// Hyperbolic Rogue // Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details // Orb-related routines bool markOrb(eItem it) { if(!items[it]) return false; orbused[it] = true; return true; } bool markEmpathy(eItem it) { if(!items[itOrbEmpathy]) return false; if(!markOrb(it)) return false; markOrb(itOrbEmpathy); return true; } bool markEmpathy2(eItem it) { if(items[itOrbEmpathy] < 2) return false; if(!markOrb2(it)) return false; markOrb2(itOrbEmpathy); return true; } bool markOrb2(eItem it) { return markOrb(it); /* if(!items[it]) return false; orbused[it] = true; return items[it] > 1; */ } int fixpower(int qty) { if(markOrb(itOrbEnergy)) qty = (qty+1)/2; return qty; } void useupOrb(eItem it, int qty) { items[it] -= fixpower(qty); if(items[it] < 0) items[it] = 0; } void drainOrb(eItem it, int target) { if(items[it] > target) useupOrb(it, items[it] - target); } void empathyMove(cell *c, cell *cto, int dir) { if(!items[itOrbEmpathy]) return; if(items[itOrbFire]) { invismove = false; if(makeflame(c, 10, false)) markEmpathy(itOrbFire); } if(items[itOrbDigging]) { if(dir != STRONGWIND && earthMove(c, dir)) markEmpathy(itOrbDigging), invismove = false; } if(items[itOrbWinter] && isIcyLand(c) && c->wall == waNone) { invismove = false; c->wall = waIcewall; markEmpathy(itOrbWinter); } } bool reduceOrbPower(eItem it, int cap) { if(items[it] && (lastorbused[it] || (it == itOrbShield && items[it]>3) || !markOrb(itOrbTime))) { items[it] -= multi::activePlayers(); if(isHaunted(cwt.c->land)) survivalist = false; if(items[it] < 0) items[it] = 0; if(items[it] > cap && timerghost) items[it] = cap; if(items[it] == 0 && it == itOrbLove) princess::bringBack(); return true; } if(items[it] > cap && timerghost) items[it] = cap; return false; } void reduceOrbPowerAlways(eItem it) { if(items[it]) { items[it] -= multi::activePlayers(); if(items[it] < 0) items[it] = 0; } } void reduceOrbPowers() { if(haveMount()) markOrb(itOrbDomination); for(int i=0; iland == laCaribbean ? 777 : 150); if(invismove && !invisfish) markOrb(itOrbInvis); reduceOrbPower(itOrbLightning, 777); reduceOrbPower(itOrbSpeed, 67); reduceOrbPower(itOrbShield, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbShell, 150); reduceOrbPower(itOrbFlash, 777); reduceOrbPower(itOrbWinter, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbFire, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbIllusion, 111); reduceOrbPower(itOrbDragon, 111); reduceOrbPower(itOrbPsi, 111); reduceOrbPower(itOrbInvis, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbAether, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbDigging, 100); reduceOrbPower(itOrbTeleport, 200); reduceOrbPower(itOrbSpace, 150); reduceOrbPowerAlways(itOrbSafety); reduceOrbPower(itOrbThorns, 150); reduceOrbPower(itOrbWater, 150); reduceOrbPower(itOrbAir, 150); reduceOrbPower(itOrbFrog, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbDash, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbDiscord, 67); reduceOrbPower(itOrbSummon, 333); reduceOrbPower(itOrbMatter, 333); reduceOrbPower(itOrbFish, 57 + 20 * multi::activePlayers()); if(!items[itSavedPrincess]) items[itOrbLove] = 0; reduceOrbPower(itOrbLove, 777); reduceOrbPower(itOrbStunning, 100); reduceOrbPower(itOrbLuck, 333); reduceOrbPower(itOrbUndeath, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbFreedom, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbEmpathy, 77); markOrb(itOrb37); reduceOrbPower(itOrb37, 333); reduceOrbPower(itOrbBeauty, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbEnergy, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbDomination, 120); reduceOrbPower(itOrbSword, 100 + 20 * multi::activePlayers()); reduceOrbPower(itOrbSword2, 100 + 20 * multi::activePlayers()); reduceOrbPower(itOrbStone, 120); reduceOrbPower(itOrbNature, 120); reduceOrbPower(itOrbRecall, 77); reduceOrbPower(itOrbBull, 120); reduceOrbPower(itOrbHorns, 77); if(cwt.c->land != laWildWest) reduceOrbPower(itRevolver, 6); whirlwind::calcdirs(cwt.c); items[itStrongWind] = !items[itOrbAether] && whirlwind::qdirs == 1 && !euclid; items[itWarning] = 0; } void flashAlchemist(cell *c) { if(isAlch(c)) { if(isAlch(cwt.c)) c->wall = cwt.c->wall; else c->wall = eWall(c->wall ^ waFloorB ^ waFloorA); } } void flashCell(cell *c, eMonster killer, flagtype