// Hyperbolic Rogue // Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details // Routines concentrating on monster generation. namespace hr { bool timerghost = true; int buildIvy(cell *c, int children, int minleaf) { if(c->monst) return 0; c->mondir = NODIR; c->monst = moIvyRoot; cell *child = NULL; int leaf = 0; int leafchild = 0; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { createMov(c, i); if(passable(c->mov[i], c, 0) && c->mov[i]->land == c->land) { if(children && !child) child = c->mov[i], leafchild = buildIvy(c->mov[i], children-1, 5); else c->mov[i]->monst = (leaf++ || peace::on) ? moIvyWait : moIvyHead, c->mov[i]->mondir = c->spn(i); } } leaf += leafchild; if(leaf < minleaf) { if(child) killIvy(child, moNone); killIvy(c, moNone); return 0; } else return leaf; } // the 'chasmify' functions create a simulation of the path the monster came by void chasmify(cell *c) { c->wall = waChasm; c->item = itNone; int q = 0; cell *c2[10]; for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(c->mov[i] && c->mov[i]->mpdist > c->mpdist && cellUnstable(c->mov[i])) c2[q++] = c->mov[i]; if(q) { cell *c3 = c2[hrand(q)]; c3->wall = waChasmD; } } void chasmifyEarth(cell *c) { int q = 0; int d2[10]; for(int i=2; i<=c->type-2; i++) { int j = (i+c->mondir)%c->type; cell *c2 = c->mov[j]; if(c2 && c2->mpdist > c->mpdist && ( c2->wall == waDeadfloor || c2->wall == waDeadwall || c2->wall == waDeadfloor2)) d2[q++] = j; } if(!q) printf("no further move!\n"); if(q) { int d = d2[hrand(q)]; cell *c3 = c->mov[d]; c3->wall = waEarthD; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c4 = createMov(c3, i); earthFloor(c4); } c3->mondir = c->spn(d); } earthWall(c); c->item = itNone; } void chasmifyElemental(cell *c) { int q = 0; int d2[10]; for(int i=2; i<=c->type-2; i++) { int j = (i+c->mondir)%c->type; cell *c2 = c->mov[j]; if(c2 && c2->mpdist > c->mpdist && c2->land == c->land) d2[q++] = j; } if(q) { int d = d2[hrand(q)]; cell *c3 = c->mov[d]; if(!c3->monst) { c3->wall = waElementalD; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c4 = createMov(c3, i); if(c4->wall != waBarrier) c4->wall = waNone; } c3->mondir = c->spn(d); } } c->wall = getElementalWall(c->land); c->wparam = 100; c->item = itNone; } // an appropriate monster for the Crossroads eMonster crossroadsMonster() { static eMonster weak[9] = { moYeti, moGoblin, moRanger, moOrangeDog, moRunDog, moMonkey, moZombie, moDesertman, moCultist }; if(hrand(10) == 0) return weak[hrand(9)]; static eMonster m[24] = { moWorm, moTentacle, moTroll, moEagle, moLesser, moGreater, moPyroCultist, moGhost, moFireFairy, moIvyRoot, moHedge, moLancer, moFlailer, moVineBeast, moBomberbird, moAlbatross, moRedTroll, moWaterElemental, moAirElemental, moFireElemental, moFatGuard, moMiner, moPalace, moVizier }; eMonster mo = m[hrand(24)]; if(peace::on && mo == moWaterElemental) return crossroadsMonster(); if(peace::on && mo == moFireFairy) return crossroadsMonster(); if(peace::on && isMultitile(mo)) return crossroadsMonster(); return mo; } eMonster wanderingCrossroadsMonster() { while(true) { eMonster m = crossroadsMonster(); if(!isIvy(m) && m != moTentacle) return m; } } int palaceHP() { if(tactic::on && isCrossroads(firstland)) return 4; if(items[itPalace] < 3) // 1+2 return 2; else if(items[itPalace] < 10) // 1+2+3+4 return 3; else if(items[itPalace] < 21) // 1+2+3+4+5+6 return 4; else if(items[itPalace] < 35) return 5; else if(items[itPalace] < 50) return 6; else return 7; } int hardness_empty() { return yendor::hardness() * (yendor::hardness() * 3/5 - 2); } bool redtrolls(cell *c) { return false; /* int cd = getCdata(c, 2); cd &= 63; return cd < 32; */ } eMonster