// Hyperbolic Rogue - Map effects // Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file mapeffects.cpp * \brief Routines handling the map effects */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { EX void initcell(cell *c) { c->mpdist = INFD; // minimum distance from the player, ever c->cpdist = INFD; // current distance from the player c->pathdist = PINFD;// current distance from the player, along paths (used by yetis) c->landparam = 0; c->landflags = 0; c->wparam = 0; c->listindex = -1; c->wall = waNone; c->item = itNone; c->monst = moNone; c->bardir = NODIR; c->mondir = NODIR; c->barleft = c->barright = laNone; c->land = laNone; c->ligon = 0; c->stuntime = 0; c->monmirror = 0; } EX bool doesnotFall(cell *c) { changes.ccell(c); if(c->wall == waChasm) return false; else if(cellUnstable(c) && !in_gravity_zone(c)) { fallingFloorAnimation(c); c->wall = waChasm; return false; } return true; } EX bool doesFall(cell *c) { return !doesnotFall(c); } EX bool doesFallSound(cell *c) { if(c->land != laMotion && c->land != laZebra) playSound(c, "trapdoor"); return !doesnotFall(c); } EX void destroyBoats(cell *c, cell *c2, bool strandedToo) { changes.ccell(c); if(c->wall == waBoat) placeWater(c, c2); if(strandedToo && c->wall == waStrandedBoat) c->wall = waNone; shmup::destroyBoats(c); } #if HDR enum eGravity { gsNormal, gsLevitation, gsAnti }; #endif EX eGravity gravity_state, last_gravity_state; EX bool bird_disruption(cell *c) { return c->cpdist <= 5 && items[itOrbGravity]; } EX bool in_gravity_zone(cell *c) { return gravity_state && c->cpdist <= 5; } EX int gravity_zone_diff(cell *c) { if(in_gravity_zone(c)) { if(gravity_state == gsLevitation) return 0; if(gravity_state == gsAnti) return -1; } return 1; } EX bool isJWall(cell *c) { return isWall(c) || c->monst == passive_switch; } EX eGravity get_static_gravity(cell *c) { if(isGravityLand(c->land)) return gsLevitation; if(among(c->wall, waArrowTrap, waFireTrap, waClosePlate, waOpenPlate, waTrapdoor)) return gsNormal; forCellEx(c2, c) if(isJWall(c2)) return gsAnti; if(isWatery(c) || isChasmy(c) || among(c->wall, waMagma, waMineUnknown, waMineMine, waMineOpen)) return gsLevitation; return gsNormal; } EX eGravity get_move_gravity(cell *c, cell *c2) { if(isGravityLand(c->land) && isGravityLand(c2->land)) { int d = gravityLevelDiff(c, c2); if(d > 0) return gsNormal; if(d == 0) return gsLevitation; if(d < 0) return gsAnti; return gsNormal; } else { if(snakelevel(c) != snakelevel(c2)) { int d = snakelevel(c2) - snakelevel(c); if(d > 0) return gsAnti; if(d == -3) return gsLevitation; return gsNormal; } forCellEx(c3, c) if(isJWall(c3)) return gsAnti; forCellEx(c3, c2) if(isJWall(c3)) return gsAnti; if(isWatery(c2) && c->wall == waBoat && !againstCurrent(c2, c)) return gsNormal; if(isWatery(c2) || isChasmy(c2) || among(c2->wall, waMagma, waMineUnknown, waMineMine, waMineOpen) || anti_alchemy(c2, c)) return gsLevitation; return gsNormal; } } EX bool isWarped(cell *c) { return isWarpedType(c->land) || (c->land == laCanvas && canvasfloor == caflWarp) || (!inmirrororwall(c->land) && (items[itOrb37] && c->cpdist <= 4)); } EX bool nonAdjacent(cell *c, cell *c2) { if(isWarped(c) && isWarped(c2) && warptype(c) == warptype(c2)) { /* int i = neighborId(c, c2); cell *c3 = c->modmove(i+1), *c4 = c->modmove(i-1); if(c3 && !isTrihepta(c3)) return false; if(c4 && !isTrihepta(c4)) return false; */ return true; } return false; } EX bool nonAdjacentPlayer(cell *c, cell *c2) { return nonAdjacent(c, c2) && !markOrb(itOrb37); } EX bool thruVine(cell *c, cell *c2) { return (cellHalfvine(c) && c2->wall == c->wall && c2 != c); // ((c->wall == waFloorC || c->wall == waFloorD) && c2->wall == c->wall && !c2->item && !c->item); } EX void useup(cell *c) { changes.ccell(c); c->wparam--; if(c->wparam == 0) { drawParticles(c, c->wall == waFire ? 