namespace nilrider { ld timestamp::energy_in_squares() { return vel * vel / (2 * gravity); } /** convert rotationally symmetric to Heisenberg model */ EX hyperpoint sym_to_heis(hyperpoint H) { if(nil) { H[2] += H[0] * H[1] / 2; } return H; } void timestamp::draw_unilcycle(const shiftmatrix& V) { const int points = 60; const int spoke_each = 5; hyperpoint whpoint[points+1]; transmatrix Ta = cspin(0, 1, -heading_angle); transmatrix Tb = cspin(0, 2, -slope); hyperpoint base = Ta * Tb * point31(0, 0, whrad); for(int a=0; aget_xy_i(where); char ch = lev->mapchar(xy); if(ch == 'r' || ch == '!') return false; if(ch == '*') { for(int i=0; itriangles); i++) { auto& t = lev->triangles[i]; if(t.x == xy.first && t.y == xy.second) collected_triangles |= (1<surface(wnext); wnext = gpushxto0(where) * wnext; slope = atan(wnext[2] / eps); auto ovel = vel; vel -= sin(slope) * gravity / tps; if(vel < 0) { vel = 0; if(ovel == 0) return false; } auto mvel = (vel + ovel) / 2; where[0] += cos(heading_angle) * mvel * cos(slope) / tps; where[1] += sin(heading_angle) * mvel * cos(slope) / tps; where[2] = lev->surface(where); circpos += mvel / whrad / tps; return true; } void timestamp::centerview(level *lev) { // static bool once = false; if(once) return; once = true; auto w = where; w[2] += 0.2 * lev->scale; hyperpoint front = rgpushxto0(w) * sym_to_heis(hyperpoint(1e-3 * cos(heading_angle), 1e-3*sin(heading_angle), 0, 1)); hyperpoint up = w; up[2] += 1e-3; set_view(w, front, up); transmatrix T = View; ld gfx_slope = binsearch(-90*degree, min(slope, min_gfx_slope), [&] (ld slope) { View = T; rotate_view(cspin(1, 2, slope)); for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { shift_view(ztangent(whdist * lev->scale / 8.)); hyperpoint p = inverse(View) * C0; ld room = p[2] - lev->surface(p); if(room < .1 * lev->scale) return true; for(hyperpoint h: {point3(0,0,0), point3(.001,0,0), point3(-.001,0,0), point3(0,-0.001,0), point3(0,0.001,0)}) if(lev->mapchar(p+h) == 'r') return true; } return false; }); View = T; rotate_view(cspin(1, 2, gfx_slope)); shift_view(ztangent(whdist * lev->scale)); centerover =; playermoved = false; } void timestamp::draw_instruments(level* l, ld t) { dynamicval g(geometry, gEuclid); dynamicval pm(pmodel, mdDisk); dynamicval ga(vid.always3, false); dynamicval gi(ginf[gEuclid].g, giEuclid2); initquickqueue(); check_cgi(); cgi.require_shapes(); ld rad = 40; ld cx = rad * 2; ld cy = rad * 2; auto sId = shiftless(Id); ld pix = 1 / (2 * cgi.hcrossf / cgi.crossf); // clinometer cx += rad * 1.2; for(int i=-90; i<=90; i++) curvepoint(atscreenpos(cx+cos(i * degree)*rad, cy-sin(i*degree)*rad, 1) * C0); curvepoint(atscreenpos(cx, cy+rad, 1) * C0); queuecurve(sId, 0x000000FF, 0xFFFFFF80, PPR::ZERO); curvepoint(hpxy(0, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(rad, 0)); /* curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(0, rad)); curvepoint(hpxy(-rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); */ queuecurve(sId * atscreenpos(cx, cy, pix) * spin(min_gfx_slope), 0x40, 0x40, PPR::ZERO); curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(0, rad)); curvepoint(hpxy(-rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); queuecurve(sId * atscreenpos(cx, cy, pix) * spin(90 * degree + slope), 0xFF, 0x40C040FF, PPR::ZERO); // compass cx -= rad * 1.2; for(int i=0; i<360; i++) curvepoint(atscreenpos(cx-cos(i * degree)*rad, cy-sin(i*degree)*rad, 1) * C0); queuecurve(sId, 0x000000FF, 0xFFFFFF80, PPR::ZERO); for(int d: {1}) { // d == +1: direction arrow // d == -1: compass curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(0, rad)); curvepoint(hpxy(-rad/4, 0)); queuecurve(sId * atscreenpos(cx, cy, pix) * spin(d * (90*degree + heading_angle)), 0xFF, d > 0 ? 