## Marjorie Rice tiling ## see: "Marjorie Rice and the MAA tiling", Doris Schattschneider e2. angleunit(deg) let(u=sqrt(3)/3) tile(1, 30, u, 60, u, 90, 1, 60, 1, 120) tile(1, 30, u, 60, u, 90, 1, 60, 1, 120) tile(1, 30, u, 60, u, 90, 1, 60, 1, 120) #c(0,0,0,4,0) #c(0,3,2,3,0) #c(0,1,2,2,0) #c(0,2,1,1,0) #c(2,1,1,2,0) #c(1,0,2,4,0) #c(2,0,2,0,0) #c(1,3,1,4,0) # in Conway notation, tile #k can be identified with k primes or with @k conway("(0 4)(3 3'')(1 2'')(2 1')(1'' 2')(0' 4'')(0'')(3' 4')") # affect Vineyard/Zebra/Land of Power line(0) # heptagon role (affects e.g. Graveyard) grave(1) # draw sublines in the grid, for every pair of vertices in distance of 1 distunit sublines(1)