// RogueViz: hat animations // Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /* // compile with mymake -O3 -rv rogueviz/hat-animations, then: // for the animations in https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1639644061823819777 : // Dual animations (does not actually use this module; this will actually all generate fixed versions since this is probably what you want anyway) hyper -geo hat -canvas i -palrgba dual ffffffff -canvas i -noplayer -smart 1 "dual_length=0.1" "hat_param=(1+sin(0..2*pi))" -animperiod 10000 dual_angle=0..3600 -zoom 0.3 -shot-1000 -lw 10 -shotaa 2 -gridon -stdgrid a00000ff # -animvideo 600 dual-anim.mp4 # "hat_param=1+sin(0..2*pi)" - hyper -geo hat -canvas i -palrgba dual ffffffff -canvas i -noplayer -smart 1 "dual_length=0.1" "hat_param=(1+sin(0..2*pi))" -animperiod 10000 dual_angle=0..3600 -zoom 0.3 -shot-1000 -lw 10 -shotaa 2 -gridon -stdgrid a00000ff -animvideo 600 dual-anim-hatparam.mp4 hyper -geo hat -canvas i -palrgba dual ff -back ffffff -canvas i -noplayer -smart 1 "dual_length=0.2" -animperiod 2000 dual_angle=0..360 -zoom 0.15 -shot-1000 -lw 20 -shotaa 2 -animvideo 120 dual-anim-short-loop.mp4 hyper -geo hat -canvas i -palrgba dual ffffffff -canvas i -noplayer -smart 1 "dual_length=0.2*(1-cos(0..2*pi))" -animperiod 100000 dual_angle=0..3600 -zoom 0.3 -shot-1000 -lw 10 -shotaa 2 -gridon -stdgrid 300000ff -animvideo 600 dual-anim-fixed.mp4 // "straight lines" (called 'Othello' because of this: https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1639916929862254594) hyper -geo hat -canvas X -othello -smart 1 -genlimit 1000000 -smartlimit 1000000 global_boundary_ratio=0.2 -zoom "exp(0../0..-4../0)" "a=exp(0../0..7../0)" -shot-500 -shotaa 2 -noplayer -animvideo 600 othello.mp4 hyper -geo hat -canvas X -othello -smart 1 -genlimit 1000000 -smartlimit 1000000 global_boundary_ratio=0.2 -zoom "exp(0../0..-4../0)" "a=exp(0../0..7../0)" -shot-500 -shotaa 2 -noplayer -othello-next -1 -animvideo 600 othello-split.mp4 hyper -geo hat -canvas X -othello -smart 1 -genlimit 1000000 -smartlimit 1000000 global_boundary_ratio=0.2 -zoom "exp(0../0..-4../0)" "a=exp(0../0..7../0)" -shot-500 -shotaa 2 -noplayer -othello-next -1 -othello-swap-ppair -animvideo 600 othello-split-swapped.mp4 // zoom-in (called 'hat-descent') hyper -canvas i -geo hat -hat-descent -hat-normal -smart 0.001 -smartlimit 1000000000 -genlimit 1000000000 -lw 2 perfect_linewidth=0 -zoom "exp(-5.5..-1../0)" -shot-1000 -animvideo 1800 hat-atoms.mp4 hyper -canvas i -geo hat -hat-descent -smart 0.001 -smartlimit 1000000000 -genlimit 1000000000 -lw 2 perfect_linewidth=0 -zoom "exp(-5.5..-1../0)" -shot-1000 -animvideo 1800 hat-atoms-aperiodic.mp4 hyper -canvas i -geo hat -hat-descent -smart 0.001 -smartlimit 1000000000 -genlimit 1000000000 -lw 2 perfect_linewidth=0 -run -hat-normal -hat-shift 2 -hat-ori -zoom "exp(-4.5..-1../0)" hat_param="1+cos(0..10*pi)" -shot-1000 -animvideo 1800 hat-atoms-colored.mp4 */ #include "rogueviz.h" namespace hr { // ---othello --- ld w = 10; int next = 7; // set next to -1 for this... array<vector<int>, 2> ppair = { vector<int>{{7, 6, 10, 11, 12, 9, 1, 0, 13, 5, 2, 3, 4, 8}}, // (1,2) to (6,10) vector<int>{{8, 9, 10, 7, 13, 12, 11, 3, 0, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4}} // (2,6) to (10,11) }; void draw_loop(cellwalker cw, color_t col) { cell *c = cw.at; transmatrix T = Id; ld s = anims::a; curvepoint(T * C0); for(int j=0;; j++) { hyperpoint H1 = mid(currentmap->get_corner(cw.at, cw.spin, 3), currentmap->get_corner(cw.at, (cw+1).spin, 3)); if( s < .5) { curvepoint(T * (s * 2 * H1 + (1-s*2) * C0)); break; } s -= 0.5; curvepoint(T * H1); T = T * currentmap->adj(cw.at, cw.spin); cw += wstep; hyperpoint H2 = mid(currentmap->get_corner(cw.at, cw.spin, 3), currentmap->get_corner(cw.at, (cw+1).spin, 3)); if(s < .5) { curvepoint(T * (s * 2 * C0 + (1-s*2) * H2)); break; } s -= 0.5; curvepoint(T * C0); if(next == -1) cw.spin = ppair[geometry == gAperiodicSpectre ? 