name, forecolor, (svg::in || ISWEB) ? 0 : 1); if(info) queueaction(PPR::MONSTER_HEAD, [] () { SVG_LINK(""); }); } } callhooks(hooks_drawvertex, vd, c, m, i); return true; } vector legend; vector named; color_t chosen_legend_color = DEFAULT_COLOR; bool rogueviz_hud() { color_t legend_color = chosen_legend_color == DEFAULT_COLOR ? forecolor : chosen_legend_color; if(cmode & sm::DRAW) return false; int qet = isize(edgetypes); if(qet == 1 || !edge_legend) qet = 0; int legit = qet + isize(legend); if(legit == 0) return true; initquickqueue(); int rad = current_display->radius/10; ld x = vid.xres - rad; for(int i=0; iradius * (i+.5)) / legit * 2 - current_display->radius + vid.yres/2; transmatrix V = atscreenpos(x, y, current_display->radius/4); poly_outline = OUTLINE_NONE; queuedisk(shiftless(V), vd.cp, true, NULL, i); poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; queuestr(int(x-rad), int(y), 0, rad*(svg::in?5:3)/4, vd.name, legend_color, 0, 16); } for(int i=0; iradius * (i+isize(legend)+.5)) / legit * 2 - current_display->radius + vid.yres/2; transmatrix V = atscreenpos(x, y, current_display->radius/8); poly_outline = t->color | 0xFF; queuepolyat(shiftless(V), cgi.shTriangle, 0, PPR::MONSTER_HEAD); poly_outline = OUTLINE_DEFAULT; queuestr(int(x-rad), int(y), 0, rad*(svg::in?5:3)/4, t->name, legend_color, 0, 16); } quickqueue(); return true; } bool rv_ignore_spaces = true; bool rv_ignore(char c) { if(c == 32 && !rv_ignore_spaces) return true; if(c == 10 || c == 13 || c == 32 || c == 9) return true; return false; } void readcolor(const string& cfname) { FILE *f = fopen(cfname.c_str(), "rt"); if(!f) { printf("color file missing\n"); exit(1); } while(true) { string lab = ""; while(true) { int c = fgetc(f); if(c == EOF) { fclose(f); return; } else if(c == ',' || c == ';') break; else if(rv_ignore(c)) ; else lab += c; } colorpair x; int c2 = fgetc(f); int known_id = -1; if(callhandlers(false, hooks_readcolor, c2, lab, f)) continue; if(c2 == '#') { while(c2 != 10 && c2 != 13 && c2 != -1) c2 = fgetc(f); continue; } else if(c2 == '=') { string lab2 = ""; while(true) { int c = fgetc(f); if(rv_ignore(c) || c == ',' || c == ';' || c == EOF) break; else lab2 += c; } x = vdata[getid(lab2)].cp; } else if(c2 == '@') { legend.push_back(known_id == -1 ? getid(lab) : known_id); continue; } else if(c2 == '/') { char buf[600]; int err = fscanf(f, "%500s", buf); if(err > 0) vdata[getid(lab)].info = new string(buf); // replace with std::shared_ptr in C++111 continue; } else { ungetc(c2, f); char buf[600]; int err = fscanf(f, "%500s", buf); if(err > 0) x = parse(buf); } if(isize(lab) && lab[0] == '*') { lab = lab.substr(1); for(int i=0; i= 0) goto again; } } } } void graph_rv_hooks(); void init(flagtype _vizflags) { autocheat = true; showstartmenu = false; #if CAP_TOUR if(tour::on) { tour::slide_backup(mapeditor::drawplayer); tour::slide_backup(timerghost); } #endif #if !ISWEB mapeditor::drawplayer = false; stop_game(); enable_canvas(); restart_game(shmup::on ? rg::shmup : rg::nothing); #else stop_game(); enable_canvas(); restart_game(rg::nothing); #endif autocheat = true; items[itOrbLife] = 0; timerghost = false; gmatrix.clear(); calcparam(); drawthemap(); gmatrix0 = gmatrix; vizflags = _vizflags; graph_rv_hooks(); } int search_for = -1; vector cleanup; void do_cleanup() { while(!cleanup.empty()) { cleanup.back()(); cleanup.pop_back(); } } void close() { search_for = -1; for(int i=0; idead = true; vdata.clear(); labeler.clear(); legend.clear(); for(int i=0; iname, itsh(t->color), 'a' + i); dialog::lastItem().colorv = t->color >> 8; dialog::add_action([t] { dialog::openColorDialog(t->color, NULL); dialog::dialogflags |= sm::MAYDARK | sm::SIDE; }); break; case 1: if(!(vizflags & RV_INVERSE_WEIGHT)) { dialog::addSelItem(t->name, fts(t->visible_from), 'a'+i); dialog::add_action([t] { dialog::editNumber(t->visible_from, 0.001, 1000, .1, .1, "min weight", ""); dialog::scaleLog(); }); } else { dialog::addSelItem(t->name, its(1 / t->visible_from), 'a'+i); dialog::add_action([t] { static int i; i = 1 / t->visible_from; dialog::editNumber(i, 1, 1000000, 1, 500, weight_label, ""); dialog::reaction = [t] () { t->visible_from = i ? 1. / i : 5; }; dialog::scaleLog(); dialog::ne.step = .2; }); } break; default: break; } } dialog::addBreak(100); if(vizflags & RV_HAVE_WEIGHT) { dialog::addBoolItem_choice("color/alpha", mode, 0, '1'); dialog::addBoolItem_choice(weight_label, mode, 1, '2'); } else mode = 0; dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void search_marker() { if(search_for >= 0 && search_for < isize(vdata)) { auto& vd = vdata[search_for]; auto& m = vd.m; if(!m) return; shiftpoint H = ggmatrix(m->base) * tC0(m->at); queuestr(H, 2*vid.fsize, "X", 0x10101 * int(128 + 100 * sin(ticks / 150.))); addauraspecial(H, iinf[itOrbYendor].color, 0); } } void showVertexSearch() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK | sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X; gamescreen(0); search_for = -1; dialog::init(XLAT("vertex search")); dialog::v.clear(); if(dialog::infix != "") mouseovers = dialog::infix; for(int i=0; i