// Hyperbolic Rogue // Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details // implementation of the shoot'em up mode extern int mousex, mousey; extern bool clicked; // joysticks for controlling the mobile shmup mode namespace shmupballs { int xmove, xfire, yb, rad; void calc() { rad = vid.radius * (vid.mobilecompasssize ? vid.mobilecompasssize : 14) / 100; xmove = max(vid.xcenter - vid.radius - rad, rad); xfire = min(vid.xcenter + vid.radius + rad, vid.xres - rad); yb = vid.ycenter + vid.radius - rad; } } namespace multi { int players = 1; cellwalker player[MAXPLAYER]; vector<int> revive_queue; // queue for revival cell *origpos[MAXPLAYER], *origtarget[MAXPLAYER]; bool flipped[MAXPLAYER]; int treasures[MAXPLAYER], kills[MAXPLAYER], deaths[MAXPLAYER]; bool alwaysuse = false; void recall() { for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) { int idir = (3 * i) % cwt.c->type; cell *c2 = cwt.c->mov[idir]; makeEmpty(c2); if(!passable(c2, NULL, P_ISPLAYER)) c2 = cwt.c; multi::player[i].c = c2; multi::player[i].spin = 0; multi::flipped[i] = true; multi::whereto[i].d = MD_UNDECIDED; } } transmatrix whereis[MAXPLAYER]; transmatrix crosscenter[MAXPLAYER]; double ccdist[MAXPLAYER]; cell *ccat[MAXPLAYER]; bool combo[MAXPLAYER]; int cpid; // player id -- an extra parameter for player-related functions int cpid_edit; // cpid currently being edited movedir whereto[MAXPLAYER]; // player's target cell double mdx[MAXPLAYER], mdy[MAXPLAYER]; // movement vector for the next move static const int CMDS = 15; static const int CMDS_PAN = 11; const char* playercmds_shmup[15] = { "forward", "backward", "turn left", "turn right", "move up", "move right", "move down", "move left", "throw a knife", "face the pointer", "throw at the pointer", "drop Dead Orb", "center the map on me", "Orb power (target: mouse)", "Orb power (target: facing)" }; const char* playercmds_turn[15] = { "move up-right", "move up-left", "move down-right", "move down-left", "move up", "move right", "move down", "move left", "stay in place (left + right)", "cancel move", "leave the game", "drop Dead Orb (up + down)", "center the map on me", "", "" }; const char* pancmds[11] = { "pan up", "pan right", "pan down", "pan left", "rotate left", "rotate right", "home", "world overview", "review your quest", "inventory", "main menu" }; #define SHMUPAXES_BASE 4 #define SHMUPAXES ((SHMUPAXES_BASE) + 4 * (MAXPLAYER)) #define SHMUPAXES_CUR ((SHMUPAXES_BASE) + 4 * vid.scfg.players) const char* axemodes[SHMUPAXES] = { "do nothing", "rotate view", "panning X", "panning Y", "player 1 X", "player 1 Y", "player 1 go", "player 1 spin", "player 2 X", "player 2 Y", "player 2 go", "player 2 spin", "player 3 X", "player 3 Y", "player 3 go", "player 3 spin", "player 4 X", "player 4 Y", "player 4 go", "player 4 spin", "player 5 X", "player 5 Y", "player 5 go", "player 5 spin", "player 6 X", "player 6 Y", "player 6 go", "player 6 spin", "player 7 X", "player 7 Y", "player 7 go", "player 7 spin" }; int centerplayer = -1; int shmupnumkeys; const char** shmupcmdtable; char* axeconfigs[24]; int numaxeconfigs; int* dzconfigs[24]; string listkeys(int id) { #if CAP_SDL string lk = ""; for(int i=0; i<512; i++) if(vid.scfg.keyaction[i] == id) lk = lk + " " + SDL_GetKeyName(SDLKey(i)); #if CAP_SDLJOY for(int i=0; i<numsticks; i++) for(int k=0; k<SDL_JoystickNumButtons(sticks[i]) && k<MAXBUTTON; k++) if(vid.scfg.joyaction[i][k] == id) { lk = lk + " " + cts('A'+i)+"-B"+its(k); } for(int i=0; i<numsticks; i++) for(int k=0; k<SDL_JoystickNumHats(sticks[i]) && k<MAXHAT; k++) for(int d=0; d<4; d++) if(vid.scfg.hataction[i][k][d] == id) { lk = lk + " " + cts('A'+i)+"-"+"URDL"[d]; } #endif return lk; #else return ""; #endif } #define SCJOY 16 string dsc(int id) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, " (%d $$$, %d kills, %d deaths)", multi::treasures[id], multi::kills[id], multi::deaths[id] ); return buf; } void resetScores() { for(int i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++) multi::treasures[i] = multi::kills[i] = multi::deaths[i] = 0; } bool shmupcfg; bool configdead; void handleConfig(int sym, int uni); void showShmupConfig() { #if CAP_SDL cmode = sm::SHMUPCONFIG; int sc = vid.scfg.subconfig; if(sc == 1 || sc == 2 || sc == 4 || sc == 5 || sc == 6 || sc == 7 || sc == 8) { shmupnumkeys = CMDS; shmupcmdtable = shmup::on ? playercmds_shmup : playercmds_turn; } else if(sc == 3) { shmupnumkeys = CMDS_PAN; shmupcmdtable = pancmds; } #if CAP_SDLJOY else if(sc == SCJOY) { dialog::init(); getcstat = ' '; numaxeconfigs = 0; for(int j=0; j<numsticks; j++) { for(int ax=0; ax<SDL_JoystickNumAxes(sticks[j]) && ax < MAXAXE; ax++) if(numaxeconfigs<24) { int y = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(sticks[j], ax); string buf = " "; if(configdead) buf += its(y); else { while(y > 10000) buf += "+", y -= 10000; while(y < -10000) buf += "-", y += 10000; if(y>0) buf += "+"; if(y<0) buf += "-"; } axeconfigs[numaxeconfigs] = &(vid.scfg.axeaction[j][ax]); dzconfigs[numaxeconfigs] = &(vid.scfg.deadzoneval[j][ax]); char aa = *axeconfigs[numaxeconfigs]; string what = configdead ? its(vid.scfg.deadzoneval[j][ax]) : XLAT(axemodes[aa%SHMUPAXES]); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("Joystick %1, axis %2", cts('A'+j), its(ax)) + buf, what, 'a'+numaxeconfigs); numaxeconfigs++; } } dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Configure dead zones"), (configdead), 'z'); dialog::display(); } #endif else if(sc == 0) { dialog::init(SHMUPTITLE); dialog::addItem(XLAT( vid.scfg.players == 2 ? "two players" : vid.scfg.players == 3 ? "three players" : vid.scfg.players == 4 ? "four players" : vid.scfg.players == 5 ? "five players" : vid.scfg.players == 6 ? "six players" : vid.scfg.players == 7 ? "seven players" : "one player"), 'n'); dialog::addItem(XLAT(shmupcfg ? "shoot'em up mode" : "turn-based mode"), 's'); dialog::addItem(XLAT(shmup::on == shmupcfg && players == vid.scfg.players ? "continue playing" : "start a new game"), '0'); if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 1") + dsc(0), '1'); else dialog::addBreak(100); if(vid.scfg.players > 1) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 2") + dsc(1), '2'); else if(vid.scfg.players == 1 && !shmupcfg) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("input"), XLAT(multi::alwaysuse ? "config" : "default"), 'a'); else dialog::addBreak(100); if(vid.scfg.players > 2) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 3") + dsc(2), '3'); #if CAP_SDLJOY else if(vid.scfg.players == 1 && !shmupcfg && !shmupcfg && !multi::alwaysuse) dialog::addItem(XLAT("old style joystick configuration"), 'b'); #endif else dialog::addBreak(100); if(vid.scfg.players > 3) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 4") + dsc(3), '4'); else dialog::addBreak(100); if(vid.scfg.players > 4) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 5") + dsc(4), '5'); else dialog::addBreak(100); if(vid.scfg.players > 5) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 6") + dsc(5), '6'); else dialog::addBreak(100); if(vid.scfg.players > 6) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 7") + dsc(6), '7'); else dialog::addBreak(100); if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure panning and general keys"), 'p'); else dialog::addBreak(100); #if CAP_SDLJOY if(numsticks > 0) { if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1) dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure joystick axes"), 'j'); else dialog::addBreak(100); } #endif if(multi::players > 1) dialog::addItem(XLAT("reset per-player statistics"), 'r'); else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBreak(50); #if CAP_CONFIG dialog::addItem(XLAT("save the configuration"), 'c'); #endif dialog::addItem(XLAT("help"), 'h'); dialog::addItem(XLAT("exit configuration"), 'v'); dialog::display(); } if(sc >= 1 && sc <= MAXPLAYER + 1) { dialog::init( XLAT(sc == 1 ? "configure player 1" : sc == 2 ? "configure player 2" : sc == 3 ? "configure panning" : sc == 4 ? "configure player 3" : sc == 5 ? "configure player 4" : sc == 6 ? "configure player 5" : sc == 7 ? "configure player 6" : sc == 8 ? "configure player 7" : "" )); getcstat = ' '; for(int i=0; i<shmupnumkeys; i++) if(shmupcmdtable[i][0]) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT(shmupcmdtable[i]), listkeys(16*sc+i), vid.scfg.setwhat ? (vid.scfg.setwhat>1 && i == (vid.scfg.setwhat&15) ? '?' : 0) : 'a'+i); else dialog::addBreak(100); if(vid.scfg.setwhat == 1) dialog::addItem(XLAT("press a key to unassign"), 0); else if(vid.scfg.setwhat) dialog::addItem(XLAT("press a key for '%1'", XLAT(shmupcmdtable[vid.scfg.setwhat&15])), 0); else dialog::addItem(XLAT("unassign a key"), 'z'); dialog::display(); } keyhandler = handleConfig; #endif } void handleConfig(int sym, int uni) { #if CAP_SDL if(!vid.scfg.setwhat) dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); int sc = vid.scfg.subconfig; if(sc == 0) { if(uni == '1') vid.scfg.subconfig = 1; else if(uni == '2') vid.scfg.subconfig = 2; else if(uni == 'p') vid.scfg.subconfig = 3; else if(uni == '3') vid.scfg.subconfig = 4; else if(uni == '4') vid.scfg.subconfig = 5; else if(uni == '5') vid.scfg.subconfig = 6; else if(uni == '6') vid.scfg.subconfig = 7; else if(uni == '7') vid.scfg.subconfig = 8; #if CAP_SDLJOY else if(uni == 'j') vid.scfg.subconfig = SCJOY; #endif else if(uni == 'a') multi::alwaysuse = !multi::alwaysuse; #if CAP_SDLJOY else if(uni == 'b') pushScreen(showJoyConfig); #endif else if(uni == 'r') for(int i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++) kills[i] = deaths[i] = treasures[i] = 0; else if(uni == 's' || uni == 't') shmupcfg = !shmupcfg; #if CAP_CONFIG else if(uni == 'c') ::saveConfig(); #endif else if(uni == 'n' || uni == 'N') { vid.scfg.players += shiftmul > 0 ? 1 : -1; vid.scfg.players %= MAXPLAYER; if(vid.scfg.players <= 0) vid.scfg.players += MAXPLAYER; } else if(sym == SDLK_F1 || uni == '?' || uni == 'h') { gotoHelp(""); help = XLAT( "Shmup (shoot'em up) mode: You can play a hyperbolic shoot'em up game. The game is based " "on the usual turn-based grid-based HyperRogue, but there are some changes. You fight by " "throwing knives, and you have three extra lives. There are no allies, so all Orbs " "related to allies give you extra lives instead (up to 5). Some other rules have been " "adapted too.\n\n"); help += XLAT( "Multiplayer: Play cooperatively (locally); treasures, kills, and deaths are calculated " "for each player too, for more competitive play. Orbs and treasures are shared, orbs drain " "faster, knives recharge slower, and player characters are not allowed to separate.\n\n"); help += XLAT( "Turn-based multiplayer: Turns are executed in parallel. A player can leave the game " "by pressing a designated key (useful when about to get killed or lost). The following " "Orbs work to bring such players back: "); help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbLife].name); help += ", "; help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbFriend].name); help += ", "; help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbUndeath].name); help += ", "; help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbTeleport].name); help += ", "; help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbSafety].name); help += "\n\n"; help += XLAT("This menu can be also used to configure keys.