0 : cw.at->master->c7 == cw.at ? 1 : 0][cw.spin]; else cw += next; } vid.linewidth *= w; queuecurve(ggmatrix(c), col, 0, PPR::LINE); vid.linewidth /= w; } void draw_othello(cell *c, ld shift) { for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { color_t col = gradient(0, rainbow_color(0.5, next == -1 ? (min(i, ppair[1][i]) + shift) * 2. / c->type : (i + shift) * 2. / c->type) << 8, 0, 0.75, 1) | 0xff; draw_loop(cellwalker(c, i), col); } } void othello_frame() { draw_othello(cwt.at, 0); } void enable_othello() { rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, othello_frame); } void enable_othello1() { rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, [] { draw_loop(cwt.at, 0xFF0000FF); }); } void enable_othello2() { rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, [] { draw_loop(cellwalker(cwt.at, 1), 0xFF0000FF); }); } int heres = 1; int maxq = 100000000; void count_othello() { cell *c = cwt.at; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) { cellwalker cw(c, i); cellwalker cw0 = cw; int q = 0; do { cw += wstep; cw += 7; q++; } while(cw != cw0 && q < maxq); println(hlog, "direction ", i, " from ", c, " : ", q); } } void find_oth_par() { for(cell *c: {cwt.at, cwt.at->move(0)}) for(int i=0; i<14; i++) println(hlog, i, " : ", gpushxto0(currentmap->get_corner(c, i)) * currentmap->get_corner(c, i+1)); } void swap_ppair() { swap(ppair[0][1], ppair[0][2]); swap(ppair[0][6], ppair[0][10]); swap(ppair[1][10], ppair[1][11]); swap(ppair[1][6], ppair[1][2]); } auto othello_hook = arg::add3("-othello", enable_othello) + arg::add3("-othello1", enable_othello1) + arg::add3("-othello2", enable_othello2) + arg::add3("-othello-lst", count_othello) + arg::add3("-othello-next", [] { arg::shift(); next = arg::argi(); }) + arg::add3("-othello-here", [] { int h = heres++; cell *c = cwt.at; rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_frame, 80, [c,h] { draw_othello(c, h * 1. / heres); }); }) + arg::add3("-othello-parallel", [] { find_oth_par(); }) + arg::add3("-othello-swap-ppair", [] { swap_ppair(); }); // --- hat descent --- set<void*> drawn; bool ori_color = false; void *get_level(cell *c, int lev) { if(lev == 0) return c; heptagon *h = c->master; for(int i=1; i<lev; i++) h = h->cmove(0); return h; } color_t get_ori_color(void *v, int lev) { int t = 0; cell *c; if(lev == 0) { c = (cell*) v; t = c->master->c7 == c; } else { heptagon *h = (heptagon*) v; t = h->zebraval; for(int i=1; i<lev; i++) h = h->cmove(1); c = h->c7; } transmatrix T = currentmap->relative_matrix(c, cwt.at, C0); T = gpushxto0(T * C0) * T; ld alpha = atan2(T * xpush0(1)); return (rainbow_color(t ? 