flags) { eWall ow = c->wall; flashAlchemist(c); if((flags & AF_MSG) && c->monst && !isWorm(c) && c->monst != moShadow) addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is destroyed by the Flash.", c->monst)); if(c->monst || isPlayerOn(c)) attackMonster(c, flags, killer); if(isIcyLand(c)) HEAT(c) += 2; if(c->land == laDryForest) c->landparam += 2; if(c->wall == waCavewall) c->wall = waCavefloor; if(c->wall == waDeadTroll) c->wall = waCavefloor; if(c->wall == waDeadTroll2) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waPetrified) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waDeadfloor2) c->wall = waDeadfloor; if(c->wall == waGargoyleFloor) c->wall = waChasm; if(c->wall == waGargoyleBridge) placeWater(c, c); if(c->wall == waGargoyle) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waPlatform) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waStone) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waRubble) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waDeadwall) c->wall = waDeadfloor2; if(c->wall == waGiantRug) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waMirror) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waCloud) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waDune) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waSaloon) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waSandstone) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waAncientGrave) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waFreshGrave) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waColumn) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waGlass) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waBigTree || c->wall == waSmallTree) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waBigStatue) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waCTree) c->wall = waCIsland2; if(c->wall == waPalace) c->wall = waRubble; if(c->wall == waRose) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waOpenGate || c->wall == waClosedGate) { eWall w = c->wall; c->wall = waNone; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->wall == w) flashCell(c->mov[i], killer, flags); } if(c->wall == waRed1) c->wall = waNone; else if(c->wall == waRed2) c->wall = waRed1; else if(c->wall == waRed3) c->wall = waRed2; if(c->wall == waBarrowWall) c->wall = waBarrowDig; else if(c->wall == waBarrowDig) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall != ow && ow) drawParticles(c, winf[ow].color, 16); if(hasTimeout(c) && c->wparam < 77) c->wparam = 77; if(isActivable(c)) activateActiv(c, false); } void activateFlashFrom(cell *cf, eMonster who, flagtype flags) { drawFlash(cf); playSound(cf, "storm"); for(int i=0; itype; t++) for(int u=0; utype; u++) if(c->mov[t] == cf->mov[u] && c->mov[t] != NULL) { flashCell(c, who, flags); goto nexti; } nexti: ; } } bool distanceBound(cell *c1, cell *c2, int d) { if(!c1 || !c2) return false; if(d == 0) return c1 == c2; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(distanceBound(c1, c2->mov[i], d-1)) return true; return false; } void checkFreedom(cell *cf) { sval++; static vector avcells; avcells.clear(); avcells.push_back(cf); cf->aitmp = sval; for(int i=0; icpdist >= 5) return; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[i]; // todo leader if(!passable(c2, c, P_ISPLAYER | P_MIRROR | P_LEADER)) continue; if(eq(c2->aitmp, sval)) continue; bool monsterhere = false; for(int j=0; jtype; j++) { cell *c3 = c2->mov[j]; if(c3 && c3->monst && !isFriendly(c3)) monsterhere = true; } if(!monsterhere) { c2->aitmp = sval; avcells.push_back(c2); } } } addMessage(XLAT("Your %1 activates!", itOrbFreedom)); drainOrb(itOrbFreedom); for(int i=0; icpdist > 5) break; flashCell(c, moPlayer, AF_MAGIC); } } void activateFlash() { int tk = tkills(); for(int i=0; icpdist > 2) break; flashCell(c, moPlayer, AF_MAGIC); } achievement_count("FLASH", tkills(), tk); } bool reflectingBarrierAt(cell *c) { return c->wall == waBarrier || c->wall == waCamelot || c->wall == waPalace || c->wall == waPlatform || c->wall == waTempWall || c->wall == waWarpGate || c->wall == waBarrowDig || c->wall == waBarrowWall; } bool reflectingBarrierAt(cellwalker& c, int d) { if(d >= 3) return true; if(d <= -3) return true; d = c.spin + d + 42; d%=c.c->type; if(!c.c->mov[d]) return