\n\n"); } else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) { popScreen(); if(shmup::on != shmupcfg) { restartGame('s'); resetScores(); } else if(vid.scfg.players != players) { restartGame(); resetScores(); } } } else if(sc == SCJOY) { if(sym) { char xuni = uni | 96; if(xuni >= 'a' && xuni < 'a' + numaxeconfigs) { if(configdead) { int& dz = (*dzconfigs[xuni - 'a']); dz += int(shiftmul * 100); if(dz < 0) dz = 0; if(dz > 65000) dz = 65000; } else { int v = (*axeconfigs[xuni - 'a']); v += (shiftmul>0?1:-1); v += SHMUPAXES_CUR; v %= SHMUPAXES_CUR; (*axeconfigs[xuni - 'a']) = v; } } else if(xuni == 'z') configdead = !configdead; else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) vid.scfg.subconfig = 0; } } else { if(sym) { if(vid.scfg.setwhat) { vid.scfg.keyaction[sym] = vid.scfg.setwhat; vid.scfg.setwhat = 0; } else if(uni >= 'a' && uni < 'a' + shmupnumkeys && shmupcmdtable[uni-'a'][0]) vid.scfg.setwhat = 16*sc+uni - 'a'; else if(uni == 'z') vid.scfg.setwhat = 1; else if(uni || sym == SDLK_F10) vid.scfg.subconfig = 0; } } #endif } #define NUMACT 128 enum pcmds { pcForward, pcBackward, pcTurnLeft, pcTurnRight, pcMoveUp, pcMoveRight, pcMoveDown, pcMoveLeft, pcFire, pcFace, pcFaceFire, pcDrop, pcCenter, pcOrbPower, pcOrbKey }; int actionspressed[NUMACT], axespressed[SHMUPAXES], lactionpressed[NUMACT]; void pressaction(int id) { if(id >= 0 && id < NUMACT) actionspressed[id]++; } bool notremapped(int sym) { int k = vid.scfg.keyaction[sym]; if(k == 0) return true; k /= 16; if(k > 3) k--; else if(k==3) k = 0; return k > multi::players; } #if CAP_CONFIG void initConfig() { vid.scfg.players = 1; char* t = vid.scfg.keyaction; t['w'] = 16 + 4; t['d'] = 16 + 5; t['s'] = 16 + 6; t['a'] = 16 + 7; #if ISMOBILE==0 t[SDLK_KP8] = 16 + 4; t[SDLK_KP6] = 16 + 5; t[SDLK_KP2] = 16 + 6; t[SDLK_KP4] = 16 + 7; #endif t['f'] = 16 + pcFire; t['g'] = 16 + pcFace; t['h'] = 16 + pcFaceFire; t['r'] = 16 + pcDrop; t['t'] = 16 + pcOrbPower; t['y'] = 16 + pcCenter; t['i'] = 32 + 4; t['k'] = 32 + 5; t['j'] = 32 + 6; t['l'] = 32 + 7; t[';'] = 32 + 8; t['\''] = 32 + 9; t['p'] = 32 + 10; t['['] = 32 + pcCenter; #if ISMOBILE==0 t[SDLK_UP] = 48 ; t[SDLK_RIGHT] = 48 + 1; t[SDLK_DOWN] = 48 + 2; t[SDLK_LEFT] = 48 + 3; t[SDLK_PAGEUP] = 48 + 4; t[SDLK_PAGEDOWN] = 48 + 5; t[SDLK_HOME] = 48 + 6; #endif vid.scfg.joyaction[0][0] = 16 + pcFire; vid.scfg.joyaction[0][1] = 16 + pcOrbPower; vid.scfg.joyaction[0][2] = 16 + pcDrop; vid.scfg.joyaction[0][3] = 16 + pcCenter; vid.scfg.joyaction[0][4] = 16 + pcFace; vid.scfg.joyaction[0][5] = 16 + pcFaceFire; vid.scfg.joyaction[1][0] = 32 + pcFire; vid.scfg.joyaction[1][1] = 32 + pcOrbPower; vid.scfg.joyaction[1][2] = 32 + pcDrop; vid.scfg.joyaction[1][3] = 32 + pcCenter; vid.scfg.joyaction[1][4] = 32 + pcFace; vid.scfg.joyaction[1][5] = 32 + pcFaceFire; vid.scfg.axeaction[0][0] = 4; vid.scfg.axeaction[0][1] = 5; vid.scfg.axeaction[0][3] = 2; vid.scfg.axeaction[0][4] = 3; vid.scfg.axeaction[1][0] = 8; vid.scfg.axeaction[1][1] = 9; // ULRD vid.scfg.hataction[0][0][0] = 16 + 0; vid.scfg.hataction[0][0][1] = 16 + 3; vid.scfg.hataction[0][0][2] = 16 + 1; vid.scfg.hataction[0][0][3] = 16 + 2; vid.scfg.hataction[0][1][0] = 16 + 4; vid.scfg.hataction[0][1][1] = 16 + 7; vid.scfg.hataction[0][1][2] = 16 + 5; vid.scfg.hataction[0][1][3] = 16 + 6; vid.scfg.hataction[1][0][0] = 32 + 0; vid.scfg.hataction[1][0][1] = 32 + 3; vid.scfg.hataction[1][0][2] = 32 + 1; vid.scfg.hataction[1][0][3] = 32 + 2; vid.scfg.hataction[1][1][0] = 32 + 4; vid.scfg.hataction[1][1][1] = 32 + 7; vid.scfg.hataction[1][1][2] = 32 + 5; vid.scfg.hataction[1][1][3] = 32 + 6; int charidtable[MAXPLAYER] = {0, 1, 4, 6, 2, 3, 0}; for(int i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++) { initcs(multi::scs[i]); multi::scs[i].charid = charidtable[i]; } multi::scs[0].uicolor = 0xC00000FF; multi::scs[1].uicolor = 0x00C000FF; multi::scs[2].uicolor = 0x0000C0FF; multi::scs[3].uicolor = 0xC0C000FF; multi::scs[4].uicolor = 0xC000C0FF; multi::scs[5].uicolor = 0x00C0C0FF; multi::scs[6].uicolor = 0xC0C0C0FF; addsaver(vid.scfg.players, "mode-number of players"); addsaver(alwaysuse, "use configured keys"); // unfortunately we cannot use key names here because SDL is not yet initialized for(int i=0; i<512; i++) addsaver(vid.scfg.keyaction[i], string("key:")+its(i)); for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) { string pre = "joystick "+cts('A'+i); for(int j=0; j<MAXBUTTON; j++) addsaver(vid.scfg.joyaction[i][j], pre+"-B"+its(j)); for(int j=0; j<MAXAXE; j++) { addsaver(vid.scfg.axeaction[i][j], pre+" axis "+its(j)); addsaver(vid.scfg.deadzoneval[i][j], pre+" deadzone "+its(j)); } for(int j=0; j<MAXHAT; j++) for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { addsaver(vid.scfg.hataction[i][j][k], pre+" hat "+its(j)+" "+"URDL"[k]); } } for(int i=0; i<7; i++) addsaver(multi::scs[i], "player"+its(i)); } void scanchar(FILE *f, char& c) { int i = c; int err = fscanf(f, "%d", &i); if(err == 1) c = i; } void loadConfig(FILE *f) { int xvernum; int err = fscanf(f, "%d %d", &xvernum, &vid.scfg.players); if(vid.scfg.players < 1 || vid.scfg.players > MAXPLAYER) vid.scfg.players = 1; if(err != 2) return; if(xvernum >= 8990) { int b=alwaysuse; err=fscanf(f, " %d", &b); alwaysuse = b; } for(int i=0; i<512; i++) scanchar(f, vid.scfg.keyaction[i]); for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAXBUTTON; j++) scanchar(f, vid.scfg.joyaction[i][j]); for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAXAXE; j++) scanchar(f, vid.scfg.axeaction[i][j]); if(xvernum >= 9007) for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAXAXE; j++) err = fscanf(f, " %d", &vid.scfg.deadzoneval[i][j]); for(int i=0; i<MAXJOY; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAXHAT; j++) for(int k=0; k<4; k++) scanchar(f, vid.scfg.hataction[i][j][k]); for(int i=0; i<(xvernum < 8990 ? 4 : 7); i++) loadcs(f, scs[i], xvernum); } #endif void handleInput(int delta) { #if CAP_SDL double d = delta / 500.; Uint8 *keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); for(int i=0; i<NUMACT; i++) lactionpressed[i] = actionspressed[i], actionspressed[i] = 0; for(int i=0; i<SHMUPAXES; i++) axespressed[i] = 0; for(int i=0; i<SDLK_LAST; i++) if(keystate[i]) pressaction(vid.scfg.keyaction[i]); #if CAP_SDLJOY for(int j=0; j<numsticks; j++) { for(int b=0; b<SDL_JoystickNumButtons(sticks[j]) && b<MAXBUTTON; b++) if(SDL_JoystickGetButton(sticks[j], b)) pressaction(vid.scfg.joyaction[j][b]); for(int b=0; b<SDL_JoystickNumHats(sticks[j]) && b<MAXHAT; b++) { int stat = SDL_JoystickGetHat(sticks[j], b); if(stat & SDL_HAT_UP) pressaction(vid.scfg.hataction[j][b][0]); if(stat & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) pressaction(vid.scfg.hataction[j][b][1]); if(stat & SDL_HAT_DOWN) pressaction(vid.scfg.hataction[j][b][2]); if(stat & SDL_HAT_LEFT) pressaction(vid.scfg.hataction[j][b][3]); } for(int b=0; b<SDL_JoystickNumAxes(sticks[j]) && b<MAXAXE; b++) { int value = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(sticks[j], b); int dz = vid.scfg.deadzoneval[j][b]; if(value > dz) value -= dz; else if(value < -dz) value += dz; else value = 0; axespressed[vid.scfg.axeaction[j][b] % SHMUPAXES] += value; } } #endif if(keystate[SDLK_LCTRL] || keystate[SDLK_RCTRL]) d /= 5; double panx = actionspressed[49] - actionspressed[51] + axespressed[2] / 32000.0; double pany = actionspressed[50] - actionspressed[48] + axespressed[3] / 20000.0; double panspin = actionspressed[52] - actionspressed[53] + axespressed[1] / 20000.0; if(actionspressed[54]) { centerplayer = -1, playermoved = true; centerpc(100); } if(actionspressed[55] && !lactionpressed[55]) setAppropriateOverview(); if(actionspressed[56] && !lactionpressed[56]) showMissionScreen(); #if CAP_INV if(actionspressed[57] && !lactionpressed[57] && inv::on) pushScreen(inv::show); #endif if(actionspressed[58] && !lactionpressed[58]) pushScreen(showMainMenu); if(panx || pany || panspin) { View = xpush(-panx * d) * ypush(-pany * d) * spin(panspin * d) * View; playermoved = false; } #endif } int tableid[7] = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; void leaveGame(int i) { multi::player[i].c = NULL; multi::deaths[i]++; revive_queue.push_back(i); checklastmove(); } bool playerActive(int p) { if(multi::players == 1 || shmup::on) return true; return player[p].c; } int activePlayers() { int q = 0; for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(playerActive(i)) q++; return q; } cell *multiPlayerTarget(int i) { cellwalker cwti = multi::player[i]; if(!cwti.c) return NULL; int dir = multi::whereto[i].d; if(dir == MD_UNDECIDED) return NULL; if(dir == MD_USE_ORB) return multi::whereto[i].tgt; if(dir >= 0) { cwspin(cwti, dir); cwstep(cwti); } return cwti.c; } void checklastmove() { for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) if(playerActive(i)) { multi::cpid = i; cwt = multi::player[i]; break; } if(multi::activePlayers() == 1) { multi::checkonly = true; checkmove(); multi::checkonly = false; } } bool needinput = true; void handleMulti(int delta) { multi::handleInput(delta); transmatrix bcwtV = cwtV; cellwalker bcwt = cwt; bool alldecided = !needinput; if(multi::players == 1) { multi::cpid = 0; multi::whereis[0] = cwtV; multi::player[0] = cwt; } for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) if(playerActive(i)) { using namespace multi; // todo refactor cpid = i; int b = 16*tableid[cpid]; for(int ik=0; ik<8; ik++) if(actionspressed[b+ik]) playermoved = true; for(int ik=0; ik<16; ik++) if(actionspressed[b+ik] && !lactionpressed[b+ik]) multi::combo[i] = false; bool anypressed = false; int jb = 4*tableid[cpid]; for(int ik=0; ik<4; ik++) if(axespressed[jb+ik]) anypressed = true, playermoved = true, multi::combo[i] = false; double mdx = (actionspressed[b+0] + actionspressed[b+2] - actionspressed[b+1] - actionspressed[b+3]) * .7 + actionspressed[b+pcMoveRight] - actionspressed[b+pcMoveLeft] + axespressed[jb]/30000.; double mdy = (actionspressed[b+3] + actionspressed[b+2] - actionspressed[b+1] - actionspressed[b+0]) * .7 + actionspressed[b+pcMoveDown] - actionspressed[b+pcMoveUp] + axespressed[jb+1]/30000.; if((actionspressed[b+pcMoveRight] && actionspressed[b+pcMoveLeft]) || (actionspressed[b+pcMoveUp] && actionspressed[b+pcMoveDown])) multi::mdx[i] = multi::mdy[i] = 0; multi::mdx[i] = multi::mdx[i] * (1 - delta / 1000.) + mdx * delta / 2000.; multi::mdy[i] = multi::mdy[i] * (1 - delta / 1000.) + mdy * delta / 2000.; if(mdx != 0 || mdy != 0) if(!multi::combo[i]) { cwtV = multi::whereis[i]; cwt = multi::player[i]; flipplayer = multi::flipped[i]; multi::whereto[i] = vectodir(hpxy(multi::mdx[i], multi::mdy[i])); } if(multi::actionspressed[b+pcFire] || (multi::actionspressed[b+pcMoveLeft] && multi::actionspressed[b+pcMoveRight])) multi::combo[i] = true, multi::whereto[i].d = MD_WAIT; if(multi::actionspressed[b+pcFace]) multi::whereto[i].d = MD_UNDECIDED; cwt.c = multi::player[i].c; if(multi::ccat[i] && !multi::combo[i] && targetRangedOrb(multi::ccat[i], roMultiCheck)) { multi::whereto[i].d = MD_USE_ORB; multi::whereto[i].tgt = multi::ccat[i]; } if(multi::actionspressed[b+pcFaceFire] && activePlayers() > 1) { addMessage(XLAT("Left the game.")); multi::leaveGame(i); } if(actionspressed[b+pcDrop] || (multi::actionspressed[b+pcMoveUp] && multi::actionspressed[b+pcMoveDown])) multi::combo[i] = true, multi::whereto[i].d = MD_DROP; if(actionspressed[b+pcCenter]) { centerplayer = cpid; centerpc(100); playermoved = true; } if(multi::whereto[i].d == MD_UNDECIDED) alldecided = false; for(int ik=0; ik<16; ik++) if(actionspressed[b+ik]) anypressed = true; if(anypressed) alldecided = false, needinput = false; else multi::mdx[i] = multi::mdy[i] = 0; } cwtV = bcwtV; cwt = bcwt; if(alldecided) { flashMessages(); // check for crashes needinput = true; for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) if(playerActive(i)) { origpos[i] = player[i].c; origtarget[i] = multiPlayerTarget(i); } for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++) if(playerActive(i)) for(int j=0; j<numplayers(); j++) if(playerActive(j)) if(i != j) { if(origtarget[i] == origtarget[j]) { addMessage("Two players cannot move/attack the same location!"); return; } /* if(multiPlayerTarget(i) == multi::player[j].c) { addMessage("Cannot move into the current location of another player!"); return; } if(celldistance(multiPlayerTarget(i), multiPlayerTarget(j)) > 8) { addMessage("Players cannot get that far away!"); return; } */ } if(multi::players == 1) { if(movepcto(multi::whereto[0])) multi::whereto[0].d = MD_UNDECIDED; return; } multi::cpid = 0; if(multimove()) { multi::aftermove = false; monstersTurn(); checklastmove(); } } } void mousemovement(cell *c) { if(!c) return; int countplayers = 0; int countplayers_undecided = 0; for(int i=0; i<multi::players; i++) if(multi::playerActive(i) && (playerpos(i) == c || isNeighbor(c, playerpos(i)))) { countplayers++; if(multi::whereto[i].d == MD_UNDECIDED) countplayers_undecided++; } for(int i=0; i<multi::players; i++) if(multi::playerActive(i) && (playerpos(i) == c || isNeighbor(c, playerpos(i)))) { int& cdir = multi::whereto[i].d; int scdir = cdir; bool isUndecided = cdir == MD_UNDECIDED; if(countplayers_undecided > 0 && ! isUndecided) continue; if(playerpos(i) == c) multi::whereto[i].d = MD_WAIT; else { for(int d=0; d<playerpos(i)->type; d++) { cdir = d; if(multi::multiPlayerTarget(i) == c) break; cdir = scdir; } } } needinput = ((countplayers == 2 && !countplayers_undecided) || countplayers_undecided >= 2); } } /* const char *lastprofile = ""; int lt = 0; void profile(const char *buf) { int gt = SDL_GetTicks(); printf("%4d %s\n", gt - lt, lastprofile); lt = gt; lastprofile = buf; } */ #define SCALE (crossf/hcrossf) #define SCALE2 (SCALE*SCALE) namespace shmup { transmatrix &ggmatrix(cell *c); using namespace multi; eItem targetRangedOrbKey(orbAction a); eItem keyresult[MAXPLAYER]; ld fabsl(ld x) { return x>0?x:-x; } bool on = false, safety = false; bool lastdead = false; struct monster; multimap<cell*, monster*> monstersAt; typedef multimap<cell*, monster*>::iterator mit; vector<monster*> active, nonvirtual, additional; cell *findbaseAround(hyperpoint p, cell *around) { cell *best = around; double d0 = intval(p, ggmatrix(around) * C0); for(int i=0; i<around->type; i++) { cell *c2 = around->mov[i]; if(c2) { double d1 = intval(p, ggmatrix(c2) * C0); if(d1 < d0) { best = c2; d0 = d1; } } } return best; } cell *findbaseAround(const transmatrix& H, cell *around) { return findbaseAround(tC0(H), around); } cell *findbaseAroundRepeat(hyperpoint p, cell *around) { while(true) { cell *c = findbaseAround(p, around); if(c == around) return c; around = c; } } cell *findbaseAroundRepeat(const transmatrix& H, cell *around) { return findbaseAroundRepeat(tC0(H), around); } /* double distance(hyperpoint h) { h = spintox(h) * h; return asinh(h[2]); } */ void fixelliptic(transmatrix& at) { if(elliptic && at[2][2] < 0) { for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) at[i][j] = -at[i][j]; } } struct monster { eMonster type; cell *base; cell *torigin; // tortoises: origin // butterflies: last position transmatrix at; transmatrix pat; eMonster stk; bool dead; bool notpushed; bool inBoat; monster *parent; // who shot this missile eMonster parenttype; // type of the parent int nextshot; // when will it be able to shot (players/flailers) int pid; // player ID char hitpoints; int stunoff; int blowoff; double swordangle; // sword angle wrt at double vel; // velocity, for flail balls double footphase; bool isVirtual; // off the screen: gmatrix is unknown, and pat equals at monster() { dead = false; inBoat = false; parent = NULL; nextshot = 0; stunoff = 0; blowoff = 0; footphase = 0; } void store() { monstersAt.insert(make_pair(base, this)); } void findpat() { isVirtual = !gmatrix.count(base); if(!isVirtual) pat = gmatrix[base] * at; else pat = at; } cell *findbase(const transmatrix& T) { if(isVirtual) { cell *c = base; auto cT = T; virtualRebase(c, cT, true); return c; } else return findbaseAround(T, base); } void rebasePat(const transmatrix& new_pat) { if(isVirtual) { at = new_pat; virtualRebase(this, true); fixmatrix(at); pat = at; return; } if(geometry == gQuotient || geometry == gTorus) { at = inverse(gmatrix[base]) * new_pat; virtualRebase(this, true); fixmatrix(at); return; } pat = new_pat; cell *c2 = findbase(pat); // if(c2 != base) printf("rebase %p -> %p\n", base, c2); base = c2; at = inverse(gmatrix[c2]) * pat; fixmatrix(at); fixelliptic(at); } /* void rebaseAt(const transmatrix& new_at) { rebasePat(gmatrix[base] * new_at); } */ bool trackroute(transmatrix goal, double spd) { cell *c = base; // queuepoly(goal, shGrail, 0xFFFFFFC0); transmatrix mat = inverse(pat) * goal; transmatrix mat2 = spintox(mat*C0) * mat; double d = 0, dist = asinh(mat2[0][2]); while(d < dist) { d += spd; transmatrix nat = pat * rspintox(mat * C0) * xpush(d); // queuepoly(nat, shKnife, 0xFFFFFFC0); cell *c2 = findbaseAround(nat, c); if(c2 != c && !passable_for(type, c2, c, P_CHAIN | P_ONPLAYER)) { return false; } c = c2; } return true; } bool trackrouteView(transmatrix goal, double spd) { cell *c = base; queuepoly(goal, shGrail, 0xFFFFFFC0); transmatrix mat = inverse(pat) * goal; transmatrix mat2 = spintox(mat*C0) * mat; double d = 0, dist = asinh(mat2[0][2]); while(d < dist) { d += spd; transmatrix nat = pat * rspintox(mat * C0) * xpush(d); // queuepoly(nat, shKnife, 0xFFFFFFC0); cell *c2 = findbaseAround(nat, c); if(c2 != c) { if(0) printf("old dist: %lf\n", (double) intval(nat*C0, gmatrix[c]*C0)); if(0) printf("new dist: %lf\n", (double) intval(nat*C0, gmatrix[c2]*C0)); } queuepoly(gmatrix[c2], shKnife, 0xFF0000FF); if(c2 != c && !passable_for(type, c2, c, P_CHAIN)) return false; c = c2; } if(0) printf("dist = %lf, d = %lf, spd = %lf, lint = %lf, lcd = %lf\n", dist, d, spd, (double) intval(pat * rspintox(mat * C0) * xpush(d)*C0, goal*C0), (double) intval(pat * rspintox(mat * C0) * xpush(d)*C0, gmatrix[c]*C0) ); return true; } }; monster *pc[MAXPLAYER], *mousetarget, *lmousetarget; int curtime, nextmove, nextdragon; bool isBullet(monster *m) { return isBulletType(m->type); } bool isPlayer(monster *m) { return m->type == moPlayer; } bool isMonster(monster *m) { return m->type != moPlayer && m->type != moBullet; } void killMonster(monster* m, eMonster who_kills, int flags = 0) { int tk = tkills(); #if CAP_ROGUEVIZ if(m->type == moRogueviz) { rogueviz::activate(m); return; } #endif if(m->dead) return; m->dead = true; if(isBullet(m) || isPlayer(m)) return; m->stk = m->base->monst; if(m->inBoat && isWatery(m->base)) { m->base->wall = waBoat; m->base->mondir = 0; m->inBoat = false; } else if(m->inBoat && m->base->wall == waNone && ( (m->base->land == laOcean || m->base->land == laLivefjord))) { m->base->wall = waStrandedBoat; m->base->mondir = 0; m->inBoat = false; } m->base->monst = m->type; killMonster(m->base, who_kills, flags); m->base->monst = m->stk; if(multi::cpid >= 0) multi::kills[multi::cpid] += tkills() - tk; } void pushmonsters() { for(monster *m: nonvirtual) { m->notpushed = isPlayer(m) || m->dead || (m->base->monst && m->base->monst != m->type); if(!m->notpushed) { m->stk = m->base->monst; m->base->monst = m->type; } } } void popmonsters() { for(int i=size(nonvirtual)-1; i>=0; i--) { monster *m = nonvirtual[i]; if(!m->notpushed) { if(m->type == m->base->monst) m->base->monst = m->stk; else { m->dead = true; // already killed // also kill all the other monsters pushed there for(int j=0; j<i; j++) { monster *m2 = active[j]; if(m2->base == m->base && !m2->notpushed) killMonster(m2, moNone); } } } } } void degradeDemons() { for(monster* m: nonvirtual) { if(m->type == moGreater) m->type = moLesser; if(m->stk == moGreater) m->type = moLesser; } } // we need these for the Mimics! double playerturn[MAXPLAYER], playergo[MAXPLAYER]; bool playerfire[MAXPLAYER]; void awakenMimics(monster *m, cell *c2) { for(auto& mi: mirror::mirrors) { cell *c = mi.second.c; transmatrix mirrortrans = Id; if(mi.second.mirrored) mirrortrans[0][0] = -1; if(!gmatrix.count(c)) continue; monster *m2 = new monster; m2->base = c; if(isBullet(m)) { m2->parenttype = m->parenttype; m2->type = m->type; m2->vel = m->vel; m2->parent = m->parent; m2->pid = m->pid; } else m2->type = moMimic; hyperpoint H = inverse(gmatrix[c2]) * gmatrix[c] * C0; transmatrix xfer = rgpushxto0(H); if(mi.second.mirrored) { hyperpoint H2 = spintox(H) * H; xfer = rspintox(H) * rpushxto0(H2) * mirrortrans * spintox(H); } m2->pat = gmatrix[c2] * xfer * inverse(gmatrix[c2]) * m->pat; m2->at = inverse(gmatrix[c]) * m2->pat; m2->pid = cpid; additional.push_back(m2); // if you don't understand it, don't worry, // I don't understand it either } mirror::mirrors.clear(); } int visibleAt; void visibleFor(int t) { visibleAt = max(visibleAt, curtime + t); } void shootBullet(monster *m) { monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = m->base; bullet->at = m->at; bullet->type = moBullet; bullet->parent = m; bullet->pid = m->pid; bullet->parenttype = m->type; additional.push_back(bullet); eItem orbdir[8] = { itNone, itOrbSide1, itOrbThorns, itOrbSide2, itOrbSide3, itOrbSide2, itOrbThorns, itOrbSide1 }; for(int i=1; i<8; i++) if(markOrb(orbdir[i])) { monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = m->base; bullet->at = m->at * spin(M_PI/4*i); bullet->type = moBullet; bullet->parent = m; bullet->pid = m->pid; bullet->parenttype = m->type; additional.push_back(bullet); } } void killThePlayer(eMonster m) { pc[cpid]->dead = true; } monster *playerCrash(monster *who, hyperpoint where) { if(who->isVirtual) return NULL; for(int j=0; j<players; j++) if(pc[j]!