0.6 : 0.8, alpha / TAU) << 8) | 0xFF; } ld hat_shift = 0.7; void hat_descent() { ld sca = (3 + sqrt(5)) / 2; // scaling each axis ld levf = -log(pconf.scale) / log(sca) - hat_shift; ld levpart = frac(levf); int lev = floor(levf); if(lev < 0) lev = 0, levpart = 0; drawn.clear(); for(int lv: {lev, lev+1}) for(auto& p: gmatrix) { cell *c = p.first; auto v = get_level(c, lv); if(drawn.count(v)) continue; int dir = -1; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(get_level(c->cmove(i), lv) != v) dir = i; if(dir == -1) continue; drawn.insert(v); // println(hlog, "draw ", (heptagon*)v); cellwalker cw(c, dir); cellwalker cw0 = cw; transmatrix T = Id; do { curvepoint(T * currentmap->get_corner(cw.at, cw.spin+1)); cw++; if(get_level(cw.cpeek(), lv) == v) { T = T * currentmap->adj(cw.at, cw.spin); cw += wstep; } } while(cw0 != cw); // println(hlog, "done"); int id = 0; heptagon *h; if(lv == lev+1) { queuecurve(p.second, 0xFF, 0, PPR::LINE); continue; } if(lev > 0) { id = ((heptagon*)v)->c.spin(0); h = ((heptagon*)v)->move(0); } else { id = hat::get_hat_id((cell*) v); h = ((cell*)v)->master; } int id1 = h->c.spin(0); color_t col; if(ori_color) { col = gradient(get_ori_color(v, lev), get_ori_color(h, lev+1), 0, levpart, 1); } else { col = 0xFFFFFFFF; vector<int> ads = {0, 0x1, 0x100, 0x101, 0x10000, 0x10001, 0x10100, 0x10101 }; col -= (ads[id] * int(128 * (1-levpart))) << 8; col -= (ads[id1] * int(128 * (levpart))) << 8; } queuecurve(p.second, 0xFF * (1-levpart), col, PPR::LINE); } println(hlog, "levf = ", levf, " drawn = ", isize(drawn), " gm = ", isize(gmatrix)); } void enable_hat_descent() { rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, hat_descent); } void fat_line(const shiftmatrix& V1, const hyperpoint h1, const shiftmatrix& V2, const hyperpoint h2, color_t col, int prec, ld lw) { transmatrix U2 = unshift(V2, V1.shift); ld d = hdist(V1.T*h1, U2*h2); shiftmatrix T = V1 * rgpushxto0(h1); transmatrix S = rspintox(inverse_shift(T, V2) * h2); transmatrix U = rspintoc(inverse_shift(T*S, shiftless(C0)), 2, 1); auto& p = queuepoly(T * S * U, cgi.generate_pipe(d, lw, ePipeEnd::ball), col); p.intester = xpush0(d/2); } map<int, int> skelid; void hat_skeleton() { ld sca = (3 + sqrt(5)) / 2; // scaling each axis for(auto& p: gmatrix) { cell *c = p.first; shiftmatrix T = p.second; int id = hat::get_hat_id(c); ld levz = log(sca); fat_line(T, C0, T, inverse(hat::get_long_transform(0, id+1)) * zpush0(levz), (rainbow_color(0.2, id / 8.) << 8) | 0xFF, 2, 0.05); if(id == 0) { heptagon *h = c->master; int lev = 1; for(int l=1; l<5; l++) { int nid = h->c.spin(0); queuepoly(T * zpush(lev*levz), cgi.shSnowball, h->zebraval ? 0xFFFF80FF : 0xFFFFFFFF); fat_line(T, zpush0(lev*levz), T, inverse(hat::get_long_transform(lev+1, nid)) * zpush0((lev*1)+levz), (rainbow_color(0.3, nid / 7.) << 8) | 0xFF, 2, 0.05); for(int i=8; i<h->type; i++) if(h->move(i) && h->move(i) > h) { int i1 = min(i, h->c.spin(i)); color_t r = rainbow_color(0.7, skelid[i1]/13.); r <<= 8; r |= 0xFF; // queueline(T* zpush0(lev*levz), T* hat::get_long_transform(lev, i) * zpush0(lev*levz), 0x80FF80FF); fat_line(T, zpush0(lev*levz), T, hat::get_long_transform(lev, i+1) * zpush0(lev*levz), r, 2, 0.01); } if(nid>1) break; h = h->move(0); lev++; } } } } void enable_hat_skeleton() { rogueviz::rv_hook(hooks_frame, 100, hat_skeleton); skelid[8] = 0; skelid[10] = 1; for(int i=13; i<24; i++) skelid[i] = i-11; } auto hd_hook = arg::add3("-hat-descent", enable_hat_descent) + arg::add3("-hat-skeleton", enable_hat_skeleton) + arg::add3("-hat-ori", [] { ori_color = true; }) + arg::add3("-hat-shift", [] { arg::shift(); hat_shift = arg::argf(); }) + arg::add3("-hat-normal", [] { start_game(); heptagon *h = cwt.at->master; for(int i=0; i<20; i++) h = h->cmove(0); for(int i=0; i<20; i++) h = h->cmove(1); centerover = cwt.at = h->c7; }); EX }