0xC00000 : winf[c->wall].color, 10, 50); if(c->wall == waTempFloor) c->wall = waChasm; else if(c->wall == waTempBridge || c->wall == waTempBridgeBlocked || c->wall == waBurningDock || c->land == laBrownian) placeWater(c, c); else { c->wall = c->land == laCaribbean ? waCIsland2 : waNone; } } } EX bool earthFloor(cell *c) { changes.ccell(c); if(c->monst) return false; if(c->wall == waDeadwall) { c->wall = waDeadfloor; return true; } if(c->wall == waDune) { c->wall = waNone; return true; } if(c->wall == waStone && c->land != laTerracotta) { c->wall = waNone; return true; } if(c->wall == waAncientGrave || c->wall == waFreshGrave || c->wall == waRuinWall) { c->wall = waNone; return true; } if(c->land == laWet && among(c->wall, waDeepWater, waShallow, waStone)) { c->wall = waNone; return true; } if((c->wall == waSea || c->wall == waNone) && c->land == laOcean) { c->wall = waCIsland; return true; } if(c->wall == waSea && c->land == laCaribbean) { c->wall = waCIsland; return true; } if(c->wall == waSea && c->land == laWarpSea) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waBoat && c->land == laWarpSea) c->wall = waStrandedBoat; if(c->wall == waMercury) { c->wall = waNone; return true; } if((c->wall == waBarrowDig || c->wall == waBarrowWall) && c->land == laBurial) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waNone; return true; } if(c->wall == waPlatform && c->land == laMountain) { c->wall = waNone; return true; } if(c->wall == waChasm && c->land == laHunting) { c->wall = waNone; return true; } if(c->land == laCursed && among(c->wall, waDeepWater, waShallow)) { c->wall = waNone; return true; } return false; } EX bool earthWall(cell *c) { changes.ccell(c); if(c->wall == waDeadfloor || c->wall == waDeadfloor2 || c->wall == waEarthD) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waDeadwall; return true; } if(c->land == laWet && among(c->wall, waDeepWater, waShallow, waNone)) { c->wall = waStone; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laFrog) c->wall = waStone; if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laEclectic) c->wall = waDeadwall; if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laMountain) { c->wall = waPlatform; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laDesert) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waDune; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laRuins) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waRuinWall; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && isElemental(c->land)) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waStone; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laRedRock) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waRed3; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laSnakeNest) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waRed3; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laBurial) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waBarrowDig; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laHunting) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waChasm; return true; } if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laTerracotta) { c->wall = waMercury; return true; } if(c->wall == waArrowTrap && c->land == laTerracotta) { destroyTrapsOn(c); c->wall = waMercury; return true; } if(c->land == laCursed && among(c->wall, waNone, waShallow)) { c->wall = waSea; return true; } if(c->wall == waCIsland || c->wall == waCIsland2 || (c->wall == waNone && c->land == laOcean)) { c->item = itNone; c->wall = waSea; if(c->land == laOcean) c->landparam = 40; return true; } return false; } EX bool snakepile(cell *c, eMonster m) { changes.ccell(c); if(c->wall == waSea && c->land == laOcean) { c->land = laBrownian, c->landparam = 0; } if(c->land == laWestWall) return false; if(c->land == laBrownian) { if(c->wall == waNone) { #if CAP_COMPLEX2 c->landparam += brownian::level; #endif return true; } if(c->wall == waSea || c->wall == waBoat) { c->wall = waNone; c->landparam++; return true; } } if(c->item && c->wall != waRed3) c->item = itNone; if(c->wall == waRed1 || c->wall == waOpenGate) c->wall = waRed2; else if(c->wall == waRed2) c->wall = waRed3; else if(doesFall(c)) return false; else if((c->wall == waSea && c->land == laLivefjord)) c->wall = waNone; else if((c->wall == waSea && isWarpedType(c->land))) c->wall = waShallow; else if(isGravityLand(c->land)) { if(m == moHexSnake) c->wall = waPlatform; else c->wall = waDeadTroll2; } else if(c->wall == waNone || isAlchAny(c) || c->wall == waCIsland || c->wall == waCIsland2 || c->wall == waOpenPlate || c->wall == waClosePlate || c->wall == waMineUnknown || c->wall == waMineOpen || isReptile(c->wall)) { if(isReptile(c->wall)) kills[moReptile]++; c->wall = waRed1; if(among(m, moDarkTroll, moBrownBug)) c->wall = waDeadfloor2; } else if(c->wall == waDeadfloor) c->wall = waDeadfloor2; else if(c->wall == waDeadfloor2) { if(m == moDarkTroll && c->land == laDeadCaves) return false; else c->wall = waDeadwall; } else if(c->wall == waRubble || c->wall == waGargoyleFloor || c->wall == waGargoyleBridge || c->wall == waTempFloor || c->wall == waTempBridge || c->wall == waPetrifiedBridge) { if(c->land == laWhirlpool) return false; c->wall = waRed2; if(m == moDarkTroll) c->wall = waDeadwall; } else if(c->wall == waCavefloor) c->wall = waCavewall; else if(c->wall == waSea && c->land == laCaribbean) c->wall = waShallow; else if(c->wall == waSea && c->land == laWhirlpool) return false; else if(c->wall == waSea) c->wall = waShallow; else if(c->wall == waDeepWater) c->wall = waShallow; else if(c->wall == waShallow) c->wall = waNone; else if(c->wall == waLake) c->wall = waShallow; else if(isWateryOrBoat(c) || c->wall == waFrozenLake) c->wall = waNone; else if(isWateryOrBoat(c) || c->wall == waFrozenLake) c->wall = waNone; else if(cellHalfvine(c)) { destroyHalfvine(c, waRed1); if(c->wall == waRed1 && m == moDarkTroll) c->wall = waDeadfloor2; } else return false; return true; } EX bool makeflame(cell *c, int timeout, bool checkonly) { changes.ccell(c); if(!checkonly) destroyTrapsOn(c); if(itemBurns(c->item) && !isWatery(c) && c->wall != waShallow) { if(checkonly) return true; if(c->cpdist <= 7) addMessage(XLAT("%The1 burns!", c->item)); c->item = itNone; } if(cellUnstable(c)) { if(checkonly) return true; doesFall(c); } else if(c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waOpenGate || c->wall == waRed2 || c->wall == waRed3 || c->wall == waTower) return false; else if(c->wall == waBoat) { if(isPlayerOn(c) && markOrb(itOrbWinter)) { if(!checkonly) addMessage(XLAT("%the1 protects your boat!", itOrbWinter)); return true; } if(checkonly) return