#include "../rogueviz/rogueviz.h" // torus balloon: // ./ht -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .1 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -50 50 -ibal balloon_volume=1 -run "balloon_volume=10..150000../0..10" -grotate 1 2 90*deg -grotate 0 2 30*deg -animperiod 10000 -animrot 0 90 -shot-1000 -back ffffff -fore 0 -animvideo 1800 torus-balloon.mp4 // donutrad = 4 hexagonal = true SIZE = 21 noise = 1e-2 // sphere balloon: // ./ht -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .1 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -50 50 -ibal balloon_volume=1 "balloon_volume=1../0..150000../0..1../0" -grotate 1 2 90*deg -grotate 0 2 30*deg -animperiod 10000 -animrot 0 90 -shot-1000 -back ffffff -fore 0 -animvideo 1800 sphere-balloon.mp4 // donutrad = -1 hexagonal = true SIZE = 21 noise = 0 // S2xE simulation: // ./ht -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .01 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -50 50 -ibal balloon_volume=150000 -wsh 9 -ray-do -run -ibale -switch-fpp wall_height=100 depth=50 -ray-iter 600 -ray-range 1 100 -dgl -run -grotate 1 2 60*deg -animmove 400 -60 90 -shot-1000 -animvideo 600 balloonxe-sphere.mp4 // donutrad = -1 hexagonal = true SIZE = 21 noise = 0 // flatxE simulation: // ./ht -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .01 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -50 50 -ibal balloon_volume=.01 -wsh 9 -ray-do -run -ibale -switch-fpp wall_height=100 depth=50 -ray-iter 600 -ray-range 1 100 -dgl -run -grotate 1 2 60*deg -animmove 400 -60 90 -shot-1000 -animvideo 600 balloonxe-flat.mp4 // intermediate xE // ./ht -msens 0 -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .01 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -50 50 -ibal balloon_volume=150000 -run balloon_volume=5000 -grotate 1 2 90*deg -grotate 0 2 30*deg -animperiod 10000 -animrot 0 90 -shot-1000 -animvideo 120 balloonxe-intermediate.mp4 // intermediate show: // ./ht -msens 0 -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .01 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -50 50 -ibal balloon_volume=150000 -run balloon_volume=5000 -zoom 0.2 -run -grotate 1 2 90*deg -grotate 0 2 30*deg -animperiod 10000 -animrot 0 90 -shot-1000 -animvideo 120 intermediate-balloon.mp4 // balloon-net: // ./ht -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .01 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -50 50 -ibal balloon_volume=150000 -shot-1000 -back ffffff -fore 0 -wsh 9 // animated: add -run -animmove 20 0 30 -animvideo 600 net-moving.mp4 // balloon algorithm on manifolds: // ./ht -geo Zebra -gp 10 0 -ibalc -msens 0 -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .1 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -10 10 -ibal balloon_volume=150000 -lw 8 -fore 0 -back ffffff -run -animrot 0 90 -shot-1000 -animvideo 300 balloon-zebra.mp4 // ./ht -geo Klein -gp 10 0 -ibalc -msens 0 -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .1 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -10 10 -ibal balloon_volume=150000 -lw 8 -fore 0 -back ffffff -run -animrot 0 90 -shot-1000 -animvideo 300 balloon-klein.mp4 // ./ht -geo Macbeath -gp 10 0 -ibalc -msens 0 -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .1 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -10 10 -ibal balloon_volume=150000 -lw 8 -fore 0 -back ffffff -run -animrot 0 90 -shot-1000 -animvideo 300 balloon-mcb.mp4 // ./ht -geo Bolza -gp 10 0 -ibalc -msens 0 -smart .5 -geo beti -canvas-random 0 -zoom .1 -sight3 30 -smartlimit 10 -noplayer -PM 0 -clip -10 10 -ibal balloon_volume=150000 -lw 8 -fore 0 -back ffffff -run -animrot 0 90 -shot-1000 -animvideo 300 balloon-bolza.mp4 namespace hr { namespace balloonsim { #define SIZE 21 struct data; using tri = array; bool hexagonal = true; int donutrad = -1; ld noise = 0; ld part = 