true; return reflectingBarrierAt(c.c->mov[d]); // WAS: // if(c.c->mov[d]->wall == waBarrier) return true; // THEN: // if(c.c->mov[d]->land == laBarrier || c.c->mov[d]->land == laOceanWall || // c.c->mov[d]->land == laHauntedWall || // c.c->mov[d]->land == laElementalWall) ; // return false; } void killAdjacentSharks(cell *c) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[i]; if(!c2) continue; if(isShark(c2->monst)) { c2->ligon = true; killMonster(c2, moLightningBolt); killAdjacentSharks(c2); } if(isKraken(c2->monst) && isWatery(c2)) { cell *c3 = kraken::head(c2); c3->ligon = true; forCellEx(c4, c3) killMonster(c4, moLightningBolt); // kill-all forCellEx(c4, c3) if(isWatery(c4)) { c4->ligon = true; killAdjacentSharks(c4); } } } } void castLightningBolt(cellwalker lig) { int bnc = 0; while(true) { // printf("at: %p i=%d d=%d\n", lig.c, i, lig.spin); killAdjacentSharks(lig.c); if(lig.c->mov[lig.spin] == NULL) break; cwstep(lig); if(inmirror(lig)) lig = mirror::reflect(lig); cell *c = lig.c; eWall ow = c->wall; flashAlchemist(c); if(c->monst == moMetalBeast2 && !c->item) c->item = itFulgurite; if(c->monst) attackMonster(c, AF_MAGIC, moLightningBolt); if(isIcyLand(c)) HEAT(c) += 2; if(c->land == laDryForest) c->landparam += 2; bool first = !c->ligon; c->ligon = 1; bool brk = false, spin = false; if(c->wall == waGargoyle) brk = true; if(c->wall == waCavewall) c->wall = waCavefloor, brk = true; if(c->wall == waDeadTroll) c->wall = waCavefloor, brk = true; if(c->wall == waDeadTroll2)c->wall = waNone, brk = true; if(c->wall == waPetrified) c->wall = waNone, brk = true; if(c->wall == waDeadfloor2)c->wall = waDeadfloor; if(c->wall == waRubble) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waDeadwall) c->wall = waDeadfloor2, brk = true; if(c->wall == waGlass) c->wall = waNone, spin = true; if(c->wall == waDune) c->wall = waNone, brk = true; if(c->wall == waIcewall) c->wall = waNone, brk = true; if(c->wall == waAncientGrave) c->wall = waNone, spin = true; if(c->wall == waFreshGrave) c->wall = waNone, spin = true; if(c->wall == waFreshGrave) c->wall = waNone, spin = true; if(c->wall == waBigStatue) c->wall = waNone, spin = true; if(c->wall == waColumn) c->wall = waNone, spin = true; if(c->wall == waStone) c->wall = waNone, brk = true; if(c->wall == waCanopy || c->wall == waTrunk || c->wall == waBigBush || c->wall == waSmallBush) { makeflame(c, 12, false); brk = true; } if(c->wall == waGrounded) brk = true; if(c->wall == waFan) spin = true; if(c->wall == waMetal) c->wall = waCharged, brk = true; if(c->wall == waSandstone) c->wall = waNone, c->item = itFulgurite, brk = true; if(c->wall == waCharged && first) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) // do not do strange things in horocyclic spires if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->wall != waCharged) { cellwalker lig2(c, i); castLightningBolt(lig2); } brk = true; } if(c->wall == waBoat && c != cwt.c) c->wall = waSea, spin = true; if(c->wall == waStrandedBoat && c !=cwt.c) c->wall = waNone, spin = true; if((c->wall == waNone || c->wall == waSea) && c->land == laLivefjord) c->wall = eWall(c->wall ^ waSea ^ waNone); if(c->wall == waRed1) c->wall = waNone; if(c->wall == waRed2) c->wall = waRed1; if(c->wall == waRed3) c->wall = waRed2, brk = true; if(isActivable(c)) activateActiv(c, false); if(c->wall == waBigTree || c->wall == waSmallTree || c->wall == waVinePlant || c->wall == waSaloon) { makeflame(c, 4, false); brk = true; } if(c->wall == waCTree) makeflame(c, 12, false); if(c->wall == waRose) makeflame(c, 60, false); if(cellHalfvine(c) && c->mov[lig.spin] && c->wall == c->mov[lig.spin]->wall) { destroyHalfvine(c, waPartialFire, 4); brk = true; } if(c->wall != ow && ow) drawParticles(c, winf[ow].color, 16); if(c == cwt.c) {bnc++; if(bnc > 10) break; } if(spin) cwspin(lig, hrand(lig.c->type)); if(brk) break; if(reflectingBarrierAt(c)) { int left = -1; int right = 1; while(!reflectingBarrierAt(lig, left)) left--; while(!reflectingBarrierAt(lig, right)) right++; cwspin(lig, right + left); if(c->wall == waBarrowWall) c->wall = waBarrowDig; else if(c->wall == waBarrowDig) c->wall = waNone; bnc++; if(bnc > 10) break; } else { cwspin(lig, 3); if(c->type == 7) cwspin(lig, hrand(2)); } if(lig.c->wall == waCloud) { lig.c->wall = waNone; mirror::createMirages(lig, mirror::LIGHTNING); } if(lig.c->wall == waMirror) { lig.c->wall = waNone; mirror::createMirrors(lig, mirror::LIGHTNING); } } } void castLightningBoltFrom(cell *c) { for(int i=0; itype; i++) castLightningBolt(cellwalker(c, i)); } void activateLightning() { int tk = tkills(); drawLightning(); addMessage(XLAT("You activate the Lightning spell!")); for(int i=0; iligon = 0; drainOrb(itOrbLightning); for(int i=0; i 1 && multi::activePlayers() == 1) multi::checklastmove(); if(multi::players == 1) checkmove(); } int teleportAction() { // normal teleport if(shmup::on || numplayers() == 1) return 1; // multi-player, but all in -- do nothing else if(numplayers() == multi::activePlayers()) return 0; // otherwise teleport to the game else return 2; } void teleportTo(cell *dest) { playSound(dest, "other-teleport"); if(dest->monst) { cwt.c->monst = dest->monst; dest->monst = moNone; } if(teleportAction() == 2) { bool b = multiRevival(dest, NULL); if(b) { killFriendlyIvy(); drainOrb(itOrbTeleport); movecost(cwt.c, dest); playerMoveEffects(cwt.c, dest); for(int i=9; i>=0; i--) setdist(dest, i, NULL); bfs(); } return; } killFriendlyIvy(); movecost(cwt.c, dest); playerMoveEffects(cwt.c, dest); cwt.c = dest; cwt.spin = hrand(dest->type); flipplayer = !!(hrand(2)); drainOrb(itOrbTeleport); addMessage(XLAT("You teleport to a new location!")); mirror::destroyAll(); for(int i=9; i>=0; i--) setdist(cwt.c, i, NULL); bfs(); items[itOrbSword] = 0; items[itOrbSword2] = 0; if(shmup::on) shmup::teleported(); else checkmoveO(); } void jumpTo(cell *dest, eItem byWhat, int bonuskill = 0, eMonster dashmon = moNone) { if(byWhat != itStrongWind) playSound(dest, "orb-frog"); movecost(cwt.c, dest); killFriendlyIvy(); cell *c1 = cwt.c; animateMovement(cwt.c, dest, LAYER_SMALL); cwt.c = dest; forCellIdEx(c2, i, dest) if(c2->cpdist < dest->cpdist) { cwt.spin = i; flipplayer = true; } countLocalTreasure(); items[itOrbSword] = 0; items[itOrbSword2] = 0; stabbingAttack(c1, dest, moPlayer, bonuskill); playerMoveEffects(c1, dest); if(cwt.c->item != itOrbYendor && cwt.c->item != itHolyGrail) collectItem(cwt.c, true); if(byWhat == itOrbFrog) { useupOrb(itOrbFrog, 5); addMessage(XLAT("You jump!")); } if(byWhat == itOrbDash) { useupOrb(itOrbDash, 5); addMessage(XLAT("You vault over %the1!", dashmon)); } mirror::destroyAll(); for(int i=9; i>=0; i--) setdist(cwt.c, i, NULL); createNoise(1); if(shmup::on) shmup::teleported(); else monstersTurn(); } void growIvyTo(cell *dest, cell *src) { if(dest->monst) attackMonster(dest, AF_MSG | AF_ORSTUN, moFriendlyIvy); else { dest->monst = moFriendlyIvy; dest->mondir = neighborId(dest, src); moveEffect(dest, src, moFriendlyIvy); empathyMove(src, dest, neighborId(src, dest)); } createNoise(1); monstersTurn(); } void telekinesis(cell *dest) { int cost = dest->cpdist * dest->cpdist; if(dest->land == laAlchemist && isAlchAny(dest) && isAlchAny(cwt.c)) dest->wall = cwt.c->wall; if(dest->land == laPower && cwt.c->land != laPower && dest->item != itOrbFire && dest->item != itOrbLife) { if(itemclass(dest->item) != IC_ORB) items[dest->item] ++; else items[dest->item] += 2; addMessage(XLAT("The Orb loses its power as it leaves the Land of Power!")); dest->item = itNone; } if(dest->wall == waGlass) { drainOrb(itOrbSpace); addMessage(XLAT("Your power is drained by %the1!", dest->wall)); } moveItem(dest, cwt.c, true); collectItem(cwt.c, true); useupOrb(itOrbSpace, cost); createNoise(3); bfs(); if(!shmup::on) checkmoveO(); } eMonster summonedAt(cell *dest) { if(dest->monst) return moNone; if(dest->wall == waVineHalfA || dest->wall == waVineHalfB || dest->wall == waVinePlant) return moVineSpirit; if(dest->wall == waCTree) return moParrot; if(dest->wall == waLake) return moGreaterShark; if(dest->wall == waAncientGrave || dest->wall == waFreshGrave) return moGhost; if(dest->wall == waClosePlate || dest->wall == waOpenPlate) return dest->land == laPalace ? moPalace : moBat; if(dest->wall == waFloorA || dest->wall == waFloorB) return moSlime; if(dest->wall == waFloorC || dest->wall == waFloorD) return moRatling; if(dest->wall == waCavefloor) return moTroll; if(dest->wall == waDeadfloor) return moEarthElemental; if(dest->wall == waDeadfloor2) return moMiner; if(dest->wall == waMineOpen || dest->wall == waMineMine || dest->wall == waMineUnknown) return