// Hyperbolic Rogue // namespaces for complex features (whirlwind, whirlpool, elec, princess, clearing, // mirror, hive, heat + livecaves, etc.) // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details namespace hr { namespace racing { bool on; bool player_relative = false; bool track_ready; int TWIDTH; ld race_advance = 0; static const int LENGTH = 250; static const int DROP = 1; int ghosts_to_show = 5; int ghosts_to_save = 10; struct race_cellinfo { cell *c; int from_track; int completion; int from_start, from_goal; }; vector rti; vector track; map rti_id; string track_code = "OFFICIAL"; transmatrix straight; int race_try; void apply_seed() { int s = race_try; for(char c: track_code) s = 713 * s + c; shrand(s); } int race_start_tick, race_finish_tick[MAXPLAYER]; typedef unsigned char uchar; uchar frac_to_uchar(ld x) { return uchar(x * 256); } uchar angle_to_uchar(ld x) { return frac_to_uchar(x / 2 / M_PI); } ld uchar_to_frac(uchar x) { return x / 256.; } transmatrix spin_uchar(uchar x) { return spin(uchar_to_frac(x) * 2 * M_PI); } static const ld distance_multiplier = 4; struct ghostmoment { int step, where_id; uchar alpha, distance, beta, footphase; }; struct ghost { charstyle cs; int result; int checksum; time_t timestamp; vector history; }; map, map > > race_ghosts; array, MAXPLAYER> current_history; string ghost_prefix = "default"; string ghost_filename(string seed, int mcode) { if(ghost_prefix == "default") { #ifdef FHS if(getenv("HOME")) { string s = getenv("HOME"); mkdir((s + "/.hyperrogue").c_str(), 0755); mkdir((s + "/.hyperrogue/racing").c_str(), 0755); ghost_prefix = s + "/.hyperrogue/racing/"; } #else mkdir("racing", 0755); ghost_prefix = "racing/"; #endif } return ghost_prefix + seed + "-" + itsh(mcode) + ".data"; } void hread(hstream& hs, ghostmoment& m) { hread(hs, m.step, m.where_id, m.alpha, m.distance, m.beta, m.footphase); } void hwrite(hstream& hs, const ghostmoment& m) { hwrite(hs, m.step, m.where_id, m.alpha, m.distance, m.beta, m.footphase); } void hread(hstream& hs, ghost& gh) { hread(hs, gh.cs, gh.result, gh.timestamp, gh.checksum, gh.history); } void hwrite(hstream& hs, const ghost& gh) { hwrite(hs, gh.cs, gh.result, gh.timestamp, gh.checksum, gh.history); } bool read_ghosts(string seed, int mcode) { string fname = ghost_filename(seed, mcode); println(hlog, "trying to read ghosts from: ", fname); fhstream f(fname, "rb"); if(!f.f) return false; f.get (); hread(f, race_ghosts[{seed, mcode}]); return true; } void write_ghosts(string seed, int mcode) { fhstream f; f.f = fopen(ghost_filename(seed, mcode).c_str(), "wb"); if(!f.f) throw hstream_exception(); // ("failed to write the ghost file"); hwrite(f, (const int&) VERNUM_HEX); hwrite(f, race_ghosts[{seed, mcode}]); } void fix_cave(cell *c) { int v = 0; // if(c->wall == waCavewall) v++; // if(c->wall == waCavefloor) v--; forCellEx(c2, c) { if(c2->wall == waCavewall) v++; if(c2->wall == waCavefloor) v--; } else v--; if(v>0 && c->wall == waCavefloor) c->wall = waCavewall; if(v<0 && c->wall == waCavewall) c->wall = waCavefloor; } bool bad(cell *c2, cell *c) { if(c2->land == laCaves) { forCellEx(c3, c2) fix_cave(c3); fix_cave(c2); } if(!passable(c2, c, P_ISPLAYER)) return true; if((c2->land == laCrossroads) ^ (c->land == laCrossroads)) return true; return false; } int rcelldist(cell *c) { if(geometry == gCrystal) return crystal::space_distance(c, currentmap->gamestart()); else return celldist(c); } int pcelldist(cell *c) { if(geometry == gCrystal) return crystal::precise_distance(c, currentmap->gamestart()); else