=who) { if(pc[j]->isVirtual) continue; double d = intval(pc[j]->pat*C0, where); if(d < 0.1 * SCALE2 || d > 100) return pc[j]; } return NULL; } void oceanCurrents(transmatrix& nat, monster *m, int delta) { cell *c = m->base; if(c->land == laWhirlpool) { for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[i]; if(!c2 || !gmatrix.count(c2)) continue; double spd = 0; if(celldistAlt(c2) < celldistAlt(c)) spd = SCALE * delta / 3000.; else if(c2 == whirlpool::get(c, 1)) spd = SCALE * delta / 900.; if(spd) { transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c2]; // transmatrix t = spintox(H) * xpush(delta/300.) * rspintox(H); hyperpoint H = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0; nat = nat * rspintox(H); nat = nat * xpush(spd); nat = nat * spintox(H); } } } } bool airCurrents(transmatrix& nat, monster *m, int delta) { bool carried = false; cell *c = m->base; if(c->land == laWhirlwind) { whirlwind::calcdirs(c); for(int i=0; i<whirlwind::qdirs; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[whirlwind::dto[i]]; if(!c2 || !gmatrix.count(c2)) continue; double spd = SCALE * delta / 900.; if(m->type == moVoidBeast) spd = -spd; if(spd) { transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c2]; // transmatrix t = spintox(H) * xpush(delta/300.) * rspintox(H); hyperpoint H = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0; nat = nat * rspintox(H); nat = nat * xpush(spd); nat = nat * spintox(H); carried = true; } } } if(c->land == laBlizzard) { int wmc = windmap::at(c); forCellEx(c2, c) { if(!c2 || !gmatrix.count(c2)) continue; int z = (windmap::at(c2) - wmc) & 255; if(z >= 128) z -= 256; if(m->type == moVoidBeast) z = -z; if(z < windmap::NOWINDFROM && z > -windmap::NOWINDFROM) { transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c2]; // transmatrix t = spintox(H) * xpush(delta/300.) * rspintox(H); hyperpoint H = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0; nat = nat * rspintox(H); nat = nat * xpush(z * SCALE * delta / 50000.); nat = nat * spintox(H); carried = true; } } } return carried; } void roseCurrents(transmatrix& nat, monster *m, int delta) { if(ignoresSmell(m->type)) return; cell *c = m->base; int qty = 0; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[i]; if(c2 && rosedist(c2) == 2) qty++; } for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[i]; if(!c2 || !gmatrix.count(c2)) continue; if(rosedist(c2) != 2) continue; double spd = SCALE * delta / 300. / qty; if(spd) { transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c2]; // transmatrix t = spintox(H) * xpush(delta/300.) * rspintox(H); hyperpoint H = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0; nat = nat * rspintox(H); nat = nat * xpush(spd); nat = nat * spintox(H); } } } hyperpoint keytarget(int i) { double d = 2 + sin(curtime / 350.); return pc[i]->pat * xpush(d) * C0; } /* int charidof(int pid) { if(players == 1) return bak_charid; if(players == 2 || players == 4) return pid; if(players == 3) return pid < 2 ? pid : 2+(bak_charid&1); return 0; } */ double getSwordSize() { return 0.7255; } double getHornsSize() { return 0.33; } hyperpoint swordpos(int id, bool rev, double frac) { return pc[id]->pat * spin(pc[id]->swordangle) * xpush((rev?-frac:frac) * getSwordSize()) * C0; } hyperpoint hornpos(int id) { return pc[id]->pat * tC0(xpush(getHornsSize())); } #define IGO 9 double igospan[IGO+1] = { 0, M_PI/6, -M_PI/6, M_PI/4, -M_PI/4, M_PI/3, -M_PI/3, M_PI/2.1, -M_PI/2.1, 0 }; bool swordKills(eMonster m) { return m != moHedge && m != moMetalBeast && m != moMetalBeast2 && m != moTortoise && m != moGreater && m != moRoseBeauty && m != moReptile && !isBull(m) && m != moButterfly && m != moSalamander && m != moTerraWarrior; } bool hornKills(eMonster m) { return m != moHedge && m != moMetalBeast && m != moMetalBeast2 && m != moTortoise && m != moGreater && m != moSkeleton && m != moDraugr && m != moRoseBeauty && m != moReptile && !isBull(m) && m != moButterfly && !isBulletType(m) && m != moPalace && m != moFatGuard && m != moVizier && m != moSalamander && m != moTerraWarrior; } queue<pair<int, cell*>> traplist; void activateArrow(cell *c) { if(isCentralTrap(c)) traplist.emplace(ticks + 500, c); } monster arrowtrap_fakeparent; void doTraps() { while(true) { if(traplist.empty()) return; auto t = traplist.front(); if(t.first > ticks) return; int d = t.second->wparam; if(d == 2) { auto tl = traplimits(t.second); for(int i=1; i<4; i++) if(tl[i]) tl[i]->wparam = 3; traplist.emplace(t.first + 500, t.second); for(int i=0; i<5; i += 4) try { transmatrix& tu = gmatrix.at(tl[i]); transmatrix& tv = gmatrix.at(tl[4-i]); monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = tl[i]; bullet->at = rspintox(inverse(tu) * tC0(tv)); bullet->type = moArrowTrap; bullet->parent = &arrowtrap_fakeparent; bullet->pid = 0; bullet->parenttype = moArrowTrap; additional.push_back(bullet); } catch(out_of_range) {} } else if(d == 3) { auto tl = traplimits(t.second); for(int i=1; i<4; i++) if(tl[i]) tl[i]->wparam = 0; } traplist.pop(); } } bool hornStuns(eMonster m) { return !isBulletType(m) && m != moRoseBeauty; } bool noncrashable(monster *m, monster *by) { eMonster mt = m->type; if(mt == moGreater) return true; if(mt == moDraugr && by->type != moDraugr) return true; if(isBull(mt)) return true; if(mt == moReptile) return true; if(mt == moSalamander) return true; if(mt == moRoseBeauty && by->type != moRoseLady) return true; if(mt == moTortoise) return true; if(mt == moTerraWarrior) return true; if(mt == moSkeleton) return true; return false; } int bulltime[MAXPLAYER]; void reflect(cell*& c2, monster *m, transmatrix& nat); // set to P_MIRRORWALL to allow the PCs to go through mirrors static const int reflectflag = P_MIRRORWALL; void movePlayer(monster *m, int delta) { cpid = m->pid; double mturn = 0, mgo = 0, mdx = 0, mdy = 0; bool shotkey = false, dropgreen = false, facemouse = false; if(facemouse) { // silence warning that facemouse unused } int b = 16*tableid[cpid]; for(int i=0; i<8; i++) if(actionspressed[b+i]) playermoved = true; int jb = 4*tableid[cpid]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) if(axespressed[jb+i]) playermoved = true; #if !ISMOBILE mgo = actionspressed[b+pcForward] - actionspressed[b+pcBackward] + axespressed[jb+2]/30000.; mturn = actionspressed[b+pcTurnLeft] - actionspressed[b+pcTurnRight] + axespressed[jb+3]/30000.; mdx = actionspressed[b+pcMoveRight] - actionspressed[b+pcMoveLeft] + axespressed[jb]/30000.; mdy = actionspressed[b+pcMoveDown] - actionspressed[b+pcMoveUp] + axespressed[jb+1]/30000.; shotkey = actionspressed[b+pcFire] || actionspressed[b+pcFaceFire]; facemouse = actionspressed[b+pcFace] || actionspressed[b+pcFaceFire]; dropgreen = actionspressed[b+pcDrop]; #else mdx = mdy = mgo = mturn = 0; facemouse = shotkey = false; dropgreen = getcstat == 'g'; using namespace shmupballs; if(clicked && hypot(mousex - xfire, mousey - yb) < rad) { shotkey = true; mdx = (mousex - xfire) / (rad/2.); mdy = (mousey - yb) / (rad/2.); } if(clicked && hypot(mousex - xmove, mousey - yb) < rad) { mdx = (mousex - xmove) / (rad/2.); mdy = (mousey - yb) / (rad/2.); } #endif if(actionspressed[b+pcOrbPower] && !lactionpressed[b+pcOrbPower] && mouseover) { cwt.c = m->base; targetRangedOrb(mouseover, roKeyboard); } #if !ISMOBILE if(haveRangedOrb()) { cwt.c = m->base; if(actionspressed[b+pcOrbKey] && !lactionpressed[b+pcOrbKey]) keyresult[cpid] = targetRangedOrbKey(roKeyboard); else keyresult[cpid] = targetRangedOrbKey(roCheck); } else #endif keyresult[cpid] = itNone; if(actionspressed[b+pcCenter]) { centerplayer = cpid; centerpc(100); playermoved = true; } transmatrix nat = m->pat; // if(ka == b+pcOrbPower) dropgreen = true; // if(mturn > 1) mturn = 1; // if(mturn < -1) mturn = -1; playerturn[cpid] = mturn * delta / 150.0; double mdd = hypot(mdx, mdy); if(mdd > 1e-6) { hyperpoint jh = hpxy(mdx/100.0, mdy/100.0); hyperpoint ctr = m->pat * C0; if(sphere && vid.alphax > 1.001) for(int i=0; i<3; i++) ctr[i] = -ctr[i]; hyperpoint h = inverse(m->pat) * rgpushxto0(ctr) * jh; playerturn[cpid] = -atan2(h[1], h[0]); mgo += mdd; } #if CAP_SDL Uint8 *keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); bool forcetarget = (keystate[SDLK_RSHIFT] | keystate[SDLK_LSHIFT]); if(((mousepressed && !forcetarget) || facemouse) && delta > 0 && !mouseout()) { // playermoved = true; hyperpoint h = inverse(m->pat) * mouseh; playerturn[cpid] = -atan2(h[1], h[0]); // nat = nat * spin(alpha); // mturn += alpha * 150. / delta; } #endif bool blown = m->blowoff > curtime; if(playerturn[cpid] && canmove && !blown) { m->swordangle -= playerturn[cpid]; nat = nat * spin(playerturn[cpid]); } transmatrix nat0 = nat; if(m->base->land == laWhirlpool && !markOrb(itOrbWater)) oceanCurrents(nat, m, delta); airCurrents(nat, m, delta); if(rosedist(m->base) == 1) roseCurrents(nat, m, delta); if(mgo > 1) mgo = 1; if(mgo < -1) mgo = -1; if(!canmove) mgo = 0; playergo[cpid] = mgo * SCALE * delta / 600; if(playergo[cpid] && markOrb(itOrbDash)) playergo[cpid] *= 1.5; bool go = false; cell *c2 = m->base; if(blown) { playergo[cpid] = -SCALE * delta / 1000.; playerturn[cpid] = 0; } m->footphase += playergo[cpid]; if(isReptile(m->base->wall)) m->base->wparam = reptilemax(); for(int igo=0; igo<IGO && !go; igo++) { go = true; if(playergo[cpid]) nat = nat * spin(igospan[igo]) * xpush(playergo[cpid]) * spin(-igospan[igo]); // spin(span[igo]) * xpush(playergo[cpid]) * spin(-span[igo]); c2 = m->findbase(nat); if(reflectflag & P_MIRRORWALL) reflect(c2, m, nat); // don't have several players in one spot // also don't let them run too far from each other! monster* crashintomon = m->isVirtual ? NULL : playerCrash(m, nat*C0); if(crashintomon) go = false; if(go && c2 != m->base) { if(c2->wall == waLake && markOrb(itOrbWinter) && !nonAdjacent(c2, m->base)) { c2->wall = waFrozenLake; if(HEAT(c2) > .5) HEAT(c2) = .5; } else if(c2->wall == waBigStatue && canPushStatueOn(m->base) && !nonAdjacent(c2, m->base)) { visibleFor(300); c2->wall = m->base->wall; if(cellUnstable(cwt.c)) m->base->wall = waChasm; else { m->base->wall = waBigStatue; animateMovement(c2, m->base, LAYER_BOAT); } } else if(m->inBoat && !isWateryOrBoat(c2) && passable(c2, m->base, P_ISPLAYER | P_MIRROR | reflectflag)) { if(boatGoesThrough(c2) && markOrb(itOrbWater)) { c2->wall = isIcyLand(m->base) ? waLake : waSea; } else { if(isWatery(m->base)) m->base->wall = waBoat, m->base->mondir = dirfromto(m->base, c2); else if(boatStrandable(m->base)) m->base->wall = waStrandedBoat; else if(boatStrandable(c2)) m->base->wall = waStrandedBoat; m->inBoat = false; } } else if(c2->wall == waThumperOn && !nonAdjacent(c2, m->base)) { int sd = dirfromto(c2, m->base); int subdir = 1; double bestd = 9999; pushmonsters(); for(int di=-1; di<2; di+=2) { cell *c = getMovR(c2, sd+di); if(!c) continue; if(m->isVirtual || !gmatrix.count(c)) continue; double d = intval(gmatrix[c] * C0, m->pat * C0); // printf("di=%d d=%lf\n", di, d); if(d<bestd) bestd=d, subdir = di; } visibleFor(300); cellwalker push(c2, dirfromto(c2, m->base)); cwspin(push, 3 * -subdir); cwstep(push); if(!canPushThumperOn(push.c, c2, m->base) && c2->type == 7) { cwstep(push); cwspin(push, 1 * -subdir); cwstep(push); } if(!canPushThumperOn(push.c, c2, m->base)) { go = false; } else pushThumper(c2, push.c); popmonsters(); } else if(c2->wall == waRose && !nonAdjacent(m->base, c2)) { m->dead = true; go = false; } else if( (blown ? !passable(c2, m->base, P_ISPLAYER | P_BLOW) : !passable(c2, m->base, P_ISPLAYER | P_MIRROR | reflectflag)) && !