moBomberbird; if(dest->wall == waTrapdoor) return dest->land == laPalace ? moFatGuard : moOrangeDog; if(dest->wall == waSea) return isElemental(dest->land) ? moWaterElemental : dest->land == laLivefjord ? moViking : dest->land == laKraken ? moViking : dest->land == laWarpCoast ? moRatling : moPirate; if(isReptile(dest->wall)) return moReptile; if(dest->wall == waChasm) return moAirElemental; if(isFire(dest)) return moFireElemental; if(dest->wall == waCavewall || dest->wall == waDeadwall) return moSeep; if(dest->wall == waRed1 || dest->wall == waRed2 || dest->wall == waRed3) return moRedTroll; if(dest->wall == waFrozenLake) return moFireElemental; if(dest->wall == waCIsland || dest->wall == waCIsland2) return moWaterElemental; if(dest->wall == waRubble || dest->wall == waGargoyleFloor || dest->wall == waGargoyleBridge || dest->wall == waLadder) return moGargoyle; if(dest->wall == waStrandedBoat) return moWaterElemental; if(dest->wall == waBoat) return moAirElemental; if(dest->wall == waStone) return moEarthElemental; if(dest->wall == waGiantRug) return moVizier; if(dest->wall == waNone) { if(dest->land == laBull) return moRagingBull; if(dest->land == laPrairie) return moAirElemental; if(dest->land == laZebra) return moAirElemental; if(dest->land == laMirror) return moAirElemental; if(dest->land == laMountain) return moAirElemental; // unfortunately Ivies are too large if(dest->land == laDungeon) return moBat; if(dest->land == laIce) return moFireElemental; if(dest->land == laDesert) return moEarthElemental; if(dest->land == laJungle) return moWaterElemental; if(dest->land == laGraveyard) return moZombie; if(dest->land == laRlyeh || dest->land == laTemple) return moPyroCultist; if(dest->land == laHell) return moWaterElemental; if(dest->land == laPower) return moWitchFire; if(dest->land == laWineyard) return moVineBeast; if(dest->land == laEmerald) return moMiner; if(dest->land == laHive) return dest->type == 7 ? moBug1 : moBug0; if(dest->land == laRedRock) return moRedTroll; if(dest->land == laOcean) return moEarthElemental; if(dest->land == laDryForest) return moFireFairy; if(dest->land == laLivefjord) return moFjordTroll; if(dest->land == laStorms) return moStormTroll; if(dest->land == laOvergrown) return moForestTroll; if(dest->land == laIvoryTower) return moAirElemental; if(dest->land == laEndorian) return moAirElemental; if(dest->land == laEAir) return moAirElemental; if(dest->land == laEWater) return moWaterElemental; if(dest->land == laEEarth) return moEarthElemental; if(dest->land == laEFire) return moFireElemental; if(dest->land == laMotion) return moRunDog; if(dest->land == laWildWest) return moOutlaw; if(dest->land == laClearing) return moForestTroll; if(dest->land == laWhirlwind) return moAirElemental; if(dest->land == laWarpCoast) return moRatling; if(dest->land == laRose) return moRoseLady; if(dest->land == laDragon) return moFireElemental; if(dest->land == laTortoise) return moTortoise; if(dest->land == laBurial) return moEarthElemental; if(isHaunted(dest->land)) return moGhost; } return moNone; } void summonAt(cell *dest) { playSound(dest, "orb-ranged"); dest->monst = summonedAt(dest); dest->stuntime = 3; if(dest->monst == moPirate || dest->monst == moViking || (dest->monst == moRatling && dest->wall == waSea)) dest->wall = waBoat, dest->item = itNone; if(dest->monst == moViking && dest->land == laKraken) dest->item = itOrbFish; if(dest->wall == waStrandedBoat) dest->wall = waBoat; else if(dest->monst == moWaterElemental) placeWater(dest, dest); if(dest->wall == waStone) dest->wall = waNone; if(dest->monst == moFireElemental && isFire(dest)) dest->wall = waNone; if(dest->monst == moTortoise) tortoise::emap[dest] = dest; addMessage(XLAT("You summon %the1!", dest->monst)); moveEffect(dest, dest, dest->monst); if(hasHitpoints(dest->monst)) dest->hitpoints = palaceHP(); useupOrb(itOrbSummon, 20); createNoise(2); bfs(); checkmoveO(); } bool tempWallPossibleAt(cell *dest) { if(dest->monst || (dest->item && !itemHidden(dest))) return false; return dest->wall == waChasm || isWatery(dest) || dest->wall == waNone; } void tempWallAt(cell *dest) { if(dest->wall == waChasm) dest->wall = waTempFloor; else if(dest->wall == waNone) dest->wall = waTempWall; else if(isWatery(dest)) dest->wall = waTempBridge; int