pickTroll(cell *c) { if(redtrolls(c)) return pick(moTroll,moDarkTroll,moRedTroll); else return pick(moForestTroll, moStormTroll, moFjordTroll); } void dieTroll(cell *c, eMonster m) { if(m == moTroll) c->wall = waDeadTroll; else if(m == moDarkTroll) c->wall = waDeadfloor2; else if(m == moRedTroll) c->wall = waRed1; else c->wall = waDeadTroll2, c->wparam = m; } int reptilemax() { int i = items[itDodeca] + yendor::hardness(); if(i >= 245) return 5; int r = (250 - i); if(shmup::on) r = (r+2) / 3; return r; } bool wchance(int a, int of, int reduction = 0) { of *= 10; a += yendor::hardness() + 1; if(isCrossroads(cwt.c->land)) a+= items[itHyperstone] * 10; //if(cwt.c->land == laWhirlwind && !nowhirl) a += items[itWindstone] * 3; for(int i=0; icpdist == getDistLimit()) { c->monst = moOrangeDog; c->stuntime = 0; return; } int q = 0; cell *ctab[8]; for(int i=0; itype; i++) { cell *c3 = c->mov[i]; if(c3 && c3 != c2 && c3->land == laZebra && c3->wall == waNone) ctab[q++] = c3; } if(!q) break; c2 = c; c = ctab[hrand(q)]; } } int getGhostTimer() { return shmup::on ? (shmup::curtime - lastexplore) / 350 : turncount - lastexplore; } int getGhostcount() { if(peace::on) return 0; int t = getGhostTimer(); int ghostcount = 0; if(t > 80) ghostcount = (t-80 + hrand(20)) / 20; return ghostcount; } int getSeepcount() { int t = getGhostTimer(); int seepcount = 0; if(t > 40) seepcount = (t-40 + hrand(20)) / 20; return seepcount; } bool canReachPlayer(cell *cf, eMonster m) { vector v; sval++; v.push_back(cf); cf->aitmp = sval; for(int i=0; itype; j++) { cell *c2 = c->mov[j]; if(!c2) continue; if(eq(c2->aitmp, sval)) continue; if(!passable_for(m, c2, c, P_MONSTER | P_ONPLAYER | P_CHAIN)) continue; if(isPlayerOn(c2)) return true; c2->aitmp = sval; v.push_back(c2); } } return false; } bool haveOrbPower() { for(int i=0; iitem) == IC_ORB) return true; } else if(sphere) for(int i=0; ic7; if(itemclass(c->item) == IC_ORB) return true; forCellEx(c2, c) if(itemclass(c2->item) == IC_ORB) return true; } return false; } bool haveKraken() { for(int i=0; ic7; if(c->monst == moKrakenH || c->monst == moKrakenT) return true; } return false; } eItem wanderingTreasure(cell *c) { eLand l = c->land; #if CAP_DAILY if(daily::on && daily::prevent_spawn_treasure_on(c)) return itNone; #endif if(l == laEFire) return itFireShard; if(l == laEWater) return itWaterShard; if(l == laEAir) return itAirShard; if(l == laEEarth) return itEarthShard; if(l == laElementalWall) return itNone; if(l == laMirror && c->type != 6) return itNone; if(l == laMirrorOld && c->type != 6) return itNone; if(l == laEmerald) { forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall == waCavewall) return itNone; } if(l == laMinefield && c->wall == waMineMine) return itNone; if(l == laBurial && hrand(2)) return itOrbSword; if(l == laKraken) return itOrbFish; return treasureType(l); } void wandering() { if(!canmove) return; int seepcount = getSeepcount(); int ghostcount = getGhostcount(); if(cwt.c->land == laCA) ghostcount = 0; bool genturn = hrand(100) < 30; if(bounded && specialland == laClearing) clearing::new_root(); if(cwt.c->land == laZebra && cwt.c->wall == waNone && wchance(items[itZebra], 20)) wanderingZebra(cwt.c); bool smallbounded_generation = smallbounded || (bounded && specialland == laClearing); if(smallbounded_generation) { int maxdist = 0; for(int i=0; icpdist > maxdist) maxdist = dcal[i]->cpdist; for(int i=0; icpdist >= maxdist-1) { first7 = i; break; } if(hrand(5) == 0) { // spawn treasure } if(smallbounded && hrand(100) < 2) { auto& ac = currentmap->allcells(); cell *c1 = ac[hrand(size(ac))]; if(c1->wall == waVinePlant && !c1->monst) { c1->monst = moVineSpirit; c1->stuntime = 3; } } } while(first7 < size(dcal)) { int i = first7 + hrand(size(dcal) - first7); cell *c = dcal[i]; if(inmirror(c)) continue; if(specialland == laStorms) { // place the sandstone wall completely randomly (but not on the player) vector& ac = currentmap->allcells(); c = ac[hrand(size(ac))]; if(isPlayerOn(c)) continue; } if(smallbounded_generation && !c->item && hrand(5) == 0 && c->land != laHalloween) { if(passable(c, NULL, 0) || specialland == laKraken) { if(c->land != laGraveyard && !haveOrbPower() && specialland != laHell) for(int it=0; it<1000 && !c->item; it++) placeLocalOrbs(c); if(!c->item) c->item = wanderingTreasure(c); if(c->item == itShard) { c->item = itNone, c->wall = hrand(2) ? waMirror : waCloud; } if(c->item == itFulgurite) { c->item = itNone, c->wall = waSandstone; } if(c->item == itBarrow) c->landparam = 2 + hrand(2), c->wall = waBarrowDig; } } if(!c->monst) c->stuntime = 0; if(timerghost && !smallbounded) { // wandering seeps & ghosts if(seepcount && c->wall == waCavewall && !c->monst && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime)) { c->monst = moSeep; playSeenSound(c); seepcount--; continue; } if(ghostcount && !c->monst && !inmirror(c)) { c->monst = moGhost; playSeenSound(c); ghostcount--; continue; } } if((c->wall == waCavewall || c->wall == waDeadwall) && !c->monst && wchance(items[treasureType(c->land)], 10) && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime)) { c->monst = moSeep; playSeenSound(c); continue; } else if(smallbounded && c->wall == waVinePlant && !c->monst && wchance(items[treasureType(c->land)], 10) && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime)) { c->monst = moVineSpirit; playSeenSound(c); continue; } else if(c->wall == waCTree && !c->monst && wchance(items[itPirate], 15) && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime)) { c->monst = moParrot; playSeenSound(c); continue; } else if(c->land == laEndorian && c->wall == waNone && wchance(items[itApple], 50)) { c->monst = moSparrowhawk; playSeenSound(c); continue; } else if(c->wall == waSea && !c->monst) { if(c->land == laCaribbean && wchance(items[itPirate], 15) && canReachPlayer(c, moPirate)) { c->monst = moCShark; playSeenSound(c); continue; } if(c->land == laWarpSea && avengers && canReachPlayer(c, moPirate)) { c->monst = moRatlingAvenger; c->wall = waBoat; avengers--; if(cheater) printf("avenger comes\n"); playSeenSound(c); continue; } if(c->land == laWarpSea && wchance(items[itCoral], 25) && canReachPlayer(c, moPirate)) { c->monst = moRatling; c->wall = waBoat; playSeenSound(c); continue; } if(c->land == laOcean && (items[itCoast] > 50 || (cwt.c->landparam < 25 && c->landparam < 25)) && wchance(items[itCoast], 25) && canReachPlayer(c, moEagle)) { c->monst = moAlbatross; playSeenSound(c); continue; } if(c->land == laDocks && wchance(items[itDock], 25) && canReachPlayer(c, moEagle)) { c->monst = moAlbatross; playSeenSound(c); continue; } if(!peace::on && c->land == laLivefjord && wchance(items[itFjord], 80) && items[itFjord] >= 10 && canReachPlayer(c, moWaterElemental)) { c->monst = moWaterElemental; playSeenSound(c); continue; } if(!peace::on && c->land == laKraken && ((sphere && !hrand(15)) || wchance(items[itKraken], 240)) && !kraken_pseudohept(c)) { bool b = sphere || canReachPlayer(c, moKrakenH); if(sphere && (haveKraken() || !items[itOrbFish])) { c->monst = moViking; c->wall = waBoat; c->item = itOrbFish; playSeenSound(c); continue; } if(b) forCellEx(c2, c) if((sphere || c2->cpdist > gamerange()) && !kraken_pseudohept(c2)) { forCellCM(c3, c2) if(c3->monst || c3->wall != waSea) goto notfound; c2->monst = moKrakenH; playSeenSound(c2); for(int