(isWatery(c2) && m->inBoat && !nonAdjacent(m->base,c2))) go = false; } } if(!go || abs(playergo[cpid]) < 1e-3 || abs(playerturn[cpid]) > 1e-3) bulltime[cpid] = curtime; if(go) { if(c2 != m->base) { if(cellUnstable(m->base) && !markOrb(itOrbAether)) doesFallSound(m->base); if(items[itOrbFire]) { visibleFor(800); if(makeflame(m->base, 10, false)) markOrb(itOrbFire); } if(isIcyLand(m->base) && m->base->wall == waNone && markOrb(itOrbWinter)) { invismove = false; m->base->wall = waIcewall; } if(items[itOrbDigging]) { visibleFor(400); int d = dirfromto(m->base, c2); if(d >= 0 && earthMove(m->base, d)) markOrb(itOrbDigging); } cwt.c = c2; afterplayermoved(); if(c2->item && c2->land == laAlchemist) c2->wall = m->base->wall; if(m->base->wall == waRoundTable) roundTableMessage(c2); if(c2->wall == waCloud || c2->wall == waMirror) { visibleFor(500); cellwalker cw(c2, 0, false); mirror::createHere(cw, cpid); mirror::breakMirror(cw, cpid); awakenMimics(m, c2); } if(c2->wall == waGlass && items[itOrbAether]) { items[itOrbAether] = 0; addMessage(XLAT("Your Aether powers are drained by %the1!", c2->wall)); } movecost(m->base, c2); bool nomine = (c2->wall == waMineMine || c2->wall == waMineUnknown) && markOrb(itOrbAether); if(!nomine) { uncoverMines(c2, items[itBombEgg] < 20 ? 1 : items[itBombEgg] < 30 ? 2 : 3, 0 ); if(c2->wall == waMineMine && !markOrb(itOrbWinter)) { items[itOrbLife] = 0; m->dead = true; } mayExplodeMine(c2, moPlayer); } if(isWatery(c2) && isWatery(m->base) && m->inBoat) moveItem(m->base, c2, true); destroyWeakBranch(m->base, c2, moPlayer); if(c2->wall == waClosePlate || c2->wall == waOpenPlate) toggleGates(c2, c2->wall); if(c2->wall == waArrowTrap && c2->wparam == 0 && !markOrb(itOrbAether)) activateArrowTrap(c2); if(c2->item == itOrbYendor && !peace::on) yendor::check(c2); collectItem(c2); } } if(go) m->rebasePat(nat); else m->rebasePat(nat0); if(m->base->wall == waBoat && !m->inBoat) { m->inBoat = true; m->base->wall = waSea; } if(m->base->wall == waStrandedBoat && !m->inBoat && markOrb(itOrbWater)) { m->inBoat = true; m->base->wall = waSea; } if(m->inBoat && boatStrandable(c2)) { c2->wall = waStrandedBoat; m->inBoat = false; } if(!markOrb(itOrbAether)) { if(m->base->wall == waChasm || m->base->wall == waClosedGate) m->dead = true; if(isWatery(m->base) && !m->inBoat && !markOrb(itOrbFish)) m->dead = true; if(isFireOrMagma(m->base) && !markOrb(itOrbWinter)) m->dead = true; } landvisited[m->base->land] = true; playerfire[cpid] = false; if(items[itOrbHorns] && !m->isVirtual) { hyperpoint H = hornpos(cpid); for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) { if(m2 == m) continue; double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, H); if(d < SCALE2 * 0.1) { if(hornKills(m2->type)) killMonster(m2, moPlayer); else if(hornStuns(m2->type)) m2->stunoff = max(m2->stunoff, curtime + 150); } } } for(int b=0; b<2; b++) if(sword::orbcount(b) && !m->isVirtual) { for(double d=0; d<=1.001; d += .1) { hyperpoint H = swordpos(cpid, b, d); for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) { if(m2 == m) continue; double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, H); if(d < SCALE2 * 0.1) { if(swordKills(m2->type) && !(isBullet(m2) && m2->pid == cpid)) killMonster(m2, moPlayer); } } cell *c3 = findbaseAroundRepeat(H, m->base); if(c3->wall == waSmallTree || c3->wall == waBigTree || c3->wall == waBarrowDig || c3->wall == waCavewall || (c3->wall == waBarrowWall && items[itBarrow] >= 25)) c3->wall = waNone; else if(isWall(c3)) break; } } if(shotkey && canmove && curtime >= m->nextshot) { visibleFor(500); if(items[itOrbFlash]) { pushmonsters(); killMonster(m->base, moNone); cwt.c = m->base; activateFlash(); popmonsters(); return; } if(items[itOrbLightning]) { pushmonsters(); killMonster(m->base, moLightningBolt); cwt.c = m->base; activateLightning(); popmonsters(); return; } playerfire[cpid] = true; m->nextshot = curtime + (250 + 250 * players); turncount++; shootBullet(m); } if(dropgreen && m->base->item == itNone) dropGreenStone(m->base); } monster *getPlayer() { return pc[cpid]; } void virtualize(monster *m) { if(doall) forCellCM(c2, m->base) if(!gmatrix.count(c2)) { m->isVirtual = true; m->pat = m->at; return; } } bool reflectmatrix(transmatrix& M, cell *c1, cell *c2, bool onlypos) { if(!gmatrix.count(c1) || !gmatrix.count(c2)) return false; transmatrix H = inverse(gmatrix[c1]) * gmatrix[c2]; transmatrix S = spintox(tC0(H)); ld d = hdist0(tC0(H)); transmatrix T = xpush(-d/2) * S * inverse(gmatrix[c1]) * M; if(onlypos && tC0(T)[0] < 0) return false; M = gmatrix[c1] * inverse(S) * xpush(d/2) * MirrorX * T; return true; } void reflect(cell*& c2, monster *m, transmatrix& nat) { if(c2 != m->base && c2->wall == waMirrorWall && inmirror(c2)) { if(reflectmatrix(nat, m->base, c2, false)) c2 = m->base; } if(c2 == m->base && inmirror(c2)) { forCellEx(c3, c2) if(c3->land == laMirrorWall) { cell *c1 = m->base; m->base = c3; reflect(c3, m, nat); m->base = c1; c2 = c3; } } if(c2 == m->base && c2->wall == waMirrorWall && c2->land == laMirrorWall) { int d = mirror::mirrordir(c2); if(d != -1) { for(int k=0; k<7; k++) { cell *ca = createMovR(c2, d-k); cell *cb = createMovR(c2, d+k); if(ca->land == laMirror && inmirror(cb)) { reflectmatrix(nat, ca, cb, true); break; } } } else { for(int k=0; k<6; k++) { cell *cb = createMovR(c2, k+1); cell *cc = createMovR(c2, k+2); if(cb->land != laMirrorWall || cc->land != laMirrorWall) continue; cell *ca = createMovR(c2, k); cell *cd = createMovR(c2, k+3); reflectmatrix(nat, cc, ca, true); for(int limit=0; limit<10 && reflectmatrix(nat, cb, cd, true) && reflectmatrix(nat, cc, ca, true); limit++); } } } } void moveMimic(monster *m) { virtualize(m); transmatrix nat = m->pat; cpid = m->pid; m->footphase = getPlayer()->footphase; // no need to care about Mirror images, as they already have their 'at' matrix reversed :| nat = nat * spin(playerturn[cpid]) * xpush(playergo[cpid]); cell *c2 = m->findbase(nat); reflect(c2, m, nat); if(c2 != m->base && !passable(c2, m->base, P_ISPLAYER | P_MIRROR | P_MIRRORWALL)) killMonster(m, moNone); else { m->rebasePat(nat); if(playerfire[cpid]) shootBullet(m); } if(c2->wall == waCloud || c2->wall == waMirror) { cellwalker cw(c2, 0, false); mirror::createHere(cw, cpid); mirror::breakMirror(cw, -1); awakenMimics(m, c2); } if(!doall && c2->cpdist >= 6) m->dead = true; } bool isPlayerOrImage(eMonster m) { return isMimic(m) || m == moPlayer; } monster *parentOrSelf(monster *m) { return m->parent ? m->parent : m; } bool verifyTeleport() { if(!on) return true; if(playerCrash(pc[cpid], mouseh)) return false; return true; } void destroyMimics() { for(monster *m: active) if(isMimic(m->type)) m->dead = true; } void teleported() { monster *m = pc[cpid]; m->base = cwt.c; m->at = rgpushxto0(inverse(gmatrix[cwt.c]) * mouseh) * spin(rand() % 1000 * M_PI / 2000); m->findpat(); destroyMimics(); } void shoot(eItem it, monster *m) { monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = m->base; bullet->at = m->at * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * mouseh); bullet->type = it == itOrbDragon ? moFireball : it == itOrbAir ? moAirball : moBullet; bullet->parent = m; bullet->pid = m->pid; bullet->parenttype = m->type; items[it]--; additional.push_back(bullet); } eItem targetRangedOrbKey(orbAction a) { hyperpoint h = mouseh; cell *b = mouseover; monster *mt = mousetarget; mouseh = keytarget(cpid); mouseover = pc[cpid]->base; while(true) { cell *c2 = findbaseAround(mouseh, mouseover); if(c2 == mouseover) break; mouseover = c2; } mousetarget = NULL; for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) { if(m2->dead) continue; #if CAP_ROGUEVIZ if(rogueviz::virt(m2)) continue; #endif if(!mousetarget || intval(mouseh, mousetarget->pat*C0) > intval(mouseh, m2->pat*C0)) mousetarget = m2; } eItem r = targetRangedOrb(mouseover, a); // printf("A%d i %d h %p t %p ov %s => %s\n", a, cpid, mouseover, mousetarget, display(mouseh), dnameof(r)); mouseh = h; mousetarget = mt; mouseover = b; return r; } eItem targetRangedOrb(orbAction a) { if(!on) return itNone; monster *wpc = pc[cpid]; if(a != roCheck && !wpc) return itNone; if(items[itOrbPsi] && shmup::mousetarget && intval(mouseh, shmup::mousetarget->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * .1) { if(a == roCheck) return itOrbPsi; addMessage(XLAT("You kill %the1 with a mental blast!", mousetarget->type)); killMonster(mousetarget, moNone); items[itOrbPsi] -= 30; if(items[itOrbPsi]<0) items[itOrbPsi] = 0; return itOrbPsi; } if(items[itOrbStunning] && shmup::mousetarget && intval(mouseh, shmup::mousetarget->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * .1) { if(a == roCheck) return itOrbStunning; mousetarget->stunoff = curtime + 1000; items[itOrbStunning] -= 10; if(items[itOrbStunning]<0) items[itOrbStunning] = 0; return itOrbStunning; } if(on && items[itOrbDragon]) { if(a == roCheck) return itOrbDragon; shoot(itOrbDragon, wpc); return itOrbDragon; } if(on && items[itOrbAir]) { if(a == roCheck) return itOrbAir; shoot(itOrbAir, wpc); return itOrbAir; } if(on && items[itOrbIllusion]) { if(a == roCheck) return itOrbIllusion; shoot(itOrbIllusion, wpc); return itOrbIllusion; } return itNone; } int speedfactor() { return items[itOrbSpeed]?2:1; } void moveBullet(monster *m, int delta) { cpid = m->pid; m->findpat(); virtualize(m); transmatrix nat0 = m->pat; transmatrix nat = m->pat; if(isReptile(m->base->wall)) m->base->wparam = reptilemax(); if(m->type == moFlailBullet) { m->vel -= delta / speedfactor() / 600000.0; if(m->vel < 0 && m->parent) { // return to the flailer! nat = nat * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * m->parent->pat * C0) * spin(M_PI); } } else if(m->type == moBullet) m->vel = 1/300.; else if(m->type == moFireball) m->vel = 1/500.; else if(m->type == moAirball) m->vel = 1/200.; else if(m->type == moArrowTrap) m->vel = 1/200.; else if(m->type == moTongue) { m->vel = 1/1500.; if(m->isVirtual || !m->parent || intval(nat*C0, m->parent->pat*C0) > SCALE2 * 0.4) m->dead = true; } nat = nat * xpush(delta * SCALE * m->vel / speedfactor()); cell *c2 = m->findbase(nat); if(m->parent && isPlayer(m->parent) && markOrb(itOrbLava) && c2 != m->base && !isPlayerOn(m->base)) makeflame(m->base, 5, false); if(isActivable(c2)) activateActiv(c2, true); // knives break mirrors and clouds if(c2->wall == waCloud || c2->wall == waMirror) { cellwalker cw(c2, 0, false); mirror::createHere(cw, cpid); mirror::breakMirror(cw, -1); awakenMimics(m, c2); } reflect(c2, m, nat); bool godragon = m->type == moFireball && isDragon(c2->monst); if(m->type != moTongue && !