0.5; struct data { hyperpoint loc; hyperpoint vel; int side; vector > tris; data(hyperpoint h ) { loc = h; vel = C0-C0; side = 0; } }; vector allpoints; data* top[SIZE][SIZE]; data* bot[SIZE][SIZE]; vector > edges; vector allfaces; vector facecolor; vector > intersections; bool draw_intersections; ld total_volume = 0; ld req_volume = 5; ld volume_of(hyperpoint a, hyperpoint b, hyperpoint c) { transmatrix T; T[0] = a; T[1] = b; T[2] = c; return det3(T); } int slowdown = 1; int steps = 0; int tsteps = 0, ssteps = 0; bool physics(int delta) { if(draw_intersections) return false; tsteps += delta; while(tsteps > ssteps) { ssteps += slowdown; steps++; // surface tension for(auto e: edges) { hyperpoint dis = e.second->loc - e.first->loc; ld len = hypot_d(3, dis); hyperpoint force = dis * ((len - 1) / len); e.first->vel += force; } ld pressure = req_volume / max(total_volume, req_volume * 1e-1); pressure *= 1e-2; for(auto t: allfaces) { hyperpoint e1 = t[1]->loc - t[0]->loc; hyperpoint e2 = t[2]->loc - t[0]->loc; hyperpoint cros = (e1 ^ e2); cros[3] = 0; // ld croslen = hypot_d(3, cros); hyperpoint normal = pressure * cros; // * croslen / croslen; // println(hlog, "normal = ", normal, " cros = ", cros, " pressure = ", pressure); t[0]->vel += normal; t[1]->vel += normal; t[2]->vel += normal; } /* if(false) if(steps < -1000) for(auto p: allpoints) p->vel = hyperpoint(0, 0, -p->side, 0); else for(auto p: allpoints) p->vel = hyperpoint(0, 0, 0, 0); */ ld step = 1e-2; // move stuff and friction for(auto p: allpoints) { // println(hlog, p->loc, " ++ ", p->vel); for(auto tr: p->tris) total_volume += volume_of(p->vel, tr.first->loc - p->loc, tr.second->loc - p->loc) * step; p->loc = p->loc + p->vel * step; p->vel = p->vel * .9; } println(hlog, "total volume = ", total_volume, " / ", req_volume, " ST = ", steps); } return true; } void explore(); int startid = 0; void create_balloon() { for(int x=0; x0 && y>0 && x= SIZE/2+1 && x+y < 3*SIZE/2-1; good &= (dx>donutrad || dy>donutrad || dx<-donutrad || dy<-donutrad || dx+dy>donutrad || dx+dy<-donutrad); } else good = hdist0(ini) < SIZE * sqrt(3)/4.-2; if(good) { if(x==0 || y==0 || x==SIZE-1 || y==SIZE-1) { println(hlog, "BUG ", tie(x, y)); exit(1); } top[y][x] = new data(ini); allpoints.push_back(top[y][x]); } } vector > dirs = { {-1,0}, {1,0}, {0,-1}, {0,1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1} }; for(int x=0; x p: dirs) if(top[y+p.first][x+p.second]) nei++; if(nei == 6) { bot[y][x] = new data(top[y][x]->loc); allpoints.push_back(bot[y][x]); top[y][x]->side = 1; bot[y][x]->side = -1; } else bot[y][x] = top[y][x]; } println(hlog, "all"); auto central = [] (array arr) { ld dist = hdist0(arr[0]->loc) + hdist0(arr[1]->loc) + hdist0(arr[2]->loc); return dist <= 4; }; for(int x=0; x p: dirs) if(top[y+p.first][x+p.second]) { println(hlog, "len = ", top[y][x]->loc - top[y+p.first][x+p.second]->loc); edges.emplace_back(top[y][x], top[y+p.first][x+p.second]); if(top[y][x] != bot[y][x] || top[y+p.first][x+p.second] != bot[y+p.first][x+p.second]) edges.emplace_back(bot[y][x], bot[y+p.first][x+p.second]); } println(hlog, "point @ ", tie(x,y)); for(auto side: {top, bot}) { array arr; arr[0] = side[y][x]; arr[1] = side[y][x+1]; if(side == bot) swap(arr[0], arr[1]); arr[2] = side[y+1][x]; if(arr[0] && arr[1] && arr[2]) { if(arr[0] == top[SIZE/2][SIZE/2]) startid = isize(allfaces); allfaces.push_back(arr); facecolor.push_back(central(arr) ? 0x8080FF : side == top ? 0xFFD500 : 0xC00000); } swap(arr[0], arr[1]); arr[2] = side[y-1][x+1]; if(arr[0] && arr[1] && arr[2]) { allfaces.push_back(arr); facecolor.push_back(central(arr) ? 0x8080FF : side == top ? 