return celldist(c); } int trackval(cell *c) { int v = rcelldist(c); int bonus = 0; if(c->land != laCrossroads) forCellEx(c2, c) { int d = rcelldist(c2) - v; if(d < 0 && bad(c2, c)) bonus += 2; if(d == 0 && bad(c2, c)) bonus ++; } return v + bonus; } void tie_info(cell *c, int from_track, int comp) { rti_id[c] = isize(rti); rti.emplace_back(race_cellinfo{c, from_track, comp, -1, -1}); } race_cellinfo& get_info(cell *c) { return rti[rti_id.at(c)]; } int race_checksum; ld start_line_width; void generate_track() { TWIDTH = getDistLimit() - 1; if(race_ghosts[{track_code, modecode()}].empty()) read_ghosts(track_code, modecode()); track.clear(); /* int t = -1; bignum full_id; bool onlychild = true; */ cell *s = currentmap->gamestart(); if(specialland == laCrossroads) { celllister cl(s, TWIDTH, 1000000, NULL); for(cell *c: cl.lst) c->bardir = NOBARRIERS; } setdist(s, 6, NULL); makeEmpty(s); map parent; map > cellbydist; cellbydist[0].push_back(s); cell *goal; int traversed = 0; while(true) { traversed++; if(cellbydist.empty()) { printf("reset after traversing %d\n", traversed); race_try++; gamegen_failure = true; return; } auto it = cellbydist.end(); it--; // if(hrand(100) < 85 && it != cellbydist.begin()) it--; auto& v = it->second; if(v.empty()) { cellbydist.erase(it); continue; } int id = hrand(isize(v)); cell *c = v[id]; v[id] = v.back(); v.pop_back(); if(it->first >= LENGTH) { goal = c; break; } setdist(c, 4, parent[c]); forCellEx(c1, c) if(!bad(c1, c) && !parent.count(c1)) { parent[c1] = c; cellbydist[trackval(c1)].push_back(c1); } } track = build_shortest_path(s, goal); /* transmatrix At = spin(hrand(1000)); track.push_back(s); while(isize(track) < LENGTH) { At = At * xpush(.1); cell *sb = s; virtualRebase(s, At, true); fixmatrix(At); if(s != sb) track.push_back(s); } */ /* cellwalker ycw(s, hrand(s->type)); track.push_back(s); for(int i=0; iland != laMirror) c->bardir = NOBARRIERS; for(cell *c:track) setdist(c, 0, NULL); if(1) { manual_celllister cl; for(int i=0; iitem = itNone; if(c->wall == waMirror || c->wall == waCloud) c->wall = waNone; if(!isIvy(c)) c->monst = moNone; if(c->monst == moIvyHead) c->monst = moIvyWait; if(inmirror(c->land)) ; else if(p.from_track == TWIDTH) { killMonster(c, moNone, 0); c->wall = waBarrier; c->land = laBarrier; } else if(p.from_track > TWIDTH) { killMonster(c, moNone, 0); c->land = laMemory; c->wall = waChasm; } if(p.completion >= win && p.from_track < TWIDTH) { c->wall = hrand(2) ? waMirror : waCloud; killMonster(c, moNone, 0); } } } int byat[256]; for(int a=0; a<16; a++) byat[a] = 0; for(const auto s: rti) byat[s.from_track]++; for(int a=0; a<16; a++) printf("%d: %d\n", a, byat[a]); if(s->land == laCaves) { set hash; while(true) { unsigned hashval = 7; int id = 0; for(auto s: rti) { fix_cave(s.c); if(s.c->wall == waCavewall) hashval = (3+2*(id++)) * hashval + 1; if(s.c->wall == waCavefloor) hashval = (3+2*(id++)) * hashval + 2; } printf("hashval = %x id = %d\n", hashval, id); if(hash.count(hashval)) break; hash.insert(hashval); } } for(cell *sc: track) { straight = calc_relative_matrix(sc, track[0], C0); if(straight[2][2] > 1e8) break; } straight = rspintox(straight * C0); ld& a = start_line_width; for(a=0; a<10; a += .1) { hyperpoint h = straight * parabolic1(a) * C0; cell *at = s; virtualRebase(at, h, true); if(!rti_id.count(at) || get_info(at).from_track >= TWIDTH) break; } for(ld cleaner=0; cleanerwall != waBarrier) makeEmpty(at); killMonster(at, moNone, 0); T = T * xpush(.1); virtualRebase(at, T, true); } } for(auto