// Hyperbolic Rogue -- debugging routines // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details /** \file debug.cpp * \brief Debugging and cheating */ #include "hyper.h" namespace hr { EX int steplimit = 0; EX int cstep; EX bool buggyGeneration = false; EX bool debug_cellnames = false; EX vector<cell*> buggycells; #if HDR template<class... T> void limitgen(T... args) { if(steplimit) { cstep++; printf("%6d ", cstep); printf(args...); if(cstep == steplimit) buggyGeneration = true; } } #endif EX cell *pathTowards(cell *pf, cell *pt) { while(celldist(pt) > celldist(pf)) { if(isNeighbor(pf, pt)) return pt; cell *pn = NULL; forCellEx(pn2, pt) if(celldist(pn2) < celldist(pt)) pn = pn2; pt = pn; } if(isNeighbor(pf, pt)) return pt; forCellEx(pn2, pt) if(celldist(pn2) < celldist(pt)) return pn2; return NULL; } bool errorReported = false; EX void describeCell(cell *c) { if(!c) { printf("NULL\n"); return; } print(hlog, "describe ", lalign(6, c), ": "); vector<cell*> nei; for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) nei.push_back(c->move(i)); println(hlog, ">> ", nei); } static int orbid = 0; eItem nextOrb() { orbid++; eItem i = eItem(orbid % ittypes); if(itemclass(i) == IC_ORB) return i; else return nextOrb(); } eItem randomTreasure() { eItem i = eItem(hrand(ittypes)); if(itemclass(i) == IC_TREASURE) return i; else return randomTreasure(); } eItem randomTreasure2(int cv) { int bq = 60000, cq = 0; eItem best = itDiamond; eItem lt = localTreasureType(); for(int a=1; a<ittypes; a++) { eItem i = eItem(a); if(itemclass(i) != IC_TREASURE) continue; int q = 2*items[i]; if(a == lt) q -= (2*cv-1); if(a == itEmerald && bearsCamelot(cwt.at->land)) q -= 8; if(a == itElixir && isCrossroads(cwt.at->land)) q -= 7; if(a == itIvory && isCrossroads(cwt.at->land)) q -= 6; if(a == itPalace && isCrossroads(cwt.at->land)) q -= 5; if(a == itIvory && cwt.at->land == laJungle) q -= 5; if(a == itIvory && cwt.at->land == laPalace) q -= 5; if(q < bq) bq = q, cq = 0; if(q == bq) { cq++; if(hrand(cq) == 0) best = i; } } return best; } EX eLand cheatdest; EX void cheatMoveTo(eLand l) { cheatdest = l; if(l == laCrossroads5) l = laCrossroads; activateSafety(l); cheatdest = laNone; } struct cheatkey { int key; string desc; reaction_t action; }; vector<cheatkey> cheats = { cheatkey{'C', "Hyperstone Quest", [] { cheater++; cheatMoveTo(laCrossroads); addMessage(XLAT("Activated the Hyperstone Quest!")); for(int t=1; t<ittypes; t++) if(t != itHyperstone && t != itBounty && itemclass(eItem(t)) == IC_TREASURE) { items[t] = inv::on ? 50 : 10; } int qkills = inv::on ? 1000 : 200; kills[moYeti] = qkills; kills[moDesertman] = qkills; kills[moRunDog] = qkills; kills[moZombie] = qkills; kills[moMonkey] = qkills; kills[moCultist] = qkills; kills[moTroll] = qkills; }}, cheatkey{'M', "deplete orb powers", [] { for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_ORB) items[i] = 0; cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Orb power depleted!")); }}, cheatkey{'O', "summon orbs", [] { cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Orbs summoned!")); for(int i=0; i<cwt.at->type; i++) if(passable(cwt.at->move(i), NULL, 0)) { eItem it = nextOrb(); cwt.at->move(i)->item = it; } }}, cheatkey{'F', "gain orb powers", [] { if(hardcore && !canmove) { canmove = true; addMessage(XLAT("Revived!")); } else { items[itOrbFlash] += 1; items[itOrbTeleport] += 1; items[itOrbLightning] += 1; items[itOrbSpeed] += 1; items[itOrbShield] += 1; kills[moPlayer] = 0; cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Orb power gained!")); canmove = true; } }}, cheatkey{'R'-64, "advance the rose wave", buildRosemap}, #if CAP_EDIT cheatkey{'A', "start the Map Editor", [] { lastexplore = turncount; pushScreen(mapeditor::showMapEditor); }}, cheatkey{'A'-64, "start the Vector Graphics Editor", [] { mapeditor::drawcell = mouseover ? mouseover : cwt.at; pushScreen(mapeditor::showDrawEditor); }}, #else cheatkey{'A', "take screenshot", [] { pushScreen(shot::menu); }}, #endif cheatkey{'T', "summon treasure", [] { items[randomTreasure2(10)] += 10; cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Treasure gained!")); }}, cheatkey{'T'-64, "summon lots of treasure", [] { items[randomTreasure2(100)] += 100; cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Lots of treasure gained!")); }}, cheatkey{'Z', "rotate the character", [] { if (flipplayer) { cwt += cwt.at->type/2; flipplayer = false; } cwt++; mirror::act(1, mirror::SPINSINGLE); cwt.at->mondir++; cwt.at->mondir %= cwt.at->type; if(shmup::on) shmup::pc[0]->at = Id; }}, cheatkey{'J', "lose all treasure", [] { if(items[localTreasureType()] > 0) items[localTreasureType()] = 0; else for(int i=1; i<ittypes; i++) if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_TREASURE) items[i] = 0; cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Treasure lost!")); }}, cheatkey{'K', "gain kills", [] { for(int i=0; i<motypes; i++) kills[i] += 10; kills[moPlayer] = 0; cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Kills gained!")); }}, cheatkey{'Y', "unlock Orbs of Yendor", [] { for(auto& y: yendor::yi) { if(y.path[YDIST-1]->item == itKey) y.path[YDIST-1]->item = itNone; if(!y.found) items[itKey]++; y.found = true; } cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Collected the keys!")); }}, cheatkey{'Y'-64, "gain Orb of Yendor", [] { yendor::collected(cwt.at); cheater++; }}, cheatkey{'P', "save a Princess", [] { items[itSavedPrincess]++; princess::saved = true; princess::everSaved = true; if(inv::on && !princess::reviveAt) princess::reviveAt = gold(NO_LOVE); cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Saved the Princess!")); }}, cheatkey{'S', "Safety (quick save)", [] { canmove = true; cheatMoveTo(cwt.at->land); items[itOrbSafety] += 3; cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Activated Orb of Safety!")); }}, cheatkey{'W'-64, "switch web display", [] { pushScreen(linepatterns::showMenu); }}, cheatkey{'G'-64, "switch ghost timer", [] { timerghost = !timerghost; cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("turn count = %1 last exploration = %2 ghost timer = %3", its(turncount), its(lastexplore), ONOFF(timerghost))); }}, cheatkey{'G', "edit cell values", push_debug_screen}, cheatkey{'L'-64, "cell info", [] { debug_cellnames = !debug_cellnames; cell *c = mouseover; if(!c) return; describeCell(c); }}, cheatkey{'P'-64, "peaceful mode", [] { peace::on = !peace::on; }}, #ifdef CHEAT_DISABLE_ALLOWED cheatkey{'D'-64, "cheat disable", [] { cheater = 0; autocheat = 0; } #endif }; EX bool applyCheat(char u) { for(auto& ch: cheats) if(u == ch.key) { ch.action(); return true; } return false; } template<class T> string dnameof2(T x) { string s = dnameof(x); return s + " (" + its(x) + ")"; } template<class T> string dnameof2(T x, int p) { string s = dnameof(x); return s + " (" + its(x) + "/" + its(p) + ")"; } EX vector<pair<cellwalker,int> > drawbugs; bool debugmode = false; // static apparently does not work in old compilers int bitfield_v; template<class T> void bitfield_editor(int val, T setter, string help = "") { bitfield_v = val; dialog::editNumber(bitfield_v, 0, 100, 1, bitfield_v, help, ""); dialog::reaction = [setter] () { setter(bitfield_v); }; } struct debugScreen { cell *debugged_cell; bool show_debug_data; debugScreen() { debugged_cell = NULL; show_debug_data = false; } void operator () () { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X; gamescreen(); getcstat = '-'; dialog::init(show_debug_data ? XLAT("debug values") : XLAT("internal details")); for(auto& p: drawbugs) drawBug(p.first, p.second); cell *what = debugged_cell; if(!what && current_display->sidescreen) what = mouseover; if(what) { #if CAP_SHAPES queuepoly(gmatrix[what], cgi.shAsymmetric, 0x80808080); #endif char buf[200]; sprintf(buf, "%p", hr::voidp(what)); dialog::addSelItem("mpdist", its(what->mpdist), 'd'); dialog::add_action([what] () { bitfield_editor(what->mpdist, [what] (int i) { what->mpdist = 0; }, "generation level"); }); dialog::addSelItem("land", dnameof2(what->land), 0); dialog::addSelItem("land param (int)", its(what->landparam), 'p'); dialog::add_action([what] () { dialog::editNumber(what->landparam, 0, 100, 1, what->landparam, "landparam", "Extra value that is important in some lands. The specific meaning depends on the land."); }); dialog::addSelItem("land param (hex)", itsh8(what->landparam), 0); dialog::addSelItem("land param (heat)", fts(HEAT(what)), 't'); dialog::addSelItem("cdata", its(getCdata(what, 0))+"/"+its(getCdata(what,1))+"/"+its(getCdata(what,2))+"/"+its(getCdata(what,3))+"/"+itsh(getBits(what)), 't'); dialog::add_action([what] () { static ld d = HEAT(what); dialog::editNumber(d, -2, 2, 0.1, d, "landparam", "Extra value that is important in some lands. The specific meaning depends on the land."); dialog::reaction = [what] () { HEAT(what) = d; }; }); dialog::addSelItem("land flags", its(what->landflags)+"/"+itsh2(what->landflags), 'f'); dialog::add_action([what] () { bitfield_editor(what->landflags, [what] (int i) { what->landflags = i; }, "Rarely used."); }); dialog::addSelItem("barrier dir", its(what->bardir), 'b'); dialog::add_action([what] () { bitfield_editor(what->bardir, [what] (int i) { what->bardir = i; }); }); dialog::addSelItem("barrier left", dnameof2(what->barleft), 0); dialog::addSelItem("barrier right", dnameof2(what->barright), 0); if(what->item == itBabyTortoise) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("baby Tortoise flags"), itsh(tortoise::babymap[what]), 'B'); dialog::add_action([what] () { dialog::editNumber(tortoise::babymap[what], 0, (1<<21)-1, 1, getBits(what), "", ""); dialog::use_hexeditor(); }); } if(what->monst == moTortoise) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("adult Tortoise flags"), itsh(tortoise::emap[what]), 'A'); dialog::add_action([what] () { tortoise::emap[what] = tortoise::getb(what); dialog::editNumber(tortoise::emap[what], 0, (1<<21)-1, 1, getBits(what), "", ""); dialog::use_hexeditor(); }); } #if CAP_COMPLEX2 if(dice::on(what)) { dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("die shape"), dice::die_name(dice::data[what].which), 'A'); dialog::add_action_push([what] { dialog::init("die shape"); char key = 'a'; for(auto shape: dice::die_list) { dialog::addItem(dice::die_name(shape), key++); dialog::add_action([what, shape] { dice::data[what].which = shape; dice::data[what].val = 0; popScreen(); }); } dialog::display(); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("die face"), its(dice::data[what].val), 'B'); dialog::add_action([what] { auto& dd = dice::data[what]; int maxv = shape_faces(dd.which)-1; dialog::editNumber(dd.val, 0, maxv, 1, 0, XLAT("die face"), ""); dialog::bound_low(0); dialog::bound_up(maxv); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("die direction"), its(dice::data[what].dir), 'C'); dialog::add_action([what] { auto& dd = dice::data[what]; dialog::editNumber(dd.dir, 0, what->type-1, 1, dd.dir, XLAT("die direction"), ""); dialog::bound_low(0); dialog::bound_up(what->type-1); }); dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("die mirror status"), dice::data[what].mirrored, 'D'); } #endif dialog::addBreak(50); if(show_debug_data) { dialog::addSelItem("pointer", s0+buf+"/"+index_pointer(what), 0); dialog::addSelItem("cpdist", its(what->cpdist), 0); dialog::addSelItem("celldist", its(celldist(what)), 0); dialog::addSelItem("celldistance", its(celldistance(cwt.at, what)), 0); dialog::addSelItem("pathdist", its(what->pathdist), 0); dialog::addSelItem("celldistAlt", eubinary ? its(celldistAlt(what)) : "--", 0); dialog::addSelItem("temporary", its(what->listindex), 0); #if CAP_GP if(GOLDBERG) dialog::addSelItem("whirl", sprint(gp::get_local_info(what).relative), 0); #endif #if CAP_RACING if(racing::on) racing::add_debug(what); #endif } else { dialog::addSelItem("wall", dnameof2(what->wall, what->wparam), 'w'); dialog::add_action([what] () { bitfield_editor(what->wparam, [what] (int i) { what->wparam = i; }, "wall parameter"); }); dialog::addSelItem("item", dnameof(what->item), 0); #if CAP_ARCM if(arcm::in()) dialog::addSelItem("ID", its(arcm::id_of(what->master)), 0); #endif dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addSelItem("monster", dnameof2(what->monst, what->mondir), 'm'); dialog::add_action([what] () { bitfield_editor(what->mondir, [what] (int i) { what->mondir = i; }, "monster direction"); dialog::extra_options = [what] () { dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("mirrored"), what->monmirror, 'M'); }; }); dialog::addSelItem("stuntime", its(what->stuntime), 's'); dialog::add_action([what] () { bitfield_editor(what->stuntime, [what] (int i) { what->stuntime = i; }); }); dialog::addSelItem("hitpoints", its(what->hitpoints), 'h'); dialog::add_action([what] () { bitfield_editor(what->hitpoints, [what] (int i) { what->hitpoints = i; }); }); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addItem("show debug data", 'x'); dialog::add_action([this] () { show_debug_data = true; }); if(!debugged_cell) dialog::addItem("click a cell to edit it", 0); } } else { dialog::addItem(XLAT("click a cell to view its data"), 0); dialog::addBreak(1000); } dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); keyhandler = [this] (int sym, int uni) { handlePanning(sym, uni); dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); if(applyCheat(uni)) ; else if(sym == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELUP || sym == PSEUDOKEY_WHEELDOWN) ; else if(sym == '-') debugged_cell = mouseover; else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) { popScreen(); if(debugmode) quitmainloop = true; } }; } }; EX void push_debug_screen() { debugScreen ds; pushScreen(ds); } /** show the cheat menu */ EX void showCheatMenu() { cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK; gamescreen(); dialog::init("cheat menu"); for(auto& ch: cheats) { dialog::addItem(XLAT(ch.desc), ch.key); dialog::add_action([ch] { ch.action(); popScreen(); }); } dialog::addBreak(50); dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } /** view all the monsters and items */ EX void viewall() { celllister cl(cwt.at, 20, 2000, NULL); vector<eMonster> all_monsters; for(int i=0; i<motypes; i++) { eMonster m = eMonster(i); if(!isMultitile(m)) all_monsters.push_back(m); } for(cell *c: cl.lst) { if(isPlayerOn(c)) continue; bool can_put_monster = true; forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->monst || isPlayerOn(c2)) can_put_monster = false; if(can_put_monster) { for(int k=0; k<isize(all_monsters); k++) if(passable_for(all_monsters[k], c, nullptr, 0)) { c->monst = all_monsters[k]; all_monsters[k] = all_monsters.back(); all_monsters.pop_back(); } } } vector<cell*> itemcells; for(cell *c: cl.lst) { if(isPlayerOn(c) || c->monst || c->item) continue; itemcells.push_back(c); } int id = 0; for(int it=1; it<ittypes; it++) if(it != itBarrow) { if(id >= isize(itemcells)) break; itemcells[id++]->item = eItem(it); } } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE /** perform a move for the -cmove command */ int cheat_move_gen = 7; void cheat_move(char c) { using arg::cheat; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9' && cheat_move_gen == -1) cheat_move_gen = (c - '0'); else if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') cheat(), cwt += (c - '0'); else if(c == 's') { cheat(); cwt += wstep; playermoved = false; setdist(cwt.at, cheat_move_gen, cwt.peek()); if(geometry_supports_cdata()) getCdata(cwt.at, 0); } else if(c == 'r') cheat(), cwt += rev; else if(c == 'm') cheat(), cwt += wmirror; else if(c == 'z') cheat(), cwt.spin = 0, cwt.mirrored = false; else if(c == 'F') centering = eCentering::face, fullcenter(); else if(c == 'E') centering = eCentering::edge, fullcenter(); else if(c == 'V') centering = eCentering::vertex, fullcenter(); else if(c == 'a') cheat(), history::save_end(); else if(c == 'g') cheat_move_gen = -1; else println(hlog, "unknown move command: ", c); } #endif /** launch a debugging screen, and continue normal working only after this screen is closed */ EX void modalDebug(cell *c) { centerover = c; View = Id; if(noGUI) { fprintf(stderr, "fatal: modalDebug called on %p without GUI\n", hr::voidp(c)); exit(1); } push_debug_screen(); debugmode = true; mainloop(); debugmode = false; quitmainloop = false; } void test_distances(int max) { int ok = 0, bad = 0; celllister cl(cwt.at, max, 100000, NULL); for(cell *c: cl.lst) { bool is_ok = cl.getdist(c) == celldistance(c, cwt.at); if(is_ok) ok++; else bad++; } println(hlog, "ok=", ok, " bad=", bad); } EX void raiseBuggyGeneration(cell *c, const char *s) { printf("procgen error (%p): %s\n", hr::voidp(c), s); if(!errorReported) { addMessage(string("something strange happened in: ") + s); errorReported = true; } #ifdef BACKTRACE void *array[1000]; size_t size; // get void*'s for all entries on the stack size = backtrace(array, 1000); // print out all the frames to stderr backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, STDERR_FILENO); #endif // return; if(cheater || autocheat) { drawbugs.emplace_back(cellwalker(c,0), 0xFF000080); modalDebug(c); drawbugs.pop_back(); } else c->item = itBuggy; } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE int read_cheat_args() { using namespace arg; if(argis("-ch")) { cheat(); } else if(argis("-rch")) { PHASEFROM(2); cheat(); reptilecheat = true; } // cheats else if(argis("-g")) { /* debugging mode */ if(curphase == 1) { /* use no score file */ scorefile = ""; /* set seed for reproducible results */ if(!fixseed) { fixseed = true; autocheat = true; startseed = 1; } } PHASE(2); /* causes problems in gdb */ mouseaim_sensitivity = 0; /* do not any play sounds while debugging */ effvolume = 0; musicvolume = 0; } else if(argis("-WS")) { PHASE(3); shift(); activateSafety(readland(args())); cheat(); } else if(argis("-WT")) { PHASE(3); shift(); teleportToLand(readland(args()), false); cheat(); } else if(argis("-W2")) { shift(); cheatdest = readland(args()); cheat(); showstartmenu = false; cheatdest_list.clear(); } else if(argis("-W3")) { shift(); cheatdest_list.push_back(readland(args())); cheat(); showstartmenu = false; } else if(argis("-I")) { PHASE(3) cheat(); shift(); eItem i = readItem(args()); shift(); items[i] = argi(); } else if(argis("-IP")) { PHASE(3) cheat(); shift(); eItem i = readItem(args()); shift(); int q = argi(); placeItems(q, i); } else if(argis("-SM")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); vid.stereo_mode = eStereo(argi()); } else if(argis("-cmove")) { PHASE(3); shift(); for(char c: args()) cheat_move(c); } else if(argis("-ipd")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift_arg_formula(vid.ipd); } #if CAP_INV else if(argis("-IU")) { PHASE(3) cheat(); shift(); eItem i = readItem(args()); shift(); inv::usedup[i] += argi(); inv::compute(); } else if(argis("-IX")) { PHASE(3) cheat(); shift(); eItem i = readItem(args()); shift(); inv::extra_orbs[i] += argi(); inv::compute(); } #endif #if CAP_COMPLEX2 else if(argis("-ambush")) { // make all ambushes use the given number of dogs // example: hyper -W Hunt -IP Shield 1 -ambush 60 PHASE(3) cheat(); shift(); ambush::fixed_size = argi(); } #endif else if(argis("-testdistances")) { PHASE(3); shift(); test_distances(argi()); } else if(argis("-M")) { PHASE(3) cheat(); start_game(); if(WDIM == 3) { drawthemap(); bfs(); } shift(); eMonster m = readMonster(args()); shift(); int q = argi(); printf("m = %s q = %d\n", dnameof(m).c_str(), q); restoreGolems(q, m, 7); } else if(argis("-MK")) { PHASE(3) cheat(); shift(); eMonster m = readMonster(args()); shift(); kills[m] += argi(); } else if(argis("-killeach")) { PHASEFROM(2); start_game(); shift(); int q = argi(); cheat(); for(int m=0; m<motypes; m++) if(monsterclass(eMonster(m)) == 0) kills[m] = q; } else if(argis("-each")) { PHASEFROM(2); start_game(); shift(); int q = argi(); cheat(); for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_TREASURE) items[i] = q; } else if(argis("-each-random")) { PHASEFROM(2); start_game(); cheat(); for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_TREASURE) { items[i] = 10 + hrand(21); if(i == itElemental) items[i] = 12; } else items[i] = 0; } else if(argis("-viewall")) { PHASE(3); start_game(); viewall(); } else if(argis("-unlock-all")) { cheat(); all_unlocked = true; } else if(argis("-wef")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); int index = argi(); shift_arg_formula(whatever[index]); } else if(argis("-wei")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); int index = argi(); shift(); whateveri[index] = argi(); } else if(argis("-W4")) { shift(); top_land = readland(args()); cheat(); showstartmenu = false; } else if(argis("-top")) { PHASE(3); View = View * spin(-90._deg); } else if(argis("-idv")) { PHASE(3); View = Id; } else if(argis("-gencells")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); start_game(); printf("Generating %d cells...\n", argi()); celllister cl(cwt.at, 50, argi(), NULL); printf("Cells generated: %d\n", isize(cl.lst)); for(int i=0; i<isize(cl.lst); i++) setdist(cl.lst[i], 7, NULL); } else if(argis("-sr")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); sightrange_bonus = argi(); vid.use_smart_range = 0; } else if(argis("-srx")) { PHASEFROM(2); cheat(); shift(); sightrange_bonus = genrange_bonus = gamerange_bonus = argi(); vid.use_smart_range = 0; } else if(argis("-smart")) { PHASEFROM(2); cheat(); vid.use_smart_range = 2; shift_arg_formula(WDIM == 3 ? vid.smart_range_detail_3 : vid.smart_range_detail); } else if(argis("-smartarea")) { PHASEFROM(2); cheat(); shift(); vid.smart_area_based = argi(); } else if(argis("-smartn")) { PHASEFROM(2); vid.use_smart_range = 1; shift_arg_formula(vid.smart_range_detail); } else if(argis("-smartlimit")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); vid.cells_drawn_limit = argi(); } else if(argis("-genlimit")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); vid.cells_generated_limit = argi(); } else if(argis("-sight3")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift_arg_formula(sightranges[geometry]); } else if(argis("-sloppy")) { PHASEFROM(2); vid.sloppy_3d = true; } else if(argis("-gen3")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift_arg_formula(extra_generation_distance); } else if(argis("-quantum")) { cheat(); quantum = true; } else if(argis("-lands")) { PHASEFROM(2); cheat(); stop_game(); shift(); land_structure = (eLandStructure) (argi()); } else if(argis("-fix")) { PHASE(1); fixseed = true; autocheat = true; } else if(argis("-cellnames")) { cheat(); debug_cellnames = true; } else if(argis("-fixx")) { PHASE(1); fixseed = true; autocheat = true; shift(); startseed = argi(); } else if(argis("-reseed")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); shrand(argi()); } else if(argis("-steplimit")) { fixseed = true; autocheat = true; shift(); steplimit = argi(); } else if(argis("-dgl")) { #if CAP_GL glhr::debug_gl = true; #endif } else if(argis("-mgen-off")) { PHASEFROM(3); cheat(); gen_wandering = false; } else if(argis("-canvasfloor")) { shift(); canvasfloor = argi(); for(int i=0; i<caflEND; i++) if(appears(mapeditor::canvasFloorName(i), args())) canvasfloor = i; } else if(argis("-keys")) { shift(); string s = args(); bool quote = false; for(char c: s) if(quote) { quote = false; if(c == '\\') dialog::queue_key(c), quote = false; else if(c >= '1' && c <= '9') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_F1 + c - '1'); else if(c == 'e') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_ESCAPE); else if(c == 'r') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_RETURN); else if(c == 't') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_TAB); else if(c == 'b') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_BACKSPACE); else if(c == 'R') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_RIGHT); else if(c == 'L') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_LEFT); else if(c == 'U') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_UP); else if(c == 'D') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_DOWN); else if(c == 'H') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_HOME); else if(c == 'E') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_END); else if(c == 'P') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_PAGEUP); else if(c == 'Q') dialog::queue_key(SDLK_PAGEDOWN); } else if(c == '\\') quote = true; else dialog::queue_key(c); } else if(argis("-hroll")) { shift(); int i = argi(); while(i>0) i--, hrand(10); } else if(argis("-W")) { PHASEFROM(2); shift(); firstland0 = firstland = specialland = readland(args()); if (!landUnlocked(firstland)) cheat(); stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::nothing); showstartmenu = false; } else return 1; return 0; } auto ah_cheat = addHook(hooks_args, 0, read_cheat_args); #endif EX bool ldebug = false; EX void breakhere() { exit(1); } }