len = (items[itOrbMatter]+1) / 2; dest->wparam = len; useupOrb(itOrbMatter, len); dest->item = itNone; // underwater items are destroyed by this createNoise(2); bfs(); checkmoveO(); } void psi_attack(cell *dest) { playSound(dest, "other-mind"); if(isNonliving(dest->monst)) addMessage(XLAT("You destroy %the1 with a mental blast!", dest->monst)); else if(isDragon(dest->monst) || isKraken(dest->monst)) addMessage(XLAT("You damage %the1 with a mental blast!", dest->monst)); else addMessage(XLAT("You kill %the1 with a mental blast!", dest->monst)); // note: psi attack works with Petrify! attackMonster(dest, AF_MAGIC, moPlayer); useupOrb(itOrbPsi, 30); createNoise(2); bfs(); checkmoveO(); } void gun_attack(cell *dest) { playSound(dest, "orb-ranged"); addMessage(XLAT("You shoot %the1!", dest->monst)); attackMonster(dest, AF_GUN, moNone); items[itRevolver] --; bfs(); checkmoveO(); createNoise(5); monstersTurn(); } void checkStunKill(cell *dest) { if(isBird(dest->monst)) { moveEffect(dest, dest, moDeadBird); doesFall(dest); if(isWatery(dest) || dest->wall == waChasm || isFire(dest)) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 falls!", dest->monst)); fallMonster(dest); return; } } /* if(!isPermanentFlying(dest->monst) && cellEdgeUnstable(dest)) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 falls!", dest->monst)); fallMonster(dest); } */ } void stun_attack(cell *dest) { playSound(dest, "orb-ranged"); addMessage(XLAT("You stun %the1!", dest->monst)); dest->stuntime += 5; checkStunKill(dest); useupOrb(itOrbStunning, 10); createNoise(3); bfs(); checkmoveO(); } void placeIllusion(cell *c) { c->monst = moIllusion; useupOrb(itOrbIllusion, 5); addMessage(XLAT("You create an Illusion!")); bfs(); checkmoveO(); } void blowoff(cell *cf, cell *ct) { playSound(ct, "orb-ranged"); addMessage(XLAT("You blow %the1 away!", cf->monst)); pushMonster(ct, cf); if(cf->item == itBabyTortoise && !ct->item) moveItem(cf, ct, true); items[itOrbAir]--; createNoise(2); bfs(); checkmoveO(); } void useOrbOfDragon(cell *c) { makeflame(c, 20, false); playSound(c, "fire"); addMessage(XLAT("You throw fire!")); useupOrb(itOrbDragon, 5); createNoise(3); bfs(); checkmoveO(); } int monstersnearO(orbAction a, cell *c, cell *nocount, eMonster who, cell *pushto, cell *comefrom) { // printf("[a = %d] ", a); if(shmup::on) return 0; if(a == roCheck && multi::players > 1) return 1; else if(a == roMultiCheck) return 0; else return monstersnear(c, nocount, who, pushto, comefrom); } bool isCheck(orbAction a) { return a == roCheck || a == roMultiCheck; } bool isWeakCheck(orbAction a) { return a == roCheck || a == roMultiCheck || a == roMouse; } eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) { if(!haveRangedOrb()) { return itNone; } if(rosedist(cwt.c) == 1) { int r = rosemap[cwt.c]; int r2 = rosemap[c]; if(r2 <= r) { if(a == roKeyboard || a == roMouseForce ) addMessage(XLAT("Those roses smell too nicely. You can only target cells closer to them!")); return itNone; } } // (-2) shmup variants eItem shmupEffect = shmup::targetRangedOrb(a); if(shmupEffect) return shmupEffect; // (-1) distance if(c == cwt.c || isNeighbor(cwt.c, c)) { if(!isWeakCheck(a)) addMessage(XLAT("You cannot target that close!")); return itNone; } if(c->cpdist > 7) { if(!isWeakCheck(a)) addMessage(XLAT("You cannot target that far away!")); return itNone; } // (0-) strong wind if(items[itStrongWind] && c->cpdist == 2 && cwt.c == whirlwind::jumpFromWhereTo(c, true) && !monstersnearO(a, c, NULL, moPlayer, NULL, cwt.c)) { if(!isCheck(a)) jumpTo(c, itStrongWind); return itStrongWind; } // (0x) control if(haveMount() && items[itOrbDomination] && dragon::whichturn != turncount) { if(!isCheck(a)) { dragon::target = c; dragon::whichturn = turncount; addMessage(XLAT("Commanded %the1!", haveMount())); checkmoveO(); } return itOrbDomination; } // (0) telekinesis if(c->item && !itemHiddenFromSight(c) && !cwt.c->item && items[itOrbSpace] >= fixpower(c->cpdist * c->cpdist) && !cantGetGrimoire(c, !isCheck(a)) && c->item != itBarrow) { if(!isCheck(a)) telekinesis(c); return itOrbSpace; } // (0') air blow bool nowhereToBlow = false; if(items[itOrbAir] && isBlowableMonster(c->monst)) { int d = 0; for(; dtype; d++) if(c->mov[d] && c->mov[d]->cpdist < c->cpdist) break; if(dtype) for(int e=d; etype; e++) { nowhereToBlow = true; cell *c2 = c->mov[e % c->type]; if(c2 && c2->cpdist > c->cpdist && passable(c2, c, P_BLOW)) { if(!isCheck(a)) blowoff(c, c2); return itOrbAir; } } } // nature if(items[itOrbNature] && numplayers() == 1 && c->monst != moFriendlyIvy) { cell *sides[8]; int qsides = 0; forCellCM(cf, c) if(cf->monst == moFriendlyIvy) { if(c->monst) { if(!canAttack(c, c->monst, cf, moFriendlyIvy, 0)) continue; if(monstersnear(cwt.c, c, moPlayer, NULL, cwt.c)) continue; } else { if(!passable(c, cf, P_ISPLAYER | P_MONSTER)) continue; if(strictlyAgainstGravity(c, cf, false, MF_IVY)) continue; if(monstersnear(cwt.c, NULL, moPlayer, c, cwt.c)) continue; } sides[qsides++] = cf; } if(qsides > 0) { if(!isCheck(a)) growIvyTo(c, sides[hrand(qsides)]); return itOrbNature; } } // (0'') jump int jumpstate = 0; cell *jumpthru = NULL; // orb of vaulting if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbDash] && c->cpdist == 2) { int i = items[itOrbAether]; if(i) items[itOrbAether] = i-1; cell *c2 = NULL, *c3 = NULL; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *cc = cwt.c->mov[i]; if(isNeighbor(cc, c)) c3 = c2, c2 = cc; } jumpthru = c2; jumpstate = 10; if(jumpstate == 10 && c2) jumpstate = 11; if(jumpstate == 11 && c2->monst) jumpstate = 12; if(jumpstate == 12 && !c3) jumpstate = 13; if(jumpstate == 13 && passable(c2, cwt.c, P_ISPLAYER | P_JUMP1 | P_MONSTER)) jumpstate = 14; if(jumpstate == 14 && passable(c, c2, P_ISPLAYER | P_JUMP2)) jumpstate = 15; if(jumpstate == 15 && canAttack(cwt.c, moPlayer, c2, c2->monst, 0)) jumpstate = 16; if(jumpstate == 16 && !monstersnearO(a, c, c2, moPlayer, NULL, cwt.c)) jumpstate = 17; items[itOrbAether] = i; if(jumpstate == 17) { if(!isCheck(a)) { int k = tkills(); eMonster m = c2->monst; attackMonster(c2, AF_ORSTUN | AF_MSG, moPlayer); k = tkills() - k; jumpTo(c, itOrbDash, k, m); } return itOrbDash; } } if(items[itOrbFrog] && c->cpdist == 2) { jumpstate = 1; int i = items[itOrbAether]; if(i) items[itOrbAether] = i-1; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c2 = cwt.c->mov[i]; if(isNeighbor(c2, c)) { jumpthru = c2; if(passable(c2, cwt.c, P_ISPLAYER | P_JUMP1)) { jumpstate = 2; if(passable(c, c2, P_ISPLAYER | P_JUMP2)) { jumpstate = 3; break; } } } } items[itOrbAether] = i; if(jumpstate == 3 && !monstersnearO(a, c, NULL, moPlayer, NULL, cwt.c)) { jumpstate = 4; if(!isCheck(a)) jumpTo(c, itOrbFrog); return itOrbFrog; } } // (1) switch with an illusion if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->monst == moIllusion && !cwt.c->monst && teleportAction() == 1) { if(!isCheck(a)) teleportTo(c); return itOrbTeleport; } // (2) place illusion if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbIllusion] && c->monst == moNone && c->item == itNone && passable(c, NULL, P_MIRROR)) { if(!isCheck(a)) placeIllusion(c); return itOrbIllusion; } // (3) teleport if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->monst == moNone && (c->item == itNone || itemHidden(c)) && passable(c, NULL, P_ISPLAYER | P_TELE) && teleportAction() && shmup::verifyTeleport()) { if(!isCheck(a)) teleportTo(c); return itOrbTeleport; } // (4) remove an illusion if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbIllusion] && c->monst == moIllusion) { if(!isCheck(a)) { addMessage(XLAT("You take the Illusion away.")); items[itOrbIllusion] += 3; // 100% effective with the Orb of Energy! c->monst = moNone; } return itOrbIllusion; } // (4a) colt if(!shmup::on && items[itRevolver] && c->monst && canAttack(cwt.c, moPlayer, c, c->monst, AF_GUN) && c->pathdist <= GUNRANGE && !monstersnearO(a, cwt.c, c, moPlayer, NULL, cwt.c)) { if(!isCheck(a)) gun_attack(c); return itRevolver; } // (5) psi blast (non-shmup variant) if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbPsi] && c->monst && (isDragon(c->monst) || !isWorm(c)) && c->monst != moShadow && c->monst != moKrakenH) { if(!isCheck(a)) psi_attack(c); return itOrbPsi; } // (5a) summoning if(items[itOrbSummon] && summonedAt(c)) { if(!isCheck(a)) summonAt(c); return itOrbSummon; } // (5b) matter if(items[itOrbMatter] && tempWallPossibleAt(c)) { if(!isCheck(a)) tempWallAt(c); return itOrbMatter; } // (5c) stun if(items[itOrbStunning] && c->monst && !isMultitile(c->monst) && c->stuntime < 3 && !shmup::on) { if(!isCheck(a)) stun_attack(c); return