i=0; itype; i++) { c2->mov[i]->monst = moKrakenT; c2->mov[i]->hitpoints = 1; c2->mov[i]->mondir = c2->spn(i); } goto found; } goto notfound; found: continue; } notfound: break; } else if(smallbounded && c->land == laPower && !c->monst) { if(wchance(items[itPower], 10)) c->monst = eMonster(moWitch + hrand(NUMWITCH)); } else if(c->monst || c->pathdist == PINFD) break; else if(c->land == laClearing && wchance(items[itMutant2], 150) && items[itMutant2] >= 15 && !c->monst && c->type == 7) c->monst = moRedFox; else if(c->land == laDual && wchance(items[itGlowCrystal], 40)) { c->monst = moRatling; playSeenSound(c); } else if(hrand(50) < statuecount * statuecount) c->monst = moCultistLeader; else if(c->land == laIce && wchance(items[itDiamond], 10)) c->monst = hrand(2) ? moWolf : moYeti; else if(c->land == laHunting && wchance(items[itHunting], 50, 26)) c->monst = moHunterDog; else if(c->land == laDesert && wchance(items[itSpice], 10)) c->monst = (hrand(10) || peace::on) ? moDesertman : moWorm; else if(c->land == laDragon && (items[itDragon] >= 8 || items[itOrbYendor]) && wchance(items[itDragon], 20)) c->monst = moFireElemental; else if(c->land == laRedRock && wchance(items[itRedGem], 10)) c->monst = (hrand(10) || peace::on) ? moRedTroll : moHexSnake; else if(c->land == laCaves && wchance(items[itGold], 5)) c->monst = hrand(3) ? moTroll : moGoblin; else if(c->land == laBull && wchance(items[itBull], 40)) c->monst = moGadfly; else if(items[itBull] >= 50 && size(butterflies) && wchance(items[itBull]-49, 25)) c->monst = moGadfly; else if(c->land == laPrairie && cwt.c->LHU.fi.flowerdist > 3 && wchance(items[itGreenGrass], prairie::isriver(cwt.c) ? 150 : 40)) c->monst = moGadfly; else if(c->land == laHive && wchance(hive::hivehard(), 25)) c->monst = hive::randomHyperbug(); else if(c->land == laDeadCaves && wchance(items[itSilver], 5)) c->monst = hrand(20) ? (hrand(3) ? moDarkTroll : moGoblin) : moEarthElemental; else if(c->land == laJungle && wchance(items[itRuby], 40)) c->monst = hrand(10) ? moMonkey : moEagle; else if(c->land == laMirrorOld && wchance(items[itShard], 15)) c->monst = hrand(10) ? moRanger : moEagle; else if(c->land == laMirror && mirrorspirits) { mirrorspirits--; c->monst = moMirrorSpirit; } else if(c->land == laMirror && wchance(items[itShard], 120)) c->monst = moNarciss; else if(c->land == laWarpCoast && wchance(items[itCoral], 40)) c->monst = moRatling; else if(c->land == laBurial && wchance(items[itBarrow], 250)) c->monst = moDraugr; else if(c->land == laBlizzard && wchance(items[itBlizzard], 120)) c->monst = hrand(5) ? moVoidBeast : moIceGolem; else if(c->land == laVolcano && wchance(items[itLavaLily], 120)) { c->monst = hrand(5) ? moLavaWolf : moSalamander; c->hitpoints = 3; } else if(c->land == laTrollheim && wchance(items[itTrollEgg], 150)) c->monst = pickTroll(c); else if(c->land == laRose && wchance(items[itRose], 25)) c->monst = moFalsePrincess; else if(c->land == laHell && wchance(items[itHell], 20)) c->monst = hrand(3) ? moLesser : moGreater; else if(c->land == laStorms && wchance(items[itFulgurite], 30)) { c->monst = hrand(3) ? moMetalBeast : moStormTroll; c->hitpoints = 3; } else if(c->land == laWhirlwind && wchance(items[itWindstone], 30)) c->monst = hrand(5) ? moWindCrow : moAirElemental; else if(c->land == laWildWest && wchance(items[itBounty], 30)) c->monst = moOutlaw; else if(c->land == laEndorian && c->wall == waTrunk && wchance(items[itApple], 30)) c->monst = moResearcher; else if(c->land == laOvergrown && wchance(items[itMutant], 50)) c->monst = moForestTroll; else if(c->land == laTerracotta && wchance(items[itTerra], 40)) c->monst = moJiangshi; else if(c->land == laTerracotta && wandering_jiangshi && genturn) wandering_jiangshi--, c->monst = moJiangshi; else if(c->land == laSwitch && wchance(items[itSwitch], 80)) c->monst = active_switch(); else if(c->land == laRuins && wchance(items[itRuins], 80)) { c->monst = genRuinMonster(c); c->hitpoints = 3; } else if(c->land == laCaribbean && wchance(items[itPirate], 30)) c->monst = moPirate; else if(c->land == laRlyeh && wchance(items[itStatue], 15)) c->monst = hrand(3) ? moPyroCultist : (hrand(40) < items[itStatue]-25) ? moCultistLeader : moCultist; else if(c->land == laGraveyard && wchance(items[itBone], 15)) c->monst = hrand(5) ? moGhost : moNecromancer; else if(isHaunted(c->land) && wchance(items[itLotus], 15)) c->monst = moGhost; else if(c->land == laDryForest && wchance(items[itFernFlower], 5)) c->monst = hrand(5) ? moHedge : moFireFairy; else if(c->land == laCocytus && wchance(items[itSapphire], 45)) c->monst = moCrystalSage; else if(c->land == laAlchemist && wchance(items[itElixir], 3) && canReachPlayer(c, moSlime) && c->item == itNone) c->monst = moSlime; // ? else if(isElemental(c->land) && wchance(items[itElemental], 20) && !peace::on) c->monst = elementalOf(c->land); else if(c->land == laIvoryTower && wchance(items[itIvory], 20)) c->monst = cellEdgeUnstable(c) ? moGargoyle : moFamiliar; else if(c->land == laMinefield && wchance(items[itBombEgg]-20, 400)) c->monst = moBomberbird; else if(c->land == laEmerald && wchance(items[itEmerald], 5)) { static eMonster m[4] = {moHedge, moLancer, moMiner, moFlailer}; c->monst = m[hrand(4)]; } else if(c->land == laWineyard && wchance(items[itWine], 10)) { c->monst = moVineBeast; } else if(c->land == laPalace && wchance(items[itPalace], 50)) { if(princess::dist(c) < OUT_OF_PRISON && !princess::challenge) break; if(items[itPalace] >= 15 && hrand(100) < 10) c->monst = moVizier; else if(items[itPalace] >= 5 && hrand(100) < 50) c->monst = hrand(2) ? moFatGuard : moSkeleton; else c->monst = moPalace; c->hitpoints = palaceHP(); } else if(c->land == laLivefjord && wchance(items[itFjord], 10)) { c->monst = sphere ? pick(moViking, moWaterElemental, moFjordTroll) : moViking; } else if(c->land == laOcean && wchance(items[itCoast], 100)) { c->monst = moAlbatross; } else if(c->land == laPower && wchance(items[itPower], 10)) { c->monst = eMonster(moWitch + hrand(NUMWITCH)); } else if(c->land == laCamelot && hrand(30) == 0 && (euclid || c->master->alt) && celldistAltRelative(c) < 0) { eMonster m[3] = { moHedge, moLancer, moFlailer }; c->monst = m[hrand(3)]; } else if(isCrossroads(c->land) && items[itHyperstone] && wchance(items[itHyperstone], 20)) { c->monst = wanderingCrossroadsMonster(); c->hitpoints = palaceHP(); } else break; playSeenSound(c); if(c->monst == moWorm || c->monst == moHexSnake) c->mondir = NODIR; // laMotion -> no respawn! } } void generateSnake(cell *c, int i, int color) { c->monst = moHexSnake; c->hitpoints = color; int cpair = (1<mov[i])); preventbarriers(c); int len = nonbitrunc ? 2 : ROCKSNAKELENGTH; cell *c2 = c; vector rocksnake; while(--len) { rocksnake.push_back(c2); preventbarriers(c2); c2->mondir = i; createMov(c2, i); int j = c2->spn(i); cell *c3 = c2->mov[i]; if(c3->monst || c3->bardir != NODIR || c3->wall) break; c2 = c3; c2->monst = moHexSnakeTail; c2->hitpoints = color; i = (j + (c2->type%4 == 0 ? c2->type/2 : (len%2 ? 2 : c2->type - 2))) % c2->type; createMov(c2, i); if(!inpair(c2->mov[i], cpair)) { vector goodsteps; {for(int i=0; itype; i++) if(inpair(c2->mov[i], cpair)) goodsteps.push_back(i);} if(!size(goodsteps)) break; i = goodsteps[hrand(size(goodsteps))]; } } if(size(rocksnake) < ROCKSNAKELENGTH/2 && !nonbitrunc) { for(int i=0; imonst = moNone; } else c2->mondir = NODIR; } }