true; if(c->cpdist <= 7) addMessage(XLAT("%The1 burns!", winf[c->wall].name)); drawFireParticles(c, 24); placeWater(c, c); if(isIcyLand(c)) HEAT(c) += 1; } else if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laCocytus) { if(checkonly) return true; c->wall = waLake, HEAT(c) += 1; } else if(c->wall == waFireTrap) { if(checkonly) return true; if(c->wparam == 0) c->wparam = 1; } else if(c->wall == waFrozenLake) { if(checkonly) return true; drawParticles(c, MELTCOLOR, 8, 8); c->wall = waLake, HEAT(c) += 1; } else if(c->wall == waIcewall) { if(checkonly) return true; drawParticles(c, MELTCOLOR, 8, 8); c->wall = waNone; } else if(c->wall == waMineMine) { if(checkonly) return true; explodeMine(c); } else if(c->wall != waCTree && c->wall != waBigTree && c->wall != waSmallTree && c->wall != waVinePlant && !passable(c, NULL, P_MONSTER | P_MIRROR) && c->wall != waSaloon && c->wall != waRose) return false; // reptiles are able to use the water to put the fire off else if(c->wall == waReptileBridge) return false; else if(c->wall == waDock) { if(checkonly) return true; c->wall = waBurningDock; c->wparam = 3; return false; } else { eWall w = eternalFire(c) ? waEternalFire : waFire; if(!checkonly) drawFireParticles(c, 10); if(w == c->wall) return false; if(checkonly) return true; if(isReptile(c->wall)) kills[moReptile]++; destroyHalfvine(c); if(!isFire(c)) c->wparam = 0; c->wall = w; c->wparam = max(c->wparam, (char) timeout); if(c->land == laBrownian) c->landparam = 0; } return true; } EX bool makeshallow(cell *c, int timeout, bool checkonly) { changes.ccell(c); if(!checkonly) destroyTrapsOn(c); #if CAP_COMPLEX2 if(c->land == laBrownian) { if(checkonly) return true; brownian::dissolve(c, 1); } #endif if(c->wall == waChasm || c->wall == waOpenGate || c->wall == waRed2 || c->wall == waRed3 || c->wall == waTower) return false; else if(c->wall == waNone && c->land == laCocytus) { if(checkonly) return true; c->wall = waLake; } else if(c->wall == waFireTrap) { if(checkonly) return true; c->wall = waShallow; } else if(c->wall == waFrozenLake) { if(checkonly) return true; drawParticles(c, MELTCOLOR, 8, 8); c->wall = waLake; } else if(isFire(c)) { if(checkonly) return true; c->wall = waNone; } else if(c->wall == waMineMine) { if(checkonly) return true; c->wall = waShallow; } else if(among(c->wall, waNone, waRubble, waDeadfloor2, waCavefloor, waDeadfloor, waFloorA, waFloorB) && !cellUnstable(c) && !isGravityLand(c)) { if(checkonly) return true; c->wall = waShallow; } else if(c->wall == waDock) { if(checkonly) return true; c->wall = waSea; c->wparam = 3; return false; } return true; } EX void explosion(cell *c, int power, int central) { changes.ccell(c); playSound(c, "explosion"); drawFireParticles(c, 30, 150); #if CAP_COMPLEX2 brownian::dissolve_brownian(c, 2); #endif makeflame(c, central, false); forCellEx(c2, c) { changes.ccell(c2); destroyTrapsOn(c2); #if CAP_COMPLEX2 brownian::dissolve_brownian(c2, 1); #endif if(c2->wall == waRed2 || c2->wall == waRed3) c2->wall = waRed1; else if(c2->wall == waDeadTroll || c2->wall == waDeadTroll2 || c2->wall == waPetrified || c2->wall == waGargoyle) { c2->wall = waNone; makeflame(c2, power/2, false); } else if(c2->wall == waPetrifiedBridge || c2->wall == waGargoyleBridge) { placeWater(c, c); } else if(c2->wall == waPalace || c2->wall == waOpenGate || c2->wall == waClosedGate || c2->wall == waSandstone || c2->wall == waMetal || c2->wall == waSaloon || c2->wall == waRuinWall) { c2->wall = waNone; makeflame(c2, power/2, false); } else if(c2->wall == waTower) c2->wall = waRubble; else if(c2->wall == waBarrowWall) c2->wall = waBarrowDig; else if(c2->wall == waBarrowDig) c2->wall = waNone; else if(c2->wall == waFireTrap) { if(c2->wparam == 0) c2->wparam = 1; } else if(c2->wall == waExplosiveBarrel) explodeBarrel(c2); else makeflame(c2, power, false); } } EX void explodeMine(cell *c) { if(c->wall != waMineMine) return; changes.ccell(c); c->wall = waMineOpen; explosion(c, 20, 20); #if CAP_COMPLEX2 changes.at_commit(mine::auto_teleport_charges); #endif } EX void explodeBarrel(cell *c) { if(c->wall != waExplosiveBarrel) return; changes.ccell(c); c->wall = waNone; explosion(c, 20, 20); } EX bool mayExplodeMine(cell *c, eMonster who) { if(c->wall != waMineMine) return false; if(ignoresPlates(who)) return false; explodeMine(c); return true; } EX void flameHalfvine(cell *c, int val) { changes.ccell(c); if(itemBurns(c->item)) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 burns!", c->item)); c->item = itNone; } c->wall = waPartialFire; c->wparam = val; } EX bool destroyHalfvine(cell *c, eWall newwall IS(waNone), int tval IS(6)) { if(cellHalfvine(c)) { changes.ccell(c); forCellEx(c1, c) if(c1->wall == c->wall) { changes.ccell(c1); if(newwall == waPartialFire) flameHalfvine(c1, tval); else if(newwall == waRed1) c1->wall = waVinePlant; else c1->wall = newwall; } if(newwall == waPartialFire) flameHalfvine(c, tval); else c->wall = newwall; return true; } return false; } EX int coastvalEdge(cell *c) { return coastval(c, laIvoryTower); } EX int gravityLevel(cell *c) { if(c->land == laIvoryTower || c->land == laEndorian) return coastval(c, laIvoryTower); if(c->land == laDungeon) return -coastval(c, laIvoryTower); if(c->land == laMountain) return 1-celldistAlt(c); return 0; } EX int gravityLevelDiff(cell *c, cell *d) { if(c->land != laWestWall || d->land != laWestWall) { int res = gravityLevel(c) - gravityLevel(d); if(res > 1) return 1; if(res < -1) return -1; return res; } if(shmup::on) return 0; int nid = neighborId(c, d); int id1 = parent_id(c, 1, coastvalEdge) + 1; int di1 = angledist(c->type, id1, nid); int id2 = parent_id(c, -1, coastvalEdge) - 1; int di2 = angledist(c->type, id2, nid); if(di1 < di2) return 1; if(di1 > di2) return -1; return 0; } EX bool canUnstable(eWall w, flagtype flags) { return w == waNone || w == waCanopy || w == waOpenPlate || w == waClosePlate || w == waOpenGate || ((flags & MF_STUNNED) && (w == waLadder || w == waTrunk || w == waSolidBranch || w == waWeakBranch || w == waBigBush || w == waSmallBush)); } EX bool cellEdgeUnstable(cell *c, flagtype flags IS(0)) { if(!isGravityLand(c->land) || !canUnstable(c->wall, flags)) return false; if(shmup::on && c->land == laWestWall) return false; forCellEx(c2, c) { if(isAnyIvy(c2->monst) && c->land == laMountain && !(flags & MF_IVY)) return false; int d = gravityLevelDiff(c, c2); if(d == gravity_zone_diff(c)) { if(againstWind(c2, c)) return false; if(!passable(c2, NULL, P_MONSTER | P_DEADLY)) return false; if(isWorm(c2)) return false; } if(WDIM == 3) { if(d == 0 && !passable(c2, NULL, P_MONSTER | P_DEADLY)) return false; if(d == -1 && !passable(c2, NULL, P_MONSTER | P_DEADLY)) forCellEx(c3, c2) if(c3 != c && gravityLevelDiff(c3, c) == 0) return false; } } return true; } int tidalphase; EX int tidalsize, tide[200]; EX void calcTidalPhase() { if(!tidalsize) { for(int i=0; i<5; i++) tide[tidalsize++] = 1; for(int i=1; i<4; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) tide[tidalsize++] = i; for(int