mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-27 22:07:03 +00:00

3D effects in the new models. Also made the 3D effects in old models 'correct'

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2018-03-27 04:01:30 +02:00
parent 7c84280b73
commit fa7822fdf8
4 changed files with 136 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -548,16 +548,9 @@ namespace conformal {
bool model_available(eModel pm) {
if(mdAzimuthalEqui() || pm == mdDisk || pm == mdPolynomial || pm == mdHyperboloid || pm == mdHemisphere ||
pm == mdBandEquidistant || pm == mdBandEquiarea || pm == mdSinusoidal || pm == mdTwoPoint)
return true;
if(sphere && pm == mdBand)
return true;
if(euclid && (pm == mdHalfplane || pm == mdBall))
return true;
return true;
return false;
if(sphere && (pm == mdHalfplane || pm == mdBall))
return false;
return true;
void model_menu() {

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@ -39,6 +39,42 @@ ld squar(ld x) { return x*x; }
int sig(int z) { return (sphere || z<2)?1:-1; }
int curvature() {
switch(cgclass) {
case gcEuclid: return 0;
case gcHyperbolic: return -1;
case gcSphere: return 1;
default: return 0;
ld sin_auto(ld x) {
switch(cgclass) {
case gcEuclid: return x;
case gcHyperbolic: return sinh(x);
case gcSphere: return sin(x);
default: return x;
ld asin_auto(ld x) {
switch(cgclass) {
case gcEuclid: return x;
case gcHyperbolic: return asinh(x);
case gcSphere: return asin(x);
default: return x;
ld cos_auto(ld x) {
switch(cgclass) {
case gcEuclid: return 1;
case gcHyperbolic: return cosh(x);
case gcSphere: return cos(x);
default: return 1;
// hyperbolic point:
@ -120,6 +156,19 @@ char *display(const hyperpoint& H) {
return buf;
ld hypot_auto(ld x, ld y) {
switch(cgclass) {
case gcEuclid:
return hypot(x, y);
case gcHyperbolic:
return acosh(cosh(x) * cosh(y));
case gcSphere:
return acos(cos(x) * cos(y));
return hypot(x, y);
// get the center of the line segment from H1 to H2
hyperpoint mid(const hyperpoint& H1, const hyperpoint& H2) {