0xFFFF00 : 0xC04000); } } } for(auto& f: allfaces) for(int i: {0,1,2}) f[i]->tris.emplace_back(f[(i+1)%3], f[(i+2)%3]); for(auto p: allpoints) p->loc[0] += (randd()-randd()) * noise; println(hlog, "points = ", isize(allpoints)); println(hlog, "edges = ", isize(edges)); println(hlog, "faces = ", isize(allfaces)); } void compute_intersections() { intersections.clear(); for(auto& f1: allfaces) for(auto& f2: allfaces) { if(f1 == f2) break; bool adjacent = false; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) if(f1[i] == f2[j]) adjacent = true; if(adjacent) continue; vector ix; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { auto& f = i ? f1 : f2; auto& g = i ? f2 : f1; hyperpoint cros = (f[1]->loc-f[0]->loc) ^ (f[2]->loc-f[0]->loc); ld dotval = dot_d(3, f[1]->loc, cros); transmatrix T; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) set_column(T, i, f[i]->loc); set_column(T, 3, C0); T = inverse(T); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { hyperpoint g1 = g[i]->loc; hyperpoint g2 = g[(i+1)%3]->loc; ld dg1 = dot_d(3, g1, cros); ld dg2 = dot_d(3, g2, cros); if(dg1 == dg2) continue; ld il = ilerp(dg1, dg2, dotval); if(il < 0 || il > 1) continue; hyperpoint cp = lerp(g1, g2, il); hyperpoint res = T * cp; if(res[0] >= 0 && res[1] >= 0 && res[2] >= 0) ix.push_back(cp); } } if(ix.empty()) continue; if(isize(ix) != 2) { println(hlog, "ix is: ", ix); intersections.emplace_back(ix[0], ix[0] + hyperpoint(1,0,0,0)); continue; } sort(ix.begin(), ix.end()); intersections.emplace_back(ix[0], ix.back()); } } hyperpoint lownoise() { hyperpoint h; h[3] = 1; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) h[i] = randd() * 1e-2; return h; } void delocate_balloon() { for(auto p: allpoints) p->loc = lownoise(); } map dist; void current_balloon() { auto ac = currentmap->allcells(); map pts; for(auto c: ac) dist[c] = c->type != 6 ? 0 : 100; for(int i=0; i<50; i++) for(auto c: ac) forCellEx(c1, c) dist[c1] = min(dist[c1], dist[c]+1); int maxdist = 0; for(auto c: ac) maxdist = max(maxdist, dist[c]); for(auto c: ac) { pts[c] = new data(lownoise()); allpoints.push_back(pts[c]); } for(auto c: ac) forCellEx(c1, c) edges.emplace_back(pts[c], pts[c1]); for(auto c: ac) for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cellwalker cw(c, i); array res; int tdist = 0; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { tdist += dist[cw.at]; res[i] = pts[cw.at]; cw += wstep; cw++; } if(cw != cellwalker(c, i)) throw hr_exception("wrong!"); if(res[0] > res[1] && res[0] > res[2]) { allfaces.push_back(res); facecolor.push_back(gradient(0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0, tdist, maxdist*3)); } } for(auto& f: allfaces) for(int i: {0,1,2}) f[i]->tris.emplace_back(f[(i+1)%3], f[(i+2)%3]); rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_drawcell, 50, [maxdist] (cell *c, const shiftmatrix& V) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cellwalker cw(c, i); array res; int tdist = 0; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { tdist += dist[cw.at]; res[i] = cw.at; cw += wstep; cw++; } if(res[0] > res[1] && res[0] > res[2]) { curvepoint(C0); curvepoint(currentmap->adj(c, i) * C0); curvepoint(currentmap->adj(c, gmod(i-1, c->type)) * C0); queuecurve(V, (forecolor << 8) | 0xFF, gradient(0xFF0000FF, 0x00FF00FF, 0, tdist, maxdist*3), PPR::FLOOR); } } return false; }); } void init_balloon() { if(allpoints.empty()) { create_balloon(); } rogueviz::rv_hook(shmup::hooks_turn, 100, physics); rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, [] { shiftmatrix T = ggmatrix(currentmap->gamestart()); if(draw_intersections) { for(auto p: intersections) queueline(T*p.first, T*p.second, 0x0000FFFF).prio = PPR::SUPERLINE; } shiftmatrix T1 = T; if(pmodel == mdDisk) T1[2][3] -= 0.01; for(auto e: edges) queueline(T1*e.first->loc, T1*e.second->loc, (forecolor << 8) | 0xFF).prio = PPR::WALL; int id = 0; for(auto f: allfaces) { curvepoint(f[0]->loc); curvepoint(f[1]->loc); curvepoint(f[2]->loc); if(part) { hyperpoint ctr = (f[0]->loc + f[1]->loc + f[2]->loc) / 