mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-17 00:48:16 +00:00

sn:: cleanup, also changed z_to_iz function from tanh to Poincare-based

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2020-01-16 13:48:34 +01:00
parent 8e7b2780b8
commit dd0b4ec414
2 changed files with 85 additions and 110 deletions

@ -26,15 +26,7 @@ namespace hr {
transmatrix parabolic1(ld u);
namespace nisot {
typedef hyperpoint pt;
using sn::x_to_ix;
ld z_to_iz(ld z) { if(sol) return tanh(z); else return tanh(z/4)/2 + .5; }
ptlow be_low(hyperpoint x) { return ptlow({float(x[0]), float(x[1]), float(x[2])}); }
namespace sn {
template<class T> void parallelize(int threads, int Nmin, int Nmax, T action) {
std::vector<std::thread> v;
@ -143,49 +135,11 @@ hyperpoint iterative_solve(hyperpoint xp, hyperpoint candidate, int prec, ld min
return at;
ptlow mlow(ld x, ld y, ld z) { return ptlow({float(x), float(y), float(z)}); }
using ptlow = compressed_point;
hyperpoint atxyz(ld x, ld y, ld z) { return hyperpoint({x, y, z, 1}); }
ptlow operator +(ptlow a, ptlow b) { return mlow(a[0]+b[0], a[1]+b[1], a[2]+b[2]); }
ptlow operator -(ptlow a, ptlow b) { return mlow(a[0]-b[0], a[1]-b[1], a[2]-b[2]); }
ptlow operator *(ptlow a, ld x) { return mlow(a[0]*x, a[1]*x, a[2]*x); }
ptlow can(hyperpoint x) {
// azimuthal equidistant to Poincare
ld r = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]);
if(r == 0) return mlow(0,0,0);
ld make_r = sinh(r) / (1 + cosh(r));
ld d = make_r / r;
return mlow(x[0]*d, x[1]*d, x[2]*d);
hyperpoint uncan(ptlow x) {
// Poincare to azimuthal equidistant
ld hr = x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2];
if(hr == 0) return atxyz(0,0,0);
ld hz = (1 + hr) / (1 - hr);
// println(hlog, "hz = ", hz);
ld d = (hz+1) * acosh(hz) / sinh(acosh(hz));
// println(hlog, "d = ", hz);
// println(hlog, "returning: ", point3(x[0] * d, x[1] * d, x[2] * d));
return point3(x[0] * d, x[1] * d, x[2] * d);
hyperpoint uncan_info(ptlow x) {
ld r = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]);
println(hlog, "r = ", r);
if(r == 0) return atxyz(0,0,0);
ld make_r = atanh(r);
println(hlog, "make_r = ", make_r);
ld d = make_r / r;
println(hlog, "d = ", d);
return atxyz(x[0]*d, x[1]*d, x[2]*d);
ptlow operator +(ptlow a, ptlow b) { return make_array<float>(a[0]+b[0], a[1]+b[1], a[2]+b[2]); }
ptlow operator -(ptlow a, ptlow b) { return make_array<float>(a[0]-b[0], a[1]-b[1], a[2]-b[2]); }
ptlow operator *(ptlow a, ld x) { return make_array<float>(a[0]*x, a[1]*x, a[2]*x); }
void fint(FILE *f, int x) { fwrite(&x, sizeof(x), 1, f); }
void ffloat(FILE *f, float x) { fwrite(&x, sizeof(x), 1, f); }
@ -206,28 +160,10 @@ void alloc_table(sn::tabled_inverses& tab, int X, int Y, int Z) {
ld ix_to_x(ld ix) {
ld minx = 0;
while(x_to_ix(minx) <= ix) minx++;
ld maxx = minx; minx--;
for(int it=0; it<20; it++) {
ld x = (minx + maxx) / 2;
if(x_to_ix(x) < ix) minx = x;
else maxx = x;
return minx;
ld iz_to_z(ld z) {
return nih ? atanh(z * 2 - 1)*4 : atanh(z); // atanh(z * 2 - 1);
ld ptd(ptlow p) {
return p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2] * p[2];
