#include "../hyper.h" // an implementation of WFC-like constraint satisfaction problem using polytime dynamic programming // see: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09534 // usage: hyper -canvas 0 -dynamic-wfc [constraint] [cutoff] [radius] // where constraint is one of: // 0: every cell has 2 yellow neighbors // 1: every cell's neighborhood has two consistent regions // 2: every cell's neighborhood has four consistent regions // 3: landscape: every cell has 1 consistent region of next type and 1 region of prev type // cutoff is cut off from the disk // radius is the radius of the disk to generate namespace hr { namespace dynamic_wfc { bool animated = false; vector generate_pd_list(celllister& cl) { cell *croot = cl.lst.back(); cellwalker cw(croot, 0); while(cl.listed(cw.peek())) cw++; while(!cl.listed(cw.peek())) cw++; vector currpath = {}; cellwalker cw1 = cw; vector result; // int steps = 0; auto push = [&] (cell *c) { // println(hlog, "push ", c, " at ", isize(currpath)); currpath.push_back(c); result.push_back(c); }; auto pop = [&] () { // println(hlog, "pop ", currpath.back(), " at ", isize(currpath)-1); currpath.pop_back(); }; auto replace = [&] (int pos, cell *c) { // println(hlog, "replace ", currpath[pos], " to ", c, " at ", pos, "/", isize(currpath)); currpath[pos] = c; result.push_back(c); }; push(croot); while(true) { cw += wstep; cw++; while(!cl.listed(cw.peek())) cw++; cell *cn = cw.at; // cn->item = itGold; // println(hlog, "at ", cn, " [", steps++, "]"); int cd = celldistance(cn, croot) + 1; if(cd > isize(currpath)) push(cn); else { if(cd < isize(currpath)) pop(); if(currpath.back() != cn) { int moves = 1; while(celldistance(currpath[cd-1-moves], cn) > moves) { moves++; continue; } while(moves > 0) { moves--; forCellEx(cx, currpath[cd-2-moves]) if(celldistance(cx, cn) == moves) replace(cd-1-moves, cx); } } } /* cell *last = nullptr; for(cell *c: currpath) { if(last) print(hlog, " ", celldistance(c, last), " "); last = c; print(hlog, c); } println(hlog); */ for(int i=1; i trans; vector ctf; vector global_list; int wfctype, wfcrad, cutoff; void wfc_clear() { trans.clear(); ctf.clear(); global_list.clear(); } void wfc_build() { int code_at = trans.back().news; int cpos = isize(ctf); for(int i=isize(trans)-1; i>=0; i--) { auto& tri = trans[i]; if(tri.news == code_at) { // println(hlog, tie(tri.news, tri.olds, tri.proportion, tri.where, tri.id)); if(hrandf() < tri.proportion) { cell *c = ctf[--cpos]; int id = tri.id; switch(wfctype) { case 0: if(id == 0) c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0xFF4040; else c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0xFFFF40; break; case 1: if(id == 0) c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0x4040FF; else c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0x40FF40; break; case 2: if(id == 0) c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0x8080FF; else c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0x202020; break; case 3: if(id == 0) c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0xC08080; else if(id == 1) c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0x80C080; else c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 0x8080C0; break; } // println(hlog, code_at, " -> ", tri.olds, " [", tri.where, "=", tri.id, "]"); code_at = tri.olds; } } } } void wfc() { int rad = wfcrad; vector< vector< vector > > new_neighborhoods; map lorder; map multiplicity; set consider; celllister cl(cwt.at, rad, 999999, nullptr); for(cell *c: cl.lst) setdist(c, 7, nullptr); auto l = generate_pd_list(cl); int ls = isize(l); for(int i=0; i ", mul[a]); break; } } // println(hlog, a, ": ", v, " -> ", mul[a]); } /* mul[0] = 0; for(int a=0; a<8; a++) mul[1<landparam = 0x202020; for(int i=0; ilandparam = multiplicity[c] ? 0xFFFF00 : 0x00FF00; for(auto& nns: new_neighborhoods[i]) for(auto c: nns) c->landparam = 0xFFFFFF; history::progress(s); } inpath.push_back(l[i]); int sh = cpo * (isize(inpath)-1); for(auto& p: freq) if(p.prob) for(char c=0; c sids; for(auto cz: nns) { for(int id=0; id> (cpo*v)) & mask); p.prob *= mul[code]; } for(auto cz: nns) { multiplicity[cz]--; if(multiplicity[cz] == 0) { ctf.push_back(cz); // println(hlog, "remove ", cz, " (#", lorder[cz], ") from ", inpath); fflush(stdout); int is = isize(inpath)-1; int id = 0; while(id <= is && inpath[id] != cz) id++; if(id > is) { println(hlog, "error"); exit(4); } inpath[id] = inpath[is]; inpath.resize(is); for(auto& p: freq) if(p.prob) { nfreq.push_back(p); int tid = (p.code >> (cpo*id)) & mask; code_t& s = nfreq.back().code; s &=~ (mask << (cpo*id)); if(id < is) s |= ((s >> (cpo*is)) & mask) << (cpo*id); s &=~ (mask << (cpo*is)); // s.resize(is); // if(id < is) s[id] = p.code[is]; nfreq.back().id = (nfreq.back().id << cpo) | tid; } freq.clear(); sort(nfreq.begin(), nfreq.end(), [] (const freqdata& a, const freqdata& b) { return a.code < b.code; }); for(int i=0; i> cpo; nt.proportion = next.prob / group.prob; nt.id = next.id & mask; trans.push_back(nt); } nfreq.clear(); } } } } if(isize(freq)) println(hlog, "last freq = ", freq[0].prob); println(hlog, "freq size = ", isize(freq)); println(hlog, "tfreq = ", format("%lld", tfreq)); println(hlog, "trans size = ", isize(trans)); println(hlog, "next code = ", nextcode); clearMessages(); wfc_build(); } bool wfc_handleKey(int sym, int uni) { if(sym == '5') { wfc_build(); return true; } return false; } void hwrite(hstream& f, const ttrans& t) { hwrite(f, t.news); hwrite(f, t.olds); hwrite(f, t.proportion); hwrite(f, t.id); } void save(string s) { fhstream f(s, "wb"); vector indices; for(auto cf: ctf) for(int i=0; i