#include "rogueviz.h" namespace hr { namespace planets { texture::texture_data earth, neptune, mars, moon, sun; map radius; map pname; map key; ld longit = 0, latit = 0; bool loaded; void load_planets() { if(!loaded) { earth.twidth = earth.theight = 0; earth.stretched = true; if(file_exists("textures/earth.png")) earth.readtexture("textures/earth.png"); else earth.readtexture("textures/earth320.png"); earth.loadTextureGL(); radius[&earth] = 6371; pname[&earth] = "Earth"; key[&earth] = 'e'; neptune.twidth = neptune.theight = 0; neptune.stretched = true; neptune.readtexture("textures/neptune.png"); neptune.loadTextureGL(); radius[&neptune] = 24622; pname[&neptune] = "Neptune"; key[&neptune] = 'n'; sun.twidth = sun.theight = 0; sun.stretched = true; sun.readtexture("textures/sun.png"); sun.loadTextureGL(); radius[&sun] = 696340; pname[&sun] = "Sun"; key[&sun] = 's'; moon.twidth = moon.theight = 0; moon.stretched = true; moon.readtexture("textures/moon.png"); moon.loadTextureGL(); radius[&moon] = 1371.1; pname[&moon] = "Moon"; key[&moon] = 'm'; mars.twidth = mars.theight = 0; mars.stretched = true; mars.readtexture("textures/mars.png"); mars.loadTextureGL(); radius[&mars] = 3389.5; pname[&mars] = "Mars"; key[&mars] = 'x'; loaded = true; } } basic_textureinfo tv, tv1; bool anim = false; int index = 0; string mname; void rev_band_conformal(ld& x, ld& y) { x /= 2; y /= 2; y = asin(tanh(y)); } template void reverse_band(hyperpoint h, hyperpoint& h1, const T& f) { ld x = h[0] * M_PI; ld y = h[1] * M_PI; f(x, y); h1 = xpush(x) * ypush(y) * C0; } void reverse_model(hyperpoint h, hyperpoint& h1, eModel md) { switch(pmodel) { case mdDisk: h1 = perspective_to_space(h); return; case mdEquidistant: h[0] *= M_PI; h[1] *= M_PI; h1 = direct_exp(h); break; case mdEquiarea: { ld d = hypot_d(2, h); // d = sqrt(2*(1 - cos(d0))) / 2; ld d0 = acos(1 - pow(2 * d, 2) / 2); h[0] *= d0 / d; h[1] *= d0 / d; h1 = direct_exp(h); break; } case mdBand: { reverse_band(h, h1, rev_band_conformal); break; } case mdBandEquiarea: { reverse_band(h, h1, [] (ld& x, ld& y) { y = asin_auto(y); }); break; } case mdBandEquidistant: { reverse_band(h, h1, [] (ld& x, ld& y) {}); break; } case mdSinusoidal: { reverse_band(h, h1, [] (ld& x, ld& y) { x /= cos_auto(y); }); break; } default: throw "unknown"; } } bool kill_off(hyperpoint h1, hyperpoint h2, hyperpoint& h3) { if(pmodel == mdEquidistant) { if(hypot_d(2, h2) > 1) { h3 = point3(0, 0, -1); return true; } } if(pmodel == mdEquiarea) { if(hypot_d(2, h2) > 1) { h3 = point3(0, 0, -1); return true; } } if(pmodel == mdDisk && pconf.alpha == 0) { if(abs(h1[2]) < 1e-6) return true; if(h1[2] < 0) h3 = -h3; } if(pmodel == mdDisk && pconf.alpha > 1) { if(hypot_d(2, h2) > 1 / pconf.alpha) { h2 = h2 * .999 / pconf.alpha / hypot_d(2, h2); return true; } if(h1[2] < 0) h3[2] = -h3[2]; } if(among(pmodel, mdBand, mdBandEquidistant, mdBandEquiarea)) { if(abs(h1[0]) < 1e-4 && h1[2] < 0) return true; if(pmodel == mdBand && (h2[0] < -2 || h2[0] > 2)) return true; if(pmodel != mdBand && (h2[0] < -1 || h2[0] > 1)) return true; if(pmodel == mdBandEquidistant && (h2[1] < -.5 || h2[1] > .5)) return true; } return false; } int bad; void test_reverse() { int ok = 0, killed = 0; bad = 0; for(int a=0; a<100; a++) { hyperpoint h = random_spin3() * C0; hyperpoint h1; hyperpoint h2; applymodel(shiftless(h), h1); reverse_model(h1, h2, pmodel); bool ko = kill_off(h, h1, h2); if(hdist(h, h2) < 1e-5) ok++; else if(ko) killed++; else { bad++; println(hlog, h, " -> ", h1, " -> ", h2); } } // println(hlog, "ok ", ok, " bad ", bad, " killed ", killed); } texture::texture_data *tgt_planet = &moon; texture::texture_data *src_planet = &earth; int alpha = 255; void pick_model() { switch(index) { case 0: mname = "azimuthal equidistant"; pmodel = mdEquidistant; break; case 1: mname = "azimuthal equal area"; pmodel = mdEquiarea; break; case 2: mname = "gnomonic"; pmodel = mdDisk; pconf.alpha = 0; break; case 3: mname = "stereographic"; pmodel = mdDisk; pconf.alpha = 1; break; case 4: mname = "orthographic"; pmodel = mdDisk; pconf.alpha = 999999; break; case 5: mname = "Mercator projection"; pmodel = mdBand; break; case 6: mname = "equirectangular projection"; pmodel = mdBandEquidistant; break; case 7: mname = "cylindrical equal area"; pmodel = mdBandEquiarea; break; } } ld prec = 5; void draw_earth() { load_planets(); shiftmatrix S = ggmatrix(currentmap->gamestart()) * spin(90*degree); ld mte = radius[src_planet] / radius[tgt_planet]; if(true) { tv1.tvertices.clear(); if(prec<0.5) prec=1; for(int x=-180; x<180; x+=prec) for(int y=-90; y<90; y+=prec) { vector bases = { point31(x, y, 0), point31(x+prec, y, 0), point31(x, y+prec, 0), point31(x+prec, y, 0), point31(x, y+prec, 0), point31(x+prec, y+prec, 0) }; auto tform = [&] (hyperpoint euc) { return xpush(euc[0] * degree) * ypush(euc[1] * degree) * C0; }; for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { hyperpoint h = bases[i]; hyperpoint h1 = tform(h); curvepoint(h1); hyperpoint vi = point31((h[0] + 180) / 360., (h[1] + 90) / 180., 0); tv1.tvertices.push_back(glhr::pointtogl(vi)); color_t col = tgt_planet->get_texture_pixel(vi[0]*tgt_planet->twidth, vi[1]*tgt_planet->theight); col &= 0xFFFFFF; addaura(S*h1, col, 0); } } if(isize(tv1.tvertices)) { color_t full = 0xFFFFFFFF; part(full, 0) = 255; auto& poly = queuecurve(S, 0, full, PPR::LINE); poly.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES; poly.tinf = &tv1; poly.offset_texture = 0; tv1.texture_id = tgt_planet->textureid; } } if(true) { tv.tvertices.clear(); dynamicval md(pmodel, pmodel); dynamicval ma(pconf.alpha, pconf.alpha); pick_model(); test_reverse(); bool twoside = (pmodel == mdDisk && pconf.alpha > 100); for(int x=-180; x<180; x+=prec) for(int y=-90; y<90; y+=prec) for(int si: {-1, 1}) { if(si == 1 && !twoside) continue; vector bases = { point31(x, y, 0), point31(x+prec, y, 0), point31(x, y+prec, 0), point31(x+prec, y, 0), point31(x, y+prec, 0), point31(x+prec, y+prec, 0) }; int errs = 0; for(int i=0; i<6; i+=3) { array tforms; errs = 0; for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { hyperpoint euc = bases[i+j]; hyperpoint h = xpush(euc[0] * degree) * ypush(euc[1] * degree) * C0; h = cspin(1, 2, latit*degree) * cspin(0, 2, -longit*degree) * h; hyperpoint h1, h2; applymodel(shiftless(h), h1); h1[0] *= mte; h1[1] *= mte; if(twoside) { if(h[2] * si < 0) errs++; else if(hypot_d(2, h1) > 1 / pconf.alpha) { h1 = h1 * .999999 / hypot_d(2, h1) / pconf.alpha; errs++; } } reverse_model(h1, h2, pmodel); if(kill_off(h, h1, h2)) errs++; tforms[j] = h2; } if(twoside && errs && mte < 1) continue; if(errs < 3) { for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { hyperpoint h = bases[i+j]; hyperpoint h1 = tforms[j]; curvepoint(h1); hyperpoint vi = point31((h[0] + 180) / 360., (h[1] + 90) / 180., 0); tv.tvertices.push_back(glhr::pointtogl(vi)); color_t col = src_planet->get_texture_pixel(vi[0]*src_planet->twidth, vi[1]*src_planet->theight); col &= 0xFFFFFF; addaura(S*h1, col, 0); } } } } if(isize(tv.tvertices)) { color_t full = 0xFFFFFFFF; part(full, 0) = alpha; auto& poly = queuecurve(S, 0, full, PPR::LINE); poly.flags |= POLY_TRIANGLES; poly.tinf = &tv; poly.offset_texture = 0; tv.texture_id = src_planet->textureid; } } } EX bool ourStats() { draw_centerover = false; displayfr(10, 10 + 2 * vid.fsize, 2, vid.fsize * 2, mname, 0xFFFFFF, 0); displayfr(vid.xres - 10, vid.yres - 10 - 2 * vid.fsize, 2, vid.fsize * 2, pname[src_planet] + " to " + pname[tgt_planet], 0xFFFFFF, 16); // nohelp = true; // nomenukey = true; clearMessages(); glflush(); // hide_hud = false; return true; } texture::texture_data* get_planet(char ch) { if(ch == 'a') return &mars; if(ch == 'm') return &moon; if(ch == 's') return &sun; if(ch == 'n') return &neptune; if(ch == 'e') return &earth; return nullptr; } ld max_alpha = 0; EX void compare() { if(max_alpha) { ld t = ticks * 1. / anims::period; t = t - floor(t); static ld lrot = 0; ld rot = 0; ld dark = 1; if(t > .1 && t < .9) { rot = (t - .1) / .8; rot = rot * rot * (3-2*rot); } else { dark = t < .5 ? 10 * t : 10 * (1 - t); dark = dark * dark * (3-2*dark); } alpha = dark * max_alpha; View = cspin(0, 2, (rot - lrot) * 2 * M_PI) * View; lrot = rot; anims::moved(); } } void choose_projection() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(0); dialog::init(XLAT("choose projection"), 0xFFFFFFFF, 150, 0); for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { index = i; dynamicval md(pmodel, pmodel); dynamicval ma(pconf.alpha, pconf.alpha); pick_model(); dialog::addItem(mname, 'a'+i); dialog::add_action([i] { index = i; popScreen(); }); } dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void choose_planet(texture::texture_data *& t) { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(0); dialog::init(XLAT("choose the planet"), 0xFFFFFFFF, 150, 0); for(auto opt: {&earth, &moon, &sun, &mars, &neptune}) { dialog::addSelItem(pname[opt], its(radius[opt]) + " km", key[opt]); dialog::add_action([&t, opt] { t = opt; }); } dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void show() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(0); dialog::init(XLAT("projections between planets"), 0xFFFFFFFF, 150, 0); add_edit(alpha); add_edit(latit); add_edit(longit); add_edit(max_alpha); add_edit(prec); dialog::addSelItem("projection used", mname, 'p'); dialog::add_action_push(choose_projection); dialog::addSelItem("source planet", pname[src_planet], 's'); dialog::add_action_push([] { choose_planet(src_planet); }); dialog::addSelItem("target planet", pname[tgt_planet], 't'); dialog::add_action_push([] { choose_planet(tgt_planet); }); if(bad) dialog::addInfo("BAD", 0xFF0000); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } void enable() { using rogueviz::rv_hook; rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, draw_earth); rv_hook(hooks_prestats, 100, ourStats); rv_hook(hooks_o_key, 80, [] (o_funcs& v) { v.push_back(named_dialog("planet projections", show)); }); } auto msc = arg::add3("-moon", enable) + arg::add3("-ebody", [] { string s = arg::shift_args(); src_planet = get_planet(s[0]); tgt_planet = get_planet(s[1]); if(!src_planet) src_planet = &earth; if(!tgt_planet) tgt_planet = &moon; }) + addHook(anims::hooks_anim, 100, compare) + addHook(hooks_configfile, 100, [] { param_i(alpha, "moon_alpha") ->editable(0, 255, 15, "alpha (transparency)", "", 'a'); param_i(index, "moon_index") ->editable(0, 7, 1, "projection index", "", 'i'); param_f(latit, "moon_lat") ->editable(0, 7, 1, "latitude of the reference point", "", 'l'); param_f(longit, "moon_long") ->editable(0, 7, 1, "longitude of the reference point", "", 'L'); param_f(max_alpha, "moon_max_alpha") ->editable(0, 255, 15, "animation alpha max", "", 'm'); param_f(prec, "moon_precision") ->editable(0, 30, .5, "precision", "larger values are less precise", 'p'); }); } }