(godragon || (c2==m->base && m->type == moArrowTrap) || passable(c2, m->base, P_BULLET | P_MIRRORWALL))) { m->dead = true; if(m->type != moAirball) killMonster(c2, m->parent ? m->parent->type : moNone); // cell *c = m->base; if(m->parent && isPlayer(m->parent)) { if(c2->wall == waBigTree) { addMessage(XLAT("You start chopping down the tree.")); c2->wall = waSmallTree; } else if(c2->wall == waSmallTree) { addMessage(XLAT("You chop down the tree.")); c2->wall = waNone; } else if(isActivable(c2)) activateActiv(c2, true); } if(m->type == moFireball) { makeflame(c2, 20, false) || makeflame(m->base, 20, false); } } m->rebasePat(nat); // destroy stray bullets if(!doall) for(int i=0; i<m->base->type; i++) if(!m->base->mov[i] || !gmatrix.count(m->base->mov[i])) m->dead = true; // items[itOrbWinter] = 100; items[itOrbLife] = 100; if(!m->isVirtual) for(monster* m2: nonvirtual) { if(m2 == m || (m2 == m->parent && m->vel >= 0) || m2->parent == m->parent) continue; // Flailers only killable by themselves if(m2->type == moFlailer && m2 != m->parent) continue; // be nice to your images! would be too hard otherwise... if(isPlayerOrImage(parentOrSelf(m)->type) && isPlayerOrImage(parentOrSelf(m2)->type) && m2->pid == m->pid) continue; // fireballs/airballs don't collide if(m->type == moFireball && m2->type == moFireball) continue; if(m->type == moAirball && m2->type == moAirball) continue; double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, m->pat*C0); if(d < SCALE2 * 0.1) { if(m->type == moAirball && isBlowableMonster(m2->type)) { if(m2->blowoff < curtime) { hyperpoint h = inverse(m2->pat) * nat0 * C0; m2->swordangle += atan2(h[1], h[0]); m2->rebasePat(m2->pat * rspintox(h)); } m2->blowoff = curtime + 1000; continue; } // Hedgehog Warriors only killable outside of the 45 degree angle if(m2->type == moHedge && !peace::on) { hyperpoint h = inverse(m2->pat) * m->pat * C0; if(h[0] > fabsl(h[1])) { m->dead = true; continue; } } if(peace::on && !isIvy(m2->type)) { m->dead = true; m2->stunoff = curtime + 600; continue; } // if((m2->type == moPalace || m2->type == moFatGuard || m2->type == moSkeleton || m2->type == moVizier || isMetalBeast(m2->type) || m2->type == moTortoise || m2->type == moReptile || m2->type == moSalamander || m2->type == moTerraWarrior) && m2->hitpoints > 1) { m2->rebasePat(m2->pat * rspintox(inverse(m2->pat) * nat0 * C0)); if(m2->type != moSkeleton && !isMetalBeast(m2->type) && m2->type != moReptile && m2->type != moSalamander) m2->hitpoints--; m->dead = true; if(m2->type == moVizier) ; else if(m2->type == moFatGuard) m2->stunoff = curtime + 600; else if(m2->type == moTerraWarrior) m2->stunoff = curtime + 300 * (6 - m2->hitpoints); else if(m2->type == moMetalBeast || m2->type == moMetalBeast2) m2->stunoff = curtime + 3000; else if(m2->type == moReptile) m2->stunoff = curtime + 3000; else if(m2->type == moTortoise) m2->stunoff = curtime + 3000; else if(m2->type == moSkeleton && m2->base->land != laPalace) m2->stunoff = curtime + 2100; else m2->stunoff = curtime + 900; continue; } // conventional missiles cannot hurt some monsters bool conv = (m->type == moBullet || m->type == moFlailBullet || m->type == moTongue || m->type == moArrowTrap); if(m2->type == moGreater && conv) { m->dead = true; continue; } if(m2->type == moRoseBeauty && conv && !markOrb(itOrbBeauty)) { m->dead = true; continue; } if(m2->type == moDraugr && conv) { m->dead = true; continue; } if(isBull(m2->type) && conv) { m->dead = true; // enrage herd bulls, awaken sleeping bulls m2->type = moRagingBull; continue; } // Knights reflect bullets if(m2->type == moKnight) { if(m->parent && m->parent != &arrowtrap_fakeparent) { nat = nat * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * m->parent->pat * C0); m->rebasePat(nat); } m->parent = m2; continue; } m->dead = true; if(m->type == moFireball) makeflame(m->base, 20, false); // Orb of Winter protects from fireballs if(m->type == moFireball && ((isPlayer(m2) && markOrb(itOrbWinter)) || m2->type == moWitchWinter)) continue; bool revive = m2->type == moMirrorSpirit && !m2->dead; killMonster(m2, m->parent ? m->parent->type : moNone); if(revive && m2->dead) { ::kills[moMirrorSpirit]--; multi::kills[cpid]--; mirrorspirits++; } } } } hyperpoint closerTo; bool closer(monster *m1, monster *m2) { return intval(m1->pat*C0, closerTo) < intval(m2->pat*C0, closerTo); } bool dragonbreath(cell *dragon) { int randplayer = hrand(numplayers()); monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = dragon; bullet->at = rspintox(inverse(gmatrix[dragon]) * pc[randplayer]->pat * C0); bullet->type = moFireball; bullet->parent = bullet; bullet->pid = randplayer; additional.push_back(bullet); return true; } #define CHARGING (-777) #define BULLSTUN (1500) void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) { bool stunned = m->stunoff > curtime || m->blowoff > curtime; if(stunned && cellUnstable(m->base)) doesFallSound(m->base); if(isReptile(m->base->wall)) m->base->wparam = reptilemax(); if(m->base->wall == waChasm && !survivesChasm(m->type) && m->type != moReptile) killMonster(m, moNone, AF_FALL); if(m->base->wall == waRose && !survivesThorns(m->type)) killMonster(m, moNone); if(isWatery(m->base) && !survivesWater(m->type) && !m->inBoat && m->type != moReptile) killMonster(m, moNone); if(isFireOrMagma(m->base)) { if(m->type == moSalamander) m->stunoff = max(ticks+500, m->stunoff); else if(!survivesFire(m->type)) killMonster(m, moNone); } if(m->base->wall == waClosedGate && !survivesWall(m->type)) killMonster(m, moNone); if(m->dead) return; cell *c = m->base; transmatrix goal = gmatrix[c]; bool direct = false; // is there a direct path to the target? int directi = 0; // which player has direct path (to set as pid in missiles) double step = SCALE * delta/1000.0; if(m->type == moWitchSpeed) step *= 2; else if(m->type == moEagle) step *= 1.6; else if(m->type == moHunterDog) step *= 1.5; else if(m->type == moLancer) step *= 1.25; else if(isDemon(m->type)) { if(m->type == moLesserM) m->type = moLesser; if(m->type == moGreaterM) m->type = moGreater; step /= 2; } else if(m->type == moMetalBeast || m->type == moMetalBeast2) step /= 2; else if(m->type == moTortoise && peace::on) step = 0; else if(m->type == moTortoise) step /= 3; else if(isBull(m->type)) step *= 1.5; if(items[itOrbBeauty] && !m->isVirtual) { bool nearplayer = false; for(int pid=0; pid<players; pid++) if(!pc[pid]->isVirtual) { double dist = intval(pc[pid]->pat*C0, m->pat*C0); if(dist < SCALE2) nearplayer = true; } if(nearplayer) markOrb(itOrbBeauty), step /= 2; } if(m->isVirtual) return; transmatrix nat = m->pat; if(stunned) { if(m->blowoff > curtime) { step = SCALE * -delta / 1000.; } else if(m->type == moFatGuard || m->type == moTortoise || m->type == moRagingBull || m->type == moTerraWarrior) step = 0; else if(m->type == moReptile) step = SCALE * -delta / 1000. * (m->stunoff - curtime) / 3000.; else if(m->type == moSalamander) { if(isFireOrMagma(m->base)) step = 0; else step = SCALE * -delta / 2000.; } else step = SCALE * -delta/2000.; } else if(m->type == moRagingBull && m->stunoff == CHARGING) ; else { if(m->type == moSleepBull && !m->isVirtual) { for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) if(m2!=m && m2->type != moBullet && m2->type != moArrowTrap) { double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, nat*C0); if(d < SCALE2*3 && m2->type == moPlayer) m->type = moRagingBull; } } if(m->type == moWitchFlash) for(int pid=0; pid<players; pid++) { if(pc[pid]->isVirtual) continue; if(m->isVirtual) continue; bool okay = intval(pc[pid]->pat*C0, m->pat*C0) < 2 * SCALE2; for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) { if(m2 != m && isWitch(m2->type) && intval(m2->pat*C0, m->pat*C0) < 2 * SCALE2) okay = false; } if(okay) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 activates her Flash spell!", m->type)); pushmonsters(); activateFlashFrom(m->base, moWitchFlash, AF_MAGIC | AF_GETPLAYER | AF_MSG); popmonsters(); m->type = moWitch; pc[pid]->dead = true; } } if(isBug(m->type)) { vector<monster*> bugtargets; for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) if(!isBullet(m2)) if(m2->type != m->type) if(!isPlayer(m2) || !invismove) if(!m2->dead) bugtargets.push_back(m2); closerTo = m->pat * C0; sort(bugtargets.begin(), bugtargets.end(), closer); for(monster *m2: bugtargets) if(m->trackroute(m2->pat, step)) { goal = m2->pat; direct = true; break; } } else if(m->type == moWolf && !peace::on) { cell *cnext = c; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[i]; if(c2 && gmatrix.count(c2) && (c2->land == laVolcano || (isIcyLand(c2) && HEAT(c2) > HEAT(c))) && passable(c2, c, 0)) cnext = c2; } goal = gmatrix[cnext]; direct = true; directi = 0; } else if(m->type == moHerdBull) { cell *cnext = prairie::next(c); if(cnext && gmatrix.count(cnext)) { goal = gmatrix[cnext]; direct = true; directi = 0; } else m->dead = true; } else if(m->type == moButterfly) { int d = neighborId(m->base, m->torigin); cell *cnext = NULL; for(int u=2; u<m->base->type; u++) { cell *c2 = createMov(m->base, (d+u) % m->base->type); if(passable_for(m->type, c2, m->base, P_ONPLAYER)) { cnext = c2; break; } } if(cnext && gmatrix.count(cnext)) { goal = gmatrix[cnext]; direct = true; directi = 0; } } else if(!direct && !invismove && !peace::on) { for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(m->trackroute(pc[i]->pat, step) && (!direct || intval(pc[i]->pat*C0, m->pat*C0) < intval(goal*C0,m->pat*C0))) { goal = pc[i]->pat; direct = true; directi = i; // m->trackrouteView(pc->pat, step); } } if(!direct && !peace::on) while(true) { if(m->trackroute(gmatrix[c], step)) goal = gmatrix[c]; cell *cnext = c; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[i]; if(c2 && gmatrix.count(c2) && c2->pathdist < c->pathdist && passable_for(m->type, c2, c, P_CHAIN | P_ONPLAYER)) cnext = c2; } if(cnext == c) break; c = cnext; } if(m->type == moHedge) { hyperpoint h = inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0; if(h[1] < 0) nat = nat * spin(M_PI * delta / 3000 / speedfactor()); else nat = nat * spin(M_PI * -delta / 3000 / speedfactor()); m->rebasePat(nat); // at most 45 degrees if(h[0] < fabsl(h[1])) return; } else if(!peace::on) { nat = nat * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * goal * C0); } } if(m->type == moVampire && !m->isVirtual) for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(!pc[i]->isVirtual && intval(m->pat*C0, pc[i]->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * 2) { for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_ORB && items[i] && items[itOrbTime] && !orbused[i]) orbused[i] = true; step = 0; } bool carried = false; if(c->land == laWhirlpool && (m->type == moShark || m->type == moCShark || m->type == moPirate)) oceanCurrents(nat, m, delta), carried = true; if(m->type != moGhost && m->type != moFriendlyGhost && m->type != moAirElemental) carried |= airCurrents(nat, m, delta); if(rosedist(m->base) == 1) roseCurrents(nat, m, delta), carried = true; step /= speedfactor(); int igo = 0; transmatrix nat0 = nat; igo_retry: if(igo == IGO && peace::on) nat0 = nat0 * spin(rand() % 16); else if(igo >= IGO) { if(m->type == moHerdBull) m->type = moRagingBull; return; } if(igo == 1 && m->type == moRagingBull && m->stunoff == CHARGING) { m->stunoff = curtime + BULLSTUN; return; } nat = nat0 * spin(igospan[igo]) * xpush(step) * spin(-igospan[igo]);; // * spintox(wherePC); if(m->type != moRagingBull && !peace::on) if(intval(nat*C0, goal*C0) >= intval(m->pat*C0, goal*C0) && !stunned && !carried) { igo++; goto igo_retry; } for(int i=0; i<multi::players; i++) for(int b=0; b<2; b++) if(sword::orbcount(b)) { if(pc[i]->isVirtual) continue; hyperpoint H = swordpos(i, b, 1); double d = intval(H, nat*C0); if(d < SCALE2 * 0.12) { igo++; goto igo_retry; } } m->footphase += step; monster* crashintomon = NULL; if(!m->isVirtual) for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) if(m2!