0x0000FFFF : 0xFF0000FF, PPR::ZERO); curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(0, -rad)); curvepoint(hpxy(-rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); queuecurve(sId * atscreenpos(cx, cy, pix) * spin(d * (90*degree + heading_angle)), 0xFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, PPR::ZERO); } // speed meter cx += rad * 3.4; for(int i=0; i<360; i++) curvepoint(atscreenpos(cx-cos(i * degree)*rad, cy-sin(i*degree)*rad, 1) * C0); queuecurve(sId, 0x000000FF, 0xFFFFFF80, PPR::ZERO); auto e_to_angle = [] (ld energy) { return 135*degree - 3 * atan(energy/10); }; vector short_lines = {2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000}; for(auto h: short_lines) { auto a = e_to_angle(h); curvepoint(hpxy(-sin(a)*rad*.95, -cos(a)*rad*.95)); curvepoint(hpxy(-sin(a)*rad*.85, -cos(a)*rad*.85)); queuecurve(sId * atscreenpos(cx, cy, pix), 0xFF, 0, PPR::ZERO); } vector long_lines = {0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50}; for(auto h: long_lines) { auto a = e_to_angle(h); curvepoint(hpxy(-sin(a)*rad*.95, -cos(a)*rad*.95)); curvepoint(hpxy(-sin(a)*rad*.75, -cos(a)*rad*.75)); queuecurve(sId * atscreenpos(cx, cy, pix), 0xFF, 0, PPR::ZERO); displaystr(cx -sin(a)*rad*.65, cy -cos(a)*rad*.65, 0, 8, its(h), 0, 8); } curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(0, -rad)); curvepoint(hpxy(-rad/4, 0)); curvepoint(hpxy(rad/4, 0)); queuecurve(sId * atscreenpos(cx, cy, pix) * spin(e_to_angle(energy_in_squares())), 0xFF, 0xFF8080FF, PPR::ZERO); cx += rad; int tid = 0; for(int i=0; itriangles); i++) { bool have = collected_triangles & Flag(i); color_t f = l->triangles[i].colors[6]; if(have) { poly_outline = 0xFF; } else { poly_outline = f; f = 0x40; } queuepoly(sId * atscreenpos(cx+rad/2, cy+(tid&1?1:-1)*rad/3, pix * rad * 1.2) * spin(90*degree), cgi.shTriangle, f); tid++; if(tid == 2) { tid = 0; cx += rad/1.4; } } if(tid) cx += rad/1.4; cx += 5; int gid = 0; for(auto& g: l->goals) { bool gfailed = failed & Flag(gid); bool gsuccess = goals & Flag(gid); if(lshiftclick) gfailed = true, gsuccess = false; if(anyctrlclick) gfailed = false, gsuccess = true; string s = format("%d:%02d.%02d", int(t / 60), int(t) % 60, int(frac(t) * 100)); shiftmatrix T = sId * atscreenpos(cx+rad/2, cy+(gid-1)*rad/1.2, pix * rad * 1.2); poly_outline = 0xFF; color_t f = darkena(g.color, 0, 0xFF); if(gsuccess) { queuepoly(T * spin(90*degree), cgi.shGrail, f); displaystr(cx+rad, cy+(gid-1)*rad/1.2, 0, vid.fsize*.75, s, 0, 0); } else { poly_outline = f; f = 0x40; queuepoly(T * spin(90*degree), cgi.shGrail, f); if(gfailed) { poly_outline = 0xFF; queuepoly(T, cgi.shPirateX, 0xC00000FF); } } gid++; } quickqueue(); glflush(); string s = format("%d:%02d.%02d", int(t / 60), int(t) % 60, int(frac(t) * 100)); displaystr(vid.xres - vid.fsize, vid.fsize*2, 0, vid.fsize * 2, s, 0, 16); if(reversals) s = format("+%d", reversals); displaystr(vid.xres - vid.fsize, vid.fsize*4, 0, vid.fsize, s, 0, 16); } }