ptlow zflip(ptlow x) { return mlow(x[1], x[0], -x[2]); }
void fix_boundaries(sn::tabled_inverses& tab, int last_x, int last_y, int last_z) {
int PRECX = tab.PRECX;
int PRECY = tab.PRECY;
@ -270,7 +206,7 @@ void build_sols(int PRECX, int PRECY, int PRECZ) {
vector<hyperpoint> candidates;
hyperpoint cand;
static constexpr int prec = 100;
@ -301,23 +237,15 @@ void build_sols(int PRECX, int PRECY, int PRECZ) {
println(hlog, "f(?) = ", v);
println(hlog, "f(", cand, ") = ", nisot::numerical_exp(cand, prec));
println(hlog, "error = ", xerr);
println(hlog, "canned = ", can(cand));
println(hlog, "canned = ", compress(azeq_to_table(cand)));
max_err = xerr;
hyperpoint h1 = uncan(solution[iz][iy-1][ix]);
hyperpoint h2 = uncan(solution[iz][iy][ix-1]);
hyperpoint h3 = uncan(solution[iz][iy-1][ix-1]);
hyperpoint h4 = h1 + h2 - h3;
solution[iz][iy][ix] = can(h4);
auto& so = tab.get_int(ix, iy, iz);
so = compress(azeq_to_table(cand));
so = can(cand);
for(int z=0; z<3; z++) if(isnan(so[z]) || isinf(so[z])) {
println(hlog, cand, "canned to ", so);
@ -486,7 +414,7 @@ hyperpoint find_optimal_geodesic(hyperpoint res) {
max_iter = 1000;
auto h1 = iterative_solve(res, p.first * quality(p) / hypot_d(3, p.first), 100, 1e-6);
if(deb) println(hlog, "h1 returns ", h1, " of length ", hypot_d(3, h1), " and error ", hypot_d(3, numerical_exp(h1, 100) - res));
if(deb) println(hlog, "h1 returns ", h1, " of length ", hypot_d(3, h1), " and error ", hypot_d(3, nisot::numerical_exp(h1, 100) - res));
if(h1 == fail) return;
@ -509,7 +437,7 @@ hyperpoint find_optimal_geodesic(hyperpoint res) {
void fix_bugs(sn::tabled_inverses& tab) {
auto bug = can(fail);
auto bug = compress(azeq_to_table(fail));
for(int iz=0; iz<tab.PRECZ; iz++)
for(int iy=0; iy<tab.PRECY; iy++)
for(int ix=0; ix<tab.PRECX; ix++) {
@ -565,9 +493,7 @@ void improve(sn::tabled_inverses& tab) {
if(h2 != fail) {
auto& so = tab.get_int(ix, iy, iz);
so = can(h2);
// println(hlog, "can: ", can(h2), " @ ", so[0]*so[0]+so[1]*so[1]+so[2]*so[2]);
// println(hlog, h2, " vs ", uncan(can(h2)));
so = compress(azeq_to_table(h2));

@ -9,9 +9,6 @@
namespace hr {
EX namespace nisot {
#if HDR
typedef array<float, 3> ptlow;
#if HDR
inline bool local_perspective_used() { return nonisotropic || prod; }
@ -60,16 +57,21 @@ EX namespace sn {
#if HDR
typedef array<float, 3> compressed_point;
inline hyperpoint decompress(compressed_point p) { return point3(p[0], p[1], p[2]); }
inline compressed_point compress(hyperpoint h) { return make_array<float>(h[0], h[1], h[2]); }
struct tabled_inverses {
vector<nisot::ptlow> tab;
vector<compressed_point> tab;
string fname;
bool loaded;
void load();
hyperpoint get(ld ix, ld iy, ld iz, bool lazy);
nisot::ptlow& get_int(int ix, int iy, int iz) { return tab[(iz*PRECY+iy)*PRECX+ix]; }
compressed_point& get_int(int ix, int iy, int iz) { return tab[(iz*PRECY+iy)*PRECX+ix]; }
GLuint texture_id;
bool toload;
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ EX namespace sn {
ignore(fread(&PRECY, 4, 1, f));
ignore(fread(&PRECZ, 4, 1, f));
tab.resize(PRECX * PRECY * PRECZ);