i=4; i<7; i++) for(int j=0; j<2; j++) tide[tidalsize++] = i; for(int i=7; i<20; i++) tide[tidalsize++] = i; for(int i=20; i<23; i++) for(int j=0; j<2; j++) tide[tidalsize++] = i; for(int i=23; i<26; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) tide[tidalsize++] = i; for(int i=0; i+i<tidalsize; i++) tide[tidalsize++] = 27 - tide[i]; /* printf("tidalsize = %d\n", tidalsize); for(int i=0; i<tidalsize; i++) printf("%d ", tide[i]); printf("\n"); */ } tidalphase = tide[ (shmup::on ? shmup::curtime/600 : turncount) % tidalsize]; if(peace::on) tidalphase = 5 + tidalphase / 6; } EX int tidespeed() { return tide[(turncount+6) % tidalsize] - tidalphase; } EX bool recalcTide; #if HDR #define SEADIST LHU.bytes[0] #define LANDDIST LHU.bytes[1] #define CHAOSPARAM LHU.bytes[2] #endif #if CAP_FIELD EX int lavatide(cell *c, int t) { int tc = (shmup::on ? shmup::curtime/400 : turncount); return (windmap::at(c) + (tc+t)*4) & 255; } #endif EX void checkTide(cell *c) { if(c->land == laOcean) { int t = c->landparam; if(ls::any_chaos()) { char& csd(c->SEADIST); if(csd == 0) csd = 7; char& cld(c->LANDDIST); if(cld == 0) cld = 7; int seadist=csd, landdist=cld; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cell *c2 = c->move(i); if(!c2) continue; if(c2->land == laBarrier || c2->land == laOceanWall) ; else if(c2->land == laOcean) seadist = min(seadist, c2->SEADIST ? c2->SEADIST+1 : 7), landdist = min(landdist, c2->LANDDIST ? c2->LANDDIST+1 : 7); else if(isSealand(c2->land)) seadist = 1; else landdist = 1; } if(seadist < csd) csd = seadist, recalcTide = true; if(landdist < cld) cld = landdist, recalcTide = true; if(seadist == 1 && landdist == 1) t = 15; else t = c->CHAOSPARAM = 1 + (29 * (landdist-1)) / (seadist+landdist-2); } if(c->wall == waStrandedBoat || c->wall == waBoat) c->wall = t >= tidalphase ? waBoat : waStrandedBoat; if(c->wall == waSea || c->wall == waNone) c->wall = t >= tidalphase ? waSea : waNone; if(isFire(c) && t >= tidalphase) c->wall = waSea; } #if CAP_FIELD if(c->land == laVolcano) { int id = lavatide(c, 0); if(id < 96) { if(c->wall == waNone || isWateryOrBoat(c) || c->wall == waVinePlant || isAlch(c)) { if(isWateryOrBoat(c) || isAlch(c)) playSound(c, "steamhiss"); c->wall = waMagma; if(itemBurns(c->item)) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 burns!", c->item)), c->item = itNone; playSound(c, "steamhiss", 30); } } } else if(c->wall == waMagma) c->wall = waNone; } #endif } EX bool makeEmpty(cell *c) { if(c->monst != moPrincess) { if(isAnyIvy(c->monst)) killMonster(c, moPlayer, 0); else if(c->monst == moPair) { if(c->move(c->mondir)->monst == moPair) c->move(c->mondir)->monst = moNone; } else if(isWorm(c->monst)) { if(!items[itOrbDomination]) return false; } else c->monst = moNone; } if(c->land == laCanvas) ; else if(c->land == laCocytus) c->wall = waFrozenLake; else if(c->land == laAlchemist || c->land == laCanvas) ; else if(c->land == laDual) ; else if(c->land == laCaves || c->land == laEmerald) c->wall = waCavefloor; else if(c->land == laDeadCaves) c->wall = waDeadfloor2; else if(c->land == laCaribbean || c->land == laOcean || c->land == laWhirlpool || c->land == laLivefjord || c->land == laWarpSea || c->land == laKraken || c->wall == waBoat) c->wall = waBoat; // , c->item = itOrbYendor; else if(c->land == laMinefield) c->wall = waMineOpen; else if(c->wall == waFan && closed_manifold) ; else if(c->wall == waOpenPlate && closed_manifold) ; else if(c->wall == waTrunk || c->wall == waSolidBranch || c->wall == waWeakBranch) ; else if(c->wall == waGiantRug) ; else if(c->wall == waInvisibleFloor) ; else if(c->wall == waDock) ; else if(c->wall == waLadder) ; else if(c->land == laDocks) c->wall = waBoat; else if(c->wall == waFreshGrave && closed_manifold) ; else if(c->wall == waBarrier && sphere && WDIM == 3) ; else if(isReptile(c->wall)) c->wparam = reptilemax(); else if(c->wall == waAncientGrave && closed_manifold) ; else if(c->wall != waRoundTable) c->wall = waNone; if(c->land == laBrownian && c->wall == waNone && c->landparam == 0) c->landparam = 1; if(c->item != itCompass) c->item = itNone; if(c->land == laEclectic) { c->wall = waNone; forCellEx(c1, c) c1->wall = waNone; } if(c->land == laWildWest) { forCellEx(c2, c) forCellEx(c3, c2) if(c3->wall != waBarrier) c3->wall = waNone; } return true; } int numgates = 0; EX void toggleGates(cell *c, eWall type, int rad) { if(!c) return; celllister cl(c, rad, 1000000, NULL); for(cell *ct: cl.lst) { if(ct->wall == waOpenGate && type == waClosePlate) { bool onWorm = false; if(isWorm(ct)) onWorm = true; for(int i=0; i<ct->type; i++) if(ct->move(i) && ct->move(i)->wall == waOpenGate && isWorm(ct->move(i))) onWorm = true; if(!onWorm) { changes.ccell(ct); ct->wall = waClosedGate, numgates++; if(ct->item) { playSound(ct, "hit-crush"+pick123()); addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is crushed!", ct->item)); ct->item = itNone; } toggleGates(ct, type, 1); } } if(ct->wall == waClosedGate && type == waOpenPlate) { changes.ccell(ct); ct->wall = waOpenGate, numgates++; toggleGates(ct, type, 1); } } } EX int toggle_radius(eWall type) { if(type == waClosePlate && PURE) return 2; else return (GOLDBERG && !sphere && !a4) ? gp::dist_3() : 3; } EX void toggleGates(cell *ct, eWall type) { playSound(ct, "click"); numgates = 0; toggleGates(ct, type, toggle_radius(type)); if(numgates && type == waClosePlate) playSound(ct, "closegate"); if(numgates && type == waOpenPlate) playSound(ct, "opengate"); } EX void destroyTrapsOn(cell *c) { if(c->wall == waArrowTrap) { changes.ccell(c); c->wall = waNone; drawParticles(c, 0xFF0000, 4); destroyTrapsAround(c); } } EX void destroyTrapsAround(cell *c) { forCellEx(c2, c) destroyTrapsOn(c2); } EX void destroyWeakBranch(cell *cf, cell *ct, eMonster who) { if(cf && ct && cf->wall == waWeakBranch && cellEdgeUnstable(ct) && gravityLevelDiff(ct, cf) >= 0 && !ignoresPlates(who)) { changes.ccell(cf); cf->wall = waCanopy; if(!cellEdgeUnstable(cf)) { cf->wall = waWeakBranch; return; } playSound(cf, "trapdoor"); drawParticles(cf, winf[waWeakBranch].color, 4); } if(cf && ct && cf->wall == waSmallBush && cellEdgeUnstable(ct) && gravityLevelDiff(ct, cf) >= 0 && !ignoresPlates(who)) { changes.ccell(cf); cf->wall = waNone; if(!cellEdgeUnstable(cf)) { cf->wall = waSmallBush; return; } playSound(cf, "trapdoor"); drawParticles(cf, winf[waWeakBranch].color, 4); } } EX bool isCentralTrap(cell *c) { if(c->wall != waArrowTrap) return false; int i = 0; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall == waArrowTrap) i++; return i == 2; } EX array<cell*, 5> traplimits(cell *c) { array<cell*, 5> res; int q = 0; res[2] = c; for(int d=0; d<c->type; d++) { cellwalker cw(c, d); cw += wstep; if(cw.at->wall != waArrowTrap) continue; res[1+q*2] = cw.at; cw += (cw.at->type/2); if((cw.at->type&1) && (cw+wstep).at->wall != waStone) cw += 1; cw += wstep; res[(q++)*4] = cw.at; } while(q<2) { res[q*4] = res[1+q*2] = NULL; q++; } return res; } EX void activateArrowTrap(cell *c) { if(c->wall == waArrowTrap && c->wparam == 0) { changes.ccell(c); playSound(c, "click"); c->wparam = shmup::on ? 