=m && m2->type != moBullet && m2->type != moArrowTrap) { double d = intval(m2->pat*C0, nat*C0); if(d < SCALE2 * 0.1) crashintomon = m2; } if(!peace::on) for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(crashintomon == pc[i]) pc[i]->dead = true; if(peace::on) ; else if(crashintomon && isMimic(crashintomon->type)) { killMonster(crashintomon, m->type); crashintomon = NULL; } else if(crashintomon && ( items[itOrbDiscord] || isBull(m->type) || ((isBug(m->type) || isBug(crashintomon->type)) && m->type != crashintomon->type)) && !isBullet(crashintomon)) { if(noncrashable(crashintomon, m)) { if(isBull(crashintomon->type)) crashintomon->type = moRagingBull; } else { killMonster(crashintomon, m->type, isBull(m->type) ? AF_BULL : 0); crashintomon = NULL; } } if(crashintomon) { igo++; goto igo_retry; } cell *c2 = m->findbase(nat); if(reflectflag & P_MIRRORWALL) reflect(c2, m, nat); if(m->type == moButterfly && !passable_for(m->type, c2, m->base, P_CHAIN | reflectflag)) { igo++; goto igo_retry; } if(isPlayerOn(c2) && !peace::on) { bool usetongue = false; if(isSlimeMover(m->type) || m->type == moWaterElemental) usetongue = true; if(isWatery(c2) && !survivesWater(m->type) && !m->inBoat) usetongue = true; if(c2->wall == waChasm && !survivesChasm(m->type)) usetongue = true; if(isFireOrMagma(c2) && !survivesFire(m->type) && !m->inBoat) usetongue = true; if(isBird(m->type) && !passable_for(moEagle, c2, c, 0)) usetongue = true; if(usetongue) { if(curtime < m->nextshot) return; // m->nextshot = curtime + 25; monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = m->base; bullet->at = m->at; bullet->type = moTongue; bullet->parent = m; bullet->parenttype = m->type; bullet->pid = whichPlayerOn(c2); additional.push_back(bullet); return; } } if(!ignoresPlates(m->type)) destroyWeakBranch(m->base, c2, m->type); if(c2 != m->base && (c2->wall == waClosePlate || c2->wall == waOpenPlate) && !ignoresPlates(m->type)) toggleGates(c2, c2->wall, 3); if(c2 != m->base && c2->wall == waArrowTrap && c2->wparam == 0 && !ignoresPlates(m->type)) activateArrowTrap(c2); if(c2 != m->base && mayExplodeMine(c2, m->type)) killMonster(m, moNone); if(c2 != m->base && c2->wall == waRose && !nonAdjacent(m->base, c2) && !survivesThorns(m->type)) killMonster(m, moNone); if(c2 != m->base && cellUnstable(m->base) && !ignoresPlates(m->type)) doesFallSound(m->base); if(m->type == moWolf && c2->land == laVolcano) m->type = moLavaWolf; if(m->type == moLavaWolf && isIcyLand(c2)) m->type = moWolf; if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moWitchFire) makeflame(m->base, 10, false); if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moFireElemental) makeflame(m->base, 20, false); if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moWaterElemental) placeWater(c2, m->base); if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moEarthElemental) { int d = dirfromto(m->base, c2); if(d >= 0) earthMove(m->base, d); } if(m->type == moReptile && c2 != m->base) { if(c2->wall == waChasm) { c2->wall = waReptile; c2->wparam = reptilemax(); playSound(c, "click"); m->dead = true; } else if(isChasmy(c2) || isWatery(c2)) { c2->wall = waReptileBridge; c2->item = itNone; c2->wparam = reptilemax(); playSound(c, "click"); m->dead = true; } } if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moNecromancer && !c2->monst) { for(int i=0; i<m->base->type; i++) { cell *c3 = m->base->mov[i]; if(dirfromto(c3, c2) != -1 && c3->wall == waFreshGrave && gmatrix.count(c3)) { bool monstersNear = false; for(monster *m2: nonvirtual) { if(m2 != m && intval(m2->pat*C0, gmatrix[c3]*C0) < SCALE2 * .3) monstersNear = true; if(m2 != m && intval(m2->pat*C0, gmatrix[c2]*C0) < SCALE2 * .3) monstersNear = true; } if(!monstersNear) { monster* undead = new monster; undead->base = c2; undead->at = Id; undead->type = moZombie; undead->parent = m; undead->parenttype = m->type; undead->pid = 0; undead->findpat(); additional.push_back(undead); undead = new monster; undead->base = c3; undead->at = Id; undead->type = moGhost; undead->parent = m; undead->parenttype = m->type; undead->findpat(); undead->pid = 0; additional.push_back(undead); c3->wall = waAncientGrave; addMessage(XLAT("%The1 raises some undead!", m->type)); } } } } if(m->type == moGreaterShark) { if(c2->wall == waBoat) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waFrozenLake) c2->wall = waLake; } if(m->type == moDarkTroll && c2->wall == waCavefloor) { m->type = moTroll; } if(isLeader(m->type)) { if(c2 != m->base) { if(c2->wall == waBigStatue && canPushStatueOn(m->base)) { c2->wall = m->base->wall; if(cellUnstable(m->base)) m->base->wall = waChasm; else m->base->wall = waBigStatue; animateMovement(c2, m->base, LAYER_BOAT); } if(passable_for(m->type, c2, m->base, P_CHAIN | P_ONPLAYER | reflectflag) && !isWatery(c2) && m->inBoat) { if(isWatery(m->base)) m->base->wall = waBoat, m->base->mondir = dirfromto(m->base, c2); else if(boatStrandable(c2)) c2->wall = waStrandedBoat; else if(boatStrandable(m->base)) m->base->wall = waStrandedBoat; m->inBoat = false; } if(isWatery(c2) && isWatery(m->base) && m->inBoat) moveItem(m->base, c2, true); } if(c2->wall == waBoat && !m->inBoat) { m->inBoat = true; c2->wall = waSea; m->base = c2; } } if(peace::on && c2->mpdist > 7) return; if(!(m->type == moRoseBeauty && c2->land != laRose)) { if(stunned ? passable(c2, m->base, P_BLOW | reflectflag) : passable_for(m->type, c2, m->base, P_CHAIN | reflectflag)) { if(c2 != m->base && m->type == moButterfly) m->torigin = m->base; m->rebasePat(nat); if(m->type == moRagingBull && step > 1e-6) m->stunoff = CHARGING; } else { if(peace::on) { igo++; goto igo_retry; } if(m->type == moRagingBull && m->stunoff == CHARGING) m->stunoff = curtime + BULLSTUN; } } if(direct) { if((m->type == moPyroCultist || m->type == moCrystalSage) && curtime >= m->nextshot) { monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = m->base; bullet->at = m->at; bullet->type = moFireball; bullet->parent = m; additional.push_back(bullet); bullet->pid = directi; if(m->type == moPyroCultist) m->type = moCultist; else m->nextshot = curtime + 100; } if(m->type == moOutlaw && curtime >= m->nextshot) { monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = m->base; bullet->at = m->at; bullet->type = moBullet; bullet->parent = m; bullet->parenttype = moOutlaw; bullet->pid = directi; additional.push_back(bullet); m->nextshot = curtime + 1500; } for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(!pc[i]->isVirtual) if((m->type == moAirElemental) && curtime >= m->nextshot && intval(m->pat*C0, pc[i]->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * 2) { monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = m->base; bullet->at = m->at; bullet->type = moAirball; bullet->parent = m; bullet->pid = i; additional.push_back(bullet); m->nextshot = curtime + 1500; } for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(!pc[i]->isVirtual) if(m->type == moTortoise && tortoise::seek() && !tortoise::diff(getBits(m->torigin)) && intval(m->pat*C0, pc[i]->pat*C0) < SCALE2) { items[itBabyTortoise] += 4; m->dead = true; addMessage(XLAT(playergender() == GEN_F ? "You are now a tortoise heroine!" : "You are now a tortoise hero!")); } for(int i=0; i<players; i++) if(!pc[i]->isVirtual) if(m->type == moFlailer && curtime >= m->nextshot && intval(m->pat*C0, pc[i]->pat*C0) < SCALE2 * 2) { m->nextshot = curtime + 3500; monster* bullet = new monster; bullet->base = m->base; bullet->at = m->at; bullet->type = moFlailBullet; bullet->parent = m; bullet->vel = 1/400.0; bullet->pid = i; additional.push_back(bullet); break; } } } void activateMonstersAt(cell *c) { pair<mit, mit> p = monstersAt.equal_range(c); for(mit it = p.first; it != p.second;) { mit itplus = it; itplus++; active.push_back(it->second); monstersAt.erase(it); it = itplus; } if(c->monst && isMimic(c->monst)) c->monst = moNone; // mimics are awakened by awakenMimics if(c->monst && !isIvy(c) && !isWorm(c) && !isMutantIvy(c) && !isKraken(c->monst) && c->monst != moPrincess && c->monst != moHunterGuard) { // awaken as a monster monster *enemy = new monster; enemy->at = Id; enemy->base = c; if(enemy->type == moButterfly) enemy->torigin = createMov(c, (c->mondir + 419) % c->type); enemy->torigin = c; enemy->type = c->monst; enemy->hitpoints = c->hitpoints; if(c->wall == waBoat && isLeader(c->monst)) enemy->inBoat = true, c->wall = waSea; c->monst = moNone; active.push_back(enemy); } } void fixStorage() { vector<monster*> restore; for(auto it = monstersAt.begin(); it != monstersAt.end(); it++) if(it->second->base != it->first) { restore.push_back(it->second); monstersAt.erase(it++); } for(monster *m: restore) m->store(); } void turn(int delta) { lmousetarget = NULL; if(mousetarget && !mousetarget->isVirtual && intval(mouseh, mousetarget->pat*C0) < 0.1) lmousetarget = mousetarget; if(delta > 1000) delta = 1000; if(delta > 200) { turn(200); delta -= 200; if(!delta) return; } curtime += delta; handleInput(delta); invismove = (curtime >= visibleAt) && markOrb(itOrbInvis); // detect active monsters if(doall) for(cell *c: currentmap->allcells()) activateMonstersAt(c); else for(unordered_map<cell*, transmatrix>::iterator it = gmatrix.begin(); it != gmatrix.end(); it++) activateMonstersAt(it->first); /* printf("size: gmatrix = %ld, active = %ld, monstersAt = %ld, delta = %d\n", gmatrix.size(), active.size(), monstersAt.size(), delta); */ bool exists[motypes]; for(int i=0; i<motypes; i++) exists[i] = false; nonvirtual.clear(); for(monster *m: active) { m->findpat(); if(m->isVirtual) continue; else nonvirtual.push_back(m); exists[movegroup(m->type)] = true; } for(monster *m: active) { switch(m->type) { case moPlayer: movePlayer(m, delta); break; case moBullet: case moFlailBullet: case moFireball: case moTongue: case moAirball: case moArrowTrap: moveBullet(m, delta); break; default: ; } } for(monster *m: active) { if(isMimic(m->type)) moveMimic(m); } for(int t=1; t<motypes; t++) if(exists[t]) { // build the path data int pqs = size(pathq); for(int i=0; i<pqs; i++) { pathq[i]->pathdist = PINFD; } pathq.clear(); for(int i=0; i<size(targets); i++) { targets[i]->pathdist = isPlayerOn(targets[i]) ? 0 : 1; pathq.push_back(targets[i]); } int qb = 0; for(qb=0; qb < size(pathq); qb++) { cell *c = pathq[qb]; int d = c->pathdist; if(d == PINFD-1) continue; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[i]; // printf("i=%d cd=%d\n", i, c->mov[i]->cpdist); if(c2 && c2->pathdist == PINFD && gmatrix.count(c2) && (passable_for(eMonster(t), c, c2, P_CHAIN | P_ONPLAYER) || c->wall == waThumperOn)) { c2->pathdist = d+1; pathq.push_back(c2); } } } // printf("time %d, t=%d, q=%d\n", curtime, t, qb); // move monsters of this type for(monster *m: nonvirtual) if(movegroup(m->type) == t) moveMonster(m, delta); } if(shmup::on) { doTraps(); bool tick = curtime >= nextmove; keepLightning = ticks <= lightat + 1000; cwt.c = pc[0]->base; bfs(); moverefresh(tick); countLocalTreasure(); pushmonsters(); if(items[itOrbFreedom]) for(int i=0; i<players; i++) checkFreedom(pc[i]->base); heat::processheat(delta / 350.0); markOrb(itOrbSpeed); if((havewhat&HF_DRAGON) && curtime >= nextdragon) { groupmove(moDragonHead, 0); nextdragon = curtime + 1500; } if(tick) { nextmove += 1000; flashMessages(); reduceOrbPowers(); if(items[itOrbBull]) for(int p=0; p<players; p++) if(bulltime[p] < curtime - 600) orbbull::gainBullPowers(); if(!((items[itOrbSpeed]/players) & 1)) { if(havewhat&HF_KRAKEN) kraken::attacks(), groupmove(moKrakenH, 0); moveworms(); moveivy(); movemutant(); if(havewhat&HF_HEX) movehex(false); wandering(); livecaves(); terracotta(); heat::processfires(); if(havewhat&HF_WHIRLPOOL) whirlpool::move(); if(havewhat&HF_WHIRLWIND) whirlwind::move(); buildRosemap(); if(havewhat&HF_RIVER) prairie::move(); } if(recallCell && !markOrb(itOrbRecall)) activateRecall(); } if(elec::havecharge) elec::act(); popmonsters(); bool lastcanmove = canmove; canmove = true; for(int i=0; i<players; i++) { if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbShield]) { pc[i]->dead = false; orbused[itOrbShield] = true; } if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbFlash]) { pc[i]->dead = false; pushmonsters(); killMonster(pc[i]->base, moNone); activateFlash(); popmonsters(); } if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbLightning]) { pc[i]->dead = false; pushmonsters(); killMonster(pc[i]->base, moLightningBolt); activateLightning(); popmonsters(); } if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbShell]) { pc[i]->dead = false; useupOrb(itOrbShell, 10); items[itOrbShield] = 1; orbused[itOrbShield] = true; } if(pc[i]->dead && items[itOrbLife]) { multi::deaths[i]++; items[itOrbLife]--; items[itOrbShield] += 3; items[itOrbAether] += 3; pc[i]->dead = false; orbused[itOrbShield] = true; } if(pc[i]->dead && !lastdead) { multi::deaths[i]++; achievement_final(true); } lastdead = pc[i]->dead; if(lastcanmove && pc[i]->dead) showMissionScreen(); canmove = canmove && !pc[i]->dead; } } for(monster *m: additional) active.push_back(m); additional.clear(); // deactivate all monsters for(monster *m: active) if(m->dead && m->type != moPlayer) { for(monster *m2: active) if(m2->parent == m) m2->parent = m->parent; if(m == mousetarget) mousetarget = NULL; if(m == lmousetarget) lmousetarget = NULL; delete m; } else { m->store(); } active.clear(); if(safety) { activateSafety(pc[0]->base->land); safety = false; } #if CAP_ROGUEVIZ rogueviz::turn(delta); #endif } void recall() { for(int i=0; i<players; i++) { pc[i]->base = cwt.c; if(players == 1) pc[i]->at = Id; else pc[i]->at = spin(2*M_PI*i/players) * xpush(firstland == laMotion ? .5 : .3) * Id; /* ggmatrix(cwt.c); display(gmatrix[cwt.c]); pc[i]->findpat(); */ } destroyMimics(); } void init() { for(int i=0; i<players; i++) pc[i] = NULL; for(int i=0; i<players; i++) { pc[i] = new monster; pc[i]->type = moPlayer; pc[i]->pid = i; if(players == 1) pc[i]->at = Id; else pc[i]->at = spin(2*M_PI*i/players) * xpush(firstland == laMotion ? .5 : .3) * Id; pc[i]->base = cwt.c; pc[i]->inBoat = (firstland == laCaribbean || firstland == laOcean || firstland == laLivefjord || firstland == laWhirlpool); pc[i]->store(); } if(!safety) { items[itOrbLife] = 3; addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the Shoot'em Up mode!")); // addMessage(XLAT("F/;/Space/Enter/KP5 = fire, WASD/IJKL/Numpad = move")); } else safety = false; } bool boatAt(cell *c) { pair<mit, mit> p = monstersAt.equal_range(c); for(mit it = p.first; it != p.second; it++) { monster* m = it->second; if(m->inBoat) return true; } return false; } bool drawMonster(const transmatrix& V, cell *c, const transmatrix*& Vboat, transmatrix& Vboat0, ld zlev) { pair<mit, mit> p = monstersAt.equal_range(c); vector<monster*> monsters; for(mit it = p.first; it != p.second; it++) { monster* m = it->second; if(c != m->base) continue; // may happen in RogueViz Collatz m->pat = ggmatrix(m->base) * m->at; transmatrix view = V * m->at; if(!mouseout()) { #if CAP_ROGUEVIZ if(rogueviz::virt(m)) ; else #endif if(mapeditor::drawplayer || m->type != moPlayer) if(!mousetarget || intval(mouseh, mousetarget->pat*C0) > intval(mouseh, m->pat*C0)) mousetarget = m; } if(m->inBoat) { view = m->pat; Vboat = &(Vboat0 = view); if(m->type == moPlayer && items[itOrbWater]) { queuepoly(m->pat, shBoatOuter, watercolor(0)); queuepoly(m->pat, shBoatInner, 0x0060C0FF); } else { queuepoly(m->pat, shBoatOuter, 0xC06000FF); queuepoly(m->pat, shBoatInner, 0x804000FF); } } if(doHighlight()) poly_outline = isBullet(m) ? 0x00FFFFFF : (isFriendly(m->type) || m->type == moPlayer) ? 0x00FF00FF : 0xFF0000FF; int q = ptds.size(); if(q != size(ptds) && !m->inBoat) pushdown(c, q, view, zlev, true, false); switch(m->type) { case moPlayer: cpid = m->pid; drawPlayerEffects(view, c, true); if(m->inBoat) m->footphase = 0; if(mapeditor::drawplayer) drawMonsterType(moPlayer, c, view, 0xFFFFFFC0, m->footphase); if(keyresult[cpid]) { hyperpoint h = keytarget(cpid); queuechr(h, vid.fsize, '+', iinf[keyresult[cpid]].color); } break; case moBullet: { int col; cpid = m->pid; if(m->parenttype == moPlayer) col = getcs().swordcolor; else if(m->parenttype == moMimic) col = (mirrorcolor(det(view) < 0) << 8) | 0xFF; else col = (minf[m->parenttype].color << 8) | 0xFF; if(getcs().charid >= 4) { queuepoly(mmscale(view, 1.15), shPHead, col); ShadowV(view, shPHead); } else if(peace::on) { queuepolyat(mmscale(view, 1.15), shDisk, col, PPR_MISSILE); ShadowV(view, shPHead); } else { transmatrix t = view * spin(curtime / 50.0); queuepoly(mmscale(t, 1.15), shKnife, col); ShadowV(t, shKnife); } break; } case moArrowTrap: { queuepoly(mmscale(view, 1.15), shTrapArrow, 0xFFFFFFFF); ShadowV(view, shTrapArrow); break; } case moTongue: { queuepoly(mmscale(view, 1.15), shTongue, (minf[m->parenttype].color << 8) | 0xFF); ShadowV(view, shTongue); break; } case moFireball: case moAirball: { // case moLightningBolt: queuepoly(mmscale(view, 1.15), shPHead, (minf[m->type].color << 8) | 0xFF); ShadowV(view, shPHead); break; } case moFlailBullet: { transmatrix t = view * spin(curtime / 50.0); queuepoly(mmscale(t, 1.15), shFlailMissile, (minf[m->type].color << 8) | 0xFF); ShadowV(view, shFlailMissile); break; } #if CAP_ROGUEVIZ case moRogueviz: rogueviz::drawVertex(V, c, m); break; #endif default: if(m->inBoat) m->footphase = 0; int col = minf[m->type].color; if(m->type == moMimic) col = mirrorcolor(det(view) < 0); if(m->type == moSlime) { col = winf[c->wall].color; col |= (col >> 1); } cpid = m->pid; if(m->stunoff > curtime) c->stuntime = 1 + (m->stunoff - curtime-1)/300; if(hasHitpoints(m->type)) c->hitpoints = m->hitpoints; if(m->type == moTortoise) tortoise::emap[c] = m->torigin; drawMonsterType(m->type, c, view, col, m->footphase); if(m->type == moTortoise) tortoise::emap.erase(c); break; } } return false; } void clearMonsters() { for(mit it = monstersAt.begin(); it != monstersAt.end(); it++) delete(it->second); for(monster *m: active) delete m; mousetarget = NULL; lmousetarget = NULL; monstersAt.clear(); active.clear(); } void clearMemory() { clearMonsters(); gmatrix.clear(); while(!traplist.empty()) traplist.pop(); curtime = 0; nextmove = 0; nextdragon = 0; visibleAt = 0; } cell *playerpos(int i) { return pc[i]->base; } bool playerInBoat(int i) { return pc[i]->inBoat; } void destroyBoats(cell *c) { for(monster *m: active) if(m->base == c && m->inBoat) m->inBoat = false; } transmatrix calc_relative_matrix(cell *c, heptagon *h1) { transmatrix gm = Id; heptagon *h2 = c->master; transmatrix where = Id; for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(h2->c7->mov[d] == c) where = hexmove[d]; // always add to last! //bool hsol = false; //transmatrix sol; while(h1 != h2) { for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(h2->move[d] == h1) { int sp = h2->spin(d); return gm * heptmove[sp] * spin(2*M_PI*d/7) * where; } if(h1->distance < h2->distance) { int sp = h2->spin(0); h2 = h2->move[0]; where = heptmove[sp] * where; } else { int sp = h1->spin(0); h1 = h1->move[0]; gm = gm * invheptmove[sp]; } } /*if(hsol) { transmatrix sol2 = gm * where; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) if(fabs(sol2[i][j]-sol[i][j] > 1e-3)) { printf("ERROR\n"); display(sol); display(sol2); exit(1); } } */ return gm * where; } transmatrix &ggmatrix(cell *c) { transmatrix& t = gmatrix[c]; if(t[2][2] == 0) { if(sphere && gmatrix0.count(c)) t = gmatrix[cwt.c] * inverse(gmatrix0[cwt.c]) * gmatrix0[c]; else if(sphere) { printf("error: gmatrix0 not known\n"); exit(1); } else if(torus) { forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(celldistance(c2, centerover) < celldistance(c, centerover)) t = ggmatrix(c2) * eumovedir(3+i); } else if(euclid) { eucoord xh, yh, xc, yc; decodeMaster(c->master, xh, yh); decodeMaster(centerover->master, xc, yc); short xd(xh-xc), yd(yh-yc); t = gmatrix[centerover] * eumove(xd, yd); /* printf("H[%d,%d] C[%d,%d] ", int(xh),int(yh), int(xc),int(yc)); printf("%d,%d t = \n", xd, yd); display(t); printf("gmatrix0 = \n"); display(gmatrix0[c]); */ } else { t = View * spin(viewctr.spin * 2 * M_PI / S7) * calc_relative_matrix(c, viewctr.h); if(purehepta) t = t * pispin; } } return t; } transmatrix calc_relative_matrix_help(cell *c, heptagon *h1) { transmatrix gm = Id; heptagon *h2 = c->master; transmatrix where = Id; if(!purehepta) for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(h2->c7->mov[d] == c) where = hexmove[d]; // always add to last! while(h1 != h2) { for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(h1->move[d] == h2) printf("(adj) "); if(h1->distance < h2->distance) { int sp = h2->spin(0); printf("A%d ", sp); h2 = h2->move[0]; where = heptmove[sp] * where; } else { int sp = h1->spin(0); printf("B%d ", sp); h1 = h1->move[0]; gm = gm * invheptmove[sp]; } } printf("OK\n"); display(gm * where); return gm * where; } void virtualRebase(cell*& base, transmatrix& at, bool tohex) { if(euclid || sphere) { again: if(torus) for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { transmatrix newat = eumovedir(3+i) * at; if(hdist0(tC0(newat)) < hdist0(tC0(at))) { at = newat; base = createMov(base, i); goto again; } } else forCellCM(c2, base) { transmatrix newat = inverse(ggmatrix(c2)) * ggmatrix(base) * at; if(hypot(tC0(newat)[0], tC0(newat)[1]) < hypot(tC0(at)[0], tC0(at)[1])) { at = newat; base = c2; goto again; } } fixelliptic(at); return; } while(true) { if(base->type == 6) { cell *c7 = base->master->c7; for(int d=0; d<7; d++) if(c7->mov[d] == base) at = hexmove[d] * at; base = c7; } double currz = (at * C0)[2]; heptagon *h = base->master; cell *newbase = NULL; transmatrix bestV; for(int d=0; d<7; d++) { heptspin hs; hs.h = h; hs.spin = d; heptspin hs2 = hsstep(hs, 0); transmatrix V2 = spin((purehepta?M_PI:0)-hs2.spin*2*M_PI/7) * invheptmove[d]; if(purehepta) V2 = V2 * spin(M_PI); double newz = (V2 * at * C0) [2]; if(newz < currz) { currz = newz; bestV = V2; newbase = hs2.h->c7; } } if(!newbase) { if(tohex && !purehepta) for(int d=0; d<7; d++) { cell *c = createMov(base, d); transmatrix V2 = spin(-base->spn(d)*2*M_PI/6) * invhexmove[d]; double newz = (V2 *at * C0) [2]; if(newz < currz) { currz = newz; bestV = V2; newbase = c; } } if(newbase) { base = newbase; at = bestV * at; } break; } base = newbase; at = bestV * at; } } void virtualRebase(shmup::monster *m, bool tohex) { virtualRebase(m->base, m->at, tohex); } void addShmupHelp(string& out) { if(shmup::mousetarget && intval(mouseh, tC0(shmup::mousetarget->pat)) < .1) { out += ", "; #if CAP_ROGUEVIZ if(shmup::mousetarget->type == moRogueviz) { help = XLAT(minf[shmup::mousetarget->type].help); out += rogueviz::describe(shmup::mousetarget); } else #endif { out += XLAT1(minf[shmup::mousetarget->type].name); help = generateHelpForMonster(shmup::mousetarget->type); } } } auto hooks = addHook(clearmemory, 0, shmup::clearMemory); }