3; curvepoint(f[0]->loc); curvepoint(lerp(ctr, f[0]->loc, part)); curvepoint(lerp(ctr, f[1]->loc, part)); curvepoint(lerp(ctr, f[2]->loc, part)); curvepoint(lerp(ctr, f[0]->loc, part)); } if(!anyshiftclick) queuecurve(T, 0, (facecolor[id++] << 8) | 0xFF, PPR::WALL); } }); rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_handleKey, 50, [] (int sym, int uni) { if((cmode & sm::NORMAL) && uni == 'r') { dialog::editNumber(req_volume, 100, 1000000000, .1, 1000000, "", ""); dialog::scaleLog(); return true; } if((cmode & sm::NORMAL) && uni == 'e') { explore(); return true; } if((cmode & sm::NORMAL) && uni == 'i') { draw_intersections = !draw_intersections; if(draw_intersections) compute_intersections(); return true; } return false; }); param_f(req_volume, "balloon_volume"); } int t = 3; struct hrmap_arbi_full : hrmap { vector alls; heptagon *getOrigin() override { return alls[startid]; } hrmap_arbi_full() { auto& cur = arb::current; int N = isize(allfaces); alls.resize(N); println(hlog, "creating a map of size ", N); for(int i=0; i (t); /* some compilerbug happens when we put 3 directly?? */ h->zebraval = i; h->c7 = newCell(3, h); h->alt = nullptr; h->cdata = nullptr; h->emeraldval = 0; h->distance = 0; } for(int i=0; ic.connect(d, alls[con.sid], con.eid, con.mirror); } println(hlog, "finished, startid = ", startid); } transmatrix adj(heptagon *h, int dl) override { return arb::get_adj(arb::current_or_slided(), arb::id_of(h), dl, h->c.move(dl) ? arb::id_of(h->c.move(dl)) : -1, h->c.move(dl) ? h->c.spin(dl) : -1); } ld spin_angle(cell *c, int d) override { return SPIN_NOT_AVAILABLE; } int shvid(cell *c) override { return arb::id_of(c->master); } hyperpoint get_corner(cell *c, int cid, ld cf) override { auto& sh = arb::current_or_slided().shapes[arb::id_of(c->master)]; int id = gmod(cid, c->type); return normalize(C0 + (sh.vertices[id] - C0) * 3 / cf); } ~hrmap_arbi_full() { clearfrom(getOrigin()); } }; void explore() { auto& cur = arb::current; int N = isize(allfaces); ginf[gArbitrary].g = giEuclid2; ginf[gArbitrary].sides = 7; set_flag(ginf[gArbitrary].flags, qBOUNDED, true); set_flag(ginf[gArbitrary].flags, qAFFINE, false); geom3::apply_always3(); set_geometry(gCubeTiling); map, arb::connection_t > adjacent; for(int i=0; iloc - t[0]->loc) ^ (t[2]->loc - t[0]->loc); cros /= hypot_d(3, cros); transmatrix T; if(1) { dynamicval g(geometry, gSphere); T = gpushxto0(cros); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) T[3][i] = T[i][3] = i==3; } hyperpoint ctr = (t[0]->loc + t[1]->loc + t[2]->loc) / 3; recompute: for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { cc.vertices[j] = T * (t[j]->loc - ctr); // println(hlog, tie(i,j), " : ", cc.vertices[j]); cc.vertices[j][2] = 1; } cc.edges.resize(3); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { cc.edges[j] = hdist(cc.vertices[j], cc.vertices[(j+1)%3]); } cc.angles.resize(3); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) cc.angles[j] = 1; ld area = ((cc.vertices[1]-cc.vertices[0]) ^ (cc.vertices[2]-cc.vertices[0])) [2]; println(hlog, "area = ", area); if(area < 0) { T = MirrorX * T; println(hlog, "need to recompute triangle ", i); goto recompute; } cc.connections.resize(3); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) cc.connections[j] = adjacent.at(make_pair(t[j], t[(j+1)%3])); cc.stretch_shear.resize(3, make_pair(1, 0)); } set_geometry(gArbitrary); rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_newmap, 0, [] { return new hrmap_arbi_full; }); cur.cscale = 1; vid.cells_drawn_limit = 100000; canvas_default_wall = waNone; start_game(); ginf[geometry].distlimit[0] = cgi.base_distlimit = 20; pconf.scale = 1; hrmap_arbi_full *m = (hrmap_arbi_full*) currentmap; for(int i=0; ialls[i]->c7, 0, nullptr); m->alls[i]->c7->landparam = facecolor[i]; } } auto shot_hooks = arg::add3("-ibal", init_balloon) + arg::add3("-ibalc", current_balloon) + arg::add3("-ibale", explore); } }