// RogueViz -- SAG embedder: the implementation of Simulated Annealing // Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details #include "../rogueviz.h" namespace rogueviz { namespace sag { enum eSagmode { sagOff, sagHC, sagSA }; eSagmode sagmode; // 0 - off, 1 - hillclimbing, 2 - SA const char *sagmodes[3] = {"off", "HC", "SA"}; ld temperature = 0; int hightemp = 10; int lowtemp = -15; long long numiter = 0; int vizsa_start; int vizsa_len = 5; bool chance(double p) { p *= double(hrngen.max()) + 1; auto l = hrngen(); auto pv = (decltype(l)) p; if(l < pv) return true; if(l == pv) return chance(p-pv); return false; } bool twoway = false; int moves, nomoves; void saiter() { int DN = isize(sagid); int t1 = hrand(DN); int sid1 = sagid[t1]; int sid2; int s = twoway ? pick(1,4) : hrand(4)+1; if(s == 4) sid2 = hrand(isize(sagcells)); else { sid2 = sid1; for(int ii=0; ii= 0) sagid[t2] = -1; double change = costat(t1,sid2) + costat(t2,sid1) - costat(t1,sid1) - costat(t2,sid2); sagnode[sid1] = t1; sagid[t1] = sid1; sagnode[sid2] = t2; if(t2 >= 0) sagid[t2] = sid2; if(change > 0 && (sagmode == sagHC || !chance(exp(-change * exp(-temperature))))) { nomoves++; return; } moves++; sagnode[sid1] = t2; sagnode[sid2] = t1; sagid[t1] = sid2; if(t2 >= 0) sagid[t2] = sid1; if(should_good) { auto dcost = cost; compute_cost(); println(hlog, "dcost=", dcost, " change=", change, " cost=", cost, " error = ", dcost + change - cost); if(abs(dcost + change - cost) > .1) throw hr_exception("dcost fail"); cost = dcost; } cost += change; } ld checkmark_cost; int hillclimb() { int DN = isize(sagid); int changes = 0; vector succ; for(int t1=0; t1= 0) sagid[t2] = -1; double change = costat(t1,sid2) + costat(t2,sid1) - (costat(t1,sid1) + costat(t2,sid2)); if(change >= -1e-10) { sagnode[sid1] = t1; sagid[t1] = sid1; sagnode[sid2] = t2; if(t2 >= 0) sagid[t2] = sid2; } else { changes++; sagnode[sid1] = t2; sagnode[sid2] = t1; sagid[t1] = sid2; if(t2 >= 0) sagid[t2] = sid1; cost += change; succ.push_back(change); break; } } } // println(hlog, "successes = ", succ); return changes; } int checkmark_hillclimb() { compute_cost(); if(cost > checkmark_cost) { println(hlog, "checkmark failed"); throw hr_exception("checkmark failed"); return 0; } checkmark_cost = cost; return hillclimb(); } int view_each = 1000; void dofullsa(ld satime) { sagmode = sagSA; int t1 = SDL_GetTicks(); int tl = -999999; while(true) { int t2 = SDL_GetTicks(); double d = (t2-t1) / (1000. * satime); if(d > 1) break; temperature = hightemp - (d*(hightemp-lowtemp)); for(int i=0; i<10000; i++) { numiter++; sag::saiter(); } if(t2 - tl > view_each * .98) { tl = t2; println(hlog, format("it %12lld temp %7.4f [1/e at %13.6f] cost = %f ", numiter, double(sag::temperature), (double) exp(sag::temperature), double(sag::cost))); } } temperature = -5; sagmode = sagOff; create_viz(); } /** after how many moves should we fix the values of R and T during SA */ int recost_each; /** 2 = fix both R and T, 1 = fix only R, 0 = fix nothing, 3 = fix both R and T but avoid fixing early */ int autofix_rt; void optimize_sag_loglik_logistic(); void compute_loglik_tab(); bool output_fullsa = true; void dofullsa_iterations(long long saiter) { sagmode = sagSA; moves = 0; nomoves = 0; numiter = 0; // decltype(SDL_GetTicks()) t1 = SDL_GetTicks(); // println(hlog, "before dofullsa_iterations, cost = ", double(sag::cost), " iterations = ", fts(saiter)); ld last_ratio; int lpct = 0; bool was_fixed = false; for(int i=0; i recost_each) { last_ratio = moves / (moves + nomoves + 0.); if(((autofix_rt == 3 && was_fixed) || nomoves > recost_each) && autofix_rt) { was_fixed = true; optimize_sag_loglik_logistic(); if(autofix_rt == 1) { lgsag.T = best.T; compute_loglik_tab(); compute_cost(); } } nomoves = 0; moves = 0; } int cpct = numiter * 20 / (saiter-1); if(cpct > lpct && output_fullsa) { lpct = cpct; println(hlog, format("it %12lld ratio %6.3f temp %8.4f step %9.3g cost %9.2f R=%8.4f T=%8.4f", numiter, last_ratio, double(sag::temperature), (double) exp(sag::temperature), cost, lgsag.R, lgsag.T)); } /* if(numiter % 10000 == 0) { auto t2 = SDL_GetTicks(); if(int(t2 - t1) > view_each) { t1 = t2; println(hlog, format("it %12Ld temp %6.4f [1/e at %13.6f] cost = %f ", numiter, double(sag::temperature), (double) exp(sag::temperature), double(sag::cost))); } } */ } // println(hlog, "after dofullsa_iterations, cost = ", double(sag::cost)); temperature = -5; sagmode = sagOff; create_viz(); } int anneal_read_args() { #if CAP_COMMANDLINE using namespace arg; if(0) ; else if(argis("-sagtemp")) { shift(); sag::hightemp = argi(); shift(); sag::lowtemp = argi(); } else if(argis("-sagfull")) { shift(); sag::dofullsa(argf()); } else if(argis("-sagfulli")) { shift(); sag::dofullsa_iterations(argll()); } else if(argis("-sagmode")) { shift(); vizsa_start = 0; sagmode = (eSagmode) argi(); if(sagmode == sagSA) { shift(); temperature = argf(); } } else if(argis("-sag-recost")) { method = smLogistic; prepare_method(); shift(); recost_each = argi(); shift(); autofix_rt = argi(); } else return 1; #endif return 0; } int ahanneal = addHook(hooks_args, 100, anneal_read_args); } }