itOrbStunning; } // (6) place fire (non-shmup variant) if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbDragon] && makeflame(c, 20, true)) { if(!isCheck(a)) useOrbOfDragon(c); return itOrbDragon; } if(isWeakCheck(a)) return itNone; if(nowhereToBlow) { addMessage(XLAT("Nowhere to blow %the1!", c->monst)); } else if(jumpstate == 1 && jumpthru && jumpthru->monst) { addMessage(XLAT("Cannot jump through %the1!", jumpthru->monst)); } else if(jumpstate == 1 && jumpthru) { addMessage(XLAT("Cannot jump through %the1!", jumpthru->wall)); } else if(jumpstate == 2 && c->monst) { addMessage(XLAT("Cannot jump on %the1!", c->monst)); } else if(jumpstate == 2 && c->wall) { addMessage(XLAT("Cannot jump on %the1!", c->wall)); } else if(jumpstate == 3) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 would get you there!", which)); } else if(items[itOrbAir] && c->monst) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is immune to wind!", c->monst)); } else if(items[itOrbPsi] && c->monst) { addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is immune to mental blasts!", c->monst)); } else if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->monst) { addMessage(XLAT("Cannot teleport on a monster!")); } else if(items[itOrbSpace] && c->item == itBarrow) addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is protected from this kind of magic!", c->item)); else if(c->item && items[itOrbSpace] && !itemHiddenFromSight(c)) { if(cwt.c->item) addMessage(XLAT("Cannot use %the1 here!", itOrbSpace)); addMessage(XLAT("Not enough power for telekinesis!")); } else if(items[itOrbIllusion] && c->item) addMessage(XLAT("Cannot cast illusion on an item!")); else if(items[itOrbIllusion] && c->monst) addMessage(XLAT("Cannot cast illusion on a monster!")); else if(items[itOrbIllusion] && !passable(c, NULL, P_MIRROR)) addMessage(XLAT("Cannot cast illusion here!")); else if(items[itOrbTeleport] && teleportAction() == 0) { addMessage(XLAT("All players are in the game!")); } else if(items[itOrbTeleport] && !passable(c, NULL, P_TELE | P_ISPLAYER)) { addMessage(XLAT("Cannot teleport here!")); } else if(items[itOrbMatter] && !tempWallPossibleAt(c)) { if(c->monst) addMessage(XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter on a monster!")); else if(c->item) addMessage(XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter on an item!")); else addMessage(XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter here!")); } else if(items[itOrbSummon] && !summonedAt(c)) { if(c->monst) addMessage(XLAT("Cannot summon on a monster!")); else addMessage(XLAT("No summoning possible here!")); } else if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->item) { addMessage(XLAT("Cannot teleport on an item!")); } else if(items[itOrbDragon] && !makeflame(c, 20, true)) { addMessage(XLAT("Cannot throw fire there!")); } else return eItem(0); return eItem(-1); } int orbcharges(eItem it) { switch(it) { case itRevolver: //pickup-key return 6; case itOrbShield: return inv::on ? 30 : 20; case itOrbDiscord: return inv::on ? 46 : 23; case itOrbLove: case itOrbUndeath: case itOrbSpeed: //"pickup-speed"); case itOrbInvis: case itOrbAether: return 30; case itOrbWinter: // "pickup-winter" return inv::on ? 45 : 30; break; case itOrbBeauty: case itOrbEmpathy: case itOrbFreedom: return 40; case itOrbFrog: case itOrbDash: return 45; case itOrb37: case itOrbEnergy: return 50; case itOrbRecall: case itOrbNature: case itOrbStone: case itOrbStunning: case itOrbLuck: return 60; case itOrbWater: case itOrbMatter: case itOrbHorns: case itOrbBull: case itOrbShell: case itOrbAir: return 66; case itOrbTime: case itOrbSpace: case itOrbThorns: case itOrbLightning: case itOrbFlash: case itOrbIllusion: case itOrbPsi: case itOrbDigging: case itOrbTeleport: return 77; case itOrbDomination: return 90; case itOrbSummon: return 120; case itOrbSword: return 60 + 30 * multi::activePlayers(); case itOrbSword2: return 40 + 20 * multi::activePlayers(); case itOrbFish: return 20 + 10 * multi::activePlayers(); case itOrbFire: return sphere ? 3 : 30; case itOrbDragon: return sphere ? 10 : 77; default: return 0; } } bool isShmupLifeOrb(eItem it) { return it == itOrbLife || it == itOrbFriend || it == itOrbNature || it == itOrbEmpathy || it == itOrbUndeath || it == itOrbLove || it == itOrbDomination; }