s: rti) if(s.c->monst == moIvyDead) s.c->monst = moNone; for(int i=0; iat = straight * parabolic1(start_line_width * (rand() % 20000 - 10000) / 40000) * spin(rand() % 360); who->base = s; virtualRebase(who, true); } if(1) { manual_celllister cl; cl.add(s); bool goal = false; for(int i=0; iwall, waCloud, waMirror)) goal = true; if(passable(c2, c, P_ISPLAYER)) cl.add(c2); } } if(!goal) { printf("error: goal unreachable\n"); gamegen_failure = true; race_try++; return; } } if(1) { map > cdists; manual_celllister cl; cl.add(s); for(auto cc: rti) if(cc.from_start == 0) cl.add(cc.c); for(int i=0; i > cdists; manual_celllister cl; for(auto cc: rti) if(among(cc.c->wall, waCloud, waMirror)) cc.from_goal = 0, cl.add(cc.c); for(int i=0; i 3; }; auto blockbound = [&blockoff] (cell *c) { forCellEx(c2, c) if(passable(c2, c, P_ISPLAYER) && !blockoff(get_info(c2))) return true; return false; }; vector to_block; for(auto cc: rti) if(blockoff(cc)) to_block.push_back(cc.c); hrandom_shuffle(&to_block[0], isize(to_block)); for(cell *c: to_block) switch(specialland) { case laIce: c->wall = waIcewall; break; case laHell: c->wall = waSulphur; break; case laJungle: { vector dirs; forCellIdEx(c2, i, c) if(among(c2->monst, moIvyRoot, moIvyWait)) dirs.push_back(i); if(dirs.empty()) c->monst = moIvyRoot; else c->monst = moIvyWait, c->mondir = dirs[hrand(isize(dirs))]; break; } case laDeadCaves: if(blockbound(c)) c->wall = waDeadwall; break; case laRedRock: if(blockbound(c)) c->wall = waRed3; break; case laDragon: c->wall = waChasm; break; case laDryForest: if(blockbound(c)) c->wall = waBigTree; break; case laDesert: if(blockbound(c)) c->wall = waDune; break; case laRuins: if(blockbound(c)) c->wall = waRuinWall; break; case laElementalWall: if(blockbound(c)) { if(c->land == laEFire) c->wall = waEternalFire; else if(c->land == laEWater) c->wall = waSea; else if(c->land == laEAir) c->wall = waChasm; else if(c->land == laEEarth) c->wall = waStone; } break; default: break; } // for(cell *c: to_block) if(blockbound(c)) c->land = laOvergrown; /* for(cell *c: track) { int i = trackval(c) - celldist(c); if(i == 0) c->item = itDiamond; if(i == 1) c->item = itGold; if(i == 2) c->item = itEmerald; if(i == 3) c->item = itSapphire; if(i == 4) c->item = itRuby; if(i >= 5) c->item = itBone; } */ track_ready = true; race_checksum = hrand(1000000); auto& gh = race_ghosts[{track_code, modecode()}] [specialland]; int ngh = 0; for(int i=0; iat; ld alpha = -atan2(T * C0); ld distance = hdist0(T * C0); ld beta = -atan2(xpush(-distance) * spin(-alpha) * T * Cx1); current_history[current_player].emplace_back(ghostmoment{ticks - race_start_tick, rti_id[who->base], angle_to_uchar(alpha), frac_to_uchar(distance / distance_multiplier), angle_to_uchar(beta), frac_to_uchar(who->footphase) }); } transmatrix at = ggmatrix(who->base) * who->at; if(racing::player_relative || quotient) View = spin(race_angle * degree) * inverse(at) * View; else { int z = get_info(who->base).completion; int steps = euclid ? 1000 : 20; cell *c1 = racing::track[max(z-steps, 0)]; cell *c2 = racing::track[min(z+steps, isize(racing::track)-1)]; transmatrix T1 = ggmatrix(c1); transmatrix T2 = ggmatrix(c2); transmatrix T = spintox(inverse(T1) * T2 * C0); hyperpoint h = T * inverse(T1) * at * C0; ld y = asin_auto(h[1]); ld x = asin_auto(h[0] / cos_auto(y)); x += race_advance; // printf("%d %lf\n", z, x); transmatrix Z = T1 * inverse(T) * xpush(x); View = spin(race_angle * degree) * inverse(Z) * View; } } #if CAP_COMMANDLINE void show(); int