2 : 1; forCellEx(c2, c) activateArrowTrap(c2); if(shmup::on) shmup::activateArrow(c); } } #if HDR template<class T> movei determinePush(cellwalker who, int subdir, const T& valid) { if(subdir != 1 && subdir != -1) { subdir = 1; static bool first = true; if(first) first = false, addMessage("bad push: " + its(subdir)); } cellwalker push = who; push += wstep; cell *c2 = push.at; if(bt::in()) { auto rd = reverse_directions(push.at, push.spin); for(int i: rd) { push.spin = i; movei mi = movei(push.at, i); if(valid(mi)) return mi; } return movei(c2, NO_SPACE); } int pd = push.at->type/2; push += pd * -subdir; movei mi(push.at, push.spin); push += wstep; if(valid(mi)) return mi; if(c2->type&1) { push = push + wstep - subdir + wstep; if(valid(mi)) return mi; } if(gravityLevelDiff(push.at, c2) < 0) { push = push + wstep + 1 + wstep; if(gravityLevelDiff(push.at, c2) < 0) { push = push + wstep - 2 + wstep; } if(gravityLevelDiff(push.at, c2) < 0) { push = push + wstep + 1 + wstep; } movei mi = movei(c2, (push+wstep).spin); if(valid(mi)) return mi; } return movei(c2, NO_SPACE); } #endif // for sandworms EX void explodeAround(cell *c) { forCellEx(c2, c) { if(isIcyLand(c2)) HEAT(c2) += 0.5; eWall ow = c2->wall; changes.ccell(c2); if((c2->wall == waDune || c2->wall == waIcewall || c2->wall == waAncientGrave || c2->wall == waFreshGrave || c2->wall == waColumn || c2->wall == waThumperOff || c2->wall == waThumperOn || (isFire(c2) && !eternalFire(c2)) || c2->wall == waBigTree || c2->wall == waSmallTree || c2->wall == waVinePlant || c2->wall == waVineHalfA || c2->wall == waVineHalfB)) { destroyHalfvine(c2); c2->wall = waNone; } if(c2->wall == waExplosiveBarrel) explodeBarrel(c2); if(c2->wall == waCavewall || c2->wall == waDeadTroll) c2->wall = waCavefloor; if(c2->wall == waDeadTroll2) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waPetrified) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waDeadfloor2) c2->wall = waDeadfloor; if(c2->wall == waGargoyleFloor) c2->wall = waChasm; if(c2->wall == waGargoyleBridge || c2->wall == waPetrifiedBridge) placeWater(c2, c2); if(c2->wall == waRubble) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waPlatform) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waStone) c2->wall = waNone, destroyTrapsAround(c2); if(c2->wall == waRose) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waRuinWall) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waLadder) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waGargoyle) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waSandstone) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waSaloon) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waDeadwall) c2->wall = waDeadfloor2; if(c2->wall == waBigStatue) c2->wall = waNone; if(c2->wall == waPalace || c2->wall == waOpenGate || c2->wall == waClosedGate) c2->wall = waNone; if(isAlch(c2) && isAlch(c)) c2->wall = c->wall; if(c2->wall != ow && ow) drawParticles(c2, winf[ow].color, 16); } } EX bool earthMove(const movei& mi) { auto& from = mi.s; bool b = false; cell *c2 = mi.t; b |= earthWall(from); if(!mi.proper()) return b; int d = mi.rev_dir_or(0); if(c2) for(int u=2; u<=c2->type-2; u++) { cell *c3 = c2->modmove(d + u); if(c3) b |= earthFloor(c3); } return b; } EX bool cellDangerous(cell *c) { return cellUnstableOrChasm(c) || isFire(c) || c->wall == waClosedGate; } }