#include "../hyper.h" // implementation of this demo: https://twitter.com/ZenoRogue/status/1304130700870901761 // compile with: ./mymake rogueviz/pentaroll.cpp // ./hyper -canvas-random 10 -noplayer -geo 534h -to-fq 72414D0C -pentaroll 1 -sight3 6 -animperiod 30000 -shot-1000 // or -pentaroll 0 if you want to explore yourself namespace hr { namespace pentaroll { bool animated; void create_pentaroll() { start_game(); /* get the list of all close cells */ cell *c0 = currentmap->gamestart(); celllister cl(c0, 4, 1000, nullptr); /* construct the relative matrices for them */ map<cell*, transmatrix> rel; rel[c0] = Id; for(cell *c: cl.lst) for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) if(rel.count(c->move(i))) rel[c] = rel[c->move(i)] * currentmap->iadj(c, i); /* the construction */ for(cell *c: cl.lst) { int common = 0; for(auto& v: cgi.vertices_only) for(auto& w: cgi.vertices_only) if(hdist(v, rel[c] * w) < 1e-6) common++; setdist(c, 7, nullptr); if(c == c0) c->wall = waPalace; else if(common > 0) c->wall = waNone; } c0->wall = waNone; for(int i=1; i<=cgi.face; i++) { int i0 = i; if(cgi.face == 4 && i0 >= 3) i0++; cellwalker cw(c0, i0); cw.peek()->wall = waPlatform; if(cgi.face == 5) { cellwalker cw1 = reg3::strafe(cw, (i==1?cgi.face:i-1)); cw1.peek()->wall = waWaxWall; cw1.peek()->landparam = hrand(0x1000000) | 0x808080; } } } int args() { using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-pentaroll")) { PHASEFROM(3); /* 1 = animated, 0 = not animated */ shift(); animated = argi(); } else return 1; return 0; } /* currently not configurable */ /* if <1, stay closer to the center */ ld how_far = 1; ld orig_distance = 1; ld far_distance = 1; auto hooks = addHook(hooks_args, 100, args) + addHook(hooks_clearmemory, 40, [] () { animated = false; }) + addHook(anims::hooks_anim, 100, [] { if(!animated) return; centerover = currentmap->gamestart(); ld t = ticks * 20. / anims::period; int tb = int(t) % cgi.face; hyperpoint m; for(int i=0; i<cgi.face; i++) m += cgi.vertices_only[i]; m /= cgi.face; auto normm = [&] (hyperpoint h) { return normalize(lerp(m, h, how_far)); }; hyperpoint h1 = normm(cgi.vertices_only[tb]); hyperpoint h2 = normm(cgi.vertices_only[(tb+1) % cgi.face]); hyperpoint h3 = normm(cgi.vertices_only[(tb+2) % cgi.face]); hyperpoint a = gpushxto0(h2) * h1; hyperpoint b = gpushxto0(h2) * h3; b = spintox(a) * b; a = spintox(a) * a; b[3] = 0; println(hlog, "a = ", a); println(hlog, "b = ", b); b /= hypot_d(3, b); ld angle = acos(b[0]); println(hlog, "b = ", b); println(hlog, "angle = ", angle / degree, " deg"); ld tf = t - floor(t); /* make it more smooth */ tf = tf * tf * (3-2*tf); hyperpoint h = lerp(h1, h2, tf); h = normalize(h); set_view(h, h2, h3); /* set_view does not orient correctly, so we rotate it */ View = cspin(2, 0, M_PI/2) * View; /* we move the camera backward */ View = zpush(lerp(orig_distance, far_distance, frac(ticks * 1. / anims::period))) * View; /* we also need to rotate the view to make it smooth */ View = spin((angle-M_PI) * int(t)) * View; anims::moved(); }); } }