ignore(fread(&tab[0], sizeof(nisot::ptlow) * PRECX * PRECY * PRECZ, 1, f));
ignore(fread(&tab[0], sizeof(compressed_point) * PRECX * PRECY * PRECZ, 1, f));
loaded = true;
@ -102,8 +104,7 @@ EX namespace sn {
hyperpoint res;
if(lazy) {
auto r = get_int(int(ix), int(iy), int(iz));
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) res[i] = r[i];
return decompress(get_int(int(ix), int(iy), int(iz)));
else {
@ -180,6 +181,56 @@ EX namespace sn {
return 0.5 - atan((0.5-x) / y) / M_PI;
EX ld ix_to_x(ld ix) {
ld minx = 0;
while(x_to_ix(minx) <= ix) minx++;
ld maxx = minx; minx--;
for(int it=0; it<20; it++) {
ld x = (minx + maxx) / 2;
if(x_to_ix(x) < ix) minx = x;
else maxx = x;
return minx;
EX ld z_to_iz(ld z) {
z = sinh(z) / (1 + cosh(z));
if(nih) z = (z+1) / 2;
return z;
EX ld iz_to_z(ld iz) {
ld minz = 0;
while(z_to_iz(minz) <= iz) minz++;
while(z_to_iz(minz) > iz) minz--;
ld maxz = minz + 1;
for(int it=0; it<20; it++) {
ld z = (minz + maxz) / 2;
if(z_to_iz(z) < iz) minz = z;
else maxz = z;
return (minz+maxz) / 2;
EX hyperpoint azeq_to_table(hyperpoint x) {
// azimuthal equidistant to Poincare
ld r = hypot_d(3, x);
if(r == 0) return point3(0,0,0);
ld make_r = sinh(r) / (1 + cosh(r));
ld d = make_r / r;
return x * d;
EX hyperpoint table_to_azeq(hyperpoint x) {
// Poincare to azimuthal equidistant
ld hr = sqhypot_d(3, x);
if(hr == 0) return point3(0,0,0);
ld hz = (1 + hr) / (1 - hr);
ld d = (hz+1) * acosh(hz) / sinh(acosh(hz));
return x * d;
struct hrmap_solnih : hrmap {
hrmap *binary_map;
hrmap *ternary_map; /* nih only */
@ -459,7 +510,16 @@ EX namespace sn {
" y /= (1.+z);"
" return 0.5 - atan((0.5-x) / y) / 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;"
" }";
" }"
"float z_to_iz_s(float z) {"
"return sinh(z) / (1 + cosh(z));"
"float z_to_iz_ns(float z) {"
"z = sinh(z) / (1 + cosh(z));"
"return (z+1)/2;"
hyperpoint christoffel(const hyperpoint at, const hyperpoint velocity, const hyperpoint transported) {
const ld l2 = log(2);
@ -507,14 +567,7 @@ EX namespace sn {
if(h[0] < 0.) res[0] = -res[0];
if(h[1] < 0.) res[1] = -res[1];
if(!just_direction) {
ld r = hypot_d(3, res);
if(r == 0) return point3(0,0,0);
ld make_r = atanh(r);
if(r == 1) make_r = 30;
ld d = make_r / r;
return point3(res[0]*d, res[1]*d, res[2]*d);
if(!just_direction) return table_to_azeq(res);
return res;
@ -532,11 +585,7 @@ EX namespace sn {
if(h[0] < 0.) res[0] = -res[0];
if(h[1] < 0.) res[1] = -res[1];
if(!just_direction) {
ld r = hypot_d(3, res);
if(r == 0.) return res;
return res * atanh(r) / r;
if(!just_direction) return table_to_azeq(res);
return res;
@ -547,7 +596,7 @@ EX namespace sn {
"float ix = h[0] >= 0. ? x_to_ix(h[0]) : x_to_ix(-h[0]);"
"float iy = h[1] >= 0. ? x_to_ix(h[1]) : x_to_ix(-h[1]);"
"float iz = tanh(h[2]);"
"float iz = z_to_iz_s(h[2]);"
"if(h[2] < 1e-6) { iz = -iz; float s = ix; ix = iy; iy = s; }"
"if(iz < 0.) iz = 0.;"
@ -578,7 +627,7 @@ EX namespace sn {
float ix = h[0] >= 0. ? x_to_ix(h[0]) : x_to_ix(-h[0]);
float iy = h[1] >= 0. ? x_to_ix(h[1]) : x_to_ix(-h[1]);
float iz = (tanh(h[2]/4.)+1.) / 2.;
float iz = z_to_iz_ns(h[2]);
vec4 res;