// RogueViz -- source code for creating videos and animations
// Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details

namespace rogueviz {


// see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vu3F95jpQ4&t=6s (Collatz)
// see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDG3_f8R2Ns (SAG boardgames)
// see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSyygk_3j9o (SAG roguelikes)
// see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWQkDkeEUeM (SAG programming languages)

void rvvideo(const string &fname) {
  if(kind == kCollatz) {
    sightrange_bonus = 3;
    genrange_bonus = 3;
    dronemode = true; vid.camera_angle = -45; rog3 = true; patterns::whichShape = '8';
    vid.aurastr = 512;
    collatz::lookup(763, 60);

    history::create_playerpath(), models::rotation = 1;
    // pmodel = mdBand;

#define STORYCOUNT 24
#define T(m,ss) (60*24*(m)+24*(ss))
#define FRAMECOUNT T(4,55)

printf("framecount = %d\n", FRAMECOUNT);

struct storydata { int s; int e; const char *text; } story[] = {
  {T(0,14), T(0,17), "I am flying above a tree of numbers."},
  {T(0,17), T(0,20), "It starts with the number 1."},
  {T(0,20), T(0,23), "Each number n branches left to 2n."},
  {T(0,23), T(0,28), "And it branches right to (2n-1)/3 if possible."},

  {T(1, 8), T(1,11), "What I am flying above is not a plane."},
  {T(1,11), T(1,14), "It is not a sphere either."},
  {T(1,14), T(1,17), "To be honest, the space I live in..."},
  {T(1,17), T(1,20), "...is not even Euclidean."},
  {T(2,12), T(2,15), "Look, angles of a triangle add up to..."},
  {T(2,15), T(2,18), "...less than 180 degrees in this world."},
  {T(2,18), T(2,21), "6/7 of 180 degrees, to be exact."},
  {T(2,21), T(2,24), "Do you see the regular heptagons?"},
  {T(2,36), T(2,42), "And all these lines are straight."},
  {T(3, 8), T(3,11), "Lots of space in my world."},
  {T(3,11), T(3,14), "In 105 steps from the root..."},
  {T(3,14), T(3,17), "...there are trillions of numbers."},
  {T(3,17), T(3,20), "That would not fit in your world."},

  {T(4,0),  T(4,3),  "Is every positive number somewhere in the tree?"},
  {T(4,3),  T(4,6),  "Your mathematicians do not know this yet."},
  {T(4,6),  T(4,10), "Will you find the answer?"},
  {T(4,44), T(4,54), "music: Ambient Flow, by Indjenuity"},
  {T(2,6),  T(2,27), "@triangles"},
  {T(2,27), T(2,42), "@network"},
  {0, T(0,7), "@fi"},
  {T(4,48), T(4,55), "@fo"},

    int drawtris=0, drawnet=0;
    for(int i=0; i<FRAMECOUNT; i++) {
      const char *caption = NULL;
      int fade = 255;
      bool dt = false, dn = false;
      for(int j=0; story[j].text; j++) if(i >= story[j].s && i <= story[j].e) {
        if(story[j].text[0] != '@')
          caption = story[j].text;
        else if(story[j].text[1] == 't')
          dt = true;
        else if(story[j].text[1] == 'n')
          dn = true;
        else if(story[j].text[2] == 'i')
          fade = 255 * (i - story[j].s) / (story[j].e-story[j].s);
        else if(story[j].text[2] == 'o')
          fade = 255 * (story[j].e - i) / (story[j].e-story[j].s);
      if(dt && drawtris < 255) drawtris++;
      else if(drawtris && !dt) drawtris--;

      linepatterns::setColor(linepatterns::patZebraTriangles, 0x40FF4000 + drawtris);
      if(dn && drawnet < 255) drawnet++;
      else if(drawnet && !dn) drawnet--;

      linepatterns::setColor(linepatterns::patZebraLines, 0xFF000000 + drawnet);
      vid.grid = drawnet;
      history::phase = 1 + (isize(history::v)-3) * i * .95 / FRAMECOUNT;

      char buf[500];
      snprintf(buf, 500, fname.c_str(), i);
      if(i == 0) drawthemap();
      printf("%s\n", buf);
      shot::shoty = 1080; shot::shotx = 1920;
      shot::caption = caption;
      shot::fade = fade;
  for(int i=0; i<1800; i++) {
    char buf[500];
    snprintf(buf, 500, fname.c_str(), i);
    shmup::pc[0]->base = currentmap->gamestart();
    shmup::pc[0]->at = spin(i * 2 * M_PI / (58*30.)) * xpush(1.7);
    if(i == 0) drawthemap();
    if(i == 0) drawthemap();
    printf("%s\n", buf);

string its05(int i) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%05d", i); return buf; }

#define TSIZE 4096

// see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZNRo6mr5pk

void staircase_video(int from, int num, int step) {
  resetbuffer rb;
  renderbuffer rbuf(TSIZE, TSIZE, true);
  vid.stereo_mode = sODS;

  for(int i=from; i<num; i+=step) { 
    ld t = i * 1. / num;
    t = pow(t, .3);
    staircase::scurvature = t * t * (t-.95) * 4;
    staircase::progress = i / 30.;
    staircase::strafex = (sin(i / 240.) - sin(i / 501.)) / 2.5;
    staircase::strafey = (cos(i / 240.) - cos(i / 501.)) / 2.5;

    dynamicval<int> vx(vid.xres, TSIZE);
    dynamicval<int> vy(vid.yres, TSIZE);
    dynamicval<int> vxc(current_display->xcenter, TSIZE/2);
    dynamicval<int> vyc(current_display->ycenter, TSIZE/2);
    printf("draw scene\n");
    IMAGESAVE(rbuf.render(), ("staircase/" + its05(i) + IMAGEEXT).c_str());
    printf("GL %5d/%5d\n", i, num);

#undef TSIZE

#define TSIZE 2048

// see: https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1001127253747658752
// see also: https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1000043540985057280 (older version)

void bantar_record() {
  resetbuffer rb;
  renderbuffer rbuf(TSIZE, TSIZE, true);

  int fr = 0;
  for(int i=0; i < 10000; i += 33) {
    if(i % 1000 == 999) i++;
    ticks = i;

    vid.xres = vid.yres = TSIZE;
    IMAGESAVE(rbuf.render(), ("bantar/" + its05(fr) + IMAGEEXT).c_str());
    printf("GL %5d/%5d\n", i, 10000);
#undef TSIZE

int videoArgs() {
  using namespace arg;
  if(argis("-rvvideo")) {
    shift(); rvvideo(arg::args());
  else if(argis("-staircase_video")) {
    staircase_video(0, 128*30, 1); // goal: 168*30
  else if(argis("-bantar_record")) {
    using namespace banachtarski;
    peace::on = true;
    ForInfos if(cci.second.c->monst == moAirElemental)
      cci.second.c->monst = moFireElemental;
  else return 1;
  return 0;

auto rv_hooks = addHook(hooks_args, 100, videoArgs);