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@ -98,6 +98,32 @@ void apply_depth(hyperpoint &f, ld z) {
bool hypot_zlev(bool zlev_used, ld& d, ld zlev, ld& df, ld& zf, ld &z) {
if(!zlev_used) {
df = 1; zf = 0;
return false;
else {
// (0,0,1) -> (0, sin z, cos z) -> (sin d cos z, sin z, cos d cos z)
ld z = geom3::factor_to_lev(zlev);
ld tz = sin_auto(z);
ld td = sin_auto(abs(d)) * cos_auto(z);
ld h = hypot(td, tz);
if(d > 0)
d = hypot_auto(d, z);
d = -hypot_auto(d, z);
zf = tz / h, df = td / h;
return true;
bool hypot_zlev(bool zlev_used, ld& d, ld zlev, ld& df, ld& zf) {
ld z;
return hypot_zlev(zlev_used, d, zlev, df, zf, z);
void applymodel(hyperpoint H, hyperpoint& ret) {
ld tz = euclid ? (1+vid.alpha) : vid.alpha+H[2];
@ -197,47 +223,59 @@ void applymodel(hyperpoint H, hyperpoint& ret) {
ld zlev = 1;
bool zlev_used = false;
if(wmspatial || mmspatial) {
zlev = zlevel(H);
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
H = H / zlev;
zlev_used = !((zlev > 1-1e-6 && zlev < 1+1e-6));
if(zlev_used) H /= zlev;
if(pmodel == mdTwoPoint || mdBandAny() || pmodel == mdSinusoidal) {
// map to plane
if(pmodel == mdTwoPoint) {
if(false) {
auto p = vid.twopoint_param;
ld dleft = hdist(H, xpush(-p) * C0);
ld dright = hdist(H, xpush(p) * C0);
ld yf = 1, zf = 0;
if(zlev_used) {
ld y_orig = asin_auto(H[1]);
ld z;
hypot_zlev(true, y_orig, zlev, yf, zf, z);
dleft = hypot_auto(dleft, z);
dright = hypot_auto(dright, z);
ld x = (dright*dright-dleft*dleft) / 4 / p;
ld y = sqrt(dleft * dleft - (x-p)*(x-p) + 1e-9);
x = -x;
if(H[1] < 0) y = -y;
ret = hpxyz(x/M_PI, y/M_PI, 0);
ret = hpxyz(x/M_PI, y*(H[1]<0?-1:1)*yf/M_PI, 0);
if(zlev_used && stereo::active())
apply_depth(ret, y * zf / M_PI);
else {
ld x, y;
switch(cgclass) {
case gcHyperbolic:
y = asinh(H[1]), x = asinh(H[0] / cosh(y));
case gcSphere:
y = asin(H[1]), x = asin(H[0] / cos(y));
if(H[2] < 0 && x > 0) x = M_PI - x;
else if(H[2] < 0 && x <= 0) x = -M_PI - x;
case gcEuclid:
y = H[1], x = H[0];
ld x, y, yf, zf;
y = asin_auto(H[1]);
x = asin_auto(H[0] / cos_auto(y));
if(sphere) {
if(H[2] < 0 && x > 0) x = M_PI - x;
else if(H[2] < 0 && x <= 0) x = -M_PI - x;
if(pmodel == mdBand) switch(cgclass) {
hypot_zlev(zlev_used, y, zlev, yf, zf);
if(pmodel == mdTwoPoint) {
auto p = vid.twopoint_param;
ld dleft = hypot_auto(x-p, y);
ld dright = hypot_auto(x+p, y);
x = (dright*dright-dleft*dleft) / 4 / p;
y = (y>0?1:-1) * sqrt(dleft * dleft - (x-p)*(x-p) + 1e-9);
else if(pmodel == mdBand) switch(cgclass) {
case gcSphere:
y = atanh(sin(y) * zlev);
y = atanh(sin(y));
x *= 2; y *= 2;
case gcHyperbolic:
y = 2 * atan(tanh(y/2) * zlev);
y = 2 * atan(tanh(y/2));
x *= 2; y *= 2;
case gcEuclid:
@ -245,31 +283,14 @@ void applymodel(hyperpoint H, hyperpoint& ret) {
y *= 2; x *= 2;
if(pmodel == mdBandEquiarea) switch(cgclass) {
case gcHyperbolic:
y = sinh(y);
case gcSphere:
y = sin(y);
y = y;
if(pmodel == mdSinusoidal) switch(cgclass) {
case gcHyperbolic:
x *= cosh(y);
case gcSphere:
x *= cos(y);
x *= 1;
ret = hpxyz(x / M_PI, y / M_PI, 0);
else if(pmodel == mdBandEquiarea)
y = sin_auto(y);
else if(pmodel == mdSinusoidal)
x *= cos_auto(y);
ret = hpxyz(x / M_PI, y * yf / M_PI, 0);
if(zlev_used && stereo::active())
apply_depth(ret, y * zf / M_PI);
apply_depth(ret, -geom3::factor_to_lev(zlev));
ghcheck(ret, H);
@ -278,6 +299,8 @@ void applymodel(hyperpoint H, hyperpoint& ret) {
ld rad = sqrt(H[0] * H[0] + H[1] * H[1]);
if(rad == 0) rad = 1;
ld d = hdist0(H);
ld yf, zf;
hypot_zlev(zlev_used, d, zlev, yf, zf);
// 4 pi / 2pi = M_PI
@ -285,11 +308,11 @@ void applymodel(hyperpoint H, hyperpoint& ret) {
d = sqrt(2*(1 - cos(d))) * M_PI / 2;
else if(pmodel == 6 && !euclid)
d = sqrt(2*(cosh(d) - 1)) / 1.5;
ret[0] = d * H[0] / rad / M_PI;
ret[1] = d * H[1] / rad / M_PI;
ret[0] = d * yf * H[0] / rad / M_PI;
ret[1] = d * yf * H[1] / rad / M_PI;
ret[2] = 0;
if(zlev != 1 && stereo::active())
apply_depth(ret, -geom3::factor_to_lev(zlev));
if(zlev_used && stereo::active())
apply_depth(ret, d * zf / M_PI);

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@ -589,12 +589,20 @@ void drawpolyline(polytodraw& p) {
if(mdAzimuthalEqui() && (poly_flags & POLY_INVERSE)) {
ld h = atan2(glcoords[0][0], glcoords[0][1]);
for(int i=0; i<=360; i++) {
ld a = i * M_PI / 180 + h;
glcoords.push_back(make_array<GLfloat>(vid.radius * sin(a), vid.radius * cos(a), stereo::scrdist));
if(abs(zlevel(pp.V * C0) - 1) < 1e-6) {
// we should fill the other side
ld h = atan2(glcoords[0][0], glcoords[0][1]);
for(int i=0; i<=360; i++) {
ld a = i * M_PI / 180 + h;
glcoords.push_back(make_array<GLfloat>(vid.radius * sin(a), vid.radius * cos(a), stereo::scrdist));
poly_flags ^= POLY_INVERSE;
else {
// If we are on a zlevel, the algorithm above will not work correctly.
// It is hard to tell what to do in this case. Just fill neither side
p.col = 0;
poly_flags ^= POLY_INVERSE;
#if CAP_GL