readArgs() { using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-racing")) { PHASEFROM(2); stop_game(); switch_game_mode(rg::racing); } else return 1; return 0; } #endif int tstart, tstop; heptspin sview; /* void restore_time(int t) { tuple sf = make_tuple(t, nullptr, Id, 0); auto it = lower_bound(history.begin(), history.end(), sf, [] (auto a, auto b) { return get<0>(a) < get<0>(b); }); auto& m = shmup::pc[0]; tie(t, m->base, m->at, m->footphase) = *it; shmup::pc[0]->pat = ggmatrix(shmup::pc[0]->base) * shmup::pc[0]->at; } */ /* bool akh(int sym, int uni) { if(uni == '1') { tstart = ticks; sview = viewctr; } else if(uni == '2') { tstop = ticks; } else if(uni == '3') { conformal::model_orientation = 90; pmodel = mdBand; player_relative = false; } else if(uni == '4') { conformal::model_orientation = 180; pmodel = mdHalfplane; conformal::halfplane_scale = 2; player_relative = false; } else if(uni == '5') { pmodel = mdDisk; player_relative = true; } else if(uni == '6') { vid.use_smart_range = true; vid.smart_range_detail = 2; } else if(uni == '7' && tstart && tstop) { viewctr = sview; nohud = true; restore_time(tstart); drawthemap(); centerpc(0); int t = tstart; int i = 0; inrec = true; while(t < tstop) { ticks = t; char buf[1000]; restore_time(t); shmup::fixStorage(); centerpc(0); optimizeview(); cwt.at = shmup::pc[0]->base; drawthemap(); fullcenter(); cmode = sm::NORMAL; drawthemap(); centerpc(0); optimizeview(); snprintf(buf, 1000, "animations/race/race%d-%03d.png", int(pmodel), i++); saveHighQualityShot(buf); t += 40; } inrec = false; } else return false; return true; } */ #if CAP_COMMANDLINE auto hook = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs) + addHook(clearmemory, 0, []() { track_ready = false; track.clear(); rti.clear(); rti_id.clear(); for(auto &ch: current_history) ch.clear(); }) // + addHook(hooks_handleKey, 120, akh); ; #endif vector race_lands = { laHunting, laCrossroads, laJungle, laDesert, laRedRock, laDragon, laMirror, laRuins, laCaves, laWildWest, laIce, laHell, laTerracotta, laElementalWall, laDryForest, laDeadCaves, }; vector playercmds_race = { "forward", "backward", "turn left", "turn right", "forward", "backward", "turn left", "turn right", "", "", "", "", "change camera", "", "" }; string racetimeformat(int t) { string times = ""; int digits = 0; bool minus = (t < 0); if(t < 0) t = -t; while(t || digits < 6) { int mby = (digits == 4 ? 6 : 10); times = char('0'+(t%mby)) + times; t /= mby; digits++; if(digits == 3) times = "." + times; if(digits == 5) times = ":" + times; } if(minus) times = "-" + times; return times; } void track_chooser(string new_track) { dialog::init(XLAT("Racing")); char let = 'a'; for(eLand l: race_lands) { auto& gh = race_ghosts[{new_track, modecode()}] [l]; const int LOST = 3600000; int best = LOST; for(auto& gc: gh) best = min(best, gc.result); string s = (best == LOST) ? "" : racetimeformat(best); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT1(linf[l].name), s, let++); dialog::add_action([l, new_track] () { stop_game(); if(!racing::on) switch_game_mode(rg::racing); track_code = new_track; specialland = l; start_game(); popScreenAll(); }); } dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); } struct race_configurer { int playercfg; bool editing_track; string new_track; race_configurer() { editing_track = false; new_track = track_code; playercfg = multi::players; } static string random_track_name() { string s = ""; for(int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { int u = rand() % 2; if(u == 0) s += "AEIOUY" [ rand() % 6]; s += "BCDFGHJKLMNPRSTVWZ" [ rand() % 18]; if(u == 1) s += "AEIOUY" [ rand() % 6]; } return s; } static string racecheck(int sym, int uni) { if(uni >= 'A' && uni <= 'Z') return string("") + char(uni); if(uni >= 'a' && uni <= 'z') return string("") + char(uni - 32); return ""; } void operator() () { gamescreen(1); dialog::init(XLAT("Racing")); dialog::addSelItem("track name", editing_track ? dialog::view_edited_string() : new_track, '/'); dialog::add_action([this] () { editing_track = !editing_track; if(editing_track) dialog::start_editing(new_track); }); dialog::addItem("play the official track", 'o'); dialog::add_action([this] () { new_track = "OFFICIAL"; }); dialog::addItem("play a random track", 'r'); dialog::add_action([this] () { new_track = random_track_name(); }); if(bounded) dialog::addInfo("Racing available only in unbounded worlds.", 0xFF0000); else { dialog::addItem(XLAT("select the track and start!"), 's'); dialog::add_action([this] () { if(race_ghosts[{new_track, modecode()}].empty()) read_ghosts(new_track, modecode()); else println(hlog, "known ghosts: ", isize(race_ghosts[{new_track, modecode()}])); pushScreen([this] () { track_chooser(new_track); }); }); } dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("player relative"), player_relative, 'p'); dialog::add_action([] () { player_relative = !player_relative; if(pmodel == mdBand || pmodel == mdHalfplane) pmodel = mdDisk; }); if(quotient) dialog::lastItem().value = XLAT("N/A"); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("projection"), conformal::get_model_name(pmodel), 'm'); dialog::add_action([] () { switch(pmodel) { case mdDisk: pmodel = mdBand; conformal::model_orientation = race_angle; race_advance = 1; break; case mdBand: pmodel = mdHalfplane; conformal::model_orientation = race_angle + 90; race_advance = 0.5; break; default: pmodel = mdDisk; race_advance = 0; } }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("race angle"), fts(race_angle), 'a'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(race_angle, 0, 360, 15, 0, XLAT("race angle"), ""); int q = conformal::model_orientation - race_angle; dialog::reaction = [q] () { conformal::model_orientation = race_angle + q; }; }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("race advance"), fts(race_advance), 'A'); dialog::add_action([] () { dialog::editNumber(race_advance, 0, 360, 0.1, 1, XLAT("race advance"), ""); }); dialog::addItem(shmup::player_count_name(playercfg), 'n'); dialog::add_action([this] () { playercfg = playercfg == 1 ? 2 : 1; }); dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 1"), '1'); dialog::add_action([] () { pushScreen(shmup::key_configurer(1, playercmds_race)); }); if(playercfg >= 2) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 2"), '2'); dialog::add_action([] () { pushScreen(shmup::key_configurer(2, playercmds_race)); }); } else dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addBreak(100); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("best scores to show as ghosts"), its(ghosts_to_show), 'g'); dialog::add_action([]() { dialog::editNumber(ghosts_to_show, 0, 100, 1, 5, "best scores to show as ghosts", ""); }); dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("best scores to save"), its(ghosts_to_save), 'b'); dialog::add_action([]() { dialog::editNumber(ghosts_to_save, 0, 100, 1, 10, "best scores to save", ""); }); if(racing::on) { dialog::addItem(XLAT("disable the racing mode"), 'x'); dialog::add_action([] () { stop_game(); switch_game_mode(rg::racing); race_try = 0; start_game(); }); } dialog::addBack(); dialog::display(); keyhandler = [this] (int sym, int uni) { if(editing_track) { if(sym == SDLK_RETURN) sym = uni = '/'; if(dialog::handle_edit_string(sym, uni, racecheck)) return; } dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni); if(doexiton(sym, uni)) { if(editing_track) editing_track = false; else popScreen(); } }; } }; void configure_race() { pushScreen(race_configurer()); } auto hooks1 = addHook(hooks_o_key, 90, [] { if(racing::on) return named_dialog(XLAT("racing menu"), race_configurer()); else return named_functionality(); }); vector player_displays; bool in_subscreen; void prepare_subscreens() { int N = multi::players; if(N > 1) { player_displays.resize(N, *current_display); int qrows[10] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3}; int rows = qrows[N]; int cols = (N + rows - 1) / rows; for(int i=0; i>= 2; } auto &subtrack = race_ghosts[{track_code, modecode()}] [specialland]; subtrack.emplace_back(ghost{gcs, ticks - race_start_tick, race_checksum, time(NULL), current_history[current_player]}); sort(subtrack.begin(), subtrack.end(), [] (const ghost &g1, const ghost &g2) { return g1.result > g2.result; }); if(isize(subtrack) > ghosts_to_save && ghosts_to_save > 0) subtrack.resize(ghosts_to_save); if(ghosts_to_save > 0) write_ghosts(track_code, modecode()); } } void markers() { if(!racing::on) return; if(racing::player_relative) { using namespace racing; cell *goal = NULL; for(cell *c: track) if(inscreenrange(c)) goal = c; hyperpoint H = tC0(ggmatrix(goal)); if(invalid_point(H)) return; queuechr(H, 2*vid.fsize, 'X', 0x10100 * int(128 + 100 * sintick(150))); queuestr(H, vid.fsize, (geometry == gCrystal && !crystal::pure()) ? fts(crystal::space_distance(cwt.at, track.back())) : its(celldistance(cwt.at, track.back())), 0x10101 * int(128 - 100 * sintick(150))); addauraspecial(H, 0xFFD500, 0); } int ghosts_left = ghosts_to_show; for(auto& ghost: race_ghosts[{track_code, modecode()}][specialland]) { if(!ghosts_left) break; ghosts_left--; auto p = std::find_if(ghost.history.begin(), ghost.history.end(), [] (const ghostmoment gm) { return gm.step > ticks - race_start_tick;} ); if(p == ghost.history.end()) p--, p->footphase = 0; cell *w = rti[p->where_id].c; if(!gmatrix.count(w)) continue; dynamicval x(getcs(), ghost.cs); transmatrix T = spin_uchar(p->alpha) * xpush(uchar_to_frac(p->distance) * distance_multiplier) * spin_uchar(p->beta); drawMonsterType(moPlayer, w, gmatrix[w] * T, 0, uchar_to_frac(p->footphase)); } if(gmatrix.count(track[0])) { for(ld z=-start_line_width; z<=start_line_width; z+=0.1) curvepoint(ggmatrix(track[0]) * straight * parabolic1(z) * C0); queuecurve(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, PPR::BFLOOR); } } int get_percentage(int i) { return min(get_info(shmup::pc[i]->base).completion * 100 / (isize(track) - DROP), 100); } void add_debug(cell *c) { if(racing::on && racing::rti_id[c]) { auto& r = racing::get_info(c); dialog::addSelItem("from_track", its(r.from_track), 0); dialog::addSelItem("from_start", its(r.from_start), 0); dialog::addSelItem("from_goal", its(r.from_goal), 0); dialog::addSelItem("completion", its(r.completion), 0); } } } bool subscreen_split(reaction_t what) { using namespace racing; if(in_subscreen) return false; if(!player_displays.empty()) { in_subscreen = true; int& p = current_player; for(p = 0; p < multi::players; p++) { dynamicval c(current_display, &player_displays